Omega is one of the greatest Hungarian Rockband performing Live in English the songs Gammapolis and Silver rain.Enjoy it.Brad Pitt J
s Angelina Jolie and Family in Hungary Boycott Angelina Jolie movies. Race-traitor extraordinaire.
Disgusting comments from a worthless twat. Jolie has been added to my list of Hollywood shits whose movies I refuse to see. (Spielberg, Polanski, Ledger, Jake Gyllenhall among others) There are plenty of other movies to keep you entertained. Boycott this race-traitor bitch.
This beautiful white girl should be removed from this so-called family immediately.

Angelina Jolie: 'My blonde-haired natural daughter Shiloh is the outcast in our family'
Angelina Jolie revealed that her blonde-haired blue-eyed natural child Shiloh, 20 months, is the "outcast" in her ethnically diverse family.
The actress - who has adopted three other children from around the world - said in a revealing interview, that her only biological child, fathered by actor Brad Pitt, is the odd one out because of her bright blonde hair.
Angelina and partner Brad Pitt also have six-year-old Maddox from Cambodia, four-year-old Pax Thien from Vietnam and two-year-old Zahara who they adopted in Ethiopia.
But the 32-year-old Beowulf star explained Shiloh's resemblance to her father which set her apart from her siblings.
Angelina told Look magazine: "She looks like Brad. It's funny because she's almost going to be the outcast in the family because she's blonde and blue-eyed." (Almost? She'll be a coke-head slut by age 15, pregnant with her "brother's" niglet baby.--Burrhus)
Jolie also admitted she would have been happy not to have a biological child.
But she changed her mind after seeing Brad with Zahara and Maddox after bringing her to the U.S. from Ethiopia.
She said: "I saw Brad with her and Maddox, and I realised how much he loved them - and how a biological child would not in any way be a threat."
The actress said she felt a deep connection to her adopted children because of the pain they had endured in their young lives.
She added: "I felt so much more for Madd, Zahara and Pax because they were survivors.
"Shiloh seemed so privileged from the moment she was born. 
"But I'm conscious that I have to make sure I don't ignore her needs, just because I think the others are more vulnerable."
But when asked if she was glad she'd had Shiloh, Angelina said she avoids singling out her biological child at the expense of her adopted children.
She said: "It was so lovely. But at the same time, the first time we saw a picture of Zahara before we met her we were both very emotional.
The man who believes that he has free will is the most easily enslaved since he will never think to look for the chains.---Burrhus
The jews are a problem--not our ONLY or SOLE problem, not responsible for EVERY problem faced by gentiles, not some ALL-POWERFUL race that we shouldn't bother trying to resist, not an EXCUSE for avoiding responsibility for problems of our own making --but nonetheless, A REAL, SERIOUS PROBLEM.
White gentile responsibility includes recognizing, openly admitting, learning about and DOING SOMETHING about this problem. Anti-semitism does not imply hatred of or a desire to exterminate the jews.
I will stop being anti-semitic when the semites stop being anti-gentilic. Not a day sooner.--Burrhus IF YOU WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE HUNGARIAN GUARD JUST CLICK HERE
The Hungarian Guard marching.
The Racist Creed
Racism is the belief that it is in the best interest of every individual to accord altruism and trust to others based on genetic relatedness. The degree of relatedness that determines each individual's sense of his race is a personal decision.
As a racist I care more about the welfare and survival of members of my race than I do for that of those in other races. That does not however imply that I hate other races, believe my race to be absolutely superior nor that I wish to abuse or harm those other races.
This beautiful white girl should be removed from this so-called family immediately.

Angelina Jolie: 'My blonde-haired natural daughter Shiloh is the outcast in our family'
Angelina Jolie revealed that her blonde-haired blue-eyed natural child Shiloh, 20 months, is the "outcast" in her ethnically diverse family.
The actress - who has adopted three other children from around the world - said in a revealing interview, that her only biological child, fathered by actor Brad Pitt, is the odd one out because of her bright blonde hair.
Angelina and partner Brad Pitt also have six-year-old Maddox from Cambodia, four-year-old Pax Thien from Vietnam and two-year-old Zahara who they adopted in Ethiopia.
But the 32-year-old Beowulf star explained Shiloh's resemblance to her father which set her apart from her siblings.
Angelina told Look magazine: "She looks like Brad. It's funny because she's almost going to be the outcast in the family because she's blonde and blue-eyed." (Almost? She'll be a coke-head slut by age 15, pregnant with her "brother's" niglet baby.--Burrhus)

Jolie also admitted she would have been happy not to have a biological child.
But she changed her mind after seeing Brad with Zahara and Maddox after bringing her to the U.S. from Ethiopia.
She said: "I saw Brad with her and Maddox, and I realised how much he loved them - and how a biological child would not in any way be a threat."
The actress said she felt a deep connection to her adopted children because of the pain they had endured in their young lives.
She added: "I felt so much more for Madd, Zahara and Pax because they were survivors.
"Shiloh seemed so privileged from the moment she was born.

"But I'm conscious that I have to make sure I don't ignore her needs, just because I think the others are more vulnerable."
But when asked if she was glad she'd had Shiloh, Angelina said she avoids singling out her biological child at the expense of her adopted children.
She said: "It was so lovely. But at the same time, the first time we saw a picture of Zahara before we met her we were both very emotional.
The man who believes that he has free will is the most easily enslaved since he will never think to look for the chains.---Burrhus
The jews are a problem--not our ONLY or SOLE problem, not responsible for EVERY problem faced by gentiles, not some ALL-POWERFUL race that we shouldn't bother trying to resist, not an EXCUSE for avoiding responsibility for problems of our own making --but nonetheless, A REAL, SERIOUS PROBLEM.
White gentile responsibility includes recognizing, openly admitting, learning about and DOING SOMETHING about this problem. Anti-semitism does not imply hatred of or a desire to exterminate the jews.
I will stop being anti-semitic when the semites stop being anti-gentilic. Not a day sooner.--Burrhus IF YOU WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE HUNGARIAN GUARD JUST CLICK HERE
The jews are a problem--not our ONLY or SOLE problem, not responsible for EVERY problem faced by gentiles, not some ALL-POWERFUL race that we shouldn't bother trying to resist, not an EXCUSE for avoiding responsibility for problems of our own making --but nonetheless, A REAL, SERIOUS PROBLEM.

White gentile responsibility includes recognizing, openly admitting, learning about and DOING SOMETHING about this problem. Anti-semitism does not imply hatred of or a desire to exterminate the jews.
I will stop being anti-semitic when the semites stop being anti-gentilic. Not a day sooner.--Burrhus IF YOU WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE HUNGARIAN GUARD JUST CLICK HERE

The Racist Creed
Racism is the belief that it is in the best interest of every individual to accord altruism and trust to others based on genetic relatedness. The degree of relatedness that determines each individual's sense of his race is a personal decision.
As a racist I care more about the welfare and survival of members of my race than I do for that of those in other races. That does not however imply that I hate other races, believe my race to be absolutely superior nor that I wish to abuse or harm those other races.

Jolie's been getting settled in Hungary where she's filming her still-untitled directorial debut film. Filming officially started a week ago in a Budapest orphanage. The movie, which will also be Jolie's first screenwriting credit, is a romance set during the '90s Bosnian war.
Pitt, 46, arrived from Boston where he's been filming of his upcoming movie 'Moneyball.'If Angelina Jolie was here right now this is what I would say to her-
-You know nothing, Angelina. For the last time, shut up and get off your high horse. You are no better than the rest of us, you're just in it for the publicity. Britney and Paris get their attention by getting out of a sports car with no panties, and you play politics with jello-brained liberals who actually think you're doing good. Pick whichever third world country that you bought a kid from, and go back to it. Thanks a lot.

It's genetic feeblemindedness. In the 1970's her father Jon Voight announced to the world that he was to reveal a mystical vision to the world which would explain all! During the Mel Gibson "The Passion of the Christ" controversy he ranted on the "Jew" Media how evil Gibson and all others who criticize "Jews" are as they are "God's" people. His career which was on hold then took a sudden turn for the more profitable! Now it's his estranged (strange) daughter's turn, with her botox smile/smirk, to pay a debt to International "Jewry".
ISRAEL, THE REINCARNATION OF KHAZARIA BY THE EQUALLY DELUSIONAL! why doesn't this women just drop down dead? she is so anti-white, pro non-white, it's just not funny. she may look white, but she definitely has a non-white brain and heart. a truly disgusting women
ISRAEL, THE REINCARNATION OF KHAZARIA BY THE EQUALLY DELUSIONAL! why doesn't this women just drop down dead? she is so anti-white, pro non-white, it's just not funny. she may look white, but she definitely has a non-white brain and heart. a truly disgusting women
The crazy b-tch thinks she's Laura Croft for real.
More likely, if she were sent back in time, she would be thrown into an insane asylum for adopting all those Third World children and bringing them into a White nation.
Brad Pitt was better off with Jennifer AnnistonWhy do you think she pays more attention to her 3rd world children than her own white flesh and blood...
I personally can't stand her, and it's not a jealousy issue because I am a female, I am way more beautiful because I am proud!!!! She is ugly in and out to me!
Besides, anyone with the desire to have bubba lips is making it obvious that she wants to be Afro multiculturalistic with the chinky eyeliner.... well she is into Asians too since she was a hardcore dyke with a chink and also has an Asian kid.....
I don't really care about her humanitarian deeds being that we are actually over-paying her acting salary to combat that here in the USA along with supporting them through our taxes while they reproduce at high rates of speed. I have no remorse for those kind of countries, I believe they can help themselves after ALL these years..
Since I have this opinion such as many others do, I believe that Brad must have the same amount of guilt and wants to help the Katrina housing industry?

"Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end."
- Written by a retiree at the Texas A&M UniversityIf that's the case, then why doesn't she kill Mugabe? How many White people has he killed? Oh, I forgot, silly me. It's ok to kill White people. She is a complete waste of space. I really feel sorry for her White kids. They will be riddled with "white guilt" from this mud lovin' skanky whore.
"Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end."
- Written by a retiree at the Texas A&M UniversityIf that's the case, then why doesn't she kill Mugabe? How many White people has he killed? Oh, I forgot, silly me. It's ok to kill White people. She is a complete waste of space. I really feel sorry for her White kids. They will be riddled with "white guilt" from this mud lovin' skanky whore.
The family, who is staying in a mansion outside of Budapest, is reportedly spending the next few months in Europe. Jolie, 35, also recently enrolled their kids in school. "Angelina has enlisted her children into (an) elite French-American school that they will attend from next week on," a source tells PEOPLE about Pax and Maddox. "The school has kindergarten, too, where Zahara and Shiloh will attend."Hmm, Angelina is so busy writing and starring in movies, when does she find time to parent her own children? She is so busy saving all the orphans in the world, but she doesn't spend any time being a mother to any of them, including her own natural children. She just uses them for photo ops for the paparazzi so people will think she actually spends time with her childrenthey should care more about kids in our country......WE ARE SUFFERING ENOUGH, SPEND YOUR MONEY ON THE POOR KIDS IN THE U.S.A,,,, WE NEED IT MORE THAN CAMBODIA, HOW IS THAT THE U.S.A. IS SOOOOOOOO FAR IN DEBT, BUT WE CAN STILL PAY A-ROID, AND ALL THESE OTHER PROFESSIONAK ATHLETE'S MILLLLLLLIONS A YEAR TO PLAY A KIDS GAMEI love this , So does My boyfriend .he is almost 11year older than me .i met him via agegapsingl es.c 'om a nice place for seeking age le ss love.which gives you a chance to make your life better and open opportunities for you to meet the attractive young girls and treat you like a king. Maybe you wanna check it out or tell your friends.. Just love it
Brad Pitt Joins Angelina Jolie in Hungary

Hungarian hardrockband Superbutt performing the great song in english the pioneer.and Lust Kills.Enjoy it.

Jolie is in Hungary to direct a film set during the 1992-1995 Bosnian War. She reportedly has enrolled the couple's four oldest children in a French-American school there

This is my favorite Brad Pitt news item in awhile. On October 11th, Brad went for a motorcycle ride in Budapest, probably enjoying some nice downtime after wrapping up all his scenes for Moneyball recently.
However, it looks like Brad needs a GPS for his motorcycle. After riding around, he came back “home” and parked in [...]
However, it looks like Brad needs a GPS for his motorcycle. After riding around, he came back “home” and parked in [...]
Brad Pitt traveling with the twins

Now that his filming in Moneyball has wrapped, Brad Pitt, Knox, and Vivienne traveled overseas to meet up with Angelina Jolie, Maddox, Zahara, Pax, and Shiloh. The family will spend some time in Budapest, Hungary while Angelina films her Bosnian love story.
There are also more photos of Brad with Knox and Vivienne that you can [...]
There are also more photos of Brad with Knox and Vivienne that you can [...]
Angelina Jolie on-set director photos

Over the weekend, Angelina Jolie was photographed on the set of her directorial project as her movie has begun filming in Budapest, Hungary.
At one point Maddox Jolie-Pitt visited his mom at work. I love that the photos show her wearing the same black coat that we’ve seen her in several times in the past
That's great!!!
But what about the less fortunate folks here in the United States???
The are families in the hills of Tn, NC, and the Virginia foothills who don't even have a 6th grade education. That's the ENTIRE family.
I'm glad the Pitt / Jolie family does great things but can't we as a nation do something to help our own friends, families, and neighbors too???
IF YOU ARE A FAN OF BRAD PITT YOU CAN CHECK OUT HES SITE JUST CLICK HEREThere are those who would argue, those with insight into Hollywood & the music scene, the entertainment scene in sum, that to get to the very pinnacle of the entertainment industry, one has to be a member of a fraternal order, and one has to make a deal of the worst kind, involving selling out humanity to bring forth the New World Order, and that the industry is run by these fraternal orders. I doubted for a long time, it seemed to far out, but it is very clear that some sort of occult symbolism & ritual is played out, with the actors as pawns, the media used by the Government(s) to play the pawns.
When we listen to Jay Z or Eminem, etc. their songs are full of references to all of this, they flash the symbols, they do the handshakes, etc. and wear the garb, Skull & Bones, Masonic, whatever it is. All roads may lead to Rome, in the end, I do not know. What I do know is that these two are selling death & destruction & degradation as well as their own children, they have dehumanized them, and the pictures of Pax, strewn thru the media, with no regard for his privacy and dignity, to me are "code" within their group of possibly programmed pawns, of what sort of future this child has, of what he can be used for. Sickening, but it is what it is. I wouldn't doubt that the Brand is being manipulated, or agreed to this deal for fame & fortune, perhaps adopted the children knowing what they were bringing into these innocent's lives.
Who really knows where any of these "stars" come from, how they are all related, what their tattoos signify, why they all resemble each other to a degree and have the same "government" brandings/markings.
In any event, people are waking up to this and cutting through this false matrix. How could anyone worship these two, who sell war, imperialism, colonialism, talk out their butts about Africa while they are part of the program that causes death, destruction & famine there and many other places. And, in case anyone things they are so wonderful for adopting, they are adopting along bloodlines, their own. Or stealing kids, who knows.
I would have respect for two people who were actual humanitarians, who spoke truth, who said F it, I'll be true to fellow humanity and screw the 14 motorbikes and gaudy art. Not these two, that's for sure. Trevor, who's in charge, eh? Not normal to be trailed by the CIA, not normal for a supposed "renegade" to make movies that are basically advertising for how awesome the CIA is. Who are these two, really, and where did they come from, who are they related to, what is their freaky cult, and who is watching out for those children?

The beautiful Budapest and much of the rest of Hungary is returning to fascism. Recent elections in Hungary have put the right wing Fidisz Party and the anti-Semitic Jobbik Party in power. New laws have given the government control over much of the media. Civil servants can now be fired without cause. The Chair of the anti-Semitic Party, Gabor Vona, recently showed off a uniform that was reminicent of the Nazi party during WWII.
Hungary embraced their version of the Nazi party during WWII. Called the Arrow Cross Party, it was still sending Jews to their deaths after Adolf Eichmann had fled. After WWII Hungary became a satellite country of the USSR.
It is troubling to see a country that seems on the surface so civilized and accomplished turn to a disgraced and hate inspired philosophy.
"Neo-fascist thugs attacked Roma families, killing six people in a series of murders. The right-wing populists of the Fidesz Party won a two-thirds majority in the parliament, while the anti-Semitic Jobbik party captured 16.7 percent of the vote, making it the third-largest party in Hungary, next to the Socialists. Unknown vandals defiled the Holocaust Memorial with bloody pigs' feet"Der Spiegel
Europe's Capital of Anti-Semitism: Budapest Experie
Magyar Gárda Mozgalom (English: Hungarian Guard Movement) founded by Magyar Gárda Hagyományőrző és Kulturális Egyesület (English: Hungarian Guard Association for Protection of Traditions and Culture)[1] is a nationalist movement in Hungary. It was founded through an "oath of loyalty to Hungary" by its members in Buda Castle, Budapest, in August 2007.[2]. They are allegedly backed by and founded by Jobbik.[3]
The group itself claims to aim at "defending a physically, spiritually and intellectually defenceless Hungary"[1][4]. Others, such as Hungary's former prime minister Ferenc Gyurcsány and members of the international press have compared the group to Hitler's brownshirts ("SA") in Nazi Germany and the Hungarian fascists of the 1940s IF YOU WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT HUNGARIAN HISTORY-INVENTIONS AND CULTURE JUST CLICK HERE
Hundreds join Hungary far-right "guard", take oath
That was what i was thinking about when i was watching the video. Heck even the European colony countries (ex: USA, Canada, South Africa, Australia, NZ, Etc.) could use a guard like that. Maybe what the Hungarians are doing will catch on as they get more publicity and the other European nations will create their own guards. That would really be somethingI just noticed Gypsies look just like Mexicans
With the increasing amount of action of all forms she's taking, Europe is more and more a ray of hope for American WNs like myself.
I like how they show these Gypsies playing guitar around a fire and little girls walking with dogs, and then they switch to the Guard marching--oh yes I'm sure these people formed this militia to keep Gypsies from playing guitar, whatever would I do without you MSM?
Didnt understand much but it looks very good. Protecting our people is what we need to do, to get into the hearts of all our people who still think we are just racist violent savages. The Magyar Garda impresses me a lot. Good luck to them in all they do accross Hungary
Budapest is a hopping place these days for the Jolie-Pitt clan, according to People. While Brad Pitt is shooting his new film Moneyball in Boston, Angelina has settled the children in Hungary, where she will make her directorial debut.
"Angelina has enlisted her children into an elite French-American school that they will attend from next week on," a source comments of Maddox and Pax.
Zahara and Shiloh will be attending the kindergarten that the school also provides.
The people of Hungary are enjoying the presence of the super-star family. Angelina was even seen mingling with the locals, shaking everyone's hand and being polite, as if no one knew who she was.Brad Pitt joined Angelina Jolie and the six kids on Friday last week and since then it has been a fun filled time for the family in Budapest.
Celebrity gossipsite, RadarOnline has released a picture of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt with Zahara and Shiloh strolling on the lush grounds near their rented house.
Brad Pitt and his kids had to move to Hungary since it is the location for Angelina Jolie's directorial debut, based on a Bosnian love story that set in the early 90's

William Bradley "Brad" Pitt[1] (born December 18, 1963) is an American actor and film producer. Pitt has received two Academy Award nominations and four Golden Globe Award nominations, winning one. He has been described as one of the world's most attractive men, a label for which he has received substantial media attention.[2][3]
Pitt began his acting career with television guest appearances, including a role on the CBS prime-time soap opera Dallas in 1987. He later gained recognition as the cowboy hitchhiker who seduces Geena Davis's character in the 1991 road movie Thelma & Louise. Pitt's first leading roles in big-budget productions came with A River Runs Through It (1992) and Interview with the Vampire (1994). He was cast opposite Anthony Hopkins in the 1994 drama Legends of the Fall, which earned him his first Golden Globe nomination. In 1995 he gave critically acclaimed performances in the crime thriller Seven and the science fiction film 12 Monkeys, the latter securing him a Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor and an Academy Award nomination. Four years later, in 1999, Pitt starred in the cult hit Fight Club. He then starred in the major international hit as Rusty Ryan in Ocean's Eleven (2001) and its sequels, Ocean's Twelve (2004) and Ocean's Thirteen (2007). His greatest commercial successes have been Troy (2004) and Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005). Pitt received his second Academy Award nomination for his title role performance in the 2008 film The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.
Following a high-profile relationship with actress Gwyneth Paltrow, Pitt was married to actress Jennifer Aniston for five years. Pitt currently lives with actress Angelina Jolie in a relationship that has generated wide publicity.[4] He and Jolie have six children—Maddox, Zahara, Pax, Shiloh, Knox, and Vivienne. Since beginning his relationship with Jolie, he has become increasingly involved in social issues both in the United States and internationally. Pitt owns a production company named Plan B Entertainment, whose productions include the 2007 Academy Award winning Best Picture, The Departed. NEW NEW BREAKTHROUGH CUTTING EDGE TECHNOLOGY MAKE IT POSSIBLE TO MAKE LARGE SUMS OF CASH OUT OF THE MOBILE PHONES.TO FIND OUT MOREJUST CLICK HERE
Angelina Jolie (pronounced /dʒoʊˈliː/ joh-LEE; born Angelina Jolie Voight on June 4, 1975) is an American actress. She has received an Academy Award, two Screen Actors Guild Awards, and three Golden Globe Awards. Jolie promotes humanitarian causes, and is noted for her work with refugees as a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). She has been cited as one of the world's most attractive people, as well as the world's "most beautiful" woman, titles for which she has received substantial media attention.[1][2][3][4][5][6]
Though she made her screen debut as a child alongside her father Jon Voight in the 1982 film Lookin' to Get Out, Jolie's acting career began in earnest a decade later with the low-budget production Cyborg 2 (1993). Her first leading role in a major film was in Hackers (1995). She starred in the critically acclaimed biographical films George Wallace (1997) and Gia (1998), and won an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her performance in the drama Girl, Interrupted (1999). Jolie achieved wider fame after her portrayal of video game heroine Lara Croft in Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001), and since then has established herself as one of the best-known and highest-paid actresses in Hollywood.[7] She has had her biggest commercial successes with the action-comedy Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005) and the animated film Kung Fu Panda (2008).[8]
Divorced from actors Jonny Lee Miller and Billy Bob Thornton, Jolie currently lives with actor Brad Pitt, in a relationship that has attracted worldwide media attention. Jolie and Pitt have three adopted children, Maddox, Pax, and Zahara, as well as three biological children, Shiloh, Knox, and Vivienne.
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At one point Maddox Jolie-Pitt visited his mom at work. I love that the photos show her wearing the same black coat that we’ve seen her in several times in the past
Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt's family bliss in Hungary
by Amrita Sinha
That's great!!!
But what about the less fortunate folks here in the United States???
The are families in the hills of Tn, NC, and the Virginia foothills who don't even have a 6th grade education. That's the ENTIRE family.
I'm glad the Pitt / Jolie family does great things but can't we as a nation do something to help our own friends, families, and neighbors too???

When we listen to Jay Z or Eminem, etc. their songs are full of references to all of this, they flash the symbols, they do the handshakes, etc. and wear the garb, Skull & Bones, Masonic, whatever it is. All roads may lead to Rome, in the end, I do not know. What I do know is that these two are selling death & destruction & degradation as well as their own children, they have dehumanized them, and the pictures of Pax, strewn thru the media, with no regard for his privacy and dignity, to me are "code" within their group of possibly programmed pawns, of what sort of future this child has, of what he can be used for. Sickening, but it is what it is. I wouldn't doubt that the Brand is being manipulated, or agreed to this deal for fame & fortune, perhaps adopted the children knowing what they were bringing into these innocent's lives.
Who really knows where any of these "stars" come from, how they are all related, what their tattoos signify, why they all resemble each other to a degree and have the same "government" brandings/markings.

In any event, people are waking up to this and cutting through this false matrix. How could anyone worship these two, who sell war, imperialism, colonialism, talk out their butts about Africa while they are part of the program that causes death, destruction & famine there and many other places. And, in case anyone things they are so wonderful for adopting, they are adopting along bloodlines, their own. Or stealing kids, who knows.
I would have respect for two people who were actual humanitarians, who spoke truth, who said F it, I'll be true to fellow humanity and screw the 14 motorbikes and gaudy art. Not these two, that's for sure. Trevor, who's in charge, eh? Not normal to be trailed by the CIA, not normal for a supposed "renegade" to make movies that are basically advertising for how awesome the CIA is. Who are these two, really, and where did they come from, who are they related to, what is their freaky cult, and who is watching out for those children?
TopThe disgusting Pitt Family! put this here because I feel these two assholes are worse than niggers because they are conspirators and enablers!!!!!!
Brad Pitt and that viper he married have donated two million dollars to build a clinic in honor of there daughter.

Can you guess where the clinic will be built....hint....it ain't Sweden?
If you guessed Afrifuckinca, your right.
Isn't their daughter a little niglet? Probably in honor of her crack addicted dad and her AIDS mongering whore of a mother.
They sold out a while ago... fuck them... I say deport them for giving more of a shit about nigger kids overseas as opposed to the millions of kids here that need families. They'd rather help those stinky countries than our own as if the little white American kid doesn't matter to the liberal celebrity... only the overseas worthless future cocaine addicted criminals from Africa think Jolie has nigger in her-she has to be mixed she has so many characteristics of niggers. I never could understand her being voted the most beautiful woman all those years,I wondered if most were oil drillers voting not realizing she has nigger in her besides being a full blown nigger lover.

Brad Pitt and that viper he married have donated two million dollars to build a clinic in honor of there daughter.

Can you guess where the clinic will be built....hint....it ain't Sweden?
If you guessed Afrifuckinca, your right.
Isn't their daughter a little niglet? Probably in honor of her crack addicted dad and her AIDS mongering whore of a mother.
They sold out a while ago... fuck them... I say deport them for giving more of a shit about nigger kids overseas as opposed to the millions of kids here that need families. They'd rather help those stinky countries than our own as if the little white American kid doesn't matter to the liberal celebrity... only the overseas worthless future cocaine addicted criminals from Africa think Jolie has nigger in her-she has to be mixed she has so many characteristics of niggers. I never could understand her being voted the most beautiful woman all those years,I wondered if most were oil drillers voting not realizing she has nigger in her besides being a full blown nigger lover.
Too bad she doesn't hate all niggers.... last time I heard anything on her was when she
and her husband Brad Pitt went to APEfrica and adopted and AIDS infested nigglet beast (Maybe two by now?)
and her husband Brad Pitt went to APEfrica and adopted and AIDS infested nigglet beast (Maybe two by now?)
12-02-2009, 04:57 PM
If I recall she was one of oniggers biggest supporters during his campaign and when he was inniggerated, she is (maybe was) a huge libtard, but the important thing here is she WAS a supporter of onigger and now even she can see what hes doing to the country, hopefully more of his supporters will become former supporters.
Ante Nigrum
12-03-2009, 07:25 AM
I read that, but then she IS a nigger lover.... I saw this on Yahoo a few days ago. Funny how they didn't even mention her nigger coddling in her defense. I guess hating O'nigger makes you so evil to the MSM that even adopting apefreakan savages can't redeem you.
I guess even some nigger lovers still want a free country to live in.
I guess even some nigger lovers still want a free country to live in.
Beautiful Budapest is Returning to Fascism/any selfpreservation attempt by Whites is considered Fascism in the Zionist vocabulary,Whites have no right to resist the Dark Invasion-are the Jews completely insane,in the last ratholes of the ThirdWorld everywhere there is Fascist resistance of selfpreservation going on daily-how about the Jews themselves and their Fascist resistance against Musli terror in Israel,or how about the South African Negroid Fascism against whites with more then 5 thousand white being murdered by Negros.Thats allright when whites are raped abused tortured and murdered all over the world by the Darkies the JEW Worldmedia is silent-there is a complete blackout.The stupid Goyims should not be made aware of the fact that they are already at the verge of total racial extincion.Why? Obvious if you havent yet got it the Jew using the Dark animals to exterminate the Whites,and the process never stops until the entire White Race cease to exist.The killing is going on everyday and the Whites getting weaker by each passing day-yet they are doing nothing-which the Jews just Love.

The beautiful Budapest and much of the rest of Hungary is returning to fascism. Recent elections in Hungary have put the right wing Fidisz Party and the anti-Semitic Jobbik Party in power. New laws have given the government control over much of the media. Civil servants can now be fired without cause. The Chair of the anti-Semitic Party, Gabor Vona, recently showed off a uniform that was reminicent of the Nazi party during WWII.
Hungary embraced their version of the Nazi party during WWII. Called the Arrow Cross Party, it was still sending Jews to their deaths after Adolf Eichmann had fled. After WWII Hungary became a satellite country of the USSR.
It is troubling to see a country that seems on the surface so civilized and accomplished turn to a disgraced and hate inspired philosophy.
"Neo-fascist thugs attacked Roma families, killing six people in a series of murders. The right-wing populists of the Fidesz Party won a two-thirds majority in the parliament, while the anti-Semitic Jobbik party captured 16.7 percent of the vote, making it the third-largest party in Hungary, next to the Socialists. Unknown vandals defiled the Holocaust Memorial with bloody pigs' feet"Der Spiegel
Europe's Capital of Anti-Semitism: Budapest Experie
nces A New Wave of Hate Now the Hungarian capital is experiencing a rebirth of anti-Semitism. The far-right Jobbik party is part of the government and Jews are being openly intimidated. The city was always good for drama -- for intrigues over life and death, for eternal love... Full Article at Spiegel Online The paramilitary organization of the neo-fascists was conducting exercises there -- on the property of my neighbor, who was imprisoned under the communists, was my friend for a long time and has now apparently defected to the far right
Budapest by night.The jews love this Magnificent city.Hungary is Europe most fertile land,with exceptionally high and diverse Culture/on average Hungary producing the most Genius in the World,also this small country is a Sporting Superpower/.Hungarian Cuisine is second to none in Europe.in the Second Worldwar the Hungarian Arrow Cross party with the German Waffen SS has Exterminated 500 thousand Jews and hundred thousand Gypsies.Hungary have got the most bloody and Catasthropic History in Europe.In the Middle Ages the Hungarian Kingdom was one of the most powerfull and richest country on the continent,its typical when the First Constitution of Europe the Magna Carta was introduced in England early 13 century-on the Continent 7 years later Hungary was the first to introduce the Golden Bulla constitution.King Andreas of Hungary also took part in the Crusade alongside Richard the Lionheart to reclaim the Holly land from the Musli Barbarians.In the fourteenth century under the reign of King Matthias Corvinus Hungary was Europe strongest military power- with its Legendary Black Army and Buda Castle had been a major center of contemporary culture and art.Under King Louis theGreat Hungary was having three seaside the Adriatic the Black sea and as he was also the King of Poland the North sea as well.Also worth to notice that Hungary gave the most Catholic Saints to Europe.1526 the year of national tragedy for Hungary-at Mohacs the 150 thousand strong Ottoman Turkish Army had defeated the 26 thousand strong Hungarian Army,King Louis has also died in the battle.A 160 years long Survival War followed which has produced the Hungarian Genocide-the dark Musli Turks managed to exterminate 70 percent of the population with unimaginable brutality-this dealt a lethal blow to the very existance of the Nation from which it has never recovered.After the Turks have been driven out the Austrians easily took over the half dead miserable country.So has started new independence struggle this time against the Habsburgs.1848 throughout Europe Revolutions break out in Germany France Italy and also in Austria which were all quickly supressed-but the Hungarian independence Revolution against the Habsburg house has lasted more than a year and only with the military intervention of the Russian Czar could be extinquished.later the Austro-Hungarian Empire had been Europes first multicultural entity.After the first Worldwar by the Trianon treaty Hungary has lost two third of its territory,another devastating blow to its existance-out of this cruel and unjust treaty dictated by the Antant powers has emerged the modern day Slavic Countries of Jugoslavia Chehslovakia and Romania.In the Second Worldwar the country fought again by the side of the Germans to regain its lost territories and to stop Russian Communism.in 1943 at the Don river in Russia in a terrible battle that has lasted 3 days the entire second military corps 180 thousand soldiers had perished-a huge loss again for a small country.In 1945 the battle of Budapest lasted for 3 months /after Stalingrad the bloodiest city siege of the Second World War-60 thousand Hungarians-40 thousand German and more than 300 thousand Russian had Died/.1956 the Hungarians bled again in the Revolution and Budapest has been destroyed again ,after that hundreds of thousands have perished in the Siberian Gulag camps.The Russian Occupation lasted until1989 when the Hungarian Government has opened the border for the East Germans to cross to the West thereby Greatly contributing to the fall of Communism.In 2004 Hungary joined the European union,and became one of the closest allies of theUnited States in Europe.From 2002 until 2010 the Socialist jewish government has ruined the country they just stolen everything they can,corruption of the ruling class was epidemic.Curently prime minister Orban Viktor is head of the EU for half year-his program is a Strong Europe.The Gipsy population has doubled since the fall of the Communism.Gipsy Crime wave is rampant just like theMusli and Negro Terror in Western Europe aided by of course jewish anti White propaganda-therefore Hungary has established the Hungarian Guard/Magyar Garda/a paramilitary selfdefence organisation to safeguard the ethnic Hungarians from the daily dark Gipsy mayhem which is getting worst.Meanwhile the Demographic statistic tells the same sad story like throughout the White World,With 1.3 children far below the required replacement level of 2.1 children which is necessary to stay alive for a nation.So Orban Viktor Rightwing Government is trying to implement strong family supporting measures in order to save the Nation from its decline.Budapest is the European Headquarter of the Jews,the world second largest Synagogue is situated in downtown Budapest nearby Astoria metro station.Since Israel is surrounded by dark Musli hoardes of enemies who are more and more openly stating that they are ready to slaughter the Jews-many jews are looking at Hungary as a future homeland if Hell breakes out in the Middle East,they heavily invest and buying up properties and start to settle in Hungary.We must emphasise the main and most important fact of Hungarian History the Musli Turk invasion which was a Genocide,now the same annihilation by the Darkies looming on the Horizont this time for the whole white Race-many says its already too late the second world war had sealed our fate we are doomed,still our message is fight like a Hungarian to survive-many other nations who exist today in Europe would have disappeared altogether from History a long time ago if it would had so many tragic disaster against them.What other choice there is ?
Magyar Gárda Mozgalom (English: Hungarian Guard Movement) founded by Magyar Gárda Hagyományőrző és Kulturális Egyesület (English: Hungarian Guard Association for Protection of Traditions and Culture)[1] is a nationalist movement in Hungary. It was founded through an "oath of loyalty to Hungary" by its members in Buda Castle, Budapest, in August 2007.[2]. They are allegedly backed by and founded by Jobbik.[3]
The uniform is composed of black boots, black trousers with white shirt and black vest with the shape of a lion on its back and a coat of arms on the front, a shielded black cap and a red-white striped scarf. The Guard's coat of arms is based on that of Emeric of Hungary which features red-white horizontal stripes with 9 golden lions in 4 red stripes (3-3-2-1 lions per stripe).
Hundreds join Hungary far-right "guard", take oath Neo-Fascist Magyar Garda Is 'Hungary's Shame'/Pride/
That was what i was thinking about when i was watching the video. Heck even the European colony countries (ex: USA, Canada, South Africa, Australia, NZ, Etc.) could use a guard like that. Maybe what the Hungarians are doing will catch on as they get more publicity and the other European nations will create their own guards. That would really be somethingI just noticed Gypsies look just like Mexicans
I like how they show these Gypsies playing guitar around a fire and little girls walking with dogs, and then they switch to the Guard marching--oh yes I'm sure these people formed this militia to keep Gypsies from playing guitar, whatever would I do without you MSM?

Jolie-Pitt Kids Start School In Hungary

"Angelina has enlisted her children into an elite French-American school that they will attend from next week on," a source comments of Maddox and Pax.
Zahara and Shiloh will be attending the kindergarten that the school also provides.
The people of Hungary are enjoying the presence of the super-star family. Angelina was even seen mingling with the locals, shaking everyone's hand and being polite, as if no one knew who she was.
Celebrity gossipsite, RadarOnline has released a picture of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt with Zahara and Shiloh strolling on the lush grounds near their rented house.
Brad Pitt and his kids had to move to Hungary since it is the location for Angelina Jolie's directorial debut, based on a Bosnian love story that set in the early 90's
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s new Budapest Home Pictures

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have settled into this secluded 10-bedroom villa while Angie directs her Bosnian war film this fall. The $27,000 a month house features a small lake in the backyard for the Jolie-Pitt’s family of six.

Brad Pitt
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Redirected from Brad pitt)
This article is about the actor. For the boxer, see Brad Pitt (boxer).
Brad Pitt | |
![]() Pitt at 2008 premiere of Burn After Reading | |
Born | William Bradley Pitt December 18, 1963 Shawnee, Oklahoma, United States |
Nationality | American |
Alma mater | University of Missouri |
Occupation | Actor, producer |
Years active | 1987–present |
Spouse | Jennifer Aniston (2000–2005, divorced) |
Partner | Angelina Jolie (2005–present) |
Children | 3 sons, 3 daughters |
Pitt began his acting career with television guest appearances, including a role on the CBS prime-time soap opera Dallas in 1987. He later gained recognition as the cowboy hitchhiker who seduces Geena Davis's character in the 1991 road movie Thelma & Louise. Pitt's first leading roles in big-budget productions came with A River Runs Through It (1992) and Interview with the Vampire (1994). He was cast opposite Anthony Hopkins in the 1994 drama Legends of the Fall, which earned him his first Golden Globe nomination. In 1995 he gave critically acclaimed performances in the crime thriller Seven and the science fiction film 12 Monkeys, the latter securing him a Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor and an Academy Award nomination. Four years later, in 1999, Pitt starred in the cult hit Fight Club. He then starred in the major international hit as Rusty Ryan in Ocean's Eleven (2001) and its sequels, Ocean's Twelve (2004) and Ocean's Thirteen (2007). His greatest commercial successes have been Troy (2004) and Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005). Pitt received his second Academy Award nomination for his title role performance in the 2008 film The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.
Following a high-profile relationship with actress Gwyneth Paltrow, Pitt was married to actress Jennifer Aniston for five years. Pitt currently lives with actress Angelina Jolie in a relationship that has generated wide publicity.[4] He and Jolie have six children—Maddox, Zahara, Pax, Shiloh, Knox, and Vivienne. Since beginning his relationship with Jolie, he has become increasingly involved in social issues both in the United States and internationally. Pitt owns a production company named Plan B Entertainment, whose productions include the 2007 Academy Award winning Best Picture, The Departed. NEW NEW BREAKTHROUGH CUTTING EDGE TECHNOLOGY MAKE IT POSSIBLE TO MAKE LARGE SUMS OF CASH OUT OF THE MOBILE PHONES.TO FIND OUT MOREJUST CLICK HERE
Angelina Jolie
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Jolie" redirects here. For other uses, see Jolie (disambiguation).
Angelina Jolie | |
![]() Jolie at the 2010 San Diego Comic-Con International in July 2010 | |
Born | Angelina Jolie Voight June 4, 1975 Los Angeles, California, U.S. |
Nationality | American |
Occupation | Actress, director, humanitarian |
Years active | 1982; 1993–present |
Spouse | Jonny Lee Miller (1996–1999) Billy Bob Thornton (2000–2003) |
Partner | Brad Pitt (2005–present) |
Though she made her screen debut as a child alongside her father Jon Voight in the 1982 film Lookin' to Get Out, Jolie's acting career began in earnest a decade later with the low-budget production Cyborg 2 (1993). Her first leading role in a major film was in Hackers (1995). She starred in the critically acclaimed biographical films George Wallace (1997) and Gia (1998), and won an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her performance in the drama Girl, Interrupted (1999). Jolie achieved wider fame after her portrayal of video game heroine Lara Croft in Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001), and since then has established herself as one of the best-known and highest-paid actresses in Hollywood.[7] She has had her biggest commercial successes with the action-comedy Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005) and the animated film Kung Fu Panda (2008).[8]
Divorced from actors Jonny Lee Miller and Billy Bob Thornton, Jolie currently lives with actor Brad Pitt, in a relationship that has attracted worldwide media attention. Jolie and Pitt have three adopted children, Maddox, Pax, and Zahara, as well as three biological children, Shiloh, Knox, and Vivienne.

Robert de Niro Mobu Japanese restaurant opened in Budapest
Media Summary
Robert de Niro and Hungarian-American film director Andy Vajna's Mobu Japanese restaurant opened in Budapest today. Jeremy irons was one of the special guests at the opening in Budapest, Hungary. 10/10/2010
A blonde mother has become the cheerleader for a party backed a militia and linked to anti-Semitism and anti-Roma violence, reports Colin Freeman in Budapest.
On paper, Krisztina Morvai is the kind of woman that any political party would like on their ticket: an attractive blonde working mum, who juggles a high-flying legal career with bringing up three children.
Yet for someone notably more photogenic than many of her party followers, Dr Krisztina Morvai gets called some ugly names.
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