By Henrik Holappa
Persecuted Finnish defender of whites,
now in Pittsburgh with John de Nugent
When the Finnish government in our Nordic country says “we need 2 million” Africans in next 10 years so our population (still 98% white) doesn’t decline — instead of supporting white families lol @ turks being peaceful society.. oh really.. then why do you commit crimes and rape women in germany?
Trust me, as an American I would hate you too and want to see your country gets nuked! RAMMSTEIN PERFORMING ENGEL LIVE IN WIEN.ENJOY IT

and half negrifiedBERLIN: Muslims may become a majority in Germany by as early as 2046, the Berlin-based BZ quoted on Monday an interior ministry-financed study as saying.GERMAN POLICE DEEM DUTY IN AFGHANISTAN AS BETTER OPTION THAN FIGHTING CIVIL WAR IN BERLIN.......
Police in Berlin are under real attack by Muslim immigrants who attack police stations with firebombs unprovoked by any of the usual reasons, but feel provoked merely because they wish to destroy the state. This is civil war. Meanwhile, leftists claim more social workers are needed. Hard to say who does more damage.
Main TV presenter: German special police have busted up to 15 muslims of Arab-background for plotting terrorist attacks inside Russia.
The NTVRu reporter on site in Berlin: explains that threatening islamic extremist videos are appearing more and more often and many with German based internet addresses. This has led to monitoring of persons believed to be involved and today leading to arrests in Germany, which are also occurring more frequently, but this particular bust is a very large one (involving up to 150 German police and investigators).
Video of German special police and investigators search an apartment believed to belong to persons with islamic terrorism ties.

Sparked by the steady influx of Muslim migrants into Germany, Muslims could form the largest share of the German population by 2046, said the study conducted by the Islam-Archive Central Institute located in the western town of Soest.
Not sure what to say about this as it is sth that really hurts me. In the last instance the german middle class has always been the foremost defender of german culture and heritage. Apparently this is changing as well. Sad because once the middle class (Bürgertum) is gone, there won't be any serious defense against Islam. Good night Deutschland.
German chancellor Angela Merkel addresses young members of Christian Democratic Union party. Photograph: Bernd Settnik/AFP/Getty Images
The German chancellor, Angela Merkel, has courted growing anti-immigrant opinion in Germany by claiming the country's attempts to create a multicultural society have "utterly failed".
Speaking to a meeting of young members of her Christian Democratic Union party, Merkel said the idea of people from different cultural backgrounds living happily "side by side" did not work.She said the onus was on immigrants to do more to integrate into German society.
"This [multicultural] approach has failed, utterly failed," Merkel told the meeting in Potsdam, west of Berlin, yesterday.
Her remarks will stir a debate about immigration in a country which is home to around 4 million Muslims.
Last week, Horst Seehofer, the premier of Bavaria and a member of the Christian Social Union – part of Merkel's ruling coalition – called for a halt to Turkish and Arabic immigration.
In the past, Merkel has tried to straddle both sides of the argument by talking tough on integration but also calling for an acceptance of mosques.But she faces pressure from within the CDU to take a harder line on immigrants who show resistance to being integrated into German society.
Yesterday's speech is widely seen as a lurch to the right designed to placate that element in her party.
Merkel said too little had been required of immigrants in the past and repeated her argument that they should learn German in order to cope in school and take advantage of opportunities in the labour market.

The row over foreigners in Germany has shifted since former central banker Thilo Sarrazin published a highly-controversial book in which he accused Muslim immigrants of lowering the intelligence of German society.
Sarrazin was censured for his views and dismissed from the Bundesbank, but his book proved popular and polls showed Germans were sympathetic with the thrust of his arguments.One recent poll showed one-third of Germans believed the country was "overrun by foreigners".
It also found 55% of Germans believed that Arabs are "unpleasant people", compared with the 44% who held the opinion seven years ago.
In her speech, Merkel said the education of unemployed Germans should take priority over recruiting workers from abroad, while noting that Germany could not get by without skilled foreign workers.The chancellor's remarks appear to confirm a suspicion that she has sympathy with Sarrazin's anti-immigrant rhetoric. On Friday, he declared: "Multiculturalism is dead".
Other members of Merkel's government disagree. In a weekend newspaper interview, her labour minister, Ursula von der Leyen (CDU), raised the possibility of lowering barriers to entry for some foreign workers in order to fight the lack of skilled workers in Europe's largest economy.
"For a few years, more people have been leaving our country than entering it," she told the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung."Wherever it is possible, we must lower the entry hurdles for those who bring the country forward."
The German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) has said Germany lacks about 400,000 skilled workers.

• This article was amended on 20 October 2010. The original sited Potsdam south of Berlin. This has been corrected.For once I kind of agree with Jim. I'm not having a go at all Arab/Middle Eastern types, but these guys often roam around in gangs acting like English chavs throughout European countries. In Copenhagen, I tried to get a Scottish guy away from a bunch like this and almost got my head kicked in. I was very lucky and was literally saved by the bell - that is the sound of a police siren went off and these guys disappeared like a gay magician. Funny thing was, the police car was going no-where near the crime scene.
Yes yes, no need to have a go at all of them, there are white Arabs and middle easterners and Turks, but the nigger and half-nigger and of course the miserable, mongoloid Asiatic Turk are some of the most deplorable issues of man on Earth. They are invading Germany like the Mexicans in the USA. Static_Void is going to end up like that race-traitor Obama supporting whore that got killed fucking around in New Orleans last summer. Ever so unaware of their surroundings, these people are always the first to die. Static_Void you want a good idea of how you might end up, check out my topic "Tale of the Liberal" for an insight as to how you will die in Germany with your pack. Oh well, nearly all backpacking plans end up little more than a daydream procrastination fantasy type thing so it's not like it really matters
ANGELA MERKEL MULTIKULTI SPEECH FIRE IT UP THE DEBATE.ENJOY ITIRON MAIDEN PERFORMING FEAR OF THE DARK LIVE.ENJOY IT I've read a lot about the so-called Jewish plan to turn all White nations into MultiKulti White-Minority Ghettos, but surely the end of White-Majority Europe and North America will be the end for the Jews and Israel aswell?
We all know that Israel's only real ally is the White Race, we finance the nation and protect it from being nuked with a promise to nuke whichever nation attacks Israel, plus White nations are the only haven for Jews without persecution.Why would they seek our downfall when it's obvious Europe turning MultiKulti is already advancing the population of Muslims on the continent, which is making the Jews lives increasingly difficult in Europe, as is ours?
And of course, Europe and N.America have large quantities of Nuclear Weapons, surely they should know that if Muslims make up a majority of the population of the two continents in 50-75 years Israel really will cease to exist and thus the Jews will be just as extinct as us?

PS: Just to state my political views, i'd link myself to National Conservatism. I don't have any issues with Jews or Israel, although i do think denying the right to debate any aspect of the Holocaust is disturbing and does Jews no favour.Enoch, Jews live every where as a minority.
Tom cats have an instinct to drive other cats out of their territory. Ethnic groups behave the same way.
Thus minoriteis are likely to get picked on, in order to drive them out of the dominate groups turf.
As a defense to that, Jews who are able to facilitate immigration of aliens can create a culture with so much alien "brakground noise" that they can disappear into it. They can disappear among a multitude of minorites the way a fugetive can hide in a large city.
Secondarily they can politcially organize the minorities against the majority. In America the minorities were organized by the Jews into the Democratic party.
Thirdly, and I just recently understood this part, Jews were traumatized (they already had the cultural paranoia typical of minorities) by the murder of millions of them in WWII.
The Jewish cultural leadership then made the decison that since Germany had been a white Christian nation, all white Christian nations were potentially the exterminators of Jews.
(Jewish claims about the Holocaust were quite exaggerated. I was told for instance in fourth grade that the Germans made hand soap out of Jewish fat, also lampshades from their skin. Jews finally gave up on THAT particular piece of war time propganda.
ALos apparently the only Jews actually murdered; likely about three million, not six, were those who could not provide Germany with slave labor. Teenager Anne Frank was working for the Germans when she died in a typhus epidemic. )
Think about this for a moment, if young David comes up to you breathlessly and says, "Did you hear Johnny killed his grandmother with a butcher knief, then he cut off her arm, boiled it in a pot and ATE HER!!"
Are you going to think Johnny is that evil and depraved or that it's is more likely that young David is telling you a whopper? Is the level of horrific brutality credited to the Germans in Holocaust stories likely to be true, i.e, is that kind of depravity that common in humanity, or is the tendency to lie and exagerate such tales more commone among people? Especially if the lying enables young David to recieve "Holocaust Repartions."
Is abominable actuall physical evil more common among men or is just plain lying for profit more common among men?

Is it more charitable to believe a Jew might just be telling a lie or that an individual German murdered a twelve year old?
If you decide the Jew has lied you will be making a less harsh judgement than if you think some German has murdered six milllion 12 year olds.
Any way the up shot is Jewish cultural leadership then decide the safe thing to do was to bring an end to white Christian civilization by bringing in hundreds of millions of non-whites into white nations and encouraging low white birth rates and as much racial intermarriage as possible. I.E. their paranoia drove them to go for "soft genocide."
Also as here in the states with the heavily Jewish ACLU, I'm sure there are Jewish organizations in Britain that dengrate religion in general and Christianity in particular at every opportunity.
If you start to look for it, you will likely notice the pattern.
Lately though many conservative Jews have decided mass immigration has turned out to have unintended consequences, such as huge anti-Jewish Muslim populations in Europe. They are beginning to do a 180 in tactics.
For more about Jewish "Holocaust" rip off organizations, look up Norman Finkelstein's "The Holocaust Industry" WHITE GENOCIDE THE SHOCKING TRUTH.WATCH IT Hey everyone, I know we've discussed these recent happenings as they have arose, but I thought I could create a centralized thread to celebrate "the big three" of Europe all pronouncing multiculturalism to be a complete failure."In the past four months, the leaders of Western Europe's three largest democracies -- Germany, Britain and France -- have each declared multiculturalism a failure, largely because Muslims in their countries have failed to assimilate into the mainstream culture and are now growing increasing radicalized and dangerous.
This, they have said, applies as much to native-born Muslims as to those born elsewhere who have immigrated to Europe. Multiculturalism has encouraged segregated ethnic communities to develop within which Western values such as equality of the sexes and pluralism are disparaged."
I can't begin to express how happy I am about this. It shows, at the very least, a glimmer of hope. A reason to believe these White nations might have it within themselves to preserve their culture and heritage. Not a day goes by that I don't think of our own deterioriating situation here in America and also in Europe. It's been a while since we've had cause to believe our people will wake up.
This, they have said, applies as much to native-born Muslims as to those born elsewhere who have immigrated to Europe. Multiculturalism has encouraged segregated ethnic communities to develop within which Western values such as equality of the sexes and pluralism are disparaged."
I can't begin to express how happy I am about this. It shows, at the very least, a glimmer of hope. A reason to believe these White nations might have it within themselves to preserve their culture and heritage. Not a day goes by that I don't think of our own deterioriating situation here in America and also in Europe. It's been a while since we've had cause to believe our people will wake up.
"Last October, at a convention of her Christian Democratic Party's youth wing, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said "multikulti" had "failed, utterly." Germans, she insisted, "feel bound to the Christian image of humanity, that is what defines us. Those who do not accept this are in the wrong place here." She then added that immigrants who choose to live in Germany should learn German and adapt to German culture."

"Last weekend, at an international security conference in Munich, British Prime Minister David Cameron argued that "state multiculturalism" had been a complete bust. It had muted British identity while encouraging ethnic communities to promote their own culture and values ahead of British ideals such as freedom of religion, equality of the sexes and free speech."
The Muslims will completely destroy our European homelands if left to their own devices. Their mission is to outbreed Whites and usurp the entire world through sheer numbers, and they make no bones about saying it. WHITE NATIONS HAVE NO RESPONSIBILITY TO ALLOW MUSLIM IMMIGRATION INTO THEIR HOMELANDS. How could anyone have actually throught these people would actually attempt to assimilate? To say Whites and Muslims are like oil and water is a severe understatement. There's no analogy that would do the vast differences between the two peoples justice.
"Last weekend, at an international security conference in Munich, British Prime Minister David Cameron argued that "state multiculturalism" had been a complete bust. It had muted British identity while encouraging ethnic communities to promote their own culture and values ahead of British ideals such as freedom of religion, equality of the sexes and free speech."
The Muslims will completely destroy our European homelands if left to their own devices. Their mission is to outbreed Whites and usurp the entire world through sheer numbers, and they make no bones about saying it. WHITE NATIONS HAVE NO RESPONSIBILITY TO ALLOW MUSLIM IMMIGRATION INTO THEIR HOMELANDS. How could anyone have actually throught these people would actually attempt to assimilate? To say Whites and Muslims are like oil and water is a severe understatement. There's no analogy that would do the vast differences between the two peoples justice.
"Finally, this week, French President Nicolas Sarkozy also declared multiculturalism "clearly ... a failure." He added that "if you come to France, you accept to melt into a single community, which is the national community, and if you do not want to accept that, you cannot be welcome in France."
But even with such a great step forward--that is, publicly admitting multiculturalism is a failure and a danger--there still remained portions of these speeches delivered by European leaders that tell me they are not ready to take proper action:
But even with such a great step forward--that is, publicly admitting multiculturalism is a failure and a danger--there still remained portions of these speeches delivered by European leaders that tell me they are not ready to take proper action:
"Frankly," Cameron went on, "we need a lot less of the passive tolerance of recent years and much more active, muscular liberalism." He pledged that his government would more closely examine the beliefs and practices of multicultural groups that receive government grants. "

Not good enough, Mr. Cameron. Not nearly good enough. So you'll work hard to deny government grants to the people who would like nothing more than to eradicate you from the face of the Earth?
You have to stop immigration totally. Holding back state welfare isn't going to solve any problems.
Unfortunately, there are even portions of Mr. Cameron's speech that blames Britain for Muslims failing to assimilate:

Not good enough, Mr. Cameron. Not nearly good enough. So you'll work hard to deny government grants to the people who would like nothing more than to eradicate you from the face of the Earth?
You have to stop immigration totally. Holding back state welfare isn't going to solve any problems.
Unfortunately, there are even portions of Mr. Cameron's speech that blames Britain for Muslims failing to assimilate:
Cameron concluded that under the "doctrine of state multiculturalism," different cultures had been encouraged to live separate lives. "We have failed to provide a vision of society to which they feel they want to belong. We have even tolerated these segregated communities behaving in ways that run counter to our values."That one statement: "We have failed to provide a vision of society to which they feel they want to belong" almost completely negates cause for celebration. It's such a sad and ludicrous statement. To imply that it is the fault of White people that Muslims retain their culture once inside White nations...

Muslims are quite possibly THE strongest nationalists in the world. They see themselves as superior to all other human beings and take it as their personal responsibility to transform the world into a gigantic Muslim state. SURELY Mr. Cameron knows this.
Just like the killing the other day in Hamburg. Where the brother (Afghan) same garbage in my eyes, killed his sister because she wanted to be more west like. Well if you don't like western culture then go back to your land of ants and live in your own nest.
They come they take, they steal, they want the laws changed for their advantage, and then they still aren't happy. And then they sit over a cup of bitter tea and wonder why the Germans don't like them.
Germany needs to start expelling more of them.
It's official: Europe, including Germany, has been successfully infiltrated by the Muslims - mostly Turks and Kurds. They're literally everywhere, even in the smallest back-woods villages. They've been slowly trickling into European countries for years, and there's no end in sight....
Germany, are you the next Sweden? That country, like you, was snoozing while Muslims were busy taking over! Here are some facts:
- Islam is the third-largest religion in Germany, after the Protestant and Roman Catholic faiths - and growing ever larger and more powerful.
- There are three million Muslims in Germany, representing 3.2 per cent of the population.
- 1.9 million are of Turkish origin, mainly descendents of the postwar generation of guest workers imported to Germany to make up for its manpower shortage.
- Most Muslims live in highly concentrated districts in the industrial towns of western Germany and in Berlin.
- Few Muslims live in eastern Germany.
Well, Alpi, that depends on your definition of "without troubling society". If e.g., honour killings, welfare abuse, ignorant and offensive behaviour, Kurd/Turk confrontations, violent crime and domestic violence etc. occuring in vastly disproportionately greater numbers within the Turkish/Muslim community are perceived by yourself as "not troubling society", then you're as dumb as a stump.I...whereas Turks are peaceful ppl living in their quarters, without troubling German society.
Could you enumarate reason...
I tink Turks back in Turkey are used to treat anyone they don't like with open contempt and agression -especially Kurds. When this kind of mentality is displayed in host countries with a different culture where Turks are the (guest) minority, you needn't expect a cheerful reaction

Tags: "Hitler is my Fuehrer" to chants of "Heil" around a massive bonfire., "the American alliance of Jews and Negroes" and that Obama aimed to destroy the United States' "white identity., "White revolution the only solution" The neo Nazi National Alliance (NA) activity in New York State is concentrated in New York City., even held a rally in Sunrise Fla claiming that Obama is not a natural born US citizen He is the son of Malcolm X., Germany – This is a town taken over by neo-Nazis, Google 'Censoring' Anti-Obama Blogger "Atlas Shrugs" ? Maybe Not so Much an Anti-Obama Blog but a Racist Blog., JAMEL, logo featuring a man smashing a Star of David with a sledgehammer., National Democratic Party is Germany’s leading neo nazi group NPD leaders deny the Holocaust took place and revere Adolf Hitler., National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD) Neo-Nazis Dominate Tiny German Village of Jamel Link to BNP and Blood and Honour., NPD activists have attended BNP events in Britain, Pamela Geller author of the popular conservative blog Atlas Shrugs, Pamela Geller of "Atlas Shrugs" claims she is being blacklisted by Google, Politico reporter Ben Smith described the pamela geller piece as the “Frontiers of Craziness, shortly after the 2008 United States Presidential Election the NPD published a document entitled "Africa conquers the White House", Udo Voigt

is shoe polishing. They may want to
keep a couple around for that reason
only. And they must be castrated!
I am no German. Just yesterday I have returned back from a 20 day trip of Frankfurt. The only other people that I could tell apart from German were the Turkish people. I found that Turkish people hardly made any effort to integrate with the local Germans. The apartments they live in is all rented by Turkish people only. While Turkish women took their children to play in the nearby community parks, these women made a separate group of their own and made no effort to talk to other German women bringing their own children to play in the same park. While all of Germany is cheering German team during the Euro Cup, Turkish people have been carrying Turkish flags on their cars and apartments cheering only Turkish team. In fact I don't remember having seen any other flag apart from German and Turkish flag in Frankfurt. No doubt people from other countries also live in Germany, but they have all tried to mix up with the local population. But Turkish people have tried to keep themselves away from any such mixing up. Surely such a behavior is tantamount to sowing the seeds of distrust and hatred. What else can one expect?Source(s):
Experience in FrankfurtI KNOW MOST PEOPLE GONNA GIVE THUMBS DOWN BUT,FROM MECCANIA TO ATLANTIS From Meccania To Atlantis - Part 17: Shotgun Marriage In Europe
I have a German friend who lives in Germany, she is kind of crazy (: Her hair is green and she usually put very bright pink lipstick on her lips. She is 13 and some older boys who are Turkish, hit her! A group of Turks HIT her and they said they didn't like her style! First of all, hitting a girl is strictly UNACCEPTABLE!
Everyone has own style and it's not anyone's biz. She says too many people in her school is being hit by the Turks.
She also says "If they hate our style, WHY DO THEY LIVE IN GERMANY? They can live in Turkey where they might love styles of the women." I am a Turk and to be honest I totally agree with the Germans here. They have a beautiful country and all these Turks / Kurds , can not do sod all in their own country , destroying the German way of life , can not integrate and do not want to integrate . Majority of them are poor, uneducated and rude so hands up, Germans are right. I would feel the same!!!CheersA few Germans said in that Thread it wouldnt be true that we hate
That is a lie ! We Germans do hate the turks , alot of Germans dont say
it but they think it !
We Germans dont hate
and many many many many more
(If i forgot to tell your Country name Sorry )
but Peoples from one country we truly do hate and that are the TURKS!
Everybody from all over the world is welcome here, but NO TURKS
We have so many turks here and they acting like idiots , talking like
idiots and they smell like idiots!
Even if Germans dont say in Public that they hate Turkish people, they
do think it!
ANGELA MERKELDid they notThere is no way Turks wi
Angela Dorothea Merkel, (German pronunciation: [aŋˈɡeːla doʁoˈteːa ˈmɛʁkl̩] (listen);[1] née Kasner, born 17 July 1954) is the current Chancellor of Germany. Merkel, elected to the Bundestag (German Parliament) from Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, has been the chairman of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) since 2000, and Chairman of the CDU-CSU (Christian Social Union) parliamentary coalition from 2002 to 2005.
From 2005 to 2009 she led a grand coalition with the Christian Social Union (CSU), its Bavarian sister party, and the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD), formed after the 2005 federal election on 22 November 2005. In the elections of 27 September 2009, her party, the CDU, obtained the largest share of the votes, and formed a coalition government with the CSU and the Free Democratic Party (FDP). Her government was sworn in on 28 October 2009.[2]
In 2007, Merkel was also President of the European Council and chaired the G8. She played a central role in the negotiation of the Treaty of Lisbon and the Berlin Declaration. In domestic policy, health care reform and problems concerning future energy development have thus far been major issues of her tenure.
Merkel is the first female Chancellor of Germany. In 2007 she became the second woman to chair the G8, after Margaret Thatcher Failure of multiculturalism
In October 2010 Merkel told a meeting of younger members of her conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party at Potsdam that attempts to build a multicultural society in Germany had "utterly failed",[39] stating: "The concept that we are now living side by side and are happy about it does not work"[40] and that "we feel attached to the Christian concept of mankind, that is what defines us. Anyone who doesn't accept that is in the wrong place here."[41] She continued to say that immigrants should integrate and adopt Germany's culture and values. This has added to a growing debate within Germany[42] on the levels of immigration, its effect on Germany and the degree to which Muslim immigrants have integrated into German society.
MUSLI DARKNESS ll ever integrate with Germans even if they live in Germany for hundreds of years.My reason for saying this comes from Muslim's Quran.Sura 5:51"Believers,take neither Jews nor Christians for your friends and protectors,for they are friends and protectors of one another.Whoever of you seeks their friendship and supports them,shall become one of their number.Allah does not guide the wrong doers." So you see in Islam ,muslims are forbidden to have friends with non believers. Yes Turkish men will befriend naive German women to marry them only when they convert to Islam. Sura 2:193,"Fight against them(Kaffirs,Infidels) until idolatry is no more,and Allah's religion reigns supreme." So my dear German friends wake up and realise that if you don't take control of the Muslim population of Germany ,then one day muslims will take over Germany through populating. see notice that you get all these language courses paid for by German tax money even for Turkish mothers at the adult education centers VHS in every town, low priced and tax deductible? Alphabetization courses for the ones which come from countries where the state does not support its citizens to learn to read and write, especially not females in rural areas? Something which does not exist in Turkey where they have hardly any stateside social infrastructures at all?
This is a slap in the face of the host nation.
Maybe it is the lack of willingness to integrate through learning the language and living with the the local laws? I know of Americans, Canadians, Brits, Irish, Dutch, French, Vietnamese, Chinese, ... (you name them) coming to Germany for a living that they all learn the local language first in order to communicate to get around well and start working. It works for them
From the desk of Takuan Seiyo on Fri, 2010-07-23 20:34WWW.THEBRUSSELSJOURNAL.COM

An even greater problem is that the destroyers and looters have been in sole purview of culture and education for so long that hardly any under-50 Whites remain who have retained their own mind and its link to their uniquely magnificent Western heritage. That link has been replaced either by a permanent hairshirt for the real and imagined transgressions of the West against the (broadly speaking) East and South, or by a moronic multiculti rainbow pastiche expressed, among others, in the pumping loins of white rappers and pop divas that are but inferior copies of stuff black people do better.
The majority of the people alive now in every Western country, and overwhelmingly so among the young, react at best with discomfort and avoidance to ideas that are not apologist for their race, history and religion. If they are socialist and proactively dhimmi, as most young are, that reaction to the West’s traditional culture and heritage often sharpens to hateful hysteria that may resemble Donald Sutherland’s vocalization as a fresh Pod (1) encountering the last remaining person in San Francisco that has not been snatched and cloned, yet.

As the prevailing social fairytales and phantom finance dominoes topple sequentially, the ruling elites that constructed that particular train of hollow pieces engage in increasingly frantic actions to disguise and postpone the effects of the staggered downfall. To paper-over gaping craters in the founding concepts and subsequent applications of the global economy and financial capitalism, they blow up sovereign debts to levels that will cause either sovereign defaults or currency cave-ins in the future. Lipstick no longer adhering to the Muslim jihad and Mexican reconquista hemlock they have planted in the West, they switched from their transparently ludicrous Beautiful Diversity propaganda to totalitarian controls like the Patriot Act in the United States, the Equality Act in Great Britain, Hate Speech laws and Snatcher-orchestrated denunciations of fictive “racism.” They are destroying their peoples in punishment for their own treason and stupidity – and nothing seems able to stop them.
This type of mega-scam that transfers the consequences of foolishness and evil by the few onto the many or by Group A onto Group B has become the main defining feature of Western democracies, as it has always been of banana republics and socialist utopias.
Instead of allowing crooked, incompetent and bankrupt TBTF (“too-big-to-fail”) enterprises to fail, elected oligarchs have socialized the Crooks’ losses by buying their garbage book assets with the people’s money at fictitious face values.
Instead of leaving Greece & Co. to eat the consequences of swindle and socialism, the EU is spending Germans’ and Americans’ (through the IMF) money in a futile attempt to bail out the bail-unworthy.
Instead of leaving spenders and speculators to learn Reality’s lesson, the rulers’ fiat saves the spenders at the expense of the savers and the speculators at the expense of the investors.
Instead of making amends for the myopic madness of exporting the West’s industrial base to China, the captains of everyone’s fate raid everyone’s pocket to support and morally incapacitate the multitudes that have been idled for life by that export.
Instead of properly controlling the criminally violent and insane, the Masters-of-Destiny have disarmed – everywhere but in America (and not for lack of trying) – the law-abiding, peaceful and sane.
Instead of allowing the best to rise to the top, they push to the top the possessors of magic skin tones and preferred orificial parameters. This cuts down the future of the West at the knees.
Instead of dressing the critical wounds they have inflicted on their peoples by seeding among them imported Muslims, the reigning Loons engage in the futile madness of trying to convert imported Muslims into postmodern Westerners and the Muslims’ 7th-century home countries into pluralistic democracies.

First they brought in the Muslims, the Aztecs and the Bantu under the pretext that we are all the same. When the imports turned out not to be the same, they invented Multiculti Diversity. Then the imports started acting out their diversity by destroying the West wholesale by PETN or drunken driving, gang rape or gangster crime, street warfare or endless welfare. So the ruling savants reinvented the Police State, crushing the West’s 800-years of struggle toward natural inalienable right and freedom from state tyranny.
Instead of profiling and discouraging easily identifiable colonizers, the Loons have turned major features of modern life into a nightmare for everyone. Air travel is now a slow and humiliating torture for a billion people who wouldn’t know Allahu Akbar from a name for a new cocktail. Wiring money to your daughter in another country rings investigative bells in three snooping centers around the world. Your face, your car and home are on Big Brother cameras always, but hostile Muslims who live off public welfare demand and get exemptions from the snooping that only Muslim terrorism can even try to justify.
Instead of begging the public’s pardon for their importation of 35 million low-skill soldiers of Allah to Europe, they plan to import 50 million more. Instead of atoning for the incalculable damage to the U.S. wrought by their importation of 35 million low-skill rejects from Mexico et al., they pull out all stops –and that’s the first stage only -- to plant another 20 million on American soil. Including the soil that was once Mexico.

Instead of disowning their Wilsonian madness after the Vietnam fiasco, America’s rulers (at times with NATO’s help) have waged a succession of foolish wars on distant, backward peoples, prosecuted with their unhappy subjects’ blood and money. The wars, the lost lives and limbs, the incinerated trillions in taxpayers’ money are all a monstrous stupidity, for it all unfolds with an eye on CNN, and not on Sun Tzu and Clausewitz. The strategic objective is inherently lunatic too, for you cannot change alien peoples that do not want and cannot change.
Reckoning that autochthons are increasingly bitter about the witches’ brew rising all around them, the rulers have doubled their efforts at population replacement so that the new colonizers -- unskilled, uneducated and poor -- augment the Looters’ Coalition in the 50-50 Neosocialist state on the welfare receiving side. In America in particular, half-suitable foreign colonizers or indigenous minorities are recruited to acquire a quasi-education in dumbed-down colleges, and then offered choice government positions. This streams more “minorities” into the Looters’ Coalition, but on the paycheck receiving side. Furthermore, such positions give them the power that their strong tribal instincts skew toward a further containment and dispossession of the beleaguered founding populations.
America, falling into a Cloward-Piven black hole, deserves a chapter all its own. But in Europe, a former leader of the Communist Party of the Portuguese Workers/Revolutionary Movement of the Portuguese Proletariat is President of the European Commission. Norway’s government offsets its inexcusable Whiteness by its 50% balance of estrogen. Sweden does Norway one better by not only having a Ministry for Integration and Gender Equality, but putting an African woman in charge. Germany, not to be upstaged in virtue, declares via its Green Party, “You are not born a man, you are turned into one."
In Australia, the country’s major newspaper writes approvingly about “The Australian Face of Islam” while exhorting, “Together under the minarets” . In Great Britain, miracles of Loon transfiguration cast rough and stupid socialist women in comedic parts as Cabinet Ministers and ethnocentric Pakistani Muslims in the robes of Peers of the Realm. The assiduous planting of inassimilable Muslims has increased the crop 30-fold in the last 30 years, to 2.5 million now.

White man’s world has gone crazy. Any play written by the Marquis de Sade and directed by him with a cast of fellow inmates at the Asylum at Charenton could not have been more grotesque.
People have had enough. But to return a Western democracy to its rightful owners requires a majority of votes. Such a majority can no longer obtain for any political platform that would tackle even the top three major problems that bedevil the West: bankrupting socialism, nonwhite immigration, and implanted Islam. Not to mention the next dozen grave problems: irredeemable debt, the tyranny of the metastized State, the Looters’ coalition’s chokehold, sham global economy, fraudulent financial capitalism, minoritarian tyranny, shattered social capital, barbaric mass culture, nihilism, democracy turned idiocracy, breakdown of sexual norms and results (i.e. no babies), and falsehoods and self-hate careening through the land like a band of headless horsemen.
In the Anglo and Dutch spheres, where ideas of free enterprise and fiscal sanity have at least some purchase, there are also large imported racial minorities that, as clients of the state, offset whatever votes may be pried away from the Center-Left on economic freedom grounds. And due to the ingrained ethnic diffidence of the cold countries’ peoples, they will not support in large numbers movements that seek to protect them from decline and dispossession by Sacred Diversity. On the other hand, in Southern-European countries where a robust ethnic sense still exists, e.g. the Iberian Peninsula, France and Italy, ingrained socialism nullifies at the ballot box opposition to colonization by aliens.
Paraphrasing Aldous Huxley, the really efficient totalitarian state thrives again, as its 21st century slave population does not have to be coerced. It’s either too sheepish (e.g. Scandinavia) or it loves its servitude (e.g. France). The prospects for the minority that detests slavery and reject its own ethnocide are currently grim.Never Mistake Kindness For Weakness, Age For Wisdom, Nice Words/Actions For Interest AND NEVER MISTAKE NIGGERS FOR HUMANS!!

(Translated by Anders Denken, original German “Zwei Zuwanderer – Eine wahre Geschichte” posted at on February 10, 2011)
We will call the characters in our story Vladimir and Aykut. Vladimir came from Moscow to us, Aykut from a village in Anatolia. Vladimir married a German, Aykut also. In reality, this is where things in common come to an end. We’ll take a closer look at Aykut first.
Aykut is 18 years old as he marries the German Ayse and immigrates to our country. Ayse’s father is a devout believing Muslim and prays 5 times a day toward Mecca, and Ayse’s family lives in the Hamburg township Veddel. Here is where Ayse also enjoyed her schooling, at the Slomanstieg school, where for decades there have hardly been any German pupils. Now, Ayse is 16 and will enhance the Turkish community through the in-marriage with Aykut who possesses perhaps the educational level of a fourth-grader. Aykut speaks German at the so-called B1 (Intermediate 1) level. Aykut has neither the capacity nor the education or even work experience in any kind of profession vital to Germany.
The wedding is organized by the Yildirim family. They incidently happen to run a wedding plannning business. They have rented a hall and regularly make it available for Turkish weddings. And since Mrs. Yildrim, a German convert to Islam who married a Turkish immigrant, works in the local Hamburg-Finkenwerder agency, she often finds out who is marrying whom and who intends to import, and she doesn’t earn too badly either. Mrs. Yildirim then also helps newcomers with all kinds of tricks.
But let’s get back to Aykut. Aykut, thus, marries German Ayse and gets her pregnant on the wedding night. On the Monday after the wedding it heads next to the agencies and authorities. The new family is well prepared, thanks to Mrs. Yildirim! The new bliss for starters requires, in particular, a proper apartment and money, lots of money. There was money for the bridal couple at the wedding. But the German authorities don’t necessarily need to know anything about it. Cousin Ali and cousin Yusuf educate Aykut in the secrets of hiding assets. At the agency there are all kinds of stamps, a Paragraph 5 certificate (government housing) and a certificate of payment for the first money to Aykut. The first ultrasound pictures of Fatima, Ayse’s and Aykut’s first daughter, follow three months later. And even better, the couple have found an apartment right near to Ayse’s parents! That’s really practical because Aykut, as before said, speaks only on a B1 level. Therefore, he cannot effectively make himself understood. The Job Center has meanwhile registered him; he receives welfare (German Hartz IV) for himself and the future mother. With rent, that comes to 1,284 Euro. Therefore, Aykut is now supposed to attend an “integration and language course.” However, Aykut has no desire to do this. Cousins Ali and Yusuf tell Aykut how to get around the integration course. They know a Turkish physician there who certifies that Aykut has become ill. Meanwhile, winter has come to Germany and Ayse is near to giving birth. In the hospital, she appears to bring a healthy child into the world. That’s fortunate because Ayse and Aykut are first degree cousins. But this fortune is lovely for the dear couple.

By now, Aykut has been in Germany for 10 months. He has gotten married, started a family, procured an apartment, installed a satellite dish on the balcony so that he can receive Turkish TV in Hamburg-Veddel. Married couple Ayse and Aykut used some of their wedding money for the wonderful 127 cm (50 inch) flat screen TV and satellite system. And since they live frugally, Aykut can still give 150 Euro in aid to his father and mother. Aykut is a family man. Aykut likes it in Germany. By now he has been here 12 months, and Ayse is pregnant again. Ayse, who actually has a secondary school diploma but wasn’t allowed to participate in biology, swimming and sex education because she was either sick or on her period, was looking forward to the second child. This time it’s to be a boy! Aykut still doesn’t speak any German. But this isn’t necessary anyway. For in Veddel or in neighboring Wilhelmsburg German is not necessary. Aykut wants was any upstanding Turk in Germany wants: a 3 Series BMW! But for that he needs a driver’s license. No problem in Germany. Because he can do his class work and test in Turkish also. But he can also buy a driver’s license or he could also simply drive without one. Cousin Yusuf provides him first of all with a BMW 3 model and cousin Ali talks with a good friend, a Lebanese, who owns a driving school. So everything is taken care of. In his second year in Germany, Aykut has accomplished the following:

Married Ayse and fathered two children, Fatima and Songül, both girls. Secured an apartment with satellite system and flat screen TV, a BMW 3 and a driver’s license. And for that, he didn’t have to lift a hand, that is, physical exertion required for sex with Mrs. Ayse notwithstanding. Aykut is liking Germany more and more. The Germans, of whom he has seen only a handful up until now, seem to be nice people. Aykut, along with his family, has received 47,808 Euros in the last 24 months (the amount is made up of rent, standard rate I, standard rate II + standard rate for 2 children + 2 x 12 months parental money provision) and didn’t have to move a finger for it. And that was only the beginning! Also, he is no longer summoned too often to the agency. Aykut still hasn’t received a single job offer and it isn’t even expected of him to get a job. Aykut has gotten around the language course successfully and without penalty.
Five years later
By now Ayse and Aykut have 5 children. Daughters Fatima, Songül, Gülcan and sons Mohammad and Djihad. Aykut still hasn’t been required to have a job. Meanwhile, he is a zealous mosque attendant and very religious. Today is registration for the Slomanstieg school, and Fatima and Songül are going to school. They speak broken German. Both already wear a headscarf. Just like mommy! The last five years were exciting. There was a larger apartment, Aykut nearly got a job, and of course the other children. After 7 years in Germany, Aykut is not happy. He somehow doesn’t feel at home or welcomed. And now he is being summoned more often to the agency, that is 2-4 times a year and has to listen to unintelligible things that an interpreter translates for him. Besides, his monthly needs and the money therefore flowing into his account have drastically increased. His family now receives 2,576 Euros a month in contributions of Germany’s treasuries. Aykut isn’t good at math. Therefore, we’ll break down the nice little gifts up to this point:
First and second year together 47,808 Euros.
The third year nothing changes, but the childcare money drops off. Therefore, 3,600 Euros less money in the account. This amounts still only to 20,304 Euros in social funds for the family. For this Aykut decides, all the while being the good businessman, to get Ayse pregnant again.
Thus, in year four this leads to an increase in income: 26,352 Euros received by the family in that year.
In the fifth year child number 4 comes along, then a full 28,800 Euros in social money. And then a new, larger apartment is needed. That now costs not just 600 but 800 Euros more.
Then for year number 6 comes child number 5. With that, the payment amount rises to 33,648 Euros.
In year seven, with both older girls registered in school, the payment then falls once again because of no pregnancy this year to 30,048 Euros.
Up until now, Ayse with Aykut and children have therefore cost the public 186,960 Euros.
Until Fatima’s 18th year, the firstborn, this payment will increase to approx. 560,000 Euros (including standard rate increases for the children), assuming that Aykut will not at anytime find employment that begins to cover the family’s needs.
Let’s move on to Vladimir
Vladimir is of Moscow. He is the son of a Russian engineer and teacher. He took German as an advanced course at his Russian high school, which his parents encouraged. His father is using all his savings to send Vladimir to a boarding school in Germany. Here he takes advanced courses and receives a subsidy that is available only as long as he himself continues to cover half of the board and tuition. Vladimir spoke practically fluent German when he arrived here continues to improve his accent and grammar so much so that, after a few years, he is better than many “Bio-Germans.”
In spite of all efforts and the fact that he isn’t incurring any costs and is even bringing financial support with him, Vladimir must get an extension of his residency permit every two years. He has to prove that he does in fact live at the boarding school, and that he has sufficient financial means available for the next 2 years. That includes such things as pocket money and health insurance, which he of course must provide by his own means. In 1996, Vladimir went back to Russia for half a year to get his diploma. In 1999, in spite of already having an existing Russian diploma, he also received a German one. After graduation, Vladimir has to leave Germany in order to apply for a study position in Russia. He is approved the same year for a study position in business administration in Hamburg. After he has proven that he had enough of his own finances available, after three months he receives a visa for 3 months. After three months he has to bring all his documents by again, confirm that he is financing everything himself and he is really living where he lives. He cannot claim student financial assistance. He then receives another residency permit for 2 years. Interning is extra, since the residency permit expires immediately when the study is finished. At this point, Vladimir has been in Germany for 6 years, hasn’t cost the state one cent and studies diligently. He defrays the costs himself for his stay and speaks and writes fluent German. He has a German girlfriend and is working on top of his studies, paying social insurance fees and is already a practical German. After 2 more years Vladimir changes his major to computer science. He is a computer specialist. Vladimir finishes a self-financed education then in 2008.
After his study, Vladimir receives a one-year residency permit without claim to benefits until he gets employment. He immediately finds work, pays taxes, dues and fees without ever having received a cent taxpayer funds. In 2009, he marries his longtime girlfriend – they’ve been a couple for more than ten years now. Shortly after the wedding, Vladimir starts his own business in the data processing branch and has since been a successful net contributor. However, his wife had to verify beforehand that she herself has a job and could take care of Vladimir should something happen. Vladimir is also not allowed to make a social benefits claim for three years. Both work hard, would like to have a child, but they don’t know whether they can afford it financially and due to time constraints. Because the burden of taxes and dues is constantly increasing.
In closing, a question occurred to me in the composition of this contrast between two real cases of immigration of whether I landed in the right motion picture drama of Germany. By whom are we receiving enrichment? You yourself can answer this best. And don’t be outraged because this is everyday life in Germany. Those who help us and want to live with us are treated like Vladimir. Those who behave like Aykut are being courted.
Vladimir is proud to be German, Aykut isn’t… EVERY DAY EXPERIENCES IN GERMANY

Again on Friday, the Kieler Nachrichten headlined “Knife stabbing in Gaarden: Attorney remains silent” – today, three days later, after more details about the horrible crime are available, the headline reads “A full-blown execution”:
“This was not a stabbing, but a full-blown execution.” With these words, an expert on the Kiel immigrant scene explains why great anxiety has spread among immigrant circles, since a man was murdered in front of a business in the township of Gaarden. The worries are going around that this situation could has more information regarding the progression of events:
Official posts are as stingy as ever with information about this case; random witnesses of the crime reported to our above-cited informant, however, of a horrible scene. According to them, the victim, a roughly mid-30s Kurd from Iraq allegedly knelt before his pursuers in the area behind the bakery before his throat was slit in cold blood. “Such a thing holds a new quality,” a Turkish resident of Kiel states in horror. This kind of brutal approach brings to mind the methods of the Lebanese terror organization Hezbollah and by far crosses the bounds of the normal level of quarrels between clans or cliques.
Meanwhile, the concern that the fatal conflict needs to be explained in the context of a national or ethnic background is unwarranted. According to all of our newspapers, present information deals much more with a crime of passion. About a half year ago, a conflict arose because a deserted husband didn’t want to accept the fact that his the woman who was still his wife had entered a new relationship with the man who has now lost his life.
Sensible forces are meanwhile warning of further escalations. “I detest such actions; these people have nothing to do with our association,” stresses Dr. Hussein Anaissi, head of the Arabian Society in Kiel. He is calling on the prosecuting authorities to proceed with all determination against such brutal expressions of private differences in opinion: “The law must show its full severity here.”
“It can’t be this way,” said the supervisor of the local Gaarden SPD advisory board, Bruno Levtzow. Nobody is allowed to dismiss the law in order to exercise feelings of frustration and jealousy in such barbaric ways, and put the rest of the population in fear and trembling by doing so. In Levtzow’s opinion, the people’s feeling of security is being impaired because the perpetrators are acting in groups and out in the open. However the supervisor insistently warns against hasty generalizations that might unjustly affect the great majority of law-abiding immigrants: “I see the danger that now anybody with black hair will be thrown into the same pot.”
We found out from our scout what the police and press are suppressing: In Kiel-Gaarden, an Iraqi Kurd who worked as a hairdresser at the Vinetaplatz was executed by Lebanese Kurds that allegedly were members of the Kiel Miri clan while he was being held down by several individuals. The victim had had an extramarital affair with the wife of the perpetrator! The victim had been asked many times beforehand to put an end to it. At the same time, the wife was the cousin of the husband. LETTER TO DIE WELT:SARRAZIN DESERVES RESPECT
(Open letter from Le Waldsterben to the WELT Editors)
Therefore, I would like, in any case, for the country of my grandchildren and great-grandchildren to be for the greater part agnostic-Christian-atheist-Jewish-or-what-ever-else-there-might-be, but in absolutely no way a victim of this monstrous mono-culture called Islam that has so far kept any country where it rules at a pitiful Stone Age level — economically and morally, and especially in relation to the human rights in force in those places.
I would like for the country of my grandchildren and great-grandchildren that German will be spoken over broad areas. As an aid, English would be OK. Otherwise, I can’t understand what is being said, and this is my homeland. Shouldn’t I be able to understand what’s being said? And if I should one day emigrate to the US, what would I do there? Wouldn’t I endeavor to improve my English? Or will I expect Americans ultimately to please learn German, and write “racism” when a US authority dares to put a form in front of my face in their language?
I would like the women in the country of my grandchildren and great-grandchildren to wear long dresses, shorts, mini-skirts, long pants, bikinis, dirndls, and in my opinion even pantsuits or whatever occurs to them — but there are two things I absolutely do not want to see on them, and indeed for the selfsame reasons: SS bands and headcoverings.
And if the muezzins would call, “Dear immigrant, come to this land. Get rid of archaic family structures. Integrate. Learn the language of the land. Treasure your children’s education. Take the opportunity to realize your goals, regardless of what you do. Ladies can be in leadership positions, instead of standing before the stove. You can be gay instead of marrying four wives. And if you would like to be a Geman slob, then it’s allowed here. Even men.” … then I would be able to bear these sounds that bring to mind more of a comparison with a loud-ringing bell than a shout.
But, instead, the muezzin calls: if you dare to do one single item of these things, you are guilty of death.
Then he calls: Allah is the greatest. And in turn, he has expressly forbidden everything that I have named as examples here. And yet much, much, much more.
Really anything that a free society is made of.
And he is even proud of threatening offenses in this “holy” book with punishments that only a psychopath could only do with great effort.
And for this, I would write on the Sarrazin’s side, if I would possess his courage:
- yes, precisely that, indeed, which is in the first paragraph.
In addition, I would like to write something else: Old rags like you who think themselves to be Journalists of Quality, may you be cursed!

Another wants to point that Erdogan Turkey during the forthcoming visit of Chancellor Angela Merkel discussed know, the objective of full membership of Turkey into the European Union (despite the fact that Turkey is almost entirely in Asia).

How, then, the NPD has with them Erdoganschen ideas?
We also call as long as the repatriation of the Anatolian immigrants is not yet implemented, the creation by nationalities and cultures separate classes. Only then is it possible to bring the different ethnic groups and groups of people in this country according to their cultural roots and to inform and protect above all German students for increasingly frequent violent attacks by Turkish and Arab students.
Separate schools offer the possibility that students kulturfremde not be alienated from their own identity and therefore can again find their roots, which is a basic condition for a human return to their ancestral homeland. For German children and adolescents would massively increase the likelihood of separate schools, schools no longer as a place of raging violence and conflicts of daily exercise, but as a haven of learning and growing up into responsible citizens.
The move should Erdogan, without seeing it through rose-colored glasses of multicultural fanaticism and officiously to dismiss be thought as an alternative to the German education policy. Its implementation would offer more advantages than disadvantages - both for us and for the German foreigners living here.
Established political bosses find it again at the time to let off alarms because they believe beyond a dead-end integration policy. But viewed in light proves the entire attempt to integrate several million kulturfremder foreigners, long a dead end. Parallel, rampant crime and horrendous foreigners integration costs you a reminder that we should take seriously, despite typical German and humanitarianism to foreigners.
The integration must already be regarded as a failure. A study of research information and Liljeberg Research has shown that only 21% of Turks living here in Germany feel at home - an absolute minority does so to Germany as the place with which it is necessary to identify.
It is therefore important to analyze how to make the necessary return of the foreigners as humane and fair as possible. Separate classes or schools would be a first step to leave the wrong path of integration and return to more reasonable and realitätsverhafteter policy.

The second attempt by Erdogan, Turkey as soon as possible to be called as a full member in the EU must welcome, any German who still has all the marbles, of course, refuse. The full membership of Turkey would mean that would be due to the open borders and free movement granted (freedom of residence and job choice) to increase the number of living here Turks and Kurds have a huge degree. And no one can really want the future of our country at heart.
A good policy for all people living in Germany, German as well as foreigners, would have to content to obtain both the identity of the Germans and the foreigners and thus be implemented as soon as a return of most of the foreigners living here to pave the road. We finally accept the fact that is home to the Turks, not Germany, but Turkey will remain forever.
The Turks know best, for them, despite all the integration and multicultural Propheterie of healthy national pride is not lost.

NPD Press Office
Berlin, 25.03.2010
Poland and Czech Republic people dislike the NPD alot because they talk about the past alot. The past being the ethnic cleansing of over 10 million Germans from their homelands...The Pole and Czech governments have not even apologized for doing this and it will lead to a future conflict between these three countries after the Nationalist governments deal with their Muslim problems. This is both innevitable and required.
Call it "chauvanistic", but have the Germans ever done anything under par? No they have not. They're a country of extremes. Going from extreme militarism, to extreme poverty, to extreme Nationalism, to extreme tolerance. The Germans will need extreme Nationalism again if they are ever going to get out of their current messAmerican fellow Nationalists,
We want for the future of our political agenda to advertise in foreign languages, because the enemy of our peoples, capitalism, globalism and Islamism currently operates internationally. Some people have hardly a chance against the power of the One-World-strategists. It is time for the national forces of free nations to unite and network.
More than ever today the peoples of the world are faced with the question of whether they are in a "multi-cultural entity" life or if culturally unique and individual states are wanted. "One World" is a misanthropic system that destroys our culture. We will see in Germany and also you can see, comrades, in the U.S.. The U.S. is known for freedom of expression and a free life. In Germany, we don’t know that in this form. National Patriots in Germany are literally pursued by the political left and left-wing press. But even in the U.S. the freedom is being exploited. Massiveness of immigration, Islamism and globalization have this beautiful country culturally and internationally almost completely destroyed. Was that the intention of the founding fathers of the United States? Even the German founding fathers especially Otto von Bismarck, wanted Germany only for the German People and not for Islamists from all over the world!We are proud of our heritage and are committed to our German people. Other people we respect - But our own are the people we love.
We honor and respect the idiosyncrasies of the peoples of Europe and the world. We want to get this and disclaim from a multicultural society!
Who does not love the U.S., should leave the United States! Who does not Love Germany, should leave Germany!
They therefore support our work for a better future for our peoples!
Berlin, 09, November 2009 Udo Voigt

From Germany ’s NPD web site: GERMANY S NPD MAPS OUT POLICY
Cooperation Among Peoples Through Justice and Self-Determination: The political changes taking place in the power blocks of Europe and the world are facilitating a new direction of German and European domestic and foreign security-politics. It is becoming continuously more self-evident, that the “Western Values Organizations” are merely an instrument of US-American self-interest politics. This must be changed. 

Preconditions for a worldwide freedom movement is the even handed treatment of all peoples. German foreign policy should therefore be exclusively oriented in the interests of its own people and towards freedom. In accordance with this, Germany should keep strictly out of all international conflicts; this is especially true for civil wars and other inter-provincial conflicts [in foreign lands]. Foreign relations should fundamentally be oriented towards not becoming involved in the affairs of others.
NATO is an instrument of the USA to control Germany and the European peoples. It does not serve the interests of Europeans and must be dissolved. In its stead, a coalition-system of free European peoples must step forward, each of whom must secures their own independence. The influence of powers foreign to the European realm must be shut down. The European peoples are called forth to pull themselves out of North American entanglements and to stop allowing themselves to be played against each other by outsiders. Only when the influence of the USA and its economic interests can be forced back, can liberty and freedom for the people be possible.
National security has to be based on a policy National defense. It has as its goals to maintain the liberty of Europe . German Military Might should not be a tool for international superpower politics. It is for this reason that the NPD is for the pulling out of NATO. The last word on deployment of German military forces must be in the hands of Germans.
No more should foreign troops be allowed to be stationed in Germany . The foreign bases should all be closed. No foreign troops should be allowed to start wars out of Germany . Fly-over rights for foreigners wanting to begin wars with other foreign countries should not be given. Secret intelligence agencies and installations are to be shut down immediately.
German foreign policy is to orient itself solely for the welfare of its own people. An effective national defense is concerned with projecting a positive self-image of past German military accomplishments. Our soldiers must know which set of values they stand for. They should not be manipulated as soldiers for foreign interests.
We stand for:
· In association with the yearlong compulsory military service of all German Citizens; the withdrawal of participation in NATO.
· No stationing of NATO-soldiers in Germany ; the removal of all foreign troops!
· Formulation of a European Defense Force.

· A peace treaty for Germany and a complete repeal of the discriminatory statutes naming Germany as an Enemy State in the United Nations.
· An immediate withdrawal of all German troops from conflicts that do not directly affect our national security.
** [It should be noted that direct reference to Zionist and/or Jewish lobby control over the USA and/or its foreign policy is a criminal offense in Germany, so readers should take this into consideration when reading this translation
Violence at schools in "immigrant-dominated" districts of Berlin (i.e. those dominated by non-White invaders) has soared in recent months. A recent example took place when two masked non-White youths burst into a classroom at the Dag Hammerskjoeld School in the city's Tempelhof district to attack a 58-year-old woman teacher.
One beat the terrified teacher about the head and body with a steel rod, while the other tried to make off with her handbag. Pupils intervened, driving the intruders from the classroom. Curiously, the teacher was discussing the great late Indian leader Mahatma Ghandi's political philosophy of "non-violence" at the time.
Later it transpired that a non-White invader girl in the class, who had learned she was to be kept down a class, had urged the other non-Whites to carry out the attack.
Three other bouts of school violence have occurred in Berlin in the past few days, two of them at schools in the city's "problem" districts of Neukoelln and Wedding. A 10-year-old boy of Palestinian descent called Abdul, was set upon by a group of older pupils at the Kurt Tucholsky School .
Singled out for "mobbing" by older pupils on previous occasions according to witnesses, he was slapped and kicked as he lay on the ground while an 11-year-old boy filmed the events on a mobile phone camera, intending to show it on the internet.
The boy's mother says the incident was no surprise. "Our boy has been attacked by pupils in the past," she said, adding "there's no point in sending him to another school now because in the coming months we must return to Palestine ."
Despite his son's experiences in Berlin , Abdul's father said it would be difficult for the family going back to the Palestinian territories. "We will be strangers there, having lived in Berlin for 20 years, and Abdul being born here."
Even Berlin 's renowned Humboldt University has not escaped violence. A 34-year-old former student recently assaulted a 40-year- old woman professor and Harvard graduate, thrusting her to the ground and spitting in her face. He'd allegedly harboured a two-year grudge against the lecturer for her "low" assessment of his doctoral thesis.
In March last year the city's Ruetli School, dominated by Arab and Turkish youths in the tough Neukoelln district, made international headlines when a teacher published a letter claiming conditions at the school had become so bad that it should be closed down.
She felt teachers had lost all authority and were now so afraid that they only entered classrooms with a mobile phone so they could call for help in an emergency. School psychologists were called in "help" problem pupils, especially Arab male students, some of whom refused to respect the authority of women teachers.
In the year 2001 to 2002, there were 250 cases of school-related violence, the figure leapt to 1,500 in 2005 to 2006, they say. City prosecutors confirm they have files on 342 youths, aged between 14 and 20, who have been involved in recent criminal activity. In ten cases, serious crimes were committed, such as robbery or causing serious bodily harm. Of those apprehended, 144 remain in youth custody.NEGROS SHOULD LEAVE GERMANY BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany's far-right NPD party on Tuesday called on a black politician who appeared in regional election ads for the Christian Democrats to go home to Angola, and urged its members to bring the message to him personally.
The National Democratic Party said in a statement it wished Zeca Schall, who is working on the conservatives' state parliamentary campaign in the eastern state of Thuringia, a "good trip home."
"Today he is no longer needed, so we want to encourage him directly to head home to Angola," the NPD said, adding that Thuringia should "remain German," and Schall's job should be filled by a local. This is extremely heart lifting, since Germany is the most powerful member state in the EU! Last year this would not have happened because the marxist liberal scum were the majority in most EU member states, now we are seeing encouraging actions from Europe's nationalist parties.
What makes me laugh about libtards and marxists is the laws they bring in to oppress us will be used against them in the future
Fuck them all.
The National Democratic Party said in a statement it wished Zeca Schall, who is working on the conservatives' state parliamentary campaign in the eastern state of Thuringia, a "good trip home."
"Today he is no longer needed, so we want to encourage him directly to head home to Angola," the NPD said, adding that Thuringia should "remain German," and Schall's job should be filled by a local. This is extremely heart lifting, since Germany is the most powerful member state in the EU! Last year this would not have happened because the marxist liberal scum were the majority in most EU member states, now we are seeing encouraging actions from Europe's nationalist parties.
What makes me laugh about libtards and marxists is the laws they bring in to oppress us will be used against them in the future

Whisper it, but even in the post-Nazi guilt-ridden modern Germany, niggers are DESPISED!
I have spoken with many Germans on my travels, and they have been 'blessed' with a particular type of sub-Sahran nigger scum: The Niggerian scam-artist!
These niggers may not go around wilding and raping like our pavement apes, but they cause just as much havoc in their own way.
NIGGERS are categorically NOT WELCOME in Germany. Many of their 'native' halfricans are the result of nigger GI's from Wiesbaden MUH-DIKKING the guilt-ridden frauleins.
Angela Merkel: Germany will become Islamic State!
Paul L. Williams, Ph.D. - The Last Crusade, September 21st, 2010
Chancellor Angela Merkel said that Germans have failed to grasp how Muslim immigration has transformed their country and will have to come to terms with more mosques than churches throughout the countryside, according to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung daily.
“Our country continues to change, and integration is also the task for society to deal with immigrants,” Ms. Merkel told the daily newspaper. “For years we’ve been deceiving ourselves about this. Mosques, for example, are going to be a more prominent part of our cities than they were before.”
Germany, with a population of 4-5million Muslims, has been divided in recent weeks by a debate over remarks by the Bundesbank’s Thilo Sarrazin, who argued Turkish and Arab immigrants were failing to integrate and were swamping Germany with a higher birth rate.
The Chancellor’s remarks represent the first official acknowledgment that Germany, like other European countries, is destined to become a stronghold of Islam.
In France 30% of children age 20 years and below are Muslims. The ratio in Paris and Marseilles has soared to 45%. In southern France there are more Mosques than churches.
The situation within the United Kingdom is not much different. In last 30 years, the Muslim population there has climbed from 82,000 to 2.5 millions. Presently, there are over 1000 mosques throughout Great Britain – – many of which were converted from churches.
In Belgium, 50% newborns are Muslims and reportedly its Islamic population hovers around 25%. A similar statistic holds true for The Netherlands.
It’s the same story in Russia where one in five inhabitants are Muslim.
Muammar Gaddafi recently stated that “There are signs that Allah will grant victory to Islam in Europe without sword, without gun, without conquest. We don’t need terrorists; we don’t need homicide bombers. The 50 plus million Muslims (in Europe) will turn it into the Muslim Continent within a few decades.”
The statistics support him.
From reading Daniel, Matthew 24 and the book of Revelation, it appears that Islam is the antichrist, kingdom of the beast and false prophet that will dispense tribulation against both Israel and Christians for several years. He will trample Jerusalem until God decides to end it by sending Jesus back to fight Armageddon and defeat Satan and the antichrist. They will be chained for 1000 yrs then released for yet another battle in which Jesus will win. Then they will be tormented in **** forever.Here's a novel idea.......... just like the Jews were driven out of all the Middle Eastern countries when Israel was proclaimed a nation in 1948, these Jewish refugees fled leaving all their properties and wealth behind to escape to the new Nation of Israel. They were all welcomed and ***imilated and prospered in due course.
Unfortunately, we are going to continue to see a rise in Islam. But it won't control the whole world. Psalm 83 shows an interesting battle of all of Israel's enemies being supernaturally destroyed! I think this skirmish may be the very next thing to happen, given the Iran issue and the Palestinian "peace" talks. Things are heating up there and Israel's enemies will soon find out who they're messing with. It is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the Living God.
Perhaps the same action should be taken with the Moslem people in Europe, USA, Russia etc. The Moslems prefer to live in their exclusive communities, so they might as well do it in their own national countries,( we could even pay them to go). Enough, no more free tickets and working our democracies to kill our democracies and freedoms, at the host nation's expense.
For the many Middle Eastern etc,( non-Moslems ) who pledge allegiance to their country of adoption, they (as they are at present) would be welcome to stay, intergrate into society and enjoy freedom and prosperity.
BURY YOUR DEAD PERFORMING HOUSE OF STRAW.ENJOY ITBERLIN POLICE UNDER SIEGE BY MUSLI RAT GANGS.ENJOY ITBut for the none conformists ( the die-hard Moselms ), lets play them at their own game....divide and conquer..... before we are divided and conquered, which is their vocal and focused agenda. Made in Germany GERMAN GENIUS
By 1900, nearly everyone agreed that there was something special about the Germans. Their philosophy was more profound — to a fault. So was their music. Their scientists and engineers were clearly the best. Their soldiers were unmatched.Images, from top: Kirsten Neumann/DDP, via Agence France-Presse (Kant); Associated Press (Freud); and Brown Brothers (Nietzsche)
Kant, Freud and Nietzsche.
Europe’s Third Renaissance, the Second Scientific Revolution, and the Twentieth Century
Did this German superiority bode well or ill for the new century? Some foreigners served up dire warnings, but others were rapt admirers. Richard Wagner’s English son-in-law, Houston Stewart Chamberlain, even wrote a weighty tome arguing that the Germans were the only true heirs of classical Greece and Rome. Many Germans were happy to agree.
After world war broke out in 1914, German intellectuals rallied in indignant defense of a superior culture besieged by barbarians. Thomas Mann, for one, was anything but a flaming nationalist, but he wrote at length about the need to defend Germany’s unique cultural profundity.
Mann came to regret his fulminations long before 1933, when a more noxious band of German chauvinists drove him into exile. And in early 1945, in California, he read Joseph Goebbels’s defiant proclamation that the Germans’ national greatness was the reason an envious world had united against them. Mann was honest enough to confess to his diary that this was “more or less what I wrote 30 years ago.”
It is, of course, the Nazis who have made it hard for us to appreciate what Peter Watson calls “the German genius.” Goebbels spoiled the brand when he marketed Hitler as the apotheosis of German culture. Too many Germans and (for opposite reasons) plenty of foreigners readily agreed with Goebbels. Watson, a British journalist and the author of several books of cultural history, would like us to leave the Nazis aside and appreciate that our modern world — at least the world of ideas — is largely a German creation. But as he might have learned from his fictional fellow Englishman Basil Fawlty, it is futile to insist that we “don’t mention the war!”
“The German Genius” is a lengthy compilation of essential German contributions to philosophy, theology, mathematics, natural and social science and the arts since 1750. Watson enshrines a vast pantheon of creative thinkers, not dwelling very long on any of them. Perhaps the single most important figure is Immanuel Kant, who explored the limits of Enlightenment rationality without handing any authority back to revealed religion. Ever since, Watson argues, the Germans have led the way in plumbing the depths of the human mind and body in search of truth and meaning.
Watson reminds us that the age of Kant produced (among much else) Haydn’s symphonies, Goethe’s poetry, Herder’s discovery of national history and Winckelmann’s archaeology of ancient art — the last in particular ushering in what Watson, in his subtitle, calls the “third renaissance” (after those of the 12th and 15th centuries). Long before Darwin, Germans showed that the natural world was a place of restless change. So, too, was human society: we owe them our sense of history. German Romanticism and German erudition placed truth and creativity firmly inside the human mind. Later, Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche and Freud sought meaning in a world in flux, while lesser lights concocted their racial theories out of a fatal mixture of biology and philology.
“The German Genius” is a great baggy monster of a book, mixing passionate advocacy with biographical trivia amid compressed summaries of some exceedingly difficult ideas. The range of subjects is impressive, from painters to physicists, and includes important names most of us may recognize only from science class, and then only as units of measurement: Hertz, Mach, Röntgen. (Before Hitler, Nobel Prize ceremonies were in large part a German affair.)
In some ways this is also a very German book: long, earnest, plodding. Yet it is not really up to the exacting standards of German scholarship (or of English narrative sparkle), relying, as it does, largely on other scholars’ accounts of the great thinkers in question, and quoting the secondary sources far more than the original works of “genius.” Too often Watson urges us to revere people or books “now recognized,” “widely viewed” or “generally regarded” as brilliant. Readers may grow weary of being told what to think.
In effect, Watson has given us a kind of Dictionary of German Biography, along with a great deal of name-dropping. There were many German geniuses. But what was “the German genius”? To understand what was special about Germany, we need to know more than Watson tells us about the world that produced these thinkers. He does offer some valuable hints, insisting, for example, on the importanceof the 17th- and 18th-century religious revival known as Pietism, which urged believers to devote themselves to improving life on earth. Certainly he is right to emphasize Germany’s Protestant heritage (and the many preachers’ sons who populate his pages), but secularized Protestantism shaped other lands as well — notably Britain, where Catholics and Jews played smaller roles than in Germany. FIVE GERMAN GENIUS
Instructors of foreign language courses often rely on cultural references to help fully immerse their students in their studies. The practice is a great way to excite and educate at the same time. One of the most common ways to practice this method is to speak about celebrities who frequently use the language but are well-known outside the circle of native speakers. When people learn German online, they might have trouble conjuring up the names of some famous Germans. Luckily, this list will have you saying “Guten tag!” as you drop names like a star.Angela Merkel is the current chancellor of Germany, and she is consistently ranked as one of the most powerful women in the world. She is often seen associating with such political bigwigs as U.S. President Barack Obama, French President Nicolas Sarkozy and UK Prime Minister David Cameron, among many others. Merkel was born in Hamburg and has maintained close ties with her native country ever since, with a strong political career peppered with both positive coverage (such as a well-received pledge to reduce unemployment) and several controversies surrounding German foreign policy and economic stability. She first assumed the chancellorship in 2005 and was reelected in 2009.Many people either know him for his infamous special relativity equation E = mc2 or his zany hairstyle, but no matter what you know about him, Albert Einstein is one of the most well-known German figures in recent times. Born in Ulm, a city in southern Germany, Einstein began his career in a patent office before joining the academic world. Before long, his theories about modern physics gained him fame and helped advance our understanding of the nature of particles, light and space, and how they operate on a theoretical level. Due to his great intelligence, the term “Einstein” is frequently used to describe a smart person, standing to this day as a testament to this fame of this great German genius.While this next famous German may not be thinking about how to move at light speed, she is still swiftly rising in notoriety in the fashion world. Claudia Schiffer, arguably one of the world’s top models, was born in Rheinberg in 1970. In addition to her work as a model for Guess, Revlon, Dolce & Gabbana and Ralph Lauren, as well as her cover work for Vogue magazine, Schiffer has branched out into the world of acting. For those who don’t think this German beauty is quite magical enough, don't forget that she dated magician David Copperfield for several years in the '90s and performed with the illusionist on stage as his assistant.Johannes Gutenberg hailed from the city of Mainz, and though he may not be a media sensation nowadays, he is the man who truly started it all. Gutenberg invented the movable type used in the printing press, finally opening the doors to publishing and literacy across the world. Without this German’s invention, books, newspapers and computers would never have been possible. He is consistently ranked as one of the most influential human beings in history, and his homeland is proud to have fostered his ingenuity.Finally, another beloved German, who hails from Bonn, brought the world timeless music and melodies that are still popular to this day. Ludwig van Beethoven, one of the world’s premier composers of classical music, traveled around Germany, Austria and other European countries as he composed his marvelous, epic pieces. Despite growing increasingly deaf, Beethoven continued to create and thrive due to his passion for music. His works signaled a shift from classicism to romanticism and ushered in countless soundtracks for lush operas, striking symphonies and soothing cantat
German Wirtschaftswunder revisited
I have been arguing for a long time that the multi-year outlook for the German economy is extremely positive (see for example There is more to celebrate for Germany from Nov last year or German Wirtschaftswunder 2.0 from May this year). In the meantime, economic data out of Germany has surprised most economists and investors. While growth projections have been revised upwards, I remain convinced that the outlook for the German economy (and thus for German real and financial assets) is by far much more favorable.
There are various reasons why this is the case:
a) German corporates have become extremely competitive over the past decade. During the first years of EMU they had to largely regain competitiveness vs. the rest of the Eurozone as Germany locked in an uncompetitive exchange rate when the euro was formed and German corporates were heavily in financial deficit following the debt-financed M&A boom during the dot-com bubble. In turn, at the start of the last decade German corporates had to restructure (i.e. cut costs - especially via headcount reduction in Germany and offshoring/outsourcing) to regain cost competitiveness and reduce the financial deficit. Unfortunately, as Germany regained internal competitiveness during the last decade, the external value of the euro soared, especially vs. key competititors such as Japan. However, over the past 2 years, the euro has lost altitude - again especially vs. key competitors - and German corporates for the first time since the start of EMU are competitive on an intra-Eurozone and on an extra-Eurozone basis. Additionally, German corporates on aggregate have moved from a financial deficit into a financial surplus.We are just at the start of this virtuous circle where the drop in unemployment - due to the export led growth rebound - starts to fuel wage gains and coupled with low real yields promotes a reduction in the savings ratio. This will create an increasingly favorable environment for domestic demand and lead to the next wave in growth. I remain convinced that Germany will show above trend growth for the next 3-5 years. While there will be ups and downs in quarterly growth numbers, I continue to look for growth to average around 2.5-3%. YOUNG MUSLI RAT WITH AN IQ OF 50 KILLS US SOLDIERS AT FRANKFURT AIRPORT
FRANKFURT, Germany, March 2 (UPI) — Two U.S. service members were shot and killed Wednesday on a military bus at Frankfurt Airport in Germany, and two others were wounded, officials said.Preliminary information was that the two military personnel killed were U.S. Air Force airmen from Lakenheath base in the United Kingdom, CNN reported.The airmen were part of a security force on their way to a deployment, a military source told CNN, but it was not revealed what their exact destination was.The gunman, believed to be from Kosovo, opened fire on the bus in front of the airport’s Terminal 2, Britain’s The Guardian reported.Police said it appeared an argument had broken out on board the bus before the suspect opened fire.The alleged gunman fled but was arrested inside the terminal shortly afterward, the report said.Kosovo’s interior minister, Bajram Rexhepi, said German police had identified the suspect as 21-year-old Arif Uka, from the northern town of Mitrovica, The Guardian reported.“This is a devastating and a tragic event,” Rexhepi said. “We are trying to find out was this something that was organized or what was the nature of the attack.”The forces heading for deployment were flying commercial, not on a military plane, and the U.S. military base at Ramstein in Germany regularly runs shuttle buses to Frankfurt Airport for personnel taking commercial flights, officials said.
From a humanistic standpoint, this doesn't necessarily represent a problem. After all, Turks and Kurds have just as much right as anybody else to seek a better life for themselves. They can live better in Germany on welfare than they can by actually working for a living in their own countries. And that is exactly what they are doing.The problem is, they refuse to integrate into German society. Muslim women are dressed in the typical Islamic garb, covered from head to foot - and they despise at anyone who isn't. Even old ladies sitting on stoops or benches glare at non-Muslim passers-by. Not one of them returned our smiles as we walked the sidewalks of Germany during a recent vacation. While in Dortmund, my cousin and her husband gave us a tour of "Little Istanbul" - a part of town that has literally been taken over by the Turks and Kurds. She explained that the only remaining Germans in that part of the city are old folks who have lived there most, or all of their lives, and either weren't able to relocate, or stubbornly refused to be forced out. This decision has been a costly one, and the older inhabitants have paid dearly as they have subjected themselves to constant harassment by the Muslims. One older German lady, according to my cousin, tearfully related that she refuses to go out at night anymore, because the young Turks and Kurds make sport out of pushing little old German ladies off the sidewalks.Because their women are off limits, the young Turkish men use and abuse German women, and then call them whores. My cousin said that she has read plenty of newspaper reports concerning German women who have slapped a Turk or Kurd for groping them in public, only to then be hit or knifed by their offenders. "They have no respect for women", she told me.Taking advantage of the systemThe German government not only supports a huge influx of foreigners, but they've now allowed Muslims to hold goverment offices. We were told that German officials seem to be afraid of them and often back down in order to meet their demands. It seems Muslims have made themselves a force to be feared. Their numbers continue to grow and spread, apparently without bounds.In Dortmund the Muslims have somehow bought a city block for 20 million Euros and are planning to turn a church into a mosque. Naturally, if they succeed, they will put loudspeakers on the mosque and broadcast their daily prayers all over the city (that is, unless their contract with the Germans specifically prohibits this). Since many, if not most, Germans (along with the rest of Europe) are either atheists, Catholics, or "lukewarm believers", many don't even realize what's happening! They're blinded to what's happening right under their noses. Unless they wake up, become vigilant and begin to fight the Muslim takeover, it is inevitable that one morning they will all wake up staring down the barrel of a gun and the sound of Muslim voices yelling at them to convert or be killed. The end times are here and the Muslims ain't kidding; they WILL and ARE trying to force the world to convert via ANY means.Revelation 20: 4 "I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony for Jesus and because of the word of God....Notice that the Bible tells us that people would be beheaded - not shot, stabbed, hanged, or choked, but beheaded! Who in this day and age still beheads? It's the Muslims - and they have already started!Islam seems to be slowly taking over the world, not just Germany. Lately, there have been all kinds of articles showing how the Bank of Islam (which recently changed its name to the more "Western" sounding Arcapita - they used to have a website which proclaimed this, but it has apparently been removed) has taken over several U.S. companies/corporations, - one at a time - including Church's Chicken, Loehmann's Department Store, and the Caribou Coffee chain.Revelation 13:16-18 "He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name. This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666."The Bank of Islam (Arcapita) has made it clear that they will NOT be doing business with people who refuse to adhere to Sha'ria Law/the Koran - That could be where the "no one will be able to buy or sell" (Rev 13:17) comes in. If Islam owns all or most of the businesses and we can't be hired because we refuse to bow down to Allah, they can make it VERY rough on those who refuse to take "the mark".Although Muslims insist that Islam is a religion of peace, it is exactly the opposite, as evidenced by a history of violent attacks against the Western world, including the 9/11 attacks on the U.S. The Koran (Quran) incites violence and insists that unbelievers be harmed or killed. Here are just a few examples:
- Murder them and treat them harshly (Q. 9:123), slay them (Q.9: 5), fight with them (Q. 8: 65 ), even if they are Christians and Jews, humiliate them and impose on them a penalty tax(Q. 9: 29).
- It orders its followers to fight the unbelievers until no other religion except Islam is left (Q. 2: 193).
- It says that the non-believers will go to hell and will drink boiling water (Q. 14: 17).
- It asks the Muslims to slay or crucify or cut the hands and feet of the unbelievers, that they be expelled from the land with disgrace and that they shall have a great punishment in world hereafter (Q.5: 34).
- As for the disbelievers, it says that for them garments of fire shall be cut and there shall be poured over their heads boiling water whereby whatever is in their bowels and skin shall be dissolved and they will be punished with hooked iron rods (Q. 22: 9).
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