TURKS are not White, the Hellenic people who remain pure in Turkey are white. Turks are Arabic filth.Only during the brief period (1402-1413) of problems in the Turkish state did the Ottomans slow their enslavement but following 1413, taking slaves returned with a vengeance. (Angelov p 490). Eg 7,000 from Thessalonika in 1430 (Bulgaru p 567) In 1438, 60,000 Serbs were enslaved and taken to Anatolia (Sookhdeo p 268). Sources suggest that in the few years between 1436-1442, some 400,000 people were seized in the Balkans. Many of the captives died in forced marches towards Anatolia (Turkey) (Sookhdeo p 268). Contemporary chronicles note that the Ottomans reduced masses of the inhabitants of Greece, Romania, and the Balkans to slavery eg from Moree (1460)-70,000 and Transylvania (1438) - 60,000-70,000 and 300,000-600,000from Hungary and 10,000 from Mytilene/Mitilini on Lesbos island (1462) (Bulgaru p 567) and so it continued (see timeline part H)!
The vicious destruction of Constantinople in 1453 shows the religious zeal of the Muslims, their hatred of Christians, massacres, destruction and pillage and of course, theenslavement of 50,000-60,000 people! (see part H for details
Slave trading centres existed in many areas eg the Turkish state (Adrianople/Edirne) and Balkan Peninsula, Crete, Cyprus, Catalogna, Syria and Italy eg Ancona. Slaves were shackled, marched and any lagging behind were killed (Bulgaru p 568)
The general outlook for Turkish organized crime groups is a continuation of their strong role in the contemporary European environment as well as in Turkey.
The heroin trade is mainly in the hands of second generation Turks residing in Germany who collaborate strongly with their Albanian counterparts in a variety of schemes. Interesting trends in the operation of these groups include their diversification into the synthetic narcotics market, with the Netherlands as an epicenter. "
...if Turkey becomes part of EU then i will spit on every Eropean i see.
go and read history and see how much Russian blood was spilled to protect the Christians of Europe from invasion of muslim Turks. it would be almost comedic to see this happen.....for the Turks it'll be hallarious.....for 500 years they tried to invade Europe with armies and weapons....and now they have it without firing a single shot. should Turkey become a memeber of EU.......NO, NO.....and NO. |
Actually the possibility of join Turkey to the European Union, is in my opinion the main threat for Europe.
If turkish are allowed to move all around Europe we will have more problems, they will emigrate to other countries like UK, Germany, France or Spain, but they won’t come to work, they‘ll come to convert us to the islam, to fight against us, to steal our jobs, to steal our properties, to destroy our culture, our economies and our honour. And that’s not everything, Turkish come from a uninvolved country, probably a lot of them have strange diseases, not so strange as black’s diseases and not so people but it still been a problem. A lot of our money will pay their road, their new cities and God forbid, for their army, and armed groups which want to kill European citizens. They are going to try to build mosques, to eliminate every Christian symbols and implement their own, eliminating a very important part of our culture. Implementing their stupid religion and trying to make us slaves of them. But that’s not all if they can vote as us, they’ll probably change some laws which will make us more vulnerable to our asiatic enemies like iran or siria. The emigration will grow, but not only from Turkey, a lot of people from other parts of the Middle East will use Turkey as a passport for enter in Europe and the cycle will start again. And it’s not the real problem, ‘cause the real problem is mixing between white Europeans and all that undesirable people. Because mosques can be destroyed, culture can be changed, the religion too, but the race can’t come back. I think this is a big problem that we must solve, and the solution is don’t let Turkey to join us. |
Turks were not Indoeuropeans nor were they anywhere near Europe until the 12th century or so. And since ancient times it has been established that the Bosphorus and Caucasus is the border between Europe and Asia.
Yet many left wing idiots allways try to sell Turkey as a "European" country. Especially in the US - Just an example in one South Park episode which aired a while ago - there was a map of the continents which had Turkey included in Europe - which is just wrong.

I dont think the common soul had much choice? its the planned destruction of all European ethnic and cultural identities via a full scale non-European invasion, a media that is on the side if the invaders with persecution for anyone who stands against it.
Im so glad Nationalism is in the rise in Germany
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I don't think Mexicans were ever this blatant when considering violence towards whites. In Germany, they've got Turks everywhere beating up ethnic Germans, and the police over there doesn't do anything. At least the police stateside is somewhat efficient at their job... Unless you're in a city where numbers of non-whites are overwhelming then do expect to see a decrease in effectiveness of police response. But, I do agree that the situation is rather similar however Turks are seemingly more aggressive compared to their Mexican counterparts. I although expect this to change when the drug wars in Mexico spread deep into border states. Then there would be little to differ Mexicans from Turks.
Ive never been to USA or America but i dont think it is the genetics of Mexicans or Turks that is the issue it is different societies.
Mexicans are often illegal aliens in america so have other worries to face. America has certain places where you can carry a gun with you down the street. Germany probably doesnt so there is more Turk street thugs trying to stand over people knowing they can use their numbers because a gun will not be pulled. Also white people being killed in the usa is probably more common so maybe whites there are more likely to pull a gun to a regular smart ass than Germany where it is pretty safe to mind your own business and at least not be killed. Also Germans are maybe more passive than white americans. Also the nazi guilt.Remember the Muslim violence when Pope Benedict XVI quoted this in a lecture on the relationship between reason and faith, 12/9/2006, Germany. I defy anyone to show me a ‘prophet’ more perverted, sadistic, violent, misogynist, racist or intolerant than Mohammad who slaughtered any who defied him or wanted to leave.
In true Islamic fashion, beheadings were also popular with the Muslim Turks:
In 1396, the Ottoman sultan Bayezid I defeated a force of largely French Christian knights at Nicopolis (Bulgaria) and ordered that the 3000 who surrendered be decapitated:
“The next morning they were paraded before him, naked and in groups of 3 or 4. The mass beheadings began early in the morning and continued through the day”.(Sookhdeo p 158)
Yet despite these overwhelming cultural, structural, political and security problems, many politicians, big businesses and the extreme Left are united in wanting Turkey to join the European Union - whilst denying European voters any chance of either debating or voting on this potentially disastrous proposal.
Turkey never has been and never should be a European nation. To admit her as an EU member could spell catastrophe not just for the European Union, but for European civilization.
They won't steal our jobs because they live on welfare
![]() ![]() But seriously, I don't think that Turkey would able to join the EU in the next 20-30 years, But if it will, let 80 millions turks move to Europe will bring the end to White Europe. | |
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Well maybe if all the people around us didn’t interfere in our internal affairs we wouldn’t go down that road.
For example, before Ottoman invasion Croats and Serbs never fought wars with each other, and there weren’t any muslims in the region (that will get you rid of one big factor of instability). Actually prior to Turkish conquests, in the battle of Kosovo polje you had Serbian, Bosnian, and Croatian nobles and their armies fighting together against the Turks. And to mention geopolitical games Austria, Germany and Russia played in Balkans didn’t help either. But primary reason for our conflicts are Turks, its not just that they converted people to Islam, made Catholics life a hell under their rule, they caused displacement of peoples in our region, which was previously homogeneous, and you know what diversity brings, right – conflicts. So to sum it up, there are so many wars in Balkans because of outsider intervention, muslim elements inside our region, and the loss of homogeneity we had once upon a time, that would say because of diversity.
Id say yes many Germans are passive, but you cant say for all areas. In my area they they are not very passive. The last times Turks tried to move in they were pointed another way quite quick. In our area most Germans dont speak english like other places, and are very ready to pick a fight with anyone. For "Nazi quilt" I cant say, anyone I know thinks thats a joke.
I don't believe that the turks are any more violent than our Mexicans, at least not from what I've seen living in Kempten and Stuttgart. PErsonally, I feel the real problem there is that the typical German male has had almost all aggression bred out of him. Things that would get you knocked out in a heartbeat here are accepted as ordinary in Germany.
Cold Turkey for Europe he glitch is that Ankara’s loyalty is wavering. The government is having increasing difficulty keeping a lid on growing Islamic radicalism in the country, and last week Turkey signed a three-way deal for nuclear fuel with the leftist anti-American governments of Brazil and Iran. “There is no more ground for new sanctions and pressures,” Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said of the civilized world’s attempts to prevent the Iranian mullahs from becoming a nuclear power. This development has sounded an alarm that the semi-secular state founded by Ataturk in 1923 was merely a quaint experiment of the 20th century, and that the new millennium may witness a return of the Islamist orientation that defined the preceding Ottoman Empire for 600 years. This is hardly a foregone conclusion because Turkish politics teeter-totters through cycles of moderation and radicalism, but Turkey’s oft-neglected history is relevant no matter which direction the republic turns.
Roberto de Mattei tramples this ground in his book, “Turkey in Europe: Benefit or Catastrophe?” In short, he argues Turkish membership in theEU would be catastrophic because the Turks lack a shared culture with the West and they could exacerbate the threat of ascendant radicalized Islam inside Europe. “The European Union is not in a position to integrate a nation which is as foreign to our political, cultural and religious traditions as Turkey is,” Prof. de Mattei explains. The issue of integration is particularly pressing given demographic trends. Political power within theEU is based on population. Within 15 years, there will be more Turks than Germans and Frenchmen, giving the newcomer a disproportionate influence in directing Europe’s future.
Resistance to this fate is rooted in the long and bloody history of Turkish conquest in Europe, which culminated in the siege of Vienna in 1683. The cautionary tale is that Islamic jihadist armies made it that far into the heart of Europe and nearly prevailed. Many fear a new invasion is in the works. And indeed, in the Islamic world, the expansionist vision is not a relic of the past. Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the spiritual guide of the Muslim Brotherhood, declared that, “Islam will return to Rome conquering and victorious.” Religion is thus still central to this old conflict. Pope Benedict XVI addressed the subject when he was the Catholic Church’s doctrinal watchdog, known then as Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger. He said Turkish entry into the EU would be “anti-historical,” because, “The Ottoman Empire was always opposed to Europe … [Turkey] remains the nucleus of the former Ottoman Empire; it has an Islamic basis.”
The average European doesn't want Turkey in the E.U but they are so brainwashed and so unaware of the threat that once serious anger builds as they start emigrating en mass it will be too late. WE HAVE TO MAKE PEOPLE AWARE OF TURKEY JOINING THE E.U NOW.
No Technically Turkey is not a European country.
98% of its landmass are in Asia. The Turks came from Mongolia and are not a European people the only thing they did to Europe was to destroy the Byzantine empire steal Constantinopel and plunge the Balkans in 500 years of darnkess. And its not even Westernized - Woman rights or the rights of minorities in Tueky are a Joke. And despite the best efforts by the Kemal guy its on a direct way to radical Islam. Even the so called economic growth is just a result of the billions of Euros the left wing idiots pump into this backward country ![]() |
Wow great achievement with all the development aid from the EU
and with 5 Million + Turks in the EU transferring billions of Euros back home. ![]() ![]() And again Turks are from Mongolia - there are remnants of whites here and there but the rest...
Obama Names Erdogan As Trusted FriendHe is telling his “friend” Erdogan laughingly: I got the Armenian vote by deceiving them. I know they will vote for anyone who says will recognize the Genocide. They are so naive. They believe anything a presidential candidate says. Well, you know I am a Muslim and you know my heart is with Islam. i even fooled 99% of the Americans telling them I am Christian borne in the U.S.A. Erdogan answers him: Good job Barak, you will get 72 virgins in heaven.his doesn’t surprise me. It is this same traitorous Obama that promised us Armenians that he would recognise the genocide. What a shame. He’s by far the worst american president EVER. Justice must be served to Armenians. Vote Ron Paul!!!“Trusted friend”…as in the kind of “friend” (read enemy) you need to keep closer than your REAL friends so that you can monitor and dodge their every sinister ploy to backstab you and leave you out to dry? Hussein Obama reminds me of Gorbatchov. Except even that guy wouldn’t be quoted saying “he got stuff done”. This is what politics has become… anyone remembers the Zakaria interview with Erdogan, where latter openly says that the US and Israel are pretty much enemies? Guess that doesn’t hinder Hussein Obama to get close to Erdogan – those morons keep saying Perry was wrong to talk ill of Turkey. Well, we will see, we will see. US and Israel will always lick turkish boots. I never understood this policy. Turkey needs much more the west than vice versa. Also during the Irak war Turkey refused US troops to use its territory but “conveniently” and shamelessly this has been forgotten!! I were Obama or Erodogan wouldn’t travel to France, there is quite possibilities, that French police arrest both AG deniers and thrown them to jail!! Shame on Obama for having a friend like Erdogan!!Even a brief look at the date list, part H in the slavery series, shows the violence and oppression by the Muslims!
Byzantine historian Georgius Pachymeres, a contemporary of the events in the 1262-82 invasion north of the meander, (Paphlagonia, Caria in Asia Minor) described the ruination of towns and monasteries, the fleeing population and the conversion of land into a ‘Scythian desert. ’ He notes indiscriminate massacres, large scale enslavement, the merciless crushing of any resistance and the death of the entire male population where people refused to surrender. (Angelov p465, 466)
Other contemporary writers note the same acts of sadism and destruction throughout the conquest by the Turks and indeed on conquered populations until the 20th century.
From the beginning of their conquests (ie Asia Minor), the emir’s family and clan/military leaders became the owners of vast tracts of land, slaves, towns and villages. The system of military fiefs (timaris) was developed. Some soldiers received land but had to remain in the military. Most however went to the rulers and military leaders.- one fifth went to the state/sultan just as Mohammad took a fifth for himself from the plunder and enslavement carried out by his crew. (The Koran demanded that Mohammad got a fifth even if he wasn’t actually in the raid –how convenient!!)
From the beginning of their conquests (ie Asia Minor), the emir’s family and clan/military leaders became the owners of vast tracts of land, slaves, towns and villages. The system of military fiefs (timaris) was developed. Some soldiers received land but had to remain in the military. Most however went to the rulers and military leaders.- one fifth went to the state/sultan just as Mohammad took a fifth for himself from the plunder and enslavement carried out by his crew. (The Koran demanded that Mohammad got a fifth even if he wasn’t actually in the raid –how convenient!!)
The incessant military campaigns fulfilled the desires of all to spread Islam and gain their just rewards of slaves and land. In depopulated areas, ‘slaves’ replaced local inhabitants in all areas of work/labour, and served in households and harems. Selling slaves enabled the seller to purchase precious objects from elsewhere.

Georgios Pachymeris 1242-c. 1310 one of the most important of the later Byzantine writers
I have some time so I thought I would honour some countries not mentioned here yet who also did their part in bringing down Ottoman Empire and saving Europe:
Battle of Bileća The Battle of Bileća was fought on 27 August 1388 betweenBosnian forces led by Duke Vlatko Vuković and the Ottomansunder the leadership of Lala Shahin Pasha. First facing the Turks at Rudine, the Bosnians finally fought near the town ofBileća and gave them a defeat, which delayed the Ottomans' advances into Bosnia. Battle of Aspindza The Battle of Aspindza (Georgian: ასპინძის ბრძოლა) was fought on April 20, 1770 between the Georgians, led by king of Kartli-Kahhethi Erekle II, and the Ottoman Empire. The Georgians won a great victory over the Turks. |
The issue is
that our ITALIAN, SPANISH, PORTUGESE and GREEK guest workers went back home, as good guests do, while the TURKISH guest workers stayed
When Germany was rebuilt and our exports were booming, before of the oil crisis, all those groups came, to fill our demand in manufacturing, which coulnd´t be filled, as we were less efficient back then for technological reasons.So all those groups came to do simple repetitive manufacturing tasks. Most left when they lost their job or when they had earned some money. Turks stayed here. Social Democratic party said it is mean having them stay here without their family, so they allowed the families to reunite in Germany. Turks took in all their relatives, and now we have the mess we are in..
Erdogan said, "Turkey is not a country where moderate Islam is sovereign. First of all, the 'moderate Islam' concept is wrong. The word 'Islam' is a simple word -- it is only Islam. If you say 'moderate Islam,' then an alternative is created."
Yet those who call us Islamophobes don't believe it. Idiots!Say there bruce, dogs are wonderful animals. A mans best friend. Would you please refrain from insulting dogs by liking muhammadeans after them. Dogs after all being such haram to the muzzie they must be good.theyre all vicious obnoxious hyenas.I saw a television show (on PBS of all places) that asserted that Turkey is the sexual slavery capital of Europe/Eurabia. Guess which religion the enslaved women aren't? When the sexual slavery rings are uncovered the only ones persecuted, oops, prosecuted are the women, who are deported. For some reason none of the muslime Turkish ape pimps are ever prosecuted for running the sexual slavery rings.
Tayyip Erdogan's Terror Organizers: Red Kemalist And Green Stalinist Spies!he Turkish Al Qaeda master and AK Party MP-YALCIN AKDOGAN is at the same time the most intimate terror organizer whose code name is of YASIN DOGAN. This YASIN is also the name sake of Hamas Terror Chief Sheikh YASIN from Gaza!
A few years ago, I was working at an exhibition in Hannover. A group of turkish kids was going through the exhibit hall, methodically looting displays of anything portable. Nobody did a thing to stop them, or even said anything to them. We watched them all down our aisle, tearing booths apart, maybe 9 or 10 of them. When they came into our booth, I went after the biggest one...I was using a cane at the time, and had a leg in a cast. My partners 72 y.o. mom was the only one who would back me up! She came right after me while I worked on this little ****bag with my cane. All anyone else did was yell at me to be careful "they carry knives"! I'd use a crude word that starts with a p, but I think it's just their indoctrination.

German govt has really stupid policies for immigrants I read in a NatGeo a while back that they must let in a certain amount of immigrants from every flock. I remember seeing atleast some percentage out of every 50,000 (+ or -)or so. Most real Germans themselves are short of work, like in the US they claim the jobsimmigrants do, Whites wouldnt want. Thats not always the case, especially when most of the nonwhites living off tax payers money. Turks are a really hated people in Germany along with other immigrants. I hope something gets sorted out soon because they are not innocent immigrant workers really. Like in the US with Mexicans (the smallest percent of them actually work the rest are nothing but parasites) they are also bringing crime and creating slums. They have many among them rapos and child molestors, their islam, their drugs. They are very unwelcome in particular areas(should be anywhere) were people dont take much nonsense. Where Ive heard young men are known to run them out of town, litteraly.
the Bulgarian Horrors Early in May 1876, a revolt against Turkish rule began in Panagyurishte in Bulgaria. The Turks responded with vicious reprisals in which many Bulgarian men, women and children died. Estimates of the number of victims, reported in newspapers at the time, varied between 10,000 and 25,000fter condemning the Turks' 'abominable and bestial lusts ... at which Hell itself might almost blush', Gladstone attacked Disraeli's shameless condoning of the atrocities. He went on to urge a fundamental change in British policy: far from propping up the Turkish Empire, Britain should seek to remove the Turks from European soil ('soil soaked and reeking with blood'). Everyone knows that the Ottomans were barbarians, butchers and so on.
Everyone who is of Balkan decent, therefore, who argues this will have no problem with my next conclusion:
In over 500 years of rule over the majority of the Balkans, the Barbarous and Genocidal Ottomans did not leave a single indigenous ethnicity intact in the Balkans. In fact they were all "replaced" with Turks.
So Serbs, Greeks, Bulgarians etc... you can all rejoice! You are all Turks!
Welcome to the Brotherhood!
Since all your forefathers were destroyed by the Ottomans that could only mean that you are now a Turk.
In over 500 years of rule over the majority of the Balkans, the Barbarous and Genocidal Ottomans did not leave a single indigenous ethnicity intact in the Balkans. In fact they were all "replaced" with Turks.
So Serbs, Greeks, Bulgarians etc... you can all rejoice! You are all Turks!
Welcome to the Brotherhood!
Since all your forefathers were destroyed by the Ottomans that could only mean that you are now a Turk.
500 years...and yet the Serbs survive, Greeks survive...I wonder what the fate of Turks would have been if the tables were reversed for those 500 years?
As for Turkey, not only should it never be allowed into the EU, but the EU should now be making plans for reconquering that part of Turkey which lies in Europe. The natural boundary of Europe is the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles. After more than half a millennia, Istanbul should becomeagain the great Christian city of Constantinople.
Why are there so many wars in Balkans (Slovenia, Croatia, , Romania, Moldova, Bosnia, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, FYROM, Bulgaria, Greece, Cyprus, and Turkey)?
As for Turkey, not only should it never be allowed into the EU, but the EU should now be making plans for reconquering that part of Turkey which lies in Europe. The natural boundary of Europe is the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles. After more than half a millennia, Istanbul should becomeagain the great Christian city of Constantinople.
Part of the reason is history. The Ottomans screwed up Europe.
"The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers." Turkish Prime Minister Erdoğan
Less school, more koran. Oh yes, that's the ticket! We can expect that to work out wonderfully. And this is from the most moderate of the moderate Islamic countries, and Obama's favorite ally, of course.
Turkey, under Erdogan, has abandoned the separation of mosque and state, abandoned Ataturk, abandoned its ties with Israel, and increasingly pursues the delusion of a return of the Ottoman empire. While participating in a Middle East panel of the Academy of Achievement in Chicago in September of 2007, Erdogan warned against religious definitions of terrorism and specifically objected to the phrase "moderate Islam." Erdogan said, "Turkey is not a country where moderate Islam is sovereign. First of all, the 'moderate Islam' concept is wrong. The word 'Islam' is a simple word -- it is only Islam. If you say 'moderate Islam,' then an alternative is created."I can see advantages to the new education system in Turkey.
The more Islam that is taught the dummer the graduates will be. These are not people who will compete in a 21st century economy or be able to operate 21st century weapons to threaten their neighbours. So for us freedom loving folks Turkey's new education system is a gift from Allah. ![]()
Turkoman Archer
The conquest of the Balkan Peninsular by the Turks meant not only the massive destruction of productivity, the depopulation of the occupied regions, mass enslavement, and forced colonization, but also the founding of a new feudal system. This feudal system was the continuation, in a subsequent phase of development, of the Osmanli military feudalism that had been created in Asia Minor during the first half of the fourteenth century. In essence, this system did not modify the feudal ties that existed in the Balkan states at the time when they were conquered by the Turks, but compared with them, the system was at an inferior, barbarous level, having as its foundation brutal coercion and terror, since the Muslims had the privilege of resorting with impunity to violence against the Christian population and of subjecting it to unlimited exploitation. (Angelov p 506)
I would say it is because of the racial differences, the Balkans has been the gates to Europe for a very long time, and Asians have always tried to make their way further into Europe. It has mainly been Slavs who have taken the burden to protect Europe from the Tyrants of Asia.
Race constitute culture --> culture constitute religion: by this line of thought, the Muslims of Bosnia are Asians, otherwise they wouldn't be muslims.
By the way, in my opinion, Turkey is not part of the Balkans, Turkey is part of Asia. |
Why the Balkans are always in chaos?
To me this is an insult.11oo years of history. A Christian Orthodox stronghold. How would Constantine the Great feel. The battle of Byzantium was fought by Constantine XI. In my view, one of the bravest battles ever fought. The battle of the Alamo was a 10-1 ratio roughly, the 1453 battle of Constantinople at the low end estimate was a 10-1 battle at the high end estimate it was 40-1 roughly. That is equivalent to 7000 men fighting 80 000. Constantine perhaps had no resources for the European "Orban" cannons used by MehmedII, and would have needed any help he could get from Europe. 700 brave souls offered help under Giovanni Giustiniani. Constanine XI not only fought Muslims but Christians who were called Jannisaries who were children taken from Christian families and turned into an elite group of fighters perhaps around 5000-10000 at the battle of Constantinople,an act of humiliation?. To even suggest that Turkey join the E.U.; a further act of humiliation? Yes in my view, Turkey the greatest threat to the E.U. BTW what is Turkey 97% Muslim?
Regardless of who and what lives within the boarders of Turkey today -- Turkey cannot be accepted within the European union. The best way to have the country join Europe is to have the Greeks, the Cypriots and the Armenians get their act straight and reclaim their lost lands. Then, all the lands of former Turkey can automatically be incorporated within the European Union. Pure and simple.
think I haven't had chance to honour France and Czechs yet, so here goes for them in this crushing defeat of Ottomans:
Battle of Saint Gotthard (1664) ![]() The Battle of Saint Gotthard (Hungarian: Szentgotthárd) was fought on August 1, 1664 as part of the Austro-Turkish War (1663-1664), between an Habsburg army led by Raimondo Montecuccoli, Jean de Coligny-Saligny, Wolfgang Julius von Hohenlohe, Prince Leopold of Baden, Georg Friedrich of Waldeck and an Ottoman army under the command of Köprülü Fazıl Ahmed. The battle took place near Szentgotthárd and Mogersdorf in Western Hungary, near the present-day Austro-Hungarian border and is known as the Battle of Mogersdorf in Austria. The Turks were militarily defeated but were able to negotiate the Peace of Vasvár, which was highly favorable to them.
Preparations Ottoman dominance in Hungary began with the Battle of Mohács in 1526, which resulted in the conquest of most of Hungary by Suleiman the Magnificent. Meanwhile, the parts of Hungary that remained under Austrian control became known as Royal Hungary. Although the Ottomans had been in relative decline since the death of Suleiman I, Ottoman power saw a resurgence under the extremely capable Köprülü family who sought to destroy the Austrian Habsburgs once and for all. They found their casus belli when the Habsburgs supported a Transylvanian rebellion against Ottoman rule. Transylvania had escaped Ottoman conquest during the invasion of Hungary and retained its independence by playing off of their powerful neighbors: Poland, Austria and the Ottomans. They recognized Ottoman suzerainty and paid a tribute to the Porte but were given political and religious autonomy in return. In 1658, seeking new land for his principality, Prince George Rákóczy II invaded Poland with his Swedish allies in the Second Northern War. After initial success, he was defeated by the Poles and fled back to Transylvania. On hearing about Rákóczy's unauthorized war, the Ottomans declared war on their vassal. It was not long before Grand Vizier Köprülü Mehmed Pasha (Vizier 1656-1661) defeated Rákóczy and conquered Transylvania. The new Transylvanian prince, János Kemény, fled to Vienna, seeking Austrian support. Emperor Leopold I, not wishing to see Transylvania fall under direct Ottoman control, sent Montecuccoli into Hungary with his small army. Montecuccoli gave no direct support as he was severely outnumbered by the Ottomans. The Ottomans, meanwhile, completed the conquest of Transylvania and built up their forces in Ottoman Hungary. Leopold I, not wishing to face the Turks alone, summoned the Imperial Diet in January 1663. The Turks failed to conquer the fortress of Nové Zámky six times, but managed to do so in 1663. It was made the center of a Turkish province, the Uyvar eyalet in present-day southern Slovakia. Turks and Tatars crossed the Danube in strength in 1663, ravaging Slovakia, Moravia, and Silesia. They took 12,000 slaves in Moravia. Several Turkish divisions reached as far as Olomouc.
Diplomatic efforts![]()
The remaining populations were severely exploited peasants who laboured for others and were subjected to excessive taxes and fines. Similarly artisans were needed so, despite the routine massacres and deportations, the military was used to stop people fleeing and force them to remain.(Angelov p 470-471). The feudal class of Turks learnt they needed to keep the peasants to benefit from their surplus value and become wealthy. Muslim Turks ruled but were a minority population particularly in the Balkans where most of the population remained Christian. Allowing people to remain Christian was not ‘kindness’or ‘tolerance’, it was a practical and economic necessity as the non-Muslim population could be charged higher taxes ( the humiliating jizya or poll tax is more than the zakat –Durie p 169-178), extra fines and charges etc plus, any sign of rebellion could be met with death for the community or enslavement or forced mass movement or taking more children. Hence ordinary people lived in fearand were reduced to a servile, destitute state without the means to resist under the repressive dhimmi laws while wealth went to their Muslim overlords and their agents. (see articles on dhimmitude laws this site)