RollingStonesWorldNews is a 21 century White Hardrock blog which is discussing main events in defence of Western Civilisation-the Rolling Stones Revolution-Eternal White Evolution-in God We Trust.Be prepared guys because the Dark races wont rest until they force us into World War 3 eventually./This blog has a direct link to the World biggest pro-White site as well-enjoy it and learn well/
Around 2030 the USA is going to be a non WHITE Majority HellHole
HENRY ROLLINS BAND PERFORMING HARD LIVE.ENJOY ITGLENN BECK EXPOSING THE OBONGO EMERGENCIES.WATCH ITGo back to Boston! Go back to Plymouth Rock, Pilgrims! Get out! We are the future. You are old and tired. Go on. We have beaten you. Leave like beaten rats. You old white people. It is your duty to die. Through love of having children, we are going to take over.” – Augustin Cebada, Brown Berets We have an aging white America. They are not making babies. They are dying. The explosion is in our population . . . I love it. They are shitting in their pants with fear. I love it!” — Professor Jose Angel Gutierrez, University of Texas
Did you know that immigrants from Mexico and other non-European countries can come to this country and get preferences in jobs, education, and government contracts? It’s called affirmative action or racial privilege. The Emperor of Japan or the President of Mexico could migrate here and immediately be eligible for special rights unavailable for Americans of European descent. Recently, a vote was taken in the U.S. Congress to end this practice. It was defeated. Every single Democratic senator except Ernest Hollings voted to maintain special privileges for Hispanic, Asian and African immigrants. They were joined by thirteen Republicans. Bill Clinton and Al Gore have repeatedly stated that they believe that massive immigration from countries like Mexico is good. They have also backed special privileges for these immigrants.
In the United States in 2005, 37,460 white females were sexually assaulted or raped by a black man, while between zero and ten black females were sexually assaulted or raped by a white man.
Corporate America has signed on to the idea that minorities and third world immigrants should get special, privileged status. Some examples are Exxon, Texaco, Merrill Lynch, Boeing, Paine Weber, Starbucks and many more.
The Mighty Ass-ster goes off the deep end again!
When will his chimping stop?
Who is more likely to chimp out over stupid shit, a gutter bum, a Jew, or a nigger? ILLINOIS STATE PEORIA NIGGER SUBHUMAN MOB YELLS KILL ALL WHITE PEOPLE WELCOME TO THE NEW SOUTH AFRICA.A mob of African-American male youths terrorized White residents of Peoria, Illinois as they shouted “kill all the White people” while rioting in the downtown area late Saturday night
Tonight, around 11 p.m., a group of at least 60-70 African American youth marched down one of the side streets (W. Thrush) to the 4 lane main drag (Sheridan). They were yelling threats to white residents. Things such as we need to kill alll the white people around here. They were physically intimidating anyone calling for help from the police. They were surrounding cars. Cars on the main drag had to slam on their brakes to either avoid the youth blocking not only all four lanes, but a large section of the side street as well. fights were breaking out among them. They were rushing residents who looked out their doors, going on to porches, yelling threats to people calling the police for help.
Cars were doing U turns on the streets just to avoid the mob, mostly male. One youth stated his grandfather was white and several assaulted him on the spot. One police officer answered the call. The youth split into two large groups, one heading north, the other south. They were also yelling racial threats to the police officer but he was outnumbered. Another police car did not show up until after the youth finally dispersed and the patty wagon (van) also eventually showed up.
Residents are very shaken, both black and white alike. This is the fifth large mob action in about a month with smaller groups of 10-12 are out threatening children and adults a few evenings a week or later into the night. The times vary, even occuring during the day. In talking to the police officer, they are short staffed. Residents were advised to simply keep inside and to lock their doors. In other words buckle down, it’s not even safe to sit on your porch or go into your yards.
Saturday’s incident follows a string of Black-on-White hate crime attacks over the last several weeks. Three African-American teens were arrested on June 10 for assaulting two White teenagers earlier that week, reports The Chicago Tribune. The three arrested were part of a larger group that went on a wilding spree responsilbe for four attacks on Tuesday night.
I just bought a colt LE6920 and am purchasing a suppressor and a ACOG weapon sight, plus I have a conceal carry permit and a keltech 9mm with a laser sight. I am quietly preparing for the coming civil unrest which is eminent given the economy and welfare system. All I can say is “Bring it on bitches!” The media are now rushing in to do damage control, claiming this didn’t really happen
Amazing how quick media bozos are to clear things up when it’s black on white. Of course, they weren’t so swift to exonerate the falsely accused Duke lacrosse players or the Tea Partiers who supposedly shouted epithets at U.S. Rep. John Lewis. One-sided, agenda-driven jerks.
Typical bunch of kaffers!! We have to deal with THIS shit everyday here in South Africa,only difference is these smelly nigger bastards are killing thousands of white man here and the Media says and does fuck all about it!! So I am not surprised that they are not covering it up there in the States!! But let it have just been white men doing it, then all hell would have broken loose,Bottom line my friends ITS US AGAINST THEM,AKA NIGGERS !! WE JUST HAVE TO FIGHT FIRE WITH FIRE!.They are trying to kill the white man World wide.I know if Im going down Im taking a good few of these vermin with me,come kaffers Im waiting for you to attack me here in South Africa, Fuck all of you black bastards!! WHITE POWER
Did anyone read the US news yesterday?? The heading was: HISTORY, for the first time the minority (blacks) are having more babies than the majority (whites)…. and this in the USA!?!?!?!? Like someone said before… they just breed, breed, break down and not to mention crime…
Obama, Oprah – no one said anything about the black on white crime in South Africa…. shocking!!
Looks as if Commander George Lincoln Rockwell and Dr. William Pierce and all the other courageous men that warned us about the blacks were absolutely correct. Now ask yourself who was it that called Rockwell and Pierce etal. racist’s and KKK hate mongers? It was and still is those that are fomenting this hatred towards the white people and founders of America; it’s of course the communist JEW and their anti-American communist outposts like the? ADL,SPLC,AIPAC,JDL ect. We must identify the enemy.
When the whites become the minority in American and the mass of nonwhites rule the land, the whites should not expect anything from the rabble of peasants and ghetto dwellers.
The nonwhite will simply demand that the whites work harder to take care of them and their boiling brood of babies. The Blacks will continue to contaminate the American cities with their ghettos and the hundred million Latinos will continue to be peasants who will fight with the Blacks for the few scarps left to feed on.
The future of a nonwhite America is not very pleasant. The nation will be a cesspool somewhat akin to Haiti - Mexico mess. Or, the nation will become a dictatorship run by white Pentagon generals. In either case, the future for a nonwhite America looks very bleak. No wonder the wealthy white Americans are buying residences abroad.
Just as AIDS weakens the physical resistance of human beings, multiculturalism weakens the identity of a people and a civilization Minority groups make up an increasing share of the population in almost every US state, according to figures released by the US Census Bureau. dont know, but personally, i will NEVER forgive or forget the actions of anti-white-whites. Pleading stupidity and brain washing wont work on me. They sell out their culture, family and race for the sake of being socially more acceptable and fashionable.
They have sought to destroy those who seek to save them, sought to hurt those who defend them and thus are the most dispicable, selfish, deluded, spiteful and shallow creatures on earth. I hope they burn in hell. Amiri Baraka
United States of America
Poet laureate of the state of New Jersey
“Come up, Black Dada Nihilismus. Rape the White girls. Rape their fathers. Cut the mothers’ throats.” FOR THE NIGGERS ITS ALLRIGHT TO DECLARE THEIR RACEWAR IN TODAYS JEW OWNED AMERICA So I gather this doctor thinks that only racist whites believe that
blacks aren't equal to whites. How does one explain that blacks score
on average 200 points lower than whites on SAT tests. Blacks score
15 points lower than whites on IQ tests. Blacks make up 12% of the
population and commit 50 percent of all homicides. Blacks make up
50% of all AIDS cases. Blacks commit 35% of all abortions. A white
baby has a 4% chance of ever going to prison, whereas a black
baby has a 28% chance of going to prison during his lifetime.
That does not sound like racial equality to me Yes, now some negroes claim that logic is considered racist because white people invented logic
and most negroes are incapable of thinking logically WE cant even question the worthless negro without being slammed down for it. The creature can get away with anything...This is one of the reasons why we shouldn't ever have another negro anywhere near power. Racist prejudice" huh? Nice to know the commies at USAToday are some comfortable with genocidal anti-white commie jew terminology.
That kind of vocabulary didn't even exist until the 20th century. It isn't a crime to reject somebody because of his or her race; it is a symptom of being a stupid, credulous, easily programmed sheep though to get all bent out of shape about it. think race does play a part in why his birth certificate is in question.
It's his radical agenda sure but I think it is race.
White conservative folks are shocked that a Negro is President.
And they realize they're losing their country.
Maybe they'll really wake up. Come here and find out the guy isn't even suppose to be a citizen. Because he's a Negro. Is multiracialism, multiculturalism not Genocide? Is diversity indoctrination not Genocide? Is teaching Whites racial guilt not Genocide? Is toleration of illegal immigration not Genocide? Is non-white immigration in general not Genocide? Is allowing whites to get killed whilst fighting wars for alien interests not Genocide? Is suppression on information on racial differences not Genocide? Is inhibiting research on racial differences not Genocide? Is the subliminal or overpromotion of interracial sex on tv not Genocide? The goal of the genocide of my race, the white race can be divided up into four basic stages:
1. The demonization of whites, teach white children in schools that their ancstors were pure evil, and all other races were pure good who just got mistreatd by evil "white racists". This creates a condition known as “White Guilt.”
2. Third world immigration into all white countries and only into white countries.
3. Forced integration as the first step towards assimilation. Assimilation is not directly forced but everyone who opposes it is condemned for being "racist."
4. Anyone who speaks out against any part of the process of White genocide will be denounced as a ‘Racist’, ‘White Supremacist’ or a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
The demonization of whites, i.e. the white guilt complex, makes us white people accept non-white immigration, integration and assimilation which will lead towards the melting pot where all formerly white countries will be brown, and thus my race, the white race will become extinct. No more 'tolerance' for White genocide.
Legal and illegal immigrants make up a growing portion of the population in 46 states and the District of Columbia, with California leading the field.
There are more than 35 million immigrants in the US - or 12.4% of the population, up from 11.1% in 2001.
California had the most born outside of the US at 27.2% of its populationAbout 15 to 20 years ago, Nevada and Arizona were common destinations for White flight.
Now they are both becoming more Mestizo infested every year.
It is a shame we are losing the entire SouthwestNote the snowball effect. As of 1990, states with >90% whites have remained relatively the same over the past 15 years or declined by less than 5%, states 80-90% have declined by ~10%. States with 70-80% have generally declined by > 10%. Once non-whites get a foothold their population explodes.
What is also curious is that some of the most white states are also blue states (Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire): I take it these are yuppie neo-liberal whites who really don't have a lot of interaction with minorities so feel good supporting diveristy issues at every election. Yes but they won't be immune from the consequences of their political leanings for much longer. At the current rate we're going to have Red states (infested with mestizos) and 'Groid states (infested with negros and mestizos). I can only pray the hippies live long enough to see that the hath reaped what they've sewn. I think as the 'hippie' baby boomers start retiring and entering old age they will realize their legacy has been that they have failed their country, failed their race, and worked wonders to destroy their country.THE NIGGERS ARE RAPING ABOUT TWENTY THOUSAND WHITE FEMALE A YEAR IN THE USA AND THE SAVAGE BEASTS HAVE MURDERED MORE THAN FIFTY THOUSAND WHITES IN THE LAST FOURTY YEARS IN THE USA,MORE THAN WHAT HAS PERISHED IN THE VIETNAM WAR.THE MEXICANS ARE TURNING CALIFORNIA INTO MEXIFORNIA A CRIME RIDDEN HELLHOLE JUST LIKE WHERE THEY CAME FROM AND THEY ARE MORE THAN HAPPY TO KILL THE GRINGO.THOSE GYPSIES ARE HELLBENT TO REQOUNCER THE ENTIRE SOUTH OF THE UNITED STATES,AND IF THIS ISNT ENOUGHF TROUBLE ALREADY THAN THE WORST EVIL THE 9 MILLION MUSLI RATS WANT TO DESTROY AND CONQUER THE USA.
Whites in the states that are losing white percentage the most are the ones voting Republican finally as they have seen the light in terms of what the Democrat party has in store for them. Its unfortunate its a bit too late of a switch for too many states The Jews control the mass media and are using it to try to destroy the White race.
Every year, the Jews introduce more race-mixing in their sitcoms and movies.
The Jews hope to brainwash young Whites into race-mixing. This is genocideAmerica Will Turn Non-White During our LifetimeThere will be a non-White Majority by 2042.
by James Buchanan
An AFP article reports “Whites in the United States will no longer be a majority of the population by 2042, nearly a decade earlier than previous projections, according to US Census Bureau figures released Thursday. While 65 percent of the US population is projected to be white in 2010, those numbers will start to decline around the 2030s as white deaths outpace births, according to the figures. The figures show that in 2042, whites will be outnumbered by Americans who call themselves Hispanic, black, Asian, American Indian, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander. Previous projections said this would happen by 2050.”Given the complete failure by the two-party system to take border control seriously or to deport millions of illegal immigrants, there’s an excellent chance America will have a non-White majority twenty years earlier than that estimate, which would be in the year 2022, a mere 14 years into the future.
As recently as the 1930s, American politicians would have been outraged at the thought of the White race becoming a minority in the US. In fact, under pressure from the American public, a complete ban on Asian immigration was put into law in the form of the Alien Exclusion Act, which was repeatedly renewed under pressure from the American public decade after decade. Only after FDR maneuvered the US into World War Two, were the restrictions on immigration erased. In the middle of the war, almost no one noticed when FDR proclaimed that Chinese could immigrate to the US since they were our “gallant allies” in that war. World War Two was entirely avoidable for the US. The Japanese only attacked Pearl Harbor after repeated provocations by FDR, including an oil embargo in late 1941 and an ultimatum from the FDR regime to the Japanese Empire telling them to end their war with China “or else.”
Every time the US has gotten involved in a war after the year 1850, the White race has lost. The Civil War erased the 10th Amendment and made citizens out of Black slaves. The First World War set an extremely bad precedent that entangled us in a European war which was none of our business and slaughtered American soldiers for the sake of banks and war profiteers. World War Two was the worst, most evil war in US history in terms of selling out the interests of White people and paving the way for a multi-racial America. FDR arbitrarily erased the hard-fought Alien Exclusion Act, which kept out Asians. DUMB NIGGER CANNIBAL WITH A BLONDIE PRESENTED BY THE EVIL HOOK NOSED JEWISH MEDIA MOGUL TO THE UNSUSPECTING HARDWORKING WHITE SHEEPHERD.HERE HE IS OUR JEWISH SUPERMAN STEALING THE MONEY OF THE STUPID GOYIM WHILE PROMOTING THE ANNIHILATION OF WHITE AMERICA Media baron Sy Newhouse. Why would “God’s Chosen People” look like THIS? So homely and freaky? Could it be from incest and inbreeding? The horrifying answer in Hervé Ryssen’s 400-page book in French, “Psychoanalysis of Judaism,” is YES.Rename Manhattan as what it is, “New Israel,” and openly recognize Jewish rule over Wall Street and all of Manhattan south of Central Park, and over most of Brooklyn; (A total of 2.4 million Jews live in NY City);Pittsburgh could become the capital of White North America. Washington DC and all its suburbs are now majority-MINORITY. And one minority strikes fear in all the rest — Jewish psychopathic billionaires.
n modern day wars are extremely detrimental to the US, because they distract attention from issues like illegal immigration. Because of the “war on terror,” the issue of illegal immigration was almost totally ignored in the 2008 primaries. In the end, we were stuck with two pro-Amnesty candidates in the form of John McCain and Barack Obama. The “war on terror” was either a direct result of our slavish support of Isra-hell or an arranged incident by the Mossad and CIA. Only weeks after the 911 attack, the Israelis were caught trying to set up a Mossad-created “al Qaeda” cell in Palestine. Could the Israeli Mossad have recruited disgruntled Saudis and Egyptians for the 911 attack to try to ruin US relations with those countries? Those two nations had previously been the friendliest of the Muslim nations. Israel obviously wants us to have no friends in the Muslim world and to view all of those nations as enemies.
Curiously, our politicians don’t seem to take the “war on terror” seriously. If they did, they would block all immigration from the Muslim world and deport many of the Muslims who are here today. The fact that they keep the immigration door open to the Saudis and other Muslims suggests that they really don’t believe the 911 attack took place as advertised.
In 1965, Senator Ted Kennedy acting on behalf of the CFR, Trilateralists and Jewish lobby introduced and helped pass an immigration “reform” bill that completely betrayed the White race, opening our borders to Hindus, Muslims and every Third World nation. The current multi-racial “Babylon the Great” which the US has become, is a direct result of that betrayal and the increasing deliberate sabotage of the Border Patrol by the likes of George Bush and other race-traitors in our government.
Initial estimates of the US turning into a majority non-White nation were many decades into the future. As recently as 2004, the year for the non-White majority was 2050. Average White Americans apparently never plan ahead and they care absolutely nothing about the future of their children or grandchildren. If they did, they would have been fighting to change immigration law to stop the flood of Third World invaders.
Hopefully with the much more imminent date of 2042, ordinary White Americans will finally wake up and realize that the transition to a non-White nation will foul up THEIR lives and not just the lives of their children and grandchildren, whom they don’t care about. Their precious Social Security will be stolen away by an enormous parasite population of Latinos, Indians and Pakis. Their precious Medicare benefits will also amount to nothing as the children of Mexicans will be maxing out the resources of every hospital in the nation. If you get cancer, you’ll be lucky to get enough morphine to keep the pain down until you die. Forget about getting treatment, the hospitals will be too busy helping Latino women give birth to the future majority population of America.
I hate to be this blunt about things, but apparently it is necessary. The mongrelization of America will affect YOU. Only the elderly will die off before it happens. Every young or middle-aged White reading this will become a victim of this enormous transfer of White taxpayer money to a giant swarm of needy Third World people.
And don’t believe the completely insane LIE that Mexicans will somehow “support” elderly Whites. Mexicans DRAIN tax revenue; they never add to it. Just look at the increasingly debt-ridden state of California. That is the future of America and it isn’t a bright and happy future.
We can turn things around and we MUST turn things around if we care about our own future (and the future of our White children). We need to demand that every politician will do his best to stop all Third World immigration and to start deporting the Third Worlders, who came here over the last forty years. We need to start voting for Third Party politicians if the two-party candidates won't oppose the Third World invasion. The Jewish media and Jews in general will attack us for wanting to restore White America. The Jews are the enemy of the White race, and they are largely responsible for the “browning” of America. The Jews want to rule over a multi-racial brown America, that is too ignorant to ever rebel against them. Politicians spawned by the system, within the system and of the system , will not and can not change the demographics course. It is a poor bet to hope that some politician/s in shinning white armor will ride in the distant as a saviour. A more radical , scientific , and drastic course of action is required to redress the chaotic predicament we find ourselves in. Unless people are lucky enough to have Tom Tancredo, Duncan Hunter or Ron Paul for a representative, they need to vote for someone, who will enforce immigration law.
The two-party system is worthless. The Dems want a flood of Third World people, who invariably vote 80+% for the Democrat Party. You'd think the Republicans would oppose Third World immigration since its stacking the political deck against them. Unfortunately, most Republicans are such whores to big business, which wants an endless stream of cheap brown workers; they're on the wrong side of the immigration issue too.
The Constitution Party seems like the best thing going right now. We really need a Pro-White Party, but I don't think people will step forward to run as pro-White politicians until White voters start rejecting the two-party system. We should try legal means as long as possible. Hitler's Stormtroopers didn't shoot their way into power; the German people voted Hitler into power.
Even if the Jews pull blatant vote fraud (as they did against Ron Paul in the Republican primary), at least this will gradually wake up White people. Does anyone really believe that McCain won the primary fair and square, less than a year after he pushed his Amnesty Bill?
We should always be prepared for a shooting war, especially since our government grows more oppressive every day.
I strongly believe that we can take power if we stage a truly massive "March on Washington" much like Mussolini's "March on Rome."
If ten million White Nationalists were willing to march on the capital, that might be a way to get around the stacked deck the Jews have set up in the primary system.
__________________Hitler managed to organize the Whites in Germany. Mussolini managed to organize the Whites in Italy. What's so different about America that would prevent White people from becoming racially conscious?
We're facing a complete racial annihilation here in the US. I wonder how many elderly White people out there have mixed-breed grandchildren alreadyWho said the change had to be gradual?
The only thing slowing things up is the laziness-cowardice-reluctance to change by Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sixpack.
We need to think of ways to wake them up. If we can convince them that this flood of Third World invaders is stealing all their Social Security and Medicare (which they are), maybe that's the straw which will break the camel's back. THE HISPANIC TAKEOVER OF AMERICA
It is quite possible that Americans alive today will live to see the nation become majority Hispanic. Did anyone ever think this would happen, prior to a few short years ago? Well into the 1960s, Mexico was an inconsequential place, a joke place, while the other Central American nations simply did not register at all. You went to Acapulco for an exotic vacation, got a nasty case of Montezuma’s revenge, and came home with some colorful handicraft trinkets to put on your mantel shelf. That aside, you never thought about Central America from one year’s end to the next. The highest level that Mexicans rose to in the American imagination was the vaguely sentimental portrayals in the works of southwestern writers like Willa Cather.
The inconsequentiality was numerical, too. In midcentury there was one Mexican per four or five Americans. The place was underpopulated. The few thousand Mexicans who drifted across the border looking for work could easily be rounded up and deported if they became an inconvenience, as in Eisenhower’s famous “Operation Wetback.” There were no limits at all on legal immigration from the Western hemisphere until the 1965 Immigration Act, none being thought necessary. An annual quota of 120,000 was imposed by that act; but this was just a low-value bone thrown to key members of the Senate Judiciary Committee (Everett Dirksen and Sam Ervin) by Teddy Kennedy to get the bill through. Nobody cared about Hispanic immigration; no-one thought it consequential.
Now there are 110 million Mexicans to the U.S.’s 300 million, with corresponding numbers of Hispanics further south. If you count the 20 or 30 million Mexicans actually living here, legally or illegally, the Mexican-American ratio must actually be about one to two. Unfortunately Mexico’s great late-20th-century population boom was boomier, and longer-lasting, than that nation’s economic boom, which fizzled out around 1980. Not only were mid-20th-century Central American populations numerically insignificant until recently; the economic gap between their sleepy, stagnant economies and our vibrant one was less then that it is today, after several more decades of sleepy stagnation on their part, vibrancy on ours.
And so white-Anglo America slips into minority status. Probably we never wanted it to happen. Probably, if asked around 1970 whether it ought to happen, most of us would have said no. The topic never rose to the status of a major political issue among the mass of Americans, though. The coming presidential election will be the first in my lifetime to have immigration as a major theme.
If Americans minded what was happening, they didn’t mind enough to stop it. To be sure, their indifference was aided and abetted by the late 20th-century browbeating campaigns by cultural elites on behalf of “diversity,” “political correctness,” and racial guilt; but Americans didn’t seem to mind those much, either — not enough to rebel against them in any significant way.
If there is any large general historical lesson to be taken from all this, it is that a population as prosperous, secure, well-employed, and well-entertained as the white Anglos of late 20th-century America, and as confident of its own cultural superiority, cannot be made to care much about matters of ethnic identity, and may altogether lose the habit of thinking in such terms.
Whether this ethnic insouciance will survive the coming great demographic changes, I don’t know. Things have gone so far now that there is very little we can do but wait and see.WHITE SAFETY ZONES Support continued liberal-mixed self-rule in all areas that democratically vote to continue the status quo (interracial mixing, “affirmative action,” non-white immigration, “gay pride,” “white male guilt,” gun control and other liberal social goals); Whites who want to live under Jews can do so. Whites who wish to follow their own heritage and destiny should have White Safety Zones.
Kersey’s response to Francis is straightforward: the demographic window is rapidly closing on the idea of “restoring” America. Whites are projected to fall to minority status by 2042, eight years earlier than previously expected, which suggests that doomsday might arrive sometime in the 2030s. White children will be a minority in American public schools by the 2020s.
America will likely experience an economic collapse long before 2042. Indeed, Kersey wrote this essay in 2009 while America was already plunging into what is now commonly being called the “Great Recession.” Meanwhile, California and dozens of other states like Illinois are in such terrible financial shape that a Greek style financial meltdown could land on our national doorstep anyday now.
In the mid-1990s, when Pat Buchanan was still a potent threat in the Republican primaries, Sam Francis could plausibly argue that a self confident White majority could reassert its dominance and reverse our national decline. In the Barack Obama era, some fifteen years later, the racial cancer is starting to look terminal and secession has become a more attractive option for racially conscious Whites.
Sam Francis was born and raised in a different time. The grandchildren of Generation Y won’t inherit a White America that resembles anything like the one Francis and Boomer paleocons nostalgically remember. They will be born into a Middle America under siege by an aggressive non-White majority and a corrupt, bankrupt federal government whose only real base of support will be millions of tax parasites intent on pillaging Whites in the name of “social justice.”
Nostalgia is the weakest link in Sam Francis’s opposition to secession. I found his argument that secession is tantamount to “starting over” as a nation the least persuasive part of his case.
The Confederates, for example, didn’t see themselves as starting from scratch. For the Confederates, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson remained Southern heroes. They wanted to preserve federalism and republican government from what they correctly perceived as an attempt by Lincoln and Black Republicans to enslave the states to the federal government.
The fact is, if the Confederacy had won the War Between the States, the White Republic would have survived in a truncated form. The South wouldn’t have been colonized by Jews and European Catholics. It would have retained an agricultural economy with race based citizenship. Undoubtedly, the Confederacy would have abandoned the Enlightenment pipe dream of equality in favor of the Antebellum ideal of social hierarchy.
This much is also certain: if the Confederacy had survived as an independent nation-state, White children in the South would have far more reverence for the Founders, Western civilization, Christianity, the White race, Anglo-American culture and heritage, and the ideals of federalism and republican government - symbolized by Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson – than they do today in the United States under Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi.
It is a stretch of the imagination to argue that secession is somehow opposed to preserving what is worthwhile in America. A much stronger case can be made that preserving the Union, which will inevitably result in a victorious non-White majority hostile to the West, is the real threat to conserving American traditions
Realistically speaking, I don’t think that separation will work. I agree with Dr. Francis (RIP) that the solution to our problem is for whites to unapologetically assert our racial consciousness and pursue our racial interests without surrender or apology.
As Dr. Francis pointed out, if whites wanted to truly solve our racial problems, we could do so tomorrow. We just need to instill in our people a greater sense of pride, ethnocentrism, and self-interest.
That way, separate racial states or no separate racial states, we will prevail. To me, separation is a bit of a cop-out and a sign of surrender. Besides, it’s simply not going to happen.
Instilling in white people greater pride, however, IS a realistic goal.
If a section of America set off on this white separatist program it would bring total war from the regime. Any situation where that succeeded would require a massive realignment in the popular imagination of whites, a re-imagining I doubt is possible. If somehow whites en-masse converted over to a racial thinking then there would be no stopping us from taking our whole country back. Settling for a sliver is almost a total retreat. I can envision “Singapore” style partitions such as New York City, L.A. or Miami. I don’t advocate handing over whole regions, but in Gaza size entities a few of the nastiest parcels and their tens of millions of non-whites can be given the boot.
When the collapse comes, the Federal Gov will have nothing to offer the public this time. Roosevelt brided the working class whites. They won’t be willing or able to do that this time. Some of the power hungry elite oligarchial class sadists (Jews particularly) seem to have a cruel desire to cease using propaganda and prosperity to justify their reigns in place of pure brute force.
BLACK LABEL SOCIETY PERFORMING OVERLORD LIVE.ENJOY ITFROM THE EDGE OF THE ABYSS-DR.DAVID DUKE.WATCH IT I think that when the situation gets bad enough, non-WN secessionists will have their chance. If Vermont, New Hampshire, Hawaii, Alaska, maybe a Confederated States sequel to the original Confederacy leave the Union for non-explicitly racialist reasons, this could set a precedent that WNs could use. AMERICA WORSE NIGER CRIME RIDDEN AREASNewark NJ, Gary IN, Washington DC and Detroit MI are frequent contenders for murder capital of the country. Needless to say, all 4 are majority negro of all income levels.
There are bad neighborhoods where white people are foolish to go to in most big cities. First came civil rights, followed closely by extremely violent riots featuring large scale murder and arson. Whites moved from these cities or city neighborhoods and in many cases businesses also left. Nobody wanted to live or work by these violent beasts. They seem by their actions incapable of making positive contributions to civilized society. Poverty and ghettos were created by the negros' actions (riots) and inactions (no pride in the neighborhood), not the other way around. They chased away the jobs, vandalize and burn down their neighborhoods, and fail to maintain their housingI've compiled a list of cities from the Morgan Quitno Crime Database that shows the safest and most dangerous cities in the US.
I paired those cities with the percent of blacks in those cities (from the 2000 Census figures) and it shows that more blacks equal more crime. There were 327 cities listed in the database but for brevity I've posted the top and bottom 15.
Here are the safest cities in the US (with a population over 200,000):
Rank City % Black
1 Amherst, NY 3.9%
2 Newton, MA 2.0%
3 Mission Viejo, CA 1.2%
4 Cary, NC 6.3%
5 Brick Twnshp, NJ 1.0%
6 Simi Valley, CA 1.3%
7 Sunnyvale, CA 2.3%
8 Colonie, NY 4.0%
9 Sterling Heights, MI 1.3%
10 Clarkstown, NY 8.0%
11 Orem, UT 0.3%
12 Greece, NY 2.9%
13 Thousand Oaks, CA 1.1%
14 Canton Twnshp, MI 4.6%
15 Livermore, CA 1.6%
And here are the 15 most dangerous cities (with populations over 200,000):
Rank City % Black
313 Dayton, OH 43.9%
314 Richmond, VA 58.0%
315 Kansas City, MO 32.0%
316 Washington, DC 61.5%
317 New Orleans, LA 68.1%
318 Memphis, TN 62.1%
319 Compton, CA 41.8%
320 West Palm Beach, FL 33.3%
321 Tampa, FL 26.9%
322 Camden, NJ 55.5%
323 Gary, IN 85.5%
324 Baltimore, MD 65.3%
325 St. Louis, MO 52.2%
326 Atlanta, GA 62.2%
327 Detroit, MI 83.5%Taking illegal drugs is a crime. Those who are otherwise not criminally inclined would stop right there. Those with criminal natures would just list illegal drugs among their many crimes. I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. There is no need to excuse criminal negros for their conduct and attribute blame to anything other than themselves.Crime has come down in most cities because judges sentence negros to longer terms in their tribal homes which prevents them from commiting further crimes for longer times than in the past. For white Americans the distinction between "good" areas and "bad" areas is almost hard-wired in the brain. Like radar, we know that as we approach urban centers the numbers of blacks must increase and so does the potential for crime. And the closer we are to these centers, the greater our fear of breaking down in a black neighborhood, especially at nightThe bayview hunters point district (90% black) is the worst ghetto neighborhood I've ever set foot in. It's like stepping into a 3rd world countryAnytime someone argues that poverty causes crime you tell them about West Virginia. It has one of the lowest rates of per capita income, yet also one the lowest rates of crime. The clincher: its black population is one of the smallest in the country. I won't reproduce the data for you here because I've probably posted it a dozen times, but take a look at the FBI Uniform Crime Report and the latest census and make up your own mind.
I won't tell you that poor people don't commit crime simply because they are poor, but even rich negroes can't seem to stay out of trouble (NBA violence). Just looking at the murder column, you will find the worst cities are also the blackest - New Orleans, Memphis, Gary, Detroit. Meanwhile, those cities with the lowest murder rates include cities with few blacks, such as Honolulu, Seattle, Portland, Albany, Nassau-Suffolk (suburban NYThey ran an article about drugs in Boston a few weeks ago. Roxbury which is almost all black had 414 drug arrests in the first 4 months on 2004. This area is notorious for murder and drugs. If you are white it is not wise to be there. This morning on the News 8 more have been arrested for drugs in Orchid Gardens housing development. I am sure that over 500 have been arrested by now. This is very true, US White Americans can pretty much even tell if we are in "rich"Black areas even if there is no one out on the street, and no overt physical signs of deterioration. Its become an instinct,and all of us have it no matter how "non-racist".
For that matter even the poorest White neighborhood has a totally different look about it than a Black one, race aside. The best way I can describe it, is in a White neighborhood, it seems like the streets are smiling,no matter how poor. In a Black neighborhood, it seems like they are weeping,no matter how rich.
The White working class neighborhoods in the cities, especially the Italian, Irish and Greek ones seem to have the most vibrancy to them, together with our vast and still overwhelimingly White cuountryside and the folks that live there.
The rich White suburbs seem like beautiful and splendid tombs,in a sense, that is exactly what they are, with their often near childless streets, and people seemingly never leaving the confines of their homes save to slave away at work, or zone out in a mall,often as not patrolled by male Negro sexual predators preying on young White girls stripped of their natural racial instincts by an evil and foul social system. The Gros know they have little to fera from their corporate drone slave workaholic fathers, or their Whiggered out brothers. Should a brave White man resist, he will soon find himself facing the same thing Iraqi patriots faced in the cellars of Faloujah This is one of the great tragedies of our day is that everyone has to learn this lesson for him or herself. There is no major media outlet to tell you about race and crime, the government says practically the opposite of the truth, and friends, family and associates never mention it. So thousands of whites wind up raped, robbed, assaulted and sometimes murdered because it is forbidden to tell people a fact that they really need to know -- blacks are to a large degree, dangerous and the further you stay away from them, in many instances, the safer you will be. Imagine if people were forbidden from learning about cancer (and what causes it) or alcoholism or traffic laws.
Imagine how much safer we'd be if there were frequent public service announcements on the radio, tv and in print, informing the people about race and crime. Imagine how much suffering would be avoided
Be careful if you decide to take a vacation in South Beach. The drive from the airport to Miami Beach takes you over negro town. There were a couple of instances every year when some European tourists would exit the overpass before reaching the beach and were robbed and sometimes killed. Now they have road signs with smiley sunshine faces directing people from the airport to the beach. Really, Miami is like some city in Brazil. One wrong turn may be your last. Remember to lock your doors. Avoid Chicago, Detroit and more then 2 days in the Capital D.C. at all costs. These cities are majority black, and no go zones for whites.
If you want the avoid the blacks you can come West, but you will trade that for Mestizos, Middle Easterners, and jews. Tons of them.
Like others said, avoid the center of the cities and hang out near financial districts as whites working in the area will keep out the negro trash.
Other then that, you are in Africa, Mexico, China or or Saudi Arabia.
If you have money though, like all the liberals here you can avoid the diversity, but it will cost you.
According to FBI crime statistics for 1993 (FBI Oct. 1993 Uniform Crime Reports) Blacks are 2200% (22times) more likely to kill Whites that Whites are to kill Blacks. In Armed Robbery 7,031 blacks were victimized by Whites whereas 167,924 Whites were victimized by blacks (American Enterprise. (1995) Crime and Race May/June Issue compiled from justice Department Data.from 1991)
As shocking as these figures are I must point out that the government record keeping makes the higher black percentages of cross race crime seem far less than they really are. Many crimes that are classified as "White" against black are not committed by Whites at all, but come from Mexican Puerto Rican and other Hispanic Minorities that are lumped in with Whites. For instance the shooting of a black by a Mexican in a drug deal gone bad is considered a "White on Black" crime.
So i ask you all....why is our American media still pointing fingers at us? the decent hardworking whites? Oh yea..its not our media to begin with, its...the jews THE NIGGERS RACEWAR AGAINST THE WHITES INTHE USA
The longest war America has ever fought is the Dirty War, and it is not over. It has lasted 30 years so far and claimed more than 25 million victims. It has cost almost as many lives as the Vietnam War. It determined the result of last year's congressional election.
Yet the American news media do not want to talk about the Dirty War, which remains between the lines and unreported. In fact, to even suggest that the war exists is to be discredited. So let's start suggesting, immediately.
No matter how crime figures are massaged by those who want to acknowledge or dispute the existence of a Dirty War, there is nothing ambiguous about what the official statistics portray: for the past 30 years a large segment of black America has waged a war of violent retribution against white America.
And the problem is getting worse, not better. In the past 20 years, violent crime has increased more than four times faster than the population. Young blacks (under 18) are more violent than previous generations and are 12 times more likely to be arrested for murder than young whites.Almost 1 million white Americans were murdered, robbed, assaulted or raped by black Americans in 1992, compared with about 132,000 blacks who were murdered, robbed, assaulted or raped by whites, according to the same survey.
• Blacks thus committed 7.5 times more violent inter-racial crimes than whites even though the black population is only one-seventh the size of the white population. When these figures are adjusted on a per capita basis, they reveal an extraordinary disparity: blacks are committing more than 50 times the number of violent racial crimes of whites.
• According to the latest annual report on murder by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, most inter-racial murders involve black assailants and white victims, with blacks murdering whites at 18 times the rate that whites murder blacks.
These breathtaking disparities began to emerge in the mid-1960's, when there was a sharp increase in black crime against whites, an upsurge which, not coincidentally, corresponds exactly with the beginning of the modern civil rights movement.
Over time, the cumulative effect has been staggering. Justice Department and FBI statistics indicate that between 1964 and 1994 more than 25 million violent inter-racial crimes were committed, overwhelmingly involving black offenders and white victims, and more than 45,000 people were killed in inter-racial murders. By comparisons 58,000 Americans died in Vietnam, and 34,000 were killed in the Korean war. THE GREAT WHITE FLIGHT
We Whites are in danger. The liberal media will stop at nothing to vilify us and blame us for the non-Whites’ problems, their crime, their drug habits, their welfare mamas. Did I put that needle in their hand or roll that condom off their cocks? I don’t think so. Yet they hurl all sorts of racial epithets at us like “honkey” or “cracka” with impunity, as if we were somehow to blame. And if any of us want to retaliate in kind with, say, the so-called “N-word”, our lives are ruined. This is “equality”?
And it’s not just a matter of words; actions speak far louder. According to reputable sources, Blacks are 49 times more likely to assault a White than a White is to assault a Black. And they say Whites are racist? Whites are being forced to flee from America’s inner cities in an exodus known as the great “White Flight”. Meanwhile, more and more immigrants (many of them illegal) continue to push us away and demand concessions; do you see where this is going? Whites now have a severe disadvantage in college admissions and many hiring situations; they want non-Whites for this so-called “diversity” and “multi-culturalism”. But I can see the writing on the wall: there is a massive non-White agenda out there that seeks to displace us and ultimately destroy us.
Screw the Great White Flight; I’m talking about the Great White Fight!The Liberalism we suffer today has elevated diversity, tolerance, equality, and anti-discrimination as the defining values of our society. This is how we got into this upside down world we live in. Once liberal tolerance rather than traditional morality became our guiding principle, we must ultimately tolerate the presence of evil, any evil, such as crime and bad behavior by certain protected groups, because we cannot expose them. That would be discrimination. To understand how we got into this fix, we need to think about how classical liberalism has been transformed over the last half dozen decades to the extremely destructive philosophy it is today.
When right thinking, rational, people dare to point out bad behavior of certain groups, this is unacceptable to liberals and fought as an attack on liberalism and on the ‘victim class’ they created. The politically correct liberals wage hysterical crusades against ethnic slurs or sexual comments by private individuals, while it shrugs it’s shoulders at gross criminality of it’s protected groups … blacks, illegals, jews, etc. For example, the liberal MSM routinely attack the “oppressive” and “racist” police, while ignoring the criminality of the criminals whom the police are “oppressing.” Do not point out jews are destroying our society … you will be labelled an anti-Semite and a hater. The modern liberal regime bans whatever is traditional to us … the merest breath of the Christian religion in public schools, while subsidizing student clubs devoted to witchcraft. This ass backwards thinking is the logical consequence of the central credo of modern liberalism: that all intolerance, discrimination or any vestige of perceived inequality or discrimination had to be eliminated, reconstructed, or suppressed. while the ordinary things we value, inherited institutions and habits of our civilization, ranging from the rule of law to national identity are regarded as obstructions to the true progress of modern liberalism. DICARLO hits the nail on the head. We are so blinded by tolerance that we cannot see or we refuse to see the evils of these protected groups. Remember that Asian monster who killed 26 at Virginia Tech? Remember that Black O.J. Simpson who not only stole one of our White Women, but murdered her and got away with it?! The liberal media and the whole liberal establishment was so focused on that one cop for his “racism” but totally ignored the great murderous evil of the Black Juice! As Dicarlo says, they seek to make us feel guilty about White words but will not let us expose the far greater crimes committed by Blacks and Jews and their ilk. Non-Whites, we’re on to you, and you will not take away our rule of law and our White national identity Assuming USA collapsed and it broke down into anarchy, and like it always does in prison, reverted to racial tribalism, what would happen to white “anti-racists”?
Speaking in a current situation, what would you white anti-racists do if you ever were put in jail for some reason, and realized that racial tribalism is what goes on in basically every jail on this planet?
Would you side with your white “racist” brothers, or would you become the little white boi toy for the bruthas? Answer: They would be eaten after being burned alive in dry leaves and branches. Some of them would just be eaten alive.
They would defend the non-whites who were burning them and eating them though, right up until they died. They would think it racist to stop the non-whites from doing what they wanted. If a WN decided to save them, he or she would probably be attacked as a racist. FACTS ON THE WHITE GENOCIDE-USA drastic decline of white citizens is projected in the U.S.A. By 2050 OR SOONER, whites will represent less than 50 % of the population. This is due to a genocidal promotion of immigration by power group of people to dilute the portion of the citizenry is white, while reducing numbers of whites by other means.The 1965 Immigration Act that openedthe floodgates starts to take effect.Please note how the percentage ofWhite “Gentile” Americans dropsas White “Gentile” Americans aredisplaced and replaced.
July, 1997: We are now at approximately 72.9%,down from 1950′s 89.5%.The Third World immigrants breed 2-3 times faster than White “Gentile” Americans.
They also bring in millions of relatives throughchain immigration…who start breeding as soon as possible to ensure their immigration statuswith a child born on American soil.Now, here’s what’s ahead for you and your childrenand grandchildren–and these are conservative estimates.
July 1, 2050:The Professional Ethnics are delirious with joy. They did it! The Professional Ethnics and their allies in government have committed genocide against White “Gentile” Americans while making the population density unbearable for the White “Gentile” Americans who remain.
The immigrants have helped destroy the United States of America and recreated the same grotesque conditions that they left their countries to avoid. More peasants for the New World Order Feudal Masters. And the International Abuser/Controllers win,after all.
July 4, 2050:Will your children be thankful for their rice bowls and bicycles? DELUDED ANTI WHITE IDIOT EVIL TRAITOR RANTTim Wise
United States America
Anti-White “diversity” consultant, anti-White polemicist
“Because you’re on the endangered list. And unlike, say, the bald eagle or some exotic species of muskrat, you are not worth saving...”
“It’s OK. Because in about forty years, half the country will be Black or brown. And there is nothing you can do about it...”
“And they know how to regroup, and plot, and plan, and they are planning even now—we are—your destruction.”
“We just have to be patient. And wait for your hearts to stop beating. And stop they will. And for some of you, real da**ed soon, truth be told. Do you hear it? The sound of your empire dying? Your nation, as you knew it, ending, permanently? Because I do, and the sound of its demise is beautiful.”
Mr. Wise’s article not only promotes but gleefully celebrates White genocide, cruelly taunts White Americans about the upcoming deaths of individual American Whites and the larger dispossession of White American society, makes specific references to the physical deaths of White Americans (heartbeats, “tick tock”), and gloats about the growing Mexican invasion into America and displacement of White American culture by using Spanish phrases. After the well-deserved outcry against Mr. Wise’s hateful and genocidal SPEECH THE JEW PUPPET BACKED OFF. NIGGER HORROR CANNIBAL SCREAMING DIRTY Kamau Kambon
United States of America
Black activist and bookstore owner: Blacknificent Books and More
Former visiting professor of African American Studies at North Carolina State University
“And then finally I want to say that we need one idea, and we’re not thinking about a solution to the problem … And the one idea is, how we are going to exterminate White people because that in my estimation is the only conclusion I have come to. We have to exterminate White people off the face of the planet to solve this problem … [We need to] get very serious and not be diverted from coming up with a solution to the problem and the problem on the planet is White people.”
Remarks during Black Media Forum on the Image of Black Americans in Mainstream Media, Howard University, October 14, Leonard Jeffries
United States of America
Chairman of the African-American studies department of the City College of New York
From an interview in the May, 1995 issue of Rutherford magazine):
“Q: But the Black man is no longer a slave.
A: The slave should be waking up, thinking of ways to slit the slave master’s throat ...
Q: What kind of world do you want to leave to your children?
A: A world in which there aren’t any White people ... “
Eldridge Clever
United States of America
Former Black Panther leader
Describing why he raped multiple White women:
“Rape was an insurrectionary act. It delighted me that I was defying and trampling upon the White man’s law, upon his system of values, and that I was defiling his women ...” Augustin Cebada
United States of America
Member of the Brown Berets of Aztlan
“…we claim this land as ours, it’s always been ours, and we’re still here, and uh, none of this talk about deporting. If anybody’s going to be deported it’s going to be you.”
“Go back to Simi Valley, you skunks! Go back to Woodland Hills! Go back to Boston! Go back to Plymouth Rock, Pilgrims! Get out! We are the future. You are old and tired. Go on. We have beaten you. Leave like beaten rats. You old White people, it is your duty to die.”
“Right now we’re already controlling those elections, whether it’s through violence or nonviolence. Through love of having children we are going to take over.”
Speech given during a rally on July 4, 1996 outside of the Federal Building in Westwood, California
Quoted in Barbara Coe, Reconquista, The Takeover of America, California Coalition for Immigration Reform, 1998, p. 20.
Malcolm X (Malcolm Little, El Hajj Malik El-Shabazz)
United States of America
Black activist
“The death of over 120 White people is a very beautiful thing.”
Speech in Los Angeles on June 3, 1962 upon learning of a tragic plane crash.
Note: an oft-repeated phrase of Malcolm X’s: “The White man is the devil.” Malcolm X (and others of the Nation of Islam) taught that Whites are devils who were genetically-engineered by someone named “Yakub” thousands of years ago “If Black people kill Black people every day, why not have a week and kill White people.”
James Cone
United States of America
Reverend, founder of Black liberation theology
“What we need is the destruction of Whiteness, which is the source of human misery in the world.”
Quoted in David Horowitz, Hating Whitey, Spence Publishing, 1999 EVIL JEWS WANT WHITE EXTERMINATION Susan Sontag
United States of America
Academic, author, literary critic, public intellectual
“Mozart, Pascal, Boolean algebra, Shakespeare, parliamentary government, baroque churches, Newton, the emancipation of women, Kant, Balanchine ballets, et al. don’t redeem what this particular civilization has wrought upon the world. The White race is the cancer of human history.” Norman Podhoretz
United States of America
Academic, author, public intellectual
“His past is a stigma, his color is a stigma, and his vision of the future is the hope of erasing the stigma by making color irrelevant, by making it disappear as a fact of consciousness.
I share this hope, but I cannot see how it will ever be realized unless color does in fact disappear: and that means not integration, it means assimilation, it means — let the brutal word come out — miscegenation. The Black Muslims, like their racist counterparts in the White world, accuse the “so-called Negro leaders” of secretly pursuing miscegenation as a goal. The racists are wrong, but I wish they were right, for I believe that the wholesale merger of the two races is the most desirable alternative for everyone concerned. I am not claiming that this alternative can be pursued programmatically or that it is immediately feasible as a solution; obviously there are even greater barriers to its achievement than to the achievement of integration. What I am saying, however, is that in my opinion the Negro problem can be solved in no other way.”
Norman Podhoretz, essay, “My Negro Problem—And Ours”Paul Kurtz
United States of America
Professor of philosophy at the State University of New York at Buffalo, secular humanist philosopher
“The highest good, as I see it, is intermarriage between people of different ethnicities, races, religions, and cultures. People who intermarry are contributing to the new human species that is emerging on this planet. You can see it clearly in the United States: in fifty years we will have a non-White majority. This frightens many people. I can see the same changes in the cities of Western Europe...In due course, the majority may no longer be White. I think this is wholesome and good. It is difficult for many people’s nervous system to have this clash of cultures and races, but we ought to encourage the widespread intermingling of people as we reach a civilisation which is beyond ethnic differences.” WHITE GENOCIDE None Dare Call it White Genocide The present immigration and political policies of many traditionally White nations, especially the United States, are in violation of part (c) and possibly part (d). White nations have been subverted to conditions that heavily favor non-White immigration, restrict White birthrates, and encourage and support non-White birthrates, and are thus calculated to bring about the physical destruction of the White race. There are many quotations of politicians, professors, and pundits advocating this very point – the end of the White race. Genocide is not always an act of traditional murder. The United Nations Convention on Genocide covers violent genocide with parts (a) and (b). However, the remaining definitions cover indirect and incremental methods to clarify that any form of genocide is punishable under international law.
The United States employed an explicitly pro-White immigration policy for the entirety of its two centuries of existence until the treasonous 1965 Immigration Act, which reversed this safeguard and subverted American immigration policy to discriminate against White Europeans in favor of non-White immigration. Prior to the 1965 Act, American immigration policy favored White European immigration to maintain the status quo of the American population. The behind-the-scenes architects of the 1965 Act realized that overwhelmingly non-White legal immigration would inevitably reduce the White American population over time. The political front men of the 1965 Act, such as Ted Kennedy, falsely assured the American public that the new immigration policy would not upset the racial balance of America. In 1965, America was approximately 89 percent White. Just a few generations later, America is around 65 percent White. In one more generation, White Americans will be a minority in their own country.
Illegal aliens create further demographic chaos, as White Americans are crowded out and out-bred by millions of mestizo illegal aliens from South America. Despite overwhelming public desire to seal the border and to deport and deny entry to illegal aliens, the federal government has willfully ignored its mandate to protect against all threats, foreign and domestic. Non-White legal immigrants and tens of millions of mestizo illegal alien invaders will dispossess the White American majority in the next few decades. White Americans will become a minority in their own nation.
Overwhelmingly non-White legal immigration and millions of non-White illegal aliens are inherently destructive to the White American population. Welfare and social benefit policies financially reward the generally poorer non-White groups for having large broods of children. Preferential hiring policies set aside jobs for non-Whites. Lax enforcement of employment law allows non-Whites to undercut the wages of educated White American citizens. The appalling aspect of these trends is that most of these policies, such as welfare, food stamps, and free emergency medical care, are predominantly financed by White American taxpayers. These White American taxpayers labor under conditions calculated to bring about their genocide as the progressive income tax discourages the most productive White Americans from having children.
Educated, self-reliant, and law-abiding White American taxpayers face the greatest disincentives to having large families. Instead, these White taxpayers work hard but are forced to financially support criminals, illegal aliens, and welfare abusers. The taxes paid by hardworking White citizens are transferred to illiterate illegal aliens to bankroll large broods of anchor babies that will produce an ever-increasing amount of welfare obligations and future criminals. The White American population dwindles while the non-White populations exponentially increase, further straining the welfare system, crowding prison cells, diluting educational standards, and destroying formerly safe White neighborhoods. White Americans face incremental genocide by design, which is precisely why so many fail to recognize the creeping trend. Genocide need not be associated with machetes, firing squads, or executions. The type of genocide White Americans face is far more subtle, which makes it all the more dangerous.
Statistics and the signs of the times clearly show that by this century’s end, white people will not only be a minority race in the United States but a minority that will be in the midst of a genocide.
Besides millions of Negroes that live in the United States now, we have millions immigrating annually. "Euro-whites, who were the majority 90% of the US population in 1950, will be in 2050 only 50% of the population.” By the end of this century America will be brown with Asians, non-white Hispanics, and Negroes. Oh, yes and a sprinkling of whites here and there.
The coming white genocide has already started and is in its first stages. Whites today in record numbers are leaving areas that non-whites are filling up. The state of California is a prime example. White flight is nothing more than ethnic cleansing of Euro-whites. Violence and discrimination against whites in the large cities are forcing them to hand over America’s metropolitan areas and many smaller areas as well to non-whites.
Soon America will be Brown - will whites be treated as humanely by nonwhites as whites have treated them?
The discrimination and violence perpetrated against whites in America is accomplished through the mindset Americans are being lulled into which is that white people are just parasites on the world and if there wasn’t any such thing as "whiteness” ahh the world would be so much nicer. This is why it is so important for them to destroy white culture and heritage and to malign our heroes and ideas in our schools and universities. The book "Hating White” documents widespread anti white speech by professors in classrooms across America openly smearing whites as the scourge of mankind.
Evidence points that the non-whites in America today, mainly the Negro and the massive Hispanic population are very much anti-white. The Negroes of today suffer from Victim Based identity.
In short it means the Negroes since birth are taught they are the victims of the white race and they must overcome this by any means.
The non-white Hispanics believe they have a historic grievance against the United States. They believe we robbed their country of half its land when Mexico was young and weak.
An example of white genocide is the small country of Zimbabwe in Southern Africa. There are 200,000 whites compared to about 12 million blacks, and the leader of the country is a Negro. The violence against whites is coming close to catastrophic. This is an accurate example of what will happen when blacks outnumber whites.
The genocide against our race will take many decades, but the time is steadily becoming short. And this genocide is not based on geography, but race. It is a world wide phenomena
Whites will be faced with crime rates never seen before in history, in some places mass killings, arrests and displacement, will most likely happen. We will be turned into a weak and compliant slave minority. Our people are coming under judgment from God because they refuse to follow his laws on a national scale.
The truth however, is that this genocide can be stopped from happening, but whites have to come to terms with the invasion against them. Whites need to be educated, most don’t even realize what is happening to them. We need to be committed to preserving our families and our race and to follow examples such as The Knights Party.
We will need to take strong political action in whatever way we are able at this time. We must present ourselves in a responsible strong professional and caring manner. We must do it now. Our faith demands it. We must remember that though we face slavery by the next century, the Bible tells us that for the sake of the Saints the time will be cut short. Fight on behalf of those who don’t even know they need help, ask for guidance from Christ. The destruction of our people will be cut short for our sake.Mexican Reconquistas Call For Genocide Of U.S. White Males At Texas Rally Ladies and gentlemen:
Perhaps you thought the nightmares of South Africa were one ocean and thousands of miles away.
You are wrong. They are right in our own backyard.
The evidence is clear - from South Africa, to the brown invasion of the European continent, to the brown revolutions in Hawaii and the U.S southwest, Whites have been targeted for genocide.
Violently racist Mexican Reconquistas are openly calling for the genocide of American adult white males in addition to ejecting Whites from the land we call home.
Forget that on the surface, the person who brings you this story seems to be in need of a racial awakening and focus on the fact white Americans have been placed in the crosshairs by most of the people of this entire hemisphere, with the quiet approval of the ... white American elite establishment
Nope, looking at other places of white minority in the past.. say.. haiti.. rhodesia.. etc.
I'd say the whites will just take it, line up like lemmings, and allowed themselves to be killed.
Of course, I can always pray im proven wrong. CAN THE WHITES RESIST?As usual your right on the money. I agree 100%. You and I and a few others here and elsewhere will go out in a blaze o'glory but most will bend over and kiss the rears of their dark masters and bare their breasts to make it easier for the muds to exterminate them.
I'm disgusted with the white race as it exists today, especially in the US and Western Europe. I still have respect for the Eastern Europeans. Sometimes I think they are the only ones left with any warrior spirit and racial pride. Look at the Germans, gtreatest soldiers in the 20th century. Now all wimps.
I guess the 2 World Wars wiped out the better of our race reducing the gene pool to one dominated by submissive males. Unfortunately you're right. Whites that are "colorblind" will die thinking that they're being killed because those people are disadvantaged and it's their fault because they're white. It amazes me that all the whites that have black or mexican friends think that there's no animosity between themI kind of like the idea of a bunch of Mexicans killing white people. First, it would show us who side of the border George Bush is really on. Next, it would galvanize the white majority in this country. Last, it would justify a violent reaction against the unfriendly neighbor to the south.
Finally, I think these people are all b.s., and it's all an intimidation ploy to scare the nation. It won't work. Actually they've been killing us in the Southwestern U.S. look at crime stats. More than likely it would accomplish nothing. Our military would still do nothing Let's forget the fertility rate for a second, because we're getting hung up on this. The fact of the matter is that multiculturalism doesn't work. You can't have White culture, or any culture for that matter, attaining dominance if it is intermixed with other cultures living around and within it. This alone is a cause for concern.
Culture is a reflection of the people who inhabit a specific area, and is manifested as a sense of 'we'. If the 'we' that resides in an area is not of one race, there is no path for those inhabitants to take in promoting their heritage and cultural tendencies. It will continually be blocked or agitated by other groups who have very different cultural tendencies and norms. In other words, cultural clashing and ultimately either assimilation or separation.
There's no such thing as a universal, modern 'world culture', and never will be. People fool themselves if they think they are beyond the ethnic reaches of deep history. You are your race. I thought we would be a minority by 2025-30. I was close. In the next 10-20 years many baby-boomers will be dying also. They make up a big percentage of the White population. The end of America is near. The choice was to do what's best for our people or do what's best for the Jews. The choice has been made. I only hope that some of the people who got us into this situation are still around to reap some of the consequences of it. Replacing quality DNA and Smarts with a mud race of ugly peasants with an average IQ 15-20 points less.
This is how you destroy a nation, this is how you destroy white principles, and this is how you destroy freedom.
Whites built this country, and now they have voluntarily handed it over thanks to the Jews, liberals, and carebears.
It may even come to the point where the 'mud' population of the USA wishes whites to regain control because obviously we are the only race advanced enough to run a great country. Look at South Africa, soon the USA will resemble it. Then the Chinese will grab every remaining resource, and everyone will choke to death.Whites will all gather in one little corner of the US and it will remain a wealthy area meanwhile the rest of the country is one brown hot melting pot. The browns outside of the white place will try to get in because they "seek employment and opportunity" and will get mad at us if we don't let them in. This is like a rinse and repeat process. I believe in Brasil the whites control the south and the muds live in teh northeast which is poor while the south is rich. They are starting to migrate to the south to seek employment. So yeah, it will basically be the same.
In reading Mein Kampf Hitler made a referance to South America where he said the latin immigrants heavily mixed with the aborigines but the small amount of whites who kept their 100% European blood became the elites of South America. Liberals must think its just some ****ing coincidence. Historical experience offers countless proofs of this. It shows with terrifying clarity that in every mingling of Aryan blood with that of lower peoples the result was the end of the cultured people. North America, whose population consists in by far the largest part of Germanic elements who mixed but little with the lower colored peoples, shows a different humanity and culture from Central and South America, where the predominantly Latin immigrants often mixed with the aborigines on a large scale. By this one example, we can clearly and distinctly recognize the effect of racial mixture. The Germanic inhabitant of the American continent, who has remained racially pure and unmixed, rose to be master of the continent; he will remain the master as long as he does not fall a victim to defilement of the blood.
The result of all racial crossing is therefore in brief always the following:
Lowering of the level of the higher race;
Physical and intellectual regression and hence the beginning of a slowly but surely progressing sickness." - Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf.
Hell, we can't even maintain or generate any interest in space exploration anymore (Wait a minute -- maybe that's because White American taxpayers are smarter than we think; and they know we can't afford those kinds of things as long as we choose to wage countless and endless wars, and if we hope to be able to support our massive and rapidly growing non-White underclass?) (But then you have to ask yourself -- is that reallymaking the smartest choice?) Or maybe it's because our rapidly growing non-White population just isn't all that interested in space exploration -- it's such a "White thang" you know (once we get past Obama hastening to appoint a fellow black as head of the program).
Part II: The United States
In the United States, whites have historically accounted for more than 80% of the total population. Between the Civil War and Vietnam eras — a period spanning an entire century — the U.S. was approximately 90% white. Since the 1970s, the white population — stated as a percentage of the total population — has been in freefall. The 2000 Census reported that, for the first time in U.S. history, whites represented less than 80% of the total population. This alarming trend is expected to accelerate in the future as birthrates of non-white races are demonstrably higher than the dwindling white birthrate. According to the Brookings Institution, “the U.S. minority population grew at five times the rate of whites since 2000.” Based on demographic trends, experts are predicting that minorities will outnumber whites in the U.S. by 2050.
In his book Death of the West, Pat Buchanan posted a speech made by former President Bill Clinton, given at a liberal university during his second term in office:
“Today, largely because of immigration, there is no majority race in Hawaii or Houston or New York City. Within five years there will be no majority race in our largest state, California. In a little more than fifty years there will be no majority race in the United States. No other nation in history has gone through demographic change of this magnitude in so short a time.”
…as if government-sanctioned genocide of our race is a wonderful thing to be celebrated.
So how did we arrive at this point, and who is the driving force behind the ongoing displacement of the white population in the United States?
Between the 16th and 19th Centuries, slaves — many of whom were white Europeans — were transported to the New World against their will. This was undoubtedly a reprehensible practice that stemmed from excessive avarice. What is relatively unknown is the fact that Jews — not White Anglo-Saxon Christians — were the ones who orchestrated the trans-Atlantic slave trade. Many Jewish writers and historians have pointed this out themselves. In Jews and Judaism in the United States: A Documentary History, Marc Raphael wrote the following on this matter:
“Jewish merchants played a major role in the slave trade. In fact, all the American colonies, whether French (Martinique), British, or Dutch, Jewish merchants frequently dominated.
This was no less true on the North American mainland, where during the eighteenth century Jews participated in the “triangular trade” that brought slaves from Africa to the West Indies and there exchanged them for molasses, which in turn was taken to New England and converted into rum for sale in Africa. Isaac Da Costa of Charleston in the 1750s, David Franks of Philadelphia in the 1760s, and Aaron Lopez of Newport in the late 1760s and early 1770s dominated Jewish slave trading on the American continent.”
In New World Jewry 1493-1825: Requiem for the Forgotten, S.B. Liebman wrote:
“They came with ships carrying African blacks to be sold as slaves. The traffic in slaves was a royal monopoly, and the Jews were often appointed as agents for the Crown in their sale. They were the largest ship chandlers in the entire Caribbean region, where the shipping business was mainly a Jewish enterprise. The ships were not only owned by Jews, but were manned by Jewish crews and sailed under the command of Jewish captains.”
And Arnold Wiznitzer, author of Jews in Colonial Brazil, described in even greater detail the predominant Jewish role in New World slavery:
“The West India Company, which monopolized imports of slaves from Africa, sold slaves at public auctions against cash payment. It happened that cash was mostly in the hands of Jews. The buyers who appeared at the auctions were almost always Jews, and because of this lack of competitors they could buy slaves at low prices. On the other hand, there also was no competition in the selling of the slaves to the plantation owners and other buyers, and most of them purchased on credit payable at the next harvest in sugar. Profits up to 300 percent of the purchase value were often realized with high interest rates. If it happened that the date of such an auction fell on a Jewish holiday the auction had to be postponed. This occurred on Friday, October 21, 1644.”
Jews not only orchestrated the trans-Atlantic slave trade, but also held slaves in disproportionate numbers. In United States Jewry, published in 1989, Jacob Raider Marcus wrote:
“All through the eighteenth century, into the early nineteenth, Jews in the North were to own black servants; in the South, the few plantations owned by Jews were tilled with slave labor. In 1820, over 75 percent of all Jewish families in Charleston, Richmond, and Savannah owned slaves, employed as domestic servants; almost 40 percent of all Jewish households in the United States owned one slave or more. There were no protests against slavery as such by Jews in the South, where they were always outnumbered at least 100 to 1. Very few Jews anywhere in the United States protested against chattel slavery on moral grounds.”
Abraham Lincoln, who is credited for “freeing the slaves,” intended to have the slaves repatriated to Africa following the Civil War. Unfortunately, the Sixteenth President was assassinated less than one week following Lee’s surrender at Appomattox. Lincoln made clear his intentions during various speeches and addresses:
“Let us be brought to believe it is morally right, and at the same time, favorable to, or at least not against, our interest, to transfer the African to his native clime, and we shall find a way to do it, however great the task may be.” – Abraham Lincoln in an 1857 address in Springfield, Illinois
“There is no room for two distinct races of white men in America, much less for two distinct races of whites and blacks. I can conceive of no greater calamity than the assimilation of the negro into our social and political life as our equal.” – Abraham Lincoln
After Lincoln’s assassination, the prevailing policy in America was one of reconstruction, not repatriation. This process accelerated under the administration of former Union General Ulysses S. Grant, whose civil rights policies appeased the Radical Republicans of the time.
The races remained largely segregated until the 1950s and 1960s, when Plessy v. Ferguson was overturned by the Supreme Court in Brown v. Board of Education; Jim Crow laws were repealed; the Civil Rights Act was passed in the mid-1960s; and whites were forced to accept racial integration at gunpoint.
It is quite astonishing that Jews — who played an instrumental role in the transport of African slaves to this continent — were also the driving force behind racial integration between blacks and whites. The NAACP was a predominantly Jewish organization in its formative years; many of Martin Luther King Jr.’s speeches were composed by Stanley David Levinson, a Jewish Communist; and according to Howard Sachar of, “Many local and state desegregation regulations actually were drafted in the offices of the Jewish agencies.”
It is equally astounding that Jewish Supremacists, who advocate racial homogeneity for Israel, simultaneously promote multiculturalism and diversity for traditionally white nations. This double standard couldn’t be any more obvious. As long as other groups (e.g., Palestinians) are not infringed upon — and no U.S. tax dollars are wasted — Jews have every right to take steps to preserve their heritage. Every group of people should have this right, and people of European heritage are no exception.
Whereas Israel is effectively sealing off its borders to mitigate the inflow of outsiders, the floodgates remain open in the U.S. and other white-majority nations. The Jewish Supremacists and white sellouts — like Bill Clinton — share culpability. I will deal with the former, as many people remain unaware of the influential Jewish role in integration, immigration, and forced diversity.
Just as Jews have a vested interest in enforcing protectionism for the Israeli state, they also have a vested interest in flooding our countries with non-white immigrants. On the latter, Charles Silberman, author of A Certain People: American Jews and Their Lives Today, wrote:
“American Jews are committed to cultural tolerance because of their belief, one firmly rooted in history, that Jews are safe only in a society acceptant of a wide range of attitudes and behaviors, as well as a diversity of religious and ethnic groups. It is this belief, for example, not approval of homosexuality, that leads an overwhelming majority of American Jews to endorse “gay rights” and to take a liberal stance on most other so-called “social issues.”
As you can see, prevailing Jewish values are incompatible with ours. However, as Jews account for only 2% of the total population, they cannot win their battles without some help — which is why they have attempted to liberalize the majority population in the U.S. and West, and have also provided unyielding support for the immigration of peoples whose cultures and ideologies conflict with ours.
The Immigration Act of 1965 — which ushered in an era of non-white preference in immigration policy — was predominately influenced by powerful Jewish Congressmen and lobbyists. After this law was enacted, Jews in America rejoiced! Earl Raab, executive director of the Perlmutter Institute of Jewish Advocacy and associate of the ADL, wrote the following in the Jewish Bulletin:
“It was only after World War II that immigration law was drastically changed to eliminate such discrimination. In one of the first pieces of evidence of its political coming-of-age, the Jewish community has a leadership role in effecting those changes.”
He went onto applaud the demographic shift that has taken place in the United States over the past half-century, stating that:
“The Census Bureau has just reported that about half of the American population will soon be non-white or non-European. And they will all be American citizens. We have tipped beyond the point where a Nazi-Aryan party will be able to prevail in this country.
We [i.e., Jews] have been nourishing the American climate of opposition to bigotry for about half a century. That climate has not yet been perfected, but the heterogeneous nature of our population tends to make it irreversible and makes our constitutional constraints against bigotry more practical than ever.”
It is worth noting that the “Nazi-Aryan party” would never have risen to power in Germany were it not for Jews infiltrating — and subsequently corrupting — the most important institutions in the Wiemar Republic, just as they have done in the United States since WWII. In Main Kampf, Adolf Hitler laid out quite eloquently his reasons for turning against the Jews of his time. While I personally do not advocate Hitleresque measures, I do believe it to be necessary for whites — at least those who would prefer not to live in a multicultural society run by Jews — to form our own government that would enforce racial homogeneity and represent our sociopolitical interests. This is clearly not possible in America today. Essentially, my proposed white nation would be to White Nationalists what Israel is to the Jews. Only we would rely exclusively on ourselves for national defense.
The Jews being expelled from more than 100 locations throughout human history can be attributed to self-preservation (on the part of the host civilization), not antisemitism. If whites wish to preserve their heritage, they must first jettison the cancerous Jewish influence, for their values are diametrically opposed to ours. The time is now. We can ill-afford to wait until we become the minority population in the country we established. I repeat: the time is now! THE ANTI WHITE COSTUMES As we have explained many many times; the people who call themselves anti-racists are anti-white. It is a code word.
To have an intension to exterminate an identifiable group of people is from the UN definition, Genocide.
An “anti-racist” professor with the name of Noel Ignatiev wrote the following: ”The goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists.”
It is only a few “anti-racists” who will be as honest as Ignatiev, Even though they all agree to with his goal they will try to use a better packaging. They will not say that white genocide is their goal, instead they will call it a “brown future,” “a melting pot” or something similar,
To make it harder for people recognize what they are doing they will always change arguments and the arguments they use will contradict each other. It is like they are putting on different costumes. They have a lot of different costumes. It could be the “freedom/free will costume” “help the poor costume” “who cares costume” “affirmative action costume” “it is only skin color costume” “human rights costume” or they can make a costume that suits the situation.
For example when they argue for massive third world immigration they will often use the “freedom costume.” Why can’t people live wherever they choose to live?
The next step in white genocide is forced integration of all those non-whites. We white people actually use freedom to settle where we want. It is called white flight. We whites escape the “diversity.” So when the anti-whites are going to force integration, they can no longer use the “freedom costume.” Because if whites are allowed to choose we whites choose ‘white flight.’ So now they have to take off the “free will costume” and put on the “affirmative action costume” or the “non-discrimination costume.”
Now it is suddenly very important that the businesses, the parliament or the military “reflect the population.” If 10% of the population is minority (dark skinned) the military has to reflect that. They do not use the “freedom costume” anymore. Now they pressure you to hire coloreds. This is in order to reach their long term goal of white genocide.
It is very important to hire non-whites because skin color is not important. They are pushing for more non-whites at the same time they are using the “skin color doesn’t matter costume.”
The next step after integration is intermarriage. The anti-whites might put on their “freedom costume again” and say people should marry whoever they like. What they really are doing is to push for intermarriage and promote it and at the same time condemn everyone how oppose intermarriage as evil naziswhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
To avoid that white people will fight white genocide they have to make us feel guilty for slavery, colonization, racism, discrimination and so on. Since they are anti-white they will talk a lot about what whites have done wrong and try to ignore or downplay to wrongdoings of non-whites.
Proud for being white is ridicules, but guilty for being white is being pushed as the norm.
Inconsistent? Only if you look at “anti-racists” as objectively against racism. If you look at anti-racists as anti-white they are 100% consistent. Nobody who calls themselves anti-racist will say that whites as every other group must secure the existence of our people and a future for our white children. They will say everything else.
So if you take their arguments one by one they might seem genuine. But if you take all of the you will see an anti-white pattern.
That is why we say anti-racist is a code word for anti-white. No one ever targets Latino-owned businesses or majority Latino communities with so-called "civil rights" lawsuits because they "lack diversity."
No one ever targets Black-owned businesses or majority Black communities with so-called "civil rights" lawsuits because they "lack diversity."
No one ever targets Asian-owned businesses or majority Asian communities with so-called "civil rights" lawsuits because they "lack diversity."
No one ever targets Arab-owned businesses or majority Arab communities with so-called "civil rights" lawsuits because they "lack diversity."
Only White-owned businesses, only White majority communities, only White institutions are ever targeted with so-called "civil rights" lawsuits because they "lack diversity."
The nigger hits the $14.294 trillion US debt ceiling and keeps spending
Not only has the nigger increased the US federal debt 4 times faster than any other president (to $14.3 trillion) - the nigger has printed over 2 $trillion as well.
It seems certain that people will be starving to death in the USA within 5 years. Obnignog has been an utter disaster for the US and the world, yet the majority of Americans still think the nigger is doing a good job?
The nigger is only interested in lining its deep nigger pockets.
That's why I say "lack of diversity" is code for "too many White folks." The naive and silly white American politicians seem to have made a common pact among themselves to destroy their own society by making white minorities. I once read a thesis by a nonwhite radical who predicted that white America will be destroyed from within and that the whites will willingly participate in their own destruction. His prediction seems to be coming true.
Within three decades the United States of America will be a boiling cesspool of a hundred million nonwhite peasants roaming the land and breaking into homes to feed their ever growing number of babies.
If Russians do not take pride in the land of their forefathers and protect Russia from the invaders, the same fate will await them that will soon embrace the United States of America
If Whites become a minority and ultimately, lose political and cultural influence over their own countries, they have no one to blame but themselves. Generations of Whites choosing a hedonistic, materialistic based lifestyle over family has born results. Deserving special mention are "career women." Now the hedonists in their 50s and over expect their small number of children and grandchildren to continue funding their lifestyle through old age programs until they die, while their descendants will clearly receive no such benefit, and in fact, will probably struggle to survive in a much darker world.
It's sadly poetic justice that so many elderly Americans end up not cared for by family, but deposited in "rest homes" like garbage waiting to die. They left us a bankrupt, banana republic with a deteriorating social fabric. They didn't take care of the future; now there's no future to take care of them.Visit Camden, NJ, Gary, IN, or Haiti and tell me how wonderfully Blacks can run their affairs. Most of the Latinos invading the US today are peasants, and they will remain peasants when the become the majority population.
Mexico and Venezuela are a prime example of what America will become.
Human history shows that a people (US whites) too cowardly to defend their society will be overrun by others.
When you American whites start running from the mess you created, just don't run to my countryHow is pointing out the perils for a white society being converted to a Black majority society "hate"? I should be awarded for speaking out the way I do.
Believe me, when Canada or Sweden or UK is on the verge of becoming a Black majority society the whites will panic.
There isn't a black ghetto in America where whites or Asians want to live in - and, you expect them to cheer when the whole country becomes a ghetto?
Even the Swedes have finally admitted to themselves that they did a terrible mistake in permitting Blacks to flood into their country. Take a look at Malmo, the third largest city in Sweden. It has become almost 30% Black and the Swedes are fleeing the city in droves as they cry to high heavens "what has happened to our once beautiful Sweden?".
I simply point out that any white society that voluntarily converts itself into a Black or non-white society (like America is doing) is extremely foolish and runs a risk of becoming a backward nation. This warning isn't hate speech, unless, of course, you consider any pro-white comments to be "hate speech". Then, that is your problem and not mine.
Again, you will hear white Canadians howling to the moon about Black crime and Black takeover once their major cities develop large crime and drug infested ghettos into which no white dares to venture, not even the police.
You can cry and moan all you want, but I will continue pointing out the foolishness of any white society converting themselves into a Black majority society where Blacks and other nonwhites wrest power from the Whites.
As Dr. Francis pointed out, if whites wanted to truly solve our racial problems, we could do so tomorrow. We just need to instill in our people a greater sense of pride, ethnocentrism, and self-interest.
That way, separate racial states or no separate racial states, we will prevail. To me, separation is a bit of a cop-out and a sign of surrender. Besides, it’s simply not going to happen.
Instilling in white people greater pride, however, IS a realistic goal.
If a section of America set off on this white separatist program it would bring total war from the regime. Any situation where that succeeded would require a massive realignment in the popular imagination of whites, a re-imagining I doubt is possible. If somehow whites en-masse converted over to a racial thinking then there would be no stopping us from taking our whole country back. Settling for a sliver is almost a total retreat. I can envision “Singapore” style partitions such as New York City, L.A. or Miami. I don’t advocate handing over whole regions, but in Gaza size entities a few of the nastiest parcels and their tens of millions of non-whites can be given the boot.
When the collapse comes, the Federal Gov will have nothing to offer the public this time. Roosevelt brided the working class whites. They won’t be willing or able to do that this time. Some of the power hungry elite oligarchial class sadists (Jews particularly) seem to have a cruel desire to cease using propaganda and prosperity to justify their reigns in place of pure brute force.
There are bad neighborhoods where white people are foolish to go to in most big cities. First came civil rights, followed closely by extremely violent riots featuring large scale murder and arson. Whites moved from these cities or city neighborhoods and in many cases businesses also left. Nobody wanted to live or work by these violent beasts. They seem by their actions incapable of making positive contributions to civilized society. Poverty and ghettos were created by the negros' actions (riots) and inactions (no pride in the neighborhood), not the other way around. They chased away the jobs, vandalize and burn down their neighborhoods, and fail to maintain their housingI've compiled a list of cities from the Morgan Quitno Crime Database that shows the safest and most dangerous cities in the US.
I paired those cities with the percent of blacks in those cities (from the 2000 Census figures) and it shows that more blacks equal more crime. There were 327 cities listed in the database but for brevity I've posted the top and bottom 15.
Here are the safest cities in the US (with a population over 200,000):
Rank City % Black
1 Amherst, NY 3.9%
2 Newton, MA 2.0%
3 Mission Viejo, CA 1.2%
4 Cary, NC 6.3%
5 Brick Twnshp, NJ 1.0%
6 Simi Valley, CA 1.3%
7 Sunnyvale, CA 2.3%
8 Colonie, NY 4.0%
9 Sterling Heights, MI 1.3%
10 Clarkstown, NY 8.0%
11 Orem, UT 0.3%
12 Greece, NY 2.9%
13 Thousand Oaks, CA 1.1%
14 Canton Twnshp, MI 4.6%
15 Livermore, CA 1.6%
And here are the 15 most dangerous cities (with populations over 200,000):
Rank City % Black
313 Dayton, OH 43.9%
314 Richmond, VA 58.0%
315 Kansas City, MO 32.0%
316 Washington, DC 61.5%
317 New Orleans, LA 68.1%
318 Memphis, TN 62.1%
319 Compton, CA 41.8%
320 West Palm Beach, FL 33.3%
321 Tampa, FL 26.9%
322 Camden, NJ 55.5%
323 Gary, IN 85.5%
324 Baltimore, MD 65.3%
325 St. Louis, MO 52.2%
326 Atlanta, GA 62.2%
327 Detroit, MI 83.5%Taking illegal drugs is a crime. Those who are otherwise not criminally inclined would stop right there. Those with criminal natures would just list illegal drugs among their many crimes. I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. There is no need to excuse criminal negros for their conduct and attribute blame to anything other than themselves.Crime has come down in most cities because judges sentence negros to longer terms in their tribal homes which prevents them from commiting further crimes for longer times than in the past. For white Americans the distinction between "good" areas and "bad" areas is almost hard-wired in the brain. Like radar, we know that as we approach urban centers the numbers of blacks must increase and so does the potential for crime. And the closer we are to these centers, the greater our fear of breaking down in a black neighborhood, especially at nightThe bayview hunters point district (90% black) is the worst ghetto neighborhood I've ever set foot in. It's like stepping into a 3rd world countryAnytime someone argues that poverty causes crime you tell them about West Virginia. It has one of the lowest rates of per capita income, yet also one the lowest rates of crime. The clincher: its black population is one of the smallest in the country. I won't reproduce the data for you here because I've probably posted it a dozen times, but take a look at the FBI Uniform Crime Report and the latest census and make up your own mind.
I won't tell you that poor people don't commit crime simply because they are poor, but even rich negroes can't seem to stay out of trouble (NBA violence). Just looking at the murder column, you will find the worst cities are also the blackest - New Orleans, Memphis, Gary, Detroit. Meanwhile, those cities with the lowest murder rates include cities with few blacks, such as Honolulu, Seattle, Portland, Albany, Nassau-Suffolk (suburban NYThey ran an article about drugs in Boston a few weeks ago. Roxbury which is almost all black had 414 drug arrests in the first 4 months on 2004. This area is notorious for murder and drugs. If you are white it is not wise to be there. This morning on the News 8 more have been arrested for drugs in Orchid Gardens housing development. I am sure that over 500 have been arrested by now. This is very true, US White Americans can pretty much even tell if we are in "rich"Black areas even if there is no one out on the street, and no overt physical signs of deterioration. Its become an instinct,and all of us have it no matter how "non-racist".
For that matter even the poorest White neighborhood has a totally different look about it than a Black one, race aside. The best way I can describe it, is in a White neighborhood, it seems like the streets are smiling,no matter how poor. In a Black neighborhood, it seems like they are weeping,no matter how rich.
The White working class neighborhoods in the cities, especially the Italian, Irish and Greek ones seem to have the most vibrancy to them, together with our vast and still overwhelimingly White cuountryside and the folks that live there.
The rich White suburbs seem like beautiful and splendid tombs,in a sense, that is exactly what they are, with their often near childless streets, and people seemingly never leaving the confines of their homes save to slave away at work, or zone out in a mall,often as not patrolled by male Negro sexual predators preying on young White girls stripped of their natural racial instincts by an evil and foul social system. The Gros know they have little to fera from their corporate drone slave workaholic fathers, or their Whiggered out brothers. Should a brave White man resist, he will soon find himself facing the same thing Iraqi patriots faced in the cellars of Faloujah This is one of the great tragedies of our day is that everyone has to learn this lesson for him or herself. There is no major media outlet to tell you about race and crime, the government says practically the opposite of the truth, and friends, family and associates never mention it. So thousands of whites wind up raped, robbed, assaulted and sometimes murdered because it is forbidden to tell people a fact that they really need to know -- blacks are to a large degree, dangerous and the further you stay away from them, in many instances, the safer you will be. Imagine if people were forbidden from learning about cancer (and what causes it) or alcoholism or traffic laws.
Imagine how much safer we'd be if there were frequent public service announcements on the radio, tv and in print, informing the people about race and crime. Imagine how much suffering would be avoided
Be careful if you decide to take a vacation in South Beach. The drive from the airport to Miami Beach takes you over negro town. There were a couple of instances every year when some European tourists would exit the overpass before reaching the beach and were robbed and sometimes killed. Now they have road signs with smiley sunshine faces directing people from the airport to the beach. Really, Miami is like some city in Brazil. One wrong turn may be your last. Remember to lock your doors. Avoid Chicago, Detroit and more then 2 days in the Capital D.C. at all costs. These cities are majority black, and no go zones for whites.
If you want the avoid the blacks you can come West, but you will trade that for Mestizos, Middle Easterners, and jews. Tons of them.
Like others said, avoid the center of the cities and hang out near financial districts as whites working in the area will keep out the negro trash.
Other then that, you are in Africa, Mexico, China or or Saudi Arabia.
If you have money though, like all the liberals here you can avoid the diversity, but it will cost you.
According to FBI crime statistics for 1993 (FBI Oct. 1993 Uniform Crime Reports) Blacks are 2200% (22times) more likely to kill Whites that Whites are to kill Blacks. In Armed Robbery 7,031 blacks were victimized by Whites whereas 167,924 Whites were victimized by blacks (American Enterprise. (1995) Crime and Race May/June Issue compiled from justice Department Data.from 1991)
As shocking as these figures are I must point out that the government record keeping makes the higher black percentages of cross race crime seem far less than they really are. Many crimes that are classified as "White" against black are not committed by Whites at all, but come from Mexican Puerto Rican and other Hispanic Minorities that are lumped in with Whites. For instance the shooting of a black by a Mexican in a drug deal gone bad is considered a "White on Black" crime.
So i ask you all....why is our American media still pointing fingers at us? the decent hardworking whites? Oh yea..its not our media to begin with, its...the jews THE NIGGERS RACEWAR AGAINST THE WHITES INTHE USA
Yet the American news media do not want to talk about the Dirty War, which remains between the lines and unreported. In fact, to even suggest that the war exists is to be discredited. So let's start suggesting, immediately.
No matter how crime figures are massaged by those who want to acknowledge or dispute the existence of a Dirty War, there is nothing ambiguous about what the official statistics portray: for the past 30 years a large segment of black America has waged a war of violent retribution against white America.
And the problem is getting worse, not better. In the past 20 years, violent crime has increased more than four times faster than the population. Young blacks (under 18) are more violent than previous generations and are 12 times more likely to be arrested for murder than young whites.Almost 1 million white Americans were murdered, robbed, assaulted or raped by black Americans in 1992, compared with about 132,000 blacks who were murdered, robbed, assaulted or raped by whites, according to the same survey.
Over time, the cumulative effect has been staggering. Justice Department and FBI statistics indicate that between 1964 and 1994 more than 25 million violent inter-racial crimes were committed, overwhelmingly involving black offenders and white victims, and more than 45,000 people were killed in inter-racial murders. By comparisons 58,000 Americans died in Vietnam, and 34,000 were killed in the Korean war. THE GREAT WHITE FLIGHT
We Whites are in danger. The liberal media will stop at nothing to vilify us and blame us for the non-Whites’ problems, their crime, their drug habits, their welfare mamas. Did I put that needle in their hand or roll that condom off their cocks? I don’t think so. Yet they hurl all sorts of racial epithets at us like “honkey” or “cracka” with impunity, as if we were somehow to blame. And if any of us want to retaliate in kind with, say, the so-called “N-word”, our lives are ruined. This is “equality”?
And it’s not just a matter of words; actions speak far louder. According to reputable sources, Blacks are 49 times more likely to assault a White than a White is to assault a Black. And they say Whites are racist? Whites are being forced to flee from America’s inner cities in an exodus known as the great “White Flight”. Meanwhile, more and more immigrants (many of them illegal) continue to push us away and demand concessions; do you see where this is going? Whites now have a severe disadvantage in college admissions and many hiring situations; they want non-Whites for this so-called “diversity” and “multi-culturalism”. But I can see the writing on the wall: there is a massive non-White agenda out there that seeks to displace us and ultimately destroy us.
Screw the Great White Flight; I’m talking about the Great White Fight!The Liberalism we suffer today has elevated diversity, tolerance, equality, and anti-discrimination as the defining values of our society. This is how we got into this upside down world we live in. Once liberal tolerance rather than traditional morality became our guiding principle, we must ultimately tolerate the presence of evil, any evil, such as crime and bad behavior by certain protected groups, because we cannot expose them. That would be discrimination. To understand how we got into this fix, we need to think about how classical liberalism has been transformed over the last half dozen decades to the extremely destructive philosophy it is today.
When right thinking, rational, people dare to point out bad behavior of certain groups, this is unacceptable to liberals and fought as an attack on liberalism and on the ‘victim class’ they created. The politically correct liberals wage hysterical crusades against ethnic slurs or sexual comments by private individuals, while it shrugs it’s shoulders at gross criminality of it’s protected groups … blacks, illegals, jews, etc. For example, the liberal MSM routinely attack the “oppressive” and “racist” police, while ignoring the criminality of the criminals whom the police are “oppressing.” Do not point out jews are destroying our society … you will be labelled an anti-Semite and a hater. The modern liberal regime bans whatever is traditional to us … the merest breath of the Christian religion in public schools, while subsidizing student clubs devoted to witchcraft. This ass backwards thinking is the logical consequence of the central credo of modern liberalism: that all intolerance, discrimination or any vestige of perceived inequality or discrimination had to be eliminated, reconstructed, or suppressed. while the ordinary things we value, inherited institutions and habits of our civilization, ranging from the rule of law to national identity are regarded as obstructions to the true progress of modern liberalism. DICARLO hits the nail on the head. We are so blinded by tolerance that we cannot see or we refuse to see the evils of these protected groups. Remember that Asian monster who killed 26 at Virginia Tech? Remember that Black O.J. Simpson who not only stole one of our White Women, but murdered her and got away with it?! The liberal media and the whole liberal establishment was so focused on that one cop for his “racism” but totally ignored the great murderous evil of the Black Juice! As Dicarlo says, they seek to make us feel guilty about White words but will not let us expose the far greater crimes committed by Blacks and Jews and their ilk. Non-Whites, we’re on to you, and you will not take away our rule of law and our White national identity Assuming USA collapsed and it broke down into anarchy, and like it always does in prison, reverted to racial tribalism, what would happen to white “anti-racists”?
Speaking in a current situation, what would you white anti-racists do if you ever were put in jail for some reason, and realized that racial tribalism is what goes on in basically every jail on this planet?
Would you side with your white “racist” brothers, or would you become the little white boi toy for the bruthas? Answer: They would be eaten after being burned alive in dry leaves and branches. Some of them would just be eaten alive.
July, 1997: We are now at approximately 72.9%,down from 1950′s 89.5%.The Third World immigrants breed 2-3 times faster than White “Gentile” Americans.
They also bring in millions of relatives throughchain immigration…who start breeding as soon as possible to ensure their immigration statuswith a child born on American soil.Now, here’s what’s ahead for you and your childrenand grandchildren–and these are conservative estimates.
July 1, 2050:The Professional Ethnics are delirious with joy. They did it! The Professional Ethnics and their allies in government have committed genocide against White “Gentile” Americans while making the population density unbearable for the White “Gentile” Americans who remain.
The immigrants have helped destroy the United States of America and recreated the same grotesque conditions that they left their countries to avoid. More peasants for the New World Order Feudal Masters. And the International Abuser/Controllers win,after all.
July 4, 2050:Will your children be thankful for their rice bowls and bicycles? DELUDED ANTI WHITE IDIOT EVIL TRAITOR RANTTim Wise
United States America
Anti-White “diversity” consultant, anti-White polemicist
“Because you’re on the endangered list. And unlike, say, the bald eagle or some exotic species of muskrat, you are not worth saving...”
“It’s OK. Because in about forty years, half the country will be Black or brown. And there is nothing you can do about it...”
“And they know how to regroup, and plot, and plan, and they are planning even now—we are—your destruction.”
“We just have to be patient. And wait for your hearts to stop beating. And stop they will. And for some of you, real da**ed soon, truth be told. Do you hear it? The sound of your empire dying? Your nation, as you knew it, ending, permanently? Because I do, and the sound of its demise is beautiful.”
Mr. Wise’s article not only promotes but gleefully celebrates White genocide, cruelly taunts White Americans about the upcoming deaths of individual American Whites and the larger dispossession of White American society, makes specific references to the physical deaths of White Americans (heartbeats, “tick tock”), and gloats about the growing Mexican invasion into America and displacement of White American culture by using Spanish phrases. After the well-deserved outcry against Mr. Wise’s hateful and genocidal SPEECH THE JEW PUPPET BACKED OFF. NIGGER HORROR CANNIBAL SCREAMING DIRTY Kamau Kambon
United States of America
Black activist and bookstore owner: Blacknificent Books and More
Former visiting professor of African American Studies at North Carolina State University
“And then finally I want to say that we need one idea, and we’re not thinking about a solution to the problem … And the one idea is, how we are going to exterminate White people because that in my estimation is the only conclusion I have come to. We have to exterminate White people off the face of the planet to solve this problem … [We need to] get very serious and not be diverted from coming up with a solution to the problem and the problem on the planet is White people.”
Remarks during Black Media Forum on the Image of Black Americans in Mainstream Media, Howard University, October 14, Leonard Jeffries
United States of America
Chairman of the African-American studies department of the City College of New York
From an interview in the May, 1995 issue of Rutherford magazine):
“Q: But the Black man is no longer a slave.
A: The slave should be waking up, thinking of ways to slit the slave master’s throat ...
Q: What kind of world do you want to leave to your children?
A: A world in which there aren’t any White people ... “
Eldridge Clever
United States of America
Former Black Panther leader
Describing why he raped multiple White women:
“Rape was an insurrectionary act. It delighted me that I was defying and trampling upon the White man’s law, upon his system of values, and that I was defiling his women ...” Augustin Cebada
United States of America
Member of the Brown Berets of Aztlan
“…we claim this land as ours, it’s always been ours, and we’re still here, and uh, none of this talk about deporting. If anybody’s going to be deported it’s going to be you.”
“Go back to Simi Valley, you skunks! Go back to Woodland Hills! Go back to Boston! Go back to Plymouth Rock, Pilgrims! Get out! We are the future. You are old and tired. Go on. We have beaten you. Leave like beaten rats. You old White people, it is your duty to die.”
“Right now we’re already controlling those elections, whether it’s through violence or nonviolence. Through love of having children we are going to take over.”
Speech given during a rally on July 4, 1996 outside of the Federal Building in Westwood, California
Quoted in Barbara Coe, Reconquista, The Takeover of America, California Coalition for Immigration Reform, 1998, p. 20.
Malcolm X (Malcolm Little, El Hajj Malik El-Shabazz)
United States of America
Black activist
“The death of over 120 White people is a very beautiful thing.”
Speech in Los Angeles on June 3, 1962 upon learning of a tragic plane crash.
Note: an oft-repeated phrase of Malcolm X’s: “The White man is the devil.” Malcolm X (and others of the Nation of Islam) taught that Whites are devils who were genetically-engineered by someone named “Yakub” thousands of years ago “If Black people kill Black people every day, why not have a week and kill White people.”
James Cone
United States of America
Reverend, founder of Black liberation theology
“What we need is the destruction of Whiteness, which is the source of human misery in the world.”
Quoted in David Horowitz, Hating Whitey, Spence Publishing, 1999 EVIL JEWS WANT WHITE EXTERMINATION Susan Sontag
United States of America
Academic, author, literary critic, public intellectual
“Mozart, Pascal, Boolean algebra, Shakespeare, parliamentary government, baroque churches, Newton, the emancipation of women, Kant, Balanchine ballets, et al. don’t redeem what this particular civilization has wrought upon the world. The White race is the cancer of human history.” Norman Podhoretz
United States of America
Academic, author, public intellectual
“His past is a stigma, his color is a stigma, and his vision of the future is the hope of erasing the stigma by making color irrelevant, by making it disappear as a fact of consciousness.
I share this hope, but I cannot see how it will ever be realized unless color does in fact disappear: and that means not integration, it means assimilation, it means — let the brutal word come out — miscegenation. The Black Muslims, like their racist counterparts in the White world, accuse the “so-called Negro leaders” of secretly pursuing miscegenation as a goal. The racists are wrong, but I wish they were right, for I believe that the wholesale merger of the two races is the most desirable alternative for everyone concerned. I am not claiming that this alternative can be pursued programmatically or that it is immediately feasible as a solution; obviously there are even greater barriers to its achievement than to the achievement of integration. What I am saying, however, is that in my opinion the Negro problem can be solved in no other way.”
Norman Podhoretz, essay, “My Negro Problem—And Ours”Paul Kurtz
United States of America
Professor of philosophy at the State University of New York at Buffalo, secular humanist philosopher
“The highest good, as I see it, is intermarriage between people of different ethnicities, races, religions, and cultures. People who intermarry are contributing to the new human species that is emerging on this planet. You can see it clearly in the United States: in fifty years we will have a non-White majority. This frightens many people. I can see the same changes in the cities of Western Europe...In due course, the majority may no longer be White. I think this is wholesome and good. It is difficult for many people’s nervous system to have this clash of cultures and races, but we ought to encourage the widespread intermingling of people as we reach a civilisation which is beyond ethnic differences.” WHITE GENOCIDE None Dare Call it White Genocide The present immigration and political policies of many traditionally White nations, especially the United States, are in violation of part (c) and possibly part (d). White nations have been subverted to conditions that heavily favor non-White immigration, restrict White birthrates, and encourage and support non-White birthrates, and are thus calculated to bring about the physical destruction of the White race. There are many quotations of politicians, professors, and pundits advocating this very point – the end of the White race. Genocide is not always an act of traditional murder. The United Nations Convention on Genocide covers violent genocide with parts (a) and (b). However, the remaining definitions cover indirect and incremental methods to clarify that any form of genocide is punishable under international law.
The United States employed an explicitly pro-White immigration policy for the entirety of its two centuries of existence until the treasonous 1965 Immigration Act, which reversed this safeguard and subverted American immigration policy to discriminate against White Europeans in favor of non-White immigration. Prior to the 1965 Act, American immigration policy favored White European immigration to maintain the status quo of the American population. The behind-the-scenes architects of the 1965 Act realized that overwhelmingly non-White legal immigration would inevitably reduce the White American population over time. The political front men of the 1965 Act, such as Ted Kennedy, falsely assured the American public that the new immigration policy would not upset the racial balance of America. In 1965, America was approximately 89 percent White. Just a few generations later, America is around 65 percent White. In one more generation, White Americans will be a minority in their own country.
Illegal aliens create further demographic chaos, as White Americans are crowded out and out-bred by millions of mestizo illegal aliens from South America. Despite overwhelming public desire to seal the border and to deport and deny entry to illegal aliens, the federal government has willfully ignored its mandate to protect against all threats, foreign and domestic. Non-White legal immigrants and tens of millions of mestizo illegal alien invaders will dispossess the White American majority in the next few decades. White Americans will become a minority in their own nation.
Overwhelmingly non-White legal immigration and millions of non-White illegal aliens are inherently destructive to the White American population. Welfare and social benefit policies financially reward the generally poorer non-White groups for having large broods of children. Preferential hiring policies set aside jobs for non-Whites. Lax enforcement of employment law allows non-Whites to undercut the wages of educated White American citizens. The appalling aspect of these trends is that most of these policies, such as welfare, food stamps, and free emergency medical care, are predominantly financed by White American taxpayers. These White American taxpayers labor under conditions calculated to bring about their genocide as the progressive income tax discourages the most productive White Americans from having children.
Educated, self-reliant, and law-abiding White American taxpayers face the greatest disincentives to having large families. Instead, these White taxpayers work hard but are forced to financially support criminals, illegal aliens, and welfare abusers. The taxes paid by hardworking White citizens are transferred to illiterate illegal aliens to bankroll large broods of anchor babies that will produce an ever-increasing amount of welfare obligations and future criminals. The White American population dwindles while the non-White populations exponentially increase, further straining the welfare system, crowding prison cells, diluting educational standards, and destroying formerly safe White neighborhoods. White Americans face incremental genocide by design, which is precisely why so many fail to recognize the creeping trend. Genocide need not be associated with machetes, firing squads, or executions. The type of genocide White Americans face is far more subtle, which makes it all the more dangerous.
Perhaps you thought the nightmares of South Africa were one ocean and thousands of miles away.
You are wrong. They are right in our own backyard.
The evidence is clear - from South Africa, to the brown invasion of the European continent, to the brown revolutions in Hawaii and the U.S southwest, Whites have been targeted for genocide.
Violently racist Mexican Reconquistas are openly calling for the genocide of American adult white males in addition to ejecting Whites from the land we call home.
Forget that on the surface, the person who brings you this story seems to be in need of a racial awakening and focus on the fact white Americans have been placed in the crosshairs by most of the people of this entire hemisphere, with the quiet approval of the ... white American elite establishment
Nope, looking at other places of white minority in the past.. say.. haiti.. rhodesia.. etc.
I'd say the whites will just take it, line up like lemmings, and allowed themselves to be killed.
Of course, I can always pray im proven wrong.
I'm disgusted with the white race as it exists today, especially in the US and Western Europe. I still have respect for the Eastern Europeans. Sometimes I think they are the only ones left with any warrior spirit and racial pride. Look at the Germans, gtreatest soldiers in the 20th century. Now all wimps.
I guess the 2 World Wars wiped out the better of our race reducing the gene pool to one dominated by submissive males. Unfortunately you're right. Whites that are "colorblind" will die thinking that they're being killed because those people are disadvantaged and it's their fault because they're white. It amazes me that all the whites that have black or mexican friends think that there's no animosity between themI kind of like the idea of a bunch of Mexicans killing white people. First, it would show us who side of the border George Bush is really on. Next, it would galvanize the white majority in this country. Last, it would justify a violent reaction against the unfriendly neighbor to the south.
Finally, I think these people are all b.s., and it's all an intimidation ploy to scare the nation. It won't work. Actually they've been killing us in the Southwestern U.S. look at crime stats. More than likely it would accomplish nothing. Our military would still do nothing Let's forget the fertility rate for a second, because we're getting hung up on this. The fact of the matter is that multiculturalism doesn't work. You can't have White culture, or any culture for that matter, attaining dominance if it is intermixed with other cultures living around and within it. This alone is a cause for concern.
Culture is a reflection of the people who inhabit a specific area, and is manifested as a sense of 'we'. If the 'we' that resides in an area is not of one race, there is no path for those inhabitants to take in promoting their heritage and cultural tendencies. It will continually be blocked or agitated by other groups who have very different cultural tendencies and norms. In other words, cultural clashing and ultimately either assimilation or separation.
There's no such thing as a universal, modern 'world culture', and never will be. People fool themselves if they think they are beyond the ethnic reaches of deep history. You are your race. I thought we would be a minority by 2025-30. I was close. In the next 10-20 years many baby-boomers will be dying also. They make up a big percentage of the White population. The end of America is near. The choice was to do what's best for our people or do what's best for the Jews. The choice has been made. I only hope that some of the people who got us into this situation are still around to reap some of the consequences of it. Replacing quality DNA and Smarts with a mud race of ugly peasants with an average IQ 15-20 points less.
This is how you destroy a nation, this is how you destroy white principles, and this is how you destroy freedom.
Whites built this country, and now they have voluntarily handed it over thanks to the Jews, liberals, and carebears.
It may even come to the point where the 'mud' population of the USA wishes whites to regain control because obviously we are the only race advanced enough to run a great country. Look at South Africa, soon the USA will resemble it. Then the Chinese will grab every remaining resource, and everyone will choke to death.Whites will all gather in one little corner of the US and it will remain a wealthy area meanwhile the rest of the country is one brown hot melting pot. The browns outside of the white place will try to get in because they "seek employment and opportunity" and will get mad at us if we don't let them in. This is like a rinse and repeat process. I believe in Brasil the whites control the south and the muds live in teh northeast which is poor while the south is rich. They are starting to migrate to the south to seek employment. So yeah, it will basically be the same.
In reading Mein Kampf Hitler made a referance to South America where he said the latin immigrants heavily mixed with the aborigines but the small amount of whites who kept their 100% European blood became the elites of South America. Liberals must think its just some ****ing coincidence. Historical experience offers countless proofs of this. It shows with terrifying clarity that in every mingling of Aryan blood with that of lower peoples the result was the end of the cultured people. North America, whose population consists in by far the largest part of Germanic elements who mixed but little with the lower colored peoples, shows a different humanity and culture from Central and South America, where the predominantly Latin immigrants often mixed with the aborigines on a large scale. By this one example, we can clearly and distinctly recognize the effect of racial mixture. The Germanic inhabitant of the American continent, who has remained racially pure and unmixed, rose to be master of the continent; he will remain the master as long as he does not fall a victim to defilement of the blood.
The result of all racial crossing is therefore in brief always the following:
Lowering of the level of the higher race;
Physical and intellectual regression and hence the beginning of a slowly but surely progressing sickness." - Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf.
Hell, we can't even maintain or generate any interest in space exploration anymore (Wait a minute -- maybe that's because White American taxpayers are smarter than we think; and they know we can't afford those kinds of things as long as we choose to wage countless and endless wars, and if we hope to be able to support our massive and rapidly growing non-White underclass?) (But then you have to ask yourself -- is that really making the smartest choice?) Or maybe it's because our rapidly growing non-White population just isn't all that interested in space exploration -- it's such a "White thang" you know (once we get past Obama hastening to appoint a fellow black as head of the program).
Part II: The United States
In the United States, whites have historically accounted for more than 80% of the total population. Between the Civil War and Vietnam eras — a period spanning an entire century — the U.S. was approximately 90% white. Since the 1970s, the white population — stated as a percentage of the total population — has been in freefall. The 2000 Census reported that, for the first time in U.S. history, whites represented less than 80% of the total population. This alarming trend is expected to accelerate in the future as birthrates of non-white races are demonstrably higher than the dwindling white birthrate. According to the Brookings Institution, “the U.S. minority population grew at five times the rate of whites since 2000.” Based on demographic trends, experts are predicting that minorities will outnumber whites in the U.S. by 2050.
In his book Death of the West, Pat Buchanan posted a speech made by former President Bill Clinton, given at a liberal university during his second term in office:
“Today, largely because of immigration, there is no majority race in Hawaii or Houston or New York City. Within five years there will be no majority race in our largest state, California. In a little more than fifty years there will be no majority race in the United States. No other nation in history has gone through demographic change of this magnitude in so short a time.”
…as if government-sanctioned genocide of our race is a wonderful thing to be celebrated.
So how did we arrive at this point, and who is the driving force behind the ongoing displacement of the white population in the United States?
Between the 16th and 19th Centuries, slaves — many of whom were white Europeans — were transported to the New World against their will. This was undoubtedly a reprehensible practice that stemmed from excessive avarice. What is relatively unknown is the fact that Jews — not White Anglo-Saxon Christians — were the ones who orchestrated the trans-Atlantic slave trade. Many Jewish writers and historians have pointed this out themselves. In Jews and Judaism in the United States: A Documentary History, Marc Raphael wrote the following on this matter:
“Jewish merchants played a major role in the slave trade. In fact, all the American colonies, whether French (Martinique), British, or Dutch, Jewish merchants frequently dominated.
This was no less true on the North American mainland, where during the eighteenth century Jews participated in the “triangular trade” that brought slaves from Africa to the West Indies and there exchanged them for molasses, which in turn was taken to New England and converted into rum for sale in Africa. Isaac Da Costa of Charleston in the 1750s, David Franks of Philadelphia in the 1760s, and Aaron Lopez of Newport in the late 1760s and early 1770s dominated Jewish slave trading on the American continent.”
In New World Jewry 1493-1825: Requiem for the Forgotten, S.B. Liebman wrote:
“They came with ships carrying African blacks to be sold as slaves. The traffic in slaves was a royal monopoly, and the Jews were often appointed as agents for the Crown in their sale. They were the largest ship chandlers in the entire Caribbean region, where the shipping business was mainly a Jewish enterprise. The ships were not only owned by Jews, but were manned by Jewish crews and sailed under the command of Jewish captains.”
And Arnold Wiznitzer, author of Jews in Colonial Brazil, described in even greater detail the predominant Jewish role in New World slavery:
“The West India Company, which monopolized imports of slaves from Africa, sold slaves at public auctions against cash payment. It happened that cash was mostly in the hands of Jews. The buyers who appeared at the auctions were almost always Jews, and because of this lack of competitors they could buy slaves at low prices. On the other hand, there also was no competition in the selling of the slaves to the plantation owners and other buyers, and most of them purchased on credit payable at the next harvest in sugar. Profits up to 300 percent of the purchase value were often realized with high interest rates. If it happened that the date of such an auction fell on a Jewish holiday the auction had to be postponed. This occurred on Friday, October 21, 1644.”
Jews not only orchestrated the trans-Atlantic slave trade, but also held slaves in disproportionate numbers. In United States Jewry, published in 1989, Jacob Raider Marcus wrote:
“All through the eighteenth century, into the early nineteenth, Jews in the North were to own black servants; in the South, the few plantations owned by Jews were tilled with slave labor. In 1820, over 75 percent of all Jewish families in Charleston, Richmond, and Savannah owned slaves, employed as domestic servants; almost 40 percent of all Jewish households in the United States owned one slave or more. There were no protests against slavery as such by Jews in the South, where they were always outnumbered at least 100 to 1. Very few Jews anywhere in the United States protested against chattel slavery on moral grounds.”
Abraham Lincoln, who is credited for “freeing the slaves,” intended to have the slaves repatriated to Africa following the Civil War. Unfortunately, the Sixteenth President was assassinated less than one week following Lee’s surrender at Appomattox. Lincoln made clear his intentions during various speeches and addresses:
“Let us be brought to believe it is morally right, and at the same time, favorable to, or at least not against, our interest, to transfer the African to his native clime, and we shall find a way to do it, however great the task may be.” – Abraham Lincoln in an 1857 address in Springfield, Illinois
“There is no room for two distinct races of white men in America, much less for two distinct races of whites and blacks. I can conceive of no greater calamity than the assimilation of the negro into our social and political life as our equal.” – Abraham Lincoln
After Lincoln’s assassination, the prevailing policy in America was one of reconstruction, not repatriation. This process accelerated under the administration of former Union General Ulysses S. Grant, whose civil rights policies appeased the Radical Republicans of the time.
The races remained largely segregated until the 1950s and 1960s, when Plessy v. Ferguson was overturned by the Supreme Court in Brown v. Board of Education; Jim Crow laws were repealed; the Civil Rights Act was passed in the mid-1960s; and whites were forced to accept racial integration at gunpoint.
It is quite astonishing that Jews — who played an instrumental role in the transport of African slaves to this continent — were also the driving force behind racial integration between blacks and whites. The NAACP was a predominantly Jewish organization in its formative years; many of Martin Luther King Jr.’s speeches were composed by Stanley David Levinson, a Jewish Communist; and according to Howard Sachar of, “Many local and state desegregation regulations actually were drafted in the offices of the Jewish agencies.”
It is equally astounding that Jewish Supremacists, who advocate racial homogeneity for Israel, simultaneously promote multiculturalism and diversity for traditionally white nations. This double standard couldn’t be any more obvious. As long as other groups (e.g., Palestinians) are not infringed upon — and no U.S. tax dollars are wasted — Jews have every right to take steps to preserve their heritage. Every group of people should have this right, and people of European heritage are no exception.
Whereas Israel is effectively sealing off its borders to mitigate the inflow of outsiders, the floodgates remain open in the U.S. and other white-majority nations. The Jewish Supremacists and white sellouts — like Bill Clinton — share culpability. I will deal with the former, as many people remain unaware of the influential Jewish role in integration, immigration, and forced diversity.
Just as Jews have a vested interest in enforcing protectionism for the Israeli state, they also have a vested interest in flooding our countries with non-white immigrants. On the latter, Charles Silberman, author of A Certain People: American Jews and Their Lives Today, wrote:
“American Jews are committed to cultural tolerance because of their belief, one firmly rooted in history, that Jews are safe only in a society acceptant of a wide range of attitudes and behaviors, as well as a diversity of religious and ethnic groups. It is this belief, for example, not approval of homosexuality, that leads an overwhelming majority of American Jews to endorse “gay rights” and to take a liberal stance on most other so-called “social issues.”
As you can see, prevailing Jewish values are incompatible with ours. However, as Jews account for only 2% of the total population, they cannot win their battles without some help — which is why they have attempted to liberalize the majority population in the U.S. and West, and have also provided unyielding support for the immigration of peoples whose cultures and ideologies conflict with ours.
The Immigration Act of 1965 — which ushered in an era of non-white preference in immigration policy — was predominately influenced by powerful Jewish Congressmen and lobbyists. After this law was enacted, Jews in America rejoiced! Earl Raab, executive director of the Perlmutter Institute of Jewish Advocacy and associate of the ADL, wrote the following in the Jewish Bulletin:
“It was only after World War II that immigration law was drastically changed to eliminate such discrimination. In one of the first pieces of evidence of its political coming-of-age, the Jewish community has a leadership role in effecting those changes.”
He went onto applaud the demographic shift that has taken place in the United States over the past half-century, stating that:
“The Census Bureau has just reported that about half of the American population will soon be non-white or non-European. And they will all be American citizens. We have tipped beyond the point where a Nazi-Aryan party will be able to prevail in this country.
We [i.e., Jews] have been nourishing the American climate of opposition to bigotry for about half a century. That climate has not yet been perfected, but the heterogeneous nature of our population tends to make it irreversible and makes our constitutional constraints against bigotry more practical than ever.”
It is worth noting that the “Nazi-Aryan party” would never have risen to power in Germany were it not for Jews infiltrating — and subsequently corrupting — the most important institutions in the Wiemar Republic, just as they have done in the United States since WWII. In Main Kampf, Adolf Hitler laid out quite eloquently his reasons for turning against the Jews of his time. While I personally do not advocate Hitleresque measures, I do believe it to be necessary for whites — at least those who would prefer not to live in a multicultural society run by Jews — to form our own government that would enforce racial homogeneity and represent our sociopolitical interests. This is clearly not possible in America today. Essentially, my proposed white nation would be to White Nationalists what Israel is to the Jews. Only we would rely exclusively on ourselves for national defense.
To have an intension to exterminate an identifiable group of people is from the UN definition, Genocide.
An “anti-racist” professor with the name of Noel Ignatiev wrote the following: ”The goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists.”
It is only a few “anti-racists” who will be as honest as Ignatiev, Even though they all agree to with his goal they will try to use a better packaging. They will not say that white genocide is their goal, instead they will call it a “brown future,” “a melting pot” or something similar,
To make it harder for people recognize what they are doing they will always change arguments and the arguments they use will contradict each other. It is like they are putting on different costumes. They have a lot of different costumes. It could be the “freedom/free will costume” “help the poor costume” “who cares costume” “affirmative action costume” “it is only skin color costume” “human rights costume” or they can make a costume that suits the situation.
For example when they argue for massive third world immigration they will often use the “freedom costume.” Why can’t people live wherever they choose to live?
The next step in white genocide is forced integration of all those non-whites. We white people actually use freedom to settle where we want. It is called white flight. We whites escape the “diversity.” So when the anti-whites are going to force integration, they can no longer use the “freedom costume.” Because if whites are allowed to choose we whites choose ‘white flight.’ So now they have to take off the “free will costume” and put on the “affirmative action costume” or the “non-discrimination costume.”
Now it is suddenly very important that the businesses, the parliament or the military “reflect the population.” If 10% of the population is minority (dark skinned) the military has to reflect that. They do not use the “freedom costume” anymore. Now they pressure you to hire coloreds. This is in order to reach their long term goal of white genocide.
It is very important to hire non-whites because skin color is not important. They are pushing for more non-whites at the same time they are using the “skin color doesn’t matter costume.”
The next step after integration is intermarriage. The anti-whites might put on their “freedom costume again” and say people should marry whoever they like. What they really are doing is to push for intermarriage and promote it and at the same time condemn everyone how oppose intermarriage as evil naziswhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
To avoid that white people will fight white genocide they have to make us feel guilty for slavery, colonization, racism, discrimination and so on. Since they are anti-white they will talk a lot about what whites have done wrong and try to ignore or downplay to wrongdoings of non-whites.
Proud for being white is ridicules, but guilty for being white is being pushed as the norm.
Inconsistent? Only if you look at “anti-racists” as objectively against racism. If you look at anti-racists as anti-white they are 100% consistent. Nobody who calls themselves anti-racist will say that whites as every other group must secure the existence of our people and a future for our white children. They will say everything else.
So if you take their arguments one by one they might seem genuine. But if you take all of the you will see an anti-white pattern.
That is why we say anti-racist is a code word for anti-white. No one ever targets Latino-owned businesses or majority Latino communities with so-called "civil rights" lawsuits because they "lack diversity."
No one ever targets Black-owned businesses or majority Black communities with so-called "civil rights" lawsuits because they "lack diversity."
No one ever targets Asian-owned businesses or majority Asian communities with so-called "civil rights" lawsuits because they "lack diversity."
No one ever targets Arab-owned businesses or majority Arab communities with so-called "civil rights" lawsuits because they "lack diversity."
Only White-owned businesses, only White majority communities, only White institutions are ever targeted with so-called "civil rights" lawsuits because they "lack diversity."
The nigger hits the $14.294 trillion US debt ceiling and keeps spending
That's why I say "lack of diversity" is code for "too many White folks." The naive and silly white American politicians seem to have made a common pact among themselves to destroy their own society by making white minorities. I once read a thesis by a nonwhite radical who predicted that white America will be destroyed from within and that the whites will willingly participate in their own destruction. His prediction seems to be coming true.
Within three decades the United States of America will be a boiling cesspool of a hundred million nonwhite peasants roaming the land and breaking into homes to feed their ever growing number of babies.
If Russians do not take pride in the land of their forefathers and protect Russia from the invaders, the same fate will await them that will soon embrace the United States of America
If Whites become a minority and ultimately, lose political and cultural influence over their own countries, they have no one to blame but themselves. Generations of Whites choosing a hedonistic, materialistic based lifestyle over family has born results. Deserving special mention are "career women." Now the hedonists in their 50s and over expect their small number of children and grandchildren to continue funding their lifestyle through old age programs until they die, while their descendants will clearly receive no such benefit, and in fact, will probably struggle to survive in a much darker world.
It's sadly poetic justice that so many elderly Americans end up not cared for by family, but deposited in "rest homes" like garbage waiting to die. They left us a bankrupt, banana republic with a deteriorating social fabric. They didn't take care of the future; now there's no future to take care of them.Visit Camden, NJ, Gary, IN, or Haiti and tell me how wonderfully Blacks can run their affairs. Most of the Latinos invading the US today are peasants, and they will remain peasants when the become the majority population.
Mexico and Venezuela are a prime example of what America will become.
Human history shows that a people (US whites) too cowardly to defend their society will be overrun by others.
When you American whites start running from the mess you created, just don't run to my countryHow is pointing out the perils for a white society being converted to a Black majority society "hate"? I should be awarded for speaking out the way I do.
Believe me, when Canada or Sweden or UK is on the verge of becoming a Black majority society the whites will panic.
There isn't a black ghetto in America where whites or Asians want to live in - and, you expect them to cheer when the whole country becomes a ghetto?
Even the Swedes have finally admitted to themselves that they did a terrible mistake in permitting Blacks to flood into their country. Take a look at Malmo, the third largest city in Sweden. It has become almost 30% Black and the Swedes are fleeing the city in droves as they cry to high heavens "what has happened to our once beautiful Sweden?".
I simply point out that any white society that voluntarily converts itself into a Black or non-white society (like America is doing) is extremely foolish and runs a risk of becoming a backward nation. This warning isn't hate speech, unless, of course, you consider any pro-white comments to be "hate speech". Then, that is your problem and not mine.
Again, you will hear white Canadians howling to the moon about Black crime and Black takeover once their major cities develop large crime and drug infested ghettos into which no white dares to venture, not even the police.
You can cry and moan all you want, but I will continue pointing out the foolishness of any white society converting themselves into a Black majority society where Blacks and other nonwhites wrest power from the Whites.