THE ROLLING STONES PERFORMING FINGERPRINT FILE.ENJOY ITARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER TELLS IT LIKE IT IS.ENJOY ITThe GREATEST human being ever to have lived. His films will be staples of the national curriculum in years to come.Unfairly criticised for his acting performances, yet has made more classic films than anyone in recent memory (e.g. Commando, Total Recall, The Running Man, Conan 1 & 2 - to name a few!!). An inspiration to everyone, Arnold should be made president of the universe. According to the Demolition Man movie, Arnold Schwarzenegger eventually became President of the United States and built a huge library in his name.
ARNOLD WITH HIS BEAUTYFULL FAMILY As Arnold Schwarzenegger launches his political career, it's worth recalling a scene from the film "Demolition Man," which takes place in the year 2032. As Sandra Bullock attempts to bring Sylvester Stallone up to speed on what has happened in the world in the last 30 years, she refers to the Schwarzenegger Presidential Library.

Stallone: "Hold it! The Schwarzenegger Library?"
Bullock: "Yes, the Schwarzenegger Presidential Library. Wasn't he an actor?"
Stallone: "Stop! He was President?"
Bullock: "Yes. Even though he was not born in this country, his popularity at the time caused the 61st Amendment…"

Schwarzenegger: Is Arnold the Third AntiChrist? by GORO ADACHIAdd to all this intrigue his alleged links to strange right-wing groups and White supremacists, it adds for an interesting concoction.

The 'second antichrist' is usually said to have been Hitler. And the 'third', of course, has yet to materialize.
Given the parallel observed between Schwarzenegger and Napoleon, as well as Schwarzenegger's various Nazi connections (his father was a member of the [Nazi party]), it's almost as if we are to view the Hollywood star as the 'third antichrist'.
That the 'stargate window' represents an 'echo window' of 9/11 also adds more weight to this rather bizarre interpretation. It turns out that there is an allusion to the emergence of an antichrist in the Book of Revelation 9:11 (yes, 9-11):What they didn’t mention is that, when Arnold arrived in America he was really bulky, but it wasn’t at Gold’s Gym where he got the perfection, but at Vince Gironda’s Gym. Vince was the one who perfectioned Arnold after arriving in the USA. When Arnold came to Vince he said: Hello I’m so and so, Mr. Universe and Vince qould just reply: You look like a fat fuck to me. So it isn’t true Weider trained him, but Weider sent him to Gironda, knowing that he had magic hands.
"In a shocking announcement, Governor Schwarzenegger said he supports changing the constitution to allow people like him to run for president. I'm shocked he would want that. Do you think he can win? Well, you know, it's interesting, he has Ronald Reagan's appeal as an actor and George W. Bush's difficulty with the English language. And, let's not forget, he's got a little Clinton in there too, so he could win." —Jay Leno
Arnold Schwarzenegger set to make Hollywood comeback as a nice Nazi The elite love hitler too.. Saying he loves Hitler wont stop his rise to power in Europe if he wants it.. The Shadow government has been looking for such a leader.. Modeled after the other puppet, Hitler
It’s either Europe unite under Nazi light, or Europeans will be lapse into extinction in their own lands.
So standing for the indigenous whites of Europe makes you a Nazi, so made me embrace my inner Nazi (and also seeing the beating of that white girl at Mcdonalds over at Drudge).
I hope Arnold does exactly that though, return to Europe, run the EU, and then start the mass deportations of non Europeans out of Europe and keep Europe for European people.
And screw what the multiculturalists at Infowars think. German meaning for Schwarzenegger (harrower of the dark fields) Or Dark Field.
This won’t be a surprise, ‘if it happens”. The Terminator brought in for the final Extermination of 50%+ of the dark population . Arnold dream.. NOW it time for life to imitate art.. . time to send in Dirty Harry.If he becames the president of the EU than Arnold can save his native Austria from the five hundred thousand dark Muslim invader,and if he becames the president of the United States of America than he could save the whole white race from Dark annihilation and destroy the muslim invaders by whatever means is necessary.He has literal video clips of him saying that he loved Hitler. He gave a speech WHILE IN OFFICE romanticizing brown shirt marches (seriously). He also has an authentic WWII Nazi belt buckle that he wears all the time in photos. He wrote in a book that his life’s goal is to be a dictator just like Hitler. He gave interviews all the time mentioning Hitler. His dad was a member of the Nazi SA. Even some of his movies have a weird Nazi message. Watch Twins and think about it a bit. The big “perfect aryan superman” vs, the short fat non-aryan who is a failure at everything. We can sometimes throw around the word Nazi a bit carelessly, but Arnold is LITTERALLY a Neo-Nazi who’s stated life goal is to be just like Hitler. I wouldn’t be surprised if he attends KKK rallies when nobody is looking-because Arnold knows that the dirty secret Racewar of the Niggers against Whites has already cost more victim since the 1950 than the Vietnam War/about fifty thousand and counting/and the Jewish upperclass are completely covering up the brutal extermination of the Whites by nigger animals.Arnold also knows that tens of thousands of defencless White Woman gets rapped by the horror niggers every year across the States and he dont like it-Arnold also knows that the jews who rule America has put Obongo a jewish-nigger mix into the White house who s also a devout muslim terrorist to hasten the demise of the White Christian West-and he dont like it-Arnold says hasta la vista baby-Ill be back.Arnold Schwarzenegger and Mick Jagger are the most charismatic leaders of the Western consciousness-both under the sign of the Lion. Illuminati End Plan: Schwarzenegger for President
The birth of Horus is something we have long seen in the rise of Schwarzenegger; indeed, Arnold was quickly identified as a major 'antichristic' figure here.
The seeming 'destiny' of Schwarzenegger becoming a US president has been mentioned before and this 'plan' finally began to be detectable this winter/spring as one of the news headlines on Feb. 22 ('222') was: 'Schwarzenegger Argues for White House Run'.
The media helped pushing this idea again several days later by inexplicably throwing in the 'Arnold Amendment' question during a Democratic presidential debate televised on CNN.
One of the news items on 3/21 bore the title: 'Kennedy would back law enabling Schwarzenegger to run for US president'.
Arnie is married to former journalist and Kennedy heiress, Maria Shriver, a niece of Democratic Senator Ted Kennedy.
I see this marriage as a key element of the symbolic role - if not a literal one - Arnie now appears to be playing - i.e. Horus/Messiah/Antichrist.
As for his endorsement of President Bush, he later joked that it got him a cold shoulder at home, saying, "There was no sex for 14 days.""I’m a religious Republican, too," he says. "I’m a Catholic. I go to church every Sunday. But it doesn’t mean that I’m against progress. We have to move forward with the stem cell research. This is the future of solving some of the serious problems that are existing in a medical area. And why not?" ARNOLD THE ARYAN SUPER BABY
During WWII, the Nazi did many horrible testing on humans, like on twins, mentally ill, but most importantly they tried to make super babies. They say that they were never able to make any superbabies and that it was an unsuccessful experiment.
What if it wasn't! What if they succeeded? What if they succeeded in making one super babie, and Arnold was that Baby.
The plan for their Nazi take over was that the Baby would grow up, become a famous body builder(super human strength), Come to America and become a Movie Star (get on good side with us), Then become interested in politics and become governor of a state (super human Intelligence), then use his power of super popularity and super intelligence to change the U.S. Constitution to become President of the United States.
That is when the Underground Nazi Regime will take over the U.S.A., then the U.N. and possibly the WORLD.
There is no way of really telling when this will take place, 2012, 2016 elections
For now we will have to let the universe unfold as it should.The comics world is buzzing over news, straight from Arnold Schwarzengger himself, that the action star and former California governor is plotting a super-size comeback by launching a new superhero cartoon and comic book series called ‘The Governator.’

During WWII, the Nazi did many horrible testing on humans, like on twins, mentally ill, but most importantly they tried to make super babies. They say that they were never able to make any superbabies and that it was an unsuccessful experiment.
What if it wasn't! What if they succeeded? What if they succeeded in making one super babie, and Arnold was that Baby.
The plan for their Nazi take over was that the Baby would grow up, become a famous body builder(super human strength), Come to America and become a Movie Star (get on good side with us), Then become interested in politics and become governor of a state (super human Intelligence), then use his power of super popularity and super intelligence to change the U.S. Constitution to become President of the United States.
That is when the Underground Nazi Regime will take over the U.S.A., then the U.N. and possibly the WORLD.
There is no way of really telling when this will take place, 2012, 2016 elections
For now we will have to let the universe unfold as it should.The comics world is buzzing over news, straight from Arnold Schwarzengger himself, that the action star and former California governor is plotting a super-size comeback by launching a new superhero cartoon and comic book series called ‘The Governator.’
Arnold Schwarzenegger in for ‘Terminator 5′
the Austrian Oak had also commented on the brilliance of the apartheid scheme in South Africa to his African-American body-building buddy Rick Wayne. He's also supposedly brought body-building legend Joe Weider (who's Jewish) close to tears making crass jokes and doing impressions of Adolf Hitler-Arnold knows that the White Race facing extinction organised by the Jews and executed by the Niggers and Musli rats.
Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger[1] (born July 30, 1947) is an Austrian-born American former professional bodybuilder, actor, model, businessman and politician who served as the 38th Governor of California (2003–2011).
Schwarzenegger began weight training at 15. He was awarded the title of Mr. Universe at age 20 and went on to win the Mr. Olympia contest a total of seven times. Schwarzenegger has remained a prominent presence in the sport of bodybuilding and has written several books and numerous articles on the sport.
Schwarzenegger gained worldwide fame as a Hollywood action film icon, noted for his lead roles in such films as Conan the Barbarian, The Terminator, Commando and Predator. He was nicknamed the "Austrian Oak" and the "Styrian Oak" in his bodybuilding days, "Arnie" during his acting career and more recently the "Governator" (a portmanteau of "Governor" and "Terminator").[2]
As a Republican, he was first elected on October 7, 2003, in a special recall election (referred to in Schwarzenegger campaign propaganda as a "Total Recall") to replace then-Governor Gray Davis. Schwarzenegger was sworn in on November 17, 2003, to serve the remainder of Davis's term. Schwarzenegger was then re-elected on November 7, 2006, in California's 2006 gubernatorial election, to serve a full term as governor, defeating Democrat Phil Angelides, who was California State Treasurer at the time. Schwarzenegger was sworn in for his second term on January 5, 2007.[3] SYLVESTER STALLONE WANTS ARNOLD TO BE THE PRESIDENT OF THE USA AND DAVID CAMERON WANTS ARNOLD TO BE THE PRESIDENT OF THE EU
Look out, Hollywood. Former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has a warning for you.
Schwarzenegger began weight training at 15. He was awarded the title of Mr. Universe at age 20 and went on to win the Mr. Olympia contest a total of seven times. Schwarzenegger has remained a prominent presence in the sport of bodybuilding and has written several books and numerous articles on the sport.

Schwarzenegger gained worldwide fame as a Hollywood action film icon, noted for his lead roles in such films as Conan the Barbarian, The Terminator, Commando and Predator. He was nicknamed the "Austrian Oak" and the "Styrian Oak" in his bodybuilding days, "Arnie" during his acting career and more recently the "Governator" (a portmanteau of "Governor" and "Terminator").[2]
As a Republican, he was first elected on October 7, 2003, in a special recall election (referred to in Schwarzenegger campaign propaganda as a "Total Recall") to replace then-Governor Gray Davis. Schwarzenegger was sworn in on November 17, 2003, to serve the remainder of Davis's term. Schwarzenegger was then re-elected on November 7, 2006, in California's 2006 gubernatorial election, to serve a full term as governor, defeating Democrat Phil Angelides, who was California State Treasurer at the time. Schwarzenegger was sworn in for his second term on January 5, 2007.[3] SYLVESTER STALLONE WANTS ARNOLD TO BE THE PRESIDENT OF THE USA AND DAVID CAMERON WANTS ARNOLD TO BE THE PRESIDENT OF THE EU
Look out, Hollywood. Former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has a warning for you.
He'll be back.
“Currently I’m reading three scripts,” Schwarzenegger tells Kronen Zeitung, a newspaper in his native Austria.
The Social Security-eligible actor acknowledges that he won’t be reprising his role as Conan the Barbarian. “In the future I have to adapt to roles (for) my age. Clint Eastwood also has done it in the same way. Extreme fighting is not possible anymore," he said.
Instead, the 65-year old is focusing on the World War II era film “With Wings As Eagles,” a project he has been attached to for several years. In summaries of the film, his character is described as a Nazi commander who refuses to execute a group of Americans soldiers.
“In it I would play an older soldier, who gets the order at the ending of the war to kill a bunch of kids. But he doesn’t do it and get(s) them to safety at the risk of his life and it has all kinds of adventure.”
See, he really talks like that!
Schwarzenegger has already made a cameo in last summer’s "The Expendables" and has tweeted about reconnecting with Hollywood cronies like James Cameron, Sylvester Stallone and Harrison Ford.
But the former governor has his doubts about returning to his old stomping grounds. “Will I still have the patience to sit on the set and to do a movie for three months or six months, all of those things?” Schwarzenegger tweeted in October. “I don’t know.”
But, as Schwarzenegger once famously said, “Failure is not an optionTo think that his father actually was a Nazi just shows how this guy has degenerated over the years since he has been living in Hollywood. I remember reading once that in his bodybuilding days he made a pro-Hitler comment. Just another victim of Jewboywood I suppose There is a REASON that foreign-born people are not allowed to be the President of the United States. Even if a candidate comes along who IS a White Nationalist, and he happens to be a Foreigner, we should still not change the Constitution. It would set a BAD precedent; and once that precedent is set, it wouldn't be too long until the Aliens in the US voted themselves a Mexican-born spanish speaking President.
We MUST not change the Constitution Wake up folks, this is THE ultimate Trojan Horse; if passed, it will eventually enable a Mexican to be elected president of the USA, which with the current demographic changes, & the wetback birth rate being what it is, very likely by 2050 or much sooner He is an Austrian migrant who wants the U.S Constitution amended so that he can run for president. Where have we heard that before from an Austrian migrant who wanted a Constitution amended so that he could run for CHANCELLOR Mr. Schwarzenegger said, according to the transcript contained in the book proposal. "I admired Hitler, for instance, because he came from being a little man with almost no formal education up to power. And I admire him for being such a good public speaker and for what he did with it."
In addition to the transcript, Mr. Butler wrote in his book proposal that in the 1970's, he considered Mr. Schwarzenegger a "flagrant, outspoken admirer of Hitler." In the proposal, Mr. Butler also said he had witnessed Mr. Schwarzenegger playing "Nazi marching songs from long-playing records in his collection at home" and said that the actor "frequently clicked his heels and pretended to be an S.S. officer."
Mr. Schwarzenegger has gone to great lengths during this campaign to erase any suggestion that he has had ties to Nazi Germany, a charge he has encountered repeatedly in his public career. In 1993, in fact, Mr. Schwarzenegger was awarded damages in a libel suit in London against a British journalist who wrote several years earlier that the actor held Nazi views and admired Hitler. Democrats are getting pretty desperate. They are pulling out the "Hitler-Card." Yeah... you're NOT a liberal if you're a Republican. You're a Nazi whether that's figurative or literal. In this case the Democrats claim Arnold is no liberal cause he loves Hitler. I say lets get this changed to let it state:

“No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States OF AT LEAST 20 YEARS, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.”
I think the current statement of Article 2, Section 1 is unfair. There are great leaders out there who were not born in the US. Some of these leaders who became US citizens love and appreciate this country more than many of those who were born here and take it for granted. They have lived life outside the US and know what it means to be an American citizen. Know what it means to live free and have their families live in a free world. I believe Arnold Schwarzenegger is one of these people. Mr. Schwarzenegger as President of the United States of America is almost like Mr. Schwarzenegger as President of the world. I realize this is a bold statement, but the man is loved and admired all over the world. People listen to him. People respect him. This is the kind of person we need running these great United States.
He has already proved himself a great American. Now please help in changing this unfair statement of the constitution to allow what we know will one day happen, so why not now. I realize it may take more than a petition to get something changed in the constitution, but hey, we have to start somewhere. Let us, as fans of Mr. Schwarzenegger, give a little back, give a little something back to the man that I know shaped the way many of us lead our lives today.
Personally, I would rather see him make more movies. However, he should not, and WE should not, be denied the right to see “The one and only, ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER” become President of the United States of America. Ronald Reagan: My hero, and eternal light for the world

"We pay them to build the prisons down in Mexico and then we have those undocumented immigrants be down there in a prison. ... And all this, it would be half the cost to build the prisons and half the cost to run the prisons," Schwarzenegger told the Sacramento Press Club, according to a San Francisco Chronicle report.
POLITICAL CAREER OF ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGERArnold Schwarzenegger is a popular actor who was first elected as Governor of California in the 2003 recall election and won re-election in 2006. It is the first elected office he has held, but was appointed by President George H.W. Bush to the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, in which he served from 1990 to 1993 and was Chairman of California Governor's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports under Governor Pete Wilson
Recall election
On October 7, 2003, the recall election resulted in Governor Gray Davis being removed from office with 55.4% of the Yes vote in favor of a recall. Schwarzenegger was elected Governor of California under the second question on the ballot with 48.6% of the vote to choose a successor to Davis. Schwarzenegger defeated Democrat Cruz Bustamante, fellow Republican Tom McClintock, and others. In total, Schwarzenegger won the election by about 1.3 million votes. Under the regulations of the California Constitution, no runoff election was required.
Schwarzenegger was sworn into office on November 17, 2003. Schwarzenegger's inauguration was opened by Vanessa L. Williams, his co-star from Eraser, singing the National Anthem. Hollywood attendees included Danny DeVito, Rhea Perlman, Dennis Miller, Tom Arnold, his wife Shelby, and Rob Lowe (only Miller was a Republican).
The Schwarzenegger children joined others in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, then Maria Shriver spoke and held the Bible while Schwarzenegger was sworn into the office of Governor. He spoke briefly: "Today is a new day in California. I did not seek this office to do things the way they've always been done. What I care about is restoring your confidence in your government... This election was not about replacing one man. It was not replacing one party. It was about changing the entire political climate of our state."
First years: 2003–2004
Despite expectations that Schwarzenegger would be vulnerable to opposition critics once taking office, his early governorship showed some successes. He has dealt successfully with California politicians as diverse as John Burton on the left to Tom McClintock on the right. At the end of May 2004, the Field poll put his popularity at 65%, the highest for a California governor in 45 years, including 41% of Democrats. By comparison, former United States President Ronald Reagan, known as "the Great Communicator," never hit 60% approval while serving as California governor.[6] Due to his role in the Terminator movies, people referred to him as the "Governator."
Early momentum
In his first few hours in office Schwarzenegger fulfilled his campaign promise to repeal an unpopular 200% increase in vehicle license fees undertaken to fund the state's budget. The increase was a restoration to 1998 levels. On his first full day in office, Schwarzenegger proposed a three-point plan to address the budget woes. First, Schwarzenegger proposed floating US$15 billion in bonds.
Second, he urged voters to pass a constitutional amendment to limit state spending. Third, he sought an overhaul of workers' compensation. Schwarzenegger also called the state legislature into a special session and said that spending cuts would also be necessary. He initiated the cuts by agreeing to serve as governor with no salary, a saving of $175,000 (USD) per year.
Propositions 57 and 58
To fulfill the first two points, he urged California voters to pass Proposition 57 and Proposition 58 in the March 2, 2004, election, which authorized the sale of $15 billion in bonds and mandated balanced budgets, respectively. Despite initially tepid support from the public, the combination of heavy campaigning by Schwarzenegger, endorsements from a number of leading Democrats, and warnings about the dire consequences should the propositions fail to pass, led to majority votes in favor of the two propositions. Prop. 57 passed with 63.3% of the votes in favor and Prop. 58 passed with 71.0% in favor. He accomplished the third point when he signed a workers' compensation reform bill on April 19, 2004.
Schwarzenegger convinced the Democratic-controlled state legislature to approve the package by threatening to take the issue directly to state voters in a November ballot initiative if the legislature did not act. The economic moves had the effect of up-grading the International Bond Market's projections for the California market at least three points. After Governor Schwarzenegger addressed the finances, the bond-rating went up three points and saved the State of California over $20 billion in bond-rated interest over ten years.
[ Special interests
Schwarzenegger was later criticized for reneging on his campaign pledges not to take money from special interests and for failing to answer directly the sexual harassment allegations raised by the Los Angeles Times immediately preceding the recall election. However, Schwarzenegger made a point shortly after becoming governor of voluntarily attending a training course conducted by the state Attorney General's office on preventing sexual harassment (along with several members of his senior staff). Schwarzenegger continues to collect campaign contributions from private interests[7] at a greater rate than any politician in California history, including Gray Davis, whom he criticized on that very issueDeath penalty
In February 2004, he chose not to pardon convicted murderer Kevin Cooper who had asked him for clemency in his death penalty sentence. Cooper's planned execution was stayed by the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals pending a revisiting of evidence. The first execution under his administration was that of Donald Beardslee.[citation needed]
An Austrian Green Party spokesman, Peter Pilz, later called for Schwarzenegger to be stripped of his Austrian citizenship. Pilz said that "Capital punishment is unacceptable in Austria and in Europe, and no Austrian citizen may take part in it or arrange it."[9]
The governor has granted clemency to a number of convicted felons – more than Democratic predecessor Gray Davis, who presided over numerous executions[citation needed]. The power of clemency is often controversial[citation needed]. After a longer period of consideration than is usual, on December 12, 2005, Schwarzenegger denied clemency to quadruple murderer Stanley Tookie Williams, who was executed the following day[citation needed].
In a statement Schwarzenegger argued not on the grounds that Williams' actions were beyond atonement: instead he appeared to acknowledge that atonement was possible, but Williams had not done so, Schwarzenegger stating that "the one thing (apologizing for the four murders he committed) that would be the clearest indication of complete remorse and full redemption is the one thing Williams will not do."[10]] Taxation and economic issues
In March 2004, libertarian policy research foundation, The Cato Institute, rated him 1st in their 2004 fiscal policy report card of the tax and spending policies of the nation's governors.[11] In July 2004, however, Schwarzenegger and the state legislature deadlocked, failing to approve the state budget on time. Trying to rouse public support for his position, he compared lawmakers to kindergarteners who need a "timeout," and in a rally of supporters called his budget opponents "girlie men" (a reference to a long-running Saturday Night Live skit parodying Schwarzenegger).
] The "girlie-men" flap
He said about the legislators: "They are part of a bureaucracy that is out of shape, that is out of date, that is out of touch and that is definitely out of control in Sacramento. They cannot have the guts to come out there in front of you and say, 'I don't want to represent you. I want to represent those special interests: the unions, the trial lawyers.' ...if they don't have the guts, I call them girlie-men. They should get back to the table and they should finish the budget".
The remark became national news and was not received well by his opponents, including gay advocacy, feminist groups, and effeminate men in general, labeling it homophobic and sexist, in spite of his earlier support for gay rights (see the Gavin Newsom incident above), not to mention the legislators themselves. Others however, were quick to claim that the critics were expressing a sentiment of latent homophobia themselves because they automatically connected the phrase "girlie-men" with homosexuals, though the term was first used on Saturday Night Live to parody his political career. The term "girlie-man" was arguably the Governor taking a bit of a pot-shot at himself, as the phrase is derived from the popular Saturday Night Live sketch "Pumping Up With Hans and Franz" where two Austrian bodybuilders chastise those not sufficiently bulked up as "girlie men."
His supporters made "girly men" T-shirts and the Governor continued to use the term, including when he addressed the Republican National Convention in NYC, calling critics of the current U.S. economic situation "economic girlie men".GOVERNORSHIP 2009
The state government of California started 2009 with a debt of $42 billion, making it difficult for Schwarzenegger to work with law makers and to maintain his party obligations at the same time. After a drawn out process, the governor signed a budget on February 20, 2009.
In an attempt to replenish the California general fund, residents will see an increase in their taxes and a one percent increase in sales tax (from 7.76–8.76). In a controversial move, the Governor also declared two Fridays per month as furloughs day for state workers, meaning that they will not come into work and will not be paid.[37]
On April 13, 2009, Governor Schwarzenegger and Fresno Mayor Ashley Swearengin held a press conference to announce the Allied Health Initiative, a $32 million public-private partnership aimed at adding thousands of critically needed allied health professionals.[38]
On April 15, 2009, Governor Schwarzenegger was served with a notice of intent to recall by a group calling themselves "Taxpayers United to Recall Governor Schwarzenegger".
The Governor sponsored several initiatives on a May 19 ballot. The main proposition, prop 1A sought to raise taxes to raise a total of $16 billion. A summary of prop 1A is as follows:
Changes the budget process. Could limit future deficits and spending by increasing the size of the state "rainy day" fund and requiring above-average revenues to be deposited into it, for use during economic downturns and other purposes. Fiscal Impact: Higher state tax revenues of roughly $16 billion from 2010–11 through 2012–13. Over time, increased amounts of money in state rainy day reserve and potentially less ups and downs in state spending.[39]Arnold campaigned for Kurt Waldheim (shown with his minion on the left), once the head of the UN and a top Nazi.

Maria Shriver of the Kennedy clan invited Walheim to their wedding (years after he had been part of an international scandal concerning the Nazi party), where this lovely photo was taken. Notice Maria's charming wave...(same gesture as other illuminati members use such as Bu$h).

Keep in mind that Arnold's Father was a police official in the Nazi SS.

By Katherine Corcoran
San Jose Mercury News
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, known for stirring the ethnic melting pot with his off-the-cuff remarks, gave his Democratic opponents more ammunition Thursday when he declared that Mexican immigrants have difficulty assimilating in the United States because they're so close to their home country.
``They try to stay Mexican but try to be in America, so there's this back and forth,'' Schwarzenegger said, surrounded by Asian-Americans at a Moon Festival celebration in Los Angeles. ``What I say to Mexicans is you have got to go immerse yourself and assimilate into American culture and become part of the American fabric. That's how Americans will embrace you.
``The secret -- if there is one -- to success, I was embraced by the American people because I love America, I learned the language and I made every effort to become American.''
On May 5, two weeks before the special election, the Governor warned the public that he does not like scare tactics, but "he warned of dire consequences if voters don't pass the six special election measures". With polls indicating that California voters are going to vote NO on props 1A-E, and in fact the voters subsequently did vote against the proposed tax increases by almost 2:1, the Governor is worried that the budget will have to be sent back to be hashed out between the two houses
What the Totenkopf Symbol Represents
Many Americans do not know the significance of the Totenkopf symbol, to which Schwarzenegger’s buckle alludes. There would probably be a massive outcry if Arnold Schwarzenegger wore the more well-known, Nazi Swastika or Confederate Flag on his belt buckle, or anything that resembled it. There would be riots in the streets, if he decided to appear on the cover of time in a white hood and sheets. However, the meaning of the Totenkopf, although less well-recognized and understood, is really worse than that of the Swastika or any of these symbols.
The Swastika is a general symbol for Nazism. However, he Totenkopf alludes to the logo of some of the most ruthless and fanatical Nazis, the SS. Some people joined the Nazi Party for social and career reasons. A particular version of the Totenkopf insignia (that of the 3rd Waffen SS Division Totenkopf) is the one that many people recognize as a Nazi symbol. However, a generic skull can be used as a symbol of Nazism, in the right context. The context here is that of a man whose father was a fanatical Nazi and whose own feelings about Nazism have been called into question. The Totenkopf symbolizes death to the enemies of the Nazis, and since the SS ran the extermination camps and einsatzgruppen, it especially is a symbol of the mass murder comitted by the Nazis and of the Holocaust.
Schwarzenegger’s Father, a Brown Shirt and Nazi
A son is, of course, not guilty of the sins of the father. But most fathers do pass some values and attitudes to their sons and it is worthwhile to consider what kind of attitudes Arnold Schwarzenegger’s father had that the son may have learned from him. USA Today reported here that his father applied to join the Nazi party on March 1, 1938, about two weeks before Austria was annexed and while it was still illegal in Austria. There is some confusion about when his application was accepted. It may not have been accepted until 1941, about the time he joined the Wehrmacht.However nearly a year after he applied to join the Nazi party, he joined the Brown Shirts (or SA), also called Nazi Storm Troopers. That means he was not just a member of the Nazi party, who may have joined for social reasons. No one joined the Brown Shirts, just because they wanted a better career or to help feed their family. They were the street fighters that fought opponents of the Nazi Dictatorship in the streets and rounded up “Undesirables” to be shipped off to concentration camps. It means that he was a fanatical supporter of the Nazi cause, who wanted to actively support the takeover at that time of Austria by the Nazi Reich and the elimination of Jews and others considered to be “undesirables by the Nazis.As said already, a son obviously should not be held responsible for what his father did or may have may have done. However, when Schwarzenegger so blatantly uses Nazi symbolism in the national media one has to ask himself, if being raised by a fanatical Nazi, who volunteered for organizations that carried out pogroms and assisted in the officially-sanctioned, mass murders of millions of civilians, including women and children, did not have an effect on that son.
Below is a photo of Gustav Schwarzenegger, Arnold Schwarzenegger’s father. Gustav also liked to show signs that reveal his political sympathy. He is sporting a Hitler mustache probably not just because it was in fashion, but as a sign of his admiration for Hitler. The toothbrush mustache may have been popular at one time in Austria, but probably not by the time the war started unless you were a supporter if Hitler’s. No one joined the Brown Shirt’s either, unless they were a fanatical Nazi.
When the war began Gustav Schwarzenegger is reported to have joined the Wehrmacht (military police or “Feldgendarmerie”, Battalion 521). The Wehrmacht routinely cooperated with the SS-Einsatzgruppen (Death Squads) to round up Jews and other civilians for extermination and assisted in the mass murder of “undesirable” populations on the Eastern Front where Gustav Schwarzenegger was deployed. The military police would have been instrumental in these operations. Gustav Schwarzenegger is reported to have been stationed in Poland, the Ukraine and East Russia an area which is the “ground zero” of the Holocaust. SS-Einsatzgruppen and assisting Wehrmacht and native groups exterminated an estimated 1.5 million people in this area and the Wehrmacht is reported to have cooperated routinely in these operations. The Wehrmacht is also reported to have performed many such atrocities on it’s own and deprived civilians populations and prisoners of war of food and supplies, so that many died of starved or died without needed supplies. Due to their expertise as police, the Feldgendarmerie would be often used to assist the operations and with the Einsatzgruppen with carrying out their atrocities. The Feldgendarmerie also fought partisans and carried out brutal atrocities on their own account. The Soviets so hated them for there treatment of prisoners of war and partisans that they offered a bounty for members of the Feldgendarmerie. Go to the link below to download a PDF file which gives and overview about how complicit the Wehrmacht was, in war crimes and how the Wehrmacht cooperated with the SS-Einsatzgruppen.The men that carried out the massacre of about 1.5 million people were sent home without a record of war crimes. A camp guard at Auschwitz could probably also be said to have no record of atrocities. What is known, though, is that Gustav Schwarzenegger was a fanatical Nazi and he was a member of a group that rounded up people for the SS-Einsatzgruppen for extermination, just as the Brown Shirts did, in a place where more than million people were rounded up and mass murdered. If he personally assisted in these atrocities, there would likely be no record, since mainly higher ranking leaders were prosecuted and he did not have high enough rank to be worth prosecuting. It seems very likely that he did participate at some level, because the atrocities were so widespread and massive, the nature of his job as a military policeman and the fact that these atrocities were carried out with the routine support of all the forces available, as required.
The Einsatzgruppen were ordered by Hitler via Reichführer Himmler with exterminating Jews, Gypsies, the leaderships of occupied nations and others that were just “undesirable” such as the handicapped and insane. This was the normal method of mass killing before the extermination camps were implemented. They did this by shooting men, women and children into killing pits. The victims would be told to bring up to 40-50 pounds of belongings for “relocation” to another area. They would, of course, bring what valuables they had. They were transported to the killing area, forced to strip and hand over any valuables before being murdered. The Einsatzgruppen also used killing vans as mobile gas chambers, loaded civilians into the vans and gassed them with carbon monoxide exhaust fumes. These operations were massive, designed to exterminate entire civilian populations. Given that the numbers of SS troops, military police and other allied militia groups from the occupied land were relatively few, it seems likely that any given policeman stationed in the area participated in some way in these horrific mass murders. The murders were carried out by official order and were the norm, not the exception. It was not exactly a secret among the German military or the German public that this was what was being done. The massacres were talked about in code words sometimes in the official orders, but it was widely known what was happing to Jews and other undesirables in the area. The ultimate goal was to kill 20-30 million people in the east, transport millions more “undesirables” further east, colonize the land with Germans, absorb whatever groups that could pass for Germanic and use the survivors as slaves to build the new German Reich. Again Gustav Schwarzenegger was a fanatic believer in the Nazi cause and was deployed in this area in a organization that routinely assisted in these mass murders.
As an amusing, but not too serious sidenote, Schwarzenegger’s middle name “Alois” is also the name of Adolf Hitler’s Father and Brother, who operated a bar in Berlin that was popular with the Brown Shirts. The old Brown Shirt, Gustav Schwarzenegger, gave his son the name, “Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger”. “Arnold” is uncomfortably close in sound and meaning to “Adolf” which was probably frowned upon by 1947 in Austria. “Adolf” is a Germanic name and means “Noble Wolf”. “Arnold” is also a strong, Germanic name that means “Powerful Eagle”. Maybe Gustav Schwarzenegger had a favorite brother or uncle, named “Alois”, who knows? However it seems that his father may have wanted to tie him as closely as possible to the Hitler’s. Many European countries regulate the names of babies and “Adolf” may have not have been allowed by 1947. Not that it is important, but just a side note.
Nazi Lover Schwarzenegger: Make Me President of European UnionThe Austrian-born former body builder, 63, at loose ends as he tries to figure out what his next act should be, reportedly is being advised by aides to return to his native Europe to run for the EU presidency,” reports the AFP.
“In the next few years, the EU will be looking for a much more high-profile president – somebody who can unify Europe,” Schwarzenegger’s chief of staff Terry Tamminen told Newsweek.
The role of unelected unifier fits Schwarzenegger’s aspirations perfectly. His high profile includes an admiration for one of the 20th century’s most brutal dictators, Adolph Hitler.
A film producer who chronicled Schwarzenegger’s rise to fame as a champion bodybuilder in the 1970′s circulated a book proposal in the late 90s that quoted the young Schwarzenegger expressing admiration for Hitler.
The producer wrote in his book proposal that in the 1970′s, he considered Mr. Schwarzenegger a “flagrant, outspoken admirer of Hitler.,” the New York Times reported in 2003. In the proposal, Mr. Butler also said he had witnessed Schwarzenegger playing “Nazi marching songs from long-playing records in his collection at home” and said that the actor “frequently clicked his heels and pretended to be an S.S. officer.”
Gustav Schwarzenegger, the actor’s father, was a member of the Sturmabteilung, or SA, the Nazi party’s paramilitary wing. News reports about the elder Schwarzenegger’s Nazi links first surfaced in 1990.
Schwarzenegger was buddies with Kurt Waldheim, the former secretary general of the United Nations who had a past as a Nazi who participated in atrocities during World War II.
The EU presidency is an unelected office. The current president, Herman van Rompuy, was taken to task last year by British MEP Nigel Farage who criticized the Bilderberg member as “the quiet assassin of European nation states” who has “the charisma of a damp rag and the appearance of a low grade bank clerk.”
Van Rompuy proclaimed 2009 as the year of world government. “2009 is also the first year of global governance, with the establishment of the G20 in the middle of the financial crisis. The climate conference in Copenhagen is another step towards the global management of our planet,” he said. Prior to this declaration, he attended a Bilderberg meeting at Hertoginnendal, Brussels.
The Nazi-loving Schwarzenegger would be the perfect president for a body that repeatedly calls for global governance, that is to say an authoritarian world government of the sort lorded over by unelected bureaucrats and run by a hereditary elite and a gaggle of international bankers.
Newsweek reports that Schwarzenegger is preparing himself for the role by working with the United Nations “and other organizations on climate change and numerous other charitable causes.”
Prior to considering the EU post, Schwarzenegger expressed an interest in becoming the president of the United States. Fortunately, the U.S. Constitution stands between him and that office.
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During recent meeting in London between Schwarzenegger and Prime Minister David Cameron, the British leader said: “We need to change the (US) Constitution and then you can run (for president). That’s what we’re going to do.”
Robby Robinson, a former Mr. America, Mr. World and Mr. Universe titleholder, who worked with Schwarzenegger in the 1970s claims Schwarzenegger repeatedly directed the term "nigger" at him.But can you honestly look at the evil zombie looking nigger and say it belongs on earth? Negro athletes and rappers routinely get their firearms charges reduced or dismissed. For example, Burress's Jewish attorney, Benjamin Brafman, got "Puff Daddy's" illegal weapons charge dropped.
A White man facing a gun violation? As one of our local judges used to say, "Bring your toothbrush on sentencing day."
Before joining the police force, Gustav Schwarzenegger was a military officer, and he ran his household in strict military fashion. Both Arnold and Meinhard were required to get up before sunrise to tend to their chores. After chores came a rigorous exercise routine, followed by breakfast. Gustav also instilled a love of sports in his sons. Meinhard, who died when he was twenty-three years old in a car accident, was a boxing champion. Arnold showed promise as a soccer player. It was while performing exercises to strengthen his legs for soccer that Schwarzenegger turned to the sport that would eventually make him famous: bodybuilding.
Arnold Schwarzenegger pursued weightlifting and bodybuilding with a passion. He trained for hours a day, both at a local gym and at home where he set up a training area in a room that had no heat. He also studied anatomy and nutrition to understand how to become physically fit. His parents worried that he was obsessed with training, but Schwarzenegger had his eyes on a goal; that goal was to leave his little village behind and become a success in America.
Mr. Universe
In 1965, after he graduated from high school, Schwarzenegger joined the Austrian army. Just one month after enlisting, he won his first bodybuilding title, Mr. Junior Europe. The competition was held in Germany, and Schwarzenegger had left his army base without permission to compete. As a result, he spent the next year in the brig, which is a holding area for people in the military who have committed offenses. After he was released, Schwarzenegger resumed his training with gusto, often spending up to five hours a day in the gym.
His grueling schedule paid off in 1967, when, at the age of twenty, Schwarzenegger won his first Mr. Universe title. The Mr. Universe competition is an annual event sponsored by the National Amateur Bodybuilders Association (NABBA). Competitors are judged on such things as size and definition of muscles, balance and proportion of body parts, and overall presentation. The youngest person to ever win the competition, Schwarzenegger was confident that he would keep his title the following year. He was also excited because his dream of traveling to the United States was about to come true since the 1968 Mr. Universe competition was to be held in Miami, Florida.
Although he did not win the 1968 title in Miami, Schwarzenegger was noticed by fitness pioneer Joe Weider (1922–). Weider was so impressed by the young bodybuilder that he invited him to stay in the United States and live and train with him in Los Angeles, California. Schwarzenegger jumped at the chance. Weider became Schwarzenegger's mentor, and from the late 1960s through the 1970s, Schwarzenegger devoted himself to training and competing. He reclaimed his Mr. Universe crown in 1969, and went on to dominate every major bodybuilding competition, including Mr. Universe, Mr. World, and Mr. Olympia.
In addition to being a star bodybuilder, Schwarzenegger helped popularize the sport. He wrote articles about his unique training methods for Weider's fitness magazines; he also was featured in a 1977 documentary about bodybuilding competitions, called Pumping Iron. The documentary was quite popular and gave Schwarzenegger his first taste of Hollywood celebrity. In 1980, at the age of thirty-three, he officially retired from odybuilding to devote himself to a new career: acting.
Box-office gold
Schwarzenegger made a few low-budget movies in the 1970s, cast mostly in small roles that required big muscles, not big talent. In 1982 he was tapped to play the lead in Conan the Barbarian, based on the comic-book hero of the same name. Again, Schwarzenegger's strength was in his biceps, not his acting skills. Critics panned his performance, claiming that it was nearly impossible to understand his German-accented English. Audiences, however, loved the movie, which turned out to be a box-office hit. Two years later, in 1984, Schwarzenegger cemented his box-office appeal when he appeared in the movie The Terminator.
In The Terminator, Schwarzenegger played a violent cyborg (part robot, part human) who is sent from the future to exterminate the mother of humankind's future leader. He spoke seventy-four words in the movie, all delivered in a monotone, robotic voice. Audiences did not mind the lack of acting ability, and they flocked to see Schwarzenegger in the sci-fi thriller. The movie was so popular that Schwarzenegger became known for his character's famous one-liner: "I'll be back," or as Schwarzenegger pronounced it, "Awl be buck."
Action movies like The Terminator proved to be wildly popular with people of all ages, and Schwarzenegger proved to be the perfect action hero. He followed The Terminator with a string of movies, including Commando (1985), Predator (1987), Total Recall (1990), and True Lies (1994). He also continued the Terminator movies, starring in Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991), which produced the famous line, "Hasta la vista, baby," and Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003). For his role in Terminator 3, Schwarzenegger was paid $30 million.
In addition to playing the tough-as-nails hero, Schwarzenegger starred in a number of comedies, including three movies made by director Ivan Reitman (1946–): Twins (1988), Kindergarten Cop (1990), and Junior (1994). Moviegoers embraced the "lighter side of Arnold," and critics admitted that Schwarzenegger was growing as an actor. Everyone agreed that he was box-office gold. In fact, in 1993, he was recognized as the International Box Office Star of the Decade.
By 2004 Schwarzenegger had appeared in nearly thirty movies, and he brought his unique style to each role. One thing he never lost was his accent. Comedians and critics made countless jokes about the way "Ah-nuld" talked, but Schwarzenegger seemed to take it in stride. He also explained in a 1991 interview with Pat Broeske that he did not want to get rid of his accent completely because it had become, Broeske noted, "his trademark, his signature."The family man
Schwarzenegger's trademark made him a very wealthy actor, and he used his money wisely, investing in real estate and several businesses, including the restaurant chain Planet Hollywood. He was also a devoted family man. Schwarzenegger met his wife, television journalist Maria Shriver (1955–), in 1977. The couple married in 1986; they
have four children, two boys and two girls. Shriver was no stranger to celebrity, considering she is part of one of the most famous families in the United States. Her mother, Eunice Kennedy Shriver (1921–), is the sister of U.S. president John F. Kennedy (1917–1963).
Most people thought that the couple made a very odd pair. He was a brawny bodybuilder turned actor. She was a "brain" who graduated from Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., and was coanchor of CBS Morning News. He was a well-known supporter of the Republican Party. The Republican Party is considered to be the more conservative of the two major political parties in the United States. Shriver, as part of the Kennedy clan, was a Democrat to the core. Members of the Democratic Party are traditionally considered to be more liberal. Those closest to the couple, however, say they are a perfect match. Both have competitive drives; both are committed to their family; and both share a wacky sense of humor.
The Schwarzeneggers also share a commitment to politics and to social causes. Since 1979 they have been devoted to the Special Olympics, helping to raise funds and awareness. Established by Eunice Shriver in 1968, Special Olympics provides year-round sports training and sponsors annual athletic competitions for children and adults with mental retardation. There are Special Olympics programs in almost 150 countries; Arnold serves as the Special Olympics International Weight Training Coach.

We MUST not change the Constitution Wake up folks, this is THE ultimate Trojan Horse; if passed, it will eventually enable a Mexican to be elected president of the USA, which with the current demographic changes, & the wetback birth rate being what it is, very likely by 2050 or much sooner He is an Austrian migrant who wants the U.S Constitution amended so that he can run for president. Where have we heard that before from an Austrian migrant who wanted a Constitution amended so that he could run for CHANCELLOR Mr. Schwarzenegger said, according to the transcript contained in the book proposal. "I admired Hitler, for instance, because he came from being a little man with almost no formal education up to power. And I admire him for being such a good public speaker and for what he did with it."
In addition to the transcript, Mr. Butler wrote in his book proposal that in the 1970's, he considered Mr. Schwarzenegger a "flagrant, outspoken admirer of Hitler." In the proposal, Mr. Butler also said he had witnessed Mr. Schwarzenegger playing "Nazi marching songs from long-playing records in his collection at home" and said that the actor "frequently clicked his heels and pretended to be an S.S. officer."
Mr. Schwarzenegger has gone to great lengths during this campaign to erase any suggestion that he has had ties to Nazi Germany, a charge he has encountered repeatedly in his public career. In 1993, in fact, Mr. Schwarzenegger was awarded damages in a libel suit in London against a British journalist who wrote several years earlier that the actor held Nazi views and admired Hitler. Democrats are getting pretty desperate. They are pulling out the "Hitler-Card." Yeah... you're NOT a liberal if you're a Republican. You're a Nazi whether that's figurative or literal. In this case the Democrats claim Arnold is no liberal cause he loves Hitler. I say lets get this changed to let it state:

“No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States OF AT LEAST 20 YEARS, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.”
I think the current statement of Article 2, Section 1 is unfair. There are great leaders out there who were not born in the US. Some of these leaders who became US citizens love and appreciate this country more than many of those who were born here and take it for granted. They have lived life outside the US and know what it means to be an American citizen. Know what it means to live free and have their families live in a free world. I believe Arnold Schwarzenegger is one of these people. Mr. Schwarzenegger as President of the United States of America is almost like Mr. Schwarzenegger as President of the world. I realize this is a bold statement, but the man is loved and admired all over the world. People listen to him. People respect him. This is the kind of person we need running these great United States.

He has already proved himself a great American. Now please help in changing this unfair statement of the constitution to allow what we know will one day happen, so why not now. I realize it may take more than a petition to get something changed in the constitution, but hey, we have to start somewhere. Let us, as fans of Mr. Schwarzenegger, give a little back, give a little something back to the man that I know shaped the way many of us lead our lives today.
Personally, I would rather see him make more movies. However, he should not, and WE should not, be denied the right to see “The one and only, ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER” become President of the United States of America. Ronald Reagan: My hero, and eternal light for the world

By Arnold Schwarzenegger
For several days, we have been hearing what Ronald Reagan meant to the world.
We all have such vivid memories of him, because he was a man of clarity — in his heart, in his faith, in his convictions and in his actions. His was a strong, unwavering flame that burned brightly. That is why, although we have not seen him in 10 years, he appears to us so clearly today.
Reagan was a hero to me. I became a citizen of the United States when he was president, and he is the first president I voted for as an American citizen. He inspired me and made me even prouder to be a new American.
He used to talk about the letter he received from a man who said, "You can go and live in Turkey, but you can't become Turkish. You can go and live in Japan, but you can't become Japanese. You can go to live in Germany or France, but you can't become German or French." But the man said that anyone from any corner of the world could come to America and become an American.
When I heard President Reagan tell that story, I said to myself, "Arnold, you Austrian immigrant, he is talking to you. He is saying that you will fit in here. You will be a real American, able to follow your dreams."
He represented America
President Reagan symbolized to me what America represented — hope, opportunity, freedom. He made us remember that the United States stood for something great and noble. Once again, it was alright to stand tall and believe in this country, and in ourselves.
He made each of us, no matter our station in life, feel part of something larger and grander. He saw America as an "empire of ideals," and he advanced those ideals to the world.
Just Monday, I spoke with some of my friends in Austria and Germany. They told me that every single newspaper, every television station, every radio program around the clock is reporting on the life and death of Ronald Reagan. The reports are not just about the passing of an American president, but intimate stories that capture the essence of the person and the persona — as if he were one of their own.

Why are people everywhere so deeply and personally affected by Ronald Reagan's legacy? Because his leadership profoundly influenced not only America, but also the world. He embodied the very things that all people desire, the same things that draw immigrants like myself to the United States: an unfailing optimism, a devotion to freedom and a belief in the goodness of humankind.
He is a role model for any of us who have been granted the public trust as an elected leader. He led a life of public service with common sense and uncommon purpose. And he taught me something very special about this country: That here, the greatest power is not derived from privilege; it is derived from the people.
President Reagan's unshakable faith in the people reminds us that despite the challenges we face, by the power of our collective resolve, we are a mighty force for goodness and progress.
Words of action
He said, "To those who are faint-hearted and unsure, I have this message: If you are afraid of the future, then get out of the way, stand aside. The people of this country are ready to move again."
These are words of action, fitting for a nation whose best days are always ahead. Every generation can nourish the American experience — with more opportunity, stronger security, greater equality, new discoveries.
Ronald Reagan is gone, but his spirit remains with us in all of its vigor and charm. We see the twinkle in his eye, the winning smile on his face, and we hear his message of optimism, courage and strength.
He once said, "In this springtime of hope, some lights seem eternal. America's is." We are thankful for the life of Ronald Reagan, and blessed that his own light is eternal.

The former Terminator actor was born in Austria and the US Constitution prevents foreigncitizens from holding the nation's top job.
When asked by TV host Jay Leno on The Tonight Show if he would make a run for the White House if the law was changed, he replied "Without any doubt."
Any bid however would have to overcome the Constitution - any amendment must be approved by two-thirds majorities in the House of Representatives and Senate, and then be ratified by three-fourths of state legislatures.
Mr Schwarzenegger's spokesman Aaron McLear said the governor does not think that will happen. Schwarzenegger: Ship Inmates to Mexico California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger floated a novel, if unofficial, proposal Monday that could save the state $1 billion - build and operate prisons in Mexico to house undocumented inmates. "We pay them to build the prisons down in Mexico and then we have those undocumented immigrants be down there in a prison. ... And all this, it would be half the cost to build the prisons and half the cost to run the prisons," Schwarzenegger told the Sacramento Press Club, according to a San Francisco Chronicle report.
POLITICAL CAREER OF ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGERArnold Schwarzenegger is a popular actor who was first elected as Governor of California in the 2003 recall election and won re-election in 2006. It is the first elected office he has held, but was appointed by President George H.W. Bush to the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, in which he served from 1990 to 1993 and was Chairman of California Governor's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports under Governor Pete Wilson

Recall election
“ | Gray Davis has terminated hope. He has terminated opportunity. He has terminated education and he has terminated jobs. Now it's time to terminate him. | ” |
Schwarzenegger was sworn into office on November 17, 2003. Schwarzenegger's inauguration was opened by Vanessa L. Williams, his co-star from Eraser, singing the National Anthem. Hollywood attendees included Danny DeVito, Rhea Perlman, Dennis Miller, Tom Arnold, his wife Shelby, and Rob Lowe (only Miller was a Republican).
The Schwarzenegger children joined others in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, then Maria Shriver spoke and held the Bible while Schwarzenegger was sworn into the office of Governor. He spoke briefly: "Today is a new day in California. I did not seek this office to do things the way they've always been done. What I care about is restoring your confidence in your government... This election was not about replacing one man. It was not replacing one party. It was about changing the entire political climate of our state."
First years: 2003–2004
Despite expectations that Schwarzenegger would be vulnerable to opposition critics once taking office, his early governorship showed some successes. He has dealt successfully with California politicians as diverse as John Burton on the left to Tom McClintock on the right. At the end of May 2004, the Field poll put his popularity at 65%, the highest for a California governor in 45 years, including 41% of Democrats. By comparison, former United States President Ronald Reagan, known as "the Great Communicator," never hit 60% approval while serving as California governor.[6] Due to his role in the Terminator movies, people referred to him as the "Governator."Early momentum
In his first few hours in office Schwarzenegger fulfilled his campaign promise to repeal an unpopular 200% increase in vehicle license fees undertaken to fund the state's budget. The increase was a restoration to 1998 levels. On his first full day in office, Schwarzenegger proposed a three-point plan to address the budget woes. First, Schwarzenegger proposed floating US$15 billion in bonds.Second, he urged voters to pass a constitutional amendment to limit state spending. Third, he sought an overhaul of workers' compensation. Schwarzenegger also called the state legislature into a special session and said that spending cuts would also be necessary. He initiated the cuts by agreeing to serve as governor with no salary, a saving of $175,000 (USD) per year.
Propositions 57 and 58
To fulfill the first two points, he urged California voters to pass Proposition 57 and Proposition 58 in the March 2, 2004, election, which authorized the sale of $15 billion in bonds and mandated balanced budgets, respectively. Despite initially tepid support from the public, the combination of heavy campaigning by Schwarzenegger, endorsements from a number of leading Democrats, and warnings about the dire consequences should the propositions fail to pass, led to majority votes in favor of the two propositions. Prop. 57 passed with 63.3% of the votes in favor and Prop. 58 passed with 71.0% in favor. He accomplished the third point when he signed a workers' compensation reform bill on April 19, 2004.Schwarzenegger convinced the Democratic-controlled state legislature to approve the package by threatening to take the issue directly to state voters in a November ballot initiative if the legislature did not act. The economic moves had the effect of up-grading the International Bond Market's projections for the California market at least three points. After Governor Schwarzenegger addressed the finances, the bond-rating went up three points and saved the State of California over $20 billion in bond-rated interest over ten years.
[ Special interests
Schwarzenegger was later criticized for reneging on his campaign pledges not to take money from special interests and for failing to answer directly the sexual harassment allegations raised by the Los Angeles Times immediately preceding the recall election. However, Schwarzenegger made a point shortly after becoming governor of voluntarily attending a training course conducted by the state Attorney General's office on preventing sexual harassment (along with several members of his senior staff). Schwarzenegger continues to collect campaign contributions from private interests[7] at a greater rate than any politician in California history, including Gray Davis, whom he criticized on that very issueDeath penaltyIn February 2004, he chose not to pardon convicted murderer Kevin Cooper who had asked him for clemency in his death penalty sentence. Cooper's planned execution was stayed by the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals pending a revisiting of evidence. The first execution under his administration was that of Donald Beardslee.[citation needed]
An Austrian Green Party spokesman, Peter Pilz, later called for Schwarzenegger to be stripped of his Austrian citizenship. Pilz said that "Capital punishment is unacceptable in Austria and in Europe, and no Austrian citizen may take part in it or arrange it."[9]
The governor has granted clemency to a number of convicted felons – more than Democratic predecessor Gray Davis, who presided over numerous executions[citation needed]. The power of clemency is often controversial[citation needed]. After a longer period of consideration than is usual, on December 12, 2005, Schwarzenegger denied clemency to quadruple murderer Stanley Tookie Williams, who was executed the following day[citation needed].
In a statement Schwarzenegger argued not on the grounds that Williams' actions were beyond atonement: instead he appeared to acknowledge that atonement was possible, but Williams had not done so, Schwarzenegger stating that "the one thing (apologizing for the four murders he committed) that would be the clearest indication of complete remorse and full redemption is the one thing Williams will not do."[10]] Taxation and economic issues
In March 2004, libertarian policy research foundation, The Cato Institute, rated him 1st in their 2004 fiscal policy report card of the tax and spending policies of the nation's governors.[11] In July 2004, however, Schwarzenegger and the state legislature deadlocked, failing to approve the state budget on time. Trying to rouse public support for his position, he compared lawmakers to kindergarteners who need a "timeout," and in a rally of supporters called his budget opponents "girlie men" (a reference to a long-running Saturday Night Live skit parodying Schwarzenegger).
] The "girlie-men" flap
He said about the legislators: "They are part of a bureaucracy that is out of shape, that is out of date, that is out of touch and that is definitely out of control in Sacramento. They cannot have the guts to come out there in front of you and say, 'I don't want to represent you. I want to represent those special interests: the unions, the trial lawyers.' ...if they don't have the guts, I call them girlie-men. They should get back to the table and they should finish the budget".The remark became national news and was not received well by his opponents, including gay advocacy, feminist groups, and effeminate men in general, labeling it homophobic and sexist, in spite of his earlier support for gay rights (see the Gavin Newsom incident above), not to mention the legislators themselves. Others however, were quick to claim that the critics were expressing a sentiment of latent homophobia themselves because they automatically connected the phrase "girlie-men" with homosexuals, though the term was first used on Saturday Night Live to parody his political career. The term "girlie-man" was arguably the Governor taking a bit of a pot-shot at himself, as the phrase is derived from the popular Saturday Night Live sketch "Pumping Up With Hans and Franz" where two Austrian bodybuilders chastise those not sufficiently bulked up as "girlie men."
His supporters made "girly men" T-shirts and the Governor continued to use the term, including when he addressed the Republican National Convention in NYC, calling critics of the current U.S. economic situation "economic girlie men".GOVERNORSHIP 2009

The state government of California started 2009 with a debt of $42 billion, making it difficult for Schwarzenegger to work with law makers and to maintain his party obligations at the same time. After a drawn out process, the governor signed a budget on February 20, 2009.
In an attempt to replenish the California general fund, residents will see an increase in their taxes and a one percent increase in sales tax (from 7.76–8.76). In a controversial move, the Governor also declared two Fridays per month as furloughs day for state workers, meaning that they will not come into work and will not be paid.[37]
On April 13, 2009, Governor Schwarzenegger and Fresno Mayor Ashley Swearengin held a press conference to announce the Allied Health Initiative, a $32 million public-private partnership aimed at adding thousands of critically needed allied health professionals.[38]
On April 15, 2009, Governor Schwarzenegger was served with a notice of intent to recall by a group calling themselves "Taxpayers United to Recall Governor Schwarzenegger".
The Governor sponsored several initiatives on a May 19 ballot. The main proposition, prop 1A sought to raise taxes to raise a total of $16 billion. A summary of prop 1A is as follows:
Changes the budget process. Could limit future deficits and spending by increasing the size of the state "rainy day" fund and requiring above-average revenues to be deposited into it, for use during economic downturns and other purposes. Fiscal Impact: Higher state tax revenues of roughly $16 billion from 2010–11 through 2012–13. Over time, increased amounts of money in state rainy day reserve and potentially less ups and downs in state spending.[39]Arnold campaigned for Kurt Waldheim (shown with his minion on the left), once the head of the UN and a top Nazi.

Maria Shriver of the Kennedy clan invited Walheim to their wedding (years after he had been part of an international scandal concerning the Nazi party), where this lovely photo was taken. Notice Maria's charming wave...(same gesture as other illuminati members use such as Bu$h).

Keep in mind that Arnold's Father was a police official in the Nazi SS.

By Katherine Corcoran
San Jose Mercury News
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, known for stirring the ethnic melting pot with his off-the-cuff remarks, gave his Democratic opponents more ammunition Thursday when he declared that Mexican immigrants have difficulty assimilating in the United States because they're so close to their home country.
``They try to stay Mexican but try to be in America, so there's this back and forth,'' Schwarzenegger said, surrounded by Asian-Americans at a Moon Festival celebration in Los Angeles. ``What I say to Mexicans is you have got to go immerse yourself and assimilate into American culture and become part of the American fabric. That's how Americans will embrace you.
``The secret -- if there is one -- to success, I was embraced by the American people because I love America, I learned the language and I made every effort to become American.''
On May 5, two weeks before the special election, the Governor warned the public that he does not like scare tactics, but "he warned of dire consequences if voters don't pass the six special election measures". With polls indicating that California voters are going to vote NO on props 1A-E, and in fact the voters subsequently did vote against the proposed tax increases by almost 2:1, the Governor is worried that the budget will have to be sent back to be hashed out between the two houses
What the Totenkopf Symbol Represents

Many Americans do not know the significance of the Totenkopf symbol, to which Schwarzenegger’s buckle alludes. There would probably be a massive outcry if Arnold Schwarzenegger wore the more well-known, Nazi Swastika or Confederate Flag on his belt buckle, or anything that resembled it. There would be riots in the streets, if he decided to appear on the cover of time in a white hood and sheets. However, the meaning of the Totenkopf, although less well-recognized and understood, is really worse than that of the Swastika or any of these symbols.
The Swastika is a general symbol for Nazism. However, he Totenkopf alludes to the logo of some of the most ruthless and fanatical Nazis, the SS. Some people joined the Nazi Party for social and career reasons. A particular version of the Totenkopf insignia (that of the 3rd Waffen SS Division Totenkopf) is the one that many people recognize as a Nazi symbol. However, a generic skull can be used as a symbol of Nazism, in the right context. The context here is that of a man whose father was a fanatical Nazi and whose own feelings about Nazism have been called into question. The Totenkopf symbolizes death to the enemies of the Nazis, and since the SS ran the extermination camps and einsatzgruppen, it especially is a symbol of the mass murder comitted by the Nazis and of the Holocaust.
Schwarzenegger’s Father, a Brown Shirt and Nazi

A son is, of course, not guilty of the sins of the father. But most fathers do pass some values and attitudes to their sons and it is worthwhile to consider what kind of attitudes Arnold Schwarzenegger’s father had that the son may have learned from him. USA Today reported here that his father applied to join the Nazi party on March 1, 1938, about two weeks before Austria was annexed and while it was still illegal in Austria. There is some confusion about when his application was accepted. It may not have been accepted until 1941, about the time he joined the Wehrmacht.However nearly a year after he applied to join the Nazi party, he joined the Brown Shirts (or SA), also called Nazi Storm Troopers. That means he was not just a member of the Nazi party, who may have joined for social reasons. No one joined the Brown Shirts, just because they wanted a better career or to help feed their family. They were the street fighters that fought opponents of the Nazi Dictatorship in the streets and rounded up “Undesirables” to be shipped off to concentration camps. It means that he was a fanatical supporter of the Nazi cause, who wanted to actively support the takeover at that time of Austria by the Nazi Reich and the elimination of Jews and others considered to be “undesirables by the Nazis.As said already, a son obviously should not be held responsible for what his father did or may have may have done. However, when Schwarzenegger so blatantly uses Nazi symbolism in the national media one has to ask himself, if being raised by a fanatical Nazi, who volunteered for organizations that carried out pogroms and assisted in the officially-sanctioned, mass murders of millions of civilians, including women and children, did not have an effect on that son.
Below is a photo of Gustav Schwarzenegger, Arnold Schwarzenegger’s father. Gustav also liked to show signs that reveal his political sympathy. He is sporting a Hitler mustache probably not just because it was in fashion, but as a sign of his admiration for Hitler. The toothbrush mustache may have been popular at one time in Austria, but probably not by the time the war started unless you were a supporter if Hitler’s. No one joined the Brown Shirt’s either, unless they were a fanatical Nazi.
Graz is Arnold Schwarzenegger’s home town. Gustav Schwarzenegger volunteered for the Brown Shirts (SA) which instigated Kristallnacht on May 1, 1938 about 6 months after it occurred. During Kristallnacht on November 9-10, 1938 the Synagogue in Graz was burned down. So, Schwarzenegger apparently did not have a problem with rounding up Jews and other such “enemies” of the Nazi Reich and having them shipped in cattle cars to concentration camps, because it was no secret that that was what the SA had done. In fact, over the next two years the 2,000 Jews that lived in Graz either fled or were rounded up and sent to extermination camps. Since Gustav volunteered to be a Brown Shirt at that time, one can assume that he probably took part in this round-up of Jews in his home town and even volunteered, because he was eager to help get rid of the local Jews.When the war began Gustav Schwarzenegger is reported to have joined the Wehrmacht (military police or “Feldgendarmerie”, Battalion 521). The Wehrmacht routinely cooperated with the SS-Einsatzgruppen (Death Squads) to round up Jews and other civilians for extermination and assisted in the mass murder of “undesirable” populations on the Eastern Front where Gustav Schwarzenegger was deployed. The military police would have been instrumental in these operations. Gustav Schwarzenegger is reported to have been stationed in Poland, the Ukraine and East Russia an area which is the “ground zero” of the Holocaust. SS-Einsatzgruppen and assisting Wehrmacht and native groups exterminated an estimated 1.5 million people in this area and the Wehrmacht is reported to have cooperated routinely in these operations. The Wehrmacht is also reported to have performed many such atrocities on it’s own and deprived civilians populations and prisoners of war of food and supplies, so that many died of starved or died without needed supplies. Due to their expertise as police, the Feldgendarmerie would be often used to assist the operations and with the Einsatzgruppen with carrying out their atrocities. The Feldgendarmerie also fought partisans and carried out brutal atrocities on their own account. The Soviets so hated them for there treatment of prisoners of war and partisans that they offered a bounty for members of the Feldgendarmerie. Go to the link below to download a PDF file which gives and overview about how complicit the Wehrmacht was, in war crimes and how the Wehrmacht cooperated with the SS-Einsatzgruppen.The men that carried out the massacre of about 1.5 million people were sent home without a record of war crimes. A camp guard at Auschwitz could probably also be said to have no record of atrocities. What is known, though, is that Gustav Schwarzenegger was a fanatical Nazi and he was a member of a group that rounded up people for the SS-Einsatzgruppen for extermination, just as the Brown Shirts did, in a place where more than million people were rounded up and mass murdered. If he personally assisted in these atrocities, there would likely be no record, since mainly higher ranking leaders were prosecuted and he did not have high enough rank to be worth prosecuting. It seems very likely that he did participate at some level, because the atrocities were so widespread and massive, the nature of his job as a military policeman and the fact that these atrocities were carried out with the routine support of all the forces available, as required.

The Einsatzgruppen were ordered by Hitler via Reichführer Himmler with exterminating Jews, Gypsies, the leaderships of occupied nations and others that were just “undesirable” such as the handicapped and insane. This was the normal method of mass killing before the extermination camps were implemented. They did this by shooting men, women and children into killing pits. The victims would be told to bring up to 40-50 pounds of belongings for “relocation” to another area. They would, of course, bring what valuables they had. They were transported to the killing area, forced to strip and hand over any valuables before being murdered. The Einsatzgruppen also used killing vans as mobile gas chambers, loaded civilians into the vans and gassed them with carbon monoxide exhaust fumes. These operations were massive, designed to exterminate entire civilian populations. Given that the numbers of SS troops, military police and other allied militia groups from the occupied land were relatively few, it seems likely that any given policeman stationed in the area participated in some way in these horrific mass murders. The murders were carried out by official order and were the norm, not the exception. It was not exactly a secret among the German military or the German public that this was what was being done. The massacres were talked about in code words sometimes in the official orders, but it was widely known what was happing to Jews and other undesirables in the area. The ultimate goal was to kill 20-30 million people in the east, transport millions more “undesirables” further east, colonize the land with Germans, absorb whatever groups that could pass for Germanic and use the survivors as slaves to build the new German Reich. Again Gustav Schwarzenegger was a fanatic believer in the Nazi cause and was deployed in this area in a organization that routinely assisted in these mass murders.
As an amusing, but not too serious sidenote, Schwarzenegger’s middle name “Alois” is also the name of Adolf Hitler’s Father and Brother, who operated a bar in Berlin that was popular with the Brown Shirts. The old Brown Shirt, Gustav Schwarzenegger, gave his son the name, “Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger”. “Arnold” is uncomfortably close in sound and meaning to “Adolf” which was probably frowned upon by 1947 in Austria. “Adolf” is a Germanic name and means “Noble Wolf”. “Arnold” is also a strong, Germanic name that means “Powerful Eagle”. Maybe Gustav Schwarzenegger had a favorite brother or uncle, named “Alois”, who knows? However it seems that his father may have wanted to tie him as closely as possible to the Hitler’s. Many European countries regulate the names of babies and “Adolf” may have not have been allowed by 1947. Not that it is important, but just a side note.

“In the next few years, the EU will be looking for a much more high-profile president – somebody who can unify Europe,” Schwarzenegger’s chief of staff Terry Tamminen told Newsweek.
The role of unelected unifier fits Schwarzenegger’s aspirations perfectly. His high profile includes an admiration for one of the 20th century’s most brutal dictators, Adolph Hitler.
A film producer who chronicled Schwarzenegger’s rise to fame as a champion bodybuilder in the 1970′s circulated a book proposal in the late 90s that quoted the young Schwarzenegger expressing admiration for Hitler.
The producer wrote in his book proposal that in the 1970′s, he considered Mr. Schwarzenegger a “flagrant, outspoken admirer of Hitler.,” the New York Times reported in 2003. In the proposal, Mr. Butler also said he had witnessed Schwarzenegger playing “Nazi marching songs from long-playing records in his collection at home” and said that the actor “frequently clicked his heels and pretended to be an S.S. officer.”
Gustav Schwarzenegger, the actor’s father, was a member of the Sturmabteilung, or SA, the Nazi party’s paramilitary wing. News reports about the elder Schwarzenegger’s Nazi links first surfaced in 1990.
Schwarzenegger was buddies with Kurt Waldheim, the former secretary general of the United Nations who had a past as a Nazi who participated in atrocities during World War II.
The EU presidency is an unelected office. The current president, Herman van Rompuy, was taken to task last year by British MEP Nigel Farage who criticized the Bilderberg member as “the quiet assassin of European nation states” who has “the charisma of a damp rag and the appearance of a low grade bank clerk.”
Van Rompuy proclaimed 2009 as the year of world government. “2009 is also the first year of global governance, with the establishment of the G20 in the middle of the financial crisis. The climate conference in Copenhagen is another step towards the global management of our planet,” he said. Prior to this declaration, he attended a Bilderberg meeting at Hertoginnendal, Brussels.
The Nazi-loving Schwarzenegger would be the perfect president for a body that repeatedly calls for global governance, that is to say an authoritarian world government of the sort lorded over by unelected bureaucrats and run by a hereditary elite and a gaggle of international bankers.

Newsweek reports that Schwarzenegger is preparing himself for the role by working with the United Nations “and other organizations on climate change and numerous other charitable causes.”
Prior to considering the EU post, Schwarzenegger expressed an interest in becoming the president of the United States. Fortunately, the U.S. Constitution stands between him and that office.
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During recent meeting in London between Schwarzenegger and Prime Minister David Cameron, the British leader said: “We need to change the (US) Constitution and then you can run (for president). That’s what we’re going to do.”
Many say, though, that Arnold didn’t agree much with his father and they had nothing in common.ARNOLD DARED TO CALL A BEAST NIGGER SO THE JEWS ARE FOAMING WITH RAGE AT HIM,WHILE THEY SOLD OUT AMERICA FOR THE DARK ANIMALS.Robby Robinson, a former Mr. America, Mr. World and Mr. Universe titleholder, who worked with Schwarzenegger in the 1970s claims Schwarzenegger repeatedly directed the term "nigger" at him.But can you honestly look at the evil zombie looking nigger and say it belongs on earth? Negro athletes and rappers routinely get their firearms charges reduced or dismissed. For example, Burress's Jewish attorney, Benjamin Brafman, got "Puff Daddy's" illegal weapons charge dropped.
A White man facing a gun violation? As one of our local judges used to say, "Bring your toothbrush on sentencing day."

The need to succeed
Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger was born on July 30, 1947, the second son of Gustav and Aurelia Schwarzenegger. He was raised, along with older brother Meinhard, in the tiny village of Thal, just outside of Graz, Austria. Schwarzenegger's father, Gustav, was the local police chief, and the family lived above the police station where Gustav worked. The Schwarzenegger home was a humble one. In fact, they did not have indoor plumbing until Arnold was a teenager. This was not uncommon at the time, however, since families all over Europe were just beginning to recover from the effects of World War II (1939–45).Before joining the police force, Gustav Schwarzenegger was a military officer, and he ran his household in strict military fashion. Both Arnold and Meinhard were required to get up before sunrise to tend to their chores. After chores came a rigorous exercise routine, followed by breakfast. Gustav also instilled a love of sports in his sons. Meinhard, who died when he was twenty-three years old in a car accident, was a boxing champion. Arnold showed promise as a soccer player. It was while performing exercises to strengthen his legs for soccer that Schwarzenegger turned to the sport that would eventually make him famous: bodybuilding.
Arnold Schwarzenegger pursued weightlifting and bodybuilding with a passion. He trained for hours a day, both at a local gym and at home where he set up a training area in a room that had no heat. He also studied anatomy and nutrition to understand how to become physically fit. His parents worried that he was obsessed with training, but Schwarzenegger had his eyes on a goal; that goal was to leave his little village behind and become a success in America.
"I learned something from all these years of lifting and training hard.... What I learned was that we are always stronger than we know."
Mr. Universe 
In 1965, after he graduated from high school, Schwarzenegger joined the Austrian army. Just one month after enlisting, he won his first bodybuilding title, Mr. Junior Europe. The competition was held in Germany, and Schwarzenegger had left his army base without permission to compete. As a result, he spent the next year in the brig, which is a holding area for people in the military who have committed offenses. After he was released, Schwarzenegger resumed his training with gusto, often spending up to five hours a day in the gym. The Ronald Reagan Comparison
Arnold Schwarzenegger was not the first celebrity to hold public office. For example, professional wrestler Jesse "The Body" Ventura (1951–) was governor of Minnesota from 1998 until 2002, and from 1986 to 1988 actor/director Clint Eastwood (1930–) was mayor of Carmel, California. The best-known celebrity-turned-politician, however, may be Ronald Reagan (1911–2004), former governor of California (1967–1975) and president of the United States (1981–1989). Throughout his run for governor, Schwarzenegger was constantly compared to Reagan for some obvious reasons: both were actors, both were very charismatic speakers, and both were new to politics when they ran for office. But, are there other similarities?- Age: Schwarzenegger and Reagan were both fifty-six years old when they became governor of California.
- Nicknames: Reagan was known as "The Great Communicator" while Schwarzenegger was dubbed "The Oak" because of his strength and concentration.
Arnold Schwarzenegger poses with a bronze bust of President Ronald Reagan.
Mike Guastella/ - Sports: Both men shared a love of sports and got their start in the world of athletics. Schwarzenegger was a bodybuilder; Reagan played football and was a swimmer. Reagan also got his first break into show business as an announcer for football and baseball games in Iowa.
Although he did not win the 1968 title in Miami, Schwarzenegger was noticed by fitness pioneer Joe Weider (1922–). Weider was so impressed by the young bodybuilder that he invited him to stay in the United States and live and train with him in Los Angeles, California. Schwarzenegger jumped at the chance. Weider became Schwarzenegger's mentor, and from the late 1960s through the 1970s, Schwarzenegger devoted himself to training and competing. He reclaimed his Mr. Universe crown in 1969, and went on to dominate every major bodybuilding competition, including Mr. Universe, Mr. World, and Mr. Olympia.
In addition to being a star bodybuilder, Schwarzenegger helped popularize the sport. He wrote articles about his unique training methods for Weider's fitness magazines; he also was featured in a 1977 documentary about bodybuilding competitions, called Pumping Iron. The documentary was quite popular and gave Schwarzenegger his first taste of Hollywood celebrity. In 1980, at the age of thirty-three, he officially retired from odybuilding to devote himself to a new career: acting.
Box-office gold 
Schwarzenegger made a few low-budget movies in the 1970s, cast mostly in small roles that required big muscles, not big talent. In 1982 he was tapped to play the lead in Conan the Barbarian, based on the comic-book hero of the same name. Again, Schwarzenegger's strength was in his biceps, not his acting skills. Critics panned his performance, claiming that it was nearly impossible to understand his German-accented English. Audiences, however, loved the movie, which turned out to be a box-office hit. Two years later, in 1984, Schwarzenegger cemented his box-office appeal when he appeared in the movie The Terminator. In The Terminator, Schwarzenegger played a violent cyborg (part robot, part human) who is sent from the future to exterminate the mother of humankind's future leader. He spoke seventy-four words in the movie, all delivered in a monotone, robotic voice. Audiences did not mind the lack of acting ability, and they flocked to see Schwarzenegger in the sci-fi thriller. The movie was so popular that Schwarzenegger became known for his character's famous one-liner: "I'll be back," or as Schwarzenegger pronounced it, "Awl be buck."
Action movies like The Terminator proved to be wildly popular with people of all ages, and Schwarzenegger proved to be the perfect action hero. He followed The Terminator with a string of movies, including Commando (1985), Predator (1987), Total Recall (1990), and True Lies (1994). He also continued the Terminator movies, starring in Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991), which produced the famous line, "Hasta la vista, baby," and Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003). For his role in Terminator 3, Schwarzenegger was paid $30 million.
In addition to playing the tough-as-nails hero, Schwarzenegger starred in a number of comedies, including three movies made by director Ivan Reitman (1946–): Twins (1988), Kindergarten Cop (1990), and Junior (1994). Moviegoers embraced the "lighter side of Arnold," and critics admitted that Schwarzenegger was growing as an actor. Everyone agreed that he was box-office gold. In fact, in 1993, he was recognized as the International Box Office Star of the Decade.
By 2004 Schwarzenegger had appeared in nearly thirty movies, and he brought his unique style to each role. One thing he never lost was his accent. Comedians and critics made countless jokes about the way "Ah-nuld" talked, but Schwarzenegger seemed to take it in stride. He also explained in a 1991 interview with Pat Broeske that he did not want to get rid of his accent completely because it had become, Broeske noted, "his trademark, his signature."
The family man 
Schwarzenegger's trademark made him a very wealthy actor, and he used his money wisely, investing in real estate and several businesses, including the restaurant chain Planet Hollywood. He was also a devoted family man. Schwarzenegger met his wife, television journalist Maria Shriver (1955–), in 1977. The couple married in 1986; they 
Arnold Schwarzenegger supports Willie McKinney during the bench press competition of the 1999 Special Olympics World Games.
AP/Wide World Photos. Reproduced by permission.
Most people thought that the couple made a very odd pair. He was a brawny bodybuilder turned actor. She was a "brain" who graduated from Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., and was coanchor of CBS Morning News. He was a well-known supporter of the Republican Party. The Republican Party is considered to be the more conservative of the two major political parties in the United States. Shriver, as part of the Kennedy clan, was a Democrat to the core. Members of the Democratic Party are traditionally considered to be more liberal. Those closest to the couple, however, say they are a perfect match. Both have competitive drives; both are committed to their family; and both share a wacky sense of humor.
The Schwarzeneggers also share a commitment to politics and to social causes. Since 1979 they have been devoted to the Special Olympics, helping to raise funds and awareness. Established by Eunice Shriver in 1968, Special Olympics provides year-round sports training and sponsors annual athletic competitions for children and adults with mental retardation. There are Special Olympics programs in almost 150 countries; Arnold serves as the Special Olympics International Weight Training Coach.
In 1990 Schwarzenegger was given an incredible opportunity to spread his message about the importance of fitness when President George H. W. Bush (1924–) appointed him chairman of the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports (PCPFS). According to the PCPFS Web site, the goal of the council is to "promote, encourage and motivate Americans of all ages to become physically active and participate in sports." Schwarzenegger was the perfect spokesman. With high energy and unlimited enthusiasm, he traveled across the country spreading the word that it was "hip to be fit." When Democrat Bill Clinton (1946–) took over the presidency in 1993, Schwarzenegger resigned from the council. ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER INTERWIEV.ENJOY IT"In this society, will the present majority peaceably hand over its political power to a group that is simply more fertile? Can homo contraceptives compete with horno progenitivo if our borders aren't controlled? ... Perhaps this is the first instance in which those with their pants up are going to get caught by those with their pants down. As whites see their power and control over their lives declining, will they simply go quietly into the night? Or will there be an explosion?"This lovely quote comes from John Tanton, in an official (although private) memo written to other members of U.S. English, an anti-immigration group he founded.
Guess who sits on the advisory board of U.S. English? That's right--Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Isn't there something perverse about a member of a white-supremacist group (with a well-known Nazi problem) appealing for the votes of California Hispanics?
Arnold Schwarzenegger is considering a run for the presidency of Europe, according to Newsweek. The ex-Governor of California is unable to run for President in the U.S., because he was born in Austria. But the position of EU President will soon be available, as current president Herman Van Rompuy's term expires on May 31, 2012.
Former right hand man Terry Tamminen believes Schwarzenegger would make an appealing candidate, because he could become the new "Washington or Jefferson" of Europe.
From Newsweek:
Terry Tamminen, who headed California’s Environmental Protection Agency before serving as Schwarzenegger’s cabinet secretary, has told him that he should be president of a newly reconstituted European Union.
“In the next few years, the EU will be looking for a much more high-profile president—somebody who can unify Europe,” Tamminen says. “The French won’t want a German, and the Germans won’t want an Italian. How about a European-born person who went off to America and … could return to be the Washington or Jefferson of a new unified Europe?”
Van Rompuy may run again, but there appear to be no rules barring Schwarzenegger from running, even though he is an American citizen.
Arnold Schwarzenegger on famiy life
Arnie spent 2 full terms has Governor of California after the historic 2003 Total Recall where incumbent Gray Davis and his girlie men were overthrown.
Speaking with an Austrian newspaper Arnie told reporters “What was much worse was the damage my time as governor did to the family. There is a lot there that needs to be repaired we hate your job, his family told him.
It is not yet clear what direction Arnie will take in the future, but it is clear that family will become very important for a man who was married to his job for the past 8 years. Who can blame him, after all, he was in charge of the world s 6th largest economy. ARNOLD FAMOUS QUOTESGlobal warming is one of those things, not like an earthquake where there's a big bang and you say, 'Oh, my God, this is really, has hit us.' It creeps up on you. Half a degree temperature difference from one year to the next, a little bit of rise of the ocean, a little bit of melting of the glaciers, and then all of a sudden it is too late to do something about it.Arnold Schwarzenegger - Environmental - Global Warming - ActionIt doesn’t really matter what party you come from. I think the people appreciate that and they know that you’re working together, that you can provide the kind of leadership to bring both of the parties together, and do the kind of things that need to be done for the state.Arnold Schwarzenegger - Government - Leadership
When the people become involved in their government, government becomes more accountable, and our society is stronger, more compassionate, and better prepared for the challenges of the future.Arnold Schwarzenegger - Government - People - Strength - Challenges - Compassion
For me life is continuously being hungry. The meaning of life is not simply to exist, to survive, but to move ahead, to go up, to achieve, to conquer.Arnold Schwarzenegger - Action - Strength - Achievement - Life - Ambition
Everything I have, my career, my success, my family, I owe to America.Arnold Schwarzenegger - America - Family - Success - Career
When I was on my way to the podium a gentleman stopped me and said I was as good a politician as I was an actor. What a cheap shot.Arnold Schwarzenegger - Fun - Politicians - Criticism
We have to show leadership in protecting our environment so that we have a future for our children and grandchildren.Arnold Schwarzenegger - Environmental - Leadership - Family
I think that if it is.. has to do with global warming, or if it has to do with raising the minimum wage, or if it has to do with lowering prescription drugs for vulnerable citizens.. all of those things are people issues, not Democratic issues or Republican issues.Arnold Schwarzenegger - Environmental - Economy - Global Warming - Government - Politicians - People - Wage
We simply must do everything we can in our power to slow down global warming before it is too late. The science is clear. The global warming debate is over.Arnold Schwarzenegger - Environmental - Global Warming - PowerThey were men among boys in Hollywood and king of kings in the action world. Yet during the height of their popularity they never shared the screen. It’s been decades in the making, but they finally meet face to face in The Expendables. However, before that goes down, we got the one and only exclusive Schwarzenegger vs. Stallone
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