What more does Iran have to do before our government realizes it is an evil regime spreading its influence and hatred throughout the world? It is bombing innocent civilians in Argentina, killing its own citizens, providing weapons to terrorists that kill our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and now attempting to kill an ambassador on American soil.
The world is gearing up for Armageddon. Ahmadinejad is a scary political figure for sure. The stuff he’s said about Israel is off-the-wall. We are indeed living in the last of the last days! Jesus is coming! BTW, I’m enjoying your blog. Keep it up!
If it acts this brazenly now, how will it act once it has nuclear weapons? We apparently have not learned the lessons of Neville Chamberlain about trying to negotiate with an evil dictator.
Sanctions are not stopping Iran. We need to move our warships to the Mediterranean and make it clear that an attack on our allies is an attack on the United States. Better now than when Iran has nuclear weapons, which is coming very quickly.Iran is nothing more then a strategic military proxy for China and Russia. Should a certain point in the future suit either China or Russia, they figure they can use the IRGC Quds "shock troops", Hezbollah or any other Iranian sponsored islamic terrorist group, to strike against the U.S. and yet attempt to maintain "plausible deniability". In the meantime, Iran just mouths off like the scrawny little dirty punk on the playground who has his two bigger brothers standing right next to himRegardless of how much so-called western countries cry foul, fact remains that Iran is now nuclear capable nation. You like it or dislike it. The second fact: You can not destroy its nuclear facilities. Why? The nuclear dust will reach your own allies. And Dimona will also be history. Oops..did I say Dimona? :) sorry. I forgot Isreal is a non-nuclear country.And where's Obama? Playing golf, as usual. This guy is either ruining the country, using AF1 as his personal jet to raise money for some dimocrat somewhere, or on vacation. Worst president ever. This guy has done more damage to our nation than any foreign power ever could.SENOR AHMADINEDJAD JUST LIKE SANCHO PANZA ARE BLINDLY SERVING HIS GOD THE MAGHDI AND HES JUST AS BRIGHT AS SANCHO THE TTRUSTED SERVANT OF DON QUIOTE DE LA MANCHA.MAKE NO MISTAKE GUYS GIVEN THE CHANCE THIS STONEAGE RETARD WOULD FABRICATE A CRUDE ATOMBOMB AND HE WOULD FIRE IT AT JERUSALEM AS A CHRISTMAS PRESENT THEREBY HAPPILY IGNITING WORLDWAR 3.OF COURSE AHMADINEDJAD IS RIDING ON A DONKEY BACK JUST LIKE SANCHO NEVER THE LESS QUITE A DANGEROUS ONE,NOW HES TRYING TO PROVOKE THE WEST BY THREATENING TO BLOCADE 20 PERCENT OF THE WORLD OIL SUPPLIES WHICH IS BEING SHIPPED THROUGH THE STRAIGHT OF HORMUZ.HE CAN PULL UP JOKES LIKE THIS BECAUSE HE KNOWS THAT HE COULD COUNT ON THE MUSLI LOYALTY OF OBONGO IN THE WHITE HOUSE AFTER ALL THEYRE LONGTIME PARTNERS IN DARK CRIMES.
RAMMSTEIN PERFORMING EISENMANN/NEW SONG 2011/ENJOY ITWORLDWAR 3 THE RISE OF IRAN.WATCH ITIran would be a bit more careful about making these comments/threats if we still had George in the oval office. They never knew quite how he would respond. They can be bold and fearless now, knowing that the present occupant is all talk and no actionHeh, the religious crackpot leaders in Iran should not be underestimated as Hitler was long ago. The mullah's of Iran do not think or play be conventional rules and will soon have WMD. They have suppressed and prosecuted illegally their own people. Iran has used their terrorist arms of Hezbollah and the Revolutionary Guard to attack G.I.'s in Iraq and Afghanistan, Israel, Lebanon, etc. and have agents reportedly on our wide open U.S. southern border. The President needs to keep his OATH of OFFICE to protect and defend our nation from terrorists. the Iranian people DID try to depose him. He lost the election there, but stole it anyways. Remember "Neda" and the green armbands? Ahmadinejad got the support from Khomeni, and then cracked down on the public demonstrations—- mob police descended on the gathering protesting crowds and beat and shot the living daylights out of them. If we were to've gotten involved, Ahmadinejad just would've said, "the US is propping up my opponents; I won the election fair and square, and it's the West, again!"—- so the Iranian protesters had to topple their own government. The effort did not sustain in the face of the iron clamp-down. Why is anyone surprised that this has happened on Obama's watch. Every opportunity Obama gets he is touting how we need to build bridges with his Muslim brothers. Can't you see how extending an olive branch to Obama's Keepers has helped us all in off-setting a nuclear holocaust. Yes, Mr. Obama is just so well suited to help and guide his Muslim brothers and sisters.
Conrad Nadell, Scotch Plains Re: Iran and US/UK/Israel go to war, where does that put us? Most Arabic states like Saudia Arabia have Sunni majorities with the Shias as a minority. Shias are viewed as a potential and actual source of religious and political instability and treated with suspicion by the ruling Sunnis.
They view Iran with its Shia majority as a source of revolution and political instability with the potential to aid the Shias in their countries to overthrow them. Not surprisingly, most Arab countries treat Iran as a threat and even more of an enemy than Israel.
This is one of the reason why Saudia Arabia have been urging the US to prevent Iran getting nuclear weapons. If Iran's nuclear facilities were attacked by Israel or the US, most Arab countries will condemn it publicly but will be very relieved in private. Ladies and gentlemen, the face of evil, the Hitler of our generation. Let's hear his terrifying words [on screen: Ahmadinejad claiming that there are no homosexuals in Iran]. ... That's so interesting there are no homosexuals in Iran because in America, there are no homosexuals in our conservative movement either." --Jon Stewart
"The President of Iran is in the United States. President Mahmoud Ah-members only jacket-jad addressed the United Nations General Assembly today. ... This guy is nuts. He denies the Holocaust happened. He says his country has no homosexuals. He's looked very hard for them, he's even placed personal ads. ... Hey, maybe if there were homosexuals in Iran, he'd be better dressed" --Jimmy Kimmel
"Yesterday, Iran's President Ahmadinejad said that his country doesn't have problems with gay people because they don't have homosexuals in Iran. Although Ahmadinejad did admit that sometimes one Iranian will take another Iranian's penis hostage." --Conan O'Brien
"The president of Iran gave a speech in New York City today, and thousands of New Yorkers are really upset about it. The New Yorkers said, 'If we want to hear a short-tempered Iranian man yell at us, we'll take a cab.'" --Conan O'Brien
"During his speech at Columbia University, President Ahmadinejad said his country 'doesn't have problems with gay people because they don't have homosexuals in Iran.' Which finally explains why Ahmadinejad gets away with wearing a windbreaker from 1983." --Conan O'Brien
"The president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahma-nut job, has arrived in the United States. Did you know he was issued a visa to come here? Isn't that amazing? You need a visa to get into the United States now, when did they start with that? ... You know the interesting part? After he landed, he actually drove his own cab in from the airport." --Jay Leno
"Earlier today, [Ahmadinejad] spoke to students at Columbia University. You know why he chose Columbia? ... 'Cause Notre Dame's football program sucks this year. ... No, it was tricky because he had to have an interpreter that could lie in two languages." --Jay Leno
"Actually, there was a lot of controversy over letting him speak at Columbia. The dean of the university said that he would even let Hitler speak. Apparently, he didn't realize he just did." --Jay Leno
"Ahmadinejad ... is against drugs, he's against alcohol, against premarital sex, against homosexuality and pornography. What's he speaking at a college for? Good luck finding any common ground with those kids." --Jay Leno
"My favorite part of his speech is when he said there are no homosexuals in Iran. That's what he said. Too bad, because they need somebody to choreograph those parades they have every week." --Jay Leno
For example, AwaitedMahdi.com states that the "Last Hour" will not come "unless the Muslims fight against the Jews".
Ariel Sharon understood these radical Islamic beliefs very well. Sharon is quoted as saying the following about Iran's obsession with the Mahdi....
"How will they bring him? Through an apocalypse. He (the Mahdi) needs a war. He cannot come into this world without an Armageddon. He wants an Armageddon. The earlier we understand this the better. Ahmadinejad wants nuclear weapons for this!"
So was Sharon just exaggerating when he said this?
Not at all.
In fact, check out the following quote from Ahmadinejad about how he believes that the United States is actively trying to prevent the return of the Mahdi....
"They have devised all these plans to prevent the coming of the Hidden Imam because they know that the Iranian nation is the one that will prepare the grounds for his coming and will be the supporters of his rule".
Most Americans and Europeans simply cannot conceive of a government that makes all major decisions based on an obsession with religion, but that is exactly what is going on in Iran. The government of Iran believes that the Mahdi is really going to return and that they are the ones who are going to pave the way for it to happen.
Meanwhile, Israel continues to prepare for war. Israel's air force has introduced a fleet of huge pilotless planes that can remain in the air for a full day and could fly as far as the Persian Gulf. In fact, each one of these "super drones" is reportedly as wide as a Boeing 737.
Israel's government understands what is happening in Iran and they know that a showdown is on the horizon.
Iran continues to recklessly pursue a nuclear program as Israel continues to prepare to neutralize it. It appears as though it is more likely than ever that war between Israel and Iran is inevitable. Let us pray that war can be averted if possible, and if not, that God's will be done.
"We must prepare ourselves to rule the world and the only way to do that is to put forth views on the basis of the Expectation of the Return."
-Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
"New York City today abuzz. The big talk? Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is here speaking at the U.N. and actually touring our fair city. Start spreading the news ... 'Death to America.' ... Even before his arrival, Ahmadinejad caused a stir by saying he wanted to visit Ground Zero, a request many New Yorkers saw as the ultimate insult. Or so they thought, until the diminutive Iranian got off his plane at Kennedy Airport [on screen: Ahmadinejad with a Boston Red Sox hat on]. ... The really dickish part about that? He's a Twins fan." --Jon Stewart
"With the streets here gridlocked by security, how would Ahmadinejad have the time to make all these commitments? Simple. He gets to drive in the Holocaust Deniers Lane. One thing you can't deny is the time you'll save." --Jon Stewart
"The Iranian President ... is coming to New York, but he's been denied permission to go to Ground Zero in New York City. He wanted to go to Ground Zero. I got an idea. Is there any way we can bring Ground Zero to him?" --Jay Leno
They view Iran with its Shia majority as a source of revolution and political instability with the potential to aid the Shias in their countries to overthrow them. Not surprisingly, most Arab countries treat Iran as a threat and even more of an enemy than Israel.
This is one of the reason why Saudia Arabia have been urging the US to prevent Iran getting nuclear weapons. If Iran's nuclear facilities were attacked by Israel or the US, most Arab countries will condemn it publicly but will be very relieved in private. Ladies and gentlemen, the face of evil, the Hitler of our generation. Let's hear his terrifying words [on screen: Ahmadinejad claiming that there are no homosexuals in Iran]. ... That's so interesting there are no homosexuals in Iran because in America, there are no homosexuals in our conservative movement either." --Jon Stewart
"The President of Iran is in the United States. President Mahmoud Ah-members only jacket-jad addressed the United Nations General Assembly today. ... This guy is nuts. He denies the Holocaust happened. He says his country has no homosexuals. He's looked very hard for them, he's even placed personal ads. ... Hey, maybe if there were homosexuals in Iran, he'd be better dressed" --Jimmy Kimmel
"Yesterday, Iran's President Ahmadinejad said that his country doesn't have problems with gay people because they don't have homosexuals in Iran. Although Ahmadinejad did admit that sometimes one Iranian will take another Iranian's penis hostage." --Conan O'Brien
"The president of Iran gave a speech in New York City today, and thousands of New Yorkers are really upset about it. The New Yorkers said, 'If we want to hear a short-tempered Iranian man yell at us, we'll take a cab.'" --Conan O'Brien
"During his speech at Columbia University, President Ahmadinejad said his country 'doesn't have problems with gay people because they don't have homosexuals in Iran.' Which finally explains why Ahmadinejad gets away with wearing a windbreaker from 1983." --Conan O'Brien
"The president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahma-nut job, has arrived in the United States. Did you know he was issued a visa to come here? Isn't that amazing? You need a visa to get into the United States now, when did they start with that? ... You know the interesting part? After he landed, he actually drove his own cab in from the airport." --Jay Leno
"Earlier today, [Ahmadinejad] spoke to students at Columbia University. You know why he chose Columbia? ... 'Cause Notre Dame's football program sucks this year. ... No, it was tricky because he had to have an interpreter that could lie in two languages." --Jay Leno
"Actually, there was a lot of controversy over letting him speak at Columbia. The dean of the university said that he would even let Hitler speak. Apparently, he didn't realize he just did." --Jay Leno
"Ahmadinejad ... is against drugs, he's against alcohol, against premarital sex, against homosexuality and pornography. What's he speaking at a college for? Good luck finding any common ground with those kids." --Jay Leno
"My favorite part of his speech is when he said there are no homosexuals in Iran. That's what he said. Too bad, because they need somebody to choreograph those parades they have every week." --Jay Leno
"You folks are here during a great week. It's 'Lunatic Dictator Week' in New York City. ... Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is here to visit the U.N., and also to recover some stolen sports memorabilia. ... Earlier today, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke at Columbia University. Oh my gosh, ladies and gentleman, there hasn't been this many angry protesting students at a college since Ball State named a building after me" --David Letterman 
For example, AwaitedMahdi.com states that the "Last Hour" will not come "unless the Muslims fight against the Jews".
Ariel Sharon understood these radical Islamic beliefs very well. Sharon is quoted as saying the following about Iran's obsession with the Mahdi....
"How will they bring him? Through an apocalypse. He (the Mahdi) needs a war. He cannot come into this world without an Armageddon. He wants an Armageddon. The earlier we understand this the better. Ahmadinejad wants nuclear weapons for this!"
So was Sharon just exaggerating when he said this?
Not at all.
In fact, check out the following quote from Ahmadinejad about how he believes that the United States is actively trying to prevent the return of the Mahdi....
"They have devised all these plans to prevent the coming of the Hidden Imam because they know that the Iranian nation is the one that will prepare the grounds for his coming and will be the supporters of his rule".
Most Americans and Europeans simply cannot conceive of a government that makes all major decisions based on an obsession with religion, but that is exactly what is going on in Iran. The government of Iran believes that the Mahdi is really going to return and that they are the ones who are going to pave the way for it to happen.
Meanwhile, Israel continues to prepare for war. Israel's air force has introduced a fleet of huge pilotless planes that can remain in the air for a full day and could fly as far as the Persian Gulf. In fact, each one of these "super drones" is reportedly as wide as a Boeing 737.
Israel's government understands what is happening in Iran and they know that a showdown is on the horizon.
Iran continues to recklessly pursue a nuclear program as Israel continues to prepare to neutralize it. It appears as though it is more likely than ever that war between Israel and Iran is inevitable. Let us pray that war can be averted if possible, and if not, that God's will be done.
"We must prepare ourselves to rule the world and the only way to do that is to put forth views on the basis of the Expectation of the Return."
-Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
"New York City today abuzz. The big talk? Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is here speaking at the U.N. and actually touring our fair city. Start spreading the news ... 'Death to America.' ... Even before his arrival, Ahmadinejad caused a stir by saying he wanted to visit Ground Zero, a request many New Yorkers saw as the ultimate insult. Or so they thought, until the diminutive Iranian got off his plane at Kennedy Airport [on screen: Ahmadinejad with a Boston Red Sox hat on]. ... The really dickish part about that? He's a Twins fan." --Jon Stewart
"With the streets here gridlocked by security, how would Ahmadinejad have the time to make all these commitments? Simple. He gets to drive in the Holocaust Deniers Lane. One thing you can't deny is the time you'll save." --Jon Stewart
"The Iranian President ... is coming to New York, but he's been denied permission to go to Ground Zero in New York City. He wanted to go to Ground Zero. I got an idea. Is there any way we can bring Ground Zero to him?" --Jay Leno
I don't even know why people go on about Iranian nukes so much. Iran does not need nukes in order to eliminate Israel, they can use a dozen long-range missiles to crumble Israel. Compare the sizes of the two countries. The fact is that Iran would never nuke Israel since this would probably wipe off several Arab nations in the region. A nucleur Iran is not necessarily a threat to Israel, but a big worry to the West that they might emerge as a superpower, thereby making total control of the Middle East by the West even harder than it is.
I'm not sure an Israeli strike on Iran is likely. This is not Osirak where a single strike would take out the nuclear capabilities of the country. It's not Syria where a similar strike was done a few years ago. Iran's nuclear infrastructure is more spread out, better protected and a single strike is extremely unlikely to have any significant effect on their aims.
However, it's probably worth noting that if Israel were to attack Iran a full scale regional war is not as likely to erupt as you imagine. Nothing at all happened after Israel bombed Syria's nuclear facility in 2007. No Arab countries said anything about it and there was no escalation or move towards war. Is it obvious that an attack against an Iranian facility would be very different?
Since the Arab countries seem to be eager for Iran not to get nukes is there really going to be support for an Iranian-led war against Israel? I don't see it. There'd be huge condemnation, protests and anger but, after all that happens, there's a good chance that nothing else would. Who is going to go to war on behalf of IranSaudi Arabia is also threatened by the prospect of an Iran with nuclear weapons, and there is a risk that -improbable as it miight sound- they would launch a joint attack with Israel against Iran. My point is two-fold: (1) An attack on Iran is unlikely since such an attack has little prospect of preventing the Iranians from developing nukes and (2) Any attack is unlikely to lead to a regional war since Iran doesn't have support in the region (or outside it).
The fact that Saudi Arabia is so antagonistic towards Iran as to contemplate a strike of their own supports my second point. Who remembers this article? It is about an Iranian Propaganda video from March-April 2011. In this video, sponsered by the Iranian Government, it "trumpets" the return of the 12th Imam as being soon.
[link to www.cbn.com]
Now, take this and connect it that info about the coming IAEA Report on Iran's Nuclear Progress.
[link to www.washingtonpost.com]
Let's see here....Iran believes the Imam's return is soon. They are taking steps to bring it about.
Perhaps Iran is willing to be nuked by Israel. To some Clerics and their own Prez, the citizens of Iran are expendable if it means ushering in a war that will bring about the 12th Imam.
Iran is in a dicey spot.....they have about 20 nukes they bought over the years from the Ukranians.....not enough to go up against the Isrealiars 400They can if Iran fires first. If Iran is certain Russia/China will back them up then they may strike....
As in the Cold War, it is a matter of who fires their nuclear weapons first.
Something tells me China won't back them... they have too much on the line with their currently booming economy.
However... Russia I would worry about. They don't seem to give a shit about anything. Pushing a few buttons or sending a million troops to back Iran wouldn't surprise me..
It is an intricate situation. If Russia backs Iran they may piss off China.
China needs the USA to keep their economy going. Say Russia backs Iran. Even the threat of Russia deploying their nukes against the USA may piss off China.
Russia may not want to do anything to anger China. Being China's ally and all.
So I guess it breaks down like this:
Russia won't back Iran because China won't back Iran... China won't back Iran because it'd piss the U.S. off and the U.S. sure as HELL isn't going to back Iran. North Korea won't be able to back Iran because they risk losing China to support them.
If the above is true... Iran is going to be supported by, well, Iran... and likely al-Qaeda for whatever they can offer.
I wonder if Chavez's nutty ass would throw Venezuela's support behind them?
Muslims believe the Mahdi will find the Ark of the Covenant.
Possessing the Ark is one of the revelations that identify the Mahdi.
The more I think about it.... I really do wonder if Hugo Chavez would throw his hat in this ring and support Iran... he's batshit crazy and so is AhmadinejadOur reliance is in the love of liberty which God has planted in our bosoms. Our defence is in the preservation of the spirit which prizes liberty as the heritage of all men, in all lands, everywhere.
Abraham Lincoln
There's a global campaign to destroy the Al Qaeda terrorists for which thousands of American, British, French and other nationals have paid the ultimate price. However, this campaign takes a bizarre turn when it comes to politics to appease the terrorist regime in Iran, who has harboured hundreds of the killed arch-terrorist OBL's family members and cohorts as well as sponsoring all kinds of terrorist outposts especially in the Middle East for years. Ironically, the main moderate, democratic and secular Muslim opposition movement who’s been at the forefront of democratic opposition to the pre-mediaeval barbarity in their homeland was wrongly blacklisted as a terrorist organisation. That People's Mojahedin Organisation of Iran, is part of a democratic alliance named the National Council of Resistance of Iran and has proven itself to be an ally of liberty. It gains support from millions of Muslims, Christians and followers of other religions. Regrettably, this demonising blacklisting has led to scores of their members and sympathisers being murdered or tortured to death in Iran and Iraq. The PMOI and their sympathisers have had to work hard for almost 15 years to gain legal rulings in the highest courts in the UK, Europe and the US to attest that they were not terrorists. All the UK and EU countries have duly taken them off their own lists. Strangely enough the US government has not yet declared its adherence to the Federal Court ruling which is now just over one year old. Do our democratic allies in Iran not deserve the heritage of all men, liberty
Late-Night Jokes about Iranian President Mahmoud AhmadinejadLadies and gentlemen, the face of evil, the Hitler of our generation. Let's hear his terrifying words [on screen: Ahmadinejad claiming that there are no homosexuals in Iran]. ... That's so interesting there are no homosexuals in Iran because in America, there are no homosexuals in our conservative movement either." --Jon Stewart
However, it's probably worth noting that if Israel were to attack Iran a full scale regional war is not as likely to erupt as you imagine. Nothing at all happened after Israel bombed Syria's nuclear facility in 2007. No Arab countries said anything about it and there was no escalation or move towards war. Is it obvious that an attack against an Iranian facility would be very different?
Since the Arab countries seem to be eager for Iran not to get nukes is there really going to be support for an Iranian-led war against Israel? I don't see it. There'd be huge condemnation, protests and anger but, after all that happens, there's a good chance that nothing else would. Who is going to go to war on behalf of IranSaudi Arabia is also threatened by the prospect of an Iran with nuclear weapons, and there is a risk that -improbable as it miight sound- they would launch a joint attack with Israel against Iran. My point is two-fold: (1) An attack on Iran is unlikely since such an attack has little prospect of preventing the Iranians from developing nukes and (2) Any attack is unlikely to lead to a regional war since Iran doesn't have support in the region (or outside it).
The fact that Saudi Arabia is so antagonistic towards Iran as to contemplate a strike of their own supports my second point. Who remembers this article? It is about an Iranian Propaganda video from March-April 2011. In this video, sponsered by the Iranian Government, it "trumpets" the return of the 12th Imam as being soon.
[link to www.cbn.com]
Now, take this and connect it that info about the coming IAEA Report on Iran's Nuclear Progress.
[link to www.washingtonpost.com]
Let's see here....Iran believes the Imam's return is soon. They are taking steps to bring it about.
Perhaps Iran is willing to be nuked by Israel. To some Clerics and their own Prez, the citizens of Iran are expendable if it means ushering in a war that will bring about the 12th Imam.
Iran is in a dicey spot.....they have about 20 nukes they bought over the years from the Ukranians.....not enough to go up against the Isrealiars 400They can if Iran fires first. If Iran is certain Russia/China will back them up then they may strike....
As in the Cold War, it is a matter of who fires their nuclear weapons first.
Something tells me China won't back them... they have too much on the line with their currently booming economy.
However... Russia I would worry about. They don't seem to give a shit about anything. Pushing a few buttons or sending a million troops to back Iran wouldn't surprise me..
It is an intricate situation. If Russia backs Iran they may piss off China.
China needs the USA to keep their economy going. Say Russia backs Iran. Even the threat of Russia deploying their nukes against the USA may piss off China.
Russia may not want to do anything to anger China. Being China's ally and all.
So I guess it breaks down like this:
Russia won't back Iran because China won't back Iran... China won't back Iran because it'd piss the U.S. off and the U.S. sure as HELL isn't going to back Iran. North Korea won't be able to back Iran because they risk losing China to support them.
If the above is true... Iran is going to be supported by, well, Iran... and likely al-Qaeda for whatever they can offer.
I wonder if Chavez's nutty ass would throw Venezuela's support behind them?
Muslims believe the Mahdi will find the Ark of the Covenant.
Possessing the Ark is one of the revelations that identify the Mahdi.
The more I think about it.... I really do wonder if Hugo Chavez would throw his hat in this ring and support Iran... he's batshit crazy and so is AhmadinejadOur reliance is in the love of liberty which God has planted in our bosoms. Our defence is in the preservation of the spirit which prizes liberty as the heritage of all men, in all lands, everywhere.
Abraham Lincoln
There's a global campaign to destroy the Al Qaeda terrorists for which thousands of American, British, French and other nationals have paid the ultimate price. However, this campaign takes a bizarre turn when it comes to politics to appease the terrorist regime in Iran, who has harboured hundreds of the killed arch-terrorist OBL's family members and cohorts as well as sponsoring all kinds of terrorist outposts especially in the Middle East for years. Ironically, the main moderate, democratic and secular Muslim opposition movement who’s been at the forefront of democratic opposition to the pre-mediaeval barbarity in their homeland was wrongly blacklisted as a terrorist organisation. That People's Mojahedin Organisation of Iran, is part of a democratic alliance named the National Council of Resistance of Iran and has proven itself to be an ally of liberty. It gains support from millions of Muslims, Christians and followers of other religions. Regrettably, this demonising blacklisting has led to scores of their members and sympathisers being murdered or tortured to death in Iran and Iraq. The PMOI and their sympathisers have had to work hard for almost 15 years to gain legal rulings in the highest courts in the UK, Europe and the US to attest that they were not terrorists. All the UK and EU countries have duly taken them off their own lists. Strangely enough the US government has not yet declared its adherence to the Federal Court ruling which is now just over one year old. Do our democratic allies in Iran not deserve the heritage of all men, liberty
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Jokes
Late-Night Jokes about Iranian President Mahmoud AhmadinejadLadies and gentlemen, the face of evil, the Hitler of our generation. Let's hear his terrifying words [on screen: Ahmadinejad claiming that there are no homosexuals in Iran]. ... That's so interesting there are no homosexuals in Iran because in America, there are no homosexuals in our conservative movement either." --Jon Stewart
"The President of Iran is in the United States. President Mahmoud Ah-members only jacket-jad addressed the United Nations General Assembly today. ... This guy is nuts. He denies the Holocaust happened. He says his country has no homosexuals. He's looked very hard for them, he's even placed personal ads. ... Hey, maybe if there were homosexuals in Iran, he'd be better dressed" --Jimmy Kimmel
"Yesterday, Iran's President Ahmadinejad said that his country doesn't have problems with gay people because they don't have homosexuals in Iran. Although Ahmadinejad did admit that sometimes one Iranian will take another Iranian's penis hostage." --Conan O'Brien
"The president of Iran gave a speech in New York City today, and thousands of New Yorkers are really upset about it. The New Yorkers said, 'If we want to hear a short-tempered Iranian man yell at us, we'll take a cab.'" --Conan O'Brien
"During his speech at Columbia University, President Ahmadinejad said his country 'doesn't have problems with gay people because they don't have homosexuals in Iran.' Which finally explains why Ahmadinejad gets away with wearing a windbreaker from 1983." --Conan O'Brien
"The president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahma-nut job, has arrived in the United States. Did you know he was issued a visa to come here? Isn't that amazing? You need a visa to get into the United States now, when did they start with that? ... You know the interesting part? After he landed, he actually drove his own cab in from the airport." --Jay Leno
"Earlier today, [Ahmadinejad] spoke to students at Columbia University. You know why he chose Columbia? ... 'Cause Notre Dame's football program sucks this year. ... No, it was tricky because he had to have an interpreter that could lie in two languages." --Jay Leno
"Actually, there was a lot of controversy over letting him speak at Columbia. The dean of the university said that he would even let Hitler speak. Apparently, he didn't realize he just did." --Jay Leno
"Ahmadinejad ... is against drugs, he's against alcohol, against premarital sex, against homosexuality and pornography. What's he speaking at a college for? Good luck finding any common ground with those kids." --Jay Leno
"My favorite part of his speech is when he said there are no homosexuals in Iran. That's what he said. Too bad, because they need somebody to choreograph those parades they have every week." --Jay Leno
"You folks are here during a great week. It's 'Lunatic Dictator Week' in New York City. ... Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is here to visit the U.N., and also to recover some stolen sports memorabilia. ... Earlier today, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke at Columbia University. Oh my gosh, ladies and gentleman, there hasn't been this many angry protesting students at a college since Ball State named a building after me" --David Letterman
"New York City today abuzz. The big talk? Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is here speaking at the U.N. and actually touring our fair city. Start spreading the news ... 'Death to America.' ... Even before his arrival, Ahmadinejad caused a stir by saying he wanted to visit Ground Zero, a request many New Yorkers saw as the ultimate insult. Or so they thought, until the diminutive Iranian got off his plane at Kennedy Airport [on screen: Ahmadinejad with a Boston Red Sox hat on]. ... The really dickish part about that? He's a Twins fan." --Jon Stewart
"With the streets here gridlocked by security, how would Ahmadinejad have the time to make all these commitments? Simple. He gets to drive in the Holocaust Deniers Lane. One thing you can't deny is the time you'll save." --Jon Stewart
"The Iranian President ... is coming to New York, but he's been denied permission to go to Ground Zero in New York City. He wanted to go to Ground Zero. I got an idea. Is there any way we can bring Ground Zero to him?" --Jay Leno Fair point in so far as Iran holds the high moral ground, which I think they do. That said, to call the US a straw power and threaten harsh military reprisals is hollow talk. The US may be a straw power in many ways, but military power -vs- Iran is not one of them oh, poor Iran.. oppresses it's people, crushes peaceful demonstrations, refuses to accept women as equals, murders homosexuals etc. etc.. what the FUCK gives them the "moral high ground" as you call it? you're clueless bro..
IRAN EVIL MULLAHS-LET THERE BE DARKNESS THE TROUBLE IS THAT THOSE RETARDED CAVEMANS ARE DREAMING TO CONQUER THE WHOLE WORLD AND TURN IT INTO A BLOODY MUSLI INFERNO LITERALY HELL ALIVE FOR ETERNITY. Over the last ten years, under the leadership of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Ayatollah Khomeini, Iran has played an incalculable role in the United States’ wars in the Middle East. It has initiated a proxy war by acting as arms supplier, financier, and safe house for every militant faction which has fought the U.S. military and its allies. Through its relations with Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, Hamas, and various Kurdish and Shiite groups within Iraq and Afghanistan, Iran has fuelled the beginning of a new era of Islamic fundamentalism in the very countries which the US has so ineffectively sought to reform. Where once those groups were unofficial and shrouded, having to cloak their relations to their state sponsors, they now stand in the open as legitimately recognized political parties, beholden to the never-distant hand of Tehran. Iran has been the leading voice of hatred and condemnation of Israel and the West and has, in recent years, blatantly and with only token excuses, pursued the enrichment of materials for the creation of nuclear weapons— adding teeth to its infamous threats against Israel and “the Great Satan”, the United States. Any one of these acts should, by the rational standards of a free and self-interested— as the United States used to be and ought to be— nation, constitute grounds for war. Viewed in the context of over three decades of continual assault against our military, journalists, and general civilian population, it grows more difficult by the year to explain not openly and actively pursuing the dismantling of the Iranian regime. Fortunately, while there are those leaders who will, whether by evasion or default, fail to assert the nature of the conflict and the remedies it requires, there are just as surely those who, though slow to accept evident truths, will, in a time of crisis, rise to the occasion. Such has been the case in the IAEA.
METALLICA PERFORMING SAD BUT TRUE.ENJOY ITIRANS NUCLEAR THREAT.WATCH ITThis past week, in response to a report elucidating and confirming attempts to cultivate nuclear weapons, the IAEA censured Iran with the overwhelming support of 32 of its 35 member nations, with Cuba and Ecuador opposing and Indonesia abstaining. Shameful though it is that such vehement condemnation of dictatorships is rare in the UN, one cannot help, at such a moment, but feel proud of that body. The UN, however, has always been limited by the divisiveness of its constituent members, an unceasing will to appease, the lack of an objective and rational morality, and a crippling pacifism at its root that forbids the effective and timely use of its peacekeeping forces. Despite sometimes coming through with a vocal condemnation, censure, and sanctions, it has ultimately come to look to the United States to act as its strong arm in any military action against violent dictatorships. If current signals prove true, that may be a forlorn hope in the escalating situation with a potentially nuclear Iran.The prospect of legitimate military conflict is, no doubt, a daunting one for any leader— all the more so for one whose election to office was founded largely upon an indiscriminate repudiation of American military action in the Middle East. By the time President Obama entered office, he had vowed removal of U.S. forces from the region without stipulation or conditional goals and proposed the initiation of diplomatic talks with Iranian leadership without preconditions, a striking approach to a nation that to this day maintains memorials to the suicide bombers who murdered American soldiers and citizens. Since that time, faced with the unbending facts of reality, the president has been made to alter his expressed policies time and again. The anti-war candidate has become the president whose standards for military involvement have been entirely devoid of rationality or American self-interest. The US exit from Afghanistan and Iraq has been paired with an active engagement in Libya, where we have assisted in the replacement of a— no doubt evil— dictator who was funneling to the US classified information on other Islamic totalitarian states and inexplicable adventures into central Africa to train militias and shape the politics of a region whose fate could not possibly hold the sort of bearing on American safety as does the Middle East. Principles, lost or never had, have been replaced entirely by the short-range political convenience of treating NATO and the American military as altruistic, armed welfare initiatives.Ahmadinejad is today's version of Hitler, inciting a world war in order to plunge the globe back to the 7th century dark ages. This Islamic murderous tyrant will fall.Ahmadinejad: Global Mahdi Revolution Has Begun www.thememriblog.org In his Revolution Day address, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad declared the beginning of the Mahdi Revolution, that he said would not be limited to the region but would spread across the globe. He added that Iran was determined to complete its nuclear program, and that "the new Middle East would be a region without the US and without the Zionist regime, and the world will taste the sweetness of a world without Zionists and bullies" (for more on Ahmadinejad's address, see Ahmadinejad In Iranian Revolution Day Address: Iran Is Firm In Continuing Nuclear Path -- We Don't Need World Powers; There Will Be A New Middle East -- Without The US And Israel). He said that by the end of his presidency, unemployment would be wiped out in Iran; that within a year, Iran would launch a live animal into space; and within a decade, it would do the same with Iranian astronauts. It was reported that participants at the rally called "Death to Mubarak" and burned him in effigy, and that across the country fundraising drives to aid residents of Gaza and Palestine are underway. Sources: Lenziran.com, Jump forward to present day. The madman’s name is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the president of Iran. He refers to Israelis and Americans are "Little Satan" and "Great Satan," since to radical Muslims, the term "Satan" refers to groups rather than a specific individual as Christians know. Christians know that a fallen angel, Lucifer, is Satan. To a lot of radical Muslims, Satan is groups of people, or countries, not an individual, hence the “Satan” labels he’s given to Israel and the United States. Ahmadinejad's potential weapons are even more horrific than Hilter's gas chambers in that they are capable of killing millions in minutes. His goal in doing this is to hail the Shiite Muslim's messiah, the 12th Imam.
According to Islamic belief, an Imam is an anointed leader or ruler. Moreover, among the Islamic Shia, an Imam is believed to be a prayer leader or cleric who is anointed by the Islamic prophet Allah and a perfect example being able to lead mankind in every way. The 12th Imam, according to some Shia Muslims, is a great spiritual savior. This savior has a name; Muhammad al Mahdi.
Mahdi was born around 868 A.D. at a time of large persecutions of Shiite Muslims. In order to protect him, his father, the 11th Imam, sent him into hiding. Mahdi appeared briefly in public as a child, but when his father died, he went back into the shadows. Even today, Shiites believe he continues to guide Muslims. Mahdi’s followers are often called ‘Twelvers’. Some devout Shiite Muslims believe him to be a direct descendant of the prophet Mohammed.
The president of Iran, Ahmadinejad, is a deeply committed Shiite Muslim and has spoken often and openly about praying for the return al Mahdi, his savior. But not in a way Christians speak about their savior Jesus Christ returning to earth, as you will soon discover. Ahmadinejad believes that the 12th Imam is coming soon and that he is the chosen one. Chosen by Allah himself to hasten Mahdi’s return; which wherein is where the problem lies.
At a recent speech at the United Nations, Ahmadinejad prayed to his [false] God asking him to “hasten the arrival of the Imam Mahdi”. At another UN speech, he begins by saying,
"O mighty Lord, I pray to you to hasten the emergence
of your last repository, the Promised One,
that perfect and pure human being,
the one that will fill this world with justice and peace."When he returned to Iran, Ahmadinejad claimed that when he began saying
"In the name of God the almighty and merciful,"
someone saw a light around me, and I was placed inside this aura.
I felt it myself. I felt the atmosphere suddenly change,
and for those 27 or 28 minutes, the leaders of the world did not blink,
they were rapt.
It seemed as if a hand was holding them there
and had opened their eyes to receive the message from the Islamic republic"He “was in an aura of light” and “felt a change in the atmosphere during which time no one present could blink their eyes”. Unbelievable!
Let’s pause and recap for a moment. At the very least, we clearly have an unbalanced man, most likely a psychopathic killer, who is the leader of an oil rich nation where money is essentially endless. His scientists are working around the clock to develop nuclear weapons. If unable to produce, he has the resources to purchase them along with biological weapons or E.M.P. devices from a friendly rogue nation. As a fanatical Muslim, he hates all non-Muslims especially Christians and Jews, which he openly states. Ahmadinejad is also someone who believes he has been told by the prophet Mohammed that he is the chosen one to hasten the return of the Muslim’s messiah by creating chaos throughout the world. Combine all of this with a world full of countries, except for Israel, who is unable or unwilling to stop this madman and we have all the ingredients of a very serious situation.
Even with the overwhelming inarguable evidence stated above, many world leaders and decision makers still dismiss this dangerous man as some lunatic in a 3rd world country that is all bark but no bite. Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth. Should Chairman Mao, Hitler, Che Guevara, or Joseph Stalin have been taken more seriously before they murdered tens of millions of people? Yes! Should Iran be treated seriously? Yes, because the Bible tells us so.
ACDC PERFORMING FOR THOSE ABOUT TO ROCK WE SALUTE YOU LIVE 2011.ENJOY ITLet’s compare and contrast what the Bible says about end-time prophecy with what the ‘Twelvers’ believe about the coming of the 12th Imam, remembering that Satan always tries to duplicate what God does.Netanyahu: Iran wants to destroy Israel and the world remains silent
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Shimon Peres used the platform at yesterday's Holocaust Remembrance Day memorial ceremony at Yad Vashem to urge countries around the world to work unwaveringly to stop Iran's nuclear program.
At yesterday's main Holocaust Day ceremony, Netanyahu warned against a rising tide of anti-Semitism "kindled by radical Islamist organizations and regimes, led by Iran and its satellites."
"I call on the enlightened nations of the world to loudly condemn Iran's destructive intentions, and to act resolutely to stop it from arming itself with nuclear weapons," he said before hundreds of Holocaust survivors and their families, political leaders, diplomats and others.
The world has so far failed to adequately denounce Tehran, Netanyahu said.
"Iran's leaders are barreling toward developing a nuclear weapon, and openly declaring their desire to destroy Israel. In the face of these repeated pledges to remove the Jewish state from the earth, we encounter in the best case a limp reaction, and even that is fading," he said. "We do not hear the necessary rejection, no harsh denunciation, no outcry. The world is carrying on as usual, and there are those who direct their fire at us, at Israel."
Turning to the present, he said, "Weapons of mass destruction in the hands of those capable of mass destruction, with voices encouraging that destruction - that is the most perilous combination to world peace.
"Israel will never forget two imperatives the Holocaust taught us," said Peres. "One is the need for an independent Jewish state with its security in its own hands and peace in its heart. The second is to take a serious view toward warnings of annihilation, Holocaust denial and acts of terrorism.
"It is our right and duty to insist that the nations of the world not return to showing the indifference that cost the lives of millions of victims, including their own. The United Nations must be attentive to the threats of destruction sounded by one country, a UN member state, against another, lest the UN Charter be contravened." Sarah Palin Flips Her Wig And Claims Iran Is Coming to Destroy The US
Sarah Palin sat down with BFF Greta Van Susterin on Fox News to discuss her recent trip to Israel, but things took a turn into the bizarre when Palin claimed that Iran is coming to attack the United States, “Don’t think that Ahmadinejad would stop at Israel, they’d be coming in our direction too, so it’s in our best interest to protect Israel.”
Here is the video from Media Matters:
This past week, in response to a report elucidating and confirming attempts to cultivate nuclear weapons, the IAEA censured Iran with the overwhelming support of 32 of its 35 member nations, with Cuba and Ecuador opposing and Indonesia abstaining. Shameful though it is that such vehement condemnation of dictatorships is rare in the UN, one cannot help, at such a moment, but feel proud of that body. The UN, however, has always been limited by the divisiveness of its constituent members, an unceasing will to appease, the lack of an objective and rational morality, and a crippling pacifism at its root that forbids the effective and timely use of its peacekeeping forces. Despite sometimes coming through with a vocal condemnation, censure, and sanctions, it has ultimately come to look to the United States to act as its strong arm in any military action against violent dictatorships. If current signals prove true, that may be a forlorn hope in the escalating situation with a potentially nuclear Iran.Mahdi was born around 868 A.D. at a time of large persecutions of Shiite Muslims. In order to protect him, his father, the 11th Imam, sent him into hiding. Mahdi appeared briefly in public as a child, but when his father died, he went back into the shadows. Even today, Shiites believe he continues to guide Muslims. Mahdi’s followers are often called ‘Twelvers’. Some devout Shiite Muslims believe him to be a direct descendant of the prophet Mohammed.
The president of Iran, Ahmadinejad, is a deeply committed Shiite Muslim and has spoken often and openly about praying for the return al Mahdi, his savior. But not in a way Christians speak about their savior Jesus Christ returning to earth, as you will soon discover. Ahmadinejad believes that the 12th Imam is coming soon and that he is the chosen one. Chosen by Allah himself to hasten Mahdi’s return; which wherein is where the problem lies.
At a recent speech at the United Nations, Ahmadinejad prayed to his [false] God asking him to “hasten the arrival of the Imam Mahdi”. At another UN speech, he begins by saying,
"O mighty Lord, I pray to you to hasten the emergence
of your last repository, the Promised One,
that perfect and pure human being,
the one that will fill this world with justice and peace."
When he returned to Iran, Ahmadinejad claimed that when he began saying of your last repository, the Promised One,
that perfect and pure human being,
the one that will fill this world with justice and peace."
"In the name of God the almighty and merciful,"
someone saw a light around me, and I was placed inside this aura.
I felt it myself. I felt the atmosphere suddenly change,
and for those 27 or 28 minutes, the leaders of the world did not blink,
they were rapt.
It seemed as if a hand was holding them there
and had opened their eyes to receive the message from the Islamic republic"
He “was in an aura of light” and “felt a change in the atmosphere during which time no one present could blink their eyes”. Unbelievable! someone saw a light around me, and I was placed inside this aura.
I felt it myself. I felt the atmosphere suddenly change,
and for those 27 or 28 minutes, the leaders of the world did not blink,
they were rapt.
It seemed as if a hand was holding them there
and had opened their eyes to receive the message from the Islamic republic"
Let’s pause and recap for a moment. At the very least, we clearly have an unbalanced man, most likely a psychopathic killer, who is the leader of an oil rich nation where money is essentially endless. His scientists are working around the clock to develop nuclear weapons. If unable to produce, he has the resources to purchase them along with biological weapons or E.M.P. devices from a friendly rogue nation. As a fanatical Muslim, he hates all non-Muslims especially Christians and Jews, which he openly states. Ahmadinejad is also someone who believes he has been told by the prophet Mohammed that he is the chosen one to hasten the return of the Muslim’s messiah by creating chaos throughout the world. Combine all of this with a world full of countries, except for Israel, who is unable or unwilling to stop this madman and we have all the ingredients of a very serious situation.
Even with the overwhelming inarguable evidence stated above, many world leaders and decision makers still dismiss this dangerous man as some lunatic in a 3rd world country that is all bark but no bite. Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth. Should Chairman Mao, Hitler, Che Guevara, or Joseph Stalin have been taken more seriously before they murdered tens of millions of people? Yes! Should Iran be treated seriously? Yes, because the Bible tells us so.
Let’s compare and contrast what the Bible says about end-time prophecy with what the ‘Twelvers’ believe about the coming of the 12th Imam, remembering that Satan always tries to duplicate what God does.Netanyahu: Iran wants to destroy Israel and the world remains silent Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Shimon Peres used the platform at yesterday's Holocaust Remembrance Day memorial ceremony at Yad Vashem to urge countries around the world to work unwaveringly to stop Iran's nuclear program.
At yesterday's main Holocaust Day ceremony, Netanyahu warned against a rising tide of anti-Semitism "kindled by radical Islamist organizations and regimes, led by Iran and its satellites."
"I call on the enlightened nations of the world to loudly condemn Iran's destructive intentions, and to act resolutely to stop it from arming itself with nuclear weapons," he said before hundreds of Holocaust survivors and their families, political leaders, diplomats and others.
The world has so far failed to adequately denounce Tehran, Netanyahu said.
"Iran's leaders are barreling toward developing a nuclear weapon, and openly declaring their desire to destroy Israel. In the face of these repeated pledges to remove the Jewish state from the earth, we encounter in the best case a limp reaction, and even that is fading," he said. "We do not hear the necessary rejection, no harsh denunciation, no outcry. The world is carrying on as usual, and there are those who direct their fire at us, at Israel."
Turning to the present, he said, "Weapons of mass destruction in the hands of those capable of mass destruction, with voices encouraging that destruction - that is the most perilous combination to world peace.
"Israel will never forget two imperatives the Holocaust taught us," said Peres. "One is the need for an independent Jewish state with its security in its own hands and peace in its heart. The second is to take a serious view toward warnings of annihilation, Holocaust denial and acts of terrorism.
"It is our right and duty to insist that the nations of the world not return to showing the indifference that cost the lives of millions of victims, including their own. The United Nations must be attentive to the threats of destruction sounded by one country, a UN member state, against another, lest the UN Charter be contravened." Sarah Palin Flips Her Wig And Claims Iran Is Coming to Destroy The US
Sarah Palin sat down with BFF Greta Van Susterin on Fox News to discuss her recent trip to Israel, but things took a turn into the bizarre when Palin claimed that Iran is coming to attack the United States, “Don’t think that Ahmadinejad would stop at Israel, they’d be coming in our direction too, so it’s in our best interest to protect Israel.”
Here is the video from Media Matters: