Omnibot μ i-SOBOT, manufactured by Takara Tomy Co., is 16.5 cm tall, the smallest mass-produced humanoid in the world. It moves smoothly with 17 compact servomechanisms in its joints, has a vocabulary of about 180 words and makes 90 sound effects. It plays music and dances as well. Four different action modes (remote-controlled, programmed, special action and voice-controlled) provide a wide array of playtime possibilities.

The Washington Times National Weekly Edition of March 12, 2007 printed an article by David Axe entitled "US Air Force Jets deploy to Okinawa; Pacific buildup is 'contingency' plan." The article documented how closely Japan and the United States are integrating their military efforts in the Pacific region. It cited that new American F-22 jets were deployed to Kadena Air Force Base in Okinawa and three squadrons of F-22's will be based in Pacific locations. It adds the Kadena Air Force Base " is one of the biggest in the world," and that Okinawa is now home to many US and Japanese military forces
The Hard Truth: Japan is Dying
Japan is doomed. It's partly a problem that other develped countries are facing, but partly a consequence of decades of inflexibility, racism and formality.
The agent of Japan's death is simple: depopulation.
The fertility rate in Japan is 1.29. That is 1.29 children per woman, whereas demographers consider replacement fertility to be about 2.1. All developed countries have lowering fertility rates, and its a problem of varying degrees. The liberation of women, higher age of marriage, the cost of raising and educating children, all contribute towards low fertility. Japan suffers more than most (only Italy's fertility rate is lower) but it's a country-killer especially in Japan because
Japan refuses to take immigrants.Japan is desperately in need of new ideas, culture, and languages, not to mention babies.
It is ironic that the need for immigration in Japan is in almost direct reverse proportion to its likelihood of getting it.
Japan's government, police and bureacracy are all deeply racist and xenophobic. Restrictions on foreigners are extreme; foreigners (labelled 'aliens') have to carry foreign identification cards at all times, and are routinely discrinated against in employment, housing and the law. The process of obtaining permanent residency (e.g. for spouses of Japanese citizens) is fiendishly and purposefully complex. Public conservatism and reluctance to accept foreigners is exacerbated by sensationalist and one-sided media reports of "foreign gangs". Foreign workers find it increasingly difficult to stay on as years go by, and even Westerners, who hold a certain charm and fascination for the Japanese, are expected to leave after a few years. Meanwhile Japanese hold the Chinese and other Asian people in open contempt. Many Japanese do not consider themselves Asian, but rather 'Japanese'.
This (partly imaginary) homogeneity is partly the root cause of the problem. Only Japanese are (or can be) Japanese. And Japan is only for the Japanese. The idea, more or less accepted in countries like Canada or Australia, that you can become Australian or Canadian by living there for a long time or at least by being born there, is alien to Japan. If you don't have Japanese blood, you can't be Japanese. That simple. They also expect other nationalities to be similiar. All Americans are blond and blue eyed, for example. Many Japanese were confused, for example, when I told them many Australians are Asians. For the Japanese, even living there for many generations will not make you one of them. Koreans, whose ancestors were kidnapped and brought to Japan centuries ago, who look like and sound like Japanese, who no longer speak Korean, must carry Korean identification cards.
If excluding foreigners from the country was not dangerous enough, Japanese culture and government policy make it unlikely that the demographic crisis will be solved from the inside. The fertility is set to decline even further. Fewer women choose to marry, fewer couples have children, fewer children are being born to those couples who decide to have them. For Japan's powerful, professional and independent women, a life as a housewife is increasingly unattractive; and women are rarely expected to work after marriage.
And who wants to marry anyway? Japanese people are about as romantic as cement, sex is so unpopular that sex rates are the lowest in the developed world, and the typical marriage has about as much passion as a bank account. Sex within marriage is reportedly so rare that it must be planned around yearly holidays, while men typically (and, from my experience, without much objection from their wives) go outside the marriage for sex, to host bars and 'soaplands', where their money can buy what their personality can't otherwise obtain for them. Meanwhile women learn the lessson that only men want sex, and women are paid for it in one way or another. My girlfriend seemed honestly surprised that I expected her to enjoy sex, apparently 'women don't enjoy sex', and the idea that women in the West can enjoy it and even seek it out took her by suprise.
This is the background for kaso, rural depopulation. Combined with the natural drift of population from the country to the city, the result is demographic disaster in the countryside. Some prefectures have upwards of 70% of residents over 70. The Japanese countryside is rapidly becoming a collection of nursing homes with attached nursing residence and collections of rice farms being farmed by over 70 year old couples.
This leaves many areas completely overserviced in terms of, for example, education. There are primary schools in Minami Osumi Cho, where I was living, with 6 or 7 students. I attended a beggining of year opening ceremony with two students entering the first grade. Meanwhile, the 6th grade had 8. A rapidly shrinking school with more staff than students.
Things are hardly likely to change. The government recently exhorted Japanese women to "pay attention to their duties and not be so selfish". Couples can't hold hands in public, and many men remain so sexually immature they are virgins in their thirties and forties. Both men and women lack flirting skills, while the costs of marrying and raising children are extreme ($350 for a school backpack, anyone?)
The end result is not good. The latest statistics suggest that the population peaked last year; it will decline slightly this year, and will go down steadily...forever.Anonymous said...
The argument that Japan's population is falling is well made and basically undeniable.
However, it does NOT make a compelling argument for that being a bad thing:
Per an earlier post, japan is among the most densely populated countries on earth, second only to bangladesh and s.korea, not counting nations with less than 30mm citizens.
All this an island that is mostly bare rock poking out of the ocean. Further, Japan is among the worst off in the world in terms of self-sufficiency in food and energy, both at well below 40 percent.
If you believe the peak-oil/global warming theories that have 2-3 billion people dying in the next 20 someodd years, Japan is simply getting to equilibrium with it's environment in an efficient and relatively painless manner, compared to mass starvation.
I would argue that Japan's ideal population is closer to 50 million than 120mm -- a number that would place it at about the same population density as the UK, and not coincidentally, a number at which it would be self-sufficient in terms of food, if not energy. This being the case, a better title for this piece would be: the Japanese Solution to Catastrophic Overpopulation.
The agent of Japan's death is simple: depopulation.
The fertility rate in Japan is 1.29. That is 1.29 children per woman, whereas demographers consider replacement fertility to be about 2.1. All developed countries have lowering fertility rates, and its a problem of varying degrees. The liberation of women, higher age of marriage, the cost of raising and educating children, all contribute towards low fertility. Japan suffers more than most (only Italy's fertility rate is lower) but it's a country-killer especially in Japan because
Japan refuses to take immigrants.Japan is desperately in need of new ideas, culture, and languages, not to mention babies.
It is ironic that the need for immigration in Japan is in almost direct reverse proportion to its likelihood of getting it.
Japan's government, police and bureacracy are all deeply racist and xenophobic. Restrictions on foreigners are extreme; foreigners (labelled 'aliens') have to carry foreign identification cards at all times, and are routinely discrinated against in employment, housing and the law. The process of obtaining permanent residency (e.g. for spouses of Japanese citizens) is fiendishly and purposefully complex. Public conservatism and reluctance to accept foreigners is exacerbated by sensationalist and one-sided media reports of "foreign gangs". Foreign workers find it increasingly difficult to stay on as years go by, and even Westerners, who hold a certain charm and fascination for the Japanese, are expected to leave after a few years. Meanwhile Japanese hold the Chinese and other Asian people in open contempt. Many Japanese do not consider themselves Asian, but rather 'Japanese'.
This (partly imaginary) homogeneity is partly the root cause of the problem. Only Japanese are (or can be) Japanese. And Japan is only for the Japanese. The idea, more or less accepted in countries like Canada or Australia, that you can become Australian or Canadian by living there for a long time or at least by being born there, is alien to Japan. If you don't have Japanese blood, you can't be Japanese. That simple. They also expect other nationalities to be similiar. All Americans are blond and blue eyed, for example. Many Japanese were confused, for example, when I told them many Australians are Asians. For the Japanese, even living there for many generations will not make you one of them. Koreans, whose ancestors were kidnapped and brought to Japan centuries ago, who look like and sound like Japanese, who no longer speak Korean, must carry Korean identification cards.
If excluding foreigners from the country was not dangerous enough, Japanese culture and government policy make it unlikely that the demographic crisis will be solved from the inside. The fertility is set to decline even further. Fewer women choose to marry, fewer couples have children, fewer children are being born to those couples who decide to have them. For Japan's powerful, professional and independent women, a life as a housewife is increasingly unattractive; and women are rarely expected to work after marriage.

And who wants to marry anyway? Japanese people are about as romantic as cement, sex is so unpopular that sex rates are the lowest in the developed world, and the typical marriage has about as much passion as a bank account. Sex within marriage is reportedly so rare that it must be planned around yearly holidays, while men typically (and, from my experience, without much objection from their wives) go outside the marriage for sex, to host bars and 'soaplands', where their money can buy what their personality can't otherwise obtain for them. Meanwhile women learn the lessson that only men want sex, and women are paid for it in one way or another. My girlfriend seemed honestly surprised that I expected her to enjoy sex, apparently 'women don't enjoy sex', and the idea that women in the West can enjoy it and even seek it out took her by suprise.
This is the background for kaso, rural depopulation. Combined with the natural drift of population from the country to the city, the result is demographic disaster in the countryside. Some prefectures have upwards of 70% of residents over 70. The Japanese countryside is rapidly becoming a collection of nursing homes with attached nursing residence and collections of rice farms being farmed by over 70 year old couples.
This leaves many areas completely overserviced in terms of, for example, education. There are primary schools in Minami Osumi Cho, where I was living, with 6 or 7 students. I attended a beggining of year opening ceremony with two students entering the first grade. Meanwhile, the 6th grade had 8. A rapidly shrinking school with more staff than students.
Things are hardly likely to change. The government recently exhorted Japanese women to "pay attention to their duties and not be so selfish". Couples can't hold hands in public, and many men remain so sexually immature they are virgins in their thirties and forties. Both men and women lack flirting skills, while the costs of marrying and raising children are extreme ($350 for a school backpack, anyone?)
The end result is not good. The latest statistics suggest that the population peaked last year; it will decline slightly this year, and will go down steadily...forever.Anonymous said...
However, it does NOT make a compelling argument for that being a bad thing:
Per an earlier post, japan is among the most densely populated countries on earth, second only to bangladesh and s.korea, not counting nations with less than 30mm citizens.
All this an island that is mostly bare rock poking out of the ocean. Further, Japan is among the worst off in the world in terms of self-sufficiency in food and energy, both at well below 40 percent.
If you believe the peak-oil/global warming theories that have 2-3 billion people dying in the next 20 someodd years, Japan is simply getting to equilibrium with it's environment in an efficient and relatively painless manner, compared to mass starvation.
I would argue that Japan's ideal population is closer to 50 million than 120mm -- a number that would place it at about the same population density as the UK, and not coincidentally, a number at which it would be self-sufficient in terms of food, if not energy. This being the case, a better title for this piece would be: the Japanese Solution to Catastrophic Overpopulation.

Is Japan a close trusted ally of the West?
Now let us examine specific media reports to see that Japan is, indeed, becoming more closely allied to the United States and the Western Alliance. Japan is an island nation and it lives at the doorstep of two powerful nations: Russia and China. Japan has fought wars with both nations, and China bears a vengeful grudge against Japan as a result of World War II. Russia seized Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands after World War II and its retention of these formerly Japanese islands is a bone of contention between Russia and Japan. Japan cannot hope to make allies of these nations. Therefore, Japan must side with the United States and the West by default. However, Japan and the United States have grown to be genuine allies in the period after World War II. The United States was not a harsh conqueror of Japan. The United States (in Japan's post-World War period of reconstruction) preserved Japan's monarchy, treated the Japanese people and their culture with respect and laid the foundation for Japan's mercantile success by blending Western, democratic institutions with Japan's own unique culture. Japan has become a trusted ally and friend and it becoming an ever-more important nation in the Western alliance.An article entitled "Abe blows Japan's trumpet, cautiously," appeared in the May 5, 2007 issue of The Economist. It cited a January visit by the Japanese Prime Minister to Europe to "emphasize that Japan was a staunch democratic partner on NATO's eastern flank." It also noted that:
"Japan is playing 'a huge great game' in which it must compete with a rising China and a newly-confident Russia for resources, power and prestige." japans Net far rightThe weekend rallies were organized over the Internet by new right-wing organizations that, unlike their predecessors, don’t play by the staid rules of Japanese politics. Dubbed the “Net far right” by local media and police, groups such as Zaitokukai have capitalized on the anger and despair many Japanese feel as this proud country struggles to come to grips with its economic malaise, as well as a sense that Japan is losing relevance and respect on the international stage. Founded three years ago, Zaitokukai claims to have more than 10,000 active members, with several times that number quietly following them and reading their xenophobic postings online
“These Net right-wingers have no rules, no restrictions … . I’m against this kind of hate speech, these ugly comments. Their thoughts and ideas are okay, but the way they express them is not,” said Mr. Kimura, whose own Issuikai movement made headlines earlier this year by hosting an international gathering of right-wingers, including Mr. Le Pen, that featured a visit to the controversial Yasukuni
The return of Japanese extremism is in many ways unsurprising. While economists fret over the country’s slow overall growth and the threat of deflation, it’s the microeconomic picture that can be truly shocking.
With unemployment at a historic high of over 5 per cent – a number that understates the problem since many Japanese have given up looking for work altogether – the newly homeless now fill the country’s parks and Internet cafés. Twenty-three per cent of Tokyo schoolchildren will rely on government aid for things such as school supplies this year. Depression stalks the country and 26,500 people committed suicide in 2009, the highest rate in the world. If the Great Recession is over, it doesn’t feel like the recovery has started yet in Japan.
But the xenophobia that Zaitokukai helps spread via the Internet and its street demonstrations appears to be taking hold in Japan, which has a long tradition of isolating itself from the world. Racist comments about the country’s ethnic Korean and Chinese citizens are startlingly common, while other foreigners – including some long-term residents of Japan – say they also feel increasingly unwelcome, and complain of police harassment and rules that prevent non-Japanese from renting homes or gaining professional tenure.
While many of Japan’s neighbours – including China and both North and South Korea – say Tokyo still needs to do more to atone for its wartime misdeeds, academics say the country is moving in the opposite direction.
“There’s been a re-emergence of a right-wing, nationalistic discourse and reinterpretation of history,” said Koichi Nakano
Another marcher switched targets when it was his turn at the bullhorn. “Throw illegal immigrants into Tokyo Bay!” he yelled to loud cheers from his fellow marchers and silent stares from shoppers who paused to watch the procession. If anyone disagreed with the sentiment, no one said so publicly. JAPANESE AND EUROPEAN FAR RIGHT GATHERS IN TOKYO

At the invitation of Japan's far-right movement, delegates from right-wing European parties, including France's Jean-Marie Le Pen (pictured), visited the controversial Yasukuni shrine on the eve of the 65th anniversary of Japan's WWII surrender. - European right-wing politicians, including French National Front leader Jean-Marie Le Pen, visited a controversial war shrine in Tokyo on Saturday ahead of the anniversary of Japan's surrender.The delegation paid homage at Yasukuni Shrine in central Tokyo and joined a Shinto ritual at the shrine's main sanctuary, as part of a series of events in Japan.
The shrine, which honours 2.5 million Japanese war dead, including 14 top war criminals from World War II, has often been regarded as a symbol of Japan's wartime aggression.
A number of Japanese, including war veterans, politicians and families of those who dies in the war are set to visit the shrine on Sunday, the 65th anniversary of Japan's WWII surrender.
"It doesn't bother me to honour veteran soldiers of a former enemy," 82-year old Le Pen, who will retire in January 2011 after the party elects his successor, said Thursday.
"If we talk about war criminals, aren't those who bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki also war criminals?" he asked, referring to the US nuclear attacks on the two cities on August 6 and 9.
The European politicians arrived in Tokyo earlier this week at the invitation of Japan's Issui-kai movement, which organised a two-day conference to discuss the future of nationalist groups.
Among other participants were Adam Walker, the British National Party's number two, and other representatives from far-right parties of Austria, Portugal, Spain, Hungary, Romania and Belgium
.EARTHQUAKE, TSUNAMI AND NUCLEAR CRISISJapan is the only nonwhite First World nation in existence. I respect the Japanese for their racial and nationalistic attitudes which we Whites would be wise to emulate. Their country, culture and society are clean, orderly and well-maintainedHowever like you said,the Japanese are very racial and nationalistic.They dont tollerate any immigration in their country.And their society is shockingly clean,well orderly and very well maintained and run.
The shrine, which honours 2.5 million Japanese war dead, including 14 top war criminals from World War II, has often been regarded as a symbol of Japan's wartime aggression.
A number of Japanese, including war veterans, politicians and families of those who dies in the war are set to visit the shrine on Sunday, the 65th anniversary of Japan's WWII surrender.
"It doesn't bother me to honour veteran soldiers of a former enemy," 82-year old Le Pen, who will retire in January 2011 after the party elects his successor, said Thursday.
"If we talk about war criminals, aren't those who bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki also war criminals?" he asked, referring to the US nuclear attacks on the two cities on August 6 and 9.
The European politicians arrived in Tokyo earlier this week at the invitation of Japan's Issui-kai movement, which organised a two-day conference to discuss the future of nationalist groups.
Among other participants were Adam Walker, the British National Party's number two, and other representatives from far-right parties of Austria, Portugal, Spain, Hungary, Romania and Belgium

When I lived there I was very impressed with the low crime rates and their respect for whites,but utter comtempt for any other race including Aisans.The Japanese dont even see themselves as Asian.
And as other forumers has said,the Japanese are the only non-white race to build a successful first world country without any help from the Europeans.They started this in the 1860s.We often see our European societies as superior to other cultures.Its a fact.They are superior indeed.But we often forget about that other culture that sits off the coast of China,Japan.

The Japanese have the same views as we do.They have a long history of living in civilized soceity that technological and socially superior.They have done what we have failed to do,keep undisrable people out of their country.There is very little crime other there.They view White Europeans as equals while looking down on everyone esle.And so they should.They are a superior culture just like us.
Of course Japan made some terrible mistakes in the War.Like Germany they commited some terrible acts against humanity.Great countries always make mistakes.Like Germany,Japan has taken a peaceful course and have focused on making their society one the most advanced on the planet.
The Japs are not like us. And I don’t just mean in the way they refuse asylum seekers and spend all of their money on public transport, healthcare, beautification the country and its citizens well-being; no, I mean in the racial context.
The Japs have displayed serious levels of barbarism for centuries and just because they got A-bombed into submission in '45 and have since adopted capitalism doesn’t make them a teddy bear race, not that I'm suggesting anyone on here believes they are. I maintain a healthy distrust of the Japanese, even though one must respect the way they now manage their affairs. Its undoubtedly true that their protective attitude towards the social fabric of their country has created a superior society to my own, and the world‘s second richest by far. An irritation considering my country was on the winning side in WW2, and considering that the Japs have basically replicated everything that was good about the West, (and particularly Britain). Economic policy, trading strategy , public services, transportation, consumer goods & citizen recreation; all based on the Western models but in many ways superior; Compare a Jap provincial Bullet-Train service to the Trans-Pennine Express for example, one of many non-comparisons I could now make but don’t wish to depress myself.
It would be easy to attribute Japans continued success to its intolerance of degenerate external influences upon its society in comparison with western countries such as GB, particularly if you view equivalent granted asylum applications; Japan granted application to ’26’ asylum seekers in 2001. In comparison with ca. 40’000 by GB. This wasn’t just a blip, this particular year for Japan was one of the more generous in recent times. (and one of the least generous for the UK during New Labour’s tenure). Continual migration of people who become a burden upon society rather than contribute, does of course come at a price as we in GB know all too well. Not just in terms of slower advancements in living standards, but also in the loss of social cohesion and community spirit. Such 'social-suicide' is incomprehendable to the Japs, and whilst I think they should be commended for it, I also think its another reason why we need to keep our eye on them. JAPANESE ANCIENT GODS Serpent is sacred, dragon is a euphemism for the serpent. The marxist materialistic hypocritical doctrines destroyed our culture, so we are misled to believe that our own gods are evil. Serpent is the highest symbol of Sun, and light, the Sun and the Serpent are the same holy power for our people. The red phoenix in fact is a featered serpent according to my research. 
Uyoku dantai (右翼団体; literally "right wing groups") are Japanese nationalist right-wing groups.
In 1996, the National Police Agency estimated that there are over 1000 right wing groups in Japan with about 100,000 members in total.Groups affiliated to yakuza syndicates
- Nihon Seinensha (日本青年社, “Japan Youth Society”) [4] - one of the largest organizations with 2000 members. Set up by the Sumiyoshi-ikka syndicate in 1961. Since 1978, members have constructed two lighthouses and a Shinto shrine on the Senkaku Islands (Diaoyutai), a collection of uninhabited islets claimed by Japan, China and Taiwan.[5] In June 2000, two members of the society attacked the offices of a magazine which ran a headline which was allegedly disrespectful to Princess Masako.
- Nihon Komintō (日本皇民党
“Japan Emperor's Citizen Party”) ([6]) - affiliated to the Inagawa-kai syndicate. In 1987, it conducted a bizarre campaign to smear Noboru Takeshita during his quest for the position of Prime Minister, by constantly broadcasting excessive praise of Takeshita using twenty loudspeaker trucks. The broadcasts were stopped after the intervention of Shin Kanemaru. This incident led to a series of political scandals which eventually highlighted the involvement of organized crime in the ruling Liberal Democratic Party. [7]. In April 2004, a bus belonging to the group rammed the gate of the Chinese consulate in Osaka, damaging the gate. [8] Police arrested Nobuyuki Nakagama, the driver, and Ko Chong-Su, a Korean member of the group, for orchestrating the attack.
- Taikōsha (大行社 “Great Enterprise Society”) ([9]) - a Tokyo-based organization with about 700 members, officially affiliated to the Inagawa-kai syndicate.
- Seikijuku (正氣塾) [10]- a group based in Nagasaki Prefecture set up in 1981. Responsible for a number of violent incidents, including the 1991 near-fatal shooting of the mayor of Nagasaki who stated that Emperor Hirohito was responsible for the war.

Asian cultures are phantoms, they are only technological because we made them that way. Take the japanese for example, all they do is take inventions, and technology from Euro-White creators and expand upon them and or make them smaller, and yet everyone now thinks that they are so advanced when they're not, they didn't come up with it, the Euro-White creators did.
I am sure alot of Japs hate our guts anyways. What I do admire about them is that they stick to their own, thats how it should be. I doubt a Jap would even mix with a Chinaman (who they look down upon with distain). I wouldn't be surprised if they had a Stormfront equalivant exclusive for them.
Quick comment on the Japanese and their technical prowess. I read an article somewhere (?) about Honda Auto Co. and their philosophy. They believe that the company must be engineering-driven. The ranks of the top execs are filled with engineers,as opposed to Amer. companies where the bossess are often financial/marketing types. Engineers are respected and given what they need to be happy:exciting projects,financial backing and freedom. Thats why Honda is so gosh-darned good. Now imagine white men working in situations like that.Imagine white males flocking to engineering schools and working for American companies with progressive ideas,where innovation and talent are rewarded. Of course it does exist now,but imagine of it was far more common. Does anyone think we would be anything less than Numero Uno???

White warriors not MONGOL.... Japan is built soley on the inventions and politics of white people from Europe. One thing they had in them that we did not was hate for others, which is why they are now living in a country based on the white mans genious (The lights, the structures, the cars, electrisity, the computer and everything digital) but aren't being dragged down by a massive horde of third world peopleThe Japanese are the most admirable people except white.

They're smart,diligent and modest.
The culture has the long and rich tradition.The earliest novelist in human history is a Japanese, Murasaki.Their Ukiyoe picture gave a great influence on European cubiism and many impressionist painters such as van Gogh, Picasso, Monet, Degas, Klimt, and many others.They create lots of animations and games for teens!!!
The society is highly modernized and beautifully harmonized.The transportation system is very sophisticated like the fastest train Shinkansen and Linear motorcar.All the islands are connected by bridges and tunnels.The nation unites under the emperor reigning over the country for more than 1500 years.

In the past they were good at improving rather than innovating.However,in the modern period Japan is becoming the greatest inventor--hybrid car is the latest invention.
Toyota is becoming the world No.1 automobile company.There're lots of famous companies--Sony, Panasonic, Canon, Hitachi, Nissan, Honda, Fujifilm, Mitsubishi, Muji and so on.
We should pay our regards to them if we wish to be respected similarlyYou are correct. Molecular biological studies have revealed that the Japanese are a composite of Korean, Chinese, Polynesian, Middle Eastern, and European ancestry from thousands of years ago. People from a number of regions settled the Japanese islands in the distant past and merged into a single Japanese ethnic group over thousands of years. This explains the Caucasian skin tone and features of some Japanese people, as well as the Polynesian appearance of others (such as darker, non-yellow skin). Is this just because Hitler allied himself with the Japanese? Because if it is I think you may have thought this out much less than he did. I doesnt matter that they are our sometimes our intellectual equals, that they have a strong culture and a unique worldview, in the end they will be our enemies. NO ONE of non white ethnicities wants racially concious whites to take power. It frightens the crap out of most of em, because they know we will out compete them, and show their cultures to be backwards and not enlightened.

On March 11, 2011, an earthquake struck off the coast of Japan, churning up a devastating tsunami that swept over cities and farmland in the northern part of the country and set off warnings as far away the west coast of the United States and South America. Recorded as 9.0 on the Richter scale, it was the most powerful quake ever to hit the country.
As the nation struggled with a rescue effort, it also faced the worst nuclear emergency since Chernobyl; explosions and leaks of radioactive gas took place in three reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station that suffered partial meltdowns, while spent fuel rods at another reactor overheated and caught fire, releasing radioactive material directly into the atmosphere. Japanese officials turned to increasingly desperate measures, as traces of radiation were found in Tokyo's water and in water pouring from the reactors into the ocean. A month after the quake, nuclear officials put the crisis in the same category of severity as the Chernobyl disaster. In May, Prime Minister Naoto Kan, who had been criticized for showing a lack of leadership, said Japan would abandon plans to build new nuclear reactors, saying his country needed to “start from scratch” in creating
As of April 25, the official death toll had been raised to 14,133, and more than 13,346 people were listed as missing, although there may be some overlap between the two groups. The final toll is expected to reach 20,000. More than 130,000 people remained housed in temporary shelters; tens of thousands of others evacuated their homes due to the nuclear crisis.
Figures released in May showed that Japan’s economy shrank at an annual rate of 3.7 percent in the first quarter of 2011, tipping the country into a recession, as the crisis disrupted production and prompted consumers to cut back on spending. Economists projected that the Japanese economy will shrink again in the second current quarter, but that the recession may be deep but quick. JAPAN SLOW MOTION DEMOGRAPHIC CATASTROPHE.
"Japan celebrated a national holiday on Monday in honor of its children. But Children's Day might just as easily have been a national day of mourning.
"For this is the land of disappearing children and a slow-motion demographic catastrophe that is without precedent in the developed world.
"The number of children has declined for 27 consecutive years, a government report said over the weekend. Japan now has fewer children who are 14 or younger than at any time since 1908.
"The proportion of children in the population fell to an all-time low of 13.5 percent. That number has been falling for 34 straight years and is the lowest among 31 major countries, according to the report. In the United States, children account for about 20 percent of the population.
"Japan also has a surfeit of the elderly. About 22 percent of the population is 65 or older, the highest proportion in the world. And that number is on the rise. By 2020, the elderly will outnumber children by nearly 3 to 1, the government report predicted. By 2040, they will outnumber them by nearly 4 to 1.
"The economic and social consequences of these trends are difficult to overstate.
"Japan, now the world's second-largest economy, will lose 70 percent of its workforce by 2050 and economic growth will slow to zero, according to a report this year by the nonprofit Japan Center for Economic Research.
"Population shrinkage began three years ago and is gathering pace. Within 50 years, the population, now 127 million, will fall by a third, the government projects. Within a century, two-thirds of the population will be gone.
"In what is now being called a "super-aging" society, department and grocery stores have recorded declining sales for a decade..."
Bill Bonner

Japan may be moving toward nuclear armaments as a result of the acceleration the Obama Administration has given to failures of American policy toward its principal ally in Asia.
Despite facing an imminent labour shortage as its population ages, Japan has done little to open itself up to immigration. In fact, as Fransiska and many others have discovered, the government is doing the opposite, actively encouraging both foreign workers and foreign graduates of its universities and professional schools to return home while protecting tiny interest groups—in the case of Fransiska, a local nursing association afraid that an influx of foreign nurses would lower industry salaries.
No - the US is not built on the same principles as Japan. Japan is a country that identifies itself by its homogeneous race, communal culture that sneers at individualism, and a closed society that is always suspicious of outsiders. The US is none of these things - and ought never to be.

Plus, Japan is going to pay dearly for this demographic catastrophe waiting to happen - their population is projected to drop to barely 1/3 of its present number by the 22nd Century.
If you want to live in Tokyo, it will be a different story because Tokyo is the place where so many foreigners live and people in Tokyo are so used to the foreigners more than the people living in the place other than Tokyo.
So you will be just fine. But some people in Tokyo might be scared of Americans who look different from us. But that doesn't mean that we hate you guys. Anyways, you will be just fine.
So you will be just fine. But some people in Tokyo might be scared of Americans who look different from us. But that doesn't mean that we hate you guys. Anyways, you will be just fine.
Is the sun setting on Japan forever?
Two or three decades ago, it was fashionable to say that Japan was the future. And now it seems that we were right, Japan does look like the future. Just not in the way we expected.Back in the 1970s, Japan was the rising economic powerhouse that was set to shift the balance of power from West to East, rather like China is supposed to be today.
Then look what happened. It suffered not one lost decade but two of them, and is heading for a hat-trick. And as far as I can see, this is only the beginning of its woes.
Dead country
I spent a couple of months in Japan 20 years ago, and I loved the place and the people. But it pains me to say that unless the country goes through a radical (and unlikely) transformation, it will be no more. It will cease to be. It will shuffle off its mortal coil, run down the curtain and join the bleedin' choir invisible.It will be an ex-country. Do you want to invest in that?
How much debt?
If you think we've got problems, take a peek at Japan. It has public sector debts of nearly 250% of GDP, compared to 59% in the UK. Its budget deficit is 8.7% (okay, we're worse at around 12%) and no plan to shrink it for at least five years. And this week, ratings agency Standard & Poor's downgraded Japanese debt from AA to -AA, claiming it lacks a "coherent strategy" to control this massive deficit.So far, Japan has been able to service its borrowings by turning to its own people, who buy 94% of its government debt, even at rubbish yields of around 1.21%. But this can't go on forever, and for a very worrying reason.
The future is grey
Japan is ageing. It has the oldest population in the world, with an average age of just over 44 years. And it's getting older.I like old people, but you can have too many of them. In Japan, there are just three workers for every pensioner. In a decade, that will fall to just two workers, and continue to shrink. Japanese pensions have been notably generous. That will have to change.
Just as people shrink with age, so do countries. By 2055, the Japanese population will have shed a massive 38 million people, falling from 128 million to around 90 million.
The Japanese have stopped replacing themselves. The average woman has just 1.27 babies, and the number is falling. It ranks 184 out of 195 countries in the UN fertility ranking table.
The country seems to be going off sexual reproduction altogether. In a recent government survey, an incredible one in three Japanese males aged between 16 and 19 said they weren't interested in sex, or were actively averse.
If demographics are destiny, Japan is doomed. Once a population starts declining, it is very hard to reverse, except perhaps by immigration, which all those conservative, elderly Japanese people will resist.
1.21% anyone?
So what will happen to all those people? They will stop working, claim pensions, and die. They will also do a rather surprising thing. They will stop saving, and start spending. After all, who would they be saving for? Not their grandchildren, because they might not have any.And when the Japanese stop saving, who will buy the country's bonds?
Not me, not you. Or at least, not until they yield rather more than 1.21%. Which the heavily-indebted Japanese government will be completely unable to afford.
Yer old!
Japan has been living on borrowed time since the late 1980s. As the economic miracle ground to a halt, the country's bankers and politicians refused to restructure or write down bad loans, but borrowed heavily instead in a bid to keep the party going. Imagine Ed Balls running the country, for three decades.When that failed to revive the economy, they borrowed some more money. Deficit spending became the norm, it was funded by the Japanese, and we all pretended this made it sustainable.
Japan has been able to generate so much debt, without sparking a major calamity, because its borrowing costs have so far been low. When that changes, it could go into shock.
Setting sun
Japan is still the world's fourth biggest exporter, and its exports have been surging lately. It is currently bailing out the euro zone, by pledging to buy more than 20% of AAA-rated bonds issued by the euro zone's new bailout fund.We need Japan.
But I'm racking my brains to think of another country in history that has willingly let itself die out. Some were destroyed by conquest, others by changing climate, or depleting their resources. But has any country let itself wither and die? Let alone one with such a proud history as Japan.
The lost country
As Japan enters its death spiral, it will hurt the global economy. As the nation's bond yields start rising, Japanese banks, pension funds and life insurers will send money home to cover their losses, sucking billions out of the global economy.Asset prices will plunge, and so will stock markets. And I can't see a way out of this.
Here's another worrying thought. China is regularly called "the country that is going to grow old before it grows rich". At some point, it could find itself in the same position as Japan.
But let's just worry about one country at a time. Now how much have you got invested in Japan?
More from Harvey Jones:
Japanese girlReconsidering Japan, Reconsidering Paul Krugman
Look at it this way: In the midst of the Great Recession, the United States is suffering through nearly 10% unemployment and 50 million people without health insurance. A new report has found over 14% of Americans living below the poverty line, including 20% of children and 23% of seniors, the highest since President Lyndon Johnson's War on Poverty. That's in addition to declining prospects for the middle class, and a general increase in economic insecurity. How, then, should we regard a country that has 5% unemployment, healthcare for all its people, the lowest income inequality and is one of the world's leading exporters? This country also scores high on life expectancy, low on infant mortality, is at the top in literacy, and is low on crime, incarceration, homicides, mental illness and drug abuse. It also has a low rate of carbon emissions, doing its part to reduce global warming. In all these categories, this particular country beats both the U.S. and China by a country mile.

Doesn't that sound like a country from which Americans might learn a thing or two about how to get out of the mud hole in which we are stuck?
Not if that place is Japan. During and before the current economic crisis, few countries have been vilified as an economic basket case as much as the Land of the Rising Sun. Google "Japan and its economy" and you will get numerous hits about Japan's allegedly sclerotic economy, its zombie banks, its deflation and slow economic growth. This malaise has even been called "Japan syndrome", sounding like a disease to warn policymakers, as in "you don't want to end up like Japan."
No one has been more influential in defining this narrative than New York Times columnist and Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman. Throughout the 1990s, and still occasionally today, Krugman has skewered Japan's economy and leaders. In the late 1990s, Krugman wrote a series of gloom-and-doom articles, complete with equations, theories and titles like "Japan's Trap" and "Setting Sun", bluntly stating: "The state of Japan is a scandal, an outrage, a reproach. It is operating far below its productive capacity, simply because its consumers and investors do not spend enough."
Krugman was commenting on Japan's so-called "lost decade" of the 1990s, when the Japanese economy was considered sluggish and underperforming. But let's look at some of the Japanese metrics during that time. Throughout the 1990s the Japanese unemployment rate was -- ready for this? -- about three percent. Not 30, that's 3. About half the US unemployment rate at the time. During that allegedly "lost decade," the Japanese also had universal healthcare, less inequality, the highest life expectancy, and low rates of infant mortality, crime and incarceration. Americans should be so lucky as to experience a Japanese-style lost decade.Japan's economy has been and remains successful. So is Germany's. Unlike the trickle down U.S. economy, Japan and Germany have reached an economic steady state in which they don't need roaring growth rates to provide for their people, and here's why: they are better at sharing the wealth produced by their economies to foster a more broadly shared prosperity among their populaces.JAPAN'S LOST WHITE TRIBE: THE AINUBelow: The Ainu - or White - racial influence is very evident in the Japanese upper classes: Below is a comparison of Ainu descended Japanese nobles with a "pure" Japanese Yayoi racial type which makes the distinction obvious.
Ainu ancestry
Ainu Ancestry
Ainu Ancestry
Yayoi (Mongol) Ancestry
From left to right: Count Katsuka, Prime Minister of Japan from 1901-1905; Count Hayahsi, Japanese Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, 1908; Prince Arisugawa, one of the Imperial Princes of Japan, 1908; and lastly Count Komuka, Japanese ambassador to Britain in 1908.
The first three have obvious Ainu/White ancestry, while the last is predominantly Yayoi, or of more pure Mongoloid stock. This racial distinction in Japanese society is visible to this day - lasting evidence of yet another lost White migration to lands usually thought of as having no prior contact with Whites.

The Ainu language is unique, and not related to Japanese or any other Asian language. The origins of the Ainu are obscure. They appear to have entered Japan through the Hokkaido Island in the Yayoi Period (300 BC to 250 AD) of Japanese history, and migrated also into the northern and eastern parts of Japan's main island Honshu.
As the rulers of Yamato Japan started to expand their territory eastwards around 500 AD, the Ainu were constantly displaced to the north or mixed with the Japanese. In the Meiji Period (1868-1912) they received the status of Former Aboriginals but were strongly discriminated against. The Ainu were first mentioned in a Japanese account in 642 AD, and they were first reported in Europe in 1586.
The American anthropologist C. Loring Brace, University of Michigan, (Science Frontiers #65, Sep-Oct 1989) reported that "pure-blooded Ainu are easy to spot: they have lighter skin, more body hair, and higher-bridged noses than most Japanese." Brace studied the skeletons of about 1100 Japanese, Ainu, and other Asian ethnic groups and has concluded that the revered samurai of Japan are actually descendants of the Ainu, not of the Yayoi (original Mongolian) from whom most modern Japanese are descended. Brace said further that "...this explains why the facial features of the Japanese ruling class are so often unlike those of typical modern Japanese. The Ainu-related samurai achieved such power and prestige in medieval Japan that they intermarried with royalty and nobility, passing on Ainu blood in the upper classes, while other Japanese were primarily descended from the Yayoi." Hmm.Just a couple thoughts:
When I went to Japan last summer, to work in a Japanese company, I actually expected to be treated as a "second class citizen" or something-also because of so many topics Ive read from JREF. I had accustomed to the thought that I would be in the lowest grade there.I mean of course. Im a foreigner, just a student,and a girl who is sticking her nose into a Japanese company.I would have understood if I was treated with ignorance, contemn etc.

But I was amazed, and I still am. I have never ever been treated so well, during the whole summer (both in my work and also on my freetime), than in Japan. No one has ever been so friendly and warm to me, and so interested and curious about me and my country. Even total strangers came to help me so many times, always smiling,and trying to help even in situations when we didnt share a language. (my Japanese is quite poor)
Of course there are some exceptions, but I think in those cases its mainly about beeing shy, and a little scared of something new.
But even now, when Ive been back to my own country for over 1 month, I get surprise presents from Japan..
So, I simply canエt understand this topic, not at all- even if it was posted with sarcasm. I can only praise Japanese people, the rest of the world has _so much_ to learn from them. AMERICANS IN JAPAN

I spent a month traveling in Japan and I was astounded by how friendly and helpful the Japanese people were. I think in terms of countries to move to, Japan is one of the safest in the world. I'm sure there are some individuals who dislike Americans, but I definitely didn't experience any anti-American sentiments whatsoever. In fact, I've traveled all over the world and have felt the most safe and welcomed in Japan.
Tokyo in particular is super busy, loud and fast so I don't think there's any "hate"...people just go about their business and generally ignore each other. Same as living in NYC or any other major crowded city.
I'd say your major concern should be cost. Tokyo is ridiculously expensive wouldn't say that~ I'm an American and my hubby is Japanese!(*^o^*)
We've lived in Tokyo a long time and I've never had the feeling that people "hate" me.
I have many Japanese friends, co workers...we all get along well enough.
So, I would think it safe to say that you would NOT be hated if you moved to Tokyo. There are many Americans here in Tokyo.
As for living alone in an apartment, just do as would living where you are now. Keep your doors and windows locked, always check who it is before answering the door, don't invite strangers into your apartment... Practice safety and you'll be fine. I have a few friends who live alone and they haven't had any major problems. (...Other than the correct trash days!(^_-)-☆)
☆Be sure to check about the proper visa for living in Japan BEFORE you get here and also check into renting an apartment and the costs involved in that. If you'll be getting a cell phone, you'll need an alien registration card.....so on and so on.
Good luck and I hope it helps!
♡^_^♡ I also hope you like living in Tokyo as much as I do! Enjoy your time here!
It depends on what you mean by hate.
If by hate you mean they threaten you with bodily harm whenever they see you, then no. While a little xenophobic, the majority of Japanese people don't hate foreigners. They just prefer not to mix with them although they won't go out of their way to do so. You'll find them to be pretty friendly and helpful at least on the surface.
I will say that there are some older Japanese people that have a very strong dislike for everything non-Japanese. I've had old men curse at me for no other reason than I was a Westerner. When I responded to them in kind they backed off however.

If by hate you mean they threaten you with bodily harm whenever they see you, then no. While a little xenophobic, the majority of Japanese people don't hate foreigners. They just prefer not to mix with them although they won't go out of their way to do so. You'll find them to be pretty friendly and helpful at least on the surface.
I will say that there are some older Japanese people that have a very strong dislike for everything non-Japanese. I've had old men curse at me for no other reason than I was a Westerner. When I responded to them in kind they backed off however.
If Japanese people hated Americans:
Why would there be starbucks, mcdonalds, coke, TGI Fridays etc be successful in Japan? American celebrities often appear on TV and in advertisements, Japanese flock to see the latest hollywood films.
As in getting injured etc, that is very remote unless you yourself went around wanting to pickup a fight with someone.
Japan is generally a very safe country, especially so when compared to the USA.
Japan has roughly half the population of the USA but only has a small fraction of the crime the US has.
If you want to live in Tokyo, it will be a different story because Tokyo is the place where so many foreigners live and people in Tokyo are so used to the foreigners more than the people living in the place other than Tokyo.
So you will be just fine. But some people in Tokyo might be scared of Americans who look different from us. But that doesn't mean that we hate you guys. Anyways, you will be just fine.
So you will be just fine. But some people in Tokyo might be scared of Americans who look different from us. But that doesn't mean that we hate you guys. Anyways, you will be just fine.
Japanese girl

I live in Tokyo. JAPANESE ATTITUDES Conservative notions about ethnic purity remain strong. Theodore Bestor, a professor of Japanese Studies at Harvard, told the New York Times: “Japanese tend to have a fairly strong kind of inherent belief that genetics and biology really matter in terms of people’s behavior. So I think Japanese might be much more predisposed to thinking about a kind of genetic basis for personality than most Americans would
Japan is regarded as one of the world’s most insular countries. Law enforcement officials and scholars sometimes begin their explanations of Japan's low crime figures with statements like "we are a homogeneous race" or Japan is a "monoracial society." Hundreds of studies and books have been published and read voraciously by Japanese on the attributes of collective Japanese culture and what makes the Japanese different from everyone else in the world.
In Japanese newspapers, renowned scholars write things like: "The Japanese are Mongoloid... Mongoloid children should be raised slowly and carefully in large families and be exposed to complex social relations. This kind of environment is essential in raising Japanese children to ensure their frontal lobe develops properly." The same scholar wrote this also wrote the traditional Japanese fish- and rice-based diet is "most suited for the brains of the Japanese."
An extremist bureaucrat once explained to a an American audience that Japanese couldn't eat foreign rice because they had longer intestines than other people.
Japanese strongly desire the praise of foreigners. Television commercial feature foreigners complementing Japanese over their kindness and expressing admiration for Japanese technology. The media runs stories about what foreign textbooks and newspaper say about the Japanese. I respect OLD japanese culture values like discipline, honor and loyalty in the Bushido and Zen, BUT now they are a decadent multiculti-democratic-capitalist society, AND the most important thing, they are not a white people, so they can not be part of a White Nationalist Board (they have nothing to say about our inner agenda)...may be they could be allies in our main task against the jewry, but when we achieve the victory against our main enemies, they will be the next issue in our agenda (sorry but that's the Law of Nature).

Yasuhiro Nakasone, the conservative prime minister of Japan in the 1980s, angered minorities in Japan by referring to Japan as a “homogeneous nation” with “one ethnicity, one state and one language." He angered American and American minorities when said that the "intellectual level" of Americans was below that of Japanese because of "people like blacks, Mexicans and Puerto Ricans."
Tokyo mayor-governor Shintaro Ishihara used the word sangokujin, a derogatory term that means people from third countries, to refer to the immigrants. The term was used after World War II to tell Koreans and Chinese to leave Japan. He has also blamed Iranians in Japan for dealing drugs and Chinese immigrants for playing a major role in Japan's rising crime rate and warned of “genetic pollution” from China if too many Chinese immigrants were let in. These and other remarks won Ishihara the title of the Le Pen of Japan.
Ishihara also said, "Third-country nations and foreigners who have entered Japan illegally have perpetuated heinous crimes. In the event of a major earthquake, riots could break out, and there is a limit to the police's ability to cope with such a situation alone." He later apologized for this remark which was particularly insensitive in the light that as many as 7,000 Koreans were lynched after they were blamed for looting and setting fires and even causing the Great Tokyo Earthquake in 1923.
"The Japanese," wrote Karen De Witt in the New York Times, "do have stereotypical images of black Americans, gleaned from American television and press accounts. Some of the assume that blacks are either entertainment or sports figures or slow, lazy, strong and destructive." Some housing contract in Japan have clauses that state "no blacks and no animals."
A black American film maker told the New York Times that the Japanese form of racism is generally non threatening. "The Japanese may be phobic and insular," he said, "but they are not going to bother you. There's no physical threat there. As a black male in America, you always have to consider, if I go there, how will I be received. Is it safe?"
Japanese television shows feature “Rast Man,” “Soul Man and “Afro Man” doing blackface skits and Tinga Beauty in a gorilla make-up and a golden earing. A commercial for facial wipes shown in the mid 2000s showed a group of rastafarians inexplicably hanging out with a chimpanzee.
Several prominent Japanese have made offensive remarks about blacks, including former Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone. One Japanese government official compared prostitutes in Tokyo to blacks who move into white neighborhoods and "ruin the atmosphere
According to a survey in Japan, 70 percent of the people in their 20s felt that the Japanese are hated by other Asians.
In the United States, Japanese are sometimes referred to as Nips, a derogatory terms that is short for Nippon. In the old days Japanese were stereotyped as being small and having buckteeth and thick glasses and depicted as living in rabbit hatches. These days they charactered more as naive tourists with cameras slung over the shoulders or robot-like workers.
From the 1890s through the 1940s, newspapers regularly featured articles about the "yellow peril." One Hearst tabloid proclaimed "The War in the Pacific is the World War, the War of the Oriental Races against Occidental Races for the Domination of the World." Many Americans believed that most Japanese suffered from myopia. That is why characters of Japanese often had them wearing spectacles. 
The 1990s film Rising Sun was criticized for portraying Japan as a nation of ruthless, conniving businessmen intent on taking over America. When a Japanese-translation of the Michael Crichton novel, on which the story was based, was released in Japan, the Japanese found the caricatures so preposterous they found the book humorous rather than insulting. [Source: New York Times] RISE OF THE FAR RIGHT IN JAPAN On the tenth floor of a typical Tokyo office block, ranks of uniformed men with Japanese flags and militaristic insignia are holding a meeting. Reciting a 19th-century Imperial Japanese creed, they call on citizens to courageously sacrifice themselves for the nation and to guard the honour of the Imperial Throne.

Japanese View of Japanese
Racist Comments by Japanese Politicians
Japanese Racism Towards Blacks
Racism Toward Japanese
They are members of Taiko-Sha, one of Japan's growing number of shadowy right-wing groups. And it is groups like these who are at the forefront of a concerted push to get Japan to move away from its post-war pacifism.
Japan's police are calling it right-wing terrorism and say such groups are on the rise. Under the banner of "direct physical action" the Taiko-Sha are accused of carrying out fire-bombings, beatings, stabbings, shootings, and even their own ritual suicides, to make a political point.
"Using violence is a personal decision," says one middle-ranking Taiko-Sha member, who asked not to be named. "But if the interests of the Japanese nation requires us to use that violence then it is justified."
For the past 60 years, successive Japanese governments have accepted the pacifist constitution imposed after the Second World War, while right-wing nationalist groups have been ignored as fringe extremists.
But a resurgent nationalism among some mainstream politicians and North Korea's recent nuclear testing have meant right-wing groups are now being listened to at the highest levels, and many of the policies they have been seeking are now on the government's agenda. One issue of particular concern for Japan's neighbours is nuclear weapons. For the first time in 60 years, Japan is preparing to discuss the acquisition of such technology.
Its new Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, has also declared his intention to change the constitution so that Japan can send troops into overseas combat for the first time since 1945. Senior officials insist the changes are to allow Japan to better meet modern demands, especially as an active member of the United Nations.

But a militarily resurgent Japan is creating nervous reactions from neighbours, who remember the millions killed in Japan's war-time expansion.
Such nationalism has already sparked street protests from teachers who are resisting orders to force students to sing the national anthem and salute the flag.
"If you look at all the laws they passed in the past three years it is preparation for war like we did 60 years ago," says Yumi Kikuchi, a writer who was attending a meeting in central Tokyo recently to protest against moves to the right.
All of this is exactly what Japan's influential and well-organised right-wing movement has been demanding for years. Using trucks with loud-speakers, the right-wingers are a menacing sight in the smart shopping districts of central Tokyo on a Saturday morning.
In February this year one of Japan's leading liberal politicians, Koichi Kato, had his house burnt down in an arson attack by right-wing extremists. "This aggressive nationalism can be appealing to people who are trying to find something and this attack is an example of the growing appeal of that right-wing activity," said Mr Kato

In a world where relatively minor powers such as North Korea and Iran — and perhaps even Syria and Myanmar [Burma] — are trying to get them, that the world’s second largest economy and a formidable technological leader should eschew weapons of mass destruction may be an affront to history.
But the Japanese aversion to nuclear weapons arising out of its experience of being the only victim of nuclear bombardment and allied with Washington — along with the other major powers — in an effort to prohibit the proliferation of nuclear clad states had been seen as an insurmountable block.
That assumption can no longer be taken for granted for a number of reasons.
Perhaps as much as anything else, when the Japanese — now enjoying the creature comforts of an industrialized society the search for which long was the basis of its ethos — turn to politics, they are increasingly frightened.
They face a China spending an increasing part of its income, despite the abysmal poverty of most of its people, on the most sophisticated armaments. The continued exploitation of Japan’s long history of aggression against the Mainland by Chinese propaganda, coupled with the lack of any transparency in Beijing’s armament, is forcing Japan out of its postwar pacifist shell. North Korea’s attempt to blackmail Japan and the rest of the world with its own program of weapons of mass destruction adds another element. All this is reinforced by a long period when “the Japanese model” has not continued its spectacular economic gains, when the Japanese face a demographic catastrophe with a rapidly ageing and declining population, and when, again, as at several times in the postwar period the ethos of the nation has been put into question by a muted but bitter argument between traditionalist conservatives and postwar idealistic reformers.

But the newest element in the northeast Asia equation is the growing suspicion that the American nuclear umbrella which protected Japan and South Korea during the decades of The Cold War may not be reliable. That suspicion took root long ago — fed, ironically, by the Japanese left which had always opposed the American defense alliance initiated after the outbreak of the Korean War in 1950, and by a small minority on the xenophobic right. The U.S could live with a nuclear-clad Japan just as it has with Britain [with whom despite its intimate collaboration on the early bombs Washington wished to see nuclear bereft] and a much more difficult France with its “force de frappe”. But it would further complicate strategies for peace and stability in Asia, as the Indian and Pakistani acquisition has done — and might well signal the death knell for any kind of worldwide anti-proliferation strategy

?Australia and Japan: Allies in Partnership
Despite being the so-called northern and southern anchors of the US alliance system in Asia, for the Cold War period Japan-Australia security relations were minimal. In contrast, over the last seven years, this bilateral relationship has blossomed in line with the two states' strengthening alliances with the United States. In 2007, Australia became the second country after the United States to sign a bilateral defense agreement with post-war Japan, and in 2010 the second country to sign a defense logistics treaty with Japan. Malcolm Cook and Thomas Wilkins explain how the Japan-Australia strategic partnership is now becoming a well-developed and durable fixture in the evolving Asia-Pacific s japan foreign policy goals
Japan's geography--particularly its insular character, its limited endowment of natural resources, and its exposed location near potentially hostile giant neighbors--has played an important role in the development of its foreign policy. In premodern times, Japan's semi-isolated position on the periphery of the Asian mainland was an asset. It permitted the Japanese to exist as a self-sufficient society in a secure environment. It also allowed them to borrow selectively from the rich civilization of China while maintaining their own cultural identity. Insularity promoted a strong cultural and ethnic unity, which underlay the early development of a national consciousness that has influenced Japan's relations with outside peoples and cultures throughout its history.
Early Developments
In the early sixteenth century, a feudally organized Japan came into contact with Western missionaries and traders for the first time. Westerners introduced important cultural innovations into Japanese society during more than a century of relations with various feudal rulers. But when the country was unified at the beginning of the seventeenth century, the Tokugawa government decided to expel the foreign missionaries and strictly limit intercourse with the outside world. National seclusion--except for contacts with the Chinese and Dutch--was Japan's foreign policy for more than two centuries.
When the Tokugawa seclusion was forcibly breached in 1853-54 by Commodore Matthew C. Perry of the United States Navy, Japan found that geography no longer ensured security--the country was defenseless against military pressures and economic exploitation by the Western powers. After Perry's naval squadron had compelled Japan to enter into relations with the Western world, the first foreign policy debate was over whether Japan should embark on an extensive modernization to cope with the threat of the "eastward advance of Western power," which had already violated the independence of China, or expel the "barbarians" and return to seclusion. The latter alternative--although it appealed to many-- was never seriously considered. Beginning with the Meiji Restoration of 1868, which ushered in a new, centralized regime, Japan set out to "gather wisdom from all over the world" and embarked on an ambitious program of military, social, political, and economic reforms that transformed it within a generation into a modern nation-state and major world power. Japan's leaders welcomed the reassertion of United States military power in Asian and world affairs following the Islamic revolution in Iran, the United States hostage crisis, and the Soviet military invasion of Afghanistan, all of which occurred in 1979. Japanese leaders played a strong supporting role in curbing economic and other interaction with the Soviet Union and its allies in order to help check the expansion of Soviet power in sensitive areas among the developing world countries. Under Prime Minister Nakasone Yasuhiro, Japan built up a close political-military relationship with the United States as part of a de facto international front of a number of developed and developing countries intent on checking Soviet expansion. Japan's defense spending continued to grow steadily despite overall budgetary restraint. Japan became increasingly active in granting foreign assistance to countries of strategic importance in East-West competition
Despite being the so-called northern and southern anchors of the US alliance system in Asia, for the Cold War period Japan-Australia security relations were minimal. In contrast, over the last seven years, this bilateral relationship has blossomed in line with the two states' strengthening alliances with the United States. In 2007, Australia became the second country after the United States to sign a bilateral defense agreement with post-war Japan, and in 2010 the second country to sign a defense logistics treaty with Japan. Malcolm Cook and Thomas Wilkins explain how the Japan-Australia strategic partnership is now becoming a well-developed and durable fixture in the evolving Asia-Pacific s japan foreign policy goals
Japan's geography--particularly its insular character, its limited endowment of natural resources, and its exposed location near potentially hostile giant neighbors--has played an important role in the development of its foreign policy. In premodern times, Japan's semi-isolated position on the periphery of the Asian mainland was an asset. It permitted the Japanese to exist as a self-sufficient society in a secure environment. It also allowed them to borrow selectively from the rich civilization of China while maintaining their own cultural identity. Insularity promoted a strong cultural and ethnic unity, which underlay the early development of a national consciousness that has influenced Japan's relations with outside peoples and cultures throughout its history.
Early Developments
In the early sixteenth century, a feudally organized Japan came into contact with Western missionaries and traders for the first time. Westerners introduced important cultural innovations into Japanese society during more than a century of relations with various feudal rulers. But when the country was unified at the beginning of the seventeenth century, the Tokugawa government decided to expel the foreign missionaries and strictly limit intercourse with the outside world. National seclusion--except for contacts with the Chinese and Dutch--was Japan's foreign policy for more than two centuries. When the Tokugawa seclusion was forcibly breached in 1853-54 by Commodore Matthew C. Perry of the United States Navy, Japan found that geography no longer ensured security--the country was defenseless against military pressures and economic exploitation by the Western powers. After Perry's naval squadron had compelled Japan to enter into relations with the Western world, the first foreign policy debate was over whether Japan should embark on an extensive modernization to cope with the threat of the "eastward advance of Western power," which had already violated the independence of China, or expel the "barbarians" and return to seclusion. The latter alternative--although it appealed to many-- was never seriously considered. Beginning with the Meiji Restoration of 1868, which ushered in a new, centralized regime, Japan set out to "gather wisdom from all over the world" and embarked on an ambitious program of military, social, political, and economic reforms that transformed it within a generation into a modern nation-state and major world power. Japan's leaders welcomed the reassertion of United States military power in Asian and world affairs following the Islamic revolution in Iran, the United States hostage crisis, and the Soviet military invasion of Afghanistan, all of which occurred in 1979. Japanese leaders played a strong supporting role in curbing economic and other interaction with the Soviet Union and its allies in order to help check the expansion of Soviet power in sensitive areas among the developing world countries. Under Prime Minister Nakasone Yasuhiro, Japan built up a close political-military relationship with the United States as part of a de facto international front of a number of developed and developing countries intent on checking Soviet expansion. Japan's defense spending continued to grow steadily despite overall budgetary restraint. Japan became increasingly active in granting foreign assistance to countries of strategic importance in East-West competition
The crucial issue for the United States and many other world governments centers on how Japan will employ this growing economic power. The strategic framework of the Japan-United States alliance also was called into question by the ending of the Cold War and collapse of the Soviet Union. Could a new rationale be found to sustain the active security tie that had been the basis for Japan's foreign affairs in the postwar period? Had Japan's foreign interactions become so broad and multifaceted that new mechanisms were needed? Were new ways of thinking about Japan's foreign policy being formulated and implemented in Japan? It appears clear to observers in Japan that the majority of the Japanese public and elite are satisfied with the general direction of Japan's foreign policy. That policy direction is characterized by continued close ties with the United States to sustain world stability and prosperity that are so beneficial to Japan, and incrementally more assertive Japanese policies, especially regarding international economic and political institutions and Asian affairs. Yet the world order ias changing rapidly, and there are deep frustrations in some quarters in the United States, China, and Western Europe over Japanese practices. There also is some evidence of deep frustrations in Japan over Tokyo's seeming slowness in taking a more active world role. The possibility of more radical change in Japan's foreign policy, perhaps in directions more independent of the United States, remains a distinct possibility
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