The Great Dutch Rockband Golden Earring performing the songs Twilight Zone and the Song is over.pure classics e
y it. IF YOU ARE A DIE-HARD FAN OF THE GREAT GOLDEN EARRING THAN YOU CAN CHECK OUT THEIR SITE JUST CLICK HEREGeert Wilders its a real European Hero,in times when the weak elites are bowing down to the Musli Invasion of Europe,he stands firm and like Mozart with brilliant virtuoso tunes are fighting for the survival of our White Western Civilization.Make no mistake if this White guy would walk around in his own country main citys like Amsterdam or Rotterdam the fun loving bearded terrorist would just butcher him right away while the bystander dutch sheep populace would run for cover screaming and the cops nearby just wont bother at all is a darkie killing a white Zombie its allright oficial Zionist State Policy.its just fine one less White idiot in the New African Dutch Paradise.Wilders speaking at New York Ground Zero Great Speech.I Just Love some of his expressions because i know exactly what he means for example Ladies and Gentlemans the lights are slowly going out all over Europe.He understands the coming darkness,and indeed just look around in the West European Capitals they are full with Stone Age thugs from Turkey Pakistan Berbers from North Africa Niggers from Africa and as their numbers are getting stronger theyre of course are more and more openly hostile towards Whitey.Wilders speaking in LosAngeles about Muslification of the Globe.
HPutting an end to trouble caused by unruly Dutch-Moroccan children and teenagers will take at least another generation, said the mayor of the town of Gouda on Wednesday.The council of the town near Rotterdam was discussing the unrest caused by a persistent group of troublemakers. The main problem, according to Mayor Wim Cornelis, is that the parents of misbehaving youngsters are failing completely to discipline their children. The youths, aged between 8 and 15, are roaming the streets and terrorising local residents in new neighbourhoods like Gouda's Oosterwei.
School kids attacked
The latest incident involved a schoolchildren's street party on Saturday, which was disrupted by a number of young Dutch-Moroccan hooligans. They stole flower bulbs intended for a planting ceremony and pelted the children with them. Last year the town suspended bus services through parts of the city after drivers and passengers were harrassed.
Gouda mayor Wim Cornelis told councillors that over the past years a number of measures had been introduced to stem the problem, ranging from the appointment of street coaches and family counsellors to setting up neighbourhood watch projects and a safe house. Although figures show that the measures have increased public security, they have failed to improve the situation in general.
Street bans
The trouble will not end with the recent incidents, Mayor Cornelis warned. The town council is pinning its hopes on new area bans announced by Security and Justice Minister Ivo Opstelten. "But it is not certain that such bans could be brought in against under-12s," the mayor said.
© Radio Netherlands Worldwide
Referring to his Freedom Party’s recent success in the European parliamentary election, he said there were an increasing number of “normal” people in the Netherlands who were afraid of what he describes as “Islamisation”.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaWhether you're catholic, Muslim or worshipper of Urrrgl the god of all Honest politicians, in Holland it will be easy to find a church, temple or oak tree of your liking. Hollanders are supposed to be very tolerant to other religions and believes. This is not true. The only reason Holland has so much churches, sects or cults is the fact they have a difference in opinion about everything. A Hollander is always right (see point 6) and everyone that does not agree can beat it and start his own churchDutch tap water is safe to drink. This is remarkable if you realise most of it comes from polluted rivers like the Rhine. Plans to improve the waterquality in the Rhine so that fish like the salmon can return there to mate, invokes a lot of protests from the Dutch. The idea of fish having sex in their drinking water upsets them. 
(33)Dutch political debates are as boring as a 3-day lecture on famous Swedish sport heroes between 1762 and 1809.No shouting like 'Hear hear!!', no fistfights in front of a camera, not even politicians calling each other incompetent once in a while. (And there really are some amongst Dutch politicians). No, telling your opponent you have doubts about his policy is about the worst thing you can say. The result is that the interest for elections dropped drastically amongst Dutch voters. At the last voting only two elects showed up. The first one got lost on his way to the toilet and the second one was an illegal refugee who thought he came to the right place to get a visa
(33)Dutch political debates are as boring as a 3-day lecture on famous Swedish sport heroes between 1762 and 1809.No shouting like 'Hear hear!!', no fistfights in front of a camera, not even politicians calling each other incompetent once in a while. (And there really are some amongst Dutch politicians). No, telling your opponent you have doubts about his policy is about the worst thing you can say. The result is that the interest for elections dropped drastically amongst Dutch voters. At the last voting only two elects showed up. The first one got lost on his way to the toilet and the second one was an illegal refugee who thought he came to the right place to get a visa
Geert Wilders | |
![]() | |
Incumbent | |
Assumed office November 23, 2006 | |
Incumbent | |
Assumed office July 26, 2002 | |
In office August 25, 1998 – May 23, 2002 | |
Born | 6 September 1963 Venlo, Netherlands |
Birth name | Geert Wilders |
Nationality | Dutch |
Political party | People's Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD) (1989-2004)Party for Freedom (PVV) (from 2006) |
Spouse(s) | Krisztina Wilders (from 1992) |
Residence | The Hague, Netherlands |
Alma mater | Open University |
Occupation | Politician Civil servant |
Religion | None (agnostic,[1] previously Roman Catholicism) |
Website | Police gaffe makes Muslims pray in wrong direction A Dutch police station trying to help Muslim detainees face Mecca for their prayers painted arrows in cells pointing in the wrong direction...Muslims pray five times a day, facing east in the direction of Mecca. But the arrows in Segbroek pointed west. "This is a really gigantic, stupid blunder," a police spokesman told the De Telegraaf. "The faulty compass marks have been immediately corrected. It is a mystery for us how this could have possibly happened". I think Theo Van Gogh was just having some fun. Regardless, what does it matter if they're facing eastward or westward? As long as they pray downwards, they're facing their paradise As the Netherlands prepares to vote, it is worth remembering that the nation’s odd brand of right-wing populism grew out of 1960s radicalism. Dutch demagogues want to resist intolerant Muslims in the name of traditional Dutch liberty — while denouncing traditional Dutch tolerance as elitist propaganda. This paradox may not survive. By Ian Buruma for Der Spiegel Two utterly contradictory images of the Netherlands circulate in the international press. One is the idea of a wild, unruly place where policemen smoke marijuana, gay men dance in the streets, and euthanasia can be arranged in an instant, a multiculti society that is so tolerant that even violent Islamic extremists are subsidised by the state. This caricature is especially popular in the United States. But after the sudden emergence of populist demagogues, such as Pim Fortuyn and Geert Wilders, who rant and rave about the “Islamisation” of Europe, a very different image has dominated the press: a country of reactionaries and racists, leading the rest of Europe in a march towards a new dawn of fascism. Both images are wildly exaggerated, of course. And both seem to contradict Heinrich Heine’s famous notion that in placid, sleepy, bourgeois Holland everything happens 50 years later than everywhere else. They also contradict the image of a calm, phlegmatic people, who can never get excited about anything. In fact, on the whole, people are relatively calm in the Netherlands. But there is indeed something a little frenzied about the new populism, exemplified by Geert Wilders, just as there was something overexcited about the social changes in the 1960s: sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll as a reaction to centuries of dull Calvinism. Long periods of calm, then, occasionally interrupted by bouts of hysteria. That might sum up much of Dutch social history. The radical reaction to faith The populism of Fortuyn and Wilders actually reflects both images of the Netherlands, reactionary on the one hand, and oddly modern on the other. Wilders hates being compared to such leaders of the far right as France’s Jean-Marie Le Pen. And Fortuyn was openly, flamboyantly homosexual, something no other European right-wing demagogue would dream of emulating, not even the late Jörg Haider, whatever his habits might have been in private. The far right in France, Austria, Belgium, Italy or Germany is associated with a tradition of fascism or Nazism. There is a direct line between the Action Francaise and Le Pen, or Mussolini and various far right parties in Italy. The Netherlands had a National Socialist movement in the 1930s, to be sure, but the anti-Islamic demagogues of today have little in common with the prewar blackshirts. Fortuyn was once a socialist, who took up an anti-Muslim agenda because he saw Islam as a threat to gay rights and other cherished fruits of the social revolution in the 1960s. As he once famously put it: “I don’t see why we should fight for gay rights and female emancipation all over again.” He is not the only person to talk like this. Quite a few former leftists have joined the hysterical chorus about an impending “Eurabia”. In the Netherlands, many leftists who came of age in the 1960s grew up in conservative, often religious families. Their rebellion was often as zealous as the institutions they rebelled against. The idea that religion is once again a serious factor in Dutch society, this time in the shape of Islam, fills them with rage. In other respects, Fortuyn was closer to more traditional populist demagogues. He attacked the “elites,” encouraged a cult of the strong leader (himself), and promised a way back to a more disciplined, mono-ethnic, mono-cultural society — as if such a society ever really existed. Defending the ‘gay capital of the world’ One thing that distinguishes Wilders from some of his populist colleagues in other parts of Europe, is a somewhat sinister form of philosemitism, which is driven by his loathing of Islam. A frequent visitor to Israel, Wilders approves of the Israeli hard line on the Arab population. He also finds support among right-wing Jewish organisations in the US, where he finds sympathetic audiences, often in synagogues, for his diatribes against Islam. One wonders what his audience at an “anti-Jihad conference” in Jerusalem made of his remark that Muslims were threatening Amsterdam’s status as the “gay capital of the world.” But this observation says something about the peculiar nature of modern Dutch populism. Wilders, and before him Pim Fortuyn, is exploiting anxieties that go beyond the fear of Islam. A combination of economic globalization, murky EU politics, financial crises and uncontrolled immigration has eroded many people’s trust in traditional politics and undermined their sense of belonging. More and more voters, in Europe as well as the US, feel unrepresented by the traditional parties. Old neighbourhoods have been changed by immigration, and the sense of national identity has been shaken. Queen Beatrix’s ‘multi-culti nonsense’ The social democratic elites are blamed for these anxieties. They are blamed for having allowed so many immigrants to settle in Europe, after welcoming them as guest workers or asylum-seekers. They are also blamed for having discredited national pride by promoting a pan-European identity and multiculturalism. These accusations are not entirely unjust. It is true, in Germany for obvious reasons, but in the Netherlands too, that the expression of national sentiments almost became a taboo after World War II. Such feelings were confined to the football stadiums, which functioned as places of last resort to let off patriotic steam, especially when the Netherlands was playing Germany. The EU, alas, is neither democratic, nor can it replace the nation as a focus of popular sentiment. This would not have mattered so much in itself. But coupled with economic anxiety, as well as fear of violent terrorist attacks, it has become a serious problem. In times of high anxiety, the easiest thing is to turn those anxieties into aggression against unpopular minorities. The fact that a violent revolutionary movement has emerged from the Islamic world, and that some people are prepared to commit atrocities in the name of their faith, has made this problem worse. But the real target of popular discontent, certainly in the Netherlands, is not the Muslims themselves, but the liberal elite that allowed them to settle there. And so Dutch populism contains an odd paradox. Even as the demagogues talk about resisting intolerant Muslims in the name of traditional Dutch liberty, the tolerance promoted for decades by the liberal establishment is denounced as well, as typical elitist propaganda. Not long ago, if you asked a Dutch person what the Dutch identity was, he would probably have included tolerance, openness to other cultures, and hospitality to foreigners. Whether this kind of self-congratulation was truly justified is questionable. But the attitude among Wilders’ supporters now is that tolerance has gone too far, that the multicultural society is a terrible failure, and that “foreigners” (even if they are citizens born in the Netherlands) must be forced to assimilate or be kicked out. When queen Beatrix pleaded for tolerance in her Christmas speech a few years ago, Wilders expressed his disgust for what he called the queen’s “multi-culti nonsense.” Tea with Muslims, as a Jew The question, then, in the Netherlands as well as other democracies, is how to restore confidence in liberal politics. Without wishing to revive the more dogmatic forms of multiculturalism, which sees assimilation, or even integration into mainstream society, as a kind of cultural betrayal, people in the Netherlands, as well as other parts of Europe, will have to get used to treating immigrants from non-Western countries as equal citizens. This also goes for European Muslims. Only then can the violent revolutionary element be effectively isolated. In fact, the reality in the Netherlands is not as bad as the harsh rhetoric of populists might suggest. Geert Wilders is popular, but not nearly as popular as the former social democratic mayor of Amsterdam, Job Cohen. Ever since he tried to calm things down in Amsterdam after the murder of Theo van Gogh by a young Muslim terrorist, he has been attacked by his critics as a cowardly appeaser of Islamic extremism. He personifies, in the eyes of his enemies, the liberal elitism and soft tolerance that people blame for everything, from street crime in immigrant neighbourhoods to violent Islamist extremism. It is true that Cohen did his best to talk to Muslim citizens, to drink tea in mosques, and to take the problems of immigrants seriously. He did this, as he himself has often pointed out, because he knows what it is like to be excluded. Cohen is from a secular Jewish family. His parents survived the Nazis’ attempt to exterminate them. Since the Netherlands has a complicated system of proportional representation, it is by no means certain that Cohen’s Labour will manage to form a majority government, despite his high personal standing. But his chances of becoming prime minister is much better than the chances of Wilders taking power with his one-man Party for Freedom (PVV). Even if Cohen succeeds, the problems of terrorism, street crime, or economic anxiety, will not disappear. But the Netherlands will have a better chance to restore a degree of sanity, and be a country that is neither wild, nor bigoted, but the calm bourgeois place it should be. Published: 9 June 2010 12:15 | Changed: 9 June 2010 17:20 NRC Handelsblad ![]() source: |
Wilders has campaigned to stop the "Islamisation of the Netherlands". He claims that some surahs and verses in the Qur'an incite violence and has campaigned to have the book banned in the Netherlands.[4][5] He suggested a tax on women who wear the headscarf[4] (and suggested calling that tax the kopvoddentaks, or head-rag-tax, where also "kop" is only used for the head of an animal and is considered an insult when used for the head of a human), advocates ending immigration from Muslim countries,[6] and supports banning the construction of new mosques.[7] He was a speaker at the Facing Jihad Conference held in Jerusalem in 2008, which discussed the dangers of jihad, and has called for a hard line against what he called the "street terror" exerted by minorities in Dutch cities.[8] His controversial 2008 film about his views on Islam, Fitna, received international attention. He has been described as populist,[9][10][11] labelled far right,[12][13] and defended by one British newspaper opinion columnist as a mainstream politician with legitimate concerns.[9]A Hollander is always right and he knows it. With this in mind it is very easy to cope with most Hollanders. If you ever get in an argument with a Hollander, tell him he was absolutely right and that you now realize how wrong you were. Now he will go crazy: Since you're a foreigner, you can never be right. You agree with him, therefore he couldn't be right. Impossible. He's a Hollander. But…then…he…Now is the time to take a step back and observe how the Hollander will try to strangle himself with a tulipone of your Dutch friends invites you for a birthday, prepare for a unique experience. Unique in the way that you can only compare it to taking a seat in a wooden chair with a sharp nail driven trough the seat and afterwards not being able to move for a month. More then one foreigner has been driven to the brink of madness by attending a Dutch birthday. The regular Dutch birthday party consists mainly of sitting still and talking to others about your job, your car, politics and foreigners. You are expected to leave somewhere about 23:00 and you will be grateful you canWilders speaks about his anti koran movie Fitna.
In January 2009, the Amsterdam Court of Appeal ordered Wilders' prosecution for "incitement to hatred and discrimination".[14] Wilders was banned from entering the United Kingdom between 12 February 2009 and 13 October 2009 by the then Labour government, the Home Office saying his presence would be a "threat to one of the fundamental interests of society".[15] The ban was overturned after Wilders appealed[16] and he visited the UK in October 2009,[17] and again in March 2010 to show his film
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Wilders is best known for his criticism of Islam, summing up his views by saying, "I don't hate Muslims, I hate Islam".[59] Although identifying Islamic extremists as 5–15% of Muslims,[77] he argues that "there is no such thing as 'moderate Islam'" and that the "Koran also states that Muslims who believe in only part of the Koran are in fact apostates".[56] He suggests that Muslims should "tear out half of the Koran if they wished to stay in the Netherlands" because it contains 'terrible things' and that Muhammad would "... in these days be hunted down as a terrorist".[81]
On 8 August 2007, Wilders opined in an open letter[82] to the Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant that the Koran, which he called a "fascist book", should be outlawed in the Netherlands, like Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf.[83] He has stated that "The book incites hatred and killing and therefore has no place in our legal order".[84] He has also referred to Mohammed as "the devil".[23] In Sept 2009 Wilders proposed to put a tax on Hijab wearing by Muslim women. He suggested women could purchase a license at a cost of €1000 and that the money raised could be used in projects beneficial to women's emancipation.[85][86]
He believes that all Muslim immigration to the Netherlands should be halted and all settled immigrants should be paid to leave.[59] Referring to the increased population of Muslims in the Netherlands, he has said:
In a speech before the Dutch Parliament, he stated:Take a walk down the street and see where this is going. You no longer feel like you are living in your own country. There is a battle going on and we have to defend ourselves. Before you know it there will be more mosques than churches![87]
Nonetheless, Wilders has traveled widely in the Arab world and Der Spiegel has stated that Wilders will "wax poetic" over those "magnificent countries". Wilders has also said that "It's a real shame that these places are so chaotic."[21]Islam is the Trojan Horse in Europe. If we do not stop Islamification now, Eurabia and Netherabia will just be a matter of time. One century ago, there were approximately 50 Muslims in the Netherlands. Today, there are about 1 million Muslims in this country. Where will it end? We are heading for the end of European and Dutch civilisation as we know it. Where is our Prime Minister in all this? In reply to my questions in the House he said, without batting an eyelid, that there is no question of our country being Islamified. Now, this reply constituted a historical error as soon as it was uttered. Very many Dutch citizens, Madam Speaker, experience the presence of Islam around them. And I can report that they have had enough of burkas, headscarves, the ritual slaughter of animals, so‑called honour revenge, blaring minarets, female circumcision, hymen restoration operations, abuse of homosexuals, Turkish and Arabic on the buses and trains as well as on town hall leaflets, halal meat at grocery shops and department stores, Sharia exams, the Finance Minister's Sharia mortgages, and the enormous overrepresentation of Muslims in the area of crime, including Moroccan street terrorists.[56]
Geert Wilders IS NOT the typical European. If he was he would appologize, appease and bend over backwards to accomodate anything the Islamo-Nazis request.
He has guts and he is RIGHT.
The MAN is almost an heroic example awaiting to be followed by more politicians.
I saw his factual and most interesting documentary "FITNA" and I am aware that all was done by cowardly European Authorities to prevent the film from being seen by the masses.
They were so scared it would offend the sensibilities of Musmlims that they rather supress freedom of speech than to show it.
But Wilders has to be very carefull.
He will have attempts made on his life, for Islam is not a forgiving religion neither are its followers.
If only Christianity and Christians acted more like they do I am sure there would be a lot more respect for them on the part of the Western secularist Media and Elites
Referring to Moroccan youth as "street terrorists" Geert Wilders the Head of the Party for Freedom told a recent sitting of Lower House that:
" Morrocans did not come to integrate ' but to subjugate and dominate the Dutch.' We are losing our country to Morrocan hooligans who go through life cursing, spitting, and beating up innocent people"
"They accept all too happily our welfare, housing and doctors but not our norms or values." He said.
Wilders was referring to recent incidents in which a Dutch emergency team was threatened with death by a Morrocan crowd after coming to the aid of a stabbing incident and a recent curfew which was implemented in the town of Ede in the district of Veldhuizen after rampaging Morrocan youth set fire to cars and broke the windows of police vehicles.
A newspaper report on the situation in Ede related that:
On a film on YouTube young Morrocans in Veldhuizen rap that "the time has come to fight".The brazen and criminal behaviours makes the citizens of Ede feel unsafe. People who complain to the police are attacked. 'It is escalating the rule of law is at stake' according to council member Bert Komdeur CDA…
Ede has been dealing for years with disturbances by Moroccan youth. Last year Veldhuizen made the news when Morrocan fathers went riding on public buses to put an end on the taunting, spitting and intimidation of the drivers.
Veldhuizen was in the world news after the September 11attacks because scores of Moroccans partied in the street.
Several weeks ago Mayor Cohen of Amsterdam commented on the incident involving the ambulance crew and said that that "the violence was coming mainly from Morrocans" adding "in many cases when this kind of threatening behaviour takes place, it is involving our Morrocan fellow citizens, in a large amount of the cases from Morrocan boys. Cohen said further: There is a problem there, in that community, the problem must be solved".
Muslims make up 5.8% of the population in Holland, a country of 16 million. According to counter terrorism expert Emerson Vermaat, the Muslim population is becoming increasingly radicalized and the step from street terror and crime to jihad is a normal progression. He wrote:
"What European investigators are quite worried about today is the dangerous mixture of crime and Islamist terrorism. Young second generation and third generation immigrants from Morocco, who are involved in petty crime and appear to be susceptible to the call of fundamentalist Islam and then become jihadists. In a nice and peaceful country like Holland, young Moroccans involved in petty crime, street robberies and violence against the police turn to Islamist radicalism or even join terrorist networks.
A good example is Mohammed Bouyeri, a Dutch Moroccan born and raised in Amsterdam. Before he killed filmmaker and columnist Theo van Gogh in November 2004, Bouyeri already had a criminal record. In 1997, he spat in a policeman's face, in 2000 he beat a visitor of a student's café with his fists, in 2001 he stuck a knife into a policeman's neck.
MIM: In the Dutch town of Gouda things have gotten so bad that the bus service has now decided to avoid certain districts after a conductor was robbed and others were attacked by Morrocans. A camera team which went to cover the story was assaulted. According to this article the Mayor addressed the parents of Morrocan youth in the town sporthall. Afterwards he went to a clubhuis to speak to the youth.
Youth in Gouda assault camera team
Jongeren Gouda mishandelen cameraploeg GOUDA - In de Goudse wijk Oosterwei is woensdagmiddag een cameraploeg mishandeld. Een 19-jarige man is inmiddels aangehouden. Diverse media kwamen naar Gouda nadat bekend was geworden dat Connexxion besloot een deel van stadsbuslijn 3 niet meer door deze wijk te laten rijden nadat de chauffeur was beroofd.
Om verdere escalaties in de wijk te voorkomen sprak burgemeester Cornelis woensdagavond een groep Marokkaanse ouders toe in sporthal De Springer. Daarna ging hij naar buurthuis 't Wiel om daar met jongeren te praten.
In de gemeenteraad zei de burgemeester, die eerder de boel wat bagatelliseerde, dat Connexxion eerder bij de gemeente en de politie aan de bel hadden moeten trekken.
He has guts and he is RIGHT.
The MAN is almost an heroic example awaiting to be followed by more politicians.
I saw his factual and most interesting documentary "FITNA" and I am aware that all was done by cowardly European Authorities to prevent the film from being seen by the masses.
They were so scared it would offend the sensibilities of Musmlims that they rather supress freedom of speech than to show it.
But Wilders has to be very carefull.
He will have attempts made on his life, for Islam is not a forgiving religion neither are its followers.
If only Christianity and Christians acted more like they do I am sure there would be a lot more respect for them on the part of the Western secularist Media and Elites
Morrocan crime and violence in Holland leads to jihadMorrocan crime and violence in Holland leads to jihad 36. LEARN FROM GEERT WILDERS!!!!!
The Israelis should learn from Geert Wilders. Replace Netanyahu with Geert Wilders. It is such an embarrassment when a Christian has to teach a Jew that the Moslems YIMACH SHEMOM V'ZICHROM are TERRORISTS. WAKE UP Jews & STOP being compassionate towards the ENEMY.
SM, Beitar Elite (08/31/09)
(16)At almost every bread meal in Holland you will find a mean looking big knife with a sharp slide in it. It is called a 'kaasschaaf' and is used to cut very thin slices of cheese (Yes, it's a Dutch invention). Never cut cheese with a regular knife, you will make yourself completely ridiculous. Another typical eating tool is the so-called bottlescraper. Beware, don't use it for that annoying itch on your back. It's designed to scrape the last bits of yoghurt or mayonnaise out of the bottle. A Hollander will use every millimeter of the product he bought. He paid for it, he'll eat it, no matter what.
(17)At the time this was written, the Dutch economy was doing pretty good. Hollanders maintain the idea that this is the result of intensive negotiations between different parties like unions, employers and politicians. They even have a name for it: the poldermodel. One likes to convince foreigners this poldermodel is the key to a successful economy and if those same foreigners would be smart enough to follow their example, their economy would be flourishing as well. This is a load of crap. Hollanders just like to talk, talk, talk. By calling all this chattering negotiating they give themselves the impression they're doing something useful. Talk is never cheap in Holland.
(18)Hollanders drown fried patato-sticks (Chips) in litres of mayonnaise and put it in a pointed paper bag. This is called : Een patatje met. One such bag is able to keep you alive for an unlimited period of time. It is only uncertain if this is a life worth living. But there have been sightings of tourists actually enjoying a patatje met.
(19)Holland has a unique service for -mainly- France tourist. At the moment they pass the border, they are enthusiastically welcomed by youngsters in fast cars. These youngsters have the explicit wish to show these tourists the way to the many interesting tourist-attractions Holland has to offer. Strangly, they always end up in a coffee-shop or drug house though. (see point 20) Weird people, the French.
Absolutely the greatest politician in the West! Hey, Olmert, this is how a leader who loves his people talks! Wouldn’t it be nice if he could run for President? He puts the entire Republican field of current candidates to shame. Watch the whole thing and note the unbelievably dim-witted Fox News reporter.
39. Positive Aspect of Islam?
To #20. Yes, female circumcision; terrorism; land grabbing; beheading; intimidation; shariah law; Muhammed the so called prophet; Bin Laden; pedopile dirty old men just to name a few, are some of the positive aspects of Islam you you perhaps invisioned?
You must be one of them!!!!
Hollanders are supposed to be tolerant. Nonsense. They just make too much money selling drugs and Malaysian women, to miss the opportunity to make so much profit. (15)The most important way of public transportation in Holland is the bicycle. Feel free to take any bike of which you can pick the lock. Just don't expect your own bike to be in the same spot where you parked it 3 minutes earlier. Hunting season for bikes is open 365 days a year. Good luck! You must be one of them!!!!
Melchor, USA (09/01/09)
34. Greeth A one men world concence
maybe there is a hope foe Europe yet. we have one man who carries the world guilt on his shoulders. but is there anybody listening? we are facing two hundred years backwards here, is greeth the only one feeling it?
Levy.Benjamin, Toronto, On. Canada (08Mr Wilders---DO NOT INSULT PIGS---THEY ARE INNOCENT!
There is no such thing as an i8nsult to islam. They are an insult to humanity.
This is OUR LAND---and they are a cancer ---a GOOD FOR NOTHING ENEMY WITHIN!!
This is OUR LAND---and they are a cancer ---a GOOD FOR NOTHING ENEMY WITHIN!!
Hymie Zoltsveis, NYC (08/31/09)
So why have rational people allowed irrationality to rule?
It is because the main danger to liberal democracy is its inherent liberalism, which opens itself to being hijacked by self-styled liberals.
A Nazi will punch you for the good of the state. A Communist will kick you for the good of the state. A liberal will do both while shaking your hand and telling you it’s for your own good.
Rational people recognise that the only liberality self-styled “liberals” indulge in, is liberally banning everything they disagree with.
Lamentably, top of the banning agenda is free speech.
Understandably, because of the events of World War Two and also our colonial past, Europeans have become wary of persecuting minority groups.
This has led to Europeans encouraging people from around the world to settle in Europe and to share the benefits of Western ideals.
However, this laudable intention has been usurped, not only by some of the groups of people coming to Europe, but worse still by self-loathing, guilt-laden politicians not only of the “liberal” persuasion, but also capitalist free-marketeers.
Such people have inculcated themselves into positions of power.
Together, they undermine our ways of life, stifle dissent from their diktats and spread feelings of political remoteness and hopelessness among the majority of European people.
This is exactly the kind of totalitarianism we fought against in World War Two and the Cold War
31. The beginning of the end of Islam
The seeds of its own death are all too visible,even Muslims now find it difficult to keep a straight face defending its barbarisms (like the brest feeding of fellow workers, as advised by Al Azhar!). Communism collapsed catastrophically, watch the cracks grow in Muhammed's clay feet!
OUR OWN POLITICIANS, POLICE AND JUDGES ARE THE DANGERcharles, London (08/31/09). Wilders is Unique today
Yes, maybe the Koran says to condemn all these things, maybe so, I didn't read it, but then it is the Muslims who obey to their own regulations, and if that doesn't interfere with Dutch law, let them do it...and I can assure you that 90% of all Muslims living in Amsterdam (and in Berlin, for that matter) keep to this...they accept Dutch/German law, but gladly accept that fact that both countries give their citizens the freedom to believe what they want. And these 90% have absolutely no problem with pot-smoking, red light districts and naked women. There's only a militant minority that wants to "crusade" across the religious borderlines.
Is this a problem with media? Yes probably, but in the first place there's a problem with politicians, that definitely includes GWB and his government, that includes definitely the governments of the Netherlands, of Germany, of France...pick your choice. They did not try to cope with those militant minorities, now we have to deal with the violent outbreaks!
In the case of the USA, there's an additional problem: America's policy in the Middle East. I do not want to wake up our young Republicans to fully destroy this thread by babbling nonsense, but imagine, just imagine a totally neutral person, say, an alien from outer space visiting earth for the first time: How would someone like that see the role of the USA in thge Middle East: Pro-Islamic: NO!!! Defintely not...neutral: NO! Definitely not!! Pro-Israel: Yes, definitely! And as matter of fact, that is seen by many muslims as anti-Islam per se!
There is a fast and foolproof way of embarrassing yourself in Holland.Enter a coffeeshop and ask for a cappuccino with a biscuit. Coffeeshops -remember this- do not sell coffee. They do however have a large variety of stimulating products at reasonable prices. For unknown reasons, coffeeshops are very popular amongst young French tourists.

(21)A 'Fries' is a sort of spare-Hollander that lives in the north in a province all for themselves. They love frozen water, Beerenburg (a form of euthanasia with alcohol) and endlessly pointing out that other Hollanders are not Fries. The rest of Holland looks at this behaviour the same way parents will look at an obstinate child.
(22)When it comes to what books to bring to Holland, I would advise the following:The complete works of William Shakespeare or a leather-bound part of the Encyclopaedia Brittanica (part Fr to He of the 1913 edition). Both books have about the proper weight to keep a pushy pimp or dealer away from you with a well aimed swing. After this I would advice you to drop the book since this greatly improves your speed during your getaway. Make sure you bring enough books. NEW A COMPREHENSIVE ONLINE TRAINING PROGRAM ABOUT AN AUTOPILOT CASH SYSTEM SOFTWARE WHICH CAN PRINT YOU MONEY ON DEMAND LIKE AN ATM.TO LEARN MOREJUST CLICK HERE
(23)Don't bother renting a car. Not only will you be able to steal more bikes then you can use but car traffic in Holland is not something to enjoy. Where the rest of the world uses kilometres to express the lengths of traffic jams, in Holland these are measured in weeks. To be honest, the most steadfast ones are worth a visit. The sight of starving people in an expensive Mercedes can greatly improve your mood if your somewhat philosophical. Bring some pieces of bread to throw through the open windows. The fights over them are often very spectacular.
(24)In contradiction of many rumours, it is not legal to bring your mother in law to Holland for do-it-yourself euthanasia. Tourists are warned not to take matters into their own hands
Now is it true? From a general point of view, I don't think so, I think, the USA do have the right idea to fight all extremists, but many things that were and are still done are emitting a completely different picture to the Muslim "man in the street". Please do not forget that many people in the Middle East are poor and lack formal education, therefore they are easy prey for fanatics!Some of Wilders’ statements on IslamAbout the Koran: “This book incites hatred and murder and therefore does not fit into our legal system. If Muslims want to participate, they need to distance themselves from the Koran. I realise this is a lot to ask, but we have to stop making concessions.” (Dutch daily De Volkskrant – 2007
As for not condemning 9/11 and other atrocities...well, I've seen different things in Holland and Germany with my own not trust your media here. I do actually understand that some Muslims feel there's a Christian crusade going on in the media against Islam...I'm convinced it is not true, but you can't fight the feeling somehow.
Now if we talk about terrorism: I gues there is no dissense here, and that includes most Muslims as well: Kill them, kill them all, and do it quickly before they strike again...and then see to it that the roots of fanaticism are destroyed, too...unfortunately that takes a long time, I'm afraid! And the Dutch are currently beginning to see this, too!
He dares to strip away the political "niceties," he risks his life everyday to speak out against the barbarity of much of Islam. DO watch "Fitna," his short, controversial film on Islam. Wilders is ahead of his time--he is where much of the west will be eventually. Fitna is NOT racist--and it ends with text by Wilders that states that ONLY Islam can change the horrific aspects of Islam, that it is the responsibility of MUSLIMS to change the worst aspects of the Koran.
A mere two years ago, we witnessed FRONT page news on CNN and world media all over--an Indonesian man was sentenced to DEATH for the HORRIFIC crime of converting to Christianity. How one could remain Muslim in such a world is beyond me....
So what is different about the present battle (some describe it as a war)?
This time around the struggle is against a theocratic totalitarianism called Islam.
The very fact that it is a theocracy, in other words a religion, protects Islam from being challenged.
Political constitutions (written or otherwise) across the West enshrine the principle of freedom to religious practise.
Therefore, religions may not be attacked in the same way as political parties.
In the West, politicians and their parties come under continuous verbal and written onslaughts in the media regarding their policies, performance and personnel.
Religious practise, however, is protected.
Despite this, Christianity, Europe’s main religion, has constantly been ridiculed, criticised and condemned, more often than not with impunity.
This is because Christianity is an easy target, mainly due to the fact that calling for Christian heretics to be killed is deemed more than unacceptable by Christian clergy, and actually killing heretics contravenes laws drawn up by democratically elected legislators.
Certainly leaving Christianity, or any other religion besides Islam, does not merit any punishment, in this world at least.
As we all know, this is not the case with Islam’s sharia law, which stipulates a death sentence for apostates leaving Islam for any reason.
Until recently, religion has been put in its place in Western society. It has become a matter of one’s own personal belief and private conscience.
For generations, offending a religious person has not been regarded as being more than bad manners. One of the fundamental benefits in the West is the right to offend and be offended.
Religion has not been a threat to society and the clergy has not formulated legislation in the West, although it has been allowed to lobby the various elected governments.
All this is changing due to the imposition of Islam.
No other religion demands more from those who do not adhere to its doctrine.
This would not be a problem in the West, if our leaders actually stood up for Western values and insisted that Muslims live within our laws and accepted our cultures and social systems.
Instead, it is we who are told we must abandon our values, cultures and societies in order not to offend Muslims. It is Islam that is being rammed down our throats and the throats of our children.
It is not only in the West that Islam is causing misery and mayhem. All around the world Islam is battling the “infidels”.
In response all our politicians, journalists, social commentators and religious leaders do is avoid mentioning the murderous activities in places like Indonesia, Thailand and sub-Saharan Africa. However, if an Israeli soldiers so much as farts within earshot of a Palestinian mosque the whole world knows about it within minutes and politicians resoundingly condemn Israel.
Such sanctimonious, selective conscience is contemptible and Europeans are fed up with being oppressed for the sake of what most believe to be the most corrosive and intolerant political system ever devised.
Islam in the NetherlandsHolland is a kingdom.It just doesn't have a king but a queen and her husband is not king but a prince. The queen does not rule -much- but she's very capable in cutting ribbons and visiting other countries. She is also very decorative at state banquettes. Her son, the crown prince, will take over if she stops queening. His wife in turn will be queen so that Holland will finally have a king and queen again.April 30 is queensday but it is not the birthday of the queen but princes Juliana's, who used to be queen. With things like this it's only logical that more and more people want Holland to be a republic. Queensday, by the way, is just an excuse to drink lots of beer and sell all their old junk on the streets. (27)It would be wise to learn how to swim before you come to Holland.No, the dikes will hold, that's not the problem, but the large amount of lakes, streams, rivers canals and creaks could lead to painful mistakes. That shiny new strip of asphalt you're turning on to with your car during rain might not be an asphalt road at all.
Dutch Dhimmitude Expressed as Sick Joke
In Holland, where Anne Frank was rounded up by the Nazis during the Holocaust, T-shirt merchant Boomerang has seen fit to put this on a shirt:
The kaffiyeh represents the Palestinian terrorists who aspire to pick up where Nazis left off regarding the extermination of Jews like Miss Frank, who died at Bergen-Belsen.
While they were at it, the Boomerang trendoids should have put a swastika on her forehead
The history of Islam in the Netherlands started in the early 17th century when the Dutch Republic signed a treaty of free commerce with Morocco, the first-ever official treaty between a European country and a non-Christian nation. In the 19th century, the Netherlands experienced sporadic Muslim migration from the Dutch East Indies when it was a colony from the Netherlands. Economic growth from 1960 to 1973 lead the Dutch government to recruit large numbers of immigrant workers, chiefly from Turkey and Morocco, and migration has continued by way of family reunification and asylum seekers.
Data from 2007 shows that the Netherlands hosts an estimated 850.000 Muslims, including approximately 325.000 Turks and 260.000 millions Moroccans[1] Most of which live in the RandstadFree speech or hate speech? 'I don't create hate. I want to be honest. I don't hate people. I don't hate Muslims. I hate their book and their ideology.'
For more than three years, Wilders has been paying for his 'honesty' by living under permanent police guard as the internet bristles with threats on his life. He has lived in army barracks, in prisons, under guard at home. 'There's no freedom, no privacy. If I said I was not afraid, I would be lying.'
There is little doubt that if Wilders's film exists - and it's shrouded in secrecy - and is broadcast, it will be construed as blasphemy in large parts of the world and may spark a new bloody crisis in relations between the West and the Muslim world.
the Greatest song of Rock History from the Rolling Stones the Symphaty for the Devil performed by the Guns n Roses.Enjoy it.He does not seem to care. 'People ask why don't you moderate your voice and not make this movie. If I do that and not say what I think, then the extremists who threaten me would win.GEERT WILDERS;SINCE THE LAST 14 HUNDRED YEARS THE DARK MUSLI BARBARIANS ALWAYS TRIED TO DESTROY AND ANNIHILATE THE WHITE WEST,THE HORROR AND SUFFERING WHAT HAS BEEN BROUGHT TO THIS WORLD BY THE MUSLIS IS UNDESCRIBABLE EVIL.AT THIS POINT OF TIME IN HISTORY THEY WANT TO UNLEASH THEIR HELL ON EARTH AGAIN .
We had controlled immigration, not some unchecked free-for-all as you suggest. You will kindly recall that at places such as Ellis Island, we registered our immigrants, screened them for diseases, etc. I remain all in favor of legal, controlled immigration, especially for people from downtrodden nations, political refugees, etc.
Now the rampant illegal immigration that is happening is destroying us. There is no assimilation, diseases once thought extinct are coming back, and our borders, language and culture are being diluted.
Aloges- I'm not anti-immigration, but the Dutch neex to examine what they want their culture to reflect, and whether they feel the benefits of their Muslim inundation outweigh the costs. There was nothing inflammatory in my post, in that regard, nor any intended.
A mere two years ago, we witnessed FRONT page news on CNN and world media all over--an Indonesian man was sentenced to DEATH for the HORRIFIC crime of converting to Christianity. How one could remain Muslim in such a world is beyond me....

So what is different about the present battle (some describe it as a war)?
This time around the struggle is against a theocratic totalitarianism called Islam.
The very fact that it is a theocracy, in other words a religion, protects Islam from being challenged.
Political constitutions (written or otherwise) across the West enshrine the principle of freedom to religious practise.
Therefore, religions may not be attacked in the same way as political parties.
In the West, politicians and their parties come under continuous verbal and written onslaughts in the media regarding their policies, performance and personnel.
Religious practise, however, is protected.
Despite this, Christianity, Europe’s main religion, has constantly been ridiculed, criticised and condemned, more often than not with impunity.
This is because Christianity is an easy target, mainly due to the fact that calling for Christian heretics to be killed is deemed more than unacceptable by Christian clergy, and actually killing heretics contravenes laws drawn up by democratically elected legislators.
Certainly leaving Christianity, or any other religion besides Islam, does not merit any punishment, in this world at least.
As we all know, this is not the case with Islam’s sharia law, which stipulates a death sentence for apostates leaving Islam for any reason.
Until recently, religion has been put in its place in Western society. It has become a matter of one’s own personal belief and private conscience.
For generations, offending a religious person has not been regarded as being more than bad manners. One of the fundamental benefits in the West is the right to offend and be offended.
Religion has not been a threat to society and the clergy has not formulated legislation in the West, although it has been allowed to lobby the various elected governments.
All this is changing due to the imposition of Islam.
No other religion demands more from those who do not adhere to its doctrine.
This would not be a problem in the West, if our leaders actually stood up for Western values and insisted that Muslims live within our laws and accepted our cultures and social systems.
Instead, it is we who are told we must abandon our values, cultures and societies in order not to offend Muslims. It is Islam that is being rammed down our throats and the throats of our children.
It is not only in the West that Islam is causing misery and mayhem. All around the world Islam is battling the “infidels”.
In response all our politicians, journalists, social commentators and religious leaders do is avoid mentioning the murderous activities in places like Indonesia, Thailand and sub-Saharan Africa. However, if an Israeli soldiers so much as farts within earshot of a Palestinian mosque the whole world knows about it within minutes and politicians resoundingly condemn Israel.
Such sanctimonious, selective conscience is contemptible and Europeans are fed up with being oppressed for the sake of what most believe to be the most corrosive and intolerant political system ever devised.
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Burn Baby Burn |
Ok so what is the point that Terry Jones is trying to prove? Well what he has proved is the farce that is western government and the irony of excuses. Let me explain. So we have heard Obama say that if this church burns Quran’s then Al Qaeda will use it as a recruiting drive. Or that American troops will be killed if this takes place. Ok so if I understand this correctly, troops involved with a war will be targeted and killed because of a book burnt in Florida? This presupposes that Al Qaeda or the Taliban are not already killing American troops and are we really to believe that Muslim extremists require reasons to kill? That would mean we have to assume they use ‘logic’ to determine who to kill and how many to kill. Yet the truth is far more sinister, as Muslims kill both soldiers and innocent civilians with or without provocation. And if us standing our ground when faced by their barbarism, is going to be used as an excuse for their behaviour then we are not only allowing an aggressive culture to play the victim but we are in fact helping them spin the propaganda required to support this nonsense notion.Muslims attacked the US on 11 September 2011 before the war in Iraq or Afghanistan could be used as an excuse, but ever since they have used this and many other events as the reason why young Muslims join extremist terror cell. NO, they join these terror groups because the book they refer to as a holy book is full of statements that encourage violence: Quran Surah 8, Verse 12: “I will throw fear into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Then smite the necks and smite of them each finger” Quran Surah 8, verse 60: “Prepare for them whatever force and cavalry ye are able of gathering, to strike terror, to strike terror into the hearts of the enemies of Allah and your enemies” Muslim imams have been preaching for generations that Allah is happy when infidels and non-believers are killed. And the vast majority of Muslim countries today, where invaded by Arabs, where they used their ‘holy book’ to justify crushing those that did not support their Islamic ways. That is why countries like Algeria and Morocco, which were not always Muslim but rather Berber, are now 99% Muslim. When the Arab’s invaded North Africa in the first century, no one was allowed the freedom to choose their religion but did have the choice of converting to Islam or execution.Yet despite many examples of the barbaric nature of Islam and the fact that a non-Muslim will never enjoy the same rights in a Muslim country that the Muslims expect in the west - this blood thirsty, dangerous religion is more protected by western leaders than Christianity. Barack Hussein Obama’s statement that burning the Quran will lead to more western deaths does in itself prove the irony. In May of this year CNN reported a story on how the US army burnt bibles in Afghanistan in order to, once again, not upset the Muslims. Did I say ironic? I meant ridiculous! First of all, how is it the burning of Christian Bibles did not result in suicide bomber Catholics or plane hijacker Protestants? Is it because in our culture that is not how we react. LIMP BIZKIT PERFORMING BOILER.ENJOY IT How dare the US government take the side of Muslims in protecting their suicide bomber manual but have no problems themselves burning bibles? ![]() How is it that burning the bible or drawing cartoons of Jesus does not lead to violent attacks on innocent people or beheadings or stoning’s? No it leads to a civilised debate between civilised people of different persuasions, in which each side tries to see the others viewpoints and either one side is convinced they may have been wrong to impose their beliefs over the other side, or they agree to disagree. A few choice words being the most dangerous result.However draw a cartoon of Muhammad and the bearded brigade are up in arms and burning flags, attacking embassies and accelerating their already existing plans to attack more innocent people. Never mind that they call for the death of Christians and make Christian missionaries beg for their life before beheading them but no THEY are the ones offended. The western world has become a weak, splintered world where infighting is preferred over defending our common culture. If the savages despise our western medicine, cars, building and way of life then why do they keep flooding into Europe and the USA like a Tsunami? We should not have to apologise to anyone for highlighting that it is through violence and intimidation that many Muslim governments rule and so YES it is with a lot of scepticism that we look at their so called religious beliefs.As a South African you may be wondering how this affects you. And I agree, we have enough to worry about with savage simians and do not have time to worry about Mohammed and his 10 wives. For South African’s like me that may be tough to swallow, as we are used to grappling with our own aggressors – blacks. Who also manage very successfully to portray themselves as victims when in fact they are barbarians. Many of us may have a different view of Muslims to what is described above. However originating from Cape Town, I myself had Muslim/Malay coloured friends. Friends that were liberal with their Muslim beliefs and would even join us for after work drinks etc. That was until September 11, 2001, when those planes hit the World Trade Center towers in New York, I remember one of my moderate Muslim colleagues telling me the Americans got what they deserved. And it hit me that even moderate Muslims have been subjected to such brainwashed beliefs that they are unable to tell the difference between justice and injustice. This ‘self-proclaimed’ victim culture is in fact the biggest threat to western freedoms we face today.Where the Muslim problem faced by Europe and the states, does link with our black problem, is in the tactics used by these savage cultures. For white South African’s, who have their hands full with problems created by blacks in South Africa, one way to equate it would be to look at how black culture has now crept or rather slithered its way into every facet of our lives. And not only has every presenter and journalist become black, but darkies have even been put in charge of the judiciary, forever influencing the direction of South Africa’s justice system. Muslims, in the same way, infiltrate communities and cities in Europe and begin breeding like rabbits, all the while behaving like pigs. Take Rotterdam in Southern Holland as an example. A city that is said to be 50% non-Dutch, although a visit to the city centre on any day or night and you would be forgiven for thinking that you have landed back in Africa. A trip to the south of Rotterdam below the Maas River and you see the true extent of how Muslims have taken over parts of Europe. The streets are dirty, there are no rules except for the ones decided by the Moroccan street gangs and even the police are scared of these street terrorists. These young Moroccan boys with no respect for woman roam the streets in gangs, looking for trouble and many Dutch citizens live in fear. As they increase in numbers, they also increase in influence and this allows them to build Mosques, much like they are now doing, thanks to their huge numbers, in the suburb of Panorama in Cape Town. Then they start insisting schools no longer mention Christianity, they want more halaal food stocked in supermarkets and they even elect the mayor of Rotterdam, Ahmed Aboutaleb, a Moroccan born Muslim. You then find more and more ninja turtle woman working at the municipality and their influence continues as they infiltrate every sector of society. All the while instilling their wonky ways and showing no respect for the rules and values of the country they are quietly taking over. Is it any wonder then, when Europeans like Geert Wilders stand up and say ‘enough is enough’? He wants to see native Dutch people taken care of and protected rather than using tax money to build more Muslim schools and support the growing number of Muslims entering his country, the Netherlands. Yet when he stands up and criticises the way Islam operates his own country drags him in court for inciting hatred.I illustrate this story, to highlight what is happening in Europe is not different from what happens in SA. Whites in South African are silenced by pulling tight on the leash of white guilt. Blacks simply have to accuse us of racism and we are silenced. Try telling your new black staff member they are not contributing enough and their work is not up to standard and watch as you find yourself accused of being racist. Or successfully defend yourself against a black who attacks you in your home in the middle of the night, only to find you are the latest media villain who was motivated by racism and killed a poor black victim. The same happens in Europe where the status of Muslim’s as ‘victims’ is continually reinforced by the liberal left media who pander to their moaning ways. The Dutch, in fact, have had two famous citizens assassinated and both happened to be outspoken against Islam – Theo van Gogh and Pim Fortuyn. The very fact that Geert Wilders has to live with 24/7 protection, sleeps in a different house each night of the week and only sees his wife once a week, speaks volumes for why Terry Jones should be allowed to burn Quran’s and his act should never be used an excuse for why Muslims kill. They kill because we do not conform to their wicked religion; they kill because like blacks, violence is in their blood and supporting them over our own race and culture, is a huge mistake. It also speaks to why South Africa does not have its own Geert Wilders, because how long would an outspoken conservative fare in that hostile country? Ask Eugene Terreblanche! How different are we as South Africans from the splintered Europeans, too busy infighting to see the barbarians gathering at the gates of Rome. In fact those barbarians are already inside the gates. But just like the Dutch failed to find a common voice against Islam after it killed two of their prominent citizens, white South Africans where more upset at how ET’s murder inconvenienced their Easter TV programming than his murder itself. But as long as we allow liberals to make our laws, run our countries and deliver our news, this is the reality we will continue to face. |
Islam in the NetherlandsHolland is a kingdom.It just doesn't have a king but a queen and her husband is not king but a prince. The queen does not rule -much- but she's very capable in cutting ribbons and visiting other countries. She is also very decorative at state banquettes. Her son, the crown prince, will take over if she stops queening. His wife in turn will be queen so that Holland will finally have a king and queen again.April 30 is queensday but it is not the birthday of the queen but princes Juliana's, who used to be queen. With things like this it's only logical that more and more people want Holland to be a republic. Queensday, by the way, is just an excuse to drink lots of beer and sell all their old junk on the streets. (27)It would be wise to learn how to swim before you come to Holland.No, the dikes will hold, that's not the problem, but the large amount of lakes, streams, rivers canals and creaks could lead to painful mistakes. That shiny new strip of asphalt you're turning on to with your car during rain might not be an asphalt road at all.
Dutch kangaroo court hears Muslims' complaints against Wilders
"My family and I no longer feel safe in the Netherlands because Mr. Wilders is continually making hateful remarks about Islamic Dutch people." Have they been attacked? Why, no. Have marauding bands of Dutch "youth" chanting Wilders' name attacked innocent Muslims, torched mosques, burned (gasp!) the Qur'an? Why, no. Pim Fortuyn and Theo van Gogh are still dead, however.
When a court can take seriously a complaint that Muslims no longer "feel safe" in the Netherlands because of Wilders, the rule of law is on the ropes. Law based on feelings is no law at all; it is just a club to beat the opponents of the elites and the protected classes.
Also, one wonders what resistance to jihad activity would be deemed acceptable by the Dutch elites. Islamic groups in Europe and America have never seen an anti-jihad initiative that they liked; once one starts doing their bidding, one ends up at a state of utter defenselessness fairly quickly.
"Court hears Muslims' complaints against lawmaker," by Toby Sterling for AP, October 6:
AMSTERDAM -- Muslims in the Netherlands say that remarks by politician Geert Wilders have poisoned attitudes toward them, making them feel unwelcome and at risk, according to complaints disclosed at his hate speech trial Wednesday. "My family and I no longer feel safe in the Netherlands because Mr. Wilders is continually making hateful remarks about Islamic Dutch people," said one complaint read out by the judge. "It's getting scary. ... Soon the kids won't be able to say that they're Muslim or half-Moroccan," wrote the citizen, whose name was not released.
Dozens of similar complaints filed with public prosecutors eventually led them to file charges against Wilders, citing frequent statements he has made comparing Islam to Fascism, calling for a ban on Muslim immigration and for banning the Quran.
Wilders is charged with inciting discrimination and hatred and with insulting a people on religious grounds, punishable with up to a year in jail and a fine.
Wilders, who polls suggest is the Netherlands' most popular politician, denies any wrongdoing. He says that his opinions are protected by freedom of speech and endorsed by more than a million people who voted for him in national elections last June....
Geert Wilders to spread his anti-Muslim movement west
Dutch far-right politician forms international alliance to attempt to ban immigration from Islamic countriesAn anti-Muslim populist in the Netherlands is forming an international alliance to spread his message across the west in an attempt to ban immigration from Islamic countries, among other goals.Geert Wilders, leader of the Freedom party, told the Associated Press that he would launch the movement late this year, initially in five countries: the US, Canada, Britain, France and Germany."The message, 'stop Islam, defend freedom', is a message that's not only important for the Netherlands but for the whole free Western world," Wilders said at the Dutch parliament.
IF YOU WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT THE HISTORY OF THE DUTCH NAZI PARTY JUST CLICK HEREAmong the group's aims will be outlawing immigration from Islamic countries to the west and a ban on Islamic sharia law. Starting as a grassroots movement, he hopes it eventually will produce its own lawmakers or influence other legislators.
Ayhan Tonca, a prominent spokesman for Dutch Muslims, said he feared Wilders message would fall on fertile ground in much of Europe, where anti-Islam sentiment has been swelling for years."So long as things are going badly with the economy, a lot of people always need a scapegoat," Tonca said. "At the moment, that is the Muslims in western Europe."
Tonca called on "well-meaning people in Europe to oppose this."
Known for his bleached-blond mop of hair, Wilders is a shrewd politician who has won awards in the Netherlands for his debating skills and regularly stands up for gay and women's rights.
But he rose to local and then international prominence with his firebrand anti-Islam rhetoric that has led to him being charged under Dutch anti-hate speech laws and banned from visiting Britain until a court there ordered that he be allowed into the country.
Wilders said he hopes to position the alliance between traditional conservative parties and far-right wing groups, saying that in Britain there is "an enormous gap" between the ruling Conservative party and the far-right BNP: "The BNP is a party that, whatever you think of it, it's not my party I think it's a racist party," he said.
Wilders, who calls Islam a "fascist" religion, has won increasing support the Netherlands in recent years even while he has been subjected to round-the-clock protection because of death threats.His Freedom party won the biggest gains in a national election last month, coming third with 24 seats in the 150-seat parliament, up from the nine before the election.
However, mainstream parties will not form a coalition with Wilders, leaving him on the margins of Dutch politics for the next parliamentary term.
Wilders is due to stand trial in October on hate speech charges stemming from his short internet film Fitna, which denounced the Qur'an as a a fascist book that inspires terrorism. The film aroused anti-Dutch protests around the Muslim world, and he was banned for several months from entering Britain.
But he is unrepentant and said he now wants to take his message outside the Netherlands.
"The fight for freedom and (against) Islamisation as I see it is a worldwide phenomenon and problem to be solved," he said.
Wilders declined to name any of the other founders of the organisation he is calling the Geert Wilders International Freedom Alliance. He has been criticised for running his party as a one-man show
(28)Dutch painting.Dutch painters get famous after they die. This is a very sensible rule from the buyers point of view. Not only will the artist have to make a lot of paintings to earn a living, it also produces some very nice investments. The painters however do not share this opinion and in at least one case this lead to selfmutalation of an ear
Dutch kangaroo court hears Muslims' complaints against Wilders
"My family and I no longer feel safe in the Netherlands because Mr. Wilders is continually making hateful remarks about Islamic Dutch people." Have they been attacked? Why, no. Have marauding bands of Dutch "youth" chanting Wilders' name attacked innocent Muslims, torched mosques, burned (gasp!) the Qur'an? Why, no. Pim Fortuyn and Theo van Gogh are still dead, however.
When a court can take seriously a complaint that Muslims no longer "feel safe" in the Netherlands because of Wilders, the rule of law is on the ropes. Law based on feelings is no law at all; it is just a club to beat the opponents of the elites and the protected classes.
Also, one wonders what resistance to jihad activity would be deemed acceptable by the Dutch elites. Islamic groups in Europe and America have never seen an anti-jihad initiative that they liked; once one starts doing their bidding, one ends up at a state of utter defenselessness fairly quickly.
"Court hears Muslims' complaints against lawmaker," by Toby Sterling for AP, October 6:
When a court can take seriously a complaint that Muslims no longer "feel safe" in the Netherlands because of Wilders, the rule of law is on the ropes. Law based on feelings is no law at all; it is just a club to beat the opponents of the elites and the protected classes.
Also, one wonders what resistance to jihad activity would be deemed acceptable by the Dutch elites. Islamic groups in Europe and America have never seen an anti-jihad initiative that they liked; once one starts doing their bidding, one ends up at a state of utter defenselessness fairly quickly.
"Court hears Muslims' complaints against lawmaker," by Toby Sterling for AP, October 6:

AMSTERDAM -- Muslims in the Netherlands say that remarks by politician Geert Wilders have poisoned attitudes toward them, making them feel unwelcome and at risk, according to complaints disclosed at his hate speech trial Wednesday. "My family and I no longer feel safe in the Netherlands because Mr. Wilders is continually making hateful remarks about Islamic Dutch people," said one complaint read out by the judge. "It's getting scary. ... Soon the kids won't be able to say that they're Muslim or half-Moroccan," wrote the citizen, whose name was not released.
Dozens of similar complaints filed with public prosecutors eventually led them to file charges against Wilders, citing frequent statements he has made comparing Islam to Fascism, calling for a ban on Muslim immigration and for banning the Quran.
Wilders is charged with inciting discrimination and hatred and with insulting a people on religious grounds, punishable with up to a year in jail and a fine.
Wilders, who polls suggest is the Netherlands' most popular politician, denies any wrongdoing. He says that his opinions are protected by freedom of speech and endorsed by more than a million people who voted for him in national elections last June....
Geert Wilders to spread his anti-Muslim movement west
Dutch far-right politician forms international alliance to attempt to ban immigration from Islamic countriesAn anti-Muslim populist in the Netherlands is forming an international alliance to spread his message across the west in an attempt to ban immigration from Islamic countries, among other goals.Geert Wilders, leader of the Freedom party, told the Associated Press that he would launch the movement late this year, initially in five countries: the US, Canada, Britain, France and Germany."The message, 'stop Islam, defend freedom', is a message that's not only important for the Netherlands but for the whole free Western world," Wilders said at the Dutch parliament.Among the group's aims will be outlawing immigration from Islamic countries to the west and a ban on Islamic sharia law. Starting as a grassroots movement, he hopes it eventually will produce its own lawmakers or influence other legislators.IF YOU WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT THE HISTORY OF THE DUTCH NAZI PARTY JUST CLICK HERE
Ayhan Tonca, a prominent spokesman for Dutch Muslims, said he feared Wilders message would fall on fertile ground in much of Europe, where anti-Islam sentiment has been swelling for years."So long as things are going badly with the economy, a lot of people always need a scapegoat," Tonca said. "At the moment, that is the Muslims in western Europe."
Tonca called on "well-meaning people in Europe to oppose this."
Known for his bleached-blond mop of hair, Wilders is a shrewd politician who has won awards in the Netherlands for his debating skills and regularly stands up for gay and women's rights.
But he rose to local and then international prominence with his firebrand anti-Islam rhetoric that has led to him being charged under Dutch anti-hate speech laws and banned from visiting Britain until a court there ordered that he be allowed into the country.
Wilders said he hopes to position the alliance between traditional conservative parties and far-right wing groups, saying that in Britain there is "an enormous gap" between the ruling Conservative party and the far-right BNP: "The BNP is a party that, whatever you think of it, it's not my party I think it's a racist party," he said.
Wilders, who calls Islam a "fascist" religion, has won increasing support the Netherlands in recent years even while he has been subjected to round-the-clock protection because of death threats.His Freedom party won the biggest gains in a national election last month, coming third with 24 seats in the 150-seat parliament, up from the nine before the election.
However, mainstream parties will not form a coalition with Wilders, leaving him on the margins of Dutch politics for the next parliamentary term.
Wilders is due to stand trial in October on hate speech charges stemming from his short internet film Fitna, which denounced the Qur'an as a a fascist book that inspires terrorism. The film aroused anti-Dutch protests around the Muslim world, and he was banned for several months from entering Britain.
But he is unrepentant and said he now wants to take his message outside the Netherlands.
"The fight for freedom and (against) Islamisation as I see it is a worldwide phenomenon and problem to be solved," he said.
Wilders declined to name any of the other founders of the organisation he is calling the Geert Wilders International Freedom Alliance. He has been criticised for running his party as a one-man show
Dutch Hardrockband Martyr performing the song The Most Evil One.enjoy it.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The real number of the Muslis especially as of 2011 in Holland its much higher like 1.5-2 million and rapidly growing,the outskirts of the big cities are flooded with the unbeliever darkies,every year 4 percent of the Dutch middleclass are escaping forever from the New African Musli paradise.Where are the good old Holland of the tulips,windmills,wooden shoes,cheese,cosy rich and orderly Dutch villages,or the flowerpower hippies with the joints and loud rockmusic-its gonne forever.Musli Moroccan streetterror is rampant,rape murder robbery and intimidation is the order of the day.Holland was the country where in the 70-80 the cops didnt even had any weapon,and if a drunken Hells Angels get out of a bar and seen a cop just spit on it knocked him down and called him a piece of shit the cop was getting up from the ground and quitely retreated-this is a true eyewitness account.Today Holland is a dreaded Police state Cops are patrolling everywhere on foot on motorbyke and on bycicle even on helicopters but they just cant tame the African Beasts.Todays Holland its a very unpleasant place to live harsh and brutal,the poor White underclasses are suffering enormously from the Darkies.they just dont have the Money to escape from the Musli they have to take all the garbage day by day.from the old Hippie traditions only one place left in Amsterdam the Fenomeen Hippie Sauna at the end of the famous Vondelpark.there some old hippies are smoking their joints and listening to the Doors within the nicely painted of the last truly remarkable places of Dutch freedom.Holland had lost the battle ,the turning point was the murder of the maverick Genius rightwing politician Pim Fortuyn in 2002 spring just before he would have been elected the country Prime Minister.since that time Holland descended into a totally insane MultiCulti banana republic,Behind the scenes of course the Jews were busy to activly promote Dutch extiction.The Mayor of Amsterdam for the last 8 years the prominent jew Job Cohen,did more damage to the Dutch nation than any other of his Zionist bodys.for example after a bearded hyena slaughtered Theo van Gogh in 2004 in Amsterdam this guy invited the Musli clerics for a talkshow and while they drank thee cosily he explained to the terrified Dutch public that is all allright its only a misunderstanding happened the fun loving bearded Musli streetterrorist only wanted to give him a hug,but its Theos fault to remind him that he has a bad breath from Hell therefore made him angry and instead of a brotherly hug he was compelled to savagely slaughter righteously this White Pig who dared to insult his Stone Age emotions.But there is the famous stubborn Dutch Courage from the ashes of the Great Pim Fortuyn arises Geert Wilders and like Mozart hes orchestrating a New White Resistance.
Dutch Dhimmitude Expressed as Sick Joke
In Holland, where Anne Frank was rounded up by the Nazis during the Holocaust, T-shirt merchant Boomerang has seen fit to put this on a shirt:
While they were at it, the Boomerang trendoids should have put a swastika on her forehead
Data from 2007 shows that the Netherlands hosts an estimated 850.000 Muslims, including approximately 325.000 Turks and 260.000 millions Moroccans[1] Most of which live in the Randstad
For more than three years, Wilders has been paying for his 'honesty' by living under permanent police guard as the internet bristles with threats on his life. He has lived in army barracks, in prisons, under guard at home. 'There's no freedom, no privacy. If I said I was not afraid, I would be lying.'
There is little doubt that if Wilders's film exists - and it's shrouded in secrecy - and is broadcast, it will be construed as blasphemy in large parts of the world and may spark a new bloody crisis in relations between the West and the Muslim world.
We had controlled immigration, not some unchecked free-for-all as you suggest. You will kindly recall that at places such as Ellis Island, we registered our immigrants, screened them for diseases, etc. I remain all in favor of legal, controlled immigration, especially for people from downtrodden nations, political refugees, etc.
Now the rampant illegal immigration that is happening is destroying us. There is no assimilation, diseases once thought extinct are coming back, and our borders, language and culture are being diluted.
Aloges- I'm not anti-immigration, but the Dutch neex to examine what they want their culture to reflect, and whether they feel the benefits of their Muslim inundation outweigh the costs. There was nothing inflammatory in my post, in that regard, nor any intended.
Certainly, van Goghs murderer was an Islamic fanatic, certainly some Islamic groups did criticize his last film at length and THERE we have indeed one of those problems that seem to emerge now into the attention of the media, but has been festering since decades:Yes, maybe the Koran says to condemn all these things, maybe so, I didn't read it, but then it is the Muslims who obey to their own regulations, and if that doesn't interfere with Dutch law, let them do it...and I can assure you that 90% of all Muslims living in Amsterdam (and in Berlin, for that matter) keep to this...they accept Dutch/German law, but gladly accept that fact that both countries give their citizens the freedom to believe what they want. And these 90% have absolutely no problem with pot-smoking, red light districts and naked women. There's only a militant minority that wants to "crusade" across the religious borderlines.
Is this a problem with media? Yes probably, but in the first place there's a problem with politicians, that definitely includes GWB and his government, that includes definitely the governments of the Netherlands, of Germany, of France...pick your choice. They did not try to cope with those militant minorities, now we have to deal with the violent outbreaks!
In the case of the USA, there's an additional problem: America's policy in the Middle East. I do not want to wake up our young Republicans to fully destroy this thread by babbling nonsense, but imagine, just imagine a totally neutral person, say, an alien from outer space visiting earth for the first time: How would someone like that see the role of the USA in thge Middle East: Pro-Islamic: NO!!! Defintely not...neutral: NO! Definitely not!! Pro-Israel: Yes, definitely! And as matter of fact, that is seen by many muslims as anti-Islam per se!
There is a fast and foolproof way of embarrassing yourself in Holland.Enter a coffeeshop and ask for a cappuccino with a biscuit. Coffeeshops -remember this- do not sell coffee. They do however have a large variety of stimulating products at reasonable prices. For unknown reasons, coffeeshops are very popular amongst young French tourists.

(21)A 'Fries' is a sort of spare-Hollander that lives in the north in a province all for themselves. They love frozen water, Beerenburg (a form of euthanasia with alcohol) and endlessly pointing out that other Hollanders are not Fries. The rest of Holland looks at this behaviour the same way parents will look at an obstinate child.
(22)When it comes to what books to bring to Holland, I would advise the following:The complete works of William Shakespeare or a leather-bound part of the Encyclopaedia Brittanica (part Fr to He of the 1913 edition). Both books have about the proper weight to keep a pushy pimp or dealer away from you with a well aimed swing. After this I would advice you to drop the book since this greatly improves your speed during your getaway. Make sure you bring enough books. NEW A COMPREHENSIVE ONLINE TRAINING PROGRAM ABOUT AN AUTOPILOT CASH SYSTEM SOFTWARE WHICH CAN PRINT YOU MONEY ON DEMAND LIKE AN ATM.TO LEARN MOREJUST CLICK HERE
(23)Don't bother renting a car. Not only will you be able to steal more bikes then you can use but car traffic in Holland is not something to enjoy. Where the rest of the world uses kilometres to express the lengths of traffic jams, in Holland these are measured in weeks. To be honest, the most steadfast ones are worth a visit. The sight of starving people in an expensive Mercedes can greatly improve your mood if your somewhat philosophical. Bring some pieces of bread to throw through the open windows. The fights over them are often very spectacular.
(24)In contradiction of many rumours, it is not legal to bring your mother in law to Holland for do-it-yourself euthanasia. Tourists are warned not to take matters into their own hands
Now is it true? From a general point of view, I don't think so, I think, the USA do have the right idea to fight all extremists, but many things that were and are still done are emitting a completely different picture to the Muslim "man in the street". Please do not forget that many people in the Middle East are poor and lack formal education, therefore they are easy prey for fanatics!Some of Wilders’ statements on IslamAbout the Koran: “This book incites hatred and murder and therefore does not fit into our legal system. If Muslims want to participate, they need to distance themselves from the Koran. I realise this is a lot to ask, but we have to stop making concessions.” (Dutch daily De Volkskrant – 2007
As for not condemning 9/11 and other atrocities...well, I've seen different things in Holland and Germany with my own not trust your media here. I do actually understand that some Muslims feel there's a Christian crusade going on in the media against Islam...I'm convinced it is not true, but you can't fight the feeling somehow.
Now if we talk about terrorism: I gues there is no dissense here, and that includes most Muslims as well: Kill them, kill them all, and do it quickly before they strike again...and then see to it that the roots of fanaticism are destroyed, too...unfortunately that takes a long time, I'm afraid! And the Dutch are currently beginning to see this, too!
So why have rational people allowed irrationality to rule?
It is because the main danger to liberal democracy is its inherent liberalism, which opens itself to being hijacked by self-styled liberals.
A Nazi will punch you for the good of the state. A Communist will kick you for the good of the state. A liberal will do both while shaking your hand and telling you it’s for your own good.
Rational people recognise that the only liberality self-styled “liberals” indulge in, is liberally banning everything they disagree with.
Lamentably, top of the banning agenda is free speech.
Understandably, because of the events of World War Two and also our colonial past, Europeans have become wary of persecuting minority groups.
This has led to Europeans encouraging people from around the world to settle in Europe and to share the benefits of Western ideals.
However, this laudable intention has been usurped, not only by some of the groups of people coming to Europe, but worse still by self-loathing, guilt-laden politicians not only of the “liberal” persuasion, but also capitalist free-marketeers.
Such people have inculcated themselves into positions of power.
Together, they undermine our ways of life, stifle dissent from their diktats and spread feelings of political remoteness and hopelessness among the majority of European people.
This is exactly the kind of totalitarianism we fought against in World War Two and the Cold War
(16)At almost every bread meal in Holland you will find a mean looking big knife with a sharp slide in it. It is called a 'kaasschaaf' and is used to cut very thin slices of cheese (Yes, it's a Dutch invention). Never cut cheese with a regular knife, you will make yourself completely ridiculous. Another typical eating tool is the so-called bottlescraper. Beware, don't use it for that annoying itch on your back. It's designed to scrape the last bits of yoghurt or mayonnaise out of the bottle. A Hollander will use every millimeter of the product he bought. He paid for it, he'll eat it, no matter what.
(17)At the time this was written, the Dutch economy was doing pretty good. Hollanders maintain the idea that this is the result of intensive negotiations between different parties like unions, employers and politicians. They even have a name for it: the poldermodel. One likes to convince foreigners this poldermodel is the key to a successful economy and if those same foreigners would be smart enough to follow their example, their economy would be flourishing as well. This is a load of crap. Hollanders just like to talk, talk, talk. By calling all this chattering negotiating they give themselves the impression they're doing something useful. Talk is never cheap in Holland.
(18)Hollanders drown fried patato-sticks (Chips) in litres of mayonnaise and put it in a pointed paper bag. This is called : Een patatje met. One such bag is able to keep you alive for an unlimited period of time. It is only uncertain if this is a life worth living. But there have been sightings of tourists actually enjoying a patatje met.
(19)Holland has a unique service for -mainly- France tourist. At the moment they pass the border, they are enthusiastically welcomed by youngsters in fast cars. These youngsters have the explicit wish to show these tourists the way to the many interesting tourist-attractions Holland has to offer. Strangly, they always end up in a coffee-shop or drug house though. (see point 20) Weird people, the French.
(20)There is a fast and foolproof way of embarrassing yourself in Holland.Enter a coffeeshop and ask for a cappuccino with a biscuit. Coffeeshops -remember this- do not sell coffee. They do however have a large variety of stimulating products at reasonable prices. For unknown reasons, coffeeshops are very popular amongst young French touristsAbsolutely the greatest politician in the West! Hey, Olmert, this is how a leader who loves his people talks! Wouldn’t it be nice if he could run for President? He puts the entire Republican field of current candidates to shame. Watch the whole thing and note the unbelievably dim-witted Fox News reporter.
Referring to Moroccan youth as "street terrorists" Geert Wilders the Head of the Party for Freedom told a recent sitting of Lower House that:
" Morrocans did not come to integrate ' but to subjugate and dominate the Dutch.' We are losing our country to Morrocan hooligans who go through life cursing, spitting, and beating up innocent people"
"They accept all too happily our welfare, housing and doctors but not our norms or values." He said.
Wilders was referring to recent incidents in which a Dutch emergency team was threatened with death by a Morrocan crowd after coming to the aid of a stabbing incident and a recent curfew which was implemented in the town of Ede in the district of Veldhuizen after rampaging Morrocan youth set fire to cars and broke the windows of police vehicles.
A newspaper report on the situation in Ede related that:
On a film on YouTube young Morrocans in Veldhuizen rap that "the time has come to fight".The brazen and criminal behaviours makes the citizens of Ede feel unsafe. People who complain to the police are attacked. 'It is escalating the rule of law is at stake' according to council member Bert Komdeur CDA…
Ede has been dealing for years with disturbances by Moroccan youth. Last year Veldhuizen made the news when Morrocan fathers went riding on public buses to put an end on the taunting, spitting and intimidation of the drivers.
Veldhuizen was in the world news after the September 11attacks because scores of Moroccans partied in the street.
Several weeks ago Mayor Cohen of Amsterdam commented on the incident involving the ambulance crew and said that that "the violence was coming mainly from Morrocans" adding "in many cases when this kind of threatening behaviour takes place, it is involving our Morrocan fellow citizens, in a large amount of the cases from Morrocan boys. Cohen said further: There is a problem there, in that community, the problem must be solved".
Muslims make up 5.8% of the population in Holland, a country of 16 million. According to counter terrorism expert Emerson Vermaat, the Muslim population is becoming increasingly radicalized and the step from street terror and crime to jihad is a normal progression. He wrote:
"What European investigators are quite worried about today is the dangerous mixture of crime and Islamist terrorism. Young second generation and third generation immigrants from Morocco, who are involved in petty crime and appear to be susceptible to the call of fundamentalist Islam and then become jihadists. In a nice and peaceful country like Holland, young Moroccans involved in petty crime, street robberies and violence against the police turn to Islamist radicalism or even join terrorist networks.
A good example is Mohammed Bouyeri, a Dutch Moroccan born and raised in Amsterdam. Before he killed filmmaker and columnist Theo van Gogh in November 2004, Bouyeri already had a criminal record. In 1997, he spat in a policeman's face, in 2000 he beat a visitor of a student's café with his fists, in 2001 he stuck a knife into a policeman's neck.
MIM: In the Dutch town of Gouda things have gotten so bad that the bus service has now decided to avoid certain districts after a conductor was robbed and others were attacked by Morrocans. A camera team which went to cover the story was assaulted. According to this article the Mayor addressed the parents of Morrocan youth in the town sporthall. Afterwards he went to a clubhuis to speak to the youth.
Youth in Gouda assault camera team
Jongeren Gouda mishandelen cameraploeg GOUDA - In de Goudse wijk Oosterwei is woensdagmiddag een cameraploeg mishandeld. Een 19-jarige man is inmiddels aangehouden. Diverse media kwamen naar Gouda nadat bekend was geworden dat Connexxion besloot een deel van stadsbuslijn 3 niet meer door deze wijk te laten rijden nadat de chauffeur was beroofd.
Om verdere escalaties in de wijk te voorkomen sprak burgemeester Cornelis woensdagavond een groep Marokkaanse ouders toe in sporthal De Springer. Daarna ging hij naar buurthuis 't Wiel om daar met jongeren te praten.
In de gemeenteraad zei de burgemeester, die eerder de boel wat bagatelliseerde, dat Connexxion eerder bij de gemeente en de politie aan de bel hadden moeten trekken.
The further the ruling classes stray from the views of the Dutch electorate, the more popular Geert Wilders' party will become.
The measure of the success of Wilders' party is also the measure of the dissatisfaction felt by the Dutch electorate with the liberal left.
In general, things are going in the right direction. And the more trouble Islam causes, the more support Wilders' will attract.
This principle, of course, goes for any other country where democracy expresses the will of the people.