Miss America 2011, was the 90th Miss America pageant. Since the first Miss America pageant was held 90 years ago, in 1921, the Miss America Organization is celebrating its 90th anniversary in 2011. It was held at the Theatre for the Performing Arts in Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino in Las Vegas on January 15, 2011. Miss America 2010, Caressa Cameron from Virginia, crowned her successor Teresa Scanlan from Nebraska at the end of this event. It was the first time a Miss Nebraska had won the title. Delegates from the 50 states and the District of Columbia, Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico competed for the title of Miss America 2011. The pageant was broadcast live on ABC. This was the first pageant telecast on ABC since Miss America 2005. [1]

The judges were Joy Behar from ABC's The View, Miss America 1990 Debbye Turner Bell, television executive producer Mark Cherry, dancer Tony Dovolani from Dancing with the Stars, actress Marilu Henner, orthopedic surgeon and shoe designer Taryn Rose, and country singer
Ushering in a new face to represent the States in the upcoming global competitions, Teresa Scanlan has been crowned as 2011 Miss America.

The 17-year-old Nebraska native is fresh out of high school, as her crowning at Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino in Las Vegas makes her the youngest winner since 1921.
Replacing outgoing Miss America Caressa Cameron, Scanlan said that she hopes to brings awareness to eating disorders over the next year as she tends to her Miss America duties.
She said, "We simply can't afford to let this issue go on because millions of girls and boys are out there dying form eating disorders. You can be this successful and you don't have to hurt yourself, you don't have to go to extremes. I never passed up a cookie on my journey here." NEW AUTO CLICK PROFITS-HOTTEST AFFILIATE SOFTWARE-EASY WAY TO MAKE CASH ONLINE TO LEARN MOREJUST CLICK HERE
She said, "We simply can't afford to let this issue go on because millions of girls and boys are out there dying form eating disorders. You can be this successful and you don't have to hurt yourself, you don't have to go to extremes. I never passed up a cookie on my journey here." NEW AUTO CLICK PROFITS-HOTTEST AFFILIATE SOFTWARE-EASY WAY TO MAKE CASH ONLINE TO LEARN MOREJUST CLICK HERE
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This research states that blonde women earn up to 7% more than their brunette, raven-haired or red-headed female counterparts and individuals involved in the study conclude that it’s merely a perk of being blonde. Yet another fascinating part of the study claimed that blondes also marry up — spouses of flaxen-haired beauties often make 6% more than men who marry other, obviously hair color-challenged women.
The study was researched and published in the Economics Letters journal, which almost makes me feel like this is a valid study. With a name that has “economics” in it, someone’s got to know what the hell they’re doing, right?
Joking aside, the study could not pinpoint a reason as to why blonde women fair better in life, but were able to definitely conclude that there is a differential between blondes and others in their pay rates and spousal attraction.
Olga Usova, who is President of the International Blondes Association — an organization that I (fortunately) didn’t even know existed — claimed that it was all really simple as to why blondes were higher paid and sought out among women:

“Blondes have wealthier husbands because we are more fun and outgoing, and men are more attracted to us. We also do better in the workplace because when we make a mistake we can say, ‘Oh, sorry about that, it’s because I’m blonde’ and get away with it.”Just … wow. Oh my. I’m going to continue with this post as if I didn’t read that, let alone relay the message to you guys, because I’m at a complete and utter loss for words at the above insanity.
I guess this “blonde is superior” attitude stems from pre-historic research claiming that blondes far surpass other non-blonde women in attractiveness:
Canadian anthropologist Peter Frost, under the aegis of University of St. Andrews, published a study in March 2006 in the journal Evolution and Human Behavior that says blond hair evolved very quickly at the end of the last ice age by means of sexual selection. According to the study, the appearance of blonde hair and blue eyes in some northern European women made them stand out from their rivals at a time of fierce competition for males made scarce due to long, arduous hunting trips; this hypothesis argues that women with blonde hair posed an alternative that helped them mate and thus increased the number of blonds.So, although the President of … well, that, up there, stated that blondes might be more appealing, it’s all well and good and may not be complete crap — but you just don’t have to rub it in, thanks.
Another reason men may have preferred blonde women is that light hair color is a marker of youth. Since many Northern European children have blonde hair, which darkens as they mature, blonde hair could arguably be associated with youth and therefore, fertility.
Maybe I’ll go start the International Society for Underprivileged Mousy-Brown-Haired Women. Fievel can be our mascot. Who’s with me?
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Teresa Scanlan, (born February 6, 1993[1] ) is an American beauty pageant titleholder from Gering, Nebraska who was named Miss Nebraska 2010, subsequently winning Miss America 2011 and becoming the youngest Miss America since Bette Cooper in 1937.[2]Blondes are a certain type, even class, of women. The word ‘blonde’ long ago entered people’s every-day vocabulary, and a huge number of jokes, rumours and sayings have been made up about fair-haired women. Until recently blondes have produced a mystical effect on men. And although many men claim to have an indifferent, sometimes even disparaging, attitude towards them, everyone will admit that blondes are special women.

Incidentally, scientists long ago proved that blonde women are not fools, and naturally fair-haired women are even more intelligent than their counterparts with dyed blonde hair.As soon as blonde women appeared in nature (and this happened back in the Ice Age, about 11 thousand years ago), they quickly began to drive the men in their tribe mad.
According to anthropologists there is no romantic explanation for the appearance of fair-haired women: it is connected with an insufficient food supply. Until this genetic mutation occurred in women, people on Earth generally had dark hair and dark eyes
My mother is a natural blonde and my father is dark I come out in between in a shade of redish brown with light brown eyes and light olive complexion yes blondes can be atractive but I found that Gina Lollobrigida was far more atractive in many ways..the same with a french actor Alain Delon dark hair blue eyes and the most beautiful perfect features you ever seen on a man..and italian actress Pier Angeli she was a very delicate looking brunette..the reason why they are always flogging the blondes is for them not to be lost among the many atractives and sexy brunettes..
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Posted by Arnna in melbourne on Mon Dec 31, 2007 at 09:00 It’ll be somewhere in Finland in the year 2202 say scientists when the last of the world’s natural blonds dies out, a victim of natural selection. Jane Plunkett reports.
Film star and model blondes such as Marilyn Monroe, Brigitte Bardot, Sharon Stone and Claudia Schiffer are held in high regard as ideals of feminine allure. However, the future of the blonde is uncertain.
According to a study by the World Health Organisation (WHO), natural blonds are likely to be extinct within 200 years, because there are too few people carrying the blond gene. The WHO study claims that the last natural blond is likely to be born in Finland during 2202.
The news may bring a tear to many a gentleman’s eye, considering the fair-haired beauty has been an object of many a man’s affection and fantasy for centuries. But what is it about blondes, which gets men weak at the knees? Is it the idea that blondes have more fun?
“I think men are definitely more drawn to blondes, simply because dark haired girls come across as serious and conservative, while blondes appear more fun and easy and sexy,” vouches Ozy Mamodeally, working in media sales.
“Maybe it all stems from Marilyn Monroe, maybe she is responsible for instilling the ‘blondes have more fun’ attitude in men.” Ben Scott however, a dedicated blonde fanatic, has a slightly different slant on the blonde question, which has nothing to do with fun.
“I go for blondes, but it has nothing to do with what a blonde’s personality may represent, it is more a physical preference. “I don’t know why I fancy blondes, it’s probably a cultural thing. I am however attracted to them.Blondes die out by 2202
The Sun (U.K.) ^ | 09/27/2002 | GRAHAM DIGGINES
Posted on vrijdag 27 september 2002 4:51:54 by Pokey78
NATURAL blondes are an endangered species and will be extinct by 2202, say scientists. 
There are too few people carrying the blonde gene for the hair colour to continue down the generations.
So women and men with blonde hair, blonde eyebrows and blue eyes will vanish from the face of the earth within 200 years, says the World Health Organisation.
Researchers predict the last blonde will live in FINLAND which has the highest number of true blondes in the world.
The problem is that blonde hair is caused by a recessive gene.
A child has to have the gene on both sides of the family in the grandparents’ generation to get blonde hair.
But blonde genes are rapidly becoming watered down.
A spokesman for the WHO research team said: “It looks like their days are numbered.”
And bottle blondes like singer Kylie Minogue and surgically- enhanced model Jordan may even be responsible for the demise of their natural rivals.
The WHO spokesman added: “Artificial blondes tend to be blonder and possibly more attractive to men.
“This could mean more and more men are selecting them as partners over their naturally blonde peers.”
The number of bottle blondes is likely to soar.
A German study has found fair-haired waitresses or barmaids earn 20 per cent more in tips than others. So women and men with blonde hair, blonde eyebrows and blue eyes will vanish from the face of the earth within 200 years, says the World Health Organisation. 
That seals it -- I am immediately going to appeal to the Civil Right Commission for 'protected status'. This is a genocide on my people. Us blond haired, blue eyed people have made significant contributions to this country, and we deserve protection from genetic extinction, and equal consideration under the laws.
PROTECT THE PEOPLE OF THE DOUBLE-RECESSIVE GENEDid Hitler have a thing about blonde hair and blue eyes?
think you'll find that he personally didn't talk very much (or at all) about blonde hair and blue eyes, but some of those around him did so, especially Heinrich Himmler ('Pale Henry'). According to Hitler's Table Talk Hitler often made fun of Himmler's obsession with blonde hair, etc.
Hitler had the idea that the "superior" genetics were ones with blue eyes and blonde hair. And since he didn't like anyone else. He liked the angelic look of it as do many people across the globe today. Most of the people he persecuted were Jews, Romani people, homosexuals, disabled individuals, slaves in Eastern Europe, Poles, Soviet POWs, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Serbs. Adolf Hitler didn't have blonde hair or blue eyes. He had brown hair and brown, watery eyes.
Hitler did not have brown eyes. His eyes were blue. He didn't persecute Slavs for being Slavs. Many men in his closest circle were Slavic. He persecuted political enemies and many happen to be Slavic. Also, Hitler was in love with his half-niece (Angelika Maria Raubal) at one point (before she committed suicide), and she was a brown-eyed brunette
Why do Americans believe Hitler only wanted Blonde Blue eyed light skinned people to live?
According to European textbooks,Hitler stated that anyone who came from Indo-Europeans languages speaking groups are Aryans and shall live as equals with blonde blue-eyed Germans even if they had olive skin and dark hair and eyed!Secondly,In many European countries such as Poland,Hitler included Blonde blue-eyed Non-German and non Indo-European speaking Europeans as targets for death and persecutions!Lastly,when Hitler discovered that most Germans have dark features,he clearly stated that blonde blue-eyed people are not superior over Germans with dark features!So what is up with American textbooks stating that Hitler believing that blonde blue-eyed people are superior over people with dark features!Europeans and Euro texts(particularly from Germany) state different things!Hitler wanted most non Indo-European speaking races dead!Please Reply!Hitler and his cronies had a very complex system of eugenics, in which they placed blonde haired, blue-eyed, tall German/Nordic types at the top and various others lower down the scale. There are still propaganda posters the Nazis made up detailing all sorts of tiny facial structures, such as nose shape and size, that were considered idealIt was clearly stated by the nazis that the ultimate Aryan being was blond and blue eye, white European being of Aryan descent were part of the superior white race but the blond Aryan was superior to them. Many German have light brown hair and start life with blond hair, darkening as they grow older. This was a mark of good Aryan blood despite the darkened hair. It was so much so that they kidnapped kids who had those Aryan looks in invaded countries to have them raised by good Aryan families in Germany and even tried to breed the perfect Aryan in the Lebesborn program.

Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Did_Hitler_have_a_thing_about_blonde_hair_and_blue_eyes#ixzz1FrJszMCG
Scanlan is of Croatian ancestry.[3] Her maternal grandparents, Frank and Nives Jelich, immigrated to the United States from Ilovik, Croatia.[4][5][Open in new window]

Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Did_Hitler_have_a_thing_about_blonde_hair_and_blue_eyes#ixzz1FrJszMCG
The Disappearing Blonde Gene
Status: Hoax reported as news
Peter Frost has an article in the current issue of Evolution and Human Behavior in which he argues that the trait for blonde hair evolved 10,000 years ago in northern Europe because men found blonde women to be attractive--and because there were more women than men, the women had to compete for the men. (I'm simplifying his argument a lot.) But I'm not bringing this up to make a point about Frost's article. Instead, I'm bringing it up because the London Times discusses his article and concludes with this observation:LED ZEPPELIN WHOLE LOTTA LOVE LIVE.ENJOY IT. IF YOU ARE A FAN OF LED ZEPPELIN THAN YOU CAN CHECK OUT THEIR SITEJUST CLICK HERE
Film star blondes such as Marilyn Monroe, Brigitte Bardot, Sharon Stone and Scarlett Johansson are held up as ideals of feminine allure. However, the future of the blonde is uncertain. A study by the World Health Organisation found that natural blonds are likely to be extinct within 200 years because there are too few people carrying the blond gene. According to the WHO study, the last natural blond is likely to be born in Finland during 2202.

They're referring, of course, to the story of the WHO Blonde Report, which was revealed to be a hoax back in 2002. The gene for blonde hair is not actually disappearing, nor did the WHO ever sponsor such a study. Did the Times not realize it was a hoax, or did the reporter slip this in as a joke?
Posted By: Alex | Date: Mon Feb 27, 2006 | Permalink | T
28. On the “blond beast” and racism
Take the phrase “the blond beast.”
In recoiling from what he saw as a flaccid nineteenth-century European culture, Nietzsche often called longingly for “some pack of blond beasts of prey, a conqueror and master race which, organized for war and with the ability to organize, unhesitatingly lays its terrible claws upon a populace.”[87] And he spoke of “[t]he deep and icy mistrust the German still arouses today whenever he gets into a position of power is an echo of that inextinguishable horror with which Europe observed for centuries that raging of the Blond Germanic beast.” And again inspirationally about what one finds “at the bottom of all these noble races the beast of prey, the splendid blond beast, prowling about avidly in search of spoil and victory; this hidden core needs to erupt from time to time, the animal has to get out again and go back to the wilderness.”[88]
What are we to make of these regular positive mentions of the “blond beast”? It is clear what the Nazis made of them—an endorsement by Nietzsche of the racial superiority of the German Aryan type.
But for those who have read the original Nietzsche, that interpretation clearly takes Nietzsche’s words out of context. In context, the “blond beast” that Nietzsche refers to is the lion, the great feline predator with the shaggy blond mane and the terrific roar. Nietzsche does believe that the Germans once, a long time ago, manifested the spirit of the lion—but they were not unique in that regard. The spirit and power of the lion have been manifested by peoples of many races.
To see this, let us put one of the quotations in full context. The quotation begins this way: “at the bottom of all these noble races the beast of prey, the splendid blond beast, prowling about avidly in search of spoil and victory; this hidden core needs to erupt from time to time, the animal has to get out again and go back to the wilderness …”
Now let us complete the sentence as Nietzsche wrote it: “the Roman, Arabian, Germanic, Japanese nobility, the Homeric heroes, the Scandinavian Vikings—they all shared this need.”[89]
So Nietzsche clearly is using the lion analogically and comparing its predatory power to the predatory power that humans of many different racial types have manifested. Nietzsche here lists six different racial and ethnic groups, and the Germans are not special in that list. So while Nietzsche does endorse a strongly biological basis for cultures, he does not endorse racism of the sort that says any one race is biologically necessarily superior to any other.
This is a clear difference with the Nazis. The Nazis were racist and thought of the Germanic racial type as superior to all others the world over. Nietzsche disagreed
Scanlan was home-schooled until her junior year of high school, before attending Gering High School for half of her junior year. She graduated early from Scottsbluff High School in the spring of 2010 after taking a double load of classes throughout high school.[6]"...too few people carrying the blond gene," hah. On a gullibility scale of 1 to 10, you're about a 15 if you believe that.
A gene can be in danger of dying out if, say, less than a couple of hundred individuals have it, not when a few hundred million individuals have it.
Also remember that blond hair is generally a recessive trait, which means that (probably) even more people have the gene, without having blond hair, than have the gene and have blond hair. This gets a little dicey because hair color is not controlled by a single gene, but you get the idea.
Posted by Big Gary, looking for a comb in Dallas, Texas, USA on Wed Mar 01, 2006 at 03:38 PM A gene can be in danger of dying out if, say, less than a couple of hundred individuals have it, not when a few hundred million individuals have it.
Also remember that blond hair is generally a recessive trait, which means that (probably) even more people have the gene, without having blond hair, than have the gene and have blond hair. This gets a little dicey because hair color is not controlled by a single gene, but you get the idea.
Blondes are 3% of the adult population and Brunettes are 95%. 40% of the Brunettes have bleached themselves and assumed the name Blonde. These Bleached Brunettes are still Brunettes and the name Blonde is degraded by being forcibly associated with degraded Brunettes. Marilyn Monroe was a Bleached Brunette and all the images of her that you see everywhere are Bleached Brunette images. In her case the images are of a drugged/drunken murder/suicide which is pretty standard for Bleached Brunettes. Pass it on. Help free Blondes from this forced relationship with Bleached Brunettes. Tell Dumb Bleached Brunette jokes to Bleached Brunettes and see if they laugh when the joke is in their name. Not.
Posted by Carol E. Cox in Canada on Tue Aug 08, 2006 at 09:32 AM 
first of all scarlett johansen is not a real blond and she is jewish so she is not even caucasian for those who dont know difference between race and ethnicity. yeah obviously the blonde gene will die out if dark people keep mixing in. that is a no-brainer dude. so do your part and introduce anti miscegenation laws like in the old days. maybe it will help
Posted by jay in new york on Fri Jun 22, 2007 at 04:01 AM marilyn monroe was WHITE BLONDE as a child, her hair became dirty blonde as she grew up so she bleached it but she was still fair so get your facts right. If you want proof just look it up on the internet. My mum and dad are both dark yet they had a blonde blue eyed daughter and 2 dark kids. just goes to show the genes stronger than you think.
Posted by karmie in northumberland on Sat Nov 24, 2007 at 10:27 AM 
One-third of Caucasian children under the age of seven are Blonde. Almost every one of those children becomes a Brunette just like Marilyn did and according to Clairol 40% of Caucasian women in North America are Bleached Brunettes just like Marilyn.
Hands off the name Blonde if you're bleached because Blonde means something already; it means the Blonde people.
Posted by Carol E. Cox in Vancouver Canada on Sat Nov 24, 2007 at 07:09 PM Hands off the name Blonde if you're bleached because Blonde means something already; it means the Blonde people.
And when I say the Blonde people I mean the men, the women and the children. Blonde is a GOOD name and it belongs to a lot of very young children for a little while. Isn't that a good enough reason to protect it?
If you don't care about a tiny genetic minority group being bullied and degraded by a forced association perhaps you might consider how all the little Blonde children feel when they see and hear all the degraded Bleached Brunettes running around oinking and squealing Blonde, Blonder, Blondest.
Oh and by the way blondfrombirth was started by a man and men are Blond, without the 'e'. Women are Blonde with the 'e'.
Posted by Carol E. Cox in Vancouver Canada on Sat Nov 24, 2007 at 07:17 PM Why are white women with blonde hair and blue eyes becoming extinct? They are angels.? NEW THE SNIPER IS BACK TO TAKE REVENGE ON GOOGLE AND SUCK TRAFFIC AND HUGE PILE OF CASH FROM THE INTERNET GIANT AT WILL.TO FIND OUT MOREJUST CLICK HEREIf you don't care about a tiny genetic minority group being bullied and degraded by a forced association perhaps you might consider how all the little Blonde children feel when they see and hear all the degraded Bleached Brunettes running around oinking and squealing Blonde, Blonder, Blondest.
Oh and by the way blondfrombirth was started by a man and men are Blond, without the 'e'. Women are Blonde with the 'e'.

Since blonde hair/blue eyed people are mainly in the European countries and the US, Canada, Australia and maybe a few other places, these features are not the dominant coloring of the world. So, blondes are in the minority world-wide.
I believe the whole blonde hair/blue eyed superiority that Hitler may have said may not be actually true. This belief is the personal experience of my family. My father is blond hair/blue eyed born in Poland and a child during the WWII years of Nazi-occupied Poland. His sister, a teenager, also of the same coloring was taken to Germany to work as forced slaved laborer. If Germany and Hitler was that great or if my aunt felt she was given such special or more humane treatment, she would have remained in Germany at the end of WWII. Instead, she came to the US as a refugee, and then she brought my father, mother and my siblings.
I believe the whole blonde hair/blue eyed superiority that Hitler may have said may not be actually true. This belief is the personal experience of my family. My father is blond hair/blue eyed born in Poland and a child during the WWII years of Nazi-occupied Poland. His sister, a teenager, also of the same coloring was taken to Germany to work as forced slaved laborer. If Germany and Hitler was that great or if my aunt felt she was given such special or more humane treatment, she would have remained in Germany at the end of WWII. Instead, she came to the US as a refugee, and then she brought my father, mother and my siblings.
28. On the “blond beast” and racism
Take the phrase “the blond beast.”

What are we to make of these regular positive mentions of the “blond beast”? It is clear what the Nazis made of them—an endorsement by Nietzsche of the racial superiority of the German Aryan type.
But for those who have read the original Nietzsche, that interpretation clearly takes Nietzsche’s words out of context. In context, the “blond beast” that Nietzsche refers to is the lion, the great feline predator with the shaggy blond mane and the terrific roar. Nietzsche does believe that the Germans once, a long time ago, manifested the spirit of the lion—but they were not unique in that regard. The spirit and power of the lion have been manifested by peoples of many races.
To see this, let us put one of the quotations in full context. The quotation begins this way: “at the bottom of all these noble races the beast of prey, the splendid blond beast, prowling about avidly in search of spoil and victory; this hidden core needs to erupt from time to time, the animal has to get out again and go back to the wilderness …”
Now let us complete the sentence as Nietzsche wrote it: “the Roman, Arabian, Germanic, Japanese nobility, the Homeric heroes, the Scandinavian Vikings—they all shared this need.”[89]
So Nietzsche clearly is using the lion analogically and comparing its predatory power to the predatory power that humans of many different racial types have manifested. Nietzsche here lists six different racial and ethnic groups, and the Germans are not special in that list. So while Nietzsche does endorse a strongly biological basis for cultures, he does not endorse racism of the sort that says any one race is biologically necessarily superior to any other.
This is a clear difference with the Nazis. The Nazis were racist and thought of the Germanic racial type as superior to all others the world over. Nietzsche disagreed
She won the title of Miss Nebraska on June 5, 2010, when she received her crown from outgoing titleholder Brittany Jeffers. Scanlan’s platform is “Eating disorders: A generation at risk” and her competition talent is piano.[7] At 17 years of age, she is the youngest Miss Nebraska ever crowned.[8] After winning the title of Miss Nebraska, Scanlan announced that she was taking a year off from school to fulfill her duties as Miss Nebraska, and that she had deferred enrollment to Patrick Henry College until the fall of 2011.[9]
She won the Miss America title on January 15, 2011, becoming the first Miss Nebraska to win the title, and the youngest winner in 74 years
So Ladies and Gentlemans the famous proverb that Gentlemans prefer Blondes after all its true.im personally could testify this,because for the last twenty years a little blond gremlin has been the love of my life.Blond babes are the most superior type on planet earth,unfortunately they are endangered species.The relevant song to celebrate their angel like beauty is from Inxs the Suicide Blond.
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I really would not call myself a racist, but the different hair and skin colours, aswell as other physical appearances fascinate me, and I often research anthropological descripitons of old tribes, for the simple reason, that I would like to imagine, what they used to look like in the majority. Going recently through different Roman and Greek Sources, I was surprised how many tribes of how many different regions were described as predominantly pale btw. lighthaired people. They write about redhaired Thracians, blond Scyths, redblond Germanics and Celts. Today we have outside Europe blond people in nothern Iran and India aswell as Nordafrica... Where did this people come from? An Addaption to the Climatic circumstances only? If so, why there seemes to have been more blond people in the world in former times? And if blond blueeyed people are an addaption to the sunpoor countries, what are people with black hairs, but blue eyes(!) addapted to? (This Type is very common in Turkey and Thrace)??Blonde as a hair color is actually on it's way towards extinction, as are red and brown. All tended to be predominant in western tribes, and with the development of the western world people are spending more time getting educated, and having fewer children. Many European countries (most notably Germany, Norway and Sweden) are either in population decline or would be if not for immigration. Meanwhile the less developed parts of the world tend to be populated by predominantly dark-haired people, and since education and jobs aren't usually available to women in these places, they're still having numerous children on a regular basis. Hitler was wrong and all that, but his actions were based on his fears, and his fears were based essentially on the fact that even 60 years ago the west could see it's features, and more especially it's culture, being slowly drowned out in future as the rest of the world develops. Racism really isn't about hatred or disgust, it's generally motivated more by fear than anything, and this is the primary reason it can be found in some form in almost any social group, regardless of status or color. ? PAUL HOGAN AWESOME SPEECH AT THE OSCARS.ENJOY IT 'The hair colour gene MCI-R has seven European variants, one of them blond. It is rare and becoming rarer. A WHO survey calculates that the last true blond will be born in Finland in 2202. Do you believe this? Nor do I. A different lot of scientists argue that this gene emerged over a comparatively short period about 10,000 years ago, with food shortages – and shortages of men – speeding up the natural selection process to the advantage of blonds. A touch of old-style Hollywood here? Certainly not the present dump – which Betty Grable would find unrecognisable, Marilyn Monroe chilly and Mae West distinctly hostile – making bad movies to advance its agenda: to them, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes is a racist insult. ![]() ![]() ![]() 'Yet it is a historical fact that gentlemen, and cads for that matter, do prefer blondes, ceteris paribus. The business of 'going blonde' is very ancient (and by no means confined to women). In the Royal Book of 1484 there is an assertion: 'They arrange theyr heer lyke wymmen and force it to be yellowe, and yf they be blacke, they by crafte make them blonde and abourne.' According to the OLD some philological historians believe that the original Teutonic word 'blond' actually meant 'dyed', 'the ancient Germans being accustomed to dye the hair yellow'. My guess is that the Anglo-Saxons, who were predominantly blond, triumphed over the Norman-French ruling class in the 13th and 14th centuries partly because of hair colour, the rich and powerful selecting wives from the blonde gene pool. The replacement of French by English was due as much to blonds as to the vigorous superiority of the English language ... 'I note that the first bottle-blonde Chinese, from Hong Kong, are now appearing on the English scene. There will soon be hundreds of millions in Asia, as the unslakable male appetite for blondes marches across the continents. And once we contrive to manipulate genetics to the point where blond babies at will are possible, globalisation will follow. Far from that Finnish girl of 2202 being the last, she will be lost in a blond mist of beauties and beasties.' Visit the Miss America Organization's Web site to read biographies of all the pageant's winners. |
Why would blonde women be more common than blonde men? That doesn't make sense. Do the women dye their hair blonde or is it the blonde men who dye it dark?
I suspect you aren't talking about real blondes.
The blond hair, blue eyed gene apparently is strongest in females. According to this website I read ages ago; blond hair, blue eyes is from the mutation of the albinism gene, which only occurs in women. Males just generally have less probability of having blond hair, although blue, green, and grey eyes are still common, I for example have blue eyes. Although that is mostly due to me being born in an area of England where there are lots of Aryans. Blond hair is quite common here as well.
As for the so-called red-haired 10% of Italy; I can assure you, Italians naturally don't have red hair, they naturally have brown eyes and brown hair. Red hair would result from a mix of Aryan (Norwegan, Swedish, Danish, Finish, Icelandic, Northern Germanic) genetics with Mediteranean (Italian, Greek, Parts of Eastern European) genetics.
If a person doesn't has brown eyes, it means that they will never have natural light coloured hair (Unless they have light brown eyes, but even then, they only have light brown hair). So that's a way to catch out someone who's dyed their hair lighter. The source of this article is the world number 1 whiteright site http://www.stormfront.org/
Nordic theory
Nordic theory (or Nordicism) was a theory of racial supremacy prevalent in the late 19th and early 20th century, which claimed that North European peoples constitute a "master race" because of their supposed innate racial capacity for leadership. Nordic theory was influential in Western Europe and the United States during the early 20th century and was a major influence on Nazi ideology.The theory drew on the dominant anthropological model of racial categories prevalent in the early 20th century, according to which Europeans were divided into three sub-categories of the Caucasian race: the Nordic, Alpine and Mediterranean races. The Nordic race was thought to be prevalent in northern Europe, especially, but not exclusively, among speakers of the Germanic languages, and was characterized by tall stature, long head- and facial form, straight and fine blond, red, or light brown hair, and blue, grey or green eyes. The Alpine race was thought to predominate in central Europe, and was said to be characterized by short stature and comparatively round head. The Mediterranean race was thought to be prevalent in southern Europe, Middle East and North Africa, and was said to be characterised by dark hair, dark eyes, swarthy complexion, moderate-to-short stature, and long shape of skull.
Attitudes in ancient Europe
Some ancient writers commented on the differences between Northern and Southern Europeans, generally taking the view that northerners were barbarians. Aristotle noted differences between Greeks and the people of the north, believing that Greek superiority was visible in their medium skin tone, as opposed to pale northerners and dark Africans.However, the Roman historian Tacitus greatly admired the Germanic tribes, saying that their fair skin and blonde hair were marks of beauty, and that their cultures had retained racial purity, unlike the multicultural Romans. Tacitus had great respect for Germanic people, seeing them as honorable warriors. Many Romans agreed with Tacitus' belief that fair features were beautiful. Roman women paid handsomely for blonde and red wigs made out of the hair of captured Germanic peoples and Celts.
Origins of Nordicism
From the 17th century on, as Northern European countries became more powerful, Northern peoples began to argue for their own superiority. Benjamin Franklin proposed a clear distinction between "white" Europeans and "swarthy" Europeans, stating that immigration to the newly-born United States should favor the "white" Northern Germans and Englishmen rather than the "swarthy" Southern Germans, Russians, Swedes, French, and Italians. Observations Concerning the Increase of Mankind, Peopling of Countries, etc.. Franklin believed the "white" Europeans to be more decorative, at least to his taste.These ideas were of relatively minor importance until the emergence of Aryanism in the mid-19th century. This theory held that speakers of the Indo-European languages ("Aryans") are an innately superior branch of humanity, responsible for most of its greatest achievements. Its principal proponent was Arthur de Gobineau in his Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races (1855). Though Gobineau did not equate Nordic peoples with Aryans, he did argue that Germanic people were the best modern representatives of the Aryan race. Adapting the comments of Tacitus and other Roman writers, he argued that the "pure" Northeners had regenerated Europe after the Roman empire had declined due to the racial "dilution" of its leadership.
The German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer also possessed a distinctly hierarchical racial concept of history, attributing civilizational primacy to the "white races" who gained their sensitivity and intelligence by refinement in the rigorous North:
The highest civilization and culture, apart from the ancient Hindus and Egyptians, are found exclusively among the white races; and even with many dark peoples, the ruling caste or race is fairer in colour than the rest and has, therefore, evidently immigrated, for example, the Brahmans, the Incas, and the rulers of the South Sea Islands. All this is due to the fact that necessity is the mother of invention because those tribes that emigrated early to the north, and there gradually became white, had to develop all their intellectual powers and invent and perfect all the arts in their struggle with need, want and misery, which in their many forms were brought about by the climate. This they had to do in order to make up for the parsimony of nature and out of it all came their high civilization. (Parerga and Paralipomena, Volume II, Section 92)
By the 1880s a number of linguists and anthropologists arged that the Aryans themselves had originated somewhere in northern Europe. Theodor Poesche proposed that the Aryans originated in the north, but it was Karl Penka who popularized the idea that the Aryans had emerged in Scandinavia, and could be identified by the distinctive Nordic characteristics of blond hair and blue eyes. The distinguished biologist Thomas Henry Huxley agreed with him, coining the term "Xanthochroi" to refer to fair-skinned Europeans (as opposed to darker Mediterranean peoples, who Huxley called " Melanochroi"). Huxley, T.H. "The Aryan Question", Huxley, T.H., "On the Geographical Distribution of the Chief Modifications of Mankind" This distinction was repeated by Charles Morris in his book The Aryan Race (1888), which argued that the original Aryans could be identified by their blond hair and other Nordic features, such as dolichocephaly (high brows). The argument was given extra impetus by the French anthropologist Vacher de Lapouge in his book L'Aryen, in which he argued that the "dolichocephalic-blond" peoples were natural leaders, destined to rule over more brachiocephalic (low-browed) peoples.Lapouge, V (trans Clossen, C) Old and New Aspects of the Aryan Question, The American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 5, No. 3. (1899), pp. 329-346.
The philosopher Frederich Nietzsche also referred in his writings to "blond beasts": amoral adventurers who were supposed to be the progenitors of creative cultures. Michael Kalish, Friedrich Nietzsche's Influence on Hitler's Mein Kampf In On the Genealogy of Morals, he wrote, "In Latin malus ... could indicate the vulgar man as the dark one, especially as the black-haired one, as the pre-Aryan dweller of the Italian soil which distinguished itself most clearly through his colour from the blonds who became their masters, namely the Aryan conquering race."
By the early 20th century this theory was so well established that sociologists were using the concept of a "blond race" to model the migrations of the supposedly more entrepreneurial and innovative components of European populations. As late as 1939 Carleton Coon wrote that "The Poles who came to the United States during the nineteenth century, and the early decades of the twentieth, did not represent a cross-section of the Polish population, but a taller, blonder, longer-headed group than the Poles as a whole."Coon, C. The Races of Europe (1939), chapter 1, Theory and Principles of the Concept Race. The "high brow"/"low brow" distinction also became enshrined in language
10 Most Famous Blond Actors
If you want to expand your knowledge of Hollywood, you should know about the 10 most famous blonde actors. These young men have made their individual marks upon the industry, proving that blondes truly have more fun. Get ready to learn a little bit more about the movies you love with this list of the most famous blonde actors in the history of cinema.
- Daniel Craig. This British actor became famous most recently for playing the role international super spy, James Bond. His other movies credits include "Layercake," "Munich," and "Defiance."
- Owen Wilson. One of the most famous blonde actors who is instantly recognizable for something other than his hair, he's filled roles in movies both major and independent. His credits include "Bottle Rocket," "Drillbit Taylor," and "The Royal Tenenbaums."
- Aaron Eckhart. He's recently become one of the most famous blonde actors for his versatility and big screen appeal. Some of his more current roles include "The Dark Knight," "No Reservations," and "The Black Dahlia."
- Tom Felton. More famous in the United Kingdom than anywhere else, this blonde actor is best known in the States as Draco Malfoy in the popular "Harry Potter" franchise. His youthful appearance and platinum locks make him especially popular with the ladies.
- Jude Law. Another pretty boy on the list, Jude Law is known both for the infidelity practiced by his characters and himself in real life. His more popular movie credits include "Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow," "Closer," and "Alfie."
- Phillip Seymour Hoffman. One of the more classically men on this list, Hoffman is one of the most famous blonde actors for his ability to evoke strong emotions in any one of his dramatic roles. Some of these have including parts in "Charlie Wilson's War," "Doubt," and "Before the Devil Knows You're Dead."
- Heath Ledger. Famously portraying The Joker in one of his last film roles, Heath Ledger was one of the most famous blonde actors in the world for quite some time before his passing. Other movies he's been involved with include "A Knight's Tale," "10 Things I Hate About You," and, most controversially, "Brokeback Mountain."
- Leonardo DiCaprio. After shocking the world in "Titanic," he's become one of the most famous blonde actors in the world due to his boyish good looks and surprisingly decent acting chops. Some of his more serious roles include "Blood Diamond," "The Departed," and "Shutter Island."
- Brad Pitt. Arguably one of the most famous faces in the world, this leading man is sure to bring box office success in any of the movies he's involved in. Some of his past credits include "Mr. and Mrs. Smith," "Ocean's Eleven," and "Fight Club."
- Hayden Christensen. He's become one of the most famous blonde actors in the world due to his youth appeal. His most famous film roles have been playing Anakin Skywalker in the newer "Star Wars" trilogy.
Posted on: Sep. 15, 2010
The story about the report was a hoax: neither the WHO, nor any reputable expert has issued such a report. Those who commented on this alleged report were asked by the WHO to retract.[2]
The extinction claim is based on a misinterpretation of recessiveness in genetics. However unless blondness is positively selected against, it cannot become extinct, and the blond gene, or alleles for the trait cannot disappear by simple breeding.[3]
The concept of a Nordic race
Madison Grant's map, from 1916, charting the distribution of the "European races", with Nordic genetic influence shown in bright red. Green indicates the Alpine race; yellow, the Mediterranean race. |
By the early 20th century, Ripley's tripartite Nordic/Alpine/Mediterranean model was well established. However the glorification of the Nordics was not without its critics. The fact that Mediterranean peoples had been responsible for the greatest of ancient civilizations was an obvious problem for the theory. The anti-Nordicist writer Giuseppè Sergi argued in his influential book The Mediterranean Race (1901) that Mediterraneans constituted "the greatest race in the world", with a creative edge absent in the Nordic race. They were the creators of all the major ancient civilizations, from Mesopotamia to Rome. Nordicists responded with the speculative claim that Nordics had formed upper tiers of ancient civilizations, which had declined once this dominant race has been assimilated. Many Nordicists did argue that the Mediterranean race had many positive characteristics, some even admitting that the Mediterranean was superior to the Nordic in terms of artistic and intellectual ability. The Nordic race, however, was still regarded as superior on the basis that, although Mediterranean peoples were culturally sophisticated, it was the Nordics who were the innovators and conquerors, having an adventurous spirit that no other race could match. The Alpine race was usually regarded as inferior to both the Nordic and Mediterranean races, making up the traditional peasant class of Europe while Nordics occupied the aristocracy and led the world in technology, and Mediterraneans were more imaginative the USA, the primary spokesman for "Nordicism" was the eugenicist Madison Grant, who used it as a justification for anti-immigration policies of the 1920s, arguing that the immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe represented a lesser type of European and their numbers in the United States should not be increased. Grant and others urged this as well as the complete restriction of non-Caucasians, such as the Chinese and Japanese. This led to the Immigration Act of 1924, which was designed to decrease the number of Eastern and Southern European immigrants, exclude Asian immigrants altogether, and favor immigration from Northern and Western European countries. Grant argued that the Nordic race had been responsible for most of humanity's great achievements, that "admixture" was "race suicide", and that unless various eugenic policies were enacted, the Nordic race would be supplanted by the inferior races. His 1916 book, The Passing of the Great Race, or the Racial Basis of European History about Nordicism was highly influential among racial thinking, government policy making, and even on popular culture. F. Scott Fitzgerald invokes Grant's ideas through a character in part of The Great Gatsby, and Hilaire Belloc jokingly rhapsodied the "Nordic man" in a poem and essay in which he satirised the stereotypes of Nordics, Alpines and Mediterraneans.Hilaire Belloc, "Talking (and singing) of the Nordic Man
Nordicism in the inter-war years
After the First World War the concept of a masterly Nordic race was well established. The British psychologist William McDougall, writing in 1920, could say with confidence: Among all the disputes and uncertainties of the ethnographers about the races of Europe, one fact stands out clearly — namely, that we can distinguish a race of northerly distribution and origin, characterized physically by fair color of hair and skin and eyes, by tall stature and dolichocephaly (i.e. long shape of head), and mentally by great independence of character, individual initiative, and tenacity of will. Many names have been used to denote this type, ... . It is also called the Nordic type.The Group Mind, p.159, Arno Press, 1973 edition; Copyright, 1920 by G.P. Putnam's Sons.
Shortly after this the German eugenicists Erwin Baur, Eugen Fischer and Fritz Lenz published their work Human Heredity, which insisted on the innate superiority of the Nordic race. Adapting the arguments of Schopenhauer and others to Darwinian theory, they argued that the qualities of initiative and will-power identified by earlier writers had arisen from natural selection, because of the tough landscape in which Nordic peoples evolved. This had ensured that weaker individuals had not survived. This argument was derived from earlier eugenicist and Social Darwinist ideas. According to the authors, the Nordic race arose in the ice age, from,
quite a small group which, under stress of rapidly changing conditions (climate, beasts of the chase) was exposed to exceptionally rigorous selection and was persistently inbred, thus acquiring the peculiar characteristics which persist today as the exclusive heritage of the Nordic race....Philological, archaelogical and anthropological researches combine to indicate that the primal home of the Indo-Germanic [i.e Aryan] languages must have been in Northern Europe.
They went on to argue that "the original Indo-Germanic civilization" was carried by Nordic migrants as far as India, and that the physiognomy of upper-caste Indians "disclose a Nordic origin".Baur, I., Fischer, E., Lenz, F., (trans Eden and Cedar Paul) Human Heredity, Allen and Unwin, 1931, p.191
By this time, Germany was well-accustomed to theories of race and racial superiority due to the long presence of the Völkish movement, the philosophy that Germans constituted a unique people, or volk, linked by common blood. While Völkism was popular mainly among Germany's lower classes and was more a romaticized version of ethnic nationalism, Nordicism attracted German anthropologists and eugenicists. The most influential German in this field was Hans F.K. Günther, whose Short Ethnology of the German People (1929) was very widely circulated. Günther identified five principal European races instead of three, and focused on their supposedly distinct mental attributes. Günther criticised the Völkish idea, stating that the Germans were not racially unified, but were actually one of the most racially diverse peoples in Europe. Despite this, many Völkists who merged Volkism and Nordicism embraced Günther's ideas, most notably the Nazis.
Nazi Nordicism
Adolf Hitler read Human Heredity shortly before he wrote Mein Kampf, and called it scientific proof of the racial basis of civilization. Its arguments were also repeated by the Nazi ideologist Alfred Rosenberg, in his book The Myth of the Twentieth Century (1930). Rosenberg argued that the Nordic race had evolved in a now-lost landmass off the coast of North Western Europe, and had migrated through Scandinavia and northern Europe, expanding further south, and as far as Iran and India where it founded the Aryan cultures of Zoroastrianism and Hinduism. Like Grant and others, he argued that the entrepreneurial energy of the Nordics had "degenerated" when they mixed with "inferior" peoples.With the rise of Hitler, Nordic theory became the norm within German culture. In some cases the "Nordic" concept became an almost abstract ideal rather than a mere racial category. Hermann Gauch wrote in 1933 that the fact that "birds can be taught to talk better than other animals is explained by the fact that their mouths are Nordic in structure." He further claimed that in humans, "the shape of the Nordic gum allows a superior movement of the tongue, which is the reason why Nordic talking and singing are richer." Snyder, Louis, Encyclopedia of the Third Reich, p.281
Such views were extreme, but more mainstream Nordic theory was institutionalized. Hans Günther, who joined the Nazi Party in 1932, was praised as a pioneer in racial thinking, a shining light of Nordic theory. Nearly all Nazi comments on the Nordic Race were based on Günther's works, and Alfred Rosenberg presented Günther with a medal for his work in anthropology. Madison Grant's book was the first non-German book to be translated and published by the Nazi Reich press, and Grant proudly displayed to his friends a letter from Hitler claiming that the book was "his Bible." The Nazi state used such ideas about the differences between European races as part of their program of Racial Hygiene and various discriminatory and coercive policies which culminated in the Holocaust. Ironically, in Grant's first edition of his popular book, he classified the Germans as being primarily Nordic, but in his second edition, published after the USA had entered WWI, he had re-classified the now enemy power as being dominated by "inferior" Alpines. Günther's work agreed with Grant's, and the German anthropologist frequently stated that the Germans are definitely not a fully Nordic people. Hitler himself was later to downplay the importance of Nordicism for this very reason. The standard tripartite model placed most of the population of Hitler's Germany in the Alpine category, especially after the Anschluss. By 1939 Hitler abandoned Nordicist rhetoric in favour of the idea that the German people as a whole were united by distinct "spiritual" qualities. Nevertheless, Nazi eugenics policies continued to favor Nordics over Alpines and other German racial groups.
Decline of Nordicism
Even before the rise of Nazism, Grant's concept of "race" lost favor in the USA in the polarizing political climate after World War I, including the Great Migration and the Great Depression. The influx of African-Americans into the Northern states resulted in a "flattening" of racial categories into what eugenicist Lothrop Stoddard named as "bi-racialism" — an absolutist black/white distinction maintained by declaring mixed-race people to be considered "black". This required the abandonment of Grant's gradations of "white" in favour of the one drop theory — which was embraced by white supremacists and black nationalists alike. Among the latter were Marcus Garvey, and, in part, W.E.B. Du Bois, at least in his later thought.After World War II, the categorization of peoples into "superior" and "inferior" groups fell even further out of political and scientific favor. The tripartite subdivision of "Caucasians" into Nordic, Alpine and Mediterranean groups persisted among some scientists into the 1960s, notably in Carleton Coon's book The Origin of Races (1962). Among some white supremacists Nordic theory is still maintained, as, for example in the writings of Roger Pearson and Richard McCulloch, who adopted the term Nordish race.
Jews or talmudic people never stop loeing.