I' ve been reading a lot about China, China vs USA, etc
The more information I get, the more convinced about we are in serious danger. As we never been before. China is taking control of natural resources in all over Africa, Asia and even Canada and USA. Big companies in the USA are making such bussiness that are seriously jeopardizing our scientific and technological superiority. ![]() What's going on? Why americans don't wake up and shout out loud "enough"? What can we do besides not buying a single item with a "Made in China" label? |

It's true, however, that Chinese companies are taking over Western ones at the management level and buying up huge shares of resources and production systems in our lands. This is worrying.
I actually see immigration (colonization) as way more serious, though. I don't really care if I have to use Chinese-made products or if China's economy outpaces the US. I just want a White country to live in.

__________________"I don't really care if I have to use Chinese-made products or if China's economy outpaces the US."
1-Chinese products are poor quality and contaminated with poisons. The list includes:
- milk
- paints
- toys
- plastics
- pet food
- base metal jewelry
- drywalls
and who knows what else. Even the poor Chinese suffer from these.
2-China's economy is outpacing the U.S. because the U.S. Feds/Elite are allowing, abetting this, giving the Chinese aid....NOT because the Chinese are inventing / originating any products or ideas. The Chinese are great in silk products and clothing and fine china, but everything else is crap....ESPECIALLY shoes! They are a hidden, but growing threat to European civilisation, especially as China advances towards global domination The Chinese have so many people they could over a ten year period get people in key positions. They could swamp the USA with millions. But the Jews will notice the threat and take appropriate measures.
1-Chinese products are poor quality and contaminated with poisons. The list includes:
- milk
- paints
- toys
- plastics
- pet food
- base metal jewelry
- drywalls
and who knows what else. Even the poor Chinese suffer from these.
2-China's economy is outpacing the U.S. because the U.S. Feds/Elite are allowing, abetting this, giving the Chinese aid....NOT because the Chinese are inventing / originating any products or ideas. The Chinese are great in silk products and clothing and fine china, but everything else is crap....ESPECIALLY shoes! They are a hidden, but growing threat to European civilisation, especially as China advances towards global domination The Chinese have so many people they could over a ten year period get people in key positions. They could swamp the USA with millions. But the Jews will notice the threat and take appropriate measures.

agree. The only reason China resembles any kind of threat is because that is the way ZOG wants it to be. In all actuality, China isn't crap!
We're boosting up their economy by exploiting the cheap labor. The international "community" doesn't hold them accountable for copyright infringement and other criminal acts regarding trade. They are getting away with manipulating their currency. Our government is giving them our military technology. Our government is allowing them to get away with drilling in our waters. I'm not sure about the land holdings, but I wouldn't worry about that. They will NEVER own or occupy this country. In truth, China looks good now, but they are so tied to and dependent on the US that they fall if we do. They've positioned themselves to always be an exporter of cheap junk, but when it comes to any serious power or influence they really have none in reality. It's smoke and mirrors. Just ZOG games and positioning. |
Is that a joke??? China now has Aircraft carriers and they dominate the South China sea with their navy, their military keeps growing and growing and will soon be the world military superpower.Their navy doesn't even come close to the US navy, and why would we care if they dominate the south CHINA sea it is in their territory correct. They will never be thew world super power even if the US collapses, because Russia can destroy them at will. If China is so powerful why can't it make north Korea cooperate with it?
China would destroy America and Russia easily, and their military is still growing while America and Russia's militaries are shrinking and becoming weaker and weaker by the day. North Korea is just a buffer zone for China, I am opposed to that I believe Korea should unite and be fully independent of China.China couldn't take either countries on it's best day.
![]() ![]() They will also have a severe aging problem that will dwarf the West's current one. |
In White countries they demand we become more Multicultural, which is a code word for Multiracial. But when we ask when China is to become Multicultural they take a literal approach to our question and state "China already is Multicultural" -- listing the Han, the Bai, the Li, the Jino... etc
China is racially homogenous but home to many Chinese/Asian cultures. Europe used to be like that -- racially homogenous but home to many European cultures i.e. German, Italian, Greek, Russian etc.. until the anti-Whites came onto the scene and decided to make our countries Multiracial without our approval.

It does not necessarily matter who has more nukes. Even a brief nuclear battle could destroy the world. Several dozen nuclear explosions set off within a very brief amount of time would throw enough debris in the air to blot out the sun and freeze us ALL. They can have 3 times as many nuclear devices as us, and it wouldn't make a difference. As long as they had enough nukes to engage to U.S. and her allies AND have the capability to successfully deliver those weapons to their targets. Russia STILL has more nukes than the U.S. and their military power is still inferior compared to ours. China's delivery systems are still 30 years behind the U.S. We have seen the effect when third world animals get their hands on Western weapons in Africa - they take tribal warfare that was massive on scale but only resulted in a few deaths and turn it in to tribal genocide after tribal genocide - to the point where the Western world actually cares and tries to do something about it. It isn't the wars that have changed, it is the technology - tribes in Africa haven't been trying to wipe each other out for generations, they have only recently gained the technology to actually wipe each other out.
A lot of people say MAD will keep China from using nuclear weapons - but how can we be so certain? We are not talking about Europeans, we are talking about people that have only recently emerged from living in a house next to a ditch filled with their own feces - and now they have nuclear weapons - but apparently we believe they have absorbed a few thousand years of European culture and cultural development so they would have to be "crazy" by European standards to actually start a nuclear war - completely ignoring the fact that the Chinese do not live by, nor did they as a culture develop by European standards.
I'm not saying it will happen - I'm just saying there is too much "good will" thrown around assuming that the Chinese would never do something because it would be insane. You realize the Chinse place little to no value at all on human life, even that of their own citizens. In other words, to them 200 or 300 million Chinese being evaporated into radioactive vapor is acceptable losses if they obliterate the population of the U.S. along with our nuclear forces and cities. Two hundred nuclear detonations at sites around the nation will wipe the U.S. out totally, with the numbers of deaths from nuclear fallout, radiation sickness, flash burns and blast injuries far exceeding those who will immediately perish in the blasts. The destruction of just one large city here by nuclear attack will result in more third degree burn victims than the entire western world can care for. Put simply, all or most of the seriously injured will die because there will be no way to save them. We should be prepared to annhilate China's population if they launch an all-out nuclear attack against us becasue even the Chicoms know an empire of the dead is no empire
Even that's a moot point because if China launched two hundred nukes at the US, then two thousand would be flying at china. Even the US with their humanitarian ways won't accept losing their entire population without wiping out the entire other population.
A lot of people say MAD will keep China from using nuclear weapons - but how can we be so certain? We are not talking about Europeans, we are talking about people that have only recently emerged from living in a house next to a ditch filled with their own feces - and now they have nuclear weapons - but apparently we believe they have absorbed a few thousand years of European culture and cultural development so they would have to be "crazy" by European standards to actually start a nuclear war - completely ignoring the fact that the Chinese do not live by, nor did they as a culture develop by European standards.
I'm not saying it will happen - I'm just saying there is too much "good will" thrown around assuming that the Chinese would never do something because it would be insane. You realize the Chinse place little to no value at all on human life, even that of their own citizens. In other words, to them 200 or 300 million Chinese being evaporated into radioactive vapor is acceptable losses if they obliterate the population of the U.S. along with our nuclear forces and cities. Two hundred nuclear detonations at sites around the nation will wipe the U.S. out totally, with the numbers of deaths from nuclear fallout, radiation sickness, flash burns and blast injuries far exceeding those who will immediately perish in the blasts. The destruction of just one large city here by nuclear attack will result in more third degree burn victims than the entire western world can care for. Put simply, all or most of the seriously injured will die because there will be no way to save them. We should be prepared to annhilate China's population if they launch an all-out nuclear attack against us becasue even the Chicoms know an empire of the dead is no empire

In any case, China's Sinkiang province is a region home to the Turkic and once Aryan peoples, but it's now under the iron heel of the Han Communists in Beijing. And some of those Turks were enslaved by the Chinese throughout their history, to say nothing of their colonial expansion into Africa today. ...and what's wrong with European Colonialism? They bought their technology, medical science, philosophies and agricultural knowledge to lands that were still living in the Stone Age. See, diversity is a strength!

Chinese history is very different from European history.
China never imported millions of non-white slaves to do the heavy lifting. China never established colonies on every other continent and then set up political ties (like the British Commonwealth of Nations) with non-white nations. China never incorporated non-white nations into its home nation like the French Overseas Departments or Hawaii, Alaska, the US Virgin Islands, American Samoa, British Hong Kong and Singapore or Puerto Rico. China never built its nation on land that was inhabited by non-whites like where the USA Australia, New Zealand and Canada. Chinese people belong in East Asia areas that consist of China, Taiwan, Singapore and Malaysia, first and foremost. The Chinese people have a lot different moral values than the West, although one thing said for the Chinese is that they are more family orientated than the overall population of Westerners. Unfortunately they manufacture very cheap and sell stuff created by white people. ![]() The way they treat dogs is very cruel and I hate it but over there it is seen as normal and there is nothing we can do to stop it. ![]()
Another thing that boils me is that us National Socialists have to put up with the anti-Hitler crowd yelling and throwing out such and such about Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich, yet China never have to deal with anything to do with the genocide caused by Mao Zedong which caused the deaths of between 40 to 70 million people. I had Chinese-American classmates and they were cool for the most part 'cause they were Americanized. I like Chinese-American food, orange chicken is my favorite! But, I don't like Chinese stores like Ranch 99 Market 'cause they're smelly and Chinese people will push and elbow you. I don't like to go to places where the signs are all in Chinese and people speak Mandarin or a very heavy-accented English I can't understand. But I have no problem with the Chinese that act American and speak English well. A friend of mine went to China as part of her MBA program at Pepperdine and she said they had collective toilets over there. They had like these huge rectangular basins and everyone would sit with their bare butts on the edge to take a dump. I was like Eeeew that's nasty!! ![]() She also said she saw little boys go poo poo on the sidewalks and that at restaurants they would dump a live chicken on boiling water right in front of your table. I was like, dude I can't believe you, but she was like, yea it's true. Other than that, she said the hotel rooms were small and not every business or restaurant had a/c. Oh and traffic was a nightmare! She said drivers were so insane they would get on the sidewalks just to pass other cars. So, I don't have a great opinion of the Chinese in China, but Personally I have a lot of respect for aspects of Chinese culture and the Chinese people as I do for other Asian cultures such as the Japanese. I do not feel they are inferior OR superior, BUT they belong in China or other Chinese nations like Singapore, Taiwan etc. I believe in the preservation of Western civilization and part of that is to not be overrun by non white ethnic groups in our own countries. Just as the Chinese would not want tons of say Englishmen in Beijing slowly undermining the native culture we do not want massive amounts of Chinese ( or any non white) in our countries undermining ours. Make sense Chinese never invented Paper, they merely perfected it. Paper goes as far back as to Egypt, when the Egyptians invented Papyrus. and yes congratulations, You invented fireworks and Pasta. what else else did the Chinese invent that could make them "equal" to Us? I bet over 90% of the things you use in your daily life were invented by someone who was white, not chinese The reason for this is because Aryans had mixed there thousands of years before. That's why some Asians are somewhat intelligent and able to manage (not create) a civilization. same with your light Skin. Had you been a full Mongoloid, Your ancestry would probably be something like what the huns had First thing you Chinese have a severe inferiority complex, else you wouldn't be asking this question here. We all know that Asians cheat and get very high scores in SAT and other exams tests by memorizing previous questions and sharing it among themselves. "Ancient civilization" is all self-flattering crap, you were just cultivating rice paddy & riding on buffaloes till the past 50 years. Indulge in scams & telling lies. Stolen so much Western technology. Make lots of fake imitation products. Chinese are among the most savage & brutal people on the planet, not even Africa is close. Executing thousands of people per year, harvesting their organs. Main ambition is to migrate to Western countries despite claiming to have an "ancient & great cultures & tradition" Extremely cruel to animals and have no regard for wildlife. Unsavoury culinary practices like eating dogs, cats, rats, scorpions, spiders, snakes etc. Severely misogynistic, treat women as second class citizens & inferior. Practise large scale female infanticde, 60 million girls eliminated in China in the past 40 years. In short stay at home in your own Asian cesspool. |
The first thing to think about is the country's amazing population. China has 1.3 billion people, more than four times America's population. China gives birth to more babies each year than Canada has people -- and that's after China's incredibly draconian jìhuà shengyù zhèngcè policy, the policy where China only allows one child per family.
The second thing you need to know is that China has become an economic powerhouse, growing its GDP by about 10% per year. This year, China blew past Japan to become the world's second largest individual economy, after the U.S.
China also consumes a tremendous amount of energy. In How To Save Jobs I did some mathematical modeling and showed that China's cows, alone, will be consuming more than one seventh of the world's oil supplies within 10 years. Just their cows. That's not counting what their 1.3 billion people need.

There's more. I wrote:
China consumes slightly more than we do, at about 2.6 billion tons of go-juice. What makes China particularly interesting is that they’re consuming more and more each year. While our demand increases only 0.34% annually, China’s demand is increasing at 8.68%. Even the rate of increase is increasing. Back in 2000, China’s demand only increased by 2.46%.I did a lot more math in How To Save Jobs, but one calculation stood out. China has made it a national priority to push more and more of its citizens into a middle class. But if China manages to "middle class" most of its citizens, China alone would then consume 10.1 billion tons of oil equivalent per year, or 78% of the world’s total output.
If India were to grow at the same rate (and India is growing fast, as well), China and India combined would consume 1.5 times the world's total energy supply. In other words, those two countries, alone, will need more oil that the world actually has. This could be a problem.
The Chinese government is aware of all of this. The more they build, the more they consume. This is why China has become frenemies with the United States. We provide a market for their goods and a source of money for all that energy they consume.
But there's one more important fact about China you should know. China absolutely hates that Taiwan isn't part of the PRC. They absolutely, viscerally hate that the United States has been defending Taiwan and has been standing in their way to repatriate Taiwan, to bring Taiwanese citizens under mainland control.
In fact, to many PRC government minds, Taiwan is now part of mainland China. It's just that America is blocking their rightful governance.
So, put it all together. China has four times our population. They have an economy going gangbusters, but will likely need more oil than exists on the planet, and they have an irrational anger at us for our role in keeping Taiwan out of their clutches. Plus, we owe them trillions of dollars.
It makes for a potent and volatile cocktail, doesn't it?
There are 21 aircraft carriers in service today. Of those, America has 11 -- more than half of the world's total. In addition, we have one in reserve and three more under construction, which will give us a total of fifteen to vs. the rest of the world's ten.
Russia has the Admiral Flota Sovetskovo Soyuza Kuznetsov and India has the Viraat. China has no carriers. None. Of course, they're trying to remedy this. They recently bought the Kuznetsov-class carrier Varyag from the Ukraine at an auction (seriously) for a mere $20 million. Although shrouded in secrecy and originally thought to be intended as a floating casino, it appears the Varyag is being prepared for actual service as a carrier.
In today's world, carriers are the embodiment of military might. Carriers are what allow a nation to project force across the world. Our carriers are -- even more than our nukes -- what makes America the world's sole remaining superpower.
All of this brings us back to China and the original subject of this article, whether China is gearing up to fight World War III.
See, here's the thing. According to the French news agency, Agence France-Presse and reported in Yahoo News, China wants to develop some carrier-killer missiles.
Before we look at what that means strategically, let's look at this from the point of view of human life. A typical American carrier ships out with 6,000 souls. Any missile intended to kill a carrier would kill a horrifying number of people -- substantially more than died in the events of September 11.
AFP reports that an editorial appeared in the Global Times, a Chinese state-run press organ. As translated by AFP, the article states:
China undoubtedly needs to build a highly credible anti-carrier capability. Not only does China need an anti-ship ballistic missile, but also other carrier-killing measures.Here's what you need to keep in mind. Unlike, say, when I write something here at ZDNet, when an article appears in the Chinese Global Times, it -- by definition -- has state approval. So this is not just some writer saying China should be able to kill carriers, this is the Chinese government saying it.
Since US aircraft carrier battle groups in the Pacific constitute deterrence against China's strategic interests, China has to possess the capacity to counterbalance.
Interpreting the tea leaves of Chinese government actions is always a dark art. However, it's clear that an article like that wouldn't appear in a publication like the Global Times if it wasn't intended to be read internationally.
So what is China trying to say? What are they trying to accomplish? Is China planning to start World War III?
My take on it is the same as it was in that CNN article I wrote 18 months ago. Everything I've seen in modern Chinese government strategy has reflected a constant awareness of future potential and needs.
Without a doubt, especially if you factor in some of China's enormous construction projects, like the creation of Shenzhen city and the building of the Hangzhou Bay Bridge, China is more interested in economics than war.
But there are nagging issues, like the fact that within a decade or so, China will need more natural resources than exist on the planet, that America owes China a lot of money, and -- always, always, always -- the sore spot that is Taiwan.
My take on this is that China's latest foray into international threat-mongering is indicative of two factors: a desire on the part of the Chinese government to be prepared for any eventuality -- and that could include war -- and a desire to warn the West that they're willing to be prepared for any eventuality -- and that could include war.
One of their Best weapons is the “Back Door” into US Military Weapon chips.
Don’t be surprised when a Flag with “Bang!” printed on it comes out of our Battleships barrels.
Washington views the South China Sea impasse as an important lever from which to extract geopolitical leverage from Beijing. The US government is examining all contingencies for how to handle or possibly thwart the rising clout of China. Chinese state media often complains of a “Cold War mentality” polluting the political landscape in the US. Indeed, despite claims to the contrary, the US strategic pivot towards Asia is almost certainly aimed primarily at containing China. Sixty percent of the US fleet is rather overkill for containing the regional ambitions of a half-starving North Korea.
The Chinese government is unlikely to risk their long-term strategic interests with overly aggressive military adventurism. China will retaliate in kind for any military, political, or economic moves by other disputant states in the South China Sea. It should be noted that China did not initiate the latest round of tensions with Vietnam. Rather, China retaliated for each Vietnamese move, both militarily and politically. This policy of retaliation, rather than instigation, is indicative of the Chinese balancing act in the region.
However, China will not initiate an unpredictable conflict that could threaten the Middle Kingdom’s ongoing economic rise in the region. China knows that, in the long term, economic development and trade will have greater geopolitical weight in the region than 60% of the American fleet. HOW CHINA IS ENSLAVING THE WORLD How China is enslaving the world: Beijing's ruthless leaders subjugate armies of foreign workers with opium, plunder resources across the globe - and now they've got Britain in their sights
China's progress has entered its second phase - entry into Western markets
Ongoing financial crisis in the West has opened more doors to the East
A Chinese state-owned company now runs the port of Piraeus in Greece, on a 30-year lease. China is the largest foreign investor in Germany, ousting the U.S. from top spot.
The new boss: Chinese industry is cutting a swathe across Africa and the rest of the world
Chinese investors have acquired dozens of Bordeaux wine chateaux
How China is enslaving the world: Beijing's ruthless Never forget that it is our treacherous leaders that are collaborating with them in their endeavours. Because of the transfer of our manufacturing base to China the Chinese now have the way and means to eventually buy up the whole world, they have surplus cash whilst we borrow to pay for the import of the goods we once made ourselves.
EU trade deficit with China - 170 billion Euro
US trade deficit with China - 315 billion $
To add to the madness the EU still sends aid to China.
British still giving hundreds of millions of pounds in aid to wealthy countries - Telegraph
The same thing is happening to Burma’s forests, plundered for wood to make parquet flooring for factories in Beijing and Shanghai to sell to the rest of the world, at a vastly inflated price. Meanwhile, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in central Africa, China has a 30-year contract to extract as much copper and cobalt as it wishes.
In return, it is building thousands of miles of roads, bridges, railways, hospitals, airports, dams, hospitals, universities, supposedly catapulting this huge, backward nation into the modern world.
On the surface, this is the deal of the century for the Africans, which is how it has been presented — until you examine the small print.
While China is putting a welcome £3.8 billion into the country, formerly known as Zaire, it stands to make as much as £75 billion from the mining concession. The deal also guarantees China long-term supplies of vital resources for its manufacturing plants — the copper for electric cables, fibre-optics and armaments, and the cobalt for batteries for mobile phones, lap-tops and cars.
Angola is another country that has apparently blossomed thanks to Beijing’s munificence. Virtually destroyed by a quarter of a century of civil war, it now has ambitious construction projects. Close to 500 Chinese companies are involved, in return for Angola’s oil.
The International Monetary Fund had been preparing to bankroll Angola, but insisted on political and economic reform in the notoriously corrupt, authoritarian regime as a condition. China cynically made no such demands.
The result, say the two Spanish journalists, as they searched in vain for the new airport which is one of the supposed major building projects, is money being ‘looted’ by corrupt politicians and government officials.
One of the features of China’s foreign ventures, it seems, is that they take no account of the political probity of the countries they are dealing with. Rogue states are not only acceptable but welcome. Bargains are easier to strike with pariahs.
Thus, China is happy to do business with Iran — in the face of international sanctions against the regime’s nuclear plans. Lured by oil, China has in just five years become Iran’s biggest trade partner, with an annual turn-over of £23 billion.
Those very sanctions, of course, make it easier to do business.
‘They arrived in an empty playing field,’ said one Western oil executive, whose company had been forced to stop trading with Tehran.
Just as it has reached accommodations with the regimes of Iran and Burma, China is also happy to do oil business with Sudan, shunned by other countries because of terror connections and its genocidal policies towards Darfur.
The country runs on brutality, bribery and the natural gas beneath its surface, which China, with countless millions of homes to heat and kitchen stoves fire, needs — and gets.
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