As recounted earlier, a significant part of the original Indo-European Grecian population in south and the north of Greece had, by the time of the Roman occupation of that country, absorbed enough Middle Eastern and African slaves into their society to cause the downfall of the Classical Grecian civilization and which led to the creation of a biracial population - those Grecians who had not mixed as opposed to those who had.
Dark coloring dominated, with only flashes of original European or Indo-European sub-racial characteristics (light hair and light eyes) showing themselves every now and then. At the time of the division of the Roman Empire into Eastern and Western halves, Greece was included in the Eastern Empire.
By the 3rd Century AD, the invading Indo-European Goths had captured Athens from the Eastern Empire, but, once the main body of Goths had moved on, Greece once again sank into obscurity, surrounded by ruins of the great civilization which had previously existed in that country.
The attacks, which lasted several hours, occurred following a downtown protest against a deadly mugging that had happened earlier in the week.![]() ![]() Several hundred youths, dressed in black and some wielding bats, were involved in the daytime attacks in an area where thousands of Asian and African immigrants live. Immigrants were chased through narrow streets of the city's Kato Patissia neighborhood and punched and kicked to the ground by groups of attackers. Officials from a state-run Polykliniki and Athens General hospitals told the AP that 25 people were treated for injuries following the clashes _ 19 immigrants and six Greeks, with one man remaining overnight for observation. Thursday's clashes followed a spike in racial attacks in Greece during its financial crisis and the election of the leader of a violent far-right Chrysi Avgi organization to Athens' City Council in November. Police said 48 protesters were detained for questioning but none were immediately charged. Human Rights Watch urged Greek authorities to conduct "a diligent investigation" and prosecute the violent offenders. "It's horrifying. Clearly these are indiscriminate racist attacks in a city and a country that by all accounts has seen a troubling _ an alarming _ rise in racist sentiment and racist violence over the past several years," Judith Sunderland, a senior for researcher at the rights group for Western Europe told the AP. ![]() Far-right and nationalist groups have seized on witness testimony that immigrants allegedly carried out the fatal stabbing on Tuesday of a man who was about to drive his pregnant wife to a hospital. Police have not identified any suspects. A makeshift shrine with candles and flowers now stands at the site of the killing. The far-right youths joined and eventually took over a peaceful demonstration from that site to Athens' City Hall, chasing and beating migrants as they marched through the city center. But most of the trouble occurred after the rally. Thugs in motorcycle helmets beat up immigrants, sending others fleeing for safety amid heavy rush-hour traffic. Similar attacks have occurred over the past two days. The black-clad ultranationalist youths marched through migrant areas, and running battles with riot police broke out as youths chased immigrants down side streets. Male and female protesters were seen taking part in the beatings. Clashes with police broke out in a red-light district of the capital, where riot police fired volleys of tear gas, as women in closed-up brothels peered out of windows and balconies at the violence below. The rioters taunted immigrant onlookers on apartment block windows and broke into chants of "Where are the foreigners now?" and "Jobs for Greeks only." ![]() Also Thursday, police said they were investigating the fatal stabbing of a 21-year-old Bangladeshi man in a crime-ridden part of central Athens with a strong far-right presence. There have been no arrests, and the motive of the attack was unclear. Greece is the EU's main entry point for illegal immigrants. Over the past few years, the capital's center has seen a major increase in migrant numbers, which, combined with worsening crime rates, has prompted a far-right backlash. A government spokesman on Thursday condemned violence during frequent anti-government protests and the recent racial attacks, but could not be reached for further comment. On Wednesday, 20,000 people marched through Athens to protest the Socialist government's painful austerity measures. Most of the protest was peaceful, but clashes occurred between petrol bomb- and stone-throwing anarchists and riot police. More than two dozen people were injured, including two police officers. Greece has been grappling with a severe financial crisis for more than a year and was rescued from bankruptcy by a euro110 billion international bailout package in May 2010. In return, the government imposed strict austerity measures, including cutting public sector salaries, freezing pensions and increasing taxes. But it has struggled to meet revenue targets during a recession, and the government is soon due to unveil new cutbacks aimed at saving an estimated euro23 billion ($33 billion) through 2015. Above: It would however be incorrect to assume that all people of Greek descent have been affected by the barbaric dark turk race mixing process - as this contemporary picture of Greek schoolgirls in Athens shows, very many Greek people have been untouched by this mixing process and fully retain their European racial heritage. 1. The White subrace known as the Mediterraneans, were the race who originally occupied much of Europe and the Middle East. These were the people who built the very first European civilizations, and then afterwards helped build the civilizations in the Mesopotamian river valley and in Egypt. On the European continent the Mediterraneans were absorbed for the greatest part into the Alpine White subrace; the Proto-Nordics and then the invading Indo-European Nordic subraces. ![]() This absorption occurred with relatively little disruption to the growth of the European continental civilizations, as all the mixing components were all part of the broader White race. In the Middle East and Egypt, however, the Mediterraneans were absorbed into the Arabic/Semitic peoples and the African Blacks: through this process they lost virtually all genetic contact with the rest of the White race. The Mediterranean subrace of the White race has then already vanished, along with the culture it created |

In debt-plagued Greece,the Dark immigrants feel the heat
Although ultra-right groups have been responsible for fanning anti-immigrant feeling in the economically distressed country, the influx of foreigners is increasingly resented by moderate citizens too.Ancient Greece gave the world the word "xenophobia." Modern Greece is providing examples of it.
Hamad Amiri, a young Afghan immigrant, arrived to work at his brother's cellphone store in Athens on a recent morning only to find that someone had gummed up the lock overnight. Scrawled in yellow paint on the shop's metal screen were the words "Foreigners Out," accompanied by the insignia of a far-right organization known as Golden Dawn-Greece is being overrun by the dark musli hordes in the last ten years more than one million came over from Turkey which is doing everything they could to undermine Greece stability.The barbaric musli Turks while constantly blackmailing Brussel and colonising northern Europe /more than four million in Germany/ they are orchestrating Europes Musli invasion via Greece.Greece historical tragedy has been the appeareance of the dark Turks whom mercilessly destroyed the Byzantian Empire.They killed the last Emperor CONSTANTINE in 1453 in Constantinople and they genocided millions of Greeks.Under the Ottomans barbaric rule the Turks unleashed Hell on Earth in the Balkans for five century Greece Serbia Bulgaria Croatia has collapsed into unimaginable darkness and suffering under the rule of the primitiv Turks-millions of whites had been killed by the savages and they raped so many woman that those once white nations genetic pool had been destroyed and became obsolete lower type of hybrid contaminated forever-that fate hunting Greece as well unfortunately present day Greeks are not the same as their ancient ancestors whom had created Western Civilisation Art and Culture and also had been ruling large parts of the middle east=Egypt was ruled by the Greeks,Cleopatra had been the last Greek Pharao-the same disaster happened in Egypt like whats going on nowadays in the whole Western world they had been mixing with the Nubian negros and the semitic desert tribes until their White genetics has deteriorated into todays Egyptian prototype/like Obongo who currently occupying the White House/.In todays Greece you can see much less blond haired blue eyed people than in ancient times-the lights are slowly fading out and the jewish masters of the European union in Brussel are aware of this and they love it-in fact they are doing everything they can to trick the people of Europe into accepting the wicked Turks into the union thereby giving a deadly blow to Europe and the outcry from Greece are completely ignored by them.
The Future of Greece has been sealed the Dark Musli invasion is getting stronger the extremely cruel Turk beast want to annihilate again Greece just like they did for 450 years The Western powers had liberated Greece from Turkish Slavery in 1830 but todays Western Europe is a dying joke itself already overrun by the dark Muslis so Greece only hope to rise from its ashes is their own 300 Spartan.

But "300" still succeeds, aided by the strong central performance of Gerard Butler, who makes Leonidas a leader worth dying for. These may be a macho bunch of guys prone to sports arena style chanting, but they are undeniably courageous. In addition to the truly fine Butler, standouts include Vincent Regan ("Troy," "Unleashed") as the Captain, devastated when his eldest, Astinos (Tom Wisdom), falls and Michael Fassbender's striking Stelios. Lena Headey epitomizes the strong Spartan woman and Dominic West ("Mona Lisa Smile," "The Forgotten") gives charismatic shading to his traitorous politician. GREECE TRAGIC ECONOMIC SITUATION

People often say that the problem in Greece is profligacy. Greece, the story goes, is a nation living beyond its means. Reading the press, in fact, one gets the impression that Greeks must enjoy one of the highest standards of living in Europe while making the frugal Germans pick up the tab.
In reality, Greece has one of the lowest per capita incomes in Europe, much lower than the Eurozone 12 or the German level. Furthermore, the country’s social safety net might seem generous by US standards but is truly modest compared to the rest of Europe. As to borrowing, Greece is far from unique in its level of overall indebtedness as a percentage of gross domestic product.
So what’s the real problem? It all started when Greece embraced the Euro, which some saw as the country’s salvation. But as is so often the case, what once seemed a strength turns out to be weakness. The same might be said of Greek social programs; once seen as a pillar of the state, in hard times they automatically swell government deficits. Europe’s financial institutions are loaded with potentially toxic sovereign debt issued by Greece and other shaky countries around the European periphery. French banks are said to be loaded with 75 billion euros of toxic Greek bonds; one can now understand President Sarkozy’s furious campaign to rescue Greece. Taken together, Spain, Greece and Portugal are believed to have planted a 2.2 trillion euro time bomb on the balance sheets of European banks First, Greece has no hope of repaying its debts as they are now constituted. Thus, the much-contested 110 billion euro bailout plan and the wider subsequent trillion-dollar bailout proferred by the Eurozone countries and the IMF are doomed to fail for the simple reason that they offer only more lending to countries already drowning in debt. Greece has a primary deficit (meaning one that would persist for a number of years unless the country experiences spectacular economic growth) exceeding 6% of GDP and a budget deficit due to financing of the accumulated debt of at least another 4%, in addition to which it faces a GDP contraction for at least three years. Simple math shows that to have a stable debt/GDP ratio Greece must generate a budget surplus of at least 10%, which is basically impossible. A rising debt/GDP ratio together with contracting economy will make financing from private investors very doubtful 

Increasing illegal arrivals could destabilize Greece, EU commissioner warns, putting onus on Ankara
A burgeoning influx of illegal immigrants could threaten social stability in Greece and must be curbed, the European Commission’s Vice President Jacques Barrot warned from Brussels yesterday, reiterating calls on Ankara to cooperate by cracking down on human traffickers in Turkey.

“There is a major threat to the equilibrium of Greek democracy because of the massive influx of immigration,” Barrot told a press conference following an official visit to Greece, where he inspected migrant detention centers on Aegean islands. Barrot, who is also the EU’s commissioner for justice and security, laid the onus for action largely on Ankara.
“We cannot simply do nothing. We have to get much firmer control from the Turkish government... Turkey has to help us fight the facilitators and the traffickers who push people to make the risky journeys,” the commissioner said. He also stressed the importance of negotiations with Pakistan and other countries of migrants’ origin so that readmission pacts can be drawn up.
Speaking to Skai yesterday, Interior Minister Prokopis Pavlopoulos echoed the commissioner’s views, noting that Turkish authorities should stop turning a blind eye to smugglers who are bringing thousands of would-be migrants into Greece.
Meanwhile Kathimerini has learned that around 200 North African immigrants have taken up residence in the derelict premises of the old Athens appeals court in the city center. The migrants, believed to be “new arrivals,” are thought to have moved in a few weeks ago after the original 600 or so migrants who had been squatting at the site moved out to

I agree with most of what you say, about Greek feelings of emnity being provoked by perceived injustices at the hands of the Turks; but am not convinced that Turkish hatred for us is just religious hatred for the infidels or involves some Turkish compulsion to dominate. The Turks blame the Greeks for wrecking the Ottoman empire – which was the highpoint in their history – we screwed up this paradise for them, not just by revolting against them and passing on nationalist aspirations to the other minorities in the Balkans and elsewhere, but also – in the last hundred years of the empire – when it effectively developed a semi-colonial status in relation to Europe – Ottoman Greeks, as well as Jews and Armenians, had real power – political but especially economic – which Turkish nationalists resented, envied and felt humiliated by. Don’t undersestimate this sense of Turkish humiliation – at the hands of Greeks and other Europeans
The Turkish government would make Hamas seem like a collection of pathetic amateurs when it comes to the application of terror for political purposes such as ethnic cleansing. Ask the Armenians, the Greeks, the Assyrians, or the Kurds. I do not consider Turks evil, just some of their past and recent behavior.
I would welcome Turkey's integration into the West WHICH IS ABSOLUTE MADNESS GIVEN THAT THEY ARE DARK MUSLIS but not until it acts like a country willing to live at peace with its neighbors instead of pushing them around like some neighborhood bully. I don't think that Turks need a strong leader. What they need is more democracy and human rights. want to know if EOKA was a terrorist group what was Moussafa Kemel Auturk who murdered 4 million Orthodox Christians from 1914 to 1923. Who is the barbarians? EOKA who wanted the British to keep their promise to reunite Cyprus with their Motherland GREECE or the Turks who are nothing but barbaric stoneage terrorists against civilization!

GOLDEN DAWN GREEK NAZI PARTY The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn® (HOGD), a black magical, white supremacist organization with strong ties to Neo-Nazi and white supremacist political parties and organizations around the world, has in recent years taken control of a plethora of occult orders and esoteric societies using trademarks, lawsuits, and other forms of coercion.

Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn®
HOGD Nazi World Headquarters - HermeticGoldenDawn.org
Golden Dawn Fuhrer Chic Cicero

HOGD Nazi World Headquarters - HermeticGoldenDawn.org
Golden Dawn Fuhrer Chic Cicero

The Golden Dawn Nazi movement teaches that Adolph Hitler was the reincarnation of Julius Caesar. According to the Golden Dawn, it was Adolph Hitler's destiny to lead Germany as Third Reich or third Roman Empire. Since Hitler failed and the German Empire was destroyed, the Golden Dawn and the Thule Society are magically attempting to transform the United States into an American Empire as Fourth Reich or Fourth Roman Empire. According to official Golden Dawn teachings, this will occur with the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, who in this incarnation will rule as King over the 1,000 year American Empire after leading America to victory in the Battle of Armageddon. This is a terrible deception. In reality, the Golden Dawn and the Thule Society are secretly striving to bring the Antichrist to power in America as prelude to the Apocalypse foretold in the Bible in the book of Revelations.
The following are the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn's regional commanders. Nazi David Griffin owns the Golden Dawn trademark in the European Union and has used it to take control of several European esoteric orders for HOGD Golden Dawn Fuhrer, Chic Cicero.

Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn®
Golden Dawn Nazi European Headquarters
GoldenDawn.Com - David Griffin
GoldenDawn.Com - David Griffin

HOGD Nazi Fuhrer, Chic Cicero, together with white supremacists R.A. Gilbert and Michael Buckley, recently founded a Golden Dawn Nazi "Inner Order" called the Order of the Rose and Cross. The ORC shares the Christian Identity racial philosophy of white supremacy and admits only Christians. The ORC teaches that the Aryan race comprises the true "Children of Israel" and that Jews, Muslims, and Africans are sub-human, "Children of Satan."
The Golden Dawn and all of its various recruitment vehicles are extremely dangerous to those who are duped into joining. They are gateways to racist, white supremacist occult organizations and are controlled by a common "Inner Order," the Christian Identity white supremacist, Order of the Rose Cross (ORC) which directly recruits Freemasons.
The ORC in turn is controlled by the German, black magical Thule Gesellschaft (Thule Sociaty), the Order that brought Adolph Hitler and the Nazis to power in Germany.
Alarmed by the sudden influx of illegal migrants pouring into Greece, the E.U. sent Frontex forces to Orestiada in November to help Greek police patrol an especially troublesome eight-mile (13 km) section of the 128-mile (200 km) land border between Greece and Turkey. Some 31,400 people crossed just that portion of the border in the first nine months of 2010 — more than the number of illegal crossings through all of the Canary Islands in 2006, a peak year for immigration to Spain.With Greece in this current economic malaise, I’m pretty sure that the vast majority of Greeks will not tolerate by any means this immigration invasion. As with 2,500 years ago, apparently Greece has still a lot to teach us.
Nazi Robert Zink - The Power or Angels - ThePowerOfAngels.com
EOGD - New Age - KKK - Nazi - Recruitment Site


Frontex report implicates Turks
Photographs taken from a Latvian helicopter participating in Frontex patrols over the Aegean and published yesterday in Kathimerini, show Turkish coast guard officials failing to obstruct a smuggling vessel from leaving the Turkish coast, an apparent vindication of Greek claims that Turkish authorities are not cooperating in the fight to curb illegal immigration.
The photos, submitted to the European Commission along with a written report by the helicopter pilots, also appear to show a Turkish coast guard vessel escorting a smuggling boat into Greek national waters off the tiny islet of Farmakonisi. Surely it cannot be a coincidence that the Greek economy headed into the direst pit simultaneously as the Greek political class started accepting mass third world immigration into Greece. WHITEPLIGHT OPINION Imagine NYC, or SF, or LA like this. This has come to Greece and will come to all of Europe. It will happen here. The reason this is happening is IMO twofold; First, leftists sought to undermine national feeling everywhere so that their ideal of a one world socialist utopia might occur. Second, because Western governments, especially the U.S., exploited every nation in an imperial manner comparable to the British Empire’s worst examples, and failed to support governments that would bring about stability chiefly due to the Western competition with Eastern Communism. In the wake of the collapse of the Cold War, radical Islam has risen again to fill the gap. But there is another reason that the West is facing such an onslaught of humanity; The population of the third world peoples has grown unchecked, and threatens everyone, everywhere. Those who can are jumping off sinking ships (nations) onto over filled life boats of Europe and America. No one seems willing to address the real problem and no nation seems willing to face the dire consequences of unending population expansion.
Greece to build anti-migrant fence ![]() | ||||||
Greece plans to build a 12.5km fence at border with Turkey to prevent immigrants from entering the country. Greece plans a 12.5 km fence at its border with Turkey to prevent a wave of immigrants from flowing into the country, its public order ministry has said. Asian and African migrants increasingly use the northern Greece Evros border with Turkey to reach the EU, after the bloc stepped up surveillance at its sea borders and Spain and Italy signed repatriation deals with African countries. Last year, some 128,000 illegal immigrants crossed into Greece, more than 40,000 of them at the Evros border post, Christos Papoutsis, the citizen protection minister said in a statement on Monday. "This is the hard reality and we have an obligation to the Greek citizen to deal with it," Papoutsis said. "In an effort to manage the inflow of illegal migrants, we are proceeding with the installation of means to deter illegal entries along a 12.5 km land border in Evros." Greece's land border with Turkey is more than 200 kilometres long and mostly runs along a river. The fence will be built in the area where most migrants arrive, officials said. Athens has long complained that Turkey is not doing enough to stop illegal migrants and that Ankara's refusal to take back immigrants who have crossed from its territory encourages would-be migrants to use that route.Nine out of 10 illegal immigrants use Greece as their springboard into the European Union and the debt-choked country is struggling to cope with the swelling numbers. Increase Your Psychic Power - increaseyourpsychicpower.com EOGD - New Age - KKK - Nazi - Recruitment Site ![]() Globalism; The EU fears a refugee wave from North Africa.The human tsunami that is building up in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) could swamp Europe and destroy Western Civilization. “Migrants dying to be in Europe”, (The Guardian Weekly, 11.17 March 2011, p.1). The Guardian’s article voices the concern of the whole of Europe as migrants flee turmoil in North Africa and the Middle East. Small numbers of migrants are arriving in Italy and Greece. 300 North African migrants are on a hunger strike in Greece demanding residency permits. A spokesman said, “we want what we deserve, official documents and a bit of respect. To be an immigrant is not a crime. We will continue our strike until we are vindicated or die”!! The Greek justice minister’s view is that “We don’t want a single one to die, but at the same time this is blackmail. If we give in today, we may have 150,000 others making the same request tomorrow”. Greece, with it’s porous borders, has become the main route for migrants trying to reach the EU. Last year 128,000 people entered Greece illegally about 90% of EU total. Greece is in the middle of economic and social crisis and cannot accept any more migrants. The citizen protection minister, Christos Papout, has ruled out giving legal status to the hunger strikers. For centuries the total population of MENA did not exceed 30 million, the real maximum population the area can hold. By 1950 the population reached 104 million by 2007 it had reached 432 million and by 2050 it is projected to rise to 692 million and it will not stop there. The birth rates in most MENA countries have been reduced to 3, at that rate the population will double to 1.4 billion in 25 years. These riots are not about democracy, the press are lying to us. These rioting populations need work, in MENA as a whole 20% of youth are unemployed and food and water is also scarce. No barrier will keep them out of Europe.This will be an invasion without arms!!!! They must be repelled with arms or Europe is finished. If not stopped anything up to 700 million migrants could be on their way into Europe. Europe at the moment copes with about 50 million African migrants and most economies are in dire straits. 5 million dependent migrants in France are one thing, 200 milllion quite another Where is Greece in all of this? As usually, the Greek government is dozing off or, worse, deliberately choosing not to grasp the opportunity lest our EU overseers are disturbed. Already buckling under the unwanted burden of over one million illegal migrants, mostly Muslim and mostly from Asia and Africa, Greece continues to fatally underestimate the illegal migration national security threat. Under an open strategic illegal migration attack from Turkey, who seeks to destabilize this country through deft manipulation of international embarrassment and the sheer economic hemorrhage caused by the flood of these uninvited throngs, Greece is still swaying between empty macho announcements (“We will build a border fence”) and complete inaction in the face of her crumbling human security and sovereignty. We have no illusions about the impact of the Papandreou government’s “multicultural” credentials on its overall behavior, but even a government of such political and social myopia could surely see the opening now being offered this country by means of emulating Italy. Greece has voluntarily turned itself into a convenient cesspool for protecting Europe’s “advanced” countries by refusing exit to the hundreds of thousands who arrive here straining at the leash to reach paradise in France, Germany, the UK, the Netherlands, and the Scandinavian countries. The center of Athens has been turned into a filthy ghetto, while illegal migrant troubles have already shaken places like Patras and Igoumenitsa, both getaways to Italy, the latter currently being overrun by angry illegal migrant mobs despairing at not being allowed to climb onto departing ferries. All along, Greece has been nevertheless subjected to relentless pounding by these and other “friends and allies” over the illegal migrants’ “human rights” that are being violated, our critics declare, with complete abandon by the Greek state. In this entire patently hypocritical and openly patronizing avalanche of words there’s rarely, if ever, mention of the enormous burdens Greece, a bankrupt and imploding country that will soon be unable to provide for her own, is called upon to bear without the slightest concrete aid from those she’s helping shield against the illegal migration wave. ![]() So, here’s the chance: Borrow a leaf out of Silvio Berlusconi’s book and begin issuing travel permits to the hungry and the angered -- and let the ugly flow begin to slam against the gates of Fortress Western Europe. Desperate situations call for desperate measures and Greece, already reaching territory beyond desperate, has nothing to lose but her already tattered shirt. The gamble is worth taking because the gains could be potentially enormous while the losses nothing really worse than what our European overseers, with the collaboration of the Papandreou government, are already dishing out upon us by having turned this country into a helpless guinea pig to the benefit of the markets and jittery bankers. SANCTIONED INVASION OF GREECE The Officially Sanctioned Invasion of Greece, or: Soviet Style "diversity" in action- (We reprint here an article first published in December of 2001 under the "Useful Idiots" Update banner. We do so because nothing has changed since then; if anything, the flow of 3rd world migrants -- and the threat they pose to Hellas' precious gene pool -- has increased.) This government poster was seen all over Greece during the summer of 2001. It tells the illegal African, Pakistani, Afghani, Albanian, and other aliens from all over the 3rd world, to "Stay here legally. Come and apply for your residency permit. No one should be illegal now. There's a law." "What people everywhere must do is practice birth control and miscegenation in order to create one race in one world under one government. The ideal skin for a human being is a coffee-colored skin." Brock Chisholm, former Director of the U.N.'s World Health Organization. "There is no place in modern Europe for ethnically pure states. That's a 19th century idea, and we are trying to transition into the 21st century. We are going to do it with multi-ethnic states." U.S. General Wesley Clark (of Serbian "War" fame). "I think you are all going to see that human rights will play a more important role than any nation's sovereignty in the future." NATO Gen'l Sect'y during the Serbian "War," and "former" Marxist, Xavier Solana. Talk to any Greek today and he will -- sooner rather than later -- begin to complain about the sorry state of the country ever since the unwanted hordes of foreigners began to migrate into Greece. He will talk about their lack of respect, their slippery cunning, and their boisterous behavior. Most of all, he will complain bitterly about the proliferation of the sorts of crimes most Greeks never even knew existed just a few years ago. In what is being remembered more and more as the halcyon past, the crime of rape, for instance, was so rare as to cause banner headlines in the newspapers. Today, rape, as well as purse-snatching, pocket-picking, assault, armed robbery, and, mostly, burglary, are so commonplace their occurrence raises nary an eyebrow. This state of affairs is, according to Simitis-Papandreou-Karamanlis-Mitsotakis, and the entire entrenched political establishment, the price Greece must pay for western-style "progress." When the former PASOK Minister of Public Order -- a portly little "Socialist" by the name of Georgos Romaos -- addressed a crowd of angry citizens who'd had enough, this worthy, in keeping with his party's "sleepless vigilance for the welfare of the people," declared imperiously: "We Greeks must learn to live with bars on our windows and doors." After voicing this expression of "sleepless vigilance" and patriarchal concern, he promptly departed in his armor-plated Mercedes, followed by a car full of his security personnel. One can only look back with longing to a time when Greek politicians rode the public transportation system and walked freely among the people, but that was before the glories of "Democratic Socialism" and Simitescu-style "progress" came to Greece. ![]()
![]() Last week, Greek urban guerilla group Conspiracy of the Cells of Fire claimed three bombings. The first bomb went off on the morning of Friday, March 19 at the headquarters of Chrisi Avgi (Golden Dawn), a neo-Nazi party in Greece. The second bomb went off on Saturday, March 20 and targeted the Police Directorship for Immigrants, a centre for immigrants to obtain papers that is known for police brutality. The thrid bomb hit the house of the vice-president of the Greek-Pakistani Union IRON YOUTH GREEK HARDROCK BAND With only one release out, this band is regarded as one of the very best White Power bands in the whole White world. A short overview on this Athenian outfit follows... Iron Youth is the most outstanding White Power band in Hellas. The band plays skinhead oi, with some metal, hardcore and thrash influences. One of the main characteristics of the band is their strong and heavy guitar work as well as their straight-to-face style, not lacking however melody or some musical sensitivity (like the outro "After the war", a very nice piece of piano work) that altogether makes this band one of the very best skinhead bands in the whole world! Being a nazi-skinhead band as Iron Youth is, I cannot avoid mentioning the political stands of the band. They are closely linked to XRUSH AUGH ("Golden Dawn"), which is Greece's most important National Socialist party and considered by many in the world racialist scene as a model of NS organization HISTORY OF GREECE ![]() The history of Greece encompasses the history of the territory of the modern state of Greece, as well as that of the Greek people and the areas they ruled historically. The scope of Greek habitation and rule has varied much through the ages, and, as a result, the history of Greece is similarly elastic in what it includes. Each era has its own related sphere of interest. The first (proto-) Greek-speaking tribes, known later as Mycenaeans, are generally thought to have arrived in the Greek mainland between the late 3rd and the first half of the 2nd millennium BC--probably between 1900 and 1600 BC[1] When the Mycenaeans invaded there were various non-Greek-speaking, indigenous pre-Greek people, practicing agriculture, as they had done since the 7th millennium BC.[2] At its geographical peak, Greek civilization spread from Greece to Egypt and to the Hindu Kush mountains in Afghanistan. Since then, Greek minorities have remained in former Greek territories (e.g., Turkey, Albania, Italy, and Libya, Levant, Armenia, Georgia etc.), and Greek emigrants have assimilated into differing societies across the globe (e.g., North America, Australia, Northern Europe, South Africa, etc.) Nowadays most Greeks live in the modern state of Greece (independent since 1821) and Cyprus ![]() Main article: Mycenaean Greece The Proto-Greeks are assumed to have arrived in the Greek peninsula during the late 3rd to early 2nd millennium BC.[8] The migration of the Ionians and Aeolians resulted in Mycenaean Greece by the 16th century BC.[9][10] The transition from pre-Greek to Greek culture appears to have been rather gradual. Some archaeologists have pointed to evidence that there was a significant amount of continuity of prehistoric economic, architectural, and social structures, suggesting that the transition between the Neolithic, Helladic and early Greek cultures may have continued without major rifts in social texture.[11]On Crete, however, the Mycenean invasion of around 1400 BC spelled the end of the Minoan civilization. Mycenaean Greece is the Late Helladic Bronze Age civilization of Ancient Greece. It lasted from the arrival of the Greeks in the Aegean around 1600 BC to the collapse of their Bronze Age civilization around 1100 BC. It is the historical setting of the epics of Homer and of most Greek mythology. The Mycenaean period takes its name from the archaeological site Mycenae in the northeastern Argolid, in the Peloponnesos of southern Greece. Athens, Pylos, Thebes, and Tiryns are also important Mycenaean sites. Mycenaean civilization was dominated by a warrior aristocracy. Around 1400 BC the Mycenaeans extended their control to Crete, center of the Minoan civilization, and adopted a form of the Minoan script called Linear A to write their early form of Greek. The Mycenaean era script is called Linear B. The Mycenaeans buried their nobles in beehive tombs (tholoi), large circular burial chambers with a high vaulted roof and straight entry passage lined with stone. They often buried daggers or some other form of military equipment with the deceased. The nobility were often buried with gold masks, tiaras, armour, and jeweled weapons. Mycenaeans were buried in a sitting position, and some of the nobility underwent mummification. ![]() Around 1100 BC the Mycenaean civilization collapsed. Numerous cities were sacked and the region entered what historians see as a dark age. During this period Greece experienced a decline in population and literacy. The Greeks themselves have traditionally blamed this decline on an invasion by another wave of Greek people, the Dorians, although there is scant archaeological evidence for this view. [edit] Early Iron AgeMain article: Greek Dark Ages Further information: Protogeometric art The Greek Dark Ages (ca. 1100 BC–800 BC) refers to the period of Greek history from the presumed Dorian invasion and end of the Mycenaean civilization in the 11th century BC to the rise of the first Greek city-states in the 9th century BC and the epics of Homer and earliest writings in alphabetic Greek in the 8th century BC.The collapse of the Mycenaean coincided with the fall of several other large empires in the near east, most notably the Hittite and the Egyptian. The cause may be attributed to an invasion of the sea people wielding iron weapons. When the Dorians came down into Greece they also were equipped with superior iron weapons, easily dispersing the already weakened Mycenaeans. The period that follows these events is collectively known as the Greek Dark Ages. ![]() Kings ruled throughout this period until eventually they were replaced with an aristocracy, then still later, in some areas, an aristocracy within an aristocracy—an elite of the elite. Warfare shifted from a focus on cavalry to a great emphasis on infantry. Due to its cheapness of production and local availability, iron replaced bronze as the metal of choice in the manufacturing of tools and weapons. Slowly equality grew among the different sects of people, leading to the dethronement of the various Kings and the rise of the family. At the end of this period of stagnation, the Greek civilization was engulfed in a renaissance that spread the Greek world as far as the Black Sea and Spain. Writing was relearned from the Phoenicians, eventually spreading north into Italy and the Gauls. [edit] Ancient GreeceThere are no fixed or universally agreed dates for the beginning or the end of the Ancient/Classical Greek period. In common usage it refers to all Greek history before the Roman Empire, but historians use the term more precisely. Some writers include the periods of the Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations, while others argue that these civilizations were so different from later Greek cultures that they should be classed separately. Traditionally, the Ancient Greek period was taken to begin with the date of the first Olympic Games in 776 BC, but most historians now extend the term back to about 1000 BC.The traditional date for the end of the Ancient Greek period is the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC. The period that follows is classed as Hellenistic. Not everyone treats the Ancient and Hellenic periods as distinct, however, and some writers treat the Ancient Greek civilization as a continuum running until the advent of Christianity in the 3rd century AD. ![]() Ancient Greece is considered by most historians to be the foundational culture of Western Civilization. Greek culture was a powerful influence in the Roman Empire, which carried a version of it to many parts of Europe. Ancient Greek civilization has been immensely influential on the language, politics, educational systems, philosophy, art and architecture of the modern world, particularly during the Renaissance in Western Europe and again during various neo-Classical revivals in 18th and 19th century Europe and the Americas. ![]() Main article: Roman Greece Militarily, Greece itself declined to the point that the Romans conquered the land (168 BC onwards), though Greek culture would in turn conquer Roman life. Although the period of Roman rule in Greece is conventionally dated as starting from the sacking of Corinth by the Roman Lucius Mummius in 146 BC, Macedonia had already come under Roman control with the defeat of its king, Perseus, by the Roman Aemilius Paullus at Pydna in 168 BC. The Romans divided the region into four smaller republics, and in 146 BC Macedonia officially became a province, with its capital at Thessalonica. The rest of the Greek city-states gradually and eventually paid homage to Rome ending their de jure autonomy as well. The Romans left local administration to the Greeks without making any attempt to abolish traditional political patterns. The agora in Athens continued to be the centre of civic and political life.![]() Caracalla's decree in AD 212, the Constitutio Antoniniana, extended citizenship outside Italy to all free adult men in the entire Roman Empire, effectively raising provincial populations to equal status with the city of Rome itself. The importance of this decree is historical, not political. It set the basis for integration where the economic and judicial mechanisms of the state could be applied throughout the Mediterranean as was once done from Latium into all Italy. In practice of course, integration did not take place uniformly. Societies already integrated with Rome, such as Greece, were favored by this decree, in comparison with those far away, too poor or just too alien such as Britain, Palestine or Egypt. Caracalla's decree did not set in motion the processes that led to the transfer of power from Italy and the West to Greece and the East, but rather accelerated them, setting the foundations for the millennium-long rise of Greece, in the form of the Eastern Roman Empire, as a major power in Europe and the Mediterranean in the Middle Ages. ![]() In World War I, Greece sided with the Entente powers against Ottoman Empire and the other Central Powers. In the war's aftermath, the Great Powers awarded parts of Asia Minor to Greece, including the city of Smyrna (known as İzmir today) which had a Greek population of significant size. However, the Turkish nationalists, led by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, overthrew the Ottoman government, organised a military assault on the Greek troops, and defeated them. Immediately afterwards, over one million native Greeks of Turkey had to leave for Greece as a population exchange with hundreds of thousands of Muslims then living in the Greek state (see Greco-Turkish War of 1919-1922). In 1923, the League of Nations failed Greece during the "Corfu incident." Italian dictator Benito Mussolini was allowed to exercise undue influence in this territorial conflict between Greece and Albania. In 1925, Greece and Bulgaria faced off during the "incident at Petrich." Unlike Corfu, resolution of this conflict was a League of Nations' success. NEVERMORE PERFORMING THE OBSIDIAN CONSPIRACY.ENJOY ITGREEK NATIONALISTS PROTEST AGAINST THE BILDERBERG GROUP MEETING NEAR ATHEN.WATCH IT IF YOU ARE A FAN OF MAGIC GREECE THAN YOUCAN CHECK OUT THIS SITE JUST CLICK HERE ] World War IITrench construction in the Elaia-Kalamas line by Greek military personnel during the Greco-Italian War. ![]() German soldiers raising the German War Flag over the Acropolis of Athens. The symbol of the country's occupation, it would be taken down in one of the first acts of the Greek Resistance. Primarily to secure his strategic southern flank, German dictator Adolf Hitler reluctantly stepped in and launched the Battle of Greece. Troops from Germany, Bulgaria, and Italy successfully invaded Greece, through Yugoslavia, overcoming Greek, British, Australian, and New Zealand units. On 20 May 1941, the Germans attempted to seize Crete with a large attack by paratroops—with the aim of reducing the threat of a counter-offensive by Allied forces in Egypt—but faced heavy resistance. The Greek campaign might have delayed German military plans against Soviet Union, and it is argued that had the German invasion of the Soviet Union started on 20 May 1941 instead of 22 June 1941, the Nazi assault against the Soviet Union might have succeeded. The heavy losses of German paratroopers led the Germans to launch no further large-scale air-invasions. During the years of Occupation of Greece by Nazi Germany, thousands of Greeks died in direct combat, in concentration camps, or of starvation. The occupiers murdered the greater part of the Jewish community despite efforts by the Greek Orthodox Church and many other Christian Greeks to shelter the Jews. The economy of Greece was devastated. When the Soviet Army began its drive across Romania in August 1944, the German Army in Greece began withdrawing north and northwestward from Greece into Yugoslavia and Albania to avoid being cut off in Greece. Hence, the German occupation of Greece ended in October 1944. British troops landed on 4 October in Patras, and entered Athens at October 13.[16] ![]() [ DESTABILIZATION THROUGH ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION IN GREECE | ![]() ![]() Strategic Analysis Copyright: http://www.rieas.gr/ Greece over the past decade has become a source country concerning the entrance of an unspecified amount of illegal immigrants, mostly from Asian and African states, that enter mainly through the Greek-Turkish borders and with the complicity or indifference of the authorities of the neighbouring country, despite the bilateral and international agreements that have been sealed for this matter. Illegal immigration is actually an asymmetrical threat aimed at destabilizing the Greek state and it is of critical interest to view it under the prism of Ankara’s stance concerning Greece’s role in the region. In simple terms Turkey uses the masses of desperate people being gathered in its territory in order to inflict great losses in the Greek economy and alter its ethnic and social profile. The latest information that have verified the above writings are videos and images depicting the Turkish Coast Guard deploring immigrants in the Greek Islands; that were shown in Greek national TV without any denial from the other side. Once reaching Turkish territory the immigrants are literally stashed in old warehouses or decaying apartments and wait for their transfer. In the meantime -a period up to 2 years- they work as underpaid manual workers in the local tourist and industry businesses, thus minimizing labour costs in Turkey. Currently it can be safely estimated that there are 1 million illegal immigrants “in transit” from Turkey to Europe and many of them will end up in Greece and allocate themselves in the newly founded ghettos in the centre of Athens, in the port of Patras or in various locations in the countryside, thus adding up to the 2.5 million illegal aliens already present in Greece Racial tensions mount in Greece
Greek economic crisis accelerates clashes between immigrants and locals. ATHENS, Greece — When he was still a Taliban fighter, Zaher Muhamad never thought he would end up in Greece. But as the might of the United States Army made itself felt in the post-Sept. 11 invasion of Afghanistan, Muhamad was forced to lay down his arms and flee, first to the Pakistani city of Peshawar, then onto Greece via Iran and Turkey. Today, he heads an Afghan immigrant association and lives in St Panteleimon, a gritty Athenian neighborhood balancing awkwardly along the racial fault line dividing the Greek capital. It is not a good time to be in Greece. The country is in the middle of a crisis, with official unemployment skyrocketing to over 12 percent in general and 25 percent among young people. Now that construction and industrial jobs are drying up, immigrants are less welcome than ever. Muhamad is just one in the tapestry of immigrants crowding into St Panteleimon from Asia, Africa and eastern Europe. Tensions skyrocketed in recent years as immigrants began outnumbering Greeks and members of the Greek far-right moved there to fight “de-Hellenisation.” They rented or bought apartments overlooking the square, stretched Greek flags taut across their balcony railings, and began almost daily patrols harassing immigrants. Immigrants form an estimated 10 percent of Greece’s population of 11 million according to the United Nations. The trickle became a flood after Greece joined the Schengen zone in 1997, meaning once a person enters Greece he can travel to other Schengen countries without passing through immigration controls. As other EU members with long Mediterranean coastlines, such as Spain and Italy, tightened their border patrols, immigrants desperate to access Europe’s employment opportunities landed in Greece. Periodic legalization drives and political inaction have exacerbated the racial divide and turned locals against the foreign presence. A chauvinist party called LAOS steadily gained in popularity. In the 2009 elections, it won 15 seats in parliament and became the third most-popular party in Greece’s second largest city, Thessaloniki. Its success reflects changing popular attitudes toward immigrants Above: The Turks driven off Cyprus. The non-White Turks were forced to cede Cyprus to the British in 1878, and lost yet another important outpost in the Mediterranean. Here the White British troops are seen watching over the withdrawal of the non-Whites - the latter's racially mixed origins well captured by this illustration. Cyprus was to become the focus of a continued conflict between Greece and Turkey, and was eventually subject to a renewed Turkish invasion in 1974. Greek forces rushed to Cyprus to protect Greek nationals and the island had to be partitioned between Greek and Turk - an issue which was still not resolved by the end of the 20th Century. Only in 1898 was Turkey finally compelled by the European powers to Nazi Robert Zink -The Guarantee - TheGuarantee.info EOGD - New Age Golden Dawn Nazi Recruitment Site ![]() What most Greeks are purposely kept in the dark about, however, is that the rising crime statistics are not the major problem. Crime is easily miscast as the primary evil because it's obvious and has affected every Greek, either by personal experience or in more benign ways; such as the alarm systems he's had to buy for his home and car, or the neighborhoods he no longer visits at night. The more insidious, long-term consequences of this phenomenon are not generally understood and rarely discussed. But before we examine these impending disasters, let's have a look at what kind of organizations and people will help to bring them about. And remember, just as in America, while the ship of state is sinking into a cesspool of multicultural "diversity;" while our unique, millenniums-old civilization is being trashed by hungry and envious 3rd world have-nots and their university-trained manipulators; while the controlled media-whores and the "grekili" politicians are dancing to the tune played by their New World Order bosses; the usual gaggle of onanistic, pie-in-the-sky "intellectuals" will be telling us from the tube, writing books and articles, and delivering long-winded lectures, about how grand it all is, and how strong and wonderful our multiethnic, multicultural, bordello of "diversity" is going to be one day, and how we should all be grateful and wait patiently for the millennium. "O brave new world, that has such people in it!" What follows is proof positive that Greece's "Useful Idiots" have been very busy indeed, for the organizations catalogued below did not exist and could most likely not have been formed just a few decades ago. That there are an estimated 800,000 to 1,000,000 (no one knows for sure) "economic refugees" (the term "aliens" is not permitted) currently in Greece, and that approximately a half-million of these are Albanians. Most of these foreigners are Muslims, and many are Turks. If only 1 out of 1000 of these Muslims is a terrorist or a spy, we have a situation where, if there is trouble with Turkey, Albania, or any other Muslim country, there is an entrenched fifth-column already in place in Greece ready to work clandestinely against their adopted "homeland"; a very sobering thought indeed, especially in view of the upcoming Olympics. Add to all of the above, the fact that Greece now has the dubious distinction of having the highest abortion rate in the whole of the European Union -- which adds up to the unhappy reality of there being just as many abortions (about 120,000) a year as there are births -- and one quickly realizes that the "Useful Idiots" in Greece have served their masters well. And we mustn't forget the E.U.-sponsored study which predicted that, should current migration and demographic trends continue, the Greeks will be a minority in their own land by 2030. All of this, of course, means nothing to our lower echelon "Useful Idiots," because what is important to them is "feeling good all over" about themselves in the here and now, and the hell with the future. |
Order of the Rose and Cross (ORC) - Thule Gesellschaft
Golden Dawn Nazi "Inner Order" - OrderRoseAndCross.org
It was only in the 13th Century that Greece once again featured in European history - the territory fell to the 1204 Crusade, which saw Byzantine itself sacked by the White knights meant to save it.
The Crusaders divided the Greek peninsula into feudal fiefs, the best known being the Duchy of Athens - all the states were incorporated into what officially became known as the Latin Empire of the East. Crusader rule was too short lived and their numbers too small to substantially alter the racial make-up of the region, and they were driven out in 1261 when the Byzantines reconquered much of Greece.
After the final fall of Constantinople itself in 1453, the Duchy of Athens fell under the direct control of a number of European states, including the French, Spanish, and Italians - all of whom infused substantial amounts of new White blood into the peninsula.
Right: The 200 year race war on the island of Rhodes. Just off the southwest shore of Turkey lies the island of Rhodes, where White Knights had established a Crusader state in 1306. Rhodes was subject to numerous attacks by non-White Turks for over two hundred years - each time the attackers were beaten away after fearful battles. With the passage of time, White reinforcements slowly started drying up, and the defenders of Rhodes became fewer and fewer. Finally in 1522, the island was at last overrun by the non-White Turks. Here the White knights can be seen defending Rhodes during the great siege of 1480, where they held out under ferocious attack for more than two
This process was to be once again interrupted in 1453 by the Turkish Ottoman invasion. By 1460 almost all of Greece had been overrun by the Ottomans.
Over the course of the next two centuries an unrelenting race war between the invading Ottomans and the major White powers in Greece saw the entire peninsula being overrun by the Turks - the process was completed with the Turkish capture of Crete in 1669.
Greece remained under Turkish rule right until the 19th Century. The result of nearly 450 years of non-White rule led to another infusion of Middle Eastern non-White blood into the Greek population.
The only issue which mitigated against this process was the harsh Turkish rule which led many Greeks to actively avoid integrating with the occupiers. A hatred between Greek and Turk developed over these centuries which lasted, unresolved, right to the end of the 20th Century
HOGD's primary liason with the Ku Klux Klan and Christian Identity groups in the United States is Robert Zink, who leads the Christian Identity based, Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn. The EOGD recruits Christians for the Golden Dawn Nazi occult movement and the KKK. The Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn uses a "Jerusalem Crusaders' Cross" to show their solidarity with the Ku Klux Klan.
Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn (EOGD)
Ku Klux Klan - Christian Identity - Nazi -Affiliate
EOGD EsotericGoldenDawn.com - Robert Zink

In the late 18th Century Greek nationalists finally launched a series of attempts to throw the Turks out, aided by Russian adventurers, who felt an affinity with the Greek Orthodox Christian Church (which had been the genesis of the Russian Orthodox Church).
In 1770 the Russian count Aleksey Grigoryevich Orlov landed a Russian fleet in the Peloponnesus and led an unsuccessful revolt against the Turks. In 1821 Alexander Ypsilanti, a former aide-de-camp of the Russian czar Alexander I, entered Moldavia with a small force and proclaimed Greek independence. The Czar however refused to give any support to the expedition, and the Turks crushed the small force, killing all the rebels they could capture.
Above: A great White victory which gave birth to modern Greece - the Sea Battle of Navarino, which took place on 20 October 1827, was one of the most bloody sea battles in history. On 11 April 1827, Greek nationalists set up a free state on the island of Corfu, as part of their long campaign to win independence from the non-White Ottoman Turks. The Turkish sultan then sent an ultimatum to the Western powers - Russia, Britain and France - demanding that the right to settle the Greek question was his and his alone. The White powers then concentrated their fleets in Greek waters, and joined battle with a Turkish fleet at Navarino. The struggle lasted four hours and the Whites were utterly victorious. 120 Turkish ships were sunk with almost their complete crews. This White victory spurred on further White attacks on land, culminating in the independence of Greece under European protection in 1830. |
Thereafter Greek nationalists fought a series of wars against the Turks. In the first phase they fought without any allies, aided only by money and scattered White volunteers from European countries who felt personal sympathy with the anti-Turkish campaign.
Eventually the Turks asked another part of the Ottoman Empire, the branch ruling Egypt, for aid in fighting the Greek rebels - as a result non-White Egyptian troops landed in Greece in 1824, occupying the entire southern peninsula of that country. The Egyptian invasion of the European mainland proved too much for the European powers to bear, and in 1827 a combined White army was rushed to Greece. By the time this naval borne force had reached Greece, Russia and Turkey had become embroiled in an open race war over the region.
The arrival of the White European army and the build up of the White Russian army forced the Turks to seek an armistice: the Treaty of Adrianople signed in 1829 ended the war with Russia and forced the Turks to accept White European control over Greece. The Egyptians left, and in 1830 Greece was declared an autonomous kingdom under European protection

This is the biggest load of horseshit I have ever read. 1. You obviously know nothing of black magick. 2. Other than a name similarity the Hermetic Order and the Greek Neo-Nazi party have nothing in common.
ReplyDeleteWhat I am reading here is more of a deliberate attempt by a fundamentalist Christian, to rally people away from alternative beliefs and systems.
I am a Freemasons, I have been involved in the Golden Dawn and I am a Pagan... funny how I can be all those things. Funnier still is how I am not White either... I guess White supremacy movements recruit Black people too now?
Do some actual research... and the "Thule" society? You might as well grab another Novel and mention the Vril while you're at it. None the less, a very comical read, I guess the entertainment value of the ignorance and fundamentalism made it worth my while reading.