Do jews control Putin and the Russia's President?
Is Putin a jew?We have Nazi-partys in Russia - but they are not in Duma (Russian parlament), because ZOG is strong and falsify an elections.
THE MUSLIM DISASTER What do the Russians intend to do about this?"
The Russians will most likely keep arming them and encouraging them to attack those evil Infidel Americans and other Non Muslims...The Russians will provide their Iranian Muslim buddies with ground to air missiles, tanks, fighter jets, and for good measure, throw in a couple of submarines..The Iranians will get land mines, tens of thousands of machine guns and millions of bullets too.
The Russians are just as inept at fighting Islams incursions into their society as the rest of the world...they just hope they will last longer..North and South Ossetia seek to merge and create a MUSLIM state. What is Russia thinking? They've said this was "just like Kosovo". They were right, but for the wrong reason. Assuming they annex these two provinces, all the Russians are doing is uniting the Muslims of the area. They will soon have but one enemy to fight: Russia.
Will they not explain to the Russians that whatever the Russian government does to deal with a potential Muslim threat will get no quarrel from us?
On the contrary, so hard is the official American cold war mindset, and affection for Islam, that any action that Russians may take against Muslims in Russia, will be viewed with great misgivings.
Russia Grows Muslim
Putin continues the traditional Russian policy of giving privileges to the Muslim elite. Today’s Russian Minister of Healthcare, Mikhail Zurabov, is a Chechen. His political agenda includes the total destruction of the Russian healthcare system, looking like revenge for the war in Chechnya. Putin shows no concern over that.
Russia’s great qualitative population change represents both a departure from the past and a strengthening link with it. The synergies between the history of Russia’s national policies of terrorism and the radical Islamic terrorism that it is spreading around the world are natural partners that may severely impact on America’s own future
I'm NOT being hostile. As the largest and most powerful predominantly White nation, Russia has the possibility of saving the White Race. I'm concerned that the jews are actually deceptively in control of Russia -- and that Russia will ultimately go the way of America and Europe. I'm concerned. (I didn't like the nggr propaganda on Pravda. There wasn't a lot of it -- but it was definitely there.)
"The truth is that Putin in attempting to defend Russia from the power of the Jewish supremacists – is in effect, defending all Americans, and all people everywhere who cherish their freedom and heritage. He is Russian rather than American, but his heritage is far closer to the American people and our interests than the Jewish supremacist misanthropists."Russia's declining population is the biggest problem the state faces today, President Vladimir Putin has said. Is Putin a jew?We have Nazi-partys in Russia - but they are not in Duma (Russian parlament), because ZOG is strong and falsify an elections.

The Russians will most likely keep arming them and encouraging them to attack those evil Infidel Americans and other Non Muslims...The Russians will provide their Iranian Muslim buddies with ground to air missiles, tanks, fighter jets, and for good measure, throw in a couple of submarines..The Iranians will get land mines, tens of thousands of machine guns and millions of bullets too.
The Russians are just as inept at fighting Islams incursions into their society as the rest of the world...they just hope they will last longer..North and South Ossetia seek to merge and create a MUSLIM state. What is Russia thinking? They've said this was "just like Kosovo". They were right, but for the wrong reason. Assuming they annex these two provinces, all the Russians are doing is uniting the Muslims of the area. They will soon have but one enemy to fight: Russia.
Will they not explain to the Russians that whatever the Russian government does to deal with a potential Muslim threat will get no quarrel from us?
On the contrary, so hard is the official American cold war mindset, and affection for Islam, that any action that Russians may take against Muslims in Russia, will be viewed with great misgivings.
Russia Grows Muslim

Putin continues the traditional Russian policy of giving privileges to the Muslim elite. Today’s Russian Minister of Healthcare, Mikhail Zurabov, is a Chechen. His political agenda includes the total destruction of the Russian healthcare system, looking like revenge for the war in Chechnya. Putin shows no concern over that.
Strategically Russia is surrendering to the Muslim world. The Russian population is declining rapidly, being undermined by 70 years of Communist experiment and the cold indifference of post-communist rulers. Annually, Russia is losing 900 thousand people who are being replaced by Muslims from the Caucasus and Central Asia. Islam is now the second-largest religion in Russia, where it may total up to 28 million adherents. Because of this, Russia was able to join the Organization of the Islamic Conference in 2003. Russia’s great qualitative population change represents both a departure from the past and a strengthening link with it. The synergies between the history of Russia’s national policies of terrorism and the radical Islamic terrorism that it is spreading around the world are natural partners that may severely impact on America’s own future

I'm NOT being hostile. As the largest and most powerful predominantly White nation, Russia has the possibility of saving the White Race. I'm concerned that the jews are actually deceptively in control of Russia -- and that Russia will ultimately go the way of America and Europe. I'm concerned. (I didn't like the nggr propaganda on Pravda. There wasn't a lot of it -- but it was definitely there.)
In an annual address to the nation, Mr Putin said falling birth rates and the rise in mortality made Russia's demographic situation "critical".
He outlined a national programme to encourage women to have more children, pledging more state help.
Mr Putin also said Russia should follow America's suit and spend more on its army to be able to defend itself.
He described the US as a "fortress", saying its defence budget was "almost 25 times that of Russia's".
"The biggest roadblock to the New World Order and a sublimation of America and Europe to Jewish-supremacist globalism is Vladimir Putin."

"As important a figure Putin is for every freedom-loving Russian, he is just as important to those who love freedom in the United States of America, in Britain and all over the European world." ~ David Duke
In Moscow, for example, already are districts, populated predominately by immigrants from Caucasus republics. They, these immigrants, are our "Russian" [terrirorial, non ethnic term], "born in USSR". But Russian boys better not show up there in the evening. Of course equally, Caucasians better don't use Moscow-region trains [known skinhead action area hehe].
Example of Spain is telling. There now problem of immigrants from Latin America is very sharply raised. It would seem, they are both spanish-speaking and catolics [but mixed w/ non-whites]. But it ends up with two worlds, two destinies. Newcomers from Honduras or Salvador don't want to integrate into culture, tradition and behavioral norms of homeland of Servantes and Goya [sp?]. They hate Spain [obviously they're probably of no same blood].
Perhaps the moment approaches, when conceptual basis for settled universal human values, inter-ethnic relations must be revisited. Each nation has right to protect it's individuality, it's culture, it's future. And, it must be said, it's already has been done for long effectively such countries as Israel, Kuwait, Arabic Emirates, strictly regulating their immigration policy.
Until such conceptual revisiting - by Le Pen's or some other's model - did not happen, it would be useful to review our laws regulating migration and granting of citizenship. And most importantly, their implementation."
The Muslim population of Russia, and the future
The Muslim population of Russia has gone up 40% since 1989. Meanwhile the Russian population of Russia has gone down. There are now 25 million Muslims in Russia. And the Central and East European Affairs editor of The Economist has suggested in print that by 2015, 40% of the Russian army may be Muslim.
What do the Russians intend to do about this? Anything? Nothing?
And what do the Americans intend to do in their conversations with the Russians? Will they not mention this? Will they not try to emphasize that common ground should be found against a common threat -- that of the worldwide Jihad? Will they not explain to the Russians that whatever the Russian government does to deal with a potential Muslim threat will get no quarrel from us? And it should get no quarrel from us, because we are, or should be, much more fearful of a Russian military under Muslim control -- by 2040, 2050? -- than of one under the control of the Russians themselves. After all, the Russians are rational actors, though they are far too given to conspiracy theories about the West and especially about America (which has hardly been paying the kind of attention to "encircling Russia" that many Russians apparently are convinced it has).
What do the Russians intend to do about this? Anything? Nothing?
And what do the Americans intend to do in their conversations with the Russians? Will they not mention this? Will they not try to emphasize that common ground should be found against a common threat -- that of the worldwide Jihad? Will they not explain to the Russians that whatever the Russian government does to deal with a potential Muslim threat will get no quarrel from us? And it should get no quarrel from us, because we are, or should be, much more fearful of a Russian military under Muslim control -- by 2040, 2050? -- than of one under the control of the Russians themselves. After all, the Russians are rational actors, though they are far too given to conspiracy theories about the West and especially about America (which has hardly been paying the kind of attention to "encircling Russia" that many Russians apparently are convinced it has).
A poster at Jihad Watch recently asserted that "Russia and the majority of Middle Eastern powers are natural allies." And certainly many people believe this to be the case. But in fact, Russia and the majority of Middle Eastern powers are not natural allies, even if shortsighted Russian leaders may think they are. Any country that relies on oil for its main source of wealth has a stake in the disruption of oil supplies elsewhere. Russia should not wish Iran or Saudi Arabia well. This is principally because they are its economic competitors, supplying the same goods it supplies: oil and natural gas in the case of Iran, oil in the case of Saudi Arabia.
Furthermore, the Russians should be worried far more than they seem to be about demographic changes, and about the possibility of Muslims taking over parts of the military in a decade or two or three. They appear as heedless of this problem as the American government has appeared heedless of the texts and tenets of Islam. The American government remains convinced that the "best way" to deal with the situation is to pour money and men and materiel into Iraq or, for some (choose your poison), into Afghanistan, when the desired results will never come. They will never come, but this will be to the everlasting surprise of the American government, because the nature of Islam, and the threat of Islam, has not been understood.
Many Russians are consumed with conspiracy theories about America. And these conspiracy theories gain credibility from the maladroit American presentation of those policies, and American officials’ seeming inability to explain them in a way that Russians would find palatable. They do not even seem capable of explaining, or perhaps of understanding themselves, that Russia and America share the same potential threats and need to collaborate, rather than cling to or reassert hostile attitudes. Russians, meanwhile, seem to assume that Muslims in Russia will continue to be "Muslims-for-identification-purposes-only" Muslims just like those their parents grew up with. They somehow think that "our" (nashi) Muslims are "different." The same complacent thought is often uttered these days by Americans: the Muslims in America are "quite different" -- better educated, more prosperous -- we are constantly told, and therefore "not a threat," as are the Muslims in Western Europe. Whistling in the dark.
The Russians are not factoring in the renewed appeal of Islam for some Muslims in Russia, especially in the Caucasus but also in Moscow itself, and the effect of Saudi-financed mosques and propaganda all over the place. The effects of the long-ago anti-religious campaign in the Soviet Union, and the crushing of the revolt by Central Asian Muslims who were opposed to this policy in the 1930s, are held by some Russians even today to represent a permanent end to the internal Muslim threat. They are wrong. And they are betting a lot, far too much, on that notion.

Furthermore, the Russians should be worried far more than they seem to be about demographic changes, and about the possibility of Muslims taking over parts of the military in a decade or two or three. They appear as heedless of this problem as the American government has appeared heedless of the texts and tenets of Islam. The American government remains convinced that the "best way" to deal with the situation is to pour money and men and materiel into Iraq or, for some (choose your poison), into Afghanistan, when the desired results will never come. They will never come, but this will be to the everlasting surprise of the American government, because the nature of Islam, and the threat of Islam, has not been understood.
Many Russians are consumed with conspiracy theories about America. And these conspiracy theories gain credibility from the maladroit American presentation of those policies, and American officials’ seeming inability to explain them in a way that Russians would find palatable. They do not even seem capable of explaining, or perhaps of understanding themselves, that Russia and America share the same potential threats and need to collaborate, rather than cling to or reassert hostile attitudes. Russians, meanwhile, seem to assume that Muslims in Russia will continue to be "Muslims-for-identification-purposes-only" Muslims just like those their parents grew up with. They somehow think that "our" (nashi) Muslims are "different." The same complacent thought is often uttered these days by Americans: the Muslims in America are "quite different" -- better educated, more prosperous -- we are constantly told, and therefore "not a threat," as are the Muslims in Western Europe. Whistling in the dark.
The Russians are not factoring in the renewed appeal of Islam for some Muslims in Russia, especially in the Caucasus but also in Moscow itself, and the effect of Saudi-financed mosques and propaganda all over the place. The effects of the long-ago anti-religious campaign in the Soviet Union, and the crushing of the revolt by Central Asian Muslims who were opposed to this policy in the 1930s, are held by some Russians even today to represent a permanent end to the internal Muslim threat. They are wrong. And they are betting a lot, far too much, on that notion.
RUSSIA FACES DEMOGRAPHIC DISASTER In his recent state of the nation address, President Vladimir Putin said the most urgent problem facing Russia is its demographic crisis. The country's population is declining by at least 700,000 people each year, leading to slow depopulation of the northern and eastern extremes of Russia, the emergence of hundreds of uninhabited "ghost villages" and an increasingly aged workforce.
Now, one of Russia's leading sociologists has warned that the country's population may halve by the middle of this century
Official Russian forecasts, along with those from international organisations like the UN, predict a decline from 146 million to between 80 and 100 million by 2050.
But in an exclusive interview to the BBC, Viktor Perevedentsev, who has been studying Russia's population since the 1960s, said he believed even these figures may be overly optimistic.
He said the decline was likely to accelerate and that the Russian leadership should accept the population had reached a "tipping point", beyond which direct intervention would be ineffective.
Birth-rates in many developed, industrialised countries are stagnant or declining. But when this is combined with very low life-expectancy and an increasingly unhealthy population, Mr Perevedentsev agrees that the term "catastrophe" reflects reality. It is not a case of hyperbole from overly emotional Russian patriots, he says.
[...]Now, one of Russia's leading sociologists has warned that the country's population may halve by the middle of this century
Official Russian forecasts, along with those from international organisations like the UN, predict a decline from 146 million to between 80 and 100 million by 2050.
But in an exclusive interview to the BBC, Viktor Perevedentsev, who has been studying Russia's population since the 1960s, said he believed even these figures may be overly optimistic.
He said the decline was likely to accelerate and that the Russian leadership should accept the population had reached a "tipping point", beyond which direct intervention would be ineffective.
Birth-rates in many developed, industrialised countries are stagnant or declining. But when this is combined with very low life-expectancy and an increasingly unhealthy population, Mr Perevedentsev agrees that the term "catastrophe" reflects reality. It is not a case of hyperbole from overly emotional Russian patriots, he says.

"Lyudmila Vitalievna Konstantinova, techer, Moscow
- Considering Russia I want to say, I never had nationalistic views, but, seeing how our children in school are being taught by "newcomers", who themselves hardly speak Russian and write notes in daybooks with mistakes, I'm forced to think about purity of Russian nation"
Oleg Anatolievich, 43, Moscow
- I totally agree with Le Pen. This situation is characteristic not only for France, but also for Russia. It's enough to go out on Moscow streets."
RUSSIA:MUSLIS ARE STIRRING UP TROUBLE....AGAINYet Russian police detain and blame Slavic Russian “racist hooligans” as they call them, for the ethnic tensions. (Since when did Russians turn leftie?)
AP–At least 1,000 people were detained in Moscow on Wednesday in an attempt to prevent ethnic clashes, police said, after weekend rioting by racist hooligans fuelled rumours that minorities were planning to retaliate.
The weekend rally began as a protest against the killing of a member of the Spartak Moscow soccer team’s fan club, who was shot with rubber bullets during clashes with Caucasus Muslim natives at a bus stop earlier this month. 
Resentment has been rising among Slavic Russians over the growing presence in Moscow and elsewhere of people from the southern Caucasus region, the home of numerous ethnic groups, the majority of them Muslim.

The area around Kievsky station was feared to be a target of those who rioted outside the Kremlin, mainly soccer fans, who chanted “Russia for Russians!” during Saturday’s clashes that left dozens injured. Many soccer fans are linked with neo-Nazis and other radical racist groups that mushroomed in Russia after the 1991 Soviet collapse.
Russian media have been abuzz with rumours that some MUSLIMS from the Caucasus could try to take revenge for Saturday’s riots, even as community leaders described the allegations as a provocation and called for calm.
A shopping mall just outside the station shut down hours ahead of schedule, and most stands at a nearby flower market, operated mostly by people from the Caucasus, were shut. Authorities towed cars early in the morning in anticipation of possible clashes.RUSSIA DEMOGRAPHIC DISASTER[...]The Russian economy is set to lose over $390 billion in the next two decades if the government, business and society do not take immediate action to reverse the demographic catastrophe already looming, a business lobby group said in a report Wednesday.
Businesses are already struggling with a shortage in the work force as the country's falling birth rate and climbing mortality rate make the Russian population one of the world's most rapidly shrinking, Delovaya Rossia, a lobby group for small and medium-sized businesses, said.
"Finding workers is getting more and more difficult for business," Boris Titov, chairman of Delovaya Rossia, said at a round table on demographic problems.
The Russian population has dropped by 10.4 million people over the last 14 years to 143.4 million, and the country is set to lose another 21.4 million by 2025. The economically active population will shrink by 3.6 million in the next five years alone if the demographic crisis is not tackled, the report said.
"Alexander, 43, Moscow

- 2 May I was thrown out of restaraunt by it's owners - Caucasians. For singing "wrong songs". We celebrated there my wife's birthday. Count me a skinhead - our "guests from south" behave too unbearably." Six months after the clashes in Manezh Square, radical Russian nationalists groups are increasing their activity, supported by the increasing number of ethnic Russians who feel that they are second class citizens in their own country because the powers that be are giving more support to North Caucasians and Central Asian immigrants.
In an article in Friday’s “Nezavisimaya gazeta” entitled “Russians Feel a Sense of National Inequality in Their Own Country,” Maksim Glukharev provides a wealth of detail on the activities of radical Russian nationalist groups, pointing out that Moscow has banned only three of “about 30” and allowed the banned groups to operate under different names.

But the most intriguing portion of his article concerns the attitudes among ordinary Russians as opposed to members of elite groups that help explain why an increasing number of the former are supporting the nationalists and why few of the latter are willing to talk about this increasingly dangerous trend Glukharev suggests that the answers to both questions are to be found in the very different life experiences of the two groups. “It is well known,” he points out, that members of the powers that be in contrast to the population “never personally encounter manifestations of nationalism” by outside groups.
Travelling about in official cars, these elites “do not risk finding themselves” in places where there are “spontaneous” clashes between “extremists and gastarbeiters.” Therefore, they do not risk being accused of being part of disorders simply when they turn out to be witnesses of such events.”
Moreover, while the elites “send their children abroad to study,” other Russians have to send their children to schools which increasingly, albeit informally “are divided into two camps, those for the Russians and those for the Caucasians,” with ever more Russians asking why they are supporting those who are shooting at them.

Glukharev points out that “the activity of the [Russian nationalist radicals] frequently has mass support from the side of ordinary people who observe the complete escape from punishment of representatives of diaspora communities. People,” he says, “feel sharply the injustice of the existing situation.”
Ordinary Russians “do not understand why arrivals from the Caucasus and countries of the near abroad frequently act so boldly, driving about in expensive foreign cards and while ignoring Russian laws engage in firefights in public places?” Where are the law enforcement agencies when these things are happening – and why do they so often let these miscreants go?
When leaders, including Vladimir Putin, deny the obvious, claiming that there is no ethnic dimension to this or that crime, Russians become even angrier because from their point of view it is obvious that there is just such a dimension. “This situation gives rise to that objective component of dissatisfaction which was displayed in the Manezh Square” last December.
That component can be described as the sense that many Russians have that they are being treated less well than members of other ethnic groups and that officialdom is protecting the minorities rather than the ethnic Russians. And not surprisingly, such feelings are being used by “various extremist organizations.”

According to Glukharev, what happened in Manezh Square is “an indicator of deep problems in the attitudes of society — based, in particular, on a lack of acceptance of the corrupt ties between people from the Caucasus and Asian regions and members of the Russian organs of power.We all know that the situation for whites in Western Europe and in the USA becomes worse. We will be a minority in some years - especially in the bigger cities. In Germany turks and other non-whites will be the majority in Berlin, Frankfurt etc.
My hope for the future are Russia, Belarus, the Ukraine and the other countries of Eastern Europe, because the population is still not so brainwashed like in the West, and the part of the non-whites is not so big in their homelands. I think so. Is that right - I ask our Russian comrades?

Is there really a chance for a nationalist Russian revolution one day? The situation in Russia is MUCH MORE WORSE than anywhere else in white countries due to the fact it is populated with about 50 MILLION Muslims and other colored, making 33% of the total population. If you'll spend just one day in Moscow or St. Petersburg, you will notice that the majority of young and middle-aged people at streets are Caucasians - Azeri, Chechens, Dagestanians and others. Also there are a lot of Middleasians, such as Kazakhs, Uzbeks and Tajiks. All trading "tents" and shops with very few exception belong to non-Whites, like most of the other businesses. Ethnic criminal grows in geometric progression. And they are protected by police and government. All cases of hostility of "blacks" against whites are estimated as "hooliganship" even in cases of murder, when in the contrary whites will be accused by sadly known 282 "Russian" article of our Criminal Codex - "excitement of national discord" - and get an unimaginably rigorous sentence. Moreover, even the very word "Russian" is de-facto forbidden from using by the Putin-Medwedew dictature and you cannot use it in name of any organizations. And when riots of December, 2010 occured, there were dozens of thousands Caucasiand who mobilized and moved in several motorcades full of mudskin militants with firearms, knives and acid to Moscow to deal with Russians who dared to confront them. Some of them broke through the police blockades and drived by streets, shooting from traumatic rifles all white people they saw and chanted "Who is not with us is under us", "Caucasus is power", and of course, "Allah akbar". Damned ****skinned monkeys...
And I will disappoint you, our population is same brainwashed as in Europe or North America. Maybe even more because of Russian anti-White state centuries' policy of "multinationality" and effect in caused on us, making us to believe that coexistence with subhumans is the only key to save our country and its unity.Oh yeah, a man from Canada which is so CLOSE to Russia ) pretends to know the situation in my country better than me, its regular resident. Yeah, and pigs may fly. several complaints have been reported on the corpses of sheep being dragged through the streets, tied up at a bus stop or slaughtered in vans parked near the mosque. Russia today is being overrun by subhuman dark muslim cavemans.
Author of this thread only asked how's the situation there and I replied "as it is" in reality without any exaggerations. And please, don't try to care about Russia more than us, okay? We will deal with our problems by ourselves, and there is no need for anyone to help us. We are not small and defenseless Serbia. We took down Mamaj, Golden Horde, Polish intervents, Napoleon and Hitler. Like hell we won't wipe out the towelheads who are levels below all of them!Well... I live in Western Europe but the situation here is far worse than in Russia.
I've been to Moscow and Saint Petersburg one year ago and the racial makeup of people looked better than where I live.
There are Muslim populations in Russia who are white, and Caucasians immigrants are still borderline whites. Some consider them to be white while some others don't.
I also saw a lot of Swastikas painted on walls in Moscow, so I guess there are people drawing them. In my town instead I can see a Swastika or Celtic Cross painted on a wall barely once a year.But these attempts are discussed on internet forums between right-wing activists, who call for “cleansing cities of the Muslim scum” and Muslim extremists, who respond that “we must slit the throats of infidels bastards and not sheep. “ About 800 comrades have gathered in the centre of Moscow for demonstration with slogans «Moscow – is Russian city», «The Russian Power - for Russian people». The demonstration has been blocked by Special policy groups (OMON). After the demonstration violent fights with police around Smolensk square and Old Arbat street have happened, right-wings have broken through a police cordon, and have walked a march on Old Arbat street. But when they made the attempt to make their way to the Red Square direction - they have been rigidly stopped by OMON. About 500 persons have been detained.

Praying Muslims littering the streets of Mosque.Moscow 2010 Darkness of the evil Musli Rats are taking over the city. This is a surprise to me. I would have expected a much more forceful reaction from the Russian government.Putin is a Liberal. They need another Stalin to take care of the Muslim problemFor every day that passes by I hate this motherfucking koranimals even more. I’m sick and tired of them to the extent that if each and everyone of them got whacked tomorrow, I wouldn’t shed even a single drop of tears Muslims are sick fucks. Thats the only way to describe their filty actions. Give them time and they will be slitting throats of the nonbelievers. Send them all back to the stoneage where they belong. That goes for the Muslim in Chief we have destroying our country.
what an evil display,but then again evil is as evil does,on what planet is it acceptable,we know their scum,their also dirty rotten sick bastards,who the hell in their right mind would ever want to join this ,i cant bring myself to call it a religion,there is no sane word !
Cutting the throats of animals teaches Moslem males to cut the throats of infidels.
It is estimated 1,000 Pakistan women have their throats cut every year.
Let’s invite more Moslems to our democracies.
Primitive savages.
The more I see of Muslims the more Barbaric they seem. Funny how they have to slit the sheeps throat near a Christian church . They look like a bunch of Jackasses stuck in a time warp. How did Russia ever go along with bringing them there when they see whats going on in the rest of the world?
Russia should let loose some small pox virus in the muslim ghettoes and seal off the areas. That’ll stop the muslim vermin infected with the bubonic plague of islam — and rid for good threats of wanting to slit the throats of russians . this animal sacrificing sends a message to the Russians & everyone else: “You could be next so don’t get out of line.”
It’s a mistake to not address it, it should immediately be stopped & anyone caught thrown in jail.
But it seems Russia is going to submit. I wonder if Putin has made a deal for himself yet?
Islam is a blood/death/sexual perversion cult for men who tend to be rapists and pedophiles, invented by a self confessed mass murderer.
WENT INSANE? OHMS! Join the resistance!
One of the problems for muslims is their utter and complete inability to comprehend just how very disgusting they are to others.
While they walk around with their head in a fog, they are oblivious to the real fact that their ways make people want to barf.
Just about everything about them sends a shiver of revulsion through the civilized person. But they are too stupid to even notice.
This is just more proof that these people do not belong in the west. Their citizenship should be stripped from them. None of their ways are acceptable Well, there was one good thing about the USSR when it existed…they had no problems with Muslims.Just another example of how an minority MUSLIM immigrant population excerts its DOMINANCE in in infidel lands! Like dogs pissing on a TIRE, only worse
Sheep today, infidels tomorrow.
Does Russia feel herself to be subdued yet?
Ahh !! Muslims, each trying hard to be ‘more’ muslim than the other.
These bastards are nothing but programmed psychopaths fed on depravity, hate, misogyny and explosive tantrums at any drop of a hat by non-muzlimz.
These psychopaths on koranic-acid need to be fucking well exterminate in the fashion they treat sheep…Islam is the cult of insanity and torture. These animals are SENTIENT, meaning they feel fear and can understand what is about to happen to them. Muslims are not, they are sub human and a disgrace to the rest of decent thinking compassionat people.
The reason why many Russians consider their country in a desperate situation is that they never went to Britain or France. More than 80% of the citizens are Slavic, a few percet more are white. Another 10% are friendly or neutral non-whites (the ones that usually stay in their homelands). The ones that are causing major problems are Northern Kaukasians, 7% of the citizens + some naturalized Southern Kaukasians. Besides that there are 10+ million illegal immigrants from Central Asia and Southern Kaukasus. In Far East there are Chinese immigrant workers.
Now the number one reason why Russia is better off than Europe and US and will probably be the first to have a successull nationalist revolution:
the economic situation is BAD, once the old Soviet infrastructure caves in (in 20 years there have been almost no renovations) not even the oil prices will save the living standard. There is no money to cushion the rage. No bribe for the natives to shut their eyes and move to a better neighbourhood, like in the West. And changes might come even sooner. The people are so fed up with the regime that the only credible movement to bring betterment seems to be the Nationalists.
The next best reason would be the shift of paradigms brought by the rising new generation, grown up in the moral wasteland, fearing god nor devil, and knowing the power of individual will (im of course talking about the better part, the majority of the population are just followers, as evewhere and at all times).
thought that in russia have 145 milions people of which etnic russians are 117 milions and others have about 28 milions?

All my support for my russians brothers to clean russia from muslims garbageYou say the situation is worse in Russia but I think you are wrong. In Russia, you are not constantly exposed to the liberal and anti-racist propaganda that we witness over here in the West. A racially concious person over here is 1 out of a million. In russia I am sure there are way more racially concious people, which is much better to work with. Trust me, your situation is nowhere close to how bad it is over here. Pure blonds of scandinavian descent marry the filthy pigs from the Indias and middle east. Our women are brainwashed into believing a black man is better than a white etc. I doubt it is that bad in Russia. Just look at our recent birth rates, and you will see the population of babies of mixed (white + non-white parents) has almost doubled from recent years. It's just one small example. The whole Russian Federation's official, mass media and education space is filled with implicit and explicit pro-mixing and anti-racial propaganda. To that you can add political persecution and terror against politically-incorrect racial views, including arrests and jailings.
But wait, it's likely to get much worse soonHowever, the developers of the new concept of migration policy are not sure that the reform would be perceived in Russian society. Therefore, the introduction of the new program is expected to accompany a powerful propaganda campaign, which would prove that Russian workers are needed.Secondly, it's wrong to reduce all anti-racist propaganda to "liberal" (as this concept is understood in modern West Europe or USA) - there are other varieties one could think of, some of them with wide historical and current application. One such example is USSR. Was USSR anti anything pro-white, did it have pro-melting pot ideologies and policies, did it throw it's weight internationally to exterminate holdout White regimes in Africa, for example? Yes, of course. Would you call USSR "liberal"? I think not. What about early USSR circa the civil war and the following years, Stalin's time and so on - it used to be that you could've gotten shot for expressing any "improper ideas" about Jews, NS etc. Again, those regimes were nothing close to "liberal".
You would do well to remember that anti-white regimes take forms not limited to what you can see in Western Europe. RF's brand of anti-white is more akind to USSR's than to liberal Western Europe - which, of course, is to be expected.ITS ONLY RACIST IF YOU ARE WHITE.
that situation in Russia is worse than anywhere else in white countries, but reason is not only in large amounts of migrants. IMHO, the main reason is repressive regime in Russia, which destroys or controls any nationalist's movement more severe than in other countries.People from the former USSR are brainwashed by communism, not by liberalism. It's another jewish ideology, which declares international and interracial friendship. It and some features of the Russian mentality makes development of the white ideas in Russia so difficult. My hope is only for young generations of Russians.England, France, Holland, and most of Western Europe are in FAR FAR greater danger at the moment.
The Muslims in Russia, which is far less that number stated don't want to be there, and hardly want to overthrow or take over the country. The ones pouring into West Europe are on JihadI don't think the numbers are wrong. Take in account the fact that most of Caucasians, specifically Azeri, have started to arrive in nativ Russian regions since 1970-es. How many children do you think they have born and raised? Of course the answer will be: millions. And what about quantity of Muslims, it's more likely Chevalier88 just identifies all mudskins as Muslims, according to racial criteria, not religious. We Russians are used to identify the "others" only by their appearance firsthand. It is obvious that most of the Muslims are Mediterranean mudskin sheep-****ers. And there are very few White betrayers who became Muslims. Also, we don't still have any specific and unified term for them. Therefore, "Muslims" will be the best choice for a term to identify all Caucasians, Middle Asians, Kurds, Arabs, Berbers, Maurs etc.So far, 35 dead and more than 170 wounded, but still counting. ALL of the recent terror attacks have been committed by CHECHEN MUSLIMS so I have no reason to believe this one is any different.
Police are saying one or more SUICIDE BOMBERS were responsible. President Dmitry Medvedev said (MUSLIM?) terrorists were behind the attack and vowed to track down those responsible. The attack bore the hallmarks of ISLAMIC militants fighting for an Islamist state in the north Caucasus region
The reporter said they are worried that it may not be the last of the terror attacks.
It is definitely not the last.
Can’t wait to see what the US media does with this one.
I think the Russians will get payback.
Hope the Russians use the same retaliation tactics on the Chechen villages that they used on the pirates. Let the bulldozers roll….think of it…..homeless muslims in Russia….in January! Love it.
According to eyewitnesses quoted by Russian TV’s Vesti news programme, before detonating the explosives the bomber shouted: “I’ll kill you all!”
another clash of rival civilizations, each wanting to dominate the world. in one corner we have the G-dless communists, who will bring us a workers of the world utopia on earth. of course, there will be no free speech, or freedom of any kind. we will be happy to be slaves of the almighty state. in the other corner, we have islam, also wanting total control of the planet to impose a sharia utopia so we all will be slaves of a god named allah. the ruling caliphate, of course, will interpret sharia in a lenient way so there will be peace and brotherhood everywhere.
both totalitarian, imperialist, violent ideologies want to create hell on earth. well, hell to us, paradise to them. each desires to rule, one maintains we have no need of anything spiritual, the other says a god told them this is the way.
both ideologies are genocidal by nature, and neither are creative nor dynamic.

They can thank Putin for this . Hes kissing Arabs butts for oil in the middle east. Not only him but China wants all they can get that’s why they been friendly with Venezuela. They not only want oil but the economy also. That’s why they been upset with the problem about the yen.
Russia controls the energy in Europe and sells it for a very high price that why Putin is the largest billionaire in Europe he uses his position as Russia leader to get what he wants. Problem is the moron in the white house don’t understand whats going on.
Why are all governments around the World bowing down to Islam & ignoring the indigenous people who voted them in power. I cannot believe that they are prepared to class there own citizans as Racist & out of touch. The powers that be really need to start listening to the people or the people WILL take their own actions.
We are heading into the end times. Muslims are on the wrong side of Revelations, thanks to Mohammad and the Satanic verses that makes up the Koran. I can almost see the Muslim jaws dropping when they release at Meggido they’re entire lives have been a lie.I agree, today’s muslims are the new Nazis.

If Russia, like the rest of the world does not stand up to these invaders they will lose everything. I don’t understand why they don’t get it. Can this politically correct brain disease be that difficult to overcome? It’s simple, wake up and smell the coffee or commit your offspring to the hell of submission to islam. You pick.
These cockroaches are truly asking for it. One of these days they will be on the receiving end of extermination.
Russians turn leftie does not surprise me at all.
Russian neo nazi skinheads have infiltrated into government politics and the Russian military.
Hopefully the title grabbed your attention and perhaps arisen your anger, if not then read on. I just found a very disturbing article on msn top headlines, to all the Russian posters I say, read and weep.----------------------------------------------------------------------By Kim Iskyan
Seven million people live on the frozen resource-rich taiga of Russia's Far East, a region nearly as large as the contiguous United States. Roughly 1.3 billion Chinese are packed like pickles next door, where corruption, spiraling unemployment, environmental disaster, and growing rural unrest are taking the luster off the Chinese economic miracle. Unfortunately for China's dire need for new demographic and economic horizons, Russia isn't eager to share its chilly sandbox with the neighbors. The struggle between Dr. Malthus and Doctor Zhivago threatens the balance of power in the Far East. But economics—rather than a Tom Clancy-style showdown—will likely decide the winner.
If the Earth's territory were divvied up according to demographic need and by potential for economic development, China would play Pac-Man at the expense of the Russian Far East. Four time zones wide, the RFE extends from the Bering Sea—a few miles from Alaska—in the northeast, to the Sea of Japan in the southeast, to China in the south, and Siberia to the west. The 100 million inhabitants of the RFE's Chinese neighbor, the Northeast Provinces (also called Manchuria), live in an area that is roughly one-eighth the size of the RFE.
The RFE's poor manufacturing base, crumbling physical infrastructure, high transportation costs, and small natural markets discourage local enterprise. The perversions of Soviet economics were accentuated in the RFE, resulting in economic dislocation even more severe than elsewhere in the former Soviet Union. Moscow's make-work, value-destructive factories that struggled to survive after the command economy collapsed at least had a natural local market of millions of Muscovites. But after Soviet subsidies ended, similar facilities situated on RFE Frozen Plain No. 948,373 had a more difficult time getting raw materials—and selling their shoddy goods to markets thousands of kilometers away. On another front, periodic power shortages plunge large swaths of the RFE into Arctic darkness every winter—an eight-month-long exercise in frostbite that makes North Dakota seem balmy by comparison. Tiny cadres of progressive businesspeople who have managed to unlearn the lessons of 70 years of Soviet-style communism have to battle local politicians who set the Russian standard for incompetence and corruption. The RFE is Russia's Wild West, but post-Soviet Russia doesn't have the patience, time, manpower, or money to wait for Manifest Destiny to take hold—nor to exploit the RFE's superabundance of natural resources, including timber, oil and gas, minerals, and fish. It's no wonder that the region's population has declined by 10 percent over the past decade.

China—and Manchuria in particular—has its own set of problems. Overpopulation, resource misallocation, and twisted economic incentives that are a result of the Chinese capitalist experiment are pressuring economic growth, particularly in the inland areas. According to the Economist, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences has projected that unemployment could rise to 15 percent (compared with an official rate of less than 4 percent), with comparatively underdeveloped inland areas hit the hardest. The shuttering of state-owned enterprises throughout China—and especially in parts of Manchuria—part of the painful process of dismantling the infrastructure of the state economy, has resulted in widespread labor unrest. Private companies and rural enterprise have failed to pick up the employment slack: Arable land is scarce and exhausted, and land loss has accelerated as aquifers have dried up, resulting in declining grain harvests. The absence of a political safety valve has raised concerns that rural unrest could derail China's slow economic liberalization process.
The endless horizons of the RFE would create new opportunities for land ownership for tens of millions of unemployed Chinese rural dwellers. Unlike Russia, China has the ingrained entrepreneurial spirit, as well as the incentive and cash, to make the best of the Russian Far East. The RFE's natural resource wealth—especially oil and gas on Sakhalin—would provide Beijing with a significant measure of energy-security comfort. Moving in on Vladivostok, Russia's only temperate Pacific port, would at once end Russian trade in the Pacific; terminate any lingering relevance for Russia's Pacific navy; and enable China to pose an immediate threat to Japan. Russia's focus, though, long ago shifted west, just as its influence in East Asia has long been on the wane. RUSSIAN NATIONAL SOCIALIST PARTY

China's designs on the Russian Far East have strong historical roots. China controlled most of what is now the RFE until the 1850s, when Russia took advantage of China's preoccupation with the Opium Wars to take control of a large swath of the area. A few additional land grabs, followed by a prolonged series of pogroms and deportations, meant that by 1937 Russia had effectively eradicated the Chinese presence in the RFE. But China has subsequently been cagey about recognizing the treaties that resulted in the confiscation of its territory and unwilling to definitively admit defeat.
China is already hip-deep into a stealth economic invasion of the RFE. The region is heavily dependent on Chinese imports for its food supplies and consumable items. The vast distances between Russia's economic center and the RFE have meant that the area frequently looks south, rather than west, for economic opportunity. Anecdotally, the Chinese presence in markets, restaurants, real estate, and investment throughout the RFE is significant; according to the U.S. government's Commercial Service, China is one of the three largest foreign trade partners of at least five of the nine administrative regions of Russia's Far East Federal District. Wildly imprecise estimates of the Chinese population in the RFE range between 100,000 to an improbable 10 million, on the back of illegal immigration facilitated by the sievelike nature of the 2,700-mile border between the two countries. In July 2000, intelligence provider Stratfor.com forecasted that the Chinese could become the RFE's dominant ethnic group by 2020; it later warned that the Chinese government's crackdown on domestic crime gangs, and the criminal opportunities offered by the untamed nature of the RFE, compounded by the incompetence and corruption of Russian law enforcement, was leading to the dramatic expansion of Chinese criminal activities in the RFE.

The conflicted xenophobia that characterizes much of Russia's attitude toward foreigners is exacerbated when it comes to the "Chinese question," as RFE residents delicately term it. The RFE welcomes Chinese investment and tourism but fears the loss of local jobs and the RFE's natural wealth flowing across the border. Russian vendors periodically protest the encroachment of Chinese sellers in local markets, and Russian authorities often treat visiting Chinese with the heavy hand normally reserved for dark-skinned people in Moscow. The Russian parliament confirmed the country's anti-Chinese credentials (and allowed xenophobia to trump greed) in December 2002, when it strongly encouraged the China National Petroleum Corp. to withdraw from a privatization auction for Slavneft, at the time Russia's seventh-largest oil producer. CNPC had indicated that it was willing to pay $1.3 billion (or 75 percent) more than what turned out to be the winning (Russian) bid.
Still, for Moscow, the RFE is a distant underperforming colony that is gradually slipping into economic and demographic irrelevance. China needs an outlet for simmering rural unrest, and it has historically had designs on the Russian Far East. Admittedly, the likely difficulties of negotiating a fair price (the $2.5 trillion suggested by a usually sane Russian legislator as Russia's price for turning over the disputed Kurile Islands to Japan suggests that Moscow would aim high) is one barrier to the transaction. And Vladimir Putin would have a spot of trouble trying to convince the Russian electorate that selling off the motherland's crown jewels is a good thing
But a Far East version of the Louisiana Purchase—the Siberian Bargain, to take a bit of geographical license—would allow Moscow to get rid of its Far Eastern headache and raise some cash to see it through the next dip in commodity prices, and it would pave the way for China to buy a few more decades in its capitalist experiment. Occasionally, economic rationality prevails. Might Russia and China see the (snow-blinding) light?HOW CAN RUSSIA STOP CHINESE EXPANSION IN SIBERIA So what can we do to stop these little ratfaced monkeys from gaining precious resources they could allocate to destroy our race and perhaps conquer Europe? The hatred against Muslims and Jews had made many people blind against something that might be an even bigger treath.[/QUOTE
The Russian National Socialist Party (Russian language:Русская Национальная Социалистическая Партия) is a neo-Nazi party based in Russia.
The party grew out of the followers of Konstantin Kasimovsky, a leading member of Pamyat in the immediate aftermath of the collapse of the Soviet Union. He split from the Pamyat-led National Patriotic Front in 1992 and formed his own party, the Russian National Union, the following year. This party re-emerged as the RNSP in 1998.
The party bases itself on four principles i.e. Orthodox Christianity, a strong state, aggressive Russian nationalism and non-Marxist socialism. The party symbol is the Labarum of Constantine the Great and since 1999 have published a newspaper Pravoye Soprotivleniye ('Right Resistance'), itself a successor to the earlier journal Shturmovik ('Stormtrooper', a deliberate recalling of Julius Streicher's Der Stürmer
Damm friggin right!This traitor should be drawn and quartered. Siberia is the least us Aryans should expect for millenia of depradations from Asiatic savages and their destruction of our homelands in Central Asia and the slaughter of countless scores of millions of Russian,Persian and other Aryans. I say we take back our homeland in Central Asia! Kick all their asses back into China and Mongolia! Topol-M can reach beijing in some minutes and kill many, many millions of worthless parasites that breed like rats.
Russians are not so stupid that an open war with another atomic superpower will be going on with ak74`s only.Just make sure that if you hit China like that make sure you eliminate her second strike capabilities first and then target her coastal eastern areas, there most of them live, and then they don't need new land.

The day china gets Far East ... is the day I go and blow up a China Town here(Classified)!
You might want to blow up China town anyway.

Guys do something! You have the best chance over there, your population is not fat, lazy and satiated like ours here, your population has nothing to lose and I am sure they will fight for a better life. Russia can do so much better without Putin and his kikes running it.
was reading a book about prophets lately and I underlined jew nostrodamuses prodiction that by 2025 china having completed its economic and military expansion will exsorb all of eastern russia and scandanavia.This book predicted that a leader in the east will gather the hoardes of asia into a conquering army. If these sort of books were printed by european governments. Im certain abortion and the pill would be abolished.Come on russia awakenSo how exactly are Russian leaders going to "tackle" the problem?
They should give free fertility drugs for Russian women and give tax
breaks for Russian couples who have more children. However, I think that
their answer is to bring in more mud workers. Maybe they could just import White people from the outlying former colonies as they get browned out.
Actually, apart from jack_boot's good point about the economics, smaller White populations would not a bad thing IF there were not non-Whites pouring into White countries. I mean, an America with say, 100-million White people would have enough folks to do all the work needed AND leave some elbow room for the residents.
However, due to the explosive growth of the mudfolk, we are forced to increase our own numbers AND must recognize that we will lose our share of this planet's finite resources to others if we don't defend it. Well they want to join world trade organization and invite more nonwhites.
To forrester: It would be great if gov-t started thinking of its own people, and give place to live, tax break for every child. But it is a lot easier to just import muds and pay them just a small fractionIt is utterly insane to import 20 million non-whites into a country, we all here know that it would be a disaster to the country!
The 20 million non-whites would be males (like most immigrants strong enough to travel to start anew) once there they will want females (only whites available) so they go for those, then the mixed breeds start,
then the crime and violence that comes with all non-white "new comers" (remember Paris and Denmark?)
then they want "aid" government handouts, further taking food and resources from the Russian people.
No, Russia does not need this and they are smart enough to see the ruination we have allowed in the West, they will not follow suit.
I mean look at it this way, we all here can look back 30+ years and see what has happened to America. Go read the writing an speeches of our "great diversity thinkers" saying how good it will be good, that the US will not allow the large amounts of immigrants in to a point that it would cause a Demographic shift.
Well look outside your windows today, watch the local news and read the newspapers crime reports,
we are in hell because of the millions of "loving, job seeking immigrants with dark skin wanting better lives and thereby improving our land"
HAH!Reject the insanity of accepting immigrants, to accept is a price that you can never fully calculate, and it must not be allowed for our precious women and children depend on us now to protect themI always find it amusing that these groups say certain countries "need" to have an influx of people.
Why not simply have a greater standard of living for a smaller number of people?
What about better wages, since there isn't an overflow labor pool?

the illegal immigrants in the USA have driven wages down in many industries, that would have paid much better wages had there not been an abundance of illegals. Why not simply have the average Russian paid better and keep "immigrants" out of there?
The Russians may have some population decline, but why not have the current population enjoy more rewards and better wages? Then, from a position of strength, I have a suspicion that the indigineous Russian population would make a rebound.
The only reason these groups say Russia "needs" immigrants is so that they can destabilize Russia and start it on the path to cesspool that so many other nations are on. Churki/khachiki (from southern countries) in Russia will work for less money, so it is profitable for companies to hire them. Then when more of these aggressive animals move in, whites leave. Churki organize its own mafia, and start threatening businesses and people.Problem in Russia is that government has its head in wrong place, they want to bring more immigrants to fill jobs, when they have workforce living just outside Moscow or any big cities. They also have choice to bring people from former USSR republics. Real Russians.
There are 20 million Russians live outside of Russia in other countries, I wish they started a program for Russians to return to their motherland. Like Germany did for Germans. Nazi Germany did not have a problem with Russians based on their race. They had a problem with Russia based on the fact that Russia was Communist, and Nazism/Fascism are on the opposite end of the political spectrum from that of Communism.
Is the Nazi Party or the display of the Swastika illegal in Russia?
Russia is no longer Communist, so Nazism no longer has a problem with those white guys.I don't think it's prohibited, I remember seeing some pieces of advice as to what part of constitution should one refer to if the police bothers one for wearing a swastika. I don't think that people have *that* much of a problem with it, too. For instance, there's a rather large and accurately painted RNE-style swastika on a rock near a local church here, it has been there for over a year, it's perfectly visible from a nearby road that has traffic jams every weekday, and a there's a popular shop there, and no one seems to be bothered with it. Although people are obviously rather negative about the historical NSDAP, I'd say that their attitude towards it has changed for the better over the last few years. It's not half as bad as in, say, Germany or the US. One thing I do like about the Russian Police is that they have a Zero Tolerance policy towards the Reds & Gays!!! Hail Russia!!!

14 Words By no means is anyone limiting it just to NS imagery, a brief look at this very site would be a fine demonstration of that. Germanic nationalism isn't limited to it either. All of the symbols that you listed are actively used even by the mass media. They have a serious weak point, however, since they're actually aimed against other whites, as most common historical nationalist stuff is (take some hardcore Irish or French nationalist, they would choose a Negro over an Englishman). Russian Orthodox church is against Catholics and Protestants, Alexander Nevsky is against the Swedes and Germanics in general, etc. NS imagery is, however, much broader and isn't that obviously limited to Germany (well, it is, to a point, but there's nothing wrong with loving Germany in addition to Rus', I believe). It's centered around the white man and his right to do his will. Even if originally NSDAP wanted to wipe out all white Europeans, which sounds rather peculiar to me, its imagery has long since transformed into imagery of the warlike type of White Nationalism.
P.S. The concept of Mother Russia is basically identical to the concept of Vaterland. I personally find it very fitting that they should have names like that.
88th message :-) Nazi Party is illegal for sure. Swastika is not. For example, I've been playing very famous russian computer game "Il-2 Sturmovik" in Russia and US. And I've noticed one difference. In US version there are no swastikas on the German aircrafts! But as we know in origin there were swastikas on the aircraft tails. In Russian version everything is according to real WW2 history. I positively cannot fathom why would anybody think that National Socialist parties in Russia would be against the Slavs. I would go as far as to notice that the majority of National Socialists out there don't really have anything against the Slavs in general. The inclusion of the Slavs into the category of Untermenschen by the 3rd Reich is obviously motivated by politics rather than pure racial ideology, besides, quite a lot of Slavs fought on their side (even whole countries, like the aforementioned Bulgaria). They could have changed their policies as they wished, and they allegedly started thinking of changing the policies regarding the Slavs in 1944, although I don't really care about that. It's not the point of National Socialism.You say the weak point of the pure Russian symbology is that it is aimed against other whites, but the same is even more true of the Nazi pseudo-science ideology. NSDAP didn't want to wipe out other whites. It speaks out for German overlordship and a hierarchal positioning of whites. It accepted Slavic and other non-Germanic troops like the Romans did non-ROmans and even the Confederate slavers did with negroes, they were auxiliries, necessary props to support the German troops. They were certainly not really considered of the same quality as Germans, let alone as equals to Germans. Many Nazis now feel the same way because of that ignorant ideology and do look down upon non-Germanics or even non-German whites.
Subscribing to Nazi ideas basically means showing subservience and inferiority to German whites and their culture. NOt to mention the accompanying ridiculous pseudo-science, and terrible taint it has to the big majority of white people. Nazism is one of the biggest if not the biggest stumbling blocks to the rise and popularity of white nationalism.

We need strong white ethnical nationalism, only from a position of strength and a strong consciousness and pride of your own culture can you have a strong enough identity and sense of uniqueness to appreciate the diversity and beauty of the white nations and the will to preserve it, to fight for it. What we certainly don't need is an American type of blandification where all ethnicities blend into eachother into the basest common denominator, no offense intended to American WNs, but that is how I see it.
All white nationalities should have pride in their own culture and be respected of their own unique culture and be considered of equal value and worth preserving to maintain the integrity of White Civilisation RUSSIA FALLING NUCLEAR ARSENAL think russian nuclear weapons of mass destruction is being out dated.
because they are not updating their icbm system with latest technology.
compared to the americans who are updating their icbm frequently
The future of Russia is in development of new moore advanced and compact ICBM missiles with extreme hypersonic capabilities, advanced electronics, computers, GLONASS navigation systems, with effective countermessures and active defence protection against enemy ABM systems.
The future of Russia must be in the militarization of space with the top priority projects to build again russian automatic space station, with termonuclear warheads inside, and space delivery vehicles. have read very awesome things about ss-18's capabilities, but there are probably some imperfections in technical data avaliable to the public. There can be as many as 10 true warheads OR 40 decoys (1 warhead values 4 decoys), and I believe rational to assume that there are actually 5 warheads and 20 decoys in each missile still existingRussia is still producing nukes, they also have the Iskander short range ballistic missile, wich is in full production as well the Sineva R-29m submarine launched ballistic missile, being produced for their Delta IV submarines. I do agree the Russian nuclear arsenal will never dissapear, they just reduced it from 45,000 nuclear bombs in 1991 to 15,000 in 2008death of Russian nuclear arsenal? XD HA i think not... in 2008 ALONE Russia produced over 50 silo based Topol missile systems, 14 mobile Topol-M systems, AND by early 2009 the Bulava SS-NX-30 SSBM will be commissioned for service with the first order at 16... so yeah... Russia still has the worlds largest nuclear weapons stockpile at 16,300Russia would be wise as well. In a conventional war the USA would win. I just hope that they become great allies, that way they can both help each other and the world with peace and get rid of all those crazy DARK religious terrorists RATS in the Middle East and deal together to stop the negroid invasion of the WEST,also is their mutual interest to neutralise a new superpower CHINA which is flexing its muscles more and more openly.Russia: “Far Right” Rally in Moscow Demands an End to Social Payments (Jiziya) for Muslim Republics
The AFP wackjobs of course can’t hold their ink and hasten to smear the resistance with the usual epithets like “nationalists, far right, racists, xenophobes…..”

Russian patriots gather in Moscow to demand an end tojiziya (tribute) for Muslim fiefdoms.
Members of a Russian far right group
social payments
republicsMOSCOW — Hundreds of Russian nationalists staged a racism-tinged rally in central Moscow on Saturday to demand an end to social payments for Muslim republics of the volatile North Caucasus region.
What race is Islam again?
The sanctioned gathering came amid spiking social tensions and lingering security fears from a January suicide bombing at the main Moscow airport that killed 37 people and was claimed by the nation’s most feared Islamist warlord.
“We are tired of seeing the Caucasus youth creating mayhem on our streets and at our schools and universities and then going unpunished,” rally co-organiser Alexander Khromov told the Interfax news agency.
The event was officially titled “Stop Feeding the Caucasus!” and included leaders from far-right organisations that rights groups link to deadly attacks on migrants from Russia’s Caucasus and the Central Asian republics.
Recent polls have shown a rise in Russian xenophobia and a sense of voter frustration over the influx of mostly Muslim newcomers to cities that are already creaking under the strain of heavy crime and poorly-funded services.
Both Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin — a former president who launched Russia’s last war in the Caucasus in 1999 — have condemned the racist violence that now periodically erupts on the streets.
Medvedev has called it a matter of national security while Putin met a top minister on Saturday to discuss a new social development programme for Russia’s impoverished south.
But Moscow officials have sanctioned such events in the past and the city’s mayor last month accused migrants of being responsible for half of the capital’s crimes.
He has also instructed companies to give preferential treatment to locals during hiring and unleashed a campaign to shut down street stalls and open air markets that are often operated by temporary and illegal workers.
The mayor’s office sanctioned Saturday’s event after forbidding similar gatherings in defence of human rights — a move that sparked a rare round of criticism from pro-Kremlin lawmakers.
“We have to try to stand up to such attempts to break up the country,” ruling party lawmaker Pavel Zyryanov told Moscow Echo radio.
Saturday’s demonstrators were comprised mostly of Russian youth wearing bomber jackets and hoods.
Several covered their faces with bandannas to hide their identities from the police while many more raised their right arms in Nazi-style salutes while chanting slogans in praise of ethnic Russians.
“We are not xenophobes. We are not Nazis. We are demanding equality for Russian regions,” said rally co-organiser Anton Nosov of the little-known Russia Civic Union group.
Another speaker told the crowd of about 500 that “we spend too much money and too much blood” on the Caucasus.
The hour-long event was watched closely by dozens of policemen who closed off all roads leading to the rally square. No violence was reported.
The city authorities’ decision to allow the event drew rare criticism from the Public Chamber — an advisory council set up by the Kremlin to debate various social issues.
The council issued an official statement on Friday conceding that the payments made by Moscow to the restless Caucasus region were “not small”.
But it called the rally a “provocation” and accused its organisers “of thinking only about their political gains and forgetting about the interests of Russia.”
Bombing the subway is, of course, not a ‘provocation’. I wonder if the accelerated Islamization we are witnessing here is “in the interest of Russia”.
The AFP wackjobs of course can’t hold their ink and hasten to smear the resistance with the usual epithets like “nationalists, far right, racists, xenophobes…..”

Members of a Russian far right group
social payments
What race is Islam again?
The sanctioned gathering came amid spiking social tensions and lingering security fears from a January suicide bombing at the main Moscow airport that killed 37 people and was claimed by the nation’s most feared Islamist warlord.
“We are tired of seeing the Caucasus youth creating mayhem on our streets and at our schools and universities and then going unpunished,” rally co-organiser Alexander Khromov told the Interfax news agency.
The event was officially titled “Stop Feeding the Caucasus!” and included leaders from far-right organisations that rights groups link to deadly attacks on migrants from Russia’s Caucasus and the Central Asian republics.
- Top imam “calls for crescent on Russia’s crest” (The crescent moon is the symbol of Islam because it is forever growing, expanding, on the increase. “Top imam ‘calls for crescent on Russia’s crest,’” from Agence France-Presse, April 15
Recent polls have shown a rise in Russian xenophobia and a sense of voter frustration over the influx of mostly Muslim newcomers to cities that are already creaking under the strain of heavy crime and poorly-funded services.
Both Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin — a former president who launched Russia’s last war in the Caucasus in 1999 — have condemned the racist violence that now periodically erupts on the streets.
Medvedev has called it a matter of national security while Putin met a top minister on Saturday to discuss a new social development programme for Russia’s impoverished south.
But Moscow officials have sanctioned such events in the past and the city’s mayor last month accused migrants of being responsible for half of the capital’s crimes.
He has also instructed companies to give preferential treatment to locals during hiring and unleashed a campaign to shut down street stalls and open air markets that are often operated by temporary and illegal workers.
The mayor’s office sanctioned Saturday’s event after forbidding similar gatherings in defence of human rights — a move that sparked a rare round of criticism from pro-Kremlin lawmakers.
“We have to try to stand up to such attempts to break up the country,” ruling party lawmaker Pavel Zyryanov told Moscow Echo radio.
Saturday’s demonstrators were comprised mostly of Russian youth wearing bomber jackets and hoods.
Several covered their faces with bandannas to hide their identities from the police while many more raised their right arms in Nazi-style salutes while chanting slogans in praise of ethnic Russians.
“We are not xenophobes. We are not Nazis. We are demanding equality for Russian regions,” said rally co-organiser Anton Nosov of the little-known Russia Civic Union group.
Another speaker told the crowd of about 500 that “we spend too much money and too much blood” on the Caucasus.
The hour-long event was watched closely by dozens of policemen who closed off all roads leading to the rally square. No violence was reported.
The city authorities’ decision to allow the event drew rare criticism from the Public Chamber — an advisory council set up by the Kremlin to debate various social issues.
The council issued an official statement on Friday conceding that the payments made by Moscow to the restless Caucasus region were “not small”.
But it called the rally a “provocation” and accused its organisers “of thinking only about their political gains and forgetting about the interests of Russia.”
Bombing the subway is, of course, not a ‘provocation’. I wonder if the accelerated Islamization we are witnessing here is “in the interest of Russia”.
The Russian demonstrators are absolutely right. Why give payments to your enemies…it’s insane!
Here in the West it’s the same idiotic scenario. Moslem ” refugees” show up on our countries’ doorsteps, and then are given free housing and very generous welfare payments.
And once embedded, they start their making their predictable demands for Sharia Law.
Will the madness ever end ?…
Here in the West it’s the same idiotic scenario. Moslem ” refugees” show up on our countries’ doorsteps, and then are given free housing and very generous welfare payments.
And once embedded, they start their making their predictable demands for Sharia Law.
Will the madness ever end ?…
Russia: Muslim stabs 2 police for not allowing people to live under sharia law
A local resident burst into a police station in the town of Oktyabrsky in the Russian Republic of Bashkortostan and stabbed two police officers with a knife.
“Late on November 18, an unknown man shouting “Allah Akbar” broke into Oktyabrsky’s police station and stabbed Police Senior Lieutenant Vilmir Minnikhanov, born in 1980, who was guarding the entrance to the building, with a knife. The policeman sustained stab wounds to the neck, the chest and the left forearm,” a spokesman for Bashkortostan’s Interior Ministry told Interfax on Friday.
The attacker tried to flee, but he was stopped by other officers in the yard of the police station, after which he slightly injured one more policeman, the spokesman said.
The police officers then managed to seize the knife from the man.
Investigators do not rule out that the crime could have been motivated by religion because a note saying “Oktyabrsky and the whole of the world must be ruled by Allah’s law” was confiscated from the attacker
Three churches were set ablaze on Monday in Russia's mainly Muslim North Caucasus region where Moscow is trying to tame a spreading Islamist insurgency. Two Russian Orthodox churches and one Baptist Church were set alight in the
predominantly Muslim province of Karachayevo-Cherkessia, Russian news agencies said, adding no one was hurt in the attacks.
"An unknown group of people set fire to the Russian Orthodox church in the village of Ordzhonikidze, it is practically completely burnt," Interfax reported, citing Kazim Baybanov, a spokesman for the local ministry of interior affairs. Vandalism of churches is rare in Russia's mainly Muslim North Caucasus, where Christian communities live amongst Muslims.
A decade after Moscow drove separatists out of power in Chechnya in the second of two wars, the North Caucasus is plagued by near-daily violence. Youths angry about poverty and fuelled by the global ideology of jihad (holy war) are fighting for an independent state separate from predominantly Christian Russia, where they want to establish Sharia, Islamic law.
However, Karachayevo-Cherkessia, which has a sizeable Christian minority, has seen almost no violence. The insurgents consider the North Caucasus, including Karachayevo-Cherkessia, to be occupied territory.
Father of female "Shahid" Mariam Sharipova from Dagestan village Balkhani who blew herself up at the Lubyanka metro station in Moscow left with "no comments" the question if he condemns his daughter's act and if she is pleasing for the Allah.
Churches set ablaze in Russia's Muslim Caucasus
Three churches were set ablaze on Monday in Russia's mainly Muslim North Caucasus region where Moscow is trying to tame a spreading Islamist insurgency. Two Russian Orthodox churches and one Baptist Church were set alight in the
predominantly Muslim province of Karachayevo-Cherkessia, Russian news agencies said, adding no one was hurt in the attacks.
"An unknown group of people set fire to the Russian Orthodox church in the village of Ordzhonikidze, it is practically completely burnt," Interfax reported, citing Kazim Baybanov, a spokesman for the local ministry of interior affairs. Vandalism of churches is rare in Russia's mainly Muslim North Caucasus, where Christian communities live amongst Muslims.
A decade after Moscow drove separatists out of power in Chechnya in the second of two wars, the North Caucasus is plagued by near-daily violence. Youths angry about poverty and fuelled by the global ideology of jihad (holy war) are fighting for an independent state separate from predominantly Christian Russia, where they want to establish Sharia, Islamic law.
However, Karachayevo-Cherkessia, which has a sizeable Christian minority, has seen almost no violence. The insurgents consider the North Caucasus, including Karachayevo-Cherkessia, to be occupied territory.
Moscow suicide bomber's father in no haste to condemn his daughter and believes her act is Allah's affair

The only ones that tried to do something about the demographic conquest of Europe were the Serbs, but they were bombed by the US and forced to give up even more land to the ummah. Meanwhile US continues to pressure EU to let Turkey with its 70 million muslims become a member.the Russians are carefully training hundreds of thousands of Muslim men to use the Russian arsenal. Does the Kremlin really believe that these guys won't bite the hand that trained them? If Russia's regular army is composed of 60 percent ethnic [more or less] Russians and 40 percent ethnic/religious Muslims, why would the Russians not expect a religiously inspired mutiny in the more or less near future? Russians typically train people from the "periphery" to be infantry/artillery troops and train "Russians" to be officers and technical types. Which leads to the question as to whether there would be enough "Russian" soldiers to defend Rodina against the Islamic hordes. Recall that they didn't do so well in the 1100-1400AD era against the "Hordes."
Putin is a disaster for Russia. The man's a clever thug and Russia will pay a very high price for a long time to come for supporting him so enthusiastically now. Instead of a democratic, free, prosperous Russia in league with America opposing the tyrants of the earth, Russia under Putin is every year aligning itself more and more with the detritus of mankind and being stupidly belligerent. What a waste. And don't think Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and many other Eastern European countries don't deeply regret this. They do. As for Russia's Muslim problem, it's substantial and all the more reason why Russia should have made common cause with the West against the worst evil in the world------Islamic supremacism. Shame on Russia. It's on the wrong side of history again.