JUST What's the difference between American and Iraqi pilots?
American pilots break ground and fly into the wind!What do you get if you put 30 Iraqi women in a bomb shelter?
A full set of teeth!

American pilots break ground and fly into the wind!What do you get if you put 30 Iraqi women in a bomb shelter?
A full set of teeth!
Have you seen the new Iraqi Flag?
A white star on a white background!
Have you seen the new Iraqi Flag?
A white star on a white background!
Why does the Iraqi navy have glass bottomed boats?
So that they can see their Navy!Egypt, Terrorism and the Muslim Brotherhood
Unimaginable happenings in the bloody Midle East.While the 50 million muslim invader colonizers are busy 24 hours a day to terrorise bully robbing humiliating murdering and raping dying Western Europe with relentless ferocity,back at home in the vicious desert hellholes under the cruely burning sun millions of their brethen just suffocate from terrible darkness and poverty.while Iran is trying to fabricate a crude little atombomb so they can send it to Jerusalem as a Christmas present thereby igniting worldwar 3 average true believers across the hole Arab world crawling on their bare knees in a subhuman level of existance.Ive seen it all i would never forget Cairo for example,the biggest musli ghetto of the world with over 20 million inhabitants.The place is simply shocking its like Hell alive the desperation of theArab street is overwhelming everywhere you go,even in downtown where the French and the British rule has left great buildings around most of them in present time are just rundown remnants of the glory of the colonial past.You have the feeling driving around in Cairo that the place hit by worldwar 3 countless huge outskirts where millions are surviving are like scenes from a horror movie broken mud housing blokes so far your eyes can see in the dirt many of them simply dont have a window everything like a stoneage infrasructure.the city cemetery is also enormous more than twenty kilometer long when you drive by you can see the thousands of zombies crawling around they are the living dead .I can remember one guy he had one arm also his lost one of his eyes in the battle and his meager dog had only 3 legs.Cairo is the promised musli paradise literally Hell coming alive. to digest all this the relevant songs are from Motorhead Killed by Death Rammstein Benzin and Metallica the day that never comes. Why does the Iraqi navy have glass bottomed boats?
So that they can see their Navy!Egypt, Terrorism and the Muslim Brotherhood

The 2010–2011 Tunisian uprising is a continuing series of street demonstrations taking place throughout Tunisia from December 2010 onwards. The demonstrations and riots were reported to have started over unemployment, food inflation, corruption,[2] freedom of speech[3] and poor living conditions. The protests led to the ousting of President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, who stepped down from the presidency and fled Tunisia on 14 January 2011 after 23 years in power.[4][5]The protests began in December 2010 after Mohamed Bouazizi set himself on fire after police confiscated his produce cart.[6] (Bouazizi's action has since been replicated across North Africa, the wider Arab world and the region.) The protests constituted the most dramatic wave of social and political unrest in Tunisia in three decades[7][8] and have resulted in scores of deaths and injuries. Following Ben Ali's departure, a caretaker coalition government was created, including members of Ben Ali's party, the RCD, in key ministries, while including other Opposition figures in other ministries, with elections to take place within 60 days. However, five newly-appointed non-RCD ministers resigned[9][10] almost immediately, and as of 21 January 2011[update] daily street protests in Tunis and other towns around Tunisia continue, demanding that the new government have no RCD members and that the RCD itself be disbanded.[10].com/l[11][12] IF YOU WANT THE IN-DEPTH TRUTH ABOUT THE MUSLIS INTENTIONS JUST CLICK HERE

til last Friday, few Westerners had heard a thing about Tunisia yet the popular Jasmine Revolution, as some are calling it, has been brewing in Tunisia for years and outright battles which have left at least 70 Tunisian civilians dead have been taking place on its streets for the last three weeks. The troubles started as a reaction to what Tunisians viewed as police culpability in the dramatic and very tragic suicide of 26-year-old Mohammed Bouazizi. He was very much a typical Tunisian youth, an educated graduate who was underemployed and selling vegetables in the local market in SidiBouzid to make ends meet. On December 17, the local police confiscated Bouazizi's produce, claiming he did not have a proper permit. In a frustrated response, the distraught vendor doused himself in gasoline and set himself alight in the street.
It wasn't just a fire though; it was a spark that drove Tunisians to their streets, igniting the fire of revolution. While Bouazizi languished in the hospital with third degree burns over his entire body, co-residents of the central Tunisian town of SidiBouzid took to the streets in support of the young man and also to protest what they saw as police obstructionism and government corruption, which has made the so-called Tunisian economic miracle somewhat less than miraculous for the average Tunisian, who is likely unemployed or employed and trying to support a family on an average salary of 300 USD per month in a country where the cost of food is comparable to Europe.
Lets spice up our journey with one of the best classic from the legendary who the yong man blues enjoy it extremely hard.The protests in the town of SidiBouzid and the subsequent death of Mohammed Bouazzi garnered the attention and empathy of other Tunisians, magnifying the widespread frustrations that had been simmering in Tunisia for decades which include unemployment and what Tunisians consider rampant corruption.
the Musli Arab world is facing huge challenges their main problems are first of all the growing desertification beacuse of the climate change and secondly their overpopulation.So on the one hand there is ever diminishing amount of fertile land on the other hand because theyre duplicating like rats there is millions of new hungry believer had to be fed,so they just cant keep up with this ever growing demand.Above all of this north Africa havent got huge oil reserves except Colonel Kaddhafis Lybia what had made the Saudis so rich with the petrol dollar trillions from the west. Of course the Saudis with this fabulous wealth are financing all jihadist musli expansion in the world. Make no mistake the 9 million musli in the United States are hellbent to destroy American democracy just like the 50 million european musli who had already won the battle because the lameduck european elite are completely unable to defend White Europe,so the fun loving terrorist just love it.They know all they have to do is wait and duplicate,than about 20 years from now on when their number double to 100 million theyre going to be strong enough to openly go for the kill,and they will oh my friends make no mistake they will fuck up whole Western Europe with mercyless delight and they all know this.The Jew media of course telling to the goyim sheeps that everything is all right we just have to integrate them whenever a new Musli atrocity happens in Europe the jewmedia cover it up with fantastic talkshows designed for the goyim sheepherd.They tell them that the beduin has raped and killed the young white girl from cultural misunderstanding,and if it hadnt been of her refusal to let herself to be raped not only by Ali Baba but the fourty rover as well than she wouldnt had been killed but instead she would be the proud mom of a little Beduin.Its all her fault the stupid white Christian goyim girl.the hole process of course its going to evolve gradually the first to go most experts are agreeing on this it should be France.lets say they just fuck up Paris in a civil war and declare it as part of the worldwide musli Kaliphate.this is just an example scenario from the probable future.Anyway because of the Globalization thats why we have a problem,this Beduin its a lovely person in its home in the desert,but he is a deadly threat to us in Europe.Could the Tunesian Jasmine revolution bring about a real change some type of Democracy and a domino effect in the Arab regimes.Their terribly backward and bloodthirsty religion is the biggest obstacle to liberalization and for a creation of a more human and peaceful society now there are riots in Algeria and also in Egypt. or the whole Middle East is just undergoing total radicalization and the longbearded Musli Brotherhood are trying to take over in order to create the most dark and barbaric regimes the world has ever known in order first to destroy Israel and than to turn against the West. Those guys are constantly suffering under the bloody hot sun and there is no escape for them in the summer the hit is unbearable and together with the unimaginable poverty there is a blend which shapes the agressive and extremely cruel Arab soul.Also bear in mind that their Criminaly insane religion had been fabricated out of the Christian Bible and the Jewish Talmud. The West after the Second WorldWar has everywhere in the region supported military regimes and Kingdoms like the Saudis or in Egypt Mubarak ,theyd no choise either the oil oligarch Kings and Military rulers or the eternal longbearded Musli darkness. Muslim Brotherhood: A Global Terrorist InfluenceTherefore for the United States and also for Europe even the delusional desertprince Colonel Moammar Kaddhafi seemed to be a far better deal than the evil Black hole of fanatic Stoneage misery which worships only one thing Death by the Living Dead. Tunisian presidency.
Many analysts believe that the radical organization known as the Muslim Brotherhood will gain great influence with a change of government in Egypt.
(Right) Raouf Amin el-Arabi, a doctor who has been serving the Saudi royal family for about 20 years, was convicted last year of giving a patient the wrong medication. Egyptian newspapers reported that he was accused of driving a Saudi princess “to addiction.”
He initially was sentenced to seven years in prison and 700 lashes, but when he appealed two months ago, the judge not only upheld the conviction, but more than doubled the penalty to 15 years in prison and 1,500 lashes… IF YOU WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE MUSLI TERRORIST DOGMA JUST CLICK HERE
A closer examination of the secretive group provides insight as to why its possible climb to power has Western observers so uneasy. Before Osama bin Laden formed al Qaeda, he belonged to the Muslim Brotherhood. So did his top deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri and the 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. In addition, the terrorist group Hamas identifies itself as the Muslim Brotherhood's Palestinian branch.Why are there so many jihadists drawn to the Brotherhood? The group's official motto may tell the story. It reads: - Allah is our objective.
- The prophet is our leader.
- Qur'an is our law.
- Jihad is our way.
- Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.
The Brotherhood was founded in 1928 in Egypt, with the goal of spreading Islamic Sharia law worldwide and uniting all Muslim nations into one Islamic super state. It was eventually banned in Egypt, but for the past several decades has worked behind the scenes to the point where it's now considered the most influential Islamist organization in the world -- with chapters in more than 100 countries. "It has been repressed in Egypt and in many other countries where the Brotherhood has affiliates and entities," said retired U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Myers, who has called the Brotherhood an "insurgency movement."
"The state security services work against them because they are a subversive insurgent organization and they conduct terrorist acts and have been involved in violence as well," Myers told CBN News. "Seeking to overthrow and change the governments where they're represented."Although the group has been severely repressed in Egypt for years, it represents that country's most organized and powerful opposition force. Former FBI Special Agent John Guandolo told CBN News the United States must become more aware of the Brotherhood's growing influence."Here in the United States, virtually every prominent Islamic organization is controlled and led by the Muslim Brotherhood," said Gunadolo. "Why this is key, is because they see that they are going to destroy our Western civilization from within." The Brotherhood's immediate goal, though, is an Islamic state in Egypt -- and an end to that country's peace treaty with Israel.Paedophilia is common place. Every year in the Muslim world and in third world countries, some 60 million girls (often around the age of 11, but sometimes younger) are forced into marriages with older men (often around the age of 40, but sometimes older). The photo at left is typical and was named Unicef Photo of the Year for 2007 (photographer: S. Sinclair).
These are not marriages of charity (for poverty purposes) or accession (to cement family ties), but marriages intended for consummation. Not only did Islam's founder teach that taking child brides and having sex with them is appropriate, but Islamic theology teaches that doing so when a child starts their first menses (often as young as 8) helps improve reproductive chances and helps "purify" a family line.
Stakelbeck on Terror Show:
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+0) (The uprising in Egypt is not about freedom, it is about mobilizing chaos designed to bring the Egyptian government down and install a Radical Muslim regime to form a Caliphate throughout the Middle East. Johnathan Schanzer, pundicity magazine wrote an article that describes what is happening with ... View More..
+0) (There is one thing the brotherhood terrorist doesnt know That The Almighty God will Terrize them in the End Times. God is Coming! God Sees You Right Now. God has many eyes. More than anyone on this entire planet.
(Left) A twenty four year old recieves 120 lashes before he is hung in public.
Sharia justice is a brutal side show for the on looking public as his mother looks while the sick penalties of Islam are handed out.
Islam, supported by Labour, left groups like the UAF and politically correct liberals who hide the facts from a brainwashed British public.

+0) (America you must wake up to this horrible brotherhood Terrorist and put a STOP to it ALL!
Major Media Miss: Muslim Brotherhood's Stated Goal Has Long Been 'To Seize U.S.'
By Tom Blumer | February 09, 2011 | 14:56UPDATE: The full text of the referenced Dallas Morning News item, courtesy of Rich Noyes at the Media Research Center, is here (posted for fair use and discussion purposes).
While looking for something else, I accidentally stumbled across a 2007 item in my blog's archives that makes the current soft media treatment of the Muslim Brotherhood even more outrageous than it already appears.
In September of that year, the Dallas Morning News, covering the Holy Land Foundation terrorist funding trial, directly described what had been learned about the Muslim Brotherhood and its goals -- not in Egypt, but the in U.S. (link is to excerpt at my blog; DMN article is no longer available at Dallas.com or in the ProQuest library database):
Muslim Brotherhood’s papers detail plan to seize U.S.
Amid the mountain of evidence released in the Holy Land Foundation terrorism financing trial, the most provocative has turned out to be a handful of previously classified evidence detailing Islamist extremists’ ambitious plans for a U.S. takeover.
A knot of terrorism researchers say the memos and audiotapes, many translated from Arabic and containing detailed strategies by the international Islamist group the Muslim Brotherhood, are proof that extremists have long sought to replace the Constitution with Shariah, or Islamic law.
Fortunately, the indispensable Sweetness & Light excerpted further (bold is mine):
The documents – introduced in recent weeks as part of the prosecution’s case in the trial of the now defunct Holy Land Foundation and five of its organizers – lay out the Brotherhood’s plans in chillingly stark terms.
A 1991 strategy paper for the Brotherhood, often referred to as the Ikhwan in Arabic, found in the Virginia home of an unindicted co-conspirator in the case, describes the group’s U.S. goals, referred to as a "civilization-jihadist process."
"The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions," it states. This process requires a "mastery of the art of ‘coalitions,' the art of 'absorption' and the principles of 'cooperation.'"
"Coalitions," "absorption," and "cooperation" are clearly not intended to be sincere exercises based on goodwill.
Now that the Obama administration has agreed that the Muslim Brotherhood deserves a role in Egypt's new government, I suspect you won't be seeing much mention of this, if any, in the establishment press. A January 31 item at the Associated Press pictured here describes the group as a "deeply conservative Islamist organization." Yeah, except for the "Islamist" part, almost like Tea Partiers, or something. Zheesh.
In a non-fawning media environment, someone would ask the questions Eileen Toplansky at American Thinker, who also exhaustively recounted the Brotherhood's history and intentions, framed on Monday:
It is now time to test Obama's moral compass. He needs to be directly asked if he believes the Muslim Brotherhood is a threat to the United States. If he affirms that it is, then he needs to be forcefully questioned as to why he has not taken more concerted steps to thwart their growth in the United States.
Tom, the liberal media doesn't want to know. They have got to believe the "If we're nice to them, they won't hate us" insanity that drives them. Denial of the real face of The Muslim Brotherhood is the only way they can cling to their beliefs. With folks like you out there exposing them, we have a chance at lowering the volume on damage the MSM can do.
If, on the other hand, the 44th president states that the Muslim Brotherhood is not a threat, then it is quite clear where his true allegiance rests. American vulnerability would be publicly exposed putting us at grave risk.
If Obama cannot or will not answer this simple question, then his neutral stance also speaks volumes and will embolden the terrorism of the Muslim Brotherhood.
It is the Rubicon moment for this man. It is the wake-up call for the rest of us.
Unfortunately, it's only a wake-up call if someone sounds an alarm that will be widely heard. The lack of even the most rudimentary media vigilance, combined with an inexplicable reluctance on the part of Obama's political opponents to speak out forcefully on matters such as these, would seem to ensure that any alarms raised will either be muted or only known to the few who are relatively engaged.
Cross-posted at BizzyBlog.com.
Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/tom-blumer/2011/02/09/major-media-miss-muslim-brotherhoods-stated-goal-has-long-been-seize-us#ixzz1GaJ58SxWThe jihadists dream of conquering the US would be a laughable fantasy except we know that they have powerful allies, American Liberals. Liberals so dispise this country that they will willingly join up with the country's enemies to bring about it's downfall. Why would Liberals be this suicidal? Because Liberals know that they are a minority and will always be a minority and the only way to permanent power is to destroy the unity of the country as it now exists and hope to seize power out of the chaos.
The Liberals think they can wrestle power away from them once they're done with the rest of us. That's their folly and their weakness. Nobody can stop a person motivated by an evil God. You can take away everything they have, and they'll use their last drop of blood to poison you to death.
Communism, which is what the liberals are in theory, a dictatorship in practice- can not defeat islam. The only thing that can stop islam is a stronger faith. Much like the Roman Catholic Crusader's. In fact, exactly like that.
So, the liberal media/islamic sympathizers have alot in common actually. They both have the same goals. To crush Christianity and Judaism in all it's forms. But that's where the similarity ends. After that, the muslims start in on the Liberals- and the party lasts only as long as you keep your head attached to your pagan neck.
And that's it. That's their lazy, delusional, stupid, ignorant, and suicidal game plan. Basically liberals are evil, and doing more evil is helluva lot easier than doing more good.
There are liberals in Europe too. How fast do you guys think the muslims will kill them in an all out attack. Seriously. 3 days for England, maybe? 1 day for France? Once Israel falls, their eye will be fixed on them. And it's not the first time this has happened.
This is the goal of all muslims, there is no moderate islam, moderation is only a facade to seduce the stupid. Wake up!
Non, je ne regrette rien. Islam, the only religion endorsed by Himmler(Right) More brutal Islamic justice as women are buried in a hole and stoned to death.
A 17-year-old girl (far right) stoned to death in Iraq because she loved a teenage boy of the wrong religion. Reports from Iraq said a local security force witnessed the incident, but did nothing to try to stop it.
13-year old Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow (Top left) was stoned to death in Somalia by insurgents because she was raped. Reports indicate that she was raped by three men while travelling by foot to visit her grandmother in the capital, Mogadishu.
Aisha was forced into a hole in a stadium of 1,000 onlookers as 50 men buried her up to the neck and threw stones at her head until she died. When some of the people at the stadium tried to save her, militia opened fire on the crowd, killing a boy who was a bystander.(Left) A twenty four year old recieves 120 lashes before he is hung in public.
Sharia justice is a brutal side show for the on looking public as his mother looks while the sick penalties of Islam are handed out.
Islam, supported by Labour, left groups like the UAF and politically correct liberals who hide the facts from a brainwashed British public.
(Right) More brutal Islamic justice as women are buried in a hole and stoned to death.
But these issues are not new; Tunisia has been one of the most stable countries in the Arabic world for the past three decades. This stability has primarily come by the hand of a rather authoritarian leader, to put it politely. Zine El Abidine Ben Ali has ruled the country as
President since 1987 and has repressed nearly all dissidence with stunning efficiency. He has without exception jailed oppositionists and outlawed anything that might look extremist to outside eyes, even beards on Muslim men. As recently as 2002, Ben Ali secured for himself the position of "President for Life", and obtained a special legislative protection against any possible future criminal proceedings through a special referendum in which the majority of the population supposedly agreed to his megalomaniacal wishes. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED ABOUT IRAN THAN YOU CAN READ THE WAR ON IRANJUST CLICK HERESo what has changed? The new factor seems to be the emergence of the internet and social networking sites, which has both united Tunisians in a common cause -" freedom of information - and provided them with a vehicle for revolution. It has been widely accepted for years that Tunisian state-run media is not free. The new generation has largely ignored
Tunisian television, which streams only tightly controlled information. Instead, they have flocked to their computers and accessed the rest of the world via the Internet. In recent years, however, the Ben Ali government had increasingly begun monitoring and censoring Internet activity, including
attacks on some of the most beloved sites of Tunisian youth including YouTube, and social networking sites, such as Facebook. The censorship also extended to most foreign content.
In response, many Tunisian citizens became devout Internet freedom activists. Nhar 3la 3ammar, for example, is a Facebook page which describes itself as a "citizen's movement for a free internet" has more than 30,000 followers. Loosely translated, Nhar 3la 3ammar means "About Ammar," which refers to the Internet censor that Tunisian activists have nicknamed Ammar. This homegrown online activism turned out to be an instrumental factor that propelled Tunisians to their streets and led to the subsequent ousting of Ben Ali. While the December street protests in support of Mohammed Bouazizi gathered momentum, Tunisian cyber activists took to their computers to support their compatriots and document the events, effectively creating a competing and superior news source that reached thousands of Tunisians instantaneously via sites like Twitter and Facebook Mobile. Membership alone swelled by thousands in the last week and connected even more Tunisians through its twitter link http:/twitter.com/nhar3la3mmar. Entering January, the government response intensified even further, making it almost
to continue describing events as protests or even riots. The streets of many cities in Tunisia now resembled battle zones; buildings were burning, stores had been looted and soldiers had been deployed in the suburbs around the namesake capital, Tunis. The death toll rose daily: on
January 12 alone, thirteen Tunisian civilians were killed by police bullets and included a 15-year-old boy, a young mother of two and a deaf man who didn't respond to police warnings. In light of the rising number of civilian deaths, the Tunisian activists' sites took on a new tone and focus, moving from Internet freedom to freedom from what they perceived to be government oppression and police violence.goats
Tunisian flags dripping with blood replaced profile pictures and the word "revolution" has begun appearing on blogs and Facebook pages along with calls for the immediate
removal of Ben Ali. Ordinary Tunisian Facebook members flocked to such sites, including the Facebook page, Revolution Tunisienne, swelling its following to well over 8000 as of this writing.
Tunisians used their computers to post almost minute by minute accounts of events as they unfolded: blurry images of street battles were uploaded from mobile phones and photos of the deceased to refute government claims that there were no civilian casualties. ultimate in luxury with state of the art technology.
They also turned to Facebook, one of the few sites still operating in Tunisia, to access mainstream news from the outside world, which was blocked by censors. NEW MONEY DOUBLING FOREX STOCK EXCHANGE ROBOT-WHY DONT YOU TRY YOUR LUCK AT THE WORLD MARKET.TO FIND OUT MOREJUST CLICK HEREAs well as a news source, Tunisian activists used the internet to organize their uprising: information on protests were announced online as well as other activities to support the emerging revolution, such as blood drives in grocery store parking lots to help what the activists called the "martyrs of the revolution." Other internet users took notice and Facebook members from around the world adopted the blood stained Tunisian flag as their profile pictures. New pages began to spring up in
solidarity of the Tunisian uprising, such as Facebook page Tunisian Riots: English Information which was devoted to providing English translations of report coming out of Tunisia and spreading information to the English speaking world. As of today, this 5-day-old page has more than 7000 daily post views. Today, the Jasmine revolution, as some are calling it, continues to play out online. It may be said that it has even intensified since Ben Ali freed the internet just two days before he was officially ousted and Tunisians now have unprecedented access to the internet. The importance of the internet and social
networking pages has been underscored further by the profile of the new users now posting -" the very government officials and police officers that the internet activists have been fighting. Today, this letter was posted by a Tunisian police officer on Alhiwar.net, presumably addressed to his colleagues, whom he could not reach any other way: "Listen to me - it's Rani. I resigned 3 days ago, along with others like me. I want to tell you that there the group assembly and senior officers in the interior are playing a big game. We get orders to wear civilian clothes and go out to destroy and steal; they gave them cars and even weapons. They scared them and told them if you don't do this, the people will kill you one by one, you will lose your job and you will be thrown into jail. They also have been giving large amounts of money, and it is required from the army or the people to arrest those who are involved in the game, I name them""
The officer goes on to provide a list of the culpable and signs off, as so many of the internet activists have done over the past weeks: "Talk to me. I am on Facebook". With an announcement that Ben Ali has been officially ousted, the blood stained Tunisian flags have been replaced by images of the demonstrations that led to Ben Ali's departure on January 14th. Tunisian Facebookers have turned to issues of next steps. A posting early today on Revolution Tunisienne was celebratory yet mutes and advised: "Our country is our home " we have made an important step, but do not get excited just yet! The priority now is to save the injured, protect public property and private property. Dear Friends, please calm your friends and call for caution and more importantly, do not be afraid for the future and do not panic, this people is really a Great People!"
Muslim Nazis
Hajj Amin al HusseiniA key individual in the Islamo-fascist nexus, and go-between for the Nazis and Banna, became the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Hajj Amin al Husseini, later the mentor of Yasser Arafat, from 1946 onward. Hajj Amin al Husseini was convicted in absentia after fleeing to Syria for his involvement in the 1920 attack on Jews at the Western Wall. However, despite his involvement and conviction, he was pardoned by the local British High Commissioner Herbert Samuel, and made the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem in 1921.
Beginning in 1933, al Husseini regularly met with local Nazi representatives and openly expressed admiration for Hitler’s ideas. During these meetings, he served as a liaison for the Muslim Brotherhood to the Nazis. Between 1936-1939, Adolf Eichmann, oversaw funding from the SS to al Husseini and his associates, to aid their efforts in encouraging a revolt in the region.[6] However, in the late 1930’s, al Husseini openly called for direct aide from Germany to Arab forces, and had to flee to Syria. In April 1941, al Husseini assisted the pro-Nazi revolt in Iraq, and attempts by the Syrian Social Nationalist Party, or the Syrian Nazi Party, to support the revolt after the British moved to suppress it. Those involved included Saddam’s uncle Khairallah Tulfah, and the Syrian Social Nationalist Party, who formed the Baath Parties of Syria and Iraq.[7]
Thus, the mufti was to flee once again, ultimately reaching Berlin, to a hero’s welcome. He remained in Germany as an honored guest and valuable intelligence asset throughout most of the war, met with Hitler on several occasions, and personally recruited leading members of the Bosnian-Muslim “Hanjar” division of the Waffen SS. One member was Alija Izetbegovic, who later lead Bosnia’s move for independence.[8]
al Husseini and HitlerIn the summer of 1942, when German General Erwin Rommel’s Afrikakorps were poised to march into Cairo, Anwar Sadat, Gamal Nasser and their cronies were in touch with the attacking German force and, with help from the Muslim Brotherhood were preparing an anti-British uprising in Egypt’s capital.[9] A treaty with Germany had been drafted by Sadat, which included provisions for German recognition of an independent, but pro-Axis Egypt, and guarantying that “no British soldier would leave Cairo alive.” When Rommel’s push failed in the fall of 1942, Sadat and several of his co-conspirators were arrested by the British, and sat out much of the remainder of the war in jail.
After the defeat of Nazi Germany, al Husseini fled to Egypt. His arrival in 1946 was a precursor to a steady stream of Third Reich veterans. Cairo became a safe haven for several thousand Nazi fugitives, including former SS Captain Alois Brunner, Adolf Eichmann’s chief deputy. Convicted in absentia for war crimes, Brunner would later reside in Damascus, where he served as a security advisor for the Syrian government.
Several of the Germans, recognizing British puppet King Farouk’s political weakness, soon began conspiring with Nasser and his “Free Officers,” who, in turn, were working closely with the Muslim Brotherhood, to overthrow the king. When Banna was assassinated by Egyptian officials in 1949, the movement was destabilized, but not for long. On July 23, 1952, a coup d’etat was carried out by the Free Officers with Brotherhood assistance. Newsweek marveled that, “The most intriguing aspect [of] the revolt ... was the role played in the coup by the large group of German advisors serving with the Egyptian army... The young officers who did the actual planning consulted the German advisors as to ‘tactics’... This accounted for the smoothness of the operation.”[Egyptian man dies after setting himself alight

Relatives of a man who set himself on fire in Cairo on Tuesday protest after reportedly being denied access to The AFP news agency said the man who died in Alexandria had been suffering from depression.
An Egyptian security official said the man who set himself on fire in Cairo was a 40-year-old lawyer called Mohamed Farouk Hassan, Reuters news agency reported.
It quoted an unnamed source as saying he shouted slogans against rising prices before setting himself alight.
AFP quoted an official as saying the man was slightly injured and taken to hospital.
It said police had also arrested a man who was carrying jerry cans of petrol near parliament in Cairo, on the presumption that he was going to set himself on fire.visit him in hospital.
A man has died after setting himself on fire in Egypt's northern port city of Alexandria. Officials say the 25-year-old unemployed man - Ahmed Hashem el-Sayed, who had suffered third-degree burns - died in hospital.
Earlier on Tuesday, another man set himself on fire in the capital, Cairo.
They are the latest such acts in Egypt and the wider North African region, one of which led to the mass protests which toppled the Tunisian government.
There are still security concerns in Tunisia, even though the overnight curfew has been lifted in the Capital.
Some citizens are concerned and remain skeptical about the current government, despite Ben Ali having left the country.
Locals man barricades to protect their property, the army continues to patrol the streets, and there are reports of renewed clashes between portesters and security forces.
Al Jazeera's James Bays reports from Tunis.Islamic uprising GOD willing. Time for al Khilaafat GOD willing. Down with Mubaarak traison, enough of the indignation muslim and arab leaders are painting on the muslim´s face. Bring them all down, restore al khilaafah! Watch out with the local generals and the military, they might trick you to lead you into another worse tyrannie. The only acceptable route, is Islam and chariia.

Many analysts believe that the radical organization known as the Muslim Brotherhood will gain great influence with a change of government in Egypt.
(Right) Raouf Amin el-Arabi, a doctor who has been serving the Saudi royal family for about 20 years, was convicted last year of giving a patient the wrong medication. Egyptian newspapers reported that he was accused of driving a Saudi princess “to addiction.”
He initially was sentenced to seven years in prison and 700 lashes, but when he appealed two months ago, the judge not only upheld the conviction, but more than doubled the penalty to 15 years in prison and 1,500 lashes… IF YOU WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE MUSLI TERRORIST DOGMA JUST CLICK HERE

He initially was sentenced to seven years in prison and 700 lashes, but when he appealed two months ago, the judge not only upheld the conviction, but more than doubled the penalty to 15 years in prison and 1,500 lashes… IF YOU WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE MUSLI TERRORIST DOGMA JUST CLICK HERE
A closer examination of the secretive group provides insight as to why its possible climb to power has Western observers so uneasy.
Before Osama bin Laden formed al Qaeda, he belonged to the Muslim Brotherhood. So did his top deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri and the 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.
In addition, the terrorist group Hamas identifies itself as the Muslim Brotherhood's Palestinian branch.
Why are there so many jihadists drawn to the Brotherhood? The group's official motto may tell the story.
It reads:
- Allah is our objective.
- The prophet is our leader.
- Qur'an is our law.
- Jihad is our way.
- Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.
The Brotherhood was founded in 1928 in Egypt, with the goal of spreading Islamic Sharia law worldwide and uniting all Muslim nations into one Islamic super state. It was eventually banned in Egypt, but for the past several decades has worked behind the scenes to the point where it's now considered the most influential Islamist organization in the world -- with chapters in more than 100 countries.
"It has been repressed in Egypt and in many other countries where the Brotherhood has affiliates and entities," said retired U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Myers, who has called the Brotherhood an "insurgency movement." 

"The state security services work against them because they are a subversive insurgent organization and they conduct terrorist acts and have been involved in violence as well," Myers told CBN News. "Seeking to overthrow and change the governments where they're represented."
Although the group has been severely repressed in Egypt for years, it represents that country's most organized and powerful opposition force.
Former FBI Special Agent John Guandolo told CBN News the United States must become more aware of the Brotherhood's growing influence.
"Here in the United States, virtually every prominent Islamic organization is controlled and led by the Muslim Brotherhood," said Gunadolo. "Why this is key, is because they see that they are going to destroy our Western civilization from within."
The Brotherhood's immediate goal, though, is an Islamic state in Egypt -- and an end to that country's peace treaty with Israel.Paedophilia is common place. Every year in the Muslim world and in third world countries, some 60 million girls (often around the age of 11, but sometimes younger) are forced into marriages with older men (often around the age of 40, but sometimes older). The photo at left is typical and was named Unicef Photo of the Year for 2007 (photographer: S. Sinclair).
These are not marriages of charity (for poverty purposes) or accession (to cement family ties), but marriages intended for consummation. Not only did Islam's founder teach that taking child brides and having sex with them is appropriate, but Islamic theology teaches that doing so when a child starts their first menses (often as young as 8) helps improve reproductive chances and helps "purify" a family line.

These are not marriages of charity (for poverty purposes) or accession (to cement family ties), but marriages intended for consummation. Not only did Islam's founder teach that taking child brides and having sex with them is appropriate, but Islamic theology teaches that doing so when a child starts their first menses (often as young as 8) helps improve reproductive chances and helps "purify" a family line.
Stakelbeck on Terror Show:
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(The uprising in Egypt is not about freedom, it is about mobilizing chaos designed to bring the Egyptian government down and install a Radical Muslim regime to form a Caliphate throughout the Middle East. Johnathan Schanzer, pundicity magazine wrote an article that describes what is happening with ... View More..
(There is one thing the brotherhood terrorist doesnt know That The Almighty God will Terrize them in the End Times. God is Coming! God Sees You Right Now. God has many eyes. More than anyone on this entire planet.
(Left) A twenty four year old recieves 120 lashes before he is hung in public.
Sharia justice is a brutal side show for the on looking public as his mother looks while the sick penalties of Islam are handed out.
Islam, supported by Labour, left groups like the UAF and politically correct liberals who hide the facts from a brainwashed British public.

Sharia justice is a brutal side show for the on looking public as his mother looks while the sick penalties of Islam are handed out.
Islam, supported by Labour, left groups like the UAF and politically correct liberals who hide the facts from a brainwashed British public.

(America you must wake up to this horrible brotherhood Terrorist and put a STOP to it ALL!
UPDATE: The full text of the referenced Dallas Morning News item, courtesy of Rich Noyes at the Media Research Center, is here (posted for fair use and discussion purposes).
While looking for something else, I accidentally stumbled across a 2007 item in my blog's archives that makes the current soft media treatment of the Muslim Brotherhood even more outrageous than it already appears.
In September of that year, the Dallas Morning News, covering the Holy Land Foundation terrorist funding trial, directly described what had been learned about the Muslim Brotherhood and its goals -- not in Egypt, but the in U.S. (link is to excerpt at my blog; DMN article is no longer available at Dallas.com or in the ProQuest library database):
Now that the Obama administration has agreed that the Muslim Brotherhood deserves a role in Egypt's new government, I suspect you won't be seeing much mention of this, if any, in the establishment press. A January 31 item at the Associated Press pictured here describes the group as a "deeply conservative Islamist organization." Yeah, except for the "Islamist" part, almost like Tea Partiers, or something. Zheesh.
In a non-fawning media environment, someone would ask the questions Eileen Toplansky at American Thinker, who also exhaustively recounted the Brotherhood's history and intentions, framed on Monday:
Cross-posted at BizzyBlog.com.
Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/tom-blumer/2011/02/09/major-media-miss-muslim-brotherhoods-stated-goal-has-long-been-seize-us#ixzz1GaJ58SxWThe jihadists dream of conquering the US would be a laughable fantasy except we know that they have powerful allies, American Liberals. Liberals so dispise this country that they will willingly join up with the country's enemies to bring about it's downfall. Why would Liberals be this suicidal? Because Liberals know that they are a minority and will always be a minority and the only way to permanent power is to destroy the unity of the country as it now exists and hope to seize power out of the chaos.
The Liberals think they can wrestle power away from them once they're done with the rest of us. That's their folly and their weakness. Nobody can stop a person motivated by an evil God. You can take away everything they have, and they'll use their last drop of blood to poison you to death.
Communism, which is what the liberals are in theory, a dictatorship in practice- can not defeat islam. The only thing that can stop islam is a stronger faith. Much like the Roman Catholic Crusader's. In fact, exactly like that.
So, the liberal media/islamic sympathizers have alot in common actually. They both have the same goals. To crush Christianity and Judaism in all it's forms. But that's where the similarity ends. After that, the muslims start in on the Liberals- and the party lasts only as long as you keep your head attached to your pagan neck.
And that's it. That's their lazy, delusional, stupid, ignorant, and suicidal game plan. Basically liberals are evil, and doing more evil is helluva lot easier than doing more good.
There are liberals in Europe too. How fast do you guys think the muslims will kill them in an all out attack. Seriously. 3 days for England, maybe? 1 day for France? Once Israel falls, their eye will be fixed on them. And it's not the first time this has happened.
This is the goal of all muslims, there is no moderate islam, moderation is only a facade to seduce the stupid. Wake up!
(Right) More brutal Islamic justice as women are buried in a hole and stoned to death.
Major Media Miss: Muslim Brotherhood's Stated Goal Has Long Been 'To Seize U.S.'
By Tom Blumer | February 09, 2011 | 14:56
While looking for something else, I accidentally stumbled across a 2007 item in my blog's archives that makes the current soft media treatment of the Muslim Brotherhood even more outrageous than it already appears.
In September of that year, the Dallas Morning News, covering the Holy Land Foundation terrorist funding trial, directly described what had been learned about the Muslim Brotherhood and its goals -- not in Egypt, but the in U.S. (link is to excerpt at my blog; DMN article is no longer available at Dallas.com or in the ProQuest library database):
Muslim Brotherhood’s papers detail plan to seize U.S.Fortunately, the indispensable Sweetness & Light excerpted further (bold is mine):
Amid the mountain of evidence released in the Holy Land Foundation terrorism financing trial, the most provocative has turned out to be a handful of previously classified evidence detailing Islamist extremists’ ambitious plans for a U.S. takeover.
A knot of terrorism researchers say the memos and audiotapes, many translated from Arabic and containing detailed strategies by the international Islamist group the Muslim Brotherhood, are proof that extremists have long sought to replace the Constitution with Shariah, or Islamic law.
The documents – introduced in recent weeks as part of the prosecution’s case in the trial of the now defunct Holy Land Foundation and five of its organizers – lay out the Brotherhood’s plans in chillingly stark terms."Coalitions," "absorption," and "cooperation" are clearly not intended to be sincere exercises based on goodwill.
A 1991 strategy paper for the Brotherhood, often referred to as the Ikhwan in Arabic, found in the Virginia home of an unindicted co-conspirator in the case, describes the group’s U.S. goals, referred to as a "civilization-jihadist process."
"The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions," it states. This process requires a "mastery of the art of ‘coalitions,' the art of 'absorption' and the principles of 'cooperation.'"
Now that the Obama administration has agreed that the Muslim Brotherhood deserves a role in Egypt's new government, I suspect you won't be seeing much mention of this, if any, in the establishment press. A January 31 item at the Associated Press pictured here describes the group as a "deeply conservative Islamist organization." Yeah, except for the "Islamist" part, almost like Tea Partiers, or something. Zheesh.
In a non-fawning media environment, someone would ask the questions Eileen Toplansky at American Thinker, who also exhaustively recounted the Brotherhood's history and intentions, framed on Monday:
It is now time to test Obama's moral compass. He needs to be directly asked if he believes the Muslim Brotherhood is a threat to the United States. If he affirms that it is, then he needs to be forcefully questioned as to why he has not taken more concerted steps to thwart their growth in the United States.Unfortunately, it's only a wake-up call if someone sounds an alarm that will be widely heard. The lack of even the most rudimentary media vigilance, combined with an inexplicable reluctance on the part of Obama's political opponents to speak out forcefully on matters such as these, would seem to ensure that any alarms raised will either be muted or only known to the few who are relatively engaged.
Tom, the liberal media doesn't want to know. They have got to believe the "If we're nice to them, they won't hate us" insanity that drives them. Denial of the real face of The Muslim Brotherhood is the only way they can cling to their beliefs. With folks like you out there exposing them, we have a chance at lowering the volume on damage the MSM can do.
If, on the other hand, the 44th president states that the Muslim Brotherhood is not a threat, then it is quite clear where his true allegiance rests. American vulnerability would be publicly exposed putting us at grave risk.
If Obama cannot or will not answer this simple question, then his neutral stance also speaks volumes and will embolden the terrorism of the Muslim Brotherhood.
It is the Rubicon moment for this man. It is the wake-up call for the rest of us.
Cross-posted at BizzyBlog.com.
Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/tom-blumer/2011/02/09/major-media-miss-muslim-brotherhoods-stated-goal-has-long-been-seize-us#ixzz1GaJ58SxWThe jihadists dream of conquering the US would be a laughable fantasy except we know that they have powerful allies, American Liberals. Liberals so dispise this country that they will willingly join up with the country's enemies to bring about it's downfall. Why would Liberals be this suicidal? Because Liberals know that they are a minority and will always be a minority and the only way to permanent power is to destroy the unity of the country as it now exists and hope to seize power out of the chaos.
The Liberals think they can wrestle power away from them once they're done with the rest of us. That's their folly and their weakness. Nobody can stop a person motivated by an evil God. You can take away everything they have, and they'll use their last drop of blood to poison you to death.
Communism, which is what the liberals are in theory, a dictatorship in practice- can not defeat islam. The only thing that can stop islam is a stronger faith. Much like the Roman Catholic Crusader's. In fact, exactly like that.
So, the liberal media/islamic sympathizers have alot in common actually. They both have the same goals. To crush Christianity and Judaism in all it's forms. But that's where the similarity ends. After that, the muslims start in on the Liberals- and the party lasts only as long as you keep your head attached to your pagan neck.
And that's it. That's their lazy, delusional, stupid, ignorant, and suicidal game plan. Basically liberals are evil, and doing more evil is helluva lot easier than doing more good.
There are liberals in Europe too. How fast do you guys think the muslims will kill them in an all out attack. Seriously. 3 days for England, maybe? 1 day for France? Once Israel falls, their eye will be fixed on them. And it's not the first time this has happened.
This is the goal of all muslims, there is no moderate islam, moderation is only a facade to seduce the stupid. Wake up!
Non, je ne regrette rien. Islam, the only religion endorsed by Himmler(Right) More brutal Islamic justice as women are buried in a hole and stoned to death.
A 17-year-old girl (far right) stoned to death in Iraq because she loved a teenage boy of the wrong religion. Reports from Iraq said a local security force witnessed the incident, but did nothing to try to stop it.
13-year old Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow (Top left) was stoned to death in Somalia by insurgents because she was raped. Reports indicate that she was raped by three men while travelling by foot to visit her grandmother in the capital, Mogadishu.
Aisha was forced into a hole in a stadium of 1,000 onlookers as 50 men buried her up to the neck and threw stones at her head until she died. When some of the people at the stadium tried to save her, militia opened fire on the crowd, killing a boy who was a bystander.
A 17-year-old girl (far right) stoned to death in Iraq because she loved a teenage boy of the wrong religion. Reports from Iraq said a local security force witnessed the incident, but did nothing to try to stop it.
13-year old Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow (Top left) was stoned to death in Somalia by insurgents because she was raped. Reports indicate that she was raped by three men while travelling by foot to visit her grandmother in the capital, Mogadishu.
Aisha was forced into a hole in a stadium of 1,000 onlookers as 50 men buried her up to the neck and threw stones at her head until she died. When some of the people at the stadium tried to save her, militia opened fire on the crowd, killing a boy who was a bystander.
(Left) A twenty four year old recieves 120 lashes before he is hung in public.
Sharia justice is a brutal side show for the on looking public as his mother looks while the sick penalties of Islam are handed out.
Islam, supported by Labour, left groups like the UAF and politically correct liberals who hide the facts from a brainwashed British public.
Sharia justice is a brutal side show for the on looking public as his mother looks while the sick penalties of Islam are handed out.
Islam, supported by Labour, left groups like the UAF and politically correct liberals who hide the facts from a brainwashed British public.

Muslim Nazis

Beginning in 1933, al Husseini regularly met with local Nazi representatives and openly expressed admiration for Hitler’s ideas. During these meetings, he served as a liaison for the Muslim Brotherhood to the Nazis. Between 1936-1939, Adolf Eichmann, oversaw funding from the SS to al Husseini and his associates, to aid their efforts in encouraging a revolt in the region.[6] However, in the late 1930’s, al Husseini openly called for direct aide from Germany to Arab forces, and had to flee to Syria. In April 1941, al Husseini assisted the pro-Nazi revolt in Iraq, and attempts by the Syrian Social Nationalist Party, or the Syrian Nazi Party, to support the revolt after the British moved to suppress it. Those involved included Saddam’s uncle Khairallah Tulfah, and the Syrian Social Nationalist Party, who formed the Baath Parties of Syria and Iraq.[7]
Thus, the mufti was to flee once again, ultimately reaching Berlin, to a hero’s welcome. He remained in Germany as an honored guest and valuable intelligence asset throughout most of the war, met with Hitler on several occasions, and personally recruited leading members of the Bosnian-Muslim “Hanjar” division of the Waffen SS. One member was Alija Izetbegovic, who later lead Bosnia’s move for independence.[8]

After the defeat of Nazi Germany, al Husseini fled to Egypt. His arrival in 1946 was a precursor to a steady stream of Third Reich veterans. Cairo became a safe haven for several thousand Nazi fugitives, including former SS Captain Alois Brunner, Adolf Eichmann’s chief deputy. Convicted in absentia for war crimes, Brunner would later reside in Damascus, where he served as a security advisor for the Syrian government.
Several of the Germans, recognizing British puppet King Farouk’s political weakness, soon began conspiring with Nasser and his “Free Officers,” who, in turn, were working closely with the Muslim Brotherhood, to overthrow the king. When Banna was assassinated by Egyptian officials in 1949, the movement was destabilized, but not for long. On July 23, 1952, a coup d’etat was carried out by the Free Officers with Brotherhood assistance. Newsweek marveled that, “The most intriguing aspect [of] the revolt ... was the role played in the coup by the large group of German advisors serving with the Egyptian army... The young officers who did the actual planning consulted the German advisors as to ‘tactics’... This accounted for the smoothness of the operation.”[

An Egyptian security official said the man who set himself on fire in Cairo was a 40-year-old lawyer called Mohamed Farouk Hassan, Reuters news agency reported.
It quoted an unnamed source as saying he shouted slogans against rising prices before setting himself alight.
AFP quoted an official as saying the man was slightly injured and taken to hospital.
It said police had also arrested a man who was carrying jerry cans of petrol near parliament in Cairo, on the presumption that he was going to set himself on fire.visit him in hospital.

Some citizens are concerned and remain skeptical about the current government, despite Ben Ali having left the country.
Locals man barricades to protect their property, the army continues to patrol the streets, and there are reports of renewed clashes between portesters and security forces.

Al Jazeera's James Bays reports from Tunis.
Islamic uprising GOD willing. Time for al Khilaafat GOD willing. Down with Mubaarak traison, enough of the indignation muslim and arab leaders are painting on the muslim´s face. Bring them all down, restore al khilaafah! Watch out with the local generals and the military, they might trick you to lead you into another worse tyrannie. The only acceptable route, is Islam and chariia.

Have you heard of the new Iraqi boy band?
No kids on the block!
Have you heard of the new Iraqi boy band?
No kids on the block!
Why don't arabs take their wives to soccer games?
Because they jump the fence and eat the grass!
Why don't arabs take their wives to soccer games?
Because they jump the fence and eat the grass!
What's the difference between an Arab an ET?
ET went home!
What's the difference between an Arab an ET?
ET went home!
What's 8 feet long and is wrapped around a lump of shit?
A turban!Christians have nothing in common with Muslims. Christians are not calling for the death of the United States and Israel. Christians are not actively working to invade and subvert the United States Constitution. Christians are not blowing themselves up to kill others on a daily basis. Christians are not subjugating and abusing their women and other "minorities."
The Islamists are in a whole different evil universe of their own twisted thinking, and it has nothing in common with Christianity whatsoever. Being made up of fallen, sinful human beings, no religion is bereft of those who have used or misused religious doctrine for evil, but the comparison between Christianity and Islam is beyond night and day.
Your claim that Christianity "was used to justify treating people of other races as inferior, subhuman people" in contrast to Islam is laughable. Some have indeed tried--contrary to the teachings of the Bible--to twist Christian doctrine to support slavery and discrimination. However, a great deal of such attitudes can be laid at the feet of Darwinian evolution theory. You would do well to remember, too, that Islam has a long and largely unbroken history of slaughtering those who will not bend the knee to Islam, and making second class dhimmis of those who will capitulate to subjugation. And where did European slavers get their slaves? Frequently from Islamic slave traders in Africa. Many reports indicate slavery still persists in Islamic circles today, such as Sudan.
The artistic, literary, philosophical and scientific contributions of Islam are anemic when compared to those of the Christian West. One need only look at the backwards, 1400s-era level of the Middle East and compare it to the technologically advanced West to see the great difference--and it it weren't for oil money in the Middle East, the contrast would be even worse.
It is you who desperately needs to read some history. Ignoring reality might make you feel good for a moment, but leaves you looking like a helpless dupe in the end.
What's 8 feet long and is wrapped around a lump of shit?
A turban!Christians have nothing in common with Muslims. Christians are not calling for the death of the United States and Israel. Christians are not actively working to invade and subvert the United States Constitution. Christians are not blowing themselves up to kill others on a daily basis. Christians are not subjugating and abusing their women and other "minorities."
The Islamists are in a whole different evil universe of their own twisted thinking, and it has nothing in common with Christianity whatsoever. Being made up of fallen, sinful human beings, no religion is bereft of those who have used or misused religious doctrine for evil, but the comparison between Christianity and Islam is beyond night and day.
Your claim that Christianity "was used to justify treating people of other races as inferior, subhuman people" in contrast to Islam is laughable. Some have indeed tried--contrary to the teachings of the Bible--to twist Christian doctrine to support slavery and discrimination. However, a great deal of such attitudes can be laid at the feet of Darwinian evolution theory. You would do well to remember, too, that Islam has a long and largely unbroken history of slaughtering those who will not bend the knee to Islam, and making second class dhimmis of those who will capitulate to subjugation. And where did European slavers get their slaves? Frequently from Islamic slave traders in Africa. Many reports indicate slavery still persists in Islamic circles today, such as Sudan.
The artistic, literary, philosophical and scientific contributions of Islam are anemic when compared to those of the Christian West. One need only look at the backwards, 1400s-era level of the Middle East and compare it to the technologically advanced West to see the great difference--and it it weren't for oil money in the Middle East, the contrast would be even worse.
It is you who desperately needs to read some history. Ignoring reality might make you feel good for a moment, but leaves you looking like a helpless dupe in the end.