Hitler and his Nazi SS believed in these Aryan Super Gods. Hitler followed a Plan given to him by their leader, LUCIFER.

JESUS CHRIST You know, the past couple of days as I’ve been walking around the lake during lunch, I’ve postulated the theory that Jesus Christ was really an alien DNA experiment, and that the whole premise of the human race is that we are a long-running genetic experiment being conducted by a very old (by our reckoning) race of people. Maybe they have been evolving for 500 billion years, and they live for 500,000 years. Let’s say they are a very peaceful, giving people.
They started this experiment say, 20 or 30 thousand years ago, and have been making repeated visits to our planet to infuse us with some sort of gene-splicing material. That’s why there were so many different people, from early ape-man, through Neanderthal to Cro-Magnon to modern Homo sapiens. Each jump in the evolutionary tree was another genetic test.

At one point, they decided to go with one race, let’s just say the Jews, maybe because they were the most cohesive, since they don’t intermingle much with other races. All the accounts you read about in the Old Testament are just the scientists trying to make sure that their control group doesn’t get destroyed.
Let’s say these alien people have evolved to the point where they can communicate through telepathy, and manipulate the elements around them using their minds. Let’s say you’re a shepherd named Moses in ancient Egypt, and you “hear” a voice telling you to do God’s will. Maybe this voice tells you his name is “Yahweh” (which could be the actual name of the lead scientist, for example), and you must do things for him and protect your people. When really what “Yahweh” wants to do is protect his experiment, and continue to get “funding” for it! It goes on and on through the years.

They tried to accelerate the process too much by making Mary pregnant with Jesus. They impregnated her with half the DNA from one of their own. That’s why Jesus was able to do all those things. He grew up knowing he was somehow different than the rest of the kids (as he would be if his DNA was half-alien), and at some point in his life, he got a “calling” to go out by himself. (Once again, “Yahweh” communicating into his mind)
Maybe at that point, this race revealed themselves to him, and showed him some of the marvelous things he could do, being half-them. They show him how to help his fellow man, since they were a benevolent people, and thought they were doing all this to help us move closer along the evolutionary ladder toward them. He was able to know what people were thinking, when power went out of him, make food miraculously appear, heal sick people, etc. All because he was half-alien, from a 500 billion year old race. But, all that he did was not understood; he was far too advanced for the people of that time, and so he was killed.
Maybe he didn’t really die, or die as we know it, but on a cellular level went into some sort of hibernation until his body could regenerate. At that time, maybe the results of his regeneration were that he became more like the race of aliens from ??? (maybe Alpha Centauri, it’s the closest star), and they couldn’t allow him to stay or it would blow the experiment. He was physically taken from the planet.

That’s why, in the 1st book of Acts, you read of him “ 9After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight. 10They were looking intently up into the sky as he was going, when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them. 11"Men of Galilee," they said, "why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven."

Those two were other members of the scientific expedition making sure that the illusion was maintained.
Maybe they will be back in another 1000 years or so. That’s not so long to a race that lives 500,000 years. Maybe they’ll return, with Christ, since he is now a lot like them, when they think we’re ready to accept the idea that we’re not alone.
Was the star the 3 wise men followed really a starship?
What was the imporatnce for them to witness jesus birth?
Was mary abducted,and then implanted with the divine being called jesus?
Why did jesus spend a good portion of his childhood in egypt?...was he learning ways to awaken his divine powers,such as walking on water..and reserecting the dead?...remeber the egyptians were good at magic...havent you watched
Was satan testing jesus powers in the wilderness?
Was jesus really speaking to moses in the moutain..and was the cloud god spoke from really an ufo?

the last statement illl make , is on the basis of christanity spread thru out the world it sqaushed all most all true beliefs in the GODS'S....the belief in more then one god,or divine being certainly fits well with the concept of aliens,doesnt it!...why even did the earliest civiliazations report stories of more then one god? if there is supposedly only one?,and if they were the earliest known ppl around,why did all of thewm record history of more then one god,..and these gods interacted with humans,just like aliens do with us today! all these stories are considered myths..and i find this a shame ,and the cover up of our true history,not what you learned in school....the teachings of jesus , had actually now become the main advantage of satan to keep us from knowing our true history...btw satan is an alien too,but an evil one,a liar and deciever,...he even has you tricked so well you dont even know hes an alien..

was jesus a alien ? i dont think so. And even if he was , who's to say that
man wasnt planted here on earth by aliens , So i guess that would make you Alien ?. you can put any kind of Philisophical twist on the subject , but it wouldnt matter would it . can you actually think of reason not to use God's words as a guideline as a way to live your life ?.
You know thou shall not murder/steal ect ect . Doesnt sound to bad to me.
peace on earth and such.
As for Mel playing a preacher in 1 movie and then makeing a relegious
movie - uh so what - why make it complicated . maybe playing a preacher inspired him to become more relegious . But actually if you seen Mel Bio's
he's always been religious and always wanted to make a movie like that.
Or atleast thats what he said in a interview on the Bravo channel.
why cant you beleive in Aliens and believe in God ?. they may be the same,
but then again they may not be.

Jesus Is An Alien
Explained Avery exclusively to the Weekly Universe: "Jesus is the first extraterrestrial hyperspace alien to visit planet Earth. He was sent to Earth by Eternal Space or his father, which is God. Jesus was conceived by eternal space, and born of a virgin.
"They are the one and only means of traveling to the galaxies eternally or of continually inhabiting any place at all. This process of transformation from a mortal creature into an immortal creature is completely executed by them, not by us.
"Since all things were contained within the physical body of Christ Jesus, all things that he did were done by all things in Heaven and Earth. When Christ died on a cross, all things in Heaven and Earth died. When Christ was resurrected from the dead, all things in Heaven and on Earth were raised from the dead. When Christ ascended back into eternal space from which he came, he took all things in Heaven and Earth back with him, reconciling all things unto God.
"These acts by Christ are called the 'operation of God' by Saint Paul in the New Testament.
"[Jesus] had two capacities that made it possible to operate upon all of space and all things therein: the power to implete or fill all space, and the power to envelop or contain all space. With the containment of all space comes the containment of all time or eternal life in the galaxies. All things that he did were operations upon the whole of space, matter and life."
Avery said this 'operation' transformed him into a hyperspace alien. "I was transformed into an alien by going through the stargate opened by [Jesus]. All people on Earth have been 'operated' upon and can go through this stargate. It is better than Sagan's Black Holes, or as he would say: 'Einstein-Rosen Worm Holes.'
"Einstein's folded universe is unnecessary and useless. The cosmic speed limit of light has been exceeded. All mankind now has a means of traveling to the galaxies eternally.

Concedes Avery: "I do not believe that a modern medical doctor or scientist could detect me other than by my very strange verbal reporting. Many thousands of humans have been transformed into aliens; it has been an on-going process for about two thousand years.
"It is almost impossible to detect who has been alienated by this operation. You might say, 'it takes one to know one'.

Hitler and his Nazi SS believed in these Aryan Super Gods. Hitler followed a Plan given to him by their Is Jesus Christ a Space Alien?
Examining the Gospels for Clues
The resurrection story in the Gospels suggests that Jesus Christ may have been a cloned space alien. He was never immediately recognized, not even by his most intimate associates, which means he must have looked different. But upon closer examination, they realized it was him. This is consistent with the resurrected Jesus being a clone. Every early Christian group believed there was something about Jesus that was “otherworldly.” No group, not even the “heretics,” believed that Jesus Christ was merely mortal. However, there was no consensus about any other aspect of his nature. There was no consensus he was God. There was no consensus he was flesh. It’s like everybody knew Jesus Christ was from another world, but they didn’t know exactly what that meant. This fits the pattern of a space alien. Upon close examination of the Gospels, we can build a case that the biological parents of Jesus were the Father and the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is female. She is the Goddess of Christianity. There is extensive proof of that the Holy Spirit is a woman from both early Catholic and Gnostic texts. Both the Orthodox and the “heretics” believed that Sophia, i.e. Divine Wisdom, was the feminine aspect of God and resided in the person of the Holy Spirit. Mary was not the biological mother of Jesus. Rather, the Virgin Mary was abducted by space aliens, and her womb was used to incubate Jesus. In early Christian literature, we are told repeatedly that the resurrection is a refurbishment of the flesh. The resurrection is biological, not spiritual. This fits the pattern of what would expect from aliens that are supernatural biological entities. They clone themselves and move their souls into their clones, thus achieving immortality.
The creationist narrative in Genesis 1 is contradicted by many ancient Christian texts. Instead of an Almighty Creator God, ancient Christian texts espouse that the universe is born from blind arrogance and stupidity. The angels caused evolution to occur from species to species. There are many gods, (or aliens?), and the Christian God is just one among them. Satan the Devil writes scripture, and thus the Bible was polluted with Genesis 1. Archaeology and modern scholarship demonstrate that Genesis is indeed corrupted. Cavemen walk with Adam and Eve. Esoteric prophecies reveal the coming of Christ, and also reveal the dark forces that govern the cosmos. Such are the ancient Christian writings.
Sciencevindicates the truth of these ideas. Evolution often happens too fast for Darwin’s theory. Gaps in the fossil record indicate that some kind of unnatural force acts together with natural selection. Astrobiology reveals that intelligent life probably evolved long before us. The fossil record reveals strange clues that aliens abducted species and transported them across oceans, and that DNA from diverse lineages was combined to spawn hybrid species. Evidently, aliens influence evolution, and they are the gods of the world’s religions

They may have journeyed here and interfered with the development of life on earth, as science can deduce from patterns of rapid evolution, fossilized abductions, and hybrid species, therefore,
They give hidden prophecies about themselves, and secretly influence world events, and they pollute each others revelations with forgeries such as Genesis 1, therefore,
There might never be an Almighty God, as even the holy scriptures attest, therefore,
There is war among these alien gods, according to the law of Survival of the Fittest, therefore,
The alien gods compete for the genetic resources of earth, therefore,
The alien gods have haphazardly and imperfectly influenced the evolution of humanity and other creatures, as Genesis and the lost Biblical book of Enoch attest, therefore,
Because this cosmos is so filled with alien warfare, barbaric cruelties, forgeries, and genetic perversion, the Christian God has revealed to us that this cosmos is a failure, therefore,
Jesus Christ has endeavored to challenge the system, therefore,
Let it hereby be resolved the Jesus believes in evolution, and he hates it.
Jesus Believes in Evolution, And He Hates It
The driving force of evolution is survival of the fittest. The strong survive, but the weak die. For this reason, Jesus Christ hates evolution. The entire thrust of his moral teaching was wholly against survival of the fittest. Jesus healed the sick. Evolution kills them off. Jesus made the blind see. Evolution eats them alive. Most of Jesus Christ's time was spent serving the weak, the poor, the handicapped, and the social outcasts. According to Jesus, "The meek shall inherit the earth." But according to survival of the fittest, the meek shall inherit maggots and vultures. According to Jesus, "The first shall be last and the last shall be first." But according to survival of the fittest, the first shall survive and the last shall be eaten.
Some believe that the Christian God "created" different species by causing evolution to happen, or by guiding it somehow. This is not only improvable – it is blasphemous, for it sets God up to be the promulgator of the very kind of selfish dog-eat-dog wickedness that Jesus was against. To say that God created species by means of evolution is to deny the most central essence of Jesus Christ’s social teaching.
To a large degree, creationists oppose evolution for this very reason, because they cannot fathom a loving and caring Creator God who would create by means of survival of the fittest. But choosing not to believe in something doesn’t make it go away, nor does it make it any less true. Evolution has stood the test of time and has been confirmed again and again by sound science. It is here to stay. Whether one likes it or not, survival of the fittest is the harsh reality of this dark and wicked cosmos.

It can-not be disputed that Jesus Christ was the most unique human being to ever have lived. His life has left a legacy that lives on in the hearts and minds of people since the day of his crucifixion. One of the largest religious belief systems is Catholicism. It was created after Christ’s death and has steadily grown by the Church which has become one of the most powerful institutions on our planet today.
Jesus was unique because he had wisdom far superior to any other mortal human. He could access powers and perform miracles unlike any other person throughout human history. These powers include: telepathy, telekinesis, control of the Earth’s physical elements (wind, rain, fire, water), healing by touch, voice command, sight and thought alone.
He had the gifts of vision and prediction. He could sense people’s inner self characteristics and Holy Spirit. He was truly the perfect human being who shared his compassion, love and forgiveness to all who were wanting.
There are so many unanswered questions with respect to Jesus and what his words and actions meant. There are so many possibilities and alternatives as to who sent Jesus to humanity, why he was sent and what his purpose was? This book will open your mind to new theories and answers to these questions about Jesus Christ and have you question all that you thought you already knew
When Jesus was alive amongst humanity he was known as more than a man. His physical powers, superior wisdom and control over individual energies divided people’s opinions, thoughts and actions towards him. The positive energy residing within individuals identified with Jesus, recognizing and understanding who and what he was. The negative energy residing within individuals was afraid of Jesus and rallied the uprising of support that would ultimately have him crucified.
The New Testament of the Bible records the events, circumstances, miracles, teachings and interactions that Jesus had with both positive and negative people. He devoted his life to educating and showing the people that they have a physical self & a spiritual self and both are interconnected to one another He was the greatest teacher of the existence of individual life after death and how our purpose of living effects our eternal spirit. In our 21st century the legacy of Christ’s life continues to exist. The Church has succeeded in ensuring that the greatest man to ever BE remains with us in our minds.

Her son had amazing powers that no one had ever seen before.
When he came back to life, he floated up to a star on a silver cloud.
Angels came and showed many people visions of the future.
The things they saw was nothing they could imagine, and so they had to use their primitive explanations to describe nuclear war and VCR's. Did these visions happen in their minds? No, they say an angel showed them... probably on a little TV screen.
Has anyone else ever considered that perhaps there is a link between angels and aliens?I believe in aliens because I chose to, mostly because it makes my world more fun. I also break for fairies gnomes and other mythical things that only I can see.
I watched a Larry King episode where scientists and politicians were arguing the existence of aliens. There seems to be a lot of pilots and military personnel who have witnessed weird events in the sky. My father in law works with a man who claims to have been abducted and drilled on. He still has a perfect hole behind his ear. As many people who claim to be abducted, they can't all be crazyNice.
What if his mother was the alien, or to be more precise, a Martian?
What if Jesus was the end result of that martian sovereign doing the right and honorable vulcan thing and shed her heap on a new colony seeking a messiah..........?
What if she conceived, in being that martian sovereign, by mind over matter...........she completely screwed herself with her own thoughts.........and that it was time to find a new people......on a NEW PLANET?There were many biblical passages identifying clouds and
chariots of fire as spaceships as in the ascension of
Elijah to heaven. The star of Bethlehem was a spaceship as
I've read. Jesus ascended to heaven in a spaceship they say
to the planet of the aliens. Is Yahweh, God the Father an
alien? And is Jesus his son half alien through insemination
of Virgin Mary? I have read the book Intelligent Design by
French founder Rael of the Raelian Movement. It says there
that the prophets who ascended to heaven would return is
spaceships including Moses, Buddha, Elijah, Muhammad, and
many others. They say Yahweh and the Elohim, the one we
mistook of as Gods, is the President of the COuncil of
Eternals, the ruling council of the known allied planets.
Is Rael, Claude Vorilhon telling the truth. I have read the
book Annunaki by Zechariah Sitchin. It says there that
humans were a cross between aliens and apewomen created to
gather gold for the aliens ruled by King Anu sneding his
sons Enlil and Enki reponsible for creating man. The works
of Sitchin were based on the Sumerian texts ancient Iraqi
texts about the first human civilization engraved in stone
tablets. Who is telling the truth, Rael or Sitchin?
Did the aliens create man?

But then, I'm a Christian who's not easily offended. God has a sense of humor, so why can't I? (And if you don't think God has a sense of humor, take a look at the platypus. Seriously. Just look at it. And tell me God doesn't have a sense of humor =P)
The miracles are easy. Walk on water (anti-grav boots), raise the dead (nano-regeneration), water into wine (molecular chemistry).
To deepen the alien's motivation, try to delve into why the alien came and took on that role. What was he trying to do. And why? Was it negative (social control, dichotimization of religions), or was it to help us lowly organisms evolve a bit so that we would be more open to First Contact. If you boil down the Jesus message from an extra-terrestrial's point of view, it could sound like this...
Warlike creatures, be at peace. (turn the other cheek)Tribal-locked factions, be more accepting. (love thy brother as thy self)
Backwards but potential-filled humans, evolve so I can come to you as my real self! (I am the way, the truth, and the light. No one comes into my father's kingdom, but through me...) A technologically advanced alien being from the planet of Genesis in the galaxy of Andromeda who arrived on Earth at about 212 BC via a wormhole on his starship. The starship had a name and it was called Noah's Ark (later the name becomes a myth in the Bible).
This alien being calling himself God enslaved human beings and manipulated their minds so that they would all praise this alien named God.
Jesus was created by God using a method similar to our IVF treatment, except much more advanced with a success rate of 100%. Jesus was then released into the community and God watched as society interacted with him. His research on the human race was completed when Jesus was hung out to dry on a cross.
God returned to the galaxy of Andromeda and now lives with his wife Mary, 2 boys and a girl. His longevity is due to the technology of his society I believe our 'God' is a being from another planet. Whatever created our 'God', who the hell knows. I believe that humans are the mixture of the original humanoid of this planet and a being from another planet. The immaculate conception was an alien implant, that's why in the background of the picture there's always a shining light. This is also why people would explain god as "A fire in the sky" or a "cloud of fire", because in a time when people had no electrical light, the closest thing to light was fire, and thats how they explained it. That's also the reason why they say God would ascend and make 'the sound of a thousand trumpets', it was the sound of a ship that they were hearing. Also, in the old testament you can read about the Elohiym who were a race of 'Gods' who were watching over and judging the earth. Adam was 'put in a deep sleep' and a rib was removed in order to create Eve. This is simply surgery and DNA transplanting that is done routinely now, but in those days it was a miracle. When you see pictures of aliens, there's a human element to them, and it's because we are partly what they are, but also partly the original human species. This is obviously just my beliefs, but it holds just as much water if not more than what most people believe
Was God an Alien?

In World War 2 an American fighter pilot crash-landed in the Brazilian rainforest where he was discovered by an isolated tribe of natives. Impressed by his technical gadgetry and his descent from the sky, these primitive people elevated him to the status of a god and created a religion around him. Today, the “proof” of their religion consists of a series of artifacts hanging from tree branches, including items such as a broken plane engine, an empty cigarette lighter and a rusting pocketknife. But to the educated reader, these artifacts are instead testimony to the fact that the artifacts of a religion are not proof of the religion itself but rather proof of the actual event which occurred (and was quite possibly misinterpreted). As Arthur C. Clarke once said, “any sufficiently advanced technology is perceived as miracle”. Could Christianity be the product of a similar misinterpretation?
In the 1960’s, while mankind was rapidly breaking the shackles of his home planet and venturing out into the nearby Cosmos, the idea naturally evolved that maybe our planet had been visited by extra-terrestrials in the distant past. When Erich von Daniken released his famous book, Chariots of the Gods, in 1968, the hypothesis arose that maybe God was the primitive misinterpretation of extra-terrestrials visiting Earth, whose high technology was perceived as miracle, and may have formed the basis for many of the ancient religions around the world.
Was God an Alien?
To its credit, this hypothesis can explain all of the events in the Bible and in other ancient religious documents all throughout the world. If it is assumed that it is possible for space aliens to travel a number of light years to Earth in the first place, then a number of the stories in the Bible can be explained in terms of extra-terrestrial intervention. We are told in the Bible that the three wise men followed a moving star, which led them to the location of Jesus. It has been postulated that maybe this star was really Haley’s Comet, as calculations suggest that the comet was in the sky at the time; however, a comet would be pointless and difficult to follow. Alternatively, believers of the “ancient astronaut” theory have suggested that the star could have been a UFO, which the wise men were compelled to follow via telepathic communication with the aliens (which is commonly reported in alien abduction reports).
The birth of Jesus might be elucidated by the speculation that aliens visited Mary in her sleep (which she perceived as a dream in which she was visited by angels). The aliens could have artificially inseminated her with genetically engineered, or possibly even alien sperm; and this could explain the superhuman abilities which Jesus was reported to have had, and also the fact that Mary gave birth while she was still a virgin. So, perhaps Jesus was one of the first alien-human hybrids.
This idea has spawned a number of alien cults, the most popular being the Raelian Movement (which has over 35,000 members in 85 countries). According to this cult, scientists from another planet used Earth as a giant biological laboratory, on which they created all life using DNA, and created man in their own image. In December 1973, a French journalist (Rael) was supposedly contacted by a visitor from this other planet, and was dictated a message (basically consisting of a re-translation of the Bible in terms of extra-terrestrial intervention). He has now published this message as a series of books, which you can order over the Internet from the Raelian Revolution Virtual Shop. Rael was also asked to prepare an embassy for the aliens where they could officially land among us, bringing with them all the prophets as predicted by every religion.
There is certainly a degree of romance and mystery to this theory, and it is attractive in its consistency with our current worldview and worldwide religions, but unfortunately it is far from proven. In a sense the aliens of this age have superceded the God of previous generations, in that any unexplained phenomena can now be attributed to some bizarre form of advanced alien technology, rather than to divine intervention. Admittedly, the evidence in support of the ancient astronaut theory is highly speculative and based on questionable data (consisting mainly of ancient myths and archaeological sites). In addition to this, the plausibility of interstellar travel is still debatable. So what are the alternatives?
In Fingerprints of the Gods, Graham Hancock interpreted many of the mysteries of the past with a more terrestrial hypothesis by suggesting the existence of an advanced race of people many years ago who originated on Antarctica. According to his hypothesis, these people developed a high level of technology, and comprehensively traveled and surveyed the Earth. He explained many of the ancient religions as the primitive misinterpretation of these individuals, who had a slightly different appearance, and whose technology would have been perceived as magic. He suggested that this hypothetical civilization was destroyed during a polar shift when Antarctica was again covered in ice.
But maybe neither of these hypotheses are necessary. Yes, it is possible that visitors from outer space did land on earth a few thousand years ago and communicate with our ancestors. But it is also possible that the prehistoric people were responsible for their own art, technology and culture. Maybe the writings within the Bible are mere stories and poems attempting to explain our place and purpose in the Universe; perhaps also in an attempt to satisfy the basic human desire for an afterlife. And maybe these fundamental aspects of human nature similarly inspired the other worldwide religions
Aliens from outer space or the great deception?
by Don Koenig
The scriptures tell us that in the last days God will allow a great deception to take place. It will be so great that it would even deceive the elect if this were possible. This deception may be one delivered by beings some people call aliens from outer space. It is no coincidence that there is common pagan theological agreement among those in the occult, those in the new age movement and those that believe that we are being visited by aliens from outer space.
It is obvious that some form of alien beings are interacting with the human race. The Bible declares that there are beings in space or the atmosphere of the earth that interact with men called angels, and demons.
The core message supposedly said by alien beings that claim to come from another abode is always contrary to the teachings of Christianity. The basic message is that human beings will evolve into a higher state (like them) and their role is to help us evolve into this advanced state. This supports the theory that these beings are really fallen angels. Their real motive is to deceive mankind. In addition, they may also be trying to genetically alter the human species so Jesus cannot legally come as a son of Adam and be mankind's kinsman redeemer.
Angels once poised as gods from outer space, they are recorded in Genesis
The Bible in the book of Genesis records that genetic altering of man by angels has happened in the past. The scriptures indicate that before the time of Noah some angels left their first estate, came to earth and took the daughters of men as their wives. Their offspring were a hybrid race called the Nephilim. These offspring were the mighty men of renown who were giants being half human and half angel (Hercules etc.). This event is the source of ancient literature about gods being on the earth that most people today claim are myths.
The book of Enoch
The book of Enoch is not in the canon of scripture although parts of it are directly quoted in scripture. It is an ancient book that dates back before 200 BC. The book gives a detailed account of angels coming to earth that totally supports the theory I have stated in this article and it supports the account as given in Genesis. The person who wrote this ancient book had no logical reason to write such an account unless it was something that he knew happened or that he was told had happened. The great historian Josephus gives a similar account about angels taking women and producing offspring as do many other ancient writings. The truth about what happened in the book of Enoch may be partly corrupted today but that does not nullify any truth contained in it. Parts of the book of Enoch pertaining to this event were quoted verbatim in the New Testament by Saint Jude. It is also clear that pagan history contains accounts of gods coming to earth and becoming entrapped in fleshly bodies. Even today some modern pagan cults have a theology that includes gods that became entrapped in flesh (e.g. those who believe the accounts of Edgar Cayce).
Why the worldwide flood?
It is likely that the Satanic reason for this genetic altering by the fallen angels was to legally prevent the Messiah from coming from the lineage of Adam to be kinsman redeemer of the human race. If no genetically pure man could be found to redeem man from his sinful state, Satan and the angels would retain administrative control over the fallen earth indefinitely.
Scripture indicates that God destroyed all air breathing flesh except those on the ark because of its total corruption. Noah and his children and the animals brought to the ark were most likely still genetically pure and had not yet been corrupted by the genetic altering by the fallen angels. The scripture says that Noah was pure in his generations (or genealogy). This genetic altering gives the only sensible reason why God sent the flood to destroy all air breathing flesh in the world. The humans on the ark were brought through the flood to preserve a pure line from Adam. If it were only a spiritual sin problem there would have been no reason to wipe out animals for the sins of man. They obviously were also becoming genetically corrupted. (Where did flesh eating animals and dinosaurs come from? According to early Genesis God created animals to eat the grass of the field. There was no death on earth before the fall of man.) The man/angel hybrids probably still had not corrupted the flesh of all of mankind and animals but the certainty of that happening resulted in God's decision to destroy all flesh except for the pure lines that He led to the Ark. The man/angel hybrids lost their fleshly bodies in the flood but since they were part divine they still live out their immortal existence as earth bound spirits without bodies. These disembodied spirits the Bible calls demons or in some translations devils. One or more of the wives of the children of Noah may have had corrupted genetics because after the flood we once again see giants (Nephilim) in the land. This could be the reason for God's directive to Israel to wipe out all men, women, and children of the tribes that dwelled in that area. This theory admittedly is difficult for most to accept but the standard sons of Seth theory used to explain what happened in Genesis makes no sense at all.
The sons of Seth theory?
Just about all of the church today believes that the sons of God spoken about in Genesis were the offspring of Seth and that the sons of Seth married the daughters of Cain and that they somehow produced the Nephilim giants spoken of in Genesis. This theory makes no sense whatsoever by reading the text or by correlation with other scriptures. There was no reason for the descendants of Cain and Seth to produce a new species of giants. No one can assume that all the offspring of Cain were not saved and all the Son of Seth were saved sons of God so that Genesis would identify all the daughters of Cain as daughters of men while the book would identify all the male offspring of Seth as sons of God. In reality, the term "sons of Elohiym" in this passage are the same words that are used to identify angels in many places in scripture.
Now that we have the Dead Sea Scrolls we know the book of Enoch existed prior to 200 BC. We see in the writings that people of that period were quite familiar with the book of Enoch. One passage from the Lord's brother (Jude) directly quotes a statement that is in the book of Enoch (Jud 1:14). Thus, the book of Enoch was either quoted from directly by the early fathers or they got the exact same words by direct revelation from God. In either case, what was said conflicts with the Sons of Seth theory.
The main support for the sons of Seth theory comes from the passage in Matthew that says angels in heaven do not marry, "For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven".
There is no conflict in this passage to stop one from believing the actual account as described in Genesis, Enoch and Josephus. The angels of God in heaven do not marry. It was only some angels in earlier times that left heaven and went to earth to act like gods that did this perversion. Jude tells us where these angels are now because of this sin. These angels are not in heaven.
Jud 1:6 And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great dayI will not get into all the fine detail in this article. Those who are open to learn why Jesus said it would be like it was in the days of Noah just prior to His return and to learn why there will be another deception from satanic angels should research the information on the following websites.Jack Kelly's excellent commentary on the Nephilim (look for "the case for Enoch link" and the "cover up link") search for the audio downloads on the coming deception (the link on this subject moves from time to time)
The real invasion of the body snatchers
According to scripture demons look for bodies to possess. They prefer humans but we also know from scripture that they they can possess pigs. Jews practiced exorcisms of demons before the time of Jesus. According to the gospels Jesus delivered many people from demons. The Bible identifies them as disembodied spirits. The belief in reincarnation originates from demon spirits leaving one life form to occupy another. These disembodied spirits have roamed the earth and have possessed people since the great flood.
Many new age channelers, psychics, remote viewers, mediums, etc., are possessed by or get their messages from these demon beings. Jesus said it would be like it was in the days of Noah just before He returns. The doctrine they accepted then is what many are accepting today. It is called in scripture the doctrine of demons (1 Ti 4:1).
It is possible that in these last days the fallen angels will again genetically alter man to create a hybrid race and that somehow ties in with the 666 mark of initiation. The stories about people being abducted for genetic experiments may to some extent be true. It is possible that human/alien hybrids will be revealed to us soon, as a evolutionary bridge between us and them. There are no cases of true Christians being abducted against their will that I am aware of; this says much about their source. Most of the people claiming these encounters tend to have a form of pagan theology or they dabble in the occult.
It seems that Satan and his angels before the flood wanted to corrupt the human race so that the promised redeemer coming as a son of Adam could not legally happen. Jesus however, did come as a son of Adam and He died for the sins of all mankind and arose to a new creation. Those saved into this new creation are born of the Spirit that they received when they trusted in the Creator's finished work of redemption on the cross.
Satan's prior attempts failed but he may one more time try to corrupt the human race genetically so that that all those deceived will not qualify as adamic beings and the redeeming work of the kinsman redeemer (Jesus).
The great deception may just persuade people to choose to live in an evolved form of their corrupted flesh and to continue to dwell in the corrupted old creation with Satan as God rather then to be spiritually born into God's new creation by faith in Jesus.
For whosoever would save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel's shall save it (Mar 8:35).The mark of the Beast in the book of Revelation could be the key. Anyone who takes this mark can no longer be saved according to scripture. This mark may include an implanted bio-chip and/or a genetic altering that in some way changes the human genetic code from being made in the image of God into being transformed to an image of Satan. Thus, they are forever disqualified for salvation through the Kinsman Redeemer that God choose to save the human race (Jesus).
At the cross the Creator died to His old creation and He created a new one.
At the resurrection Jesus started a new creation. The Son of God who created all things died to our present universe on the cross and the corrupted old universe is now doomed without Him. Jesus arose to a new creation and the only way into this new parallel universe is through Himself. He will first redeem all things given to Him by the Father out of His old creation and then all that remains will be cast into the Lake of Fire. This redemption process is the reason for the delay in His second coming. This new universe is like Jesus created the universe before the rebellion of Satan and his angels. The new creation will totally replace the old and it will go into eternity after all of God's enemies are defeated. At that time Satan, his angels, their followers and all that are not redeemed, are cast into the Lake of Fire and they will be remembered no more. In God's new creation there will be no more death, destruction, suffering or second law of thermodynamics.
Signs of the time
FOO FIGHTERS PERFORMING LEARN TO FLY.ENJOY ITANCIENT ALIENS AND GODS .WATCH ITMany today are buying into the facade that there are aliens from other worlds or dimensions. The facade the world is being indoctrinated with by books, movies and new age/new spirituality teaching is that these are superior beings and that they come from a more highly evolved civilization to help us realize that all are all one and all part of God. These beings really are fallen angels and demons who will bring a great deception to all on the earth who reject God's truth. The huge amount of indoctrination preparing us to accept these alien beings from outer space should tell the astute that we must be very near the time of that great deception. God said this deception would come upon the whole earth to try those who do not love the truth (Jesus is Lord) but choose to believe the lie (we all can become like God). The root of that great deception has already been planted in human consciousness using the facade of evolution and .
Jesus and The Aliens
©1999 DAN GOLDFrom what I can gather the story goes like this ...
Way back when at the formation of our solar system Lucifer was the ruling spiritual being other than God and His Word (and of course His Spirit). Unfortunately Lucifer rebelled resulting in chaos and darkness being spread throughout creation. (Some believe the asteroid belt is a disintegrated planet from these troubled times.)
Lucifer had been the head overseer in the solar system's creation and the rebellion and war forced God to punish Lucifer by consigning him to this planet, Earth. Meanwhile all the other created species would not have to be subjected to satan's evil ways and could exist in harmony with God.
God created man and the world for man to have dominion over and rule according to God's Ways. Satan through the serpent deceived woman into disobeying God and thereafter Adam also disobeyed God and sin now ruled over both. God sent Adam and Eve from paradise on earth and satan laughed at his supposed ruination of God's plans.When Jesus came and died for our sins once and for all man entered again into the grace of God. Now satan could no longer rule over man since all believers are redeemed. However the rest of creation is not redeemed. The rest of creation includes everything outside this planet and all the aliens out there.
Now as to the aliens in particular ..
Up until the completion of God's prophecies on earth and the return of Jesus the aliens have been independent of any spiritual authority other than God (and His Holy Spirit and His holy angels).
However at the time of the resurrection all creation will become subject to the spiritual authority of the Lord Jesus and His saints (since Jesus and the Father are one and we sit in Him, we are His body). This means that all aliens become subject to God's Word and wisdom working through us.
No being if they are free to pursue their activities as they please will appreciate another spiritual presence suggesting a better more blessed way to go (that is unless they hate their own way!) especially if they don't realize that their way is not necessarily wise.
Wise aliens will appreciate and even love humans who are redeemed. However unwise aliens will hate humans who are wise just like unwise humans hate humans who are wise. The wicked are an abomination to the righteous and the righteous are an abomination to the wicked.
These unwise aliens are and will be our enemies forever. They will never accept a human spiritual authority over them. They will never rest until humanity (believers and not) are exterminated or enslaved. Consequently we who are redeemed and those who are wise must be vigilant to prepare always for battle. God helps us.
The Lord Jesus says for His enemies that would not accept His rule to be brought before Him and slain. This we must do as the Lord directs (God willing!).Aliens and God's Word ..
As the coming of the Lord draws near the prophecies forecast the unleashing of vast amounts of darkness and suffering on the earth. Not all these events are natural or man-made. Aliens have something to do with the human population.
Aliens know nothing of God's Word and the prophecies and the unfolding of God's plan for believers. Their interest is in population control for breeding and food. It is to their interest that no major wars erupt, nations are fed, peace and prosperity reigns. However they do know that certain humans possess spiritual powers and minds greater than their own - and they are afraid!
We who are believers have the mind of Christ - not only a superior intellect but possessing all knowledge and wisdom. As we obey the Lord Jesus the aliens defeat themselves since they are subject to God's anger on every point (not being redeemed). The Lord is angry at the wicked and judges
Jesus and The Aliens
©1999 DAN GOLDFrom what I can gather the story goes like this ...
Way back when at the formation of our solar system Lucifer was the ruling spiritual being other than God and His Word (and of course His Spirit). Unfortunately Lucifer rebelled resulting in chaos and darkness being spread throughout creation. (Some believe the asteroid belt is a disintegrated planet from these troubled times.)
Lucifer had been the head overseer in the solar system's creation and the rebellion and war forced God to punish Lucifer by consigning him to this planet, Earth. Meanwhile all the other created species would not have to be subjected to satan's evil ways and could exist in harmony with God.
God created man and the world for man to have dominion over and rule according to God's Ways. Satan through the serpent deceived woman into disobeying God and thereafter Adam also disobeyed God and sin now ruled over both. God sent Adam and Eve from paradise on earth and satan laughed at his supposed ruination of God's plans.When Jesus came and died for our sins once and for all man entered again into the grace of God. Now satan could no longer rule over man since all believers are redeemed. However the rest of creation is not redeemed. The rest of creation includes everything outside this planet and all the aliens out there.
Now as to the aliens in particular ..
Up until the completion of God's prophecies on earth and the return of Jesus the aliens have been independent of any spiritual authority other than God (and His Holy Spirit and His holy angels).
However at the time of the resurrection all creation will become subject to the spiritual authority of the Lord Jesus and His saints (since Jesus and the Father are one and we sit in Him, we are His body). This means that all aliens become subject to God's Word and wisdom working through us.
No being if they are free to pursue their activities as they please will appreciate another spiritual presence suggesting a better more blessed way to go (that is unless they hate their own way!) especially if they don't realize that their way is not necessarily wise.
Wise aliens will appreciate and even love humans who are redeemed. However unwise aliens will hate humans who are wise just like unwise humans hate humans who are wise. The wicked are an abomination to the righteous and the righteous are an abomination to the wicked.
These unwise aliens are and will be our enemies forever. They will never accept a human spiritual authority over them. They will never rest until humanity (believers and not) are exterminated or enslaved. Consequently we who are redeemed and those who are wise must be vigilant to prepare always for battle. God helps us.
The Lord Jesus says for His enemies that would not accept His rule to be brought before Him and slain. This we must do as the Lord directs (God willing!).Aliens and God's Word ..
As the coming of the Lord draws near the prophecies forecast the unleashing of vast amounts of darkness and suffering on the earth. Not all these events are natural or man-made. Aliens have something to do with the human population.
Aliens know nothing of God's Word and the prophecies and the unfolding of God's plan for believers. Their interest is in population control for breeding and food. It is to their interest that no major wars erupt, nations are fed, peace and prosperity reigns. However they do know that certain humans possess spiritual powers and minds greater than their own - and they are afraid!
We who are believers have the mind of Christ - not only a superior intellect but possessing all knowledge and wisdom. As we obey the Lord Jesus the aliens defeat themselves since they are subject to God's anger on every point (not being redeemed). The Lord is angry at the wicked and judges![]()
Jesus and The Aliens
©1999 DAN GOLDFrom what I can gather the story goes like this ...
Way back when at the formation of our solar system Lucifer was the ruling spiritual being other than God and His Word (and of course His Spirit). Unfortunately Lucifer rebelled resulting in chaos and darkness being spread throughout creation. (Some believe the asteroid belt is a disintegrated planet from these troubled times.)
Lucifer had been the head overseer in the solar system's creation and the rebellion and war forced God to punish Lucifer by consigning him to this planet, Earth. Meanwhile all the other created species would not have to be subjected to satan's evil ways and could exist in harmony with God.
God created man and the world for man to have dominion over and rule according to God's Ways. Satan through the serpent deceived woman into disobeying God and thereafter Adam also disobeyed God and sin now ruled over both. God sent Adam and Eve from paradise on earth and satan laughed at his supposed ruination of God's plans.When Jesus came and died for our sins once and for all man entered again into the grace of God. Now satan could no longer rule over man since all believers are redeemed. However the rest of creation is not redeemed. The rest of creation includes everything outside this planet and all the aliens out there.
Now as to the aliens in particular ..
Up until the completion of God's prophecies on earth and the return of Jesus the aliens have been independent of any spiritual authority other than God (and His Holy Spirit and His holy angels).
However at the time of the resurrection all creation will become subject to the spiritual authority of the Lord Jesus and His saints (since Jesus and the Father are one and we sit in Him, we are His body). This means that all aliens become subject to God's Word and wisdom working through us.
No being if they are free to pursue their activities as they please will appreciate another spiritual presence suggesting a better more blessed way to go (that is unless they hate their own way!) especially if they don't realize that their way is not necessarily wise.
Wise aliens will appreciate and even love humans who are redeemed. However unwise aliens will hate humans who are wise just like unwise humans hate humans who are wise. The wicked are an abomination to the righteous and the righteous are an abomination to the wicked.
These unwise aliens are and will be our enemies forever. They will never accept a human spiritual authority over them. They will never rest until humanity (believers and not) are exterminated or enslaved. Consequently we who are redeemed and those who are wise must be vigilant to prepare always for battle. God helps us.
The Lord Jesus says for His enemies that would not accept His rule to be brought before Him and slain. This we must do as the Lord directs (God willing!).Aliens and God's Word ..
As the coming of the Lord draws near the prophecies forecast the unleashing of vast amounts of darkness and suffering on the earth. Not all these events are natural or man-made. Aliens have something to do with the human population.
Aliens know nothing of God's Word and the prophecies and the unfolding of God's plan for believers. Their interest is in population control for breeding and food. It is to their interest that no major wars erupt, nations are fed, peace and prosperity reigns. However they do know that certain humans possess spiritual powers and minds greater than their own - and they are afraid!
We who are believers have the mind of Christ - not only a superior intellect but possessing all knowledge and wisdom. As we obey the Lord Jesus the aliens defeat themselves since they are subject to God's anger on every point (not being redeemed). The Lord is angry at the wicked and judges
THE STRONG DELUSION 2 THES:2:10-12 "For God will send a strong
Delusion to come upon the world
That those who hate the truth will
Follow the lie and damn themselves."
It is possible that Antichrist himself may come to earth in one these hijacked Alien Spacecrafts?
However Antichrist comes, he will present himself as the new "messiah". He will teach the world his Religion of Sex & Sacrament "as one" with an Extra-terrestrial Spin that makes Lucifer the good god and savior and YHWH GOD (of the Bible) out to be the wicked, evil one.
Antichrist, as World Teacher, will unite the religions and the faiths of the world as one, convert the Vatican and Protestant Churches to The CHURCH OF SATAN and prepare the world for the coming of the "Space brothers".

Antichrist will teach that these "masters" have come to create the "New Humanity". Select human women will be chosen to have sex with these Alien "supermen" to give birth to the new mankind.
Antichrist will have sold the world that Reincarnation and Karma (Buddhic/ Hindu concepts) are the Ancient Truths. He will then promise humanity that when people die, they will be REBORN as aryan super infants via the human womb. They will be told their superbodes will never age or get sick and they will live as "gods" for a thousand years.
In reality, every infant born to these Alien/human hybrids will not have a human soul, but the SOUL of an Ancient Demon! Remember back in the Days of Noah, The Alien/Human hybrid race was destroyed in The Great Flood. But their souls, being neither human or martian were doomed to roam the earth and they became the DEMONS that JESUS exorcized from possessed people.
Satan will use the human womb to bring these ancient demons back to walk the earth in human-hybrid form.
Eventually about 100,000 ALIEN -HUMAN HYBRIDS (inhabited by the Souls of Demons) would reach adulthood and wage war against the human race. Armed with high tech weapons, they can go from city to city and destroy humanity. Possibly they will nuke whole nations or kill off millions with a new plague.
Select humans will be Enslaved for FOOD (blood & flesh) and entertainment (from sex slaves to gladiatorial games).
And the Host of Demons, Fallen Angels, in new Human/Hybrid (Martian bodies) will fill the earth and worship SATAN - LUCIFER as THE SERPENT GOD OF HEAVEN AND EARTH.
One day in the near future, JESUS will take His Faithful Followers in The First of Two Rapture Events. (Matt:24:40/Lu:21:36/Rev:3:10)
Then the STRONG DELUSION will start when Antichrist is revealed, followed by the arrival of Satan and his "Aryan" super gods (i.e Demons)

Then on Day 1260, The TRUMPET WILL SOUND and The Resurrection happens (1 Thes:4:16)
All of the Christians on planet earth, both the "dead in Christ" and those who are "alive and remain" (survivors) will be CAUGHT UP into Heaven in the Second Rapture Event. (Rev:14).
Then God will pour out His Wrath upon a world that follows Satan and His demons (666) and kills Christians for them. (Rev:16).
Finally, JESUS returns to fight and destroy Antichrist at the Battle of Armageddon and Save Israel (Rev:19).
Satan will be bound for 1000 years, his spaceships destroyed and JESUS will rule the world from Jerusalem for the 1000 years. (Rev:20).
I believe this is the true meaning of Gen:6:4 and the Plan of Satan, hijacking Martian technology and corpses and and presenting his demons as the "space brothers" and creators of a new humanity.

I will leave you with JESUS'
Warning To Us All
"Watch and be ready, for the
Son of Man comes in a day and hour
when you do not expect." (Matt:24:44)
God Bless You
Pastor Harry
Church of Philadelphia Internet
I have found much of the above information encoded in The BIBLE CODE. I believe this is part of the hidden knowledge, to be revealed to us in The End Times. (Dan:12:4)
"Seal up the words of This Prophecy until the time of the end when travel and knowledge have greatly increased."
The Concept of An Alien Spacecraft (from Mars) crashing into the sea of earth, and Demons, fallen angels possessing this Technology and alien bodies was known to the ancient world. Sumerian and Akkadian Myths, Babylonian Text, The Lost Book of Enoch and of course, Gen:6:4.

Hitler was told that when he "rids the world of the "Serpent Seed" race (JEWS) and the mud people (blacks, orientals) that the Ayran supergods who return and set up the kingdom of God upon earth, and anoint Hitler as "King of the world".The Ancient Mayans had an astrological Calendar. This is a 5000 year Calendar, which ends on DEC 22, 2012 AD. Many believe this date is DOOMSDAY, a Day of Great Global Catatclysm
Bible code
Recently the book has been published "The Bible code 2 - the Final Countdown". In this book the author Michael Drosin investigates code in the bible, discovered by a brilliant mathematician Dr. Eliyahu Rips., one of the world's leading experts in group theory, which underlines quantum physics. Based on Dr. Rips research it appears there is a hidden code in the bible. He even published an article in a major science journal, which has been met with a criticism, however no fault in his logic has been found. The code reveals all the Past, Present and the Future of all human kind. All major events has been coded, including World War I, II and III; Oklahoma City Bombing, World Trade Center Bombing; Watergate; Sept. 11 attack and more. Who put it there and for what purpose ? I believe the aliens did, the God civilization.
It points out how advanced this civilization is that they are able to see though time. It appears that the bible code was some kind of time lock, similar to the one in the movie Space Odyssey 2001 by Arthur Clark. It was only possible to to open it when the human kind reaches the computer age. In his book "Are We Alone ?" the Australian physicist Paul Davies imagines an artifact left by aliens - "programmed to manifest itself only when civilization on Earth crossed a certain threshold of advancement. Such a device - in effect, an extraterrestrial time capsule - could store vast amounts of important information for us." Is the bible code such a device ? the code appears to us like a very sophisticated multi dimensional computer program written on the stone blocks ! What kind of race is capable of inventing such a thing ? Are their our creator ? According to the bible, yes.
The astronomer Carl Sagan stated that if there is other intelligent life in the universe, some of it would develop much earlier then we did. I would have thousands of years more to develop the advanced technology we just beginning to explore. Sagan wrote: "What is for us technologically difficult or impossible, what might seem to us like a magic, might for them be trivially easy". Is he referring to the God civilization described in the bible ?
Most of us is familiar with work of dr. Erich von Däniken, a remarkable scientist researching the past involvement of alien civilizations with the development of our civilization.
It is worth mentioning that Isaak Newten, the founder of modern physics, spent most of his live searching for the hidden code in the bible. Obviously there were no computers at the time he lived in, so his search was doomed to be unsuccessful.

In his book Drosin suggests that according to the newest research the bible code is very similar to the DNA code. Is it possible that DNA come from cosmos and our planet has been seeded by life ? Did God civilization do it ? In 1973 Francis Crick, famous molecular biologist who discovered structure of DNA, releases a theory called "Directed Panspermia". In this theory Crick stated that our DNA was intentionally sent to Earth in a "spaceship" and that "all life on Earth represents a clone derided from A single extraterrestrial organism". His thesis are based on the pure scientific research. It states:
"The spaceship would carry large samples of a number of microorganisms, each having different but simple nutritional requirements, for example, blue-green algae, which could grow on CO2 and water in "sunlight". A payload of 1,000 kg might be made up of 10 samples each containing 1016 microorganisms, or 100 samples of 1015 microorganisms. "
"...Several orthodox explanations of the universality of the code can be suggested, but none is generally accepted to be completely convincing. It is a little surprising that organisms with somewhat different codes do not coexist. The universality of the code follows naturally from an "infective" theory of the origin of life. Life on Earth would represent a clone derived from a single set of organisms... ".
As evidence, Crick suggested two things:
1) "The genetic code is identical in all living things"
2) "The earliest organisms appear suddenly, without any sign of more simple precursors here on Earth."
Actually it states very clearly in the plain text of the bible, in Genesis, where civilization of God tells (telepathically ?) Abraham:
"I will bless thee greatly, and I will greatly multiply thy seed as the stars of Heaven, and the sand that is upon the seashore; and in thy seed shall all the nations of the world be blessed"
Apparently "seed" refers to DNA code. Drosnin found that the above text contains hidden code: "DNA was brought in a vehicle", "Your seed" and "In a vehicle your seed" are all encoded there.
Ather keywords are encoded together: "DNA spiral", "From a code" and "in Adam the model, template". That is not all, "Genetic code", "His gene you will inherit" and "To Advance man" are all encoded there as well.
In the Bible it says that the God civilization created a man in his image. Are we the descendents of some ancient alien race ?
What about Jesus Christ ? Was he a hybrid between alien and a human ? Since his mother Maria was a virgin, the only logical explanation can be that she was abducted by aliens, The holy spirit came to her as light, and she was taken aboard an alien vessel. She has been injected with an alien sperm in order to create a great human being - Jesus Christ, half man, half alien. That would also explain his extraordinary spiritual development and his supernatural powers. We all may have those, it just needs to be unlocked. What if the aliens (God) purposely blocked it, so we can not harm each other.
Today many alien abductees claim that they were taken aboard the vehicle by the light and some sort of medical experiments were performed on them. It is a striking similarity here. Many of those people claim that some sort of breeding has been done in order to create a human-alien hybrid. Is this a new experiment done in order to create a new coming "Messiah" ?
One may ask, if those aliens are still here, why they do not reveal themselves. It states in the Bible that God civilization gave human a free will. They do not want to dictate their will upon us. Maybe they just want us to develop our self on our own, so we can choose our own path ? That would make a lot of sense, this way we would be able to develop technologies the God civilization would benefit from. Maybe this old civilization needs somebody like us, with a "fresh" look. Maybe their advancement is some kind of obstacle not allowing them to see things the way we do. Maybe they need our "stupidity" for some reason.Space Aliens Use the Occult to Manipulate Earthlings
Space aliens manipulate history, and their signatures can be found in the dark arts of the occult and witchcraft. There have been a disproportionate number of horrific political events throughout history which have fallen on days sacred to witchcraft. The history of the Nazis, the Communists, the French Revolution, and even the United States of America fit the pattern of this phenomenon, whereby important dates in history coincide with witch sabats. The phenomenon continues even to this day, as documented by Meyer. Additionally, many religious movements started on witch sabats, including Mormonism, Adventism, the Bahai Faith, the Protestant Reformation, and Ezra’s revival which erroneously put the Genesis 1 creation myth in the Bible. The demons are truly at work, and there may be a scientific explanation for demonic activity. The fact that demons are both cold and associated with sulfur indicates that they may be extra-terrestrial life forms who use hydrogen sulfide as a solvent for life, instead of water.
The aliens have also left the signatures of Freemasonry in the fossil record. They may also give certain prophecies to abductees who tell the history of the aliens’ genetic engineering projects. A stained glass window at the United Nations apparently depicts the results of aliens splicing and dicing the DNA of various species. In their breeding with mortals, sometimes the aliens engage in anal sex with earthlings. They compete with each other. Sometimes they even pollute each other’s genetic engineering projects with Satanic DNA.

The creationist narrative in Genesis 1 is contradicted by many ancient Christian texts. Instead of an Almighty Creator God, ancient Christian texts espouse that the universe is born from blind arrogance and stupidity. The angels caused evolution to occur from species to species. There are many gods, (or aliens?), and the Christian God is just one among them. Satan the Devil writes scripture, and thus the Bible was polluted with Genesis 1. Archaeology and modern scholarship demonstrate that Genesis is indeed corrupted. Cavemen walk with Adam and Eve. Esoteric prophecies reveal the coming of Christ, and also reveal the dark forces that govern the cosmos. Such are the ancient Christian writings.
Is our God an alien? We have migrated to other planets hoping we could find one that could sustain our life and maybe other life forms. Maybe there is other life out there, more intelligent life that also needed a new planet to live on. This life form found the planet that we call Earth and decided to plant a seed, or experiment with a new life form and eventually created what we call people. This may have happened on more than one planet in more than one galaxy. There may well be a God, and this life form – our creator – is our God, who is actually what we call an alien and we are only trying to find our way home. For whatever reason – disease, catastrophe or boredom, our God decided to create us. Maybe we are just toys to him like an ant farm. This Being does not have to have a form – our God is known to us as an entity – a feeling, or power within us. This could be Its design – to keep control of us – for us to always know It – It is a part of all of us, good or bad. Some choose to absorb the feeling and live as good – others choose to block the feeling and live a troubled life.
It is not necessarily a world, or a person, or even a thing. It is more like a feeling, an essence, a knowing. It just is. It is called God by our people, our life forms. We cannot touch It, for there is no substance. It is nothing we can see, other than by experiencing caring, tenderness or love, beauty and good. We can feel It. It feels like tightness in our chest, a lump in our throat or a tear in our eye. It feels like what we call pride, or love. And everyone feels this at some time. It cannot be proven or disproved. There are no records that every person will believe as true, and how can you disprove a feeling? Something that is not really there, but It is. There are many beliefs, myths, and theories. We know, deep in our hearts, there is a God. A powerful, all knowing, all seeing, all caring being or entity that looks after us and has planned out our individual and ultimate fate, our destiny. We know God is there, here, we just can’t explain why or how it all came about, until now. In a discussion with my husband the other day it just all fell into place for me. I’ve never been terribly religious, although I believe in a being greater than mankind and I say a prayer nearly every night thanking God for my existence, my family and friends and our good health. With prayer, one shows a devotion to the creator and commits themselves to the belief of a more powerful being. A being that can protect and heal, or devastate. I’ve often wondered why the Son of God was a human, just like us, but God was an entity
In the new world the people had to start from scratch. God did not send those who were all knowing. They had to learn on their own with their own mistakes, although the knowledge was there to be developed. We are now at a point where we too need a new world. The one in existence is being destroyed by not only ourselves, but also by the solar system. Migration is inevitable. The knowledge is there for us to send out our scouts. To create a new life on another planet, maybe in another galaxy. Our life form will never reach “all knowing”. It is not in our design.
It was a science experiment. The assignment: to create a living world, such as a terrarium, ant farm, or honeybee hive for observation. But it went further than that, the creation of a mastermind, a supreme being, a fluke. After the creation of an entire galaxy, came a solar system within it. Complete with a sun and moon. The magnetic pull of the moon set the other planets in motion around it. The vacuum from this motion started strange happenings on one planet. Plant life emerged on the surface omitting vapors, which dropped back to the surface and built up into great bodies of water. This was fascinating. As the observation continued, experiments were constructed with fabulous results. If the vacuum was disturbed in any way little storms would erupt around the planet. Sometimes these would develop into wondrous displays of energy, other times they would dissipate quickly. But each of these storms had a resounding effect in the way the planet developed.
This entire project was constructed within a single room. There was no light, save the sun, which was bright enough to blind all vision, and hot enough to disintegrate any material that dare touch it. Of course there was more than one project happening in this room, so the individual planets were no more than the size of a pea (by our scale). But within each project, each solar system had only one planet that could sustain life. That was the mystery. This was duplicated over and over again within this one room, The Creator observed with fascination and awe.
There were other projects, in other rooms. This intelligence could create anything. Eventually two projects were united. A life form had been developed, hardly able to be seen even with the strongest of lenses. But it was there, and introduced onto one of the life sustaining planets. This life form was called dinosaur. The dinosaur seemed to thrive on this planet. They ate the vegetation and more grew. The dinosaurs’ reproduced and different species developed. Eventually the Creator was bored with these life forms. All they did was roam and eat. The Creator decided to create a terrible quaking that would cause the dinosaurs to fall off the planet. Instead this caused cracks to form and the planet to reshape itself. The land areas broke apart and the dinosaurs fell into the cracks and died. The planet lived for a time with no life forms on it. The Creator was working on a new life form to introduce to the planet. This was called man and was designed to be rough, tough, and protective of its property. The Creator placed man on the planet along with a life form that was called animal. After a time of long observation it was evident there would be no reproduction from these two species. They were not even friendly toward each other. The Creator went to work on another of the man life forms for reproduction. This he called woman, designed to be sensitive, tender and caring. After placing woman on the planet with man, the Creator was pleased to observe an immediate attraction between the two. They began reproducing. During the observation of this life form the Creator witnessed many unusual events. These life forms developed guttural noises much different than the animals. They formed different sounds rather than just growls and seemed to communicate with each other. Also, there was a more nurturing, and more demanding quality about them and they had an awareness of the creator. The animals just roamed around aimlessly. The man and woman looked around, searched, and often looked skyward as if searching for the Creator. Thoughts could be understood and the Creator understands all, so it was understood there was awareness. This pleased the Creator and he named this species “human”.
There were always changes happening on the planet. The planet changed as it moved around the sun and the changes were relevant to the movements. One part of the planet would be very warm while another part was very cold, the Creator called this the Seasons. One part would be light while another was dark, the Creator called this happening Day and Night.
As time passed the needs of the humans changed. With the changing seasons on the planet the Creator observed changes in the humans as well. When there was warm time the humans would be happy and play. If the time was too warm the humans became lethargic and drank more. When the time became cooler, the humans ate more food and would cover themselves to retain heat.
Storms were created during the warm time that caused water to fall from the skies and great streaks of light shot from the skies and hit the planet. When this happened a great flame lit up the skies for a time. This flame was hotter than the warmest weather. The streaks of light would create a large hot flame that the water would soon extinguish. It was amazing.
The storms created in the cooler time were also grand. These storms would cause the falling water to become cold and hard and fall at great speeds. The humans would hide so as not to be struck by the falling, hard water. When it was the coldest time, the falling water would become soft and float to the ground and was beautiful, and would cover the grounds in a bright blanket.
One cold day as the soft blanket covered the grounds the humans found whatever they could to keep themselves warm and wrapped in it, then they played. They seemed to relish in the cold, soft, white flakes, making happy sounds. But as the snows kept falling and a great deal was on the ground the humans lay down and tried to keep warm. They could not find enough ground foliage to cover themselves for the snows had killed it all. They were freezing. The Creator realized something had to be done or they would be lost.
The Creator sent down a single streak of light that began a great flame near the humans. The flame created a heat that the humans moved toward and became warm and well. The humans saved some of this heat so they would stay well. The Creator realized that the humans had tremendous awareness.
The Creator conducted many tests, trials and tribulations for the humans. And the humans designed tools, clothing and machines to fit each need. The Creator was astounded. Not only were these tools, clothing and machines designed to make tasks easier, they were also designed for pleasure. The awareness of the humans seemed to evolve at great speeds for some, in every different area, while others seemed to never evolve at all.
For some humans the awareness evolved so much they began to understand how things may have happened, and they began to recreate the Creation that could have been their beginning.
They developed a science experiment. The assignment: to create a living world, such as a terrarium, ant farm, or honeybee hive for observation. But it went further than that…
Is our God an alien? We have migrated to other planets hoping we could find one that could sustain our life and maybe other life forms. Maybe there is other life out there, more intelligent life that also needed a new planet to live on. This life form found the planet that we call Earth and decided to plant a seed, or experiment with a new life form and eventually created what we call people. This may have happened on more than one planet in more than one galaxy. There may well be a God, and this life form – our creator – is our God, who is actually what we call an alien and we are only trying to find our way home. For whatever reason – disease, catastrophe or boredom, our God decided to create us. Maybe we are just toys to him like an ant farm. This Being does not have to have a form – our God is known to us as an entity – a feeling, or power within us. This could be Its design – to keep control of us – for us to always know It – It is a part of all of us, good or bad. Some choose to absorb the feeling and live as good – others choose to block the feeling and live a troubled life.

In the new world the people had to start from scratch. God did not send those who were all knowing. They had to learn on their own with their own mistakes, although the knowledge was there to be developed. We are now at a point where we too need a new world. The one in existence is being destroyed by not only ourselves, but also by the solar system. Migration is inevitable. The knowledge is there for us to send out our scouts. To create a new life on another planet, maybe in another galaxy. Our life form will never reach “all knowing”. It is not in our design.
This entire project was constructed within a single room. There was no light, save the sun, which was bright enough to blind all vision, and hot enough to disintegrate any material that dare touch it. Of course there was more than one project happening in this room, so the individual planets were no more than the size of a pea (by our scale). But within each project, each solar system had only one planet that could sustain life. That was the mystery. This was duplicated over and over again within this one room, The Creator observed with fascination and awe.
There were other projects, in other rooms. This intelligence could create anything. Eventually two projects were united. A life form had been developed, hardly able to be seen even with the strongest of lenses. But it was there, and introduced onto one of the life sustaining planets. This life form was called dinosaur. The dinosaur seemed to thrive on this planet. They ate the vegetation and more grew. The dinosaurs’ reproduced and different species developed. Eventually the Creator was bored with these life forms. All they did was roam and eat. The Creator decided to create a terrible quaking that would cause the dinosaurs to fall off the planet. Instead this caused cracks to form and the planet to reshape itself. The land areas broke apart and the dinosaurs fell into the cracks and died. The planet lived for a time with no life forms on it. The Creator was working on a new life form to introduce to the planet. This was called man and was designed to be rough, tough, and protective of its property. The Creator placed man on the planet along with a life form that was called animal. After a time of long observation it was evident there would be no reproduction from these two species. They were not even friendly toward each other. The Creator went to work on another of the man life forms for reproduction. This he called woman, designed to be sensitive, tender and caring. After placing woman on the planet with man, the Creator was pleased to observe an immediate attraction between the two. They began reproducing. During the observation of this life form the Creator witnessed many unusual events. These life forms developed guttural noises much different than the animals. They formed different sounds rather than just growls and seemed to communicate with each other. Also, there was a more nurturing, and more demanding quality about them and they had an awareness of the creator. The animals just roamed around aimlessly. The man and woman looked around, searched, and often looked skyward as if searching for the Creator. Thoughts could be understood and the Creator understands all, so it was understood there was awareness. This pleased the Creator and he named this species “human”.
There were always changes happening on the planet. The planet changed as it moved around the sun and the changes were relevant to the movements. One part of the planet would be very warm while another part was very cold, the Creator called this the Seasons. One part would be light while another was dark, the Creator called this happening Day and Night.

Storms were created during the warm time that caused water to fall from the skies and great streaks of light shot from the skies and hit the planet. When this happened a great flame lit up the skies for a time. This flame was hotter than the warmest weather. The streaks of light would create a large hot flame that the water would soon extinguish. It was amazing.
The storms created in the cooler time were also grand. These storms would cause the falling water to become cold and hard and fall at great speeds. The humans would hide so as not to be struck by the falling, hard water. When it was the coldest time, the falling water would become soft and float to the ground and was beautiful, and would cover the grounds in a bright blanket.
One cold day as the soft blanket covered the grounds the humans found whatever they could to keep themselves warm and wrapped in it, then they played. They seemed to relish in the cold, soft, white flakes, making happy sounds. But as the snows kept falling and a great deal was on the ground the humans lay down and tried to keep warm. They could not find enough ground foliage to cover themselves for the snows had killed it all. They were freezing. The Creator realized something had to be done or they would be lost.
The Creator sent down a single streak of light that began a great flame near the humans. The flame created a heat that the humans moved toward and became warm and well. The humans saved some of this heat so they would stay well. The Creator realized that the humans had tremendous awareness.
The Creator conducted many tests, trials and tribulations for the humans. And the humans designed tools, clothing and machines to fit each need. The Creator was astounded. Not only were these tools, clothing and machines designed to make tasks easier, they were also designed for pleasure. The awareness of the humans seemed to evolve at great speeds for some, in every different area, while others seemed to never evolve at all.
For some humans the awareness evolved so much they began to understand how things may have happened, and they began to recreate the Creation that could have been their beginning.
They developed a science experiment. The assignment: to create a living world, such as a terrarium, ant farm, or honeybee hive for observation. But it went further than that…
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