The third event was the reforming of Criminal Investigations into a centrally-controlled body called Crime Agencies. All the specialist crime squads were done away with: Arson, Armed Robbery, Drugs, Organised Crime, Special Breaking, Consorting, Vice, Gaming, and Motor Vehicle Theft were wrapped up into one size fits all. Ryan once boasted that by the time he finished retraining the New South Wales Police, constables could investigate a traffic accident in the morning and a homicide in the afternoon, a statement that summed up his Alice-in-Wonderland policing theories. All the expertise and experience evaporated overnight.
It was as if the public hospitals had suddenly lost every surgeon and had GPs perform major surgery. No matter how bright and dedicated these GPs were, they would simply not have the expertise, the training and the experience to take over. It would be a disaster. Well, that is what happened to criminal investigation in this New South Wales. Crime Agencies was an unmitigated disaster. Yet those who designed and ran this farce have gone on to highly paid government jobs.
The final straw for the New South Wales Police was the OCR – Operational Crime Review --which Peter Ryan and his executive team came up with. It was loosely based on the groundbreaking Compstat program of the New York Police Department, the brainchild of Commissioner William Bratton. The difference between Ryan's OCR and the NYPD Compstat was that the NYPD model covered everything on the criminal waterfront.[5]
The Ryan-inspired OCR had just six crimes. And those six included domestic violence, random breath testing, theft, robbery, assaults and motor vehicle theft - no drugs, organised crime, firearms, shootings, attempted murders or homicides. The crimes that instill fear into the average citizen were ignored, and with plenty of innovative answers as to why. The OCR focused police attention on a limited number of crimes and allowed far more serious and deadly crimes to get out of control.
So with a police force on the verge of bankruptcy, the Middle Eastern crime problem was an explosion waiting to go off. I had observed the beginnings of Asian organised crime whilst at the Drug Squad and later at the National Crime Authority where I worked on two task forces, one of which was on Chinese organised crime.
When I look back on the influence of Chinese organised crime in Australia, I see a gradual but sustained trend, not one of high peaks in terms of activity or incidents, but one of a well planned criminal enterprise that attracts little attention. It's there but you can't always see it.
It probably took twenty years for the Chinese to become a dominant force in crime in this city. But Middle Eastern crime has taken less than ten years. So pervasive is their influence on organised crime that rival ethnic groups, with the exception of the Asian gangs, have been squeezed out or made extinct. The only other crime group to have survived intact are the bikies [Biker Gangs as North Americans call them – ed], although the bikies these days have legitimised many of their operations and now make as much money from legal means as they do illegally. In many ways they have adopted US Mafia methods of using legitimate businesses to shroud their illegal operations.
With no organised crime function and no gang unit except for the South-East Asian Strike Force, the New South Wales Police turned against every convention known to Western policing in dealing with organised crime groups. In effect the Lebanese crime gangs were handed the keys to Sydney.
The most influential of the Middle Eastern crime groups are the Muslim males of Telopea Street, and Bankstown -- known as the Telopea Street Boys. They and their associates have been involved in numerous murders over the past five years, many of them unprovoked fatal attacks on young Australian men for no other reason than that they are "Skips", as they call Australians.
They have been involved in all manner of crime on a scale we have never seen before. Ram-raids on expensive stores in the city are epidemic.[6] The theft of expensive motor vehicles known as car-jacking is increasing at an alarming rate. This crime involves gangs finding a luxury motor vehicle parked outside a restaurant or hotel and watching until the occupants return to drive home. The car is followed, the victims assaulted at gunpoint, and the vehicle stolen. The vehicles are always around or above the $100,000 mark and are believed to be taken to warehouses before being shipped interstate or to the Middle East.
Extortion on inner city nightclubs is largely unreported because of the dire consequences of owners reporting these incidents to police. When I worked at City Central Detectives just before I retired, I was involved in the initial investigation of one brave nightclub owner in the inner city who did report this crime. The Lebanese criminals were arrested after a sting operation. However, I believe that after many violent threats the owner sold up and now lives inter-state [Outside of New South Wales – ed].. He once had a thriving business that for a nightclub ran a reputable service, keeping out drugs, maintaining safety for patrons and co-operating with the police.
The tactics used by the gang were simple. A large number of Middle Eastern males would enter the club, upwards of twenty at a time. They would outnumber the security staff and begin assaulting Australian male patrons, sometimes stabbing them. The incident would be over in minutes and the gang members would be long gone before police arrived. A few days later, senior members of the gang, well dressed and business-like, would approach the club owners and offer to provide protection from similar incidents for around $2000 to $3000 a week. Many of the owners paid up and considered it a necessary expense in keeping their business viable. If they didn't pay up, or contacted the police, the gangs would wait some weeks, even months, before returning to the nightclub and extracting a terrible revenge on the owners, who would pay up or leave. 

There is compelling intelligence that in one well-known entertainment precinct in the city, nearly all the bars, nightclubs and hotels pay protection money to Middle Eastern crime gangs.
What sets the Middle Eastern gangs apart from all other gangs is their propensity to use violence at any time and for any reason. I thought I would never see the level and type of violence that I saw with the South-East Asian gangs in Cabramatta, particularly the 5T, the Four Aces and Madonna's Mob, which were a breakaway from the old 5T. But the violence, although horrific, was almost always local, that is within the Cabramatta area and almost always against fellow Asians.
As a result of that locally based violent crime it was relatively easy to identify the culprits and break them up once we were given the resources after the police revolt of 1999-2000.[7]
The Middle Eastern cycle of violence is not local to their neighbourhoods. It can occur on the central coast, around Cronulla, Bondi, Darling Harbour, Five Dock, Redfern, Paddington, anywhere in Sydney. Unlike their Vietnamese counterparts, they roam the city and are not confined to either Cabramatta or Chinatown. And even more alarming is that the violence is directed mainly against young Australian men and women. There is a clear and definite link between violent attacks on our young men and women as being racially motivated as well as criminal.
Quite often when taking statements from young men attacked by groups of Lebanese males around Darling Harbour, a common theme has been the racially motivated violence against the victims simply because they are Australian.
I wonder whether the inventors of the racial hatred laws introduced during the golden years of multiculturalism ever took into account that we, the silent majority, would be the target of racial violence and hatred.
I don't remember any charges being laid in conjunction with the gang rapes of south-western Sydney in 2001, where race was clearly an issue and rape was used to humiliate the victims. But then, unbelievably, a publicly funded document produced by the Anti Discrimination Board called "The Race for Headlines" was circulated, and it sought not only to cover up race as a motive for the rapes, but to criticise any accurate media reporting on this matter as racially biased.[8] It worries many operational police that organisations like the Anti-Discrimination Board, the Privacy Council and the Civil Liberties Council have become unaccountable and push agendas that don't represent the values that this great country was built on.
The extent to which Middle Eastern crime gangs have moved into the drug market is breathtaking. They are now the main suppliers of cocaine in this city and are now developing markets in south eastern Queensland and Victoria. They are major suppliers of heroin in and around the inner city, south-western Sydney and western Sydney.
Many of you would have heard of the horrific problems in France with the outbreak of unprecedented crimes amongst an estimated five million Muslim immigrants. Middle Eastern males now make up 45,000 of the 90,000 inmates in French prisons. There are no-go areas in Paris for police and citizens alike. The rule of law has broken down so badly that when police went to one of these areas recently to round up three Islamic terrorists, they went in armoured vehicles, with heavy weaponry and over 1000 armed officers, just to arrest a few suspects. Why did they need such numbers? Because the threat of terrorist reprisal was minimal compared to the anticipated revolt by thousands of Middle Eastern and North African residents who have no respect for the rule of law in France and who would consider intrusions by police and authority to be a declaration of war.
The problems in Paris in Muslim communities are being replicated here in Sydney at an alarming rate. Paris has seen an explosion of rapes committed by Middle Eastern males on French women in the past fifteen years. The rapes are almost identical to those in Sydney. They are not only committed for sexual gratification but also with deep racial undertones along with threats of violence and retribution. What is more alarming is the identical reaction by some sections of the media and criminologists in France of downplaying the significance of race as an issue and even ganging up on those people who try to draw attention to the widening gulf between Middle Eastern youth and the rest of French society.
That is what we are seeing here. The usual suspects come out of their institutions and libraries to downplay and even cover up the growing problem of Middle Eastern crime. Why? My opinion, for what it's worth is that these same social engineers have attempted to redefine our society. They have experimented with all manner of institutions, from prisons to mental institutions and recently to policing. 

Some of the problems we now see with policing are the result of Peter Ryan's dream of restructuring and retraining police. The Police Academy was changed from a police training college into a university teaching social sciences and very little else. Constantly I would see young police emerge from the academy with a view that as police officers they were counsellors, psychologists, marriage guidance experts, social workers and advocates for social change. but with almost no skills in street policing. Their training had not only placed them in danger, but also their workmates and the community.
Policing is about enforcing the rule of law. It has never been about analysing every offender for the root causes of crime. That is not our job. The police enforce the law and protect the community regardless of race, colour or religion. What we have seen in south-west Sydney are ethnic communities being policed selectively.
The implications for this are frightening when you look at Paris. They had selective policing of a particular community, which as a result is now out of control.
In February 2001 when I appeared before the Cabramatta inquiry, I gave evidence which at the time was controversial and attracted the usual claque of ratbags and lunatics from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and their associates at the Sydney Morning Herald as well as that fruit loop Mike Carton from 2UE.[9] I said that this city is going to be torn apart by gang warfare the likes of which we have never seen before.
In 2003 I was finally proven right, but I take no comfort from that. However, the criticism I received was unprecedented. I was a nutter, a liar, a racist, a disgruntled detective - but I was right
Spread of criminal gangs aided by incompetent police leadership
At this moment in time there are 10.000 fake asylum seekers on the way to Australia, most of them Muslims who have passed through several Islamic countries on the way here. These countries have a religious obligation to assist their Muslim brothers and sisters. For this reason we must repatriate these people back to where they belong and not allow them to be settled here, in what they perceive to be Dar ul Harb, infidel land that is yet to be conquered for Allah.Dundee was supposedly born in a cave, in the Northern Territory, and raised by Aborigines. He is unaware of his age; he asked an Aboriginal elder when he was born once, the reply was "in the summertime". Until the events of the first film, Dundee said he had never lived in a city, or even been to one. ("Cities are crowded right? If I went and lived in some city, I'd only make it worse.") Mick owns a piece of land called "Billongamick" ("belong to Mick"), meaning "Mick's place." It takes "about 3 to 4 days" to walk across. It was left to him by an uncle of his. Dundee considers the land itself to be useless, but its redeeming feature is that it has a goldmine in it, what he calls his "retirement fund". Australia's Aboriginal Problem
Stop, for god’s sake stop, importing trouble—and Muslim immigrants, as a whole, necessarily mean trouble, in all lands where the political and legal institutions, and social arrangements, are flatly contradicted by the Shari’a. Muslims are obligated to change or tear down those institutions, in order to remove all “obstacles to Islam.” It is not special or individual malice that prompts that attitude. That is their duty, a central duty. Why not come to fully and soberly understand that duty, and out of a minimal sense of self-preservation, cease to import those into our lands (America, Canada, Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Belgium, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Australia, and every other place that has so generously admitted, under a twisted definitiion of “refugees,” people who do not, and can not, wish our ways or institutions or constitutions wellCharacter biography
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The average life expectancy of an Aboriginal is 17 years behind that of a white Australian. Aboriginal communities are in disarray - drugs, "grog", pornography, and child abuse are all commonplace. Children, unfed, learn next to nothing at school if they go at all and are practically unemployable by the time they leave - practically illiterate and innumerate. Many children sleep on concrete floors at night and some have actually been bitten by the rats that infest their homes. Crime in Aboriginal communities is so high that there are now an average of 9 police per 400 residents (the highest police/resident ratio in the world) in some Queensland communities. These same Police barricade themselves into compounds every night for their own safety. Nurses are refusing to work in some communities for fear of being attacked/raped and in some communities only 1 in 10 "homes" has access to electricity and potable running water.
So, what should Rudd's government be doing about this? What should the Aboriginal communities themselves be doing? Australia One Nation site you can check it out here.http://www.onenation.com.au/
Crocodile Dundee Aboriginal crime in Australia
What is meant by the term, "Aboriginals are over-represented in jails"?
The journalists and PR experts working, at taxpayer expense, for the Aboriginal industry have created a number of terms best described as emotive propaganda. One such term is "Aboriginals are over-represented in jails" You wouldn't think they would publicise such a fact. But the propaganda effect has turned a negative into a positive. The term has been picked up and used by the Aboriginal industry, judges and do-gooders to try and make us all feel guilty about jailing any Aboriginal, regardless of the crime.There may be some validity to this term if Aboriginals received longer jail sentences than white offenders. But the reverse is the case. On average, Aboriginals receive 42% shorter jail terms than non-Aboriginals jailed for the same offence (read the article "Judges soft on Aboriginal criminals").Why are Aboriginals "over-represented" in jails
Simply because they commit more crime. According to the University of WA crime research centre, while Aboriginals make up less than 3% of the population, they commit 20% of the violent crime in Western Australia.The research centre also found that one in five assaults, one in three robberies, more than one in three homicides and about one in ten sexual offences are inter-racial. About 93% of those involve Aboriginal offenders and non-Aboriginal victims.That is why Aboriginals are "over-represented" in the criminal justice system. No amount of posturing and emotional blackmail can change the facts.The hidden victims of Aboriginal crime
Picture: Northern Territory Police departmentWhile the judges and do-gooders protect Aboriginal criminals (mainly males) from justice, they help perpetuate violence against Aboriginal women and childrenThe judges and do-gooders should read the following statistics and then hang their heads in shame:- Up to 50 per cent of Aboriginal children are victims of family violence and child abuse
- A survey carried out among 120 households in Adelaide found 90 per cent of the women and 84 per cent of the young girls had been raped at some stage of their lives.
- In most States, more than 70 per cent of assaults on Aboriginal women are carried out by their husbands or boyfriends
- Aboriginal women are 20 times more likely than non-Aboriginal women to be victims of violence
Source: The publication, Through Black Eyes, published by the Secretariat of National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care.oMan fights back against Aboriginal crime gang NEW 2011 BEST SELLING MONEYMAKING ONLINE SECRETS -HOW TO CRACK THE BANK AND MAKE SOME CASH FOR MORE DETAIL JUST CLICK HERE
Copyright (c) 1998-2002 Australian News Commentary - all rights reserved ABORIGINAL CRIME IN AUSTRALIA.ENJOY IT
I don't know about you, but I wish a had a dollar for every person I have spoken to in the past several years who has been a victim of an assault, other crime, or some form of harrassment from Aborgines: I would be a rich man today. As usual the government does nothing about these racist crimes, apart from wring its hands and say 'Sorry' concurrently with increasing the level of hand outs. We must be the most tolerant (or the weakest?) people on the planet. Is anyone else fed-up?
They is getting uppity!
If you have protected species sooner or later they will realize they can get away with more than the rest. Then you have a problem Well said mutation! An ex-army Captain friend of mine put it as: 'These people are becoming increasingly arrogant' [He also suggested a solution, which would be more in line with the thinking of our pioneer ancestors than the current effeminate generation].They IS getting VERY uppity, as the following example demonstrates:
' Brutal murder and rape
Aboriginals, Ryan Jarrid Kenneally and Bevan Joseph Lawson, brutally assaulted a young South Hedland woman and murdered her fiancé. The woman was sexually assaulted by a bottle wielded by the men.
Her fiancé was then murdered. Kenneally thrust a 20cm kitchen knife through his heart with such force it came out his back. He died almost immediately.
Both men decided the woman had to be killed because she was a witness. Kenneally said to her, "You know what is going to happen to you", and then slit her throat.
The woman pretended to be dead. The men stabbed her again, hit her in the back and left. The woman survived and was able to identify her attackers.' http://www.australian-news.com.au/abocrime.htm
Question: Does anyone know what our ancestors would have done to a criminal who bashed and robbed the elderly, stole horses, raped their daughters and viciously assaulted and/or murdered family members?
The moral question is: Why do Australians, and whites in general, have to play by the rules when other groups don't?
Quote'...it isn't real aboriginals but the bitsa's.'
Sure, the 'real aboriginals' could possibly be too busy with other activities to worry about assaulting whites: 'Aboriginal children as young as two are being diagnosed with sexually transmitted diseases in remote Aboriginal communities.'
And, perhaps the following article 'Myth of the Noble Savage' will help to clear things up a little:
QuoteReal Aussies and real aboriginals should get together and condemn the attacks by the part breeds.
They do not belong to either race.
Would any nationalist (and/or race realist) seriously suggest an alliance with another race. I think we can learn from history that alliances with non-whites are unwise (e.g. The situation in South Africa where even 'white' communists and liberals are now in fear of their lives sometimes. I haven't time to search for the reference, but it wasn't that long ago when a white female social worker, a do-gooder from either from the US or Europe, was brutally murdered whilst working among blacks in South Africa.) Also, the white man has conveyed enough good will and resources to the non-white world, which has been thrown back in our faces concurrent with the agitation of traitors within our own group. (liberalists, egalitarians, Marxists, New Left etc.)
Furthermore, can we realistically ascertain whether 'real aboriginals' (full-bloods), mulattoes (half-castes), quadroons (quarter-castes), eighth-castes (octoroons) and so forth are committing the crimes? Each would identity himself as Aborigine, as would The System when handing out welfare and NOT delivering justice: http://www.amren.com/mtnews/archives/2007/12/rape_judge_soft.php
The point here is that white people are victims of, in many cases, vicious crimes perpetrated by an alien race that can be identified, phenotypically if nothing else, and that the frequency of these attacks on our group is way out of proportion to elements of the population perpetrating them.
I would suggest the following reasons for the frequency of Aboriginal anti- social/criminal behaviour:
1. Low intelligence (Whether they are 'real' or not is irrelevant): Lynn, R. (2006 ) Race Differences in Intelligence, WSP: GA pp. 101-114
2. Poor Impulse Control: Kochman, T. (1983) Black and White: Styles in Conflict. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. (Focuses upon Negroes; however, the behavioural patterns and proclivity towards criminal behaviour is similar.)

3. 'The do-gooder mentality of labelling groups such as Aboriginals as "victims".
If you constantly tell a person he is a victim, he will build up a mind-set of hatred and revenge. He also gets the idea that he is not responsible for his actions. He can do anything, get away with any crime and he is not responsible....'
4. 'The Aboriginal industry
- the collection of taxpayer-funded Aboriginal misfits and white lawyers, journalists, anthropologists and others with their snouts in the public trough. Members of this industry control billions of dollars of taxpayer funds. The Aboriginal "leaders" have a vested interest in creating and prolonging conflict between white and black communities. If there was no conflict, they would not keep their jobs. They help perpetuate the "victim" syndrome. These demagogues enjoy great perks, privileges, wealth and power at the expense of taxpayers...' http://www.australian-news.com.au/abocrime.htm
Some suggestions (I realize there might be many others) for improving the situation are as follows:
1. Short term solutions:
a. Information free of political correctness for our people.
b. A class action against Aboriginal advocacy organisations and their left-wing white hangers-on; the money can go to help white victims and their families. (Aborigines Plan to Sue Australia.)http://www.amren.com/mtnews/archives/2008/02/aborigines_plan.php
c. A website through which our people can report anonymously anti-white crime. This would have the effect of raising consciousness amongst our group for future activism, and the site would provide information and create awareness as an aid to self -defence. (I am aware that there might be problems getting our people to use such a facility for various reason relating to the moral syphilis created by contemporary liberalist thinking.)
d. Cultivation of an in-group and personal self-defence/security culture (Not paranoia but awareness), which would manifest itself morally, ideologically and physically. (i.e. Each of us stands up for our own group in our own way.)
Long term solution:
a. A separate homeland for Aborigines (including hybrids)
We have the intelligence and the physical strength to stop all forms of genocide against our people wherever it is taking place: We just need to resurrect a little bit of the moral courage of our ancestors, not much, but just a little, and only then can we begin to assert ourselves as a grou
THREE members of an Aboriginal crime gang had the tables turned on them when they tried to steal a man's car during a crime spree in the northern suburbs overnight. The trio threatened a man with a baseball bat in the carpark of the Midway Tavern, Elizabeth Downs about 2am.
The man grabbed the baseball bat then fought back, hitting them with their own weapon.
The three men ran from the scene, with the police dog squad tracking one of them down shortly afterwards.
The man, a 19-year-old from Smithfield Plains, was charged with aggravated robbery, property damage and theft. He will appear in the Elizabeth Magistrates Court today.
Two of his alleged accomplices are still on the run, and police have warned the public not to approach them, but call Triple 000 or police assistance line on 131 444 if they come across the pair.
The crime spree started just before midnight when three men broke into the Reservoir Hotel on Hamilton Tce, Newton.
It's alleged they threatened staff before stealing alcohol, leaving the scene at high speed in a black 1992 Nissan Skyline, registration XMW-230.
A police patrol spotted the Nissan and pursued it along Portrush Rd towards Magill Rd, until the chase was stopped because of the high speeds.
About 12.10am another police patrol saw the Nissan and pursued it along Main North Rd, Blair Athol, but also terminated the chase because of the high speeds reached.
Then about 12.45am the three men allegedly threatened a 20-year-old man with baseball bats as he sat in his car in the drive-through of the McDonalds on Main North Rd, Smithfield.
They stole his blue 2005 Subaru WRX, which was found dumped in Uley Rd, Craigmore, a short time later.
The two men police are still looking for are described as Aboriginal in appearance.
Anyone who has information is asked to call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.
AdelaideNow cannot accept story comment for legal reasonsToo bloody complicated!
People act on an impulse for one of two reasons either they expect a pleasurable result or they fear an unpleasant result when the allure of one is perceived to be greater than the other the action takes place. If you doubt be imagine for a moment if the next 10 aboriginal criminal acts targeting whites was responded to immediately by a lynching of the offender and without prosecution of the Lynchers by the authorities. What effect do you think it would have on the crime rate in question. And if that is not good enough make it policy that if there is another incident the following 100 will hand and if then again a thousand. Trust me they will grow impulse control very quickly !
In fact blaming impulse control is just leftist apologist rubbish. They act because they want to simple as that!

Same goes for any crime committed under the influence. Any such crime should have a mandatory double sentence as the same crime committed sober! Add to that the "Three strikes and you get a double tap" rule and it should all be sorted
Australia - ASIAN AND ABORIGINAL CRIME PLAGUEIn Australia, the rapid increase in Asian immigration during the last quarter of the 20th century has seen a marked increase in Asian gang criminality springing up in many of the major city centers, as the pattern of White Flight has also started to take effect on that continent.When a group of Australians formed a political party which dared to oppose the growing displacement of the racial power balance, the One Nation party, they were immediately (and completely unjustifiably) branded as Nazis: even their private party-membership list was stolen and published in the Australia-Israel Review, an Australian Jewish newspaper, with the sole purpose of intimidating those persons so named (Associated Press newswire, 9 July 1998, Australia Rightists List Published).Anti-White Trends EVIDENT IN GOVERNMENT AND POLITICSAboriginals are subject to all sorts of special treatment by the Australian government: they have a large number of associations organized exclusively on Aboriginal racial lines, such as the Aboriginal Law Council and a host of others.These blatantly racially-exclusive organizations are fêted by the establishment - but when Whites in the One Nation Party dared to do exactly what the Aborigines had done - organize on a racial basis - that White party was attacked as being "racist" and a fierce propaganda campaign was launched against them.Conversely, one can only imagine what the reaction would be if White Australian lawyers would set up a "White Law Council" in the same way that the establishment welcomed Aboriginal Law Society operates.ABORIGINAL Land DEMANDSIn 1996, an Australian court ruling held that Aborigines have unlimited access to ancestral land even if it is occupied by non-Aborigines. At that stage the Aborigines numbered between 300,000 and 400,000, only two percent of the Australian population. The imposition of any such claims - and, at the end of the 20th century they were being considered quite seriously - would see as much as 80 per cent of Australia turned over to Aboriginal control, unless checked in some way.While the Aborigines simply do not have the numbers to occupy such a huge territory, such a move would have disastrous economic and social consequences, particularly in the light of the nature of Aboriginal society.
ABORIGINES HAVE Highest Crime Rate in the WorldThe Aborigines boast one of the highest crime rates of any racial group in the world, reflected in their imprisonment rate, which pro-rata is the highest anywhere. According to the Australian Institute of Criminology, the Aborigines, who make up only two percent of the country's population, account for 30 per cent of the inmates of the country's prison cells - a rate which is higher than American Blacks or New Zealand Maoris, two other groups identified by the Institute as having high imprisonment rates. (The Argus, 5 November 1982).
Police believe they have "eliminated" the West Australian chapter of a neo-Nazi group with the arrest of two men charged with shooting at a Perth mosque.
Insp Anderson said WA police were committed to "eradicating hate crime" in Western Australia and warned anyone involved in such offences they would be caught.
"I want to send a message to people who are involved in such crime there's no place for it and we will get you," he said.
There are Muslim friends of Osama Bin Ladden and Muslims Indonesian Soldiers that took part in the killing of over 270.000 people from East Timor living here in Australia but the Police does not go after them. What does those Muslims criminals have so special that the Police are allowing them to walk free on the streets of Australia's cities as if they have not commited any crimes? How about the Police tells the Muslims that they "will get you" just like they hunt down the C18? The Police are dreaming if they think that the Muslims won't do nothing to them because in reality the Muslims hates the Infidels like the Police. The C18 have more Balls to fight the Muslims criminals than the Police. The Muslims has declared War on the Infidels but the Police are on "Denial" they just won't accept the fact that Muslims hates the Police. Only fools like the Police protects the Muslim criminals that wants to take over Australia. To Hell with the Police if they won't protect Australia from Muslim criminals they they should move over and let the C18 do the job
During the first film, Crocodile Dundee, Mick is visited by a reporter, Sue Charlton. She is investigating a report she heard of a crocodile hunter who had his leg bitten off by a crocodile. However, by the time she meets him, the story has scaled down somewhat, to just being some bad scratches on his leg—a "love bite" as Mick calls it. They travel together out to where the incident occurred, and follows his route to the nearest hospital. Despite his macho approach, and seemingly sexist opinions, the pair become close, especially after Mick saves Sue from a crocodile attack. Sue invites Mick back to New York with her, as his first trip to a city (or "first trip anywhere," as Dundee says). The rest of the film depicts Dundee as a "fish out of water," showing how despite his expert approach to the bush, he knows little of city life. Mick meets Sue's fiance Richard, and they do not get along. By the end of the film, when Mick is on his way home, Sue realizes she loves Mick, not Richard. She runs to the subway station to stop Mick from leaving and, by passing on messages through the crowd, she tells him she won't marry Richard, and she loves him instead. With the help of the other people in the subway, Mick and Sue have a happy reunion as the film ends.Aboriginal crime in Australia

Up to 50 per cent of Aboriginal children are victims of family violence and child abuse
A survey carried out among 120 households in Adelaide found 90 per cent of the women and 84 per cent of the young girls had been raped at some stage of their lives.
In most States, more than 70 per cent of assaults on Aboriginal women are carried out by their husbands or boyfriends
Aboriginal women are 20 times more likely than non-Aboriginal women to be victims of violence

If you have protected species sooner or later they will realize they can get away with more than the rest. Then you have a problem Well said mutation! An ex-army Captain friend of mine put it as: 'These people are becoming increasingly arrogant' [He also suggested a solution, which would be more in line with the thinking of our pioneer ancestors than the current effeminate generation].They IS getting VERY uppity, as the following example demonstrates:
' Brutal murder and rape
Aboriginals, Ryan Jarrid Kenneally and Bevan Joseph Lawson, brutally assaulted a young South Hedland woman and murdered her fiancé. The woman was sexually assaulted by a bottle wielded by the men.
Her fiancé was then murdered. Kenneally thrust a 20cm kitchen knife through his heart with such force it came out his back. He died almost immediately.
Both men decided the woman had to be killed because she was a witness. Kenneally said to her, "You know what is going to happen to you", and then slit her throat.
The woman pretended to be dead. The men stabbed her again, hit her in the back and left. The woman survived and was able to identify her attackers.' http://www.australian-news.com.au/abocrime.htm
Question: Does anyone know what our ancestors would have done to a criminal who bashed and robbed the elderly, stole horses, raped their daughters and viciously assaulted and/or murdered family members?
The moral question is: Why do Australians, and whites in general, have to play by the rules when other groups don't?
'...it isn't real aboriginals but the bitsa's.'
Sure, the 'real aboriginals' could possibly be too busy with other activities to worry about assaulting whites: 'Aboriginal children as young as two are being diagnosed with sexually transmitted diseases in remote Aboriginal communities.'
And, perhaps the following article 'Myth of the Noble Savage' will help to clear things up a little:
Real Aussies and real aboriginals should get together and condemn the attacks by the part breeds.
They do not belong to either race.
They do not belong to either race.
Would any nationalist (and/or race realist) seriously suggest an alliance with another race. I think we can learn from history that alliances with non-whites are unwise (e.g. The situation in South Africa where even 'white' communists and liberals are now in fear of their lives sometimes. I haven't time to search for the reference, but it wasn't that long ago when a white female social worker, a do-gooder from either from the US or Europe, was brutally murdered whilst working among blacks in South Africa.) Also, the white man has conveyed enough good will and resources to the non-white world, which has been thrown back in our faces concurrent with the agitation of traitors within our own group. (liberalists, egalitarians, Marxists, New Left etc.)
Furthermore, can we realistically ascertain whether 'real aboriginals' (full-bloods), mulattoes (half-castes), quadroons (quarter-castes), eighth-castes (octoroons) and so forth are committing the crimes? Each would identity himself as Aborigine, as would The System when handing out welfare and NOT delivering justice: http://www.amren.com/mtnews/archives/2007/12/rape_judge_soft.php
The point here is that white people are victims of, in many cases, vicious crimes perpetrated by an alien race that can be identified, phenotypically if nothing else, and that the frequency of these attacks on our group is way out of proportion to elements of the population perpetrating them.
I would suggest the following reasons for the frequency of Aboriginal anti- social/criminal behaviour:
1. Low intelligence (Whether they are 'real' or not is irrelevant): Lynn, R. (2006 ) Race Differences in Intelligence, WSP: GA pp. 101-114
2. Poor Impulse Control: Kochman, T. (1983) Black and White: Styles in Conflict. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. (Focuses upon Negroes; however, the behavioural patterns and proclivity towards criminal behaviour is similar.)

3. 'The do-gooder mentality of labelling groups such as Aboriginals as "victims".
If you constantly tell a person he is a victim, he will build up a mind-set of hatred and revenge. He also gets the idea that he is not responsible for his actions. He can do anything, get away with any crime and he is not responsible....'
4. 'The Aboriginal industry
- the collection of taxpayer-funded Aboriginal misfits and white lawyers, journalists, anthropologists and others with their snouts in the public trough. Members of this industry control billions of dollars of taxpayer funds. The Aboriginal "leaders" have a vested interest in creating and prolonging conflict between white and black communities. If there was no conflict, they would not keep their jobs. They help perpetuate the "victim" syndrome. These demagogues enjoy great perks, privileges, wealth and power at the expense of taxpayers...' http://www.australian-news.com.au/abocrime.htm
Some suggestions (I realize there might be many others) for improving the situation are as follows:
1. Short term solutions:
a. Information free of political correctness for our people.
b. A class action against Aboriginal advocacy organisations and their left-wing white hangers-on; the money can go to help white victims and their families. (Aborigines Plan to Sue Australia.)http://www.amren.com/mtnews/archives/2008/02/aborigines_plan.php
c. A website through which our people can report anonymously anti-white crime. This would have the effect of raising consciousness amongst our group for future activism, and the site would provide information and create awareness as an aid to self -defence. (I am aware that there might be problems getting our people to use such a facility for various reason relating to the moral syphilis created by contemporary liberalist thinking.)
d. Cultivation of an in-group and personal self-defence/security culture (Not paranoia but awareness), which would manifest itself morally, ideologically and physically. (i.e. Each of us stands up for our own group in our own way.)
Long term solution:
a. A separate homeland for Aborigines (including hybrids)
We have the intelligence and the physical strength to stop all forms of genocide against our people wherever it is taking place: We just need to resurrect a little bit of the moral courage of our ancestors, not much, but just a little, and only then can we begin to assert ourselves as a grou
THREE members of an Aboriginal crime gang had the tables turned on them when they tried to steal a man's car during a crime spree in the northern suburbs overnight.
The trio threatened a man with a baseball bat in the carpark of the Midway Tavern, Elizabeth Downs about 2am.The man grabbed the baseball bat then fought back, hitting them with their own weapon.
The three men ran from the scene, with the police dog squad tracking one of them down shortly afterwards.
The man, a 19-year-old from Smithfield Plains, was charged with aggravated robbery, property damage and theft. He will appear in the Elizabeth Magistrates Court today.
Two of his alleged accomplices are still on the run, and police have warned the public not to approach them, but call Triple 000 or police assistance line on 131 444 if they come across the pair.
The crime spree started just before midnight when three men broke into the Reservoir Hotel on Hamilton Tce, Newton.
It's alleged they threatened staff before stealing alcohol, leaving the scene at high speed in a black 1992 Nissan Skyline, registration XMW-230.
A police patrol spotted the Nissan and pursued it along Portrush Rd towards Magill Rd, until the chase was stopped because of the high speeds.
About 12.10am another police patrol saw the Nissan and pursued it along Main North Rd, Blair Athol, but also terminated the chase because of the high speeds reached.
Then about 12.45am the three men allegedly threatened a 20-year-old man with baseball bats as he sat in his car in the drive-through of the McDonalds on Main North Rd, Smithfield.
They stole his blue 2005 Subaru WRX, which was found dumped in Uley Rd, Craigmore, a short time later.
The two men police are still looking for are described as Aboriginal in appearance.
Anyone who has information is asked to call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.
AdelaideNow cannot accept story comment for legal reasonsToo bloody complicated!
People act on an impulse for one of two reasons either they expect a pleasurable result or they fear an unpleasant result when the allure of one is perceived to be greater than the other the action takes place. If you doubt be imagine for a moment if the next 10 aboriginal criminal acts targeting whites was responded to immediately by a lynching of the offender and without prosecution of the Lynchers by the authorities. What effect do you think it would have on the crime rate in question. And if that is not good enough make it policy that if there is another incident the following 100 will hand and if then again a thousand. Trust me they will grow impulse control very quickly !
In fact blaming impulse control is just leftist apologist rubbish. They act because they want to simple as that!

Same goes for any crime committed under the influence. Any such crime should have a mandatory double sentence as the same crime committed sober! Add to that the "Three strikes and you get a double tap" rule and it should all be sorted
In Australia, the rapid increase in Asian immigration during the last quarter of the 20th century has seen a marked increase in Asian gang criminality springing up in many of the major city centers, as the pattern of White Flight has also started to take effect on that continent.
When a group of Australians formed a political party which dared to oppose the growing displacement of the racial power balance, the One Nation party, they were immediately (and completely unjustifiably) branded as Nazis: even their private party-membership list was stolen and published in the Australia-Israel Review, an Australian Jewish newspaper, with the sole purpose of intimidating those persons so named (Associated Press newswire, 9 July 1998, Australia Rightists List Published).
Aboriginals are subject to all sorts of special treatment by the Australian government: they have a large number of associations organized exclusively on Aboriginal racial lines, such as the Aboriginal Law Council and a host of others.
These blatantly racially-exclusive organizations are fêted by the establishment - but when Whites in the One Nation Party dared to do exactly what the Aborigines had done - organize on a racial basis - that White party was attacked as being "racist" and a fierce propaganda campaign was launched against them.
Conversely, one can only imagine what the reaction would be if White Australian lawyers would set up a "White Law Council" in the same way that the establishment welcomed Aboriginal Law Society operates.
In 1996, an Australian court ruling held that Aborigines have unlimited access to ancestral land even if it is occupied by non-Aborigines. At that stage the Aborigines numbered between 300,000 and 400,000, only two percent of the Australian population. The imposition of any such claims - and, at the end of the 20th century they were being considered quite seriously - would see as much as 80 per cent of Australia turned over to Aboriginal control, unless checked in some way.
While the Aborigines simply do not have the numbers to occupy such a huge territory, such a move would have disastrous economic and social consequences, particularly in the light of the nature of Aboriginal society.

ABORIGINES HAVE Highest Crime Rate in the World
The Aborigines boast one of the highest crime rates of any racial group in the world, reflected in their imprisonment rate, which pro-rata is the highest anywhere. According to the Australian Institute of Criminology, the Aborigines, who make up only two percent of the country's population, account for 30 per cent of the inmates of the country's prison cells - a rate which is higher than American Blacks or New Zealand Maoris, two other groups identified by the Institute as having high imprisonment rates. (The Argus, 5 November 1982).

Insp Anderson said WA police were committed to "eradicating hate crime" in Western Australia and warned anyone involved in such offences they would be caught.
"I want to send a message to people who are involved in such crime there's no place for it and we will get you," he said.
There are Muslim friends of Osama Bin Ladden and Muslims Indonesian Soldiers that took part in the killing of over 270.000 people from East Timor living here in Australia but the Police does not go after them. What does those Muslims criminals have so special that the Police are allowing them to walk free on the streets of Australia's cities as if they have not commited any crimes? How about the Police tells the Muslims that they "will get you" just like they hunt down the C18? The Police are dreaming if they think that the Muslims won't do nothing to them because in reality the Muslims hates the Infidels like the Police. The C18 have more Balls to fight the Muslims criminals than the Police. The Muslims has declared War on the Infidels but the Police are on "Denial" they just won't accept the fact that Muslims hates the Police. Only fools like the Police protects the Muslim criminals that wants to take over Australia. To Hell with the Police if they won't protect Australia from Muslim criminals they they should move over and let the C18 do the job
Crocodile Dundee II
DELUDED CAVEMAN THREATENING THE WEST.WATCH IT.ACDC LIVE SHOOT TO THRILL.ENJOY IT. IF YOU ARE A FAN OF THE BEST ROCKBAND IN THE WORLD AC/DC THAN YOU CAN CHECK OUT THEIR SITE JUST CLICK HERE the second film, Crocodile Dundee II, Mick and Sue are living together in a New York apartment. Sue's ex-husband is in Colombia following a gang of drug dealers, he posts some evidence to Sue, as she is the only person he can trust. He is discovered and killed by the dealers, they realize he has sent the evidence on, and kidnap Sue to get it back. Mick got the letter that morning and hadn't realized until Sue phones from the kidnappers house. Mick (with help from a local gang) breaks in and sneaks Sue out. Mick and Sue head to Australia for protection. The Colombians follow and try to track Mick and Sue, but Mick is always one step ahead.[3]
The third movie, Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles, set around 13 years later, Mick is living with Sue and their 9-year-old son, Mikey. Now that it is illegal to kill Saltwater Crocodiles in Australia, Mick is forced to relocate and wrestle crocodiles. (Even though he has a crocodile skin vest.) Sue replaces a worker at her father's newspaper who died mysteriously, so Mick and Mikey travel with Sue to Los Angeles while she fills the position until a full replacement is found. Together they travel around Los Angeles and the usual fish-out-of-water jokes occur. Mick uses his detective skills to discover the film crew from a film the reporter was reporting on killed him, as he was getting close to the truth that they had been smuggling paintings that had supposedly been destroyed years before in war. The guilty members of the crew are arrested, and Mick and Sue then finally get married back in Australia. Status as an Australian icon
Due to the popularity of the character outside of Australia, Crocodile Dundee has become something of an icon of Australia.[4] He appeared in commercials for the Subaru Outback which, although a Japanese car, was given an Australian image to suggest its toughness and ability to compete with other sport-utility vehicles. He also appeared in the opening ceremonies of the 2000 Summer Olympics.Dear Mr Evans,
I am writing to you on behalf of a group of Australians who are very concerned about the continued invasion of this country by Islamic peoples who have often travelled through several Islamic countries before arriving here in Australia, a nation that bases its values on the Judeo-Christian tradition. It is widely known that Muslim people have no intention to integrate or to assimilate, they don’t arrive on these shores to become Australian, but they arrive here to make Australia Islamic. This is a matter of fact and a religious obligation for Muslims, who take their religious ideology seriously.
There is scarcely a single non-Muslim inhabitant of England, France, Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Spain, or any other country in Western Europe who, knowing what he now knows, or perceives, would not, if he could rewind the clock, undo the policy of permitting large-scale — or even small-scale — immigration by Muslims, and almost all, if not all, of such inhabitants would gladly, if they could, have halted all Muslim immigration altogether. It has become a permanent security nightmare, and a permanent threat to the legal and political institutions, and social arrangements, everywhere accepted in the Western world. That large-scale Muslim presence has required tens of billions of dollars to be spent, now and forevermore, on monitoring of Muslim populations and guarding airports, train stations, subway stations, bus terminals, airplanes and trains and busses, ports, government buildings, churches and synagogues, all identifiably Jewish institutions including day-schools, all the most important Christian sites (such as the Vatican), museums (whose contents offend Muslim sensibilities) and much more. Every country in the West has developed institutions, laws, has permitted the free inquiry that permits the enterprisee of science, has created conditions for the creation of works of art, none of which, and not for one minute, could have been created by Muslims or under Islamic rule.
And everywhere in the Lands of the Infidels the large-scale presence of Muslims has created a situation of much greater unpleasantness, expense, and physical insecurity than would exist without such a presence. That no one in Western Europe now denies; the quarrel is over what can or should be done about that.
What are you going to do about it?
- Is Australia’s PM Kevin Rudd ashamed of the Australian flag? Is he a follower of Jeremiah -’God damn America’- Wrigh Public response
The impact on our friends in Queensland is something that New Zealanders feel very deeply, and we just want to make sure that we're in a position to offer them support across the range of services that we have here in New Zealand.
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stated, "On behalf of President Obama and the people of the United States, I offer my condolences for the loss of life and damage in Queensland caused by the recent flooding."[95] U.S. President Barack Obama said he was ready to help.[95]
John Key, the Prime Minister of New Zealand, held a telephone call with Gillard, during which she thanked New Zealand for its help. Len Brown, the Mayor of Auckland, a sister city of Brisbane, offered assistance to Brisbane Lord Mayor Campbell Newman.Part I here Rudd’s open door to illegals“some people seek to create fear and misunderstanding about Muslims”-“
The Muslim Invasion of Australia, Part II
- See also: Piers Akerman:

Winds of Jihad reader eloivsdiablo has ‘done his bit’ and got a response from the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, Senator Chris Evans, or rather his assistant, Stewart Foster, concerning Muslim asylum seekers.
The wording of the response is -almost- identical to the response sheik yer’mami received a few years ago when he wrote a letter to then Immigration minister Philip Ruddock:
Thank you for your email of 30 June 2009 to the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, Senator Chris Evans, concerning Muslims. The Minister has asked me to reply on his behalf.
Australia’s immigration program, including its humanitarian program, does not discriminate on the basis of race or religion. Instead it looks at what new migrants can contribute to Australia, reunites families and helps some of the world’s most desperate and deserving families to start new lives in Australia.
- Dear minister: it flopped in the past and it is an ongoing disaster. Why must we have more of it? Why is the Australian voter not entitled to a referendum on Islamic migration?
Muslims have been a part of the Australian community since the 1800s, contributing to almost every sphere of community life and to the development of our nation.
- 100 Afghan camel herders in the 1800’s did not make a “significant contribution” to the development of this nation.
About one-third of Muslim Australians were born in Australia. Like all Australians, Muslims are very diverse in their backgrounds and individually in the practice of their religion. Muslims constitute only a small segment of our population at around 1.7 per cent. While some people seek to create fear and misunderstanding about Muslims in Australia, the truth is that the vast majority of Muslims in our country are law-abiding citizens who reject extremism and intolerance and who live peacefully and strive to achieve the same goals as other Australians.
- It is not that it is Muslims who are religiously obliged to “strike terror in the hearts of the infidels (8:12)” and to remove all obstacles to make Islam the law of the land. And fight them until persecution is no more, and religion is all for Allah. 008.039 )Qur’an (5:51) - “O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely Allah does not guide the unjust people[96] We would urge you to provide evidence that the “vast majority of Muslims in our country are law-abiding citizens who reject extremism and intolerance and who live peacefully and strive to achieve the same goals as other Australians.” Minister, You might find that most Muslims abide by Islamic law, the sharia, and scoff at the laws of this country.
- You may be interested to know that, over the past ten years, the two biggest source countries for migrants to Australia have been New Zealand and the United Kingdom, accounting for a combined proportion of almost 30 per cent of migration. On the expectation that current trends will continue over coming decades, there is no basis to suggest the fundamental nature of Australia as an English speaking, culturally diverse society will significantly change.
- There is plenty of evidence to the contrary, and Europe is a blata
nt example for that. There are currently more than 750 no-go zones in France alone and we see the same trend developing in Australia. It is high time to reverse failed policies and we demand that action is taken immediately.
The inclusion of people from different backgrounds into Australian society is a two way process. Much depends on how welcome we make them feel in the wider community. We can all contribute to building a more harmonious Australia by extending a hand of friendship and reaching out to understand each other. if you fancy paul hogan check out his showJUST CLICK HERE
- Dear Stewart Foster, your offer of friendship might be appreciated by genuine refugees who flee from oppression and persecution. However, that offer of friendship would be laughed at and ridiculed by peoples who are religiously obliged to follow the
Personal life
Hogan and his first wife Noelene married in 1958. They separated and divorced in 1981 and remarried less than a year later. A second divorce, initiated in 1986, was considered one of Australia's ugliest in celebrity circles.[2] Hogan married his Dundee co-star Linda Kozlowski in 1990. He has five children from his first marriage and one from his second marriage. The couple reside in California. He is Roman CatholicPaul Hogan, AM (born 8 October 1939) is an Australian actor best known for his role as Michael "Crocodile" Dundee from the Crocodile Dundee film series, for which he won a Golden Globe award. I support a sensible migration/immigration policy, which contain the following three principles: if the people are needed here in this country, for human rights concerns, and if there is a genuine proven track record of certain migrant populations making a genuine positive contribution to the country in the long haul.
By this last point I mean to point out the ‘elephant in the room’ and say that Islam teaches and encourages Muslims:
To not fit in;
To separate themselves from non-Muslims;
To push push push for the implementation of Sharia law in all aspects of life in this country;
To use our tolerance to promote intolerance of non-Muslims;
That their first loyalty is to the umma, the nation of Islam;
That they should only marry Muslims;
That it is okay to cheat the system in order to promote and live a Muslim life, like a man having more than one wife;

That Muslims who leave Islam should be killed,
That Muslim men are superior to Muslim women,
That all Muslims are superior to all non-Muslims
I could extend the list but I trust you get my point that, in general, and the historical record corroborates my point, Islam encourages Muslims to NOT be good citizens of this or any non-Muslim country.
If the political parties really want to reflect the concerns of voters I suggest they learn a bit more about Islam. They then should begin to filter out migrant populations which have a proven unwillingness to do anything other than subvert and change the country in which they reside into a country like any number of Muslim-majority countries in the Middle East and elsewhere.
The individual Muslim is not necessarily a problem, but Islam is!
RecoFilm breakthrough
Hogan's first film, Crocodile Dundee (1986), featuring a similarly down-to-earth hunter travelling from the Australian outback to New York City, was privately funded by Hogan and a group of private investors including much of its cast, entrepreneur Kerry Packer, the rock band INXS and cricketers Greg Chappell, Dennis Lillee and Rod Marsh. Hogan also wrote the screenplay.Crocodile Dundee became the most successful Australian film ever, and launched Hogan's international film career. It won him a Golden Globe Award for Best Actor - Motion Picture Musical or Comedy, as well as an Academy Award nomination for Best Original Screenplay, and two BAFTA Award nominations (one for Best Actor, one for Best Original Screenplay). Following the success of Crocodile Dundee Hogan starred in the sequel, Crocodile Dundee II in 1988, and finished the story in 2001 with Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles. He then went on to star in a handful of other films such as Almost an Angel, Flipper and Lightning Jack, none of which matched his initial success.
In the early 2000s, Hogan was a spokesman for Subaru, promoting its Outback models.
In an interview with Ray Martin, Hogan spoke of some of the films he says he has declined in his career, including Ghost and Three Men and a Baby.
In October 2008, Hogan appeared in Charlie and Boots, co-starring Shane Jacobson and directed by Dean Murphy. The film was shot in Echuca, Victoria and in surrounding areas.
As we weep for what we have lost, and as we grieve for family and friends and we confront the challenge that is before us, I want us to remember who we are. We are Queenslanders. We're the people that they breed tough, north of the [New South Wales] border. We're the ones that they knock down, and we get up again. Together we can pull through this and that's what I'm determined to do, with your help, we can achieve it.
The Australian Defence Force's contribution to flood relief efforts was designated Operation Queensland Flood Assist. The ADF established Joint Task Force 637, based at Enoggera Barracks in Brisbane, for operational command of on 1 January 2011.[98] According to the Australian Prime Minister the deployment was the largest for a natural disaster since Cyclone Tracy.[99]
Food supplies to northern Queensland were disrupted requiring groceries to be transported to Townsville by ship.[100]
About 35 State Emergency Service personnel from New South Wales and 20 personnel from Victoria were deployed to provide relief to exhausted staff and volunteers.[101] A national appeal was established on 29 December, with the state and federal governments giving A$1 million each.[33]
Small businesses and primary producers in 13 local government areas became eligible for grants of up to A$25,000 to pay for costs from damage incurred as a result of the floods.[102] National Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements were made available to a total of 31 local government areas across Queensland.[103]
New Zealand announced that the country would be sending two fifteen member civil defence teams to assist in flood rescue efforts.[104] In addition to this, New Zealand will send a number of New Zealand Defence Force soldiers, mainly engineers, as well as New Zealand Police and New Zealand Fire Service firefighters.[90] A New Zealand Red Cross team was also dispatched.[105]
On 17 January 2011, Anna Bligh announced a Commission of Inquiry into the floods.[106] The Commission’s Terms of reference cover a wide array of related aspects and stipulate a final report is due in one year
Muslim crime wave in Sydney
It is rather amazing that such relatively small community can be so "overrepresented" when it comes to crime statistics.
The latest Police news reports provide us with some insights of what's to become of Australia if the Muslim invasion (and procreation) continues.
Two juveniles charged after robbery and pursuit – Hurstville (source)
Woman arrested over alleged conspiracy to murder — Middle Eastern Organised Crime Squad. (source)
Investigation underway following shootings – Bankstown (source)
Police release images of men following carjacking - Parramatta (source)
Comments (6)

What would happen to Muslim population if:
1. All permanent residents (not citizens) commited crimes are to be mandatory deported.
2. All citizens who acquired citizenship not by birth and commited any violent crimes are stripped off citizenship on public interest grounds and deported.
(Of course, it would be very racist to deport criminals)
1. All permanent residents (not citizens) commited crimes are to be mandatory deported.
2. All citizens who acquired citizenship not by birth and commited any violent crimes are stripped off citizenship on public interest grounds and deported.
(Of course, it would be very racist to deport criminals)
July 13, 2010
I fully agree, if they are here as immigrants and they break the law deport them. I am fed up with the kid gloves that are being used to treat these people. There has become 2 seperate laws, one unwritten for the Australian community. One for us and one for them. We as a nation invited them in to escape their lot in the middle east and in return they have disrespected our kindness and bought their militant, extreme ways with them. They were not escaping they are invading. With them their bought their message of hate for all things western, yet they take advantage of it when it suits their cause. Time to close the gates on them and send back any that do not conform with our rules.
July 18, 2010

Actually it is my understanding that the ones we have to worry about are the homegrown muslims. Having grown up in the Sutherland Shire and knowing exactly what led up to and caused the Cronulla riots I can categorically state that all the muslims involved were homegrown. The media made out that it was the aussies who were the racists. They never mentioned that everyone from asians to yugoslavs were fighting against the msulims. The never mentioned the issues that started 6 months before with the muslims blocking the carparks right across Cronulla and refusing entry to all but their mates. No mention of the women of all ages from young teens to older women that were getting forcibly seperated from their male escorts (husbands, brother, uncles etc) and molested in doorways. Nor the 90 car loads, yes that is correct, 90 car loads, that turned up, literally hanging out the windows with starposts and baseball bats smashing every car window around town. The two lifesavers beaten up and put in hospital, the 70 year old man who was stabbed because he was "an aussie bastard". It goes on and on. We do not need these types here so what do you do with those who are born here? The authorities including the media for some bizarre reason are either pretending it doesn't exist or simply don't want to talk about it. This IS NOT a race issue, Islam is not a race, it is a cultural issue and its guiding rules forbid it to gel with our way of life. No matter what the apologists say, the quran does not permit other lifestyles or beliefs. It does however permit dhimmitude which is almost literal slavery.
It's an extremely serious issue that such a small percentage are causing such a huge amount of trouble and yet this current government is still allowing thousands of them in every day.
We need to vote this government out asap and petition the new one to address the issue -immediatelyDan Zaremba: ...
leigh: ...
It's an extremely serious issue that such a small percentage are causing such a huge amount of trouble and yet this current government is still allowing thousands of them in every day.
We need to vote this government out asap and petition the new one to address the issue -immediatelyDan Zaremba: ...
You are absolutely correct.
Homegrown Muslims are the ones we should worry about.
While stopping Muslim immigration is absolutely vital it is in most cases the local "boyz" who claim full ownership to this country.
In most cases their migrant parents or grandparents did not even receive "decent Islamic education" (and so they were not fully aware that it is their duty to kill the kuffar) while, the new "Aussie" generation were properly instructed in all Islamic matters by their friendly Imams imported by by our generous pollies to help the poor and misunderstood Muslims to fit into our society.
You are absolutely correct.
Homegrown Muslims are the ones we should worry about.
While stopping Muslim immigration is absolutely vital it is in most cases the local "boyz" who claim full ownership to this country.
In most cases their migrant parents or grandparents did not even receive "decent Islamic education" (and so they were not fully aware that it is their duty to kill the kuffar) while, the new "Aussie" generation were properly instructed in all Islamic matters by their friendly Imams imported by by our generous pollies to help the poor and misunderstood Muslims to fit into our society.
July 22, 2010

we really need to stamp this out before it gets out of control. slap the pollies across the haed and say LOOK!! this has to stop! i am sick of being labelled racist and bigoted when i am just speaking the truth! the proof is in the pudding as they say and theres a bloody big pudding here at the moment
The terror of Lebanese Muslim crime groups in Australia
Posted by jagoindia on June 12, 2009
The rise of Middle Eastern crime groups in NSW Tim Priest National threat The Middle Eastern crime groups and their associates number in the thousands, not the hundreds as the government and senior police would have you believe. It is the biggest crime problem we have ever faced, and it is growing. But more remarkable were the occupants of the house. They were very recent arrivals from Lebanon, and from the moment we entered the premises, we wrestled and fought with the male occupants, were abused and spat at by the women and children, and our search took five times longer because of the impediments placed before us by the occupants, including the women hiding heroin in baby nappies and on themselves and refusing to be searched by policewomen because of religious beliefs. We had never encountered these problems before. The rise of Middle Eastern crime groups in NSW It was about 1995 to 1996 that the emergence of Middle Eastern crime groups was first observed in New South Wales. Before then they had been largely known for individual acts of anti social behaviour and loose family structures involved in heroin importation and supply as well as motor vehicle theft and conversion. Lebanese gangs intimidate police An example of the confrontations police nearly always experienced in Muslim-dominated areas when confronting even the most minor of crimes is an incident that occurred in 2001 in Auburn. Two uniformed officers stopped a motor vehicle containing three well known male offenders of Middle Eastern origin, on credible information via the police radio that indicated that the occupants of the vehicle had been involved in a series of break-and-enters. What occurred during the next few hours can only he described as frightening. The Lebanese groups were ruthless, extremely violent, and they intimidated not only innocent witnesses, but even the police that attempted to arrest them. To read more, click here http://www.australian-news.com.au/Tim_Priest.htm
At this moment in time there are 10.000 fake asylum seekers on the way to Australia, most of them Muslims who have passed through several Islamic countries on the way here. These countries have a religious obligation to assist their Muslim brothers and sisters. For this reason we must repatriate these people back to where they belong and not allow them to be settled here, in what they perceive to be Dar ul Harb, infidel land that is yet to be conquered for Allah.
Stop, for god’s sake stop, importing trouble—and Muslim immigrants, as a whole, necessarily mean trouble, in all lands where the political and legal institutions, and social arrangements, are flatly contradicted by the Shari’a. Muslims are obligated to change or tear down those institutions, in order to remove all “obstacles to Islam.” It is not special or individual malice that prompts that attitude. That is their duty, a central duty. Why not come to fully and soberly understand that duty, and out of a minimal sense of self-preservation, cease to import those into our lands (America, Canada, Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Belgium, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Australia, and every other place that has so generously admitted, under a twisted definitiion of “refugees,” people who do not, and can not, wish our ways or institutions or constitutions well.

Most of you will probably recognize that the second part of the letter is the entire writing of Mr Hugh Fitzgerald from Jihad Watch who nailed it masterfully. Our elected politicians, those who have sworn to protect us, have failed us miserably. Help to preserve the birthright of our children. Help us and yourself to keep this country free from sharia and Islam.
Dear Mr Evans,The floods were a result of heavy precipitation caused byWestern Muslims' Racist Rape Spree By: Sharon Lapkin FrontPageMagazine.com | Tuesday, December 27, 2005
I am writing to you on behalf of a group of Australians who are very concerned about the continued invasion of this country by Islamic peoples who have often travelled through several Islamic countries before arriving here in Australia, a nation that bases its values on the Judeo-Christian tradition. It is widely known that Muslim people have no intention to integrate or to assimilate, they don’t arrive on these shores to become Australian, but they arrive here to make Australia Islamic. This is a matter of fact and a religious obligation for Muslims, who take their religious ideology seriously.
There is scarcely a single non-Muslim inhabitant of England, France, Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Spain, or any other country in Western Europe who, knowing what he now knows, or perceives, would not, if he could rewind the clock, undo the policy of permitting large-scale — or even small-scale — immigration by Muslims, and almost all, if not all, of such inhabitants would gladly, if they could, have halted all Muslim immigration altogether. It has become a permanent security nightmare, and a permanent threat to the legal and political institutions, and social arrangements, everywhere accepted in the Western world. That large-scale Muslim presence has required tens of billions of dollars to be spent, now and forevermore, on monitoring of Muslim populations and guarding airports, train stations, subway stations, bus terminals, airplanes and trains and busses, ports, government buildings, churches and synagogues, all identifiably Jewish institutions including day-schools, all the most important Christian sites (such as the Vatican), museums (whose contents offend Muslim sensibilities) and much more. Every country in the West has developed institutions, laws, has permitted the free inquiry that permits the enterprisee of science, has created conditions for the creation of works of art, none of which, and not for one minute, could have been created by Muslims or under Islamic rule.
And everywhere in the Lands of the Infidels the large-scale presence of Muslims has created a situation of much greater unpleasantness, expense, and physical insecurity than would exist without such a presence. That no one in Western Europe now denies; the quarrel is over what can or should be done about that.
What are you going to do about it?Background
In Australia, Norway, Sweden and other Western nations, there is a distinct race-based crime in motion being ignored by the diversity police: Islamic men are raping Western women for ethnic reasons. We know this because the rapists have openly declared their sectarian motivations.When a number of teenage Australian girls were subjected to hours of sexual degradation during a spate of gang rapes in Sydney that occurred between 1998 and 2002, the perpetrators of these assaults framed their rationale in ethnic terms. The young victims were informed that they were “sluts” and “Aussie pigs” while they were being hunted down and abused.

In Australia's New South Wales Supreme Court in December 2005, a visiting Pakistani rapist testified that his victims had no right to say no, because they were not wearing a headscarf.
And earlier this year Australians were outraged when Lebanese Sheik Faiz Mohammed gave a lecture in Sydney where he informed his audience that rape victims had no one to blame but themselves. Women, he said, who wore skimpy clothing, invited men to rape them.
A few months earlier, in Copenhagen, Islamic mufti and scholar, Shahid Mehdi created uproar when – like his peer in Australia – he stated that women who did not wear a headscarf were asking to be raped.
And with haunting synchronicity in 2004, the London Telegraph reported that visiting Egyptian scholar Sheik Yusaf al-Qaradawi claimed female rape victims should be punished if they were dressed immodestly when they were raped. He added, “For her to be absolved from guilt, a raped woman must have shown good conduct.”
In Norway and Sweden, journalist Fjordman warns of a rape epidemic. Police Inspector Gunnar Larsen stated that the steady increase of rape-cases and the link to ethnicity are clear, unmistakable trends. Two out of three persecutions for rape in Oslo are immigrants with a non-Western background and 80 percent of the victims are Norwegian women.
In Sweden, according to translator for Jihad Watch, Ali Dashti, “Gang rapes, usually involving Muslim immigrant males and native Swedish girls, have become commonplace.” A few weeks ago she said, “Five Kurds brutally raped a 13-year-old Swedish girl.”

In France, Samira Bellil broke her silence – after enduring years of repeated gang rapes in one of the Muslim populated public housing projects – and wrote a book, In the hell of the tournantes, that shocked France. Describing how gang rape is rampant in the banlieues, she explained to Time that, “any neighborhood girl who smokes, uses makeup or wears attractive clothes is a whore.”
Unfortunately, Western women are not the only victims in this epidemic. In Indonesia, in 1998, human rights groups documented the testimony of over 100 Chinese women who were gang raped during the riots that preceded the fall of President Suharto. Many of them were told: “You must be raped, because you are Chinese and non-Muslim.”
Christian Solidarity Worldwide reported that in April 2005, a 9-year-old Pakistani girl was raped, beaten with a cricket bat, hanged upside down from the ceiling, had spoonfuls of chillies poured into her mouth, and repeatedly bashed while handcuffed. Her Muslim neighbours told her they were taking revenge for the American bombing of Iraqi children and informed her they were doing it because she was an “infidel and a Christian.”
In Sudan – where Arab Muslims slaughter black Muslim and Christian Sudanese in an ongoing genocide – former Sudanese slave and now a human rights’ activist Simon Deng says he witnessed girls and women being raped and that the Arab regime of Khartoum sends its soldiers to the field to rape and murder. In other reports, women who are captured by government forces are asked; “Are you Christian or Muslim?” and those who answer Christian, are gang raped before having their breasts cut off.
This phenomenon of Islamic sexual violence against women should be treated as the urgent, violent, repressive epidemic it is. Instead, journalists, academics, and politicians ignore it, rationalize it, or ostracize those who dare discuss it.
In Australia, when journalist Paul Sheehan reported honestly on the Sydney gang rapes, he was called a racist and accused of stirring up anti-Muslim hatred. And when he reported in his Sydney Morning Herald column that there was a high incidence of crime amongst Sydney’s Lebanese community, fellow journalist, David Marr sent him an e-mail stating, “That is a disgraceful column that reflects poorly on us all at the Herald.”
Keysar Trad, vice-president of the Australian Lebanese Muslim Association said the gang rapes were a “heinous” crime but complained it was “rather unfair” that the ethnicity of the rapists had been reported.

Journalist Miranda Devine reported during the same rape trials that all reference to ethnicity had been deleted from the victim impact statement because the prosecutors wanted to negotiate a plea bargain.
So when Judge Megan Latham declared, “There is no evidence before me of any racial element in the commission of these offences,” everyone believed her. And the court, the politicians and most of the press may as well have raped the girls again.
Retired Australian detective Tim Priest warned in 2004 that the Lebanese gangs, which emerged in Sydney in the 1990s – when the police were asleep – had morphed out of control. “The Lebanese groups,” he said, “ were ruthless, extremely violent, and they intimidated not only innocent witnesses, but even the police that attempted to arrest them.”
Priest describes how in 2001, in a Muslim dominated area of Sydney two policemen stopped a car containing three well-known Middle Eastern men to search for stolen property. As the police carried out their search they were physically threatened and the three men claimed they were going to track them down, kill them and then rape their girlfriends.
According to Priest, it didn’t end there. As the Sydney police called for backup the three men used their mobile phones to call their associates, and within minutes, 20 Middle Eastern men arrived on the scene. They punched and pushed the police and damaged state vehicles. The police retreated and the gang followed them to the police station where they intimidated staff, damaged property and held the police station hostage.
Eventually the gang left, the police licked their wounds, and not one of them took action against the Middle Eastern men. Priest claims, “In the minds of the local population, the police are cowards and the message was, 'Lebanese [Muslim gangs] rule the streets.'”
In France, in the banlieues, where gang rape is now known simply as tournantes or ‘pass-around,’ victims know the police will not protect them. If they complain, Samir Bellil said, they know that they and their families will be threatened.
However, Muslim women in the French ghettos are finally fighting back against gang rape and police non-action. They have begun a movement called, “We’re neither whores nor doormats.” They are struggling against the intrinsic violence that plagues their neighbourhoods and the culture that condones it.
In most French prosecutions, the Muslim rapists state that they do not believe they have committed a crime. And in a frightening parallel with the gang rapists in Australia, they claim the victim herself is to blame and accuse her of being a “slut” or a “whore.”
According to The Guardian, during the recent French riots, a Saudi Prince with shares in News Corporation boasted to a conference in Dubai that he had phoned Rupert Murdoch and complained about Fox News describing the disturbances as “Muslim riots.” Within half an hour he said, it was changed to “civil riots.”
Swedish translator, Ali Dashti, stated that in Sweden when three men raped a 22-year-old woman recently, they said one word to her. “Whore.” Such stories, according to Dashti, are in the Swedish newspapers every week. And, the politically correct “take great care not to mention the ethnic background of the perpetrators.”
Sweden’s English newspaper The Local reported in July that Malmo police commander Bengt Lindström had been charged with inciting racial hatred. He sent e-mails from his home computer to two city officials. To the head of healthcare, he wrote: “You...treat old Swedes who have worked hard building up the fatherland like parasites and would rather give my taxes to criminals called Mohammed from Rosengärd.”
In Malmo, the third largest city in Sweden, the police have admitted, Dashti says, that they no longer control the city. “It is effectively ruled by violent gangs of Muslim immigrants.” Ambulance personnel are regularly attacked and spat upon and are now refusing to help until a police escort arrives. The police are too afraid to enter parts of the city without backup.
In early 2005, Norwegian newspapers reported that Oslo had recorded the highest ever number of rape cases in the previous twelve months. However, Fjordman explained, the official statistics contained no data regarding “how immigrants were grossly over represented in rape cases”, and the media remain so strangely silent.

Oslo Professor of Anthropology, Unni Wikan, said Norwegian women must take responsibility for the fact that Muslim men find their manner of dress provocative. And since Tropical Cyclone Tasha that combined with a trough during the peak of a La Niña event. The 2010 La Niña weather pattern, which brings wetter conditions to eastern Australia, was the strongest since 1973.[8] This La Niña event caused a prolonged period of heavy rainfall over Queensland river catchments. Record or near to record sea surface temperatures were recorded off the Queensland coast in late 2010.[9] December 2010 was Queensland's wettest on record, with record high rainfall totals set in 107 locations for the month. The state average rainfall level of 209.45 millimetres (8.25 in) exceeded the previous record of 200.1 millimetres (7.88 in) set in 1975.[10] 2010 was also recorded as the state's wettest spring since 1900[11] and the Australian continent's third wettest year.[12] Isolated flooding started across parts of the state in early December. On 24 December a monsoonal trough crossed the coast from the Coral Sea, bringing torrential rain that fell in a broad swath from the Gulf of Carpentaria to the Gold Coast. The widest range of intense rainfall occurred on 27 December with very high daily totals recorded on 25 December near where Cyclone Tasha crossed the coast.[9]
By 30 December vast areas of Southern and Central Queensland were affected by the flood. About 300 roads were closed, including nine major highways.[13] Coal railway lines were closed and numerous mine sites flooded. Some communities isolated by floodwaters experienced food shortages, and a rise in the cost of fruits and vegetables has been reported.[14] The conditions also led to a large influx of snakes in the Rockhampton area, as well as some crocodiles.[15]
Towns including St George and Theodore had dealt with major flooding earlier in 2010. Brisbane experienced major flooding in 1893 and 1974 as the Brisbane River broke its bank and inundated low lying areas.
Aid effortsPersonal lifeOn 9 January, the Flood Relief Appeal: Australia Unites telethon broadcast by the Nine Network from the Suncorp Piazza at South Bank Parklands, Brisbane raised more than A$10 million in pledged aid.[108] The South Bank area which includes the Wheel of Brisbane pictured above was itself inundated by flood waters only two days later.
At the first Twenty20 cricket match between Australia and England in Adelaide on 12 January, both teams donated part of their match fees to help the victims and A$28,450 was collected from people in attendance.[109]On 16 January, the day before the 2011 Australian Open commenced, a number of players took part in the Rally for Relief which was held at Rod Laver Arena and attended by 15,000 people, which raised A$750,000.[110] The Seven Network televised the event. Players who took part included Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal, Lleyton Hewitt, Novak Djokovic and Andy Roddick.[110]

June 30, 2009 at 10:55 am Two WA men arrested over mosque shooting
Have a look at the Link and see for yourself how the Police of Western Australia likes kissing the Muslim arse as if it were vanilla ice-cream. The Police Station in my own Town closed down in 2008 after 178 Muslims from Somalia invaded the Police Station. The Muslims destroyed the Police Station in my own Town and the only way out was the roof, because both exist were jamm packed with crazy Somalian Muslims arm with bricks and metal bars. The Police left the Town to another Far Far Far Away Town because they got fu*** by the Muslims. Only fools like the Police of Western Australia thinks that the Muslims are "good guys" because they are on "Denialnotice now when crime is reported they will not identify the race of the perpetrator unless it is Caucasian. If the media do give a description its described as " a man with dark skin " .....what is that ment to mean? African , Aboriginal , Middle Eastern?, who knows so I assume that is the whole point! The Government don't want us to find out about the HUGE increase in third world crime for fear of a backlash. This whole political anti white BS makes me want to vomit! thats cause our weak,pathetic traiter bastard goverments are c*nts!!!
they are destroying this nation with fukn sh1t multicultralism.
our country is going to become a resemblance like a third world ethnic sh1t scum hole with all these turd skin ethnic immigrants from india,africa,middleeast,e.c.t
its f*cked,we must stop third world immigration NOW,we must stop this multicultralism crap NOW.
we must protect our identity/culture as anglo/celtic white Australia NOW.
im sick of all these turd skin ethnic immigrant invaders here in our country
guess what,i wrote a 4 page email letter to goverments,labor,liberal,green s,r.e this immigration madness,and guess what after 4 weeks,re sending the letters=NO REPLY!!!
f*kn a$$holes they are,it was very truthful detailed explained/questioned letter,no swearing,no abuse,but na,no reply,DOGS they are !!!!
eventually there will be full scale civil war here,we as whites must start unting NOW
cheers antonYawn, just another poorly-disguised shot at the evil white man to appeal to trendy bourgeois wankery. Pity the author forgot to insert the words ‘bogan’ or ‘trailer trash’ anywhere, otherwise chairs in cafes everywhere around Sydney would’ve become stained with smelly and sticky substances.
Bear in mind that if these surveys had been done properly, the survey samples would've consisted of a random selection of people, i.e. a fairly multicultural mix of people, not just exclusively 'white' people. Then read the paragraph which starts with "All these are alarming statistics...." and the following paragraphs to discover the type of Australian the author has it in for. No prizes for guessing, sorry.
The comments section was far more intelligent and balanced reading, especially the one written by (lo and behold!) an Asian.
“All these are alarming statistics and many seem to forget that the first white Australians themselves were boat people.”
Yes, and many self-hating middle-class jerkoffs seem to forget that the first BLACK people were boat people too.
“White Australia is essentially a nation of migrants.”
So is Israel, but I suppose that restricting immigration only to those who adhere to a single primitive religious belief system is perfectly acceptable in the PC world.
“ As some words doing the round of the Internet now say:“Your car is Japanese. Your Vodka is Russian.....And you complain that your neighbour is an immigrant?””

As a commenter wrote, this is utterly childish. And more cheapness. Since when does the average Australians have a choice in what gets imported into Australia, including their neighbours? And how does this lack of choice negate the ability to complain about one’s neighbour being an immigrant?
“Add to that the treatment of Australia’s first inhabitants with the growing number of Aboriginal people now behind bars and having 11 years less life than non-indigenous Australians, half with a disability or long term health condition, and an unemployment rate three times higher with only one in five finishing Year 12.”
Totally unrelated to the article.
Aborigines don’t go behind bars because a proportion of the Australian population hold certain racist attitudes against them, on Planet Earth people generally go to jail because they have been found guilty of committing crimes.
People are in control of their own personal health and their absence from jail unless they are mentally or developmentally incapable of looking after themselves. How dreadful it is for the author to insinuate that Aborigines are less than reasonable adults, that they are perpetual children, retards or even animals!
The key to keeping children at school? Parents who care about their child’s education.
“Prime Minister Julia Gillard has told Aboriginals to take more responsibility for improving their notoriously poor living standard, a pretty tough stand when you consider that governments have actually created the cycle of dependence. Can you really expect Aboriginals to simply break free - especially when all the senior managers are white?”
And if all the senior managers were black, what would they do successfully to lift the living standards apart from their own? Typical bourgeois comment, blame whitey but offer no real solutions.
“All this is at odds with claims by Immigration Minister Chris Bowen that Australia’s model of multiculturalism is the world’s best. With figures like that, he can’t be right.”
Definitely not the worst. Serbs, Croats and Albanians don’t kill each other in full-scale wars over here.
“Malcolm Turnbull has defended multiculturalism and Australia’s attitude to migrants......”
Malcolm Turnbull is a wealthy businessman. Businessmen generally like a large pool of cheap workers and expanded markets. Duh
Good – the more people who write the better. Please be aware that the muslim parasites are also reading this and petitioning the PC jerks who are trying to destroy Australia. Our voices need to be much louder than theirs. Use examples which show muslim intolerance and inability to accept others – e.g. murders in Yemen, rapes in UK and OZ, “conversion” of 11 year old (which is little more than an assault on a child) in UK etc etc – there are so many examples – make your voice heard!!!

Hey, don’t waste you time emailing the Labor members of the Australian Parliament, for theY are the architects of the “Australia without Borders” policy.
The ONLY hope we have is to put so much pressure on the Liberal opposition (Labor light) that they understand, that even Australian Labor supporters are not prepared to sacrifice the Australian way of life in exchange for the Labor / ACTU, UN’s International Socialist agenda.
Email Dr Sharman Stone,Malcolm Turnbull, addresses at http://www.liberal.org.au/ web site.
Finally, am I the only one, it seems, that understands, that what IS happening, IS indeed, the desired outcome, (objective ) of the present Australian, Kevin 07 Rudd, Marxist funded, Socialist Labor Government?
Am I the only Australian that has read the Labor Party’s platform?
Am I the only Australian alive who remembers the Labor Whitlam governments bold face attempts to make Australia a communist state?
Someone tell me where all the contributors to web sites like this have been the last 35 years for I am amazed at how many of my fellow Australians appear AFTER the fact.
The ONLY hope we have is to put so much pressure on the Liberal opposition (Labor light) that they understand, that even Australian Labor supporters are not prepared to sacrifice the Australian way of life in exchange for the Labor / ACTU, UN’s International Socialist agenda.
Email Dr Sharman Stone,Malcolm Turnbull, addresses at http://www.liberal.org.au/ web site.
Finally, am I the only one, it seems, that understands, that what IS happening, IS indeed, the desired outcome, (objective ) of the present Australian, Kevin 07 Rudd, Marxist funded, Socialist Labor Government?
Am I the only Australian that has read the Labor Party’s platform?
Am I the only Australian alive who remembers the Labor Whitlam governments bold face attempts to make Australia a communist state?
Someone tell me where all the contributors to web sites like this have been the last 35 years for I am amazed at how many of my fellow Australians appear AFTER the fact.

“Like the Hussein Obama regime in the USA it appears that Rudd has been instructed to act quickly on implementing the International Socialist / UN / Green Manifesto, one way to rig elections , apart from “voting often” as the Labor Party says, is to flood the country with like minded colonialists,dedicated to the destruction of Australian Judeo / Christian society and culture.”
Some of us have been trying to warn the general comunity for many years – but
that is now irrelevant. We have to resolve this issue now. Thank you for the emailing tips.
Some of us have been trying to warn the general comunity for many years – but
that is now irrelevant. We have to resolve this issue now. Thank you for the emailing tips.

We need to stop this flow of Muslims their intention as we all know is to rule what ever country they live in.England is a mass of Muslims in every town and city.They need to be sent packing back to any Muslim country that will have them.

Electing a Fabian as Prime-minister was the worst thing Australia could have done.
The UKs Fabian Government should have served as a warning!
And after all the evidence, Americans then elect a Fabian President!!
The UKs Fabian Government should have served as a warning!
And after all the evidence, Americans then elect a Fabian President!!
Yes Sally, If one needed evidence that we are pretty dumb …..

Are you prepared for the challenge?
The “challenge” was set forth by the Rudd government when it said in a recent newspaper article[1] that “There’s no end in sight when it comes to asylum seekers.” Immigration Minister Senator Chris Evens said that it will be a “challenge” to keep pace with the expected influx of illegal immigrants.

There is an old adage in business about there being no such thing as a free lunch and it is doubly so in politics. On June 24 it was reported[3] that Senators Steve Fielding and Nick Xenophon were to vote with the government on a bill that would see the abolition of detention debts for refugees and waive outstanding debts leaving the Australian taxpayer $9 million out of pocket. We wonder what deal the “independent” Senators cut with the Rudd government in exchange for their support?
Given that it was reported in The Australian[4] newspaper that processing costs about $38,000 per illegal, the latest arrival of 194 will set the Australian taxpayer back about $7 million. On top of those costs are the ongoing costs of the Australian refugee industry and the high social costs Australians must pay in terms of increased violence and serious crime.
The further weakening of our illegal immigration laws will become an unbearable burden on hard working Australians and jeopardise our security. The Australian Protectionist Party demand that the federal government takes a more proactive and responsible approach to stopping illegal immigration instead of just rolling out the red carpet. Australians are not prepared to meet the challenge of funding illegal immigration at the expense of their own future.
1. “Immigration says ‘no end’ to boat people”, Daily Telegraph, June 29, 2009.
2. “Boat crowded with 194 people intercepted of WA coast.”, The Age, June
The “challenge” was set forth by the Rudd government when it said in a recent newspaper article[1] that “There’s no end in sight when it comes to asylum seekers.” Immigration Minister Senator Chris Evens said that it will be a “challenge” to keep pace with the expected influx of illegal immigrants.
This comes on the back of a story reported on the same day[2] that a boat with 194 people (almost all men) was intercepted off Christmas Island. So far this year 711 illegals have arrived at our doorstep and the bulk of those after the softening of the detention regime by the Rudd government. This latest large boat load also puts paid to the pro-illegal immigration proponent’s mantra that we don’t need to worry about only a ‘few hundred’ illegals arriving by boat per year. What will be next? A cruise liner? The real cost is hidden by the numbers, because the illegals are always almost all men who once they attain Australian residency will seek to import the rest of their tribe. A few hundred can easily become a few thousand!
There is an old adage in business about there being no such thing as a free lunch and it is doubly so in politics. On June 24 it was reported[3] that Senators Steve Fielding and Nick Xenophon were to vote with the government on a bill that would see the abolition of detention debts for refugees and waive outstanding debts leaving the Australian taxpayer $9 million out of pocket. We wonder what deal the “independent” Senators cut with the Rudd government in exchange for their support?
Given that it was reported in The Australian[4] newspaper that processing costs about $38,000 per illegal, the latest arrival of 194 will set the Australian taxpayer back about $7 million. On top of those costs are the ongoing costs of the Australian refugee industry and the high social costs Australians must pay in terms of increased violence and serious crime.
The further weakening of our illegal immigration laws will become an unbearable burden on hard working Australians and jeopardise our security. The Australian Protectionist Party demand that the federal government takes a more proactive and responsible approach to stopping illegal immigration instead of just rolling out the red carpet. Australians are not prepared to meet the challenge of funding illegal immigration at the expense of their own future.
1. “Immigration says ‘no end’ to boat people”, Daily Telegraph, June 29, 2009.
2. “Boat crowded with 194 people intercepted of WA coast.”, The Age, June
Australia's flood crisis has spread south, inflicting more misery on dozens of towns in the state of Victoria.
Earlier this week parts of Brisbane were swamped after weeks of torrential rain.
Forecasters are warning there could be more rain to come.
Phil Mercer reports.
Earlier this week parts of Brisbane were swamped after weeks of torrential rain.
Forecasters are warning there could be more rain to come.
Phil Mercer reports.
series of floods hit Australia, beginning in December 2010, primarily in the state of Queensland including its capital city, Brisbane. The floods forced the evacuation of thousands of people from towns and cities.[2] At least 70 towns and over 200,000 people were affected.[2] Damage initially was estimated at around A$1 billion.[3] The estimated reduction in Australia's GDP is about A$30 billion.[1] Queensland Treasurer Andrew Fraser said it was not possible to put a figure on the damage; "other than to say the damage bill is going to start with a b and not an m".[4][5] Three-quarters of the state of Queensland was declared a disaster zone.[6] The 2010–2011 floods killed at least 31. As of 14 January, an additional 40 are missing in or around Grantham.[7] The Queensland floods were followed by the 2011 Victorian floods which saw more than 50 communities in western and central Victoria also grapple with significant flooding
Brisbane begins floods clea
: Australia Continues to Succumb to The Muslim Invasion Quote [+] #
You Aussies seemed so much cooler to me back when all I knew of your culture were Kangaroo's, Boomerangs, Crocodile Dundee, and the Aborigines.Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1099901
Quit being politically correct, and unless your able to defend yourselves with boomerangs why the hell did you all give up your guns? Now the only people who have guns are criminals and your military... How the hell do you plan to have Road Warrior like scenarios without guns?
AUSSIES,ARE SISSYS NOW...WAS THERE IN 1980,WAS COOL THEN,NOW ALL SISSYS..WHAT A SHAME..All persons entering our country form now on should be given a complentary BLT upon arrival at the airport. Anyone who refuses to eat it will be immediately deported.
Even if they're NOT muslim, we don't want the kind of person who would pass-up free bacon here anyway.Re: Australia Continues to Succumb to The Muslim Invasion Quote [+] #
This is fucking insanity. The do-gooders at this fucktard council need to hear our anger.
Call them (like I did) on (03) 9239 5100
Let them know you don't appreciate them giving our civil liberties away.
I for one, plan to go to this event in my fucking budgie smugglers and would encourage all aussies to make a stand against the insidious intrusions into our society by this false religion
I believe that the rise of Middle Eastern organised crime in Sydney will have an impact on society unlike anything we have ever seen.In the early 1980s, as a young detective I was attached to the Drug Squad at the old CIB (Criminal Intelligence Bureau). I remember executing a search warrant at Croydon, where we found nearly a pound of heroin. I know that now sounds very familiar; however, what set this heroin apart was that it was Bekkah Valley heroin, markedly different from any heroin I had seen. Number Four heroin from the golden triangle of South East Asia is nearly always off white, almost pure diamorphine. This heroin was almost brown.But more remarkable were the occupants of the house. They were very recent arrivals from Lebanon, and from the moment we entered the premises, we wrestled and fought with the male occupants, were abused and spat at by the women and children, and our search took five times longer because of the impediments placed before us by the occupants, including the women hiding heroin in baby nappies and on themselves and refusing to be searched by policewomen because of their religious beliefs.We had never encountered these problems before.As was the case in those days, we arrested every adult and teenager who had hampered our search. When it came to court, they were represented by Legal Aid, of course, who claimed that these people were innocent of the minor charges of public disorder and hindering police, because they were recent arrivals from a country where people have an historical hatred towards police, and that they also had poor communications skills and that the police had not executed the warrant in a manner that was acceptable to the Muslim occupants.The magistrate, well known to police as one who convicted fewer than one in ten offenders brought before him during his term at Burwood local court, threw the matter out, siding with the occupants and condemning the police. I remember thinking; thank heavens we don't run into many Lebanese drug dealers.
In 1994 I was stationed at Redfern. A well known Lebanese family who lived not far from the old Redfern Police Academy were terrorising the locals with random assaults, drug dealing, robberies and violent anti-social behaviour. When some young police from Redfern told me about them, curiosity got the better of me and I asked them to show me the street they lived in.Despite the misgivings of the young police, I eventually saw this family and the presence they had in the immediate area. As we drove away in our marked police car, a half brick bounced on the roof of the vehicle. The driver kept going.I said, 'What are you doing, they've just hit the car with a house brick!" The young constable said, "Oh, they always do that when we drive past."The police were either too scared or too lazy to do anything about it. The damage bill on police cars became costly and these street terrorists grew stronger and the police became purely defensive. You see, the Police Royal Commission was about to start and the police retreated inside themselves knowing that the judicial system considered them easy targets.[1] The police did not want to get hurt or attract Internal Affairs complaints.Call me stupid, call me a dinosaur, but I made sure that day that at least one person in the group that threw the brick was arrested. I began by approaching the group just as a magistrate had lectured me and other police involved in the Croydon search warrant. I simply asked who threw the brick. I was greeted with abuse and threats.I then reverted to the old ways of policing. I grabbed the nearest male and convinced him that it was he who had thrown the brick. His brave mates did nothing. By the time we arrived at the police station, this young fool had become compliant, apologetic and so afraid that he kept crying. You may not agree with what I did, but I paraded this goose around the police station for all the young police to see what they had become frightened of.For some months after that, police routinely rounded up the family whenever it was warranted. However, some years later, with a change of Police Commander and the advent of duty officers under Peter Ryan, the family got back on top and within months had murdered a young Australian man who had wandered into their area drunk. They had set up a caravan where they sold drugs twenty four hours a day. They tied up half the police station with Internal Affairs complaints ranging from the sublime to the ridiculous, but under Peter Ryan, these complaints were always treated seriously.[2]In effect, this family had taken control of Redfern. Senior police did their best to limit police action against them, fearing an avalanche of IA complaints that would count against the Commander at Peter Ryan's next Operational Crime Review.I hope the examples I have just used don't give the impression that I am a racist or a bully. The point I want to make from the start is that policing has never been rocket science. It is about human dynamics, street psychology, experience, a little bit of theatre and a substantial quantity of common sense. Sure, forensics and the advances of DNA, rapid fingerprint identification and electronic eavesdropping have taken policing to a new level of sophistication, but ultimately, when an offender is identified by whatever means, scientific or otherwise, it all comes down to the interaction between the investigator and the offender during the arrest and interview process. Violent and abusive offenders do not respect the law or those who enforce it. But they do respect the old style cop who doesn't take a backward step and can't be intimidated. When they encounter cops like that, they fold quickly as there is rarely much behind the veneer of bravado.In 1996 with the arrival of Peter Ryan, and the continued public humiliation of the New South Wales Police through the Wood Royal Commission, a chain of events began that have affected the police so deeply and so completely that, as far as ensuring community safety is concerned, I fear it will take at least a generation to regain the lost ground.
It was about 1995 and 1996 that the emergence of Middle Eastern crime groups was first observed in New South Wales. Before then they had been largely known for individual acts of antisocial behaviour and loose family structures involved in heroin importation and supply as well as motor vehicle theft and conversion. The crimes that did appear to be organised before this period were insurance fraud, -- usually motor vehicle accidents -- and arson.Because these crimes were largely victimless, they were dealt with by insurance companies and police involvement was limited. But from these insurance scams, a generation of young criminals emerged to become engaged in more sophisticated crimes, such as extortion, armed robbery, organised narcotics importation and supply, gunrunning, organised factory and warehouse break ins, car theft and conversion on a massive scale including the exporting of stolen luxury vehicles to Lebanon and other Middle Eastern countries.As the police began to gather and act on intelligence on these emerging Middle Eastern gangs, the first of a series of events took place. The New South Wales Police were restructured under Peter Ryan. Crime Intelligence, the eyes and ears of all police forces throughout the world, was dismantled overnight and a British style intelligence unit was created. The formation of this unit and its factions has been best described by Dr Richard Basham as a library stocking outdated books.[3] The new Crime Intelligence and Information Section became completely reactive. It received crime intelligence from the field and stored it. Almost no relevant intelligence was ever dispensed to operational police from 1997 until I left in 2002. It was a disgrace.One of the fundamental problems that arose out of the new intelligence structure was that it no longer had a field capacity or a target development capacity. With the old CIB there were field teams that were assigned to look into emerging trends. Vietnamese, Romanian and Hong Kong Chinese groups were all targeted after intelligence grew on their activities. When the alarm bells went off over growing intelligence concerns about a new or current crime group, covert operations were mounted.
When the Middle Eastern crime groups emerged in the mid to late 1990s no alarms were set off. The Crime Intelligence unit was asleep. I know personally that operational police in south west Sydney compiled enormous amounts of good intelligence on the formation of Lebanese groups such as the Telopea Street Boys and others in the Campsie, Lakemba, Fairfield and Punchbowl areas. The inactivity could not have been because the intelligence reports weren't interesting, because I have read many of them and from a policing perspective they were damning. Many of the offenders that you now see in major criminal trials or serving lengthy sentences in prison were identified back then.But even more frustrating for operational police were the activities of this ethnic crime group; activities that set it apart from almost all others bar the Cabramatta 5T [A Vietnamese gang in NSW-ed]. The Lebanese groups were ruthless, extremely violent, and they intimidated not only innocent witnesses, but even the police that attempted to arrest them.As these crime groups encountered less resistance in terms of police operations and enforcement, their power grew not only within their own communities, but also all around Sydney except in Cabramatta, where their fear of the South East Asian crime groups limited their forays. But the rest of Sydney became easy pickings.The second in the series of events began to take shape with Peter Ryan's executive leadership team. Under Ryan's nose they began to carve up the New South Wales Police and form little kingdoms where senior police officers ruled almost untouched by outside influence. Ryan’s team then appointed their own commanders in the police stations. Almost all of them had little or no street experience; but they in turn brought along their friends as duty officers, similarly inexperienced. Some of the experience these police listed on their resumes included stints at Human Resources, the Academy, the Police Band in one case, the various cubbyholes in Police Headquarters, and almost no operational policing experience -- yet they were tasked to lead. Never has the expression "the blind leading the blind" been more appropriate.The impact that this leadership team had on day-to-day operational policing was disastrous. In many of the key areas that were experiencing rapid rises in Middle Eastern crime, these new leaders became more concerned with relations between the police and ethnic minorities than with emerging violent crime. The power and influence of the local religious and minority leaders cannot be overstated. Police began to use selective law enforcement. They selected targets that were unlikely to use their ethnic background and cultural beliefs to hinder police investigations or arrests. It was mostly Anglo Saxons and Asians who were targets, because they were underrepresented by religious leaders and the media. They were soft targets.An example of the confrontations police nearly always experienced in Muslim-dominated areas when confronting even the most minor of crimes is an incident that occurred in 2001 in Auburn. Two uniformed officers stopped a motor vehicle containing three well known male offenders of Middle Eastern origin, on credible information via the police radio indicating that the occupants of the vehicle had been involved in a series of break-and-enters. What occurred during the next few hours can only be described as frightening.When searching the vehicle and finding stolen property from the break-and-enter, the police were physically threatened by the three occupants of the car, including references to tracking down where the officers lived, killing them and "fucking your girlfriends". The two officers were intimidated to the point of retreating to their police car and calling for urgent assistance.When police backup arrived, the three occupants called their associates via their mobile phones -- which incidentally is the Middle Eastern radio network used to communicate amongst gangs. Within minutes as many as twenty associates arrived as well as another forty or so from the street where they had been stopped. As further police cars arrived, the Middle Eastern males became even more aggressive, throwing punches at police, pushing police over onto the ground, threatening them with violence and damaging police vehicles.When the duty officer arrived, he immediately ordered all police back into their vehicles and they retreated from the scene. The stolen property was not recovered. No offender was arrested for assaulting police or damaging police vehicles.But the humiliation did not end there. The group of Middle Eastern males then drove to the police station, where they intimidated the station staff, damaged property and virtually held a suburban police station hostage. The police were powerless. The duty officer ordered police not to confront the offenders but to call for back up from nearby stations. Eventually the offenders left of their own volition. No action was taken against them.In the minds of the local population, the police were cowards and the message was “Lebs rule the streets.”[4] For a number of days, nothing was done to rectify this total breakdown of law and order. To the senior police in the area, it was more important to give the impression that local ethnic relations were never better. It was also important to Peter Ryan that no bad news stories appeared which might have given the impression that crime in any area was out of control. Had these hoodlums been arrested they would have filed IA complaints immediately via their Legal Aid lawyers and community leaders. To senior police, this was a cause for concern at the next Operational Crime Review.So the incident was covered up until a few local veteran detectives found out about it and decided to act. They went quietly to the addresses of the three main offenders early one morning and took them away with a minimum of fuss and charged them. Some order was restored, but not nearly enough.By avoiding confrontations with these thugs, the police gave away the streets in many areas of south-western Sydney. By putting command in the hands of inexperienced senior police who had never copped the odd punch in the mouth or received a broken nose in the line of duty, the police force hung the community and the local police out to dry. Most of these duty officers had retreated to non-operational areas early in their careers because they couldn't stomach the risks of front line policing. Yet they put their hands up to take vital operational roles because the positions are highly paid -- duty officers receive about $30,000 to $40,000 a year more than a detective sergeant, which is ludicrous.When I say that this type of policing was condoned and encouraged across wide areas of New South Wales, I am not exaggerating. The problems in south-western Sydney are a direct result of covering up criminality because it went against the script that Peter Ryan and his executive had continually pushed in the media, day after day after day - that crime was on the decrease and Peter Ryan was the world's best police commissioner.In hundreds upon hundreds of incidents police have backed down to Middle Eastern thugs and taken no action and allowed incidents to go unpunished. Again I stress the unbelievable influence that local politicians and religious leaders played in covering up the real state of play in the south-west
Lebanese Gangs Intimidate Police
The Rise of Middle Eastern Crime Groups in New South Wales
Lebanese Family Terrorises Neighbourhood
The Rise of Middle Eastern Crime in Australia
In pictures: Brisbane flood clean-up Lets pay tribute to all those in Australia who lost their life and properties with the great song from inxs;The Devil inside
Michael J. "Crocodile" Dundee (also called Mick), played by Paul Hogan, is a fictional character, the protagonist in the Crocodile Dundee film series consisting of Crocodile Dundee, Crocodile Dundee II, and Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles. The character is a crocodile hunter, hence the nickname.[2]
Racial Attacks Against Young Australians
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