SD is often blamed for being racist. That is not true. We think that all people are equally valid, but that does not mean that everybody should have the right to move to Sweden. A “multicultural” society does not serve peace and democracy. Therefore we want among other things to limit greatly immigration from culturally distant countries. The starting point for our attitude is every
eople’s right to their own country.It's all the same, from Russia to Ireland, Sweden to Spain. If action isn't taken now, then we may all lose everything without a fight. Swedes are very "conditioned" to leave things to the authorities, and the authorities are so into political correctness that they can't acknowledge that there is a muslim problem, even though everyone knows it.
Basically the system is very much against the victim, and helping the criminals. It's the system we need to fix, and the widespread brainwashing of political correctness which is preventing political change
Basically the system is very much against the victim, and helping the criminals. It's the system we need to fix, and the widespread brainwashing of political correctness which is preventing political change
Swedish Welfare State Collapses as Immigrants Wage WarIn 2008 there was 1 281 581 immigrants in Sweden. Same year 379 422 babies were born to parents, who both were born in other country. It is estimated that in 2048 there could be more Muslims than Swedish people in Sweden, which may lead to civil war and lost of the modern civilization in Sweden. This may also happen sooner.
Last Friday 1.4.2011 first time in history Swedish Security Police (Säpo) elevated terrorist threat level from 2 to 3 (levels are 1-5).
In Sweden Muslims rape, assault, mutilate, torture and murder innocent children and women everywhere; in schools, bathhouses, swimming halls, on streets (even in day time), in their homes (they ring the doorbell and attack them), in stairways to their home etc. They murder Christians in name of Allah. In 2008 YK statistics showed that rape rates in Sweden are as bad as in southern Africa. Sweden (and Norway and many other countries) is no longer safe country to live in.
Immigrants from Africa and other Islamic countries have made every European country less safer place to live in.
edish Welfare State Collapses as Immigrants Wage War
's the immigration from africa and the middle east that is the problem. If you go back to data from around 1970 when immigration from outside europe started on a large scale you can see that the rape cases increase proportionally with the immigration of certain immigrants.
A shocking state of affairs! This shows that Sweden is in a weak and perilous positionof an almost dying Dhimmi...In Malmo anyway. Question
is what are Swedes going to do about their Muslim
Immigrants?? Let me guess - they have a Liberal government. Sounds like Sweden which was once near Top of the Pops as Standards of Living go will soon resemble a Third World Shithole like many another M E country with accompanying violence and crime. Suggest liberal PC Swedes show
old berserker rage towards invaders and drive them
out of Malmo. That's what your ancestors would have done...lucky things they NEVER had to worry about PC correctness.Mass deportations to Saudi Arabia and afghanistan along with their left-wing supporters, the only answer. Let them build all the fundamentalist Islamic states that they want there.
Sweden can look forward to one of two scenarios.
They can allow the situation to deteriorate to that of Afghanistan pre Taliban, where all of the sane swedes will flee to save their hides. Which means every thing that's been cherished and built for the past several hundred years will either be demolished or ruint. Or, they can do like the Brasilians do, they round up illegals several times a year, immediately taking them to an airport, putting them onto planes (how's that for human rights?) taking them to a remote flat area that is outside of their borders. These people are rounded up with guns, forced out of the country with no food, no money and no say. They are told if they are caught again they will be shot. That pretty much takes care of that demographic problem.
It will continue to grow worse until either the swedes regrow their balls, or the moslems force them out of their own country. It's up to them if they think it's worth fighting for. Hopefully we'll see all of europe face this without any american military aid.
Should have left your asses in your WWII rubble and brought our troops home then. You'd have been so busy fighting off the soviets as well as rebuilding the left wing nutz wouldn't have overpowered your civilization allowing the flood gates to be opened to let in that which is going to be your demise.

Suicide bomber in central Stockholm
Stockholm | 2010-12-11 | 125 comments
(Updated 4, Sunday 14:10) A man blew himself up in the middle of the holiday rush in central Stockholm. A car exploded at the busy shopping street Drottninggatan in central Stockholm. Then there was another explosion some distance away when a man blown himself to death. He carried six interconnected pipe bombs but only one exploded. He also had a backpack full of nails, according to newspaper Aftonbladet.A car at street Olof Palmes gata has exploded, we got the alarm at two minutes over five o'clock PM. Two minutes later, we received yet another alarm about an explosion from street Bryggargatan some distance away," said Ulf Göranzon, at the Stockholm Police.A man was found dead at the place of the second explosion.

Police bomb technicians examined the dead man's bag by using a bomb robot.
Radiographs show that it contained a large quantity of nails and an unknown substance which is suspected to be explosives.
At least four ambulances were sent to the scene. Two people were taken to hospital with minor injuries, they had been in the vicinity of the explosions.
According to witnesses, the man shouted something in Arabic before the bomb detonated.
The Swedish news agency TT reports that both them and the Swedish Security Service received a email with an audio-file only ten minutes before the explosions.
In the audio-clip a man addresses "Sweden and the Swedish people". He refers to the Swedish silence on artist Lars Vilks paintings of the muslim prophet Mohammed, the Swedish soldiers in Afghanistan, saying that "now shall your children, daughters and sisters die like our brothers and sisters and children are dying."

Security Service: “A terrorist crime”
When the Security Service and the Stockholm Police held a press conference on Sunday, yesterday's bombings were officially entitled a terrorist crime.
The Security Service would not confirm that the email that came just before the blasts are linked to the attacks, but says that it is one of the things that are examined.
The Security Service also states that they do not raise the threat level in response to yesterday's events. The threat level was raised on October 1 from level two three, from “low” to “increased”, on a scale of five.
The Stockholm Police is now to increase its "presence and visibility" at shopping malls and other public places. The police also asked the public to report observations.
According to the Security Service, the Council Against Terrorism may be called to a meeting during the day. The Council is a forum for cooperation between fourteen Swedish authorities, among else the Office of the Public Prosecutor, the National Criminal Investigation Department, and the Armed Forces.
An article like this norwegian which says that all 41 rape cases in oslo this year (2009) was caused by non european asylum seekers would never have been published in sweden because of political correctnessSo you face my cold hard facts and logic with emotions, emotions on how you want the world to work not how it really works. Sweden is pouring more money on its immigrants (several times more) than on the native population in everything from education to welfare and yet many immigrants choose rape, violent crime and burning cars so no your lower socio-economic argument is just baseless fluff. It's all about the culture, inbreeding and the immigrants choice of not wanting to integrate into sweden. I'm getting tired of this Islam and burkas is not sweden and will never be sweden. Halal slaughter is animal cruelty on a high level and muslims doesn't belong in sweden. I'm an American, and while I don't resent the immigration into my country, I absolutely hate to see Sweden being overcome with these heartless social parasites. I'm half Finn, so I do have some vested interest in Scandinavia. How can some of you be so blind as to not see it, is my question. To hell with politically correct; we need to spread awareness about these outrageous issues like every other social group on the planet does it... am sorry that the thirld class muslims from third class countries (Iraq and North Africa) are making the beautiful country of yours dangerous for you!!
why does Sweden accept Asylum seekers?? they are the ones who do the problem all over the world...
Muslim rapes in Sweden appear to be covered up.
The photo of the 18 YO girl from Sweden raped and beaten by muslims in 2005 on the internet is very disturbing.Even though Sweden, unlike Denmark, has almost no public debate about immigration, frustration is very much present underneath the surface. 75 % of Swedes think that many people in their country “dislike” Muslims , more than in any other European nation surveyed. Even in Holland, which recently witnessed violent clashes with Muslims after the murder of Islam-critic Theo van Gogh, the rate is lower than in Sweden. But you’re not supposed to talk about such issues in Sweden. That would be “racist”: And not only religion but whole Muslim culture is hostile toward non-Muslims.
They really think all white women are whores. Heavy religious or not, all Muslims consider all woman as a potential prey. They rise with stories about “dirty” western civilisation; this is deeply implanted in their conciseness. And they are culturally and religiously educated that all women are undervalued and exist only for satisfying their Muslim man’s appetite..Islam is becoming a major force in Europe and the stronger it becomes our own identities will be slowly eradicated. How it progresses is up to us...We will all disappear soon, Muslim invaders are main danger for our civilization, and “white” Muslims are their undercover elite corpus.
*I think also that raping white girls and women is strongly connected with Islam, Muslim culture /mentality and hatred of our civilisation
RAPES of girls under 16 is on the rise in those nations where the muslim jihad is ongoing - Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark.

Are there no adults running these nations?If Sweden does not deport its muslim population, it will fall under muslim oppression so yes, deport them. It has nothing to gain by allowing muslims there to stay. The end results of allowing these people to come to the country are increase in rape, robbery, attacks on jews, homosexuals etc. Most of these muslims don't even work, they just live off the state's funds. Deport them all as much as i tried not to take this view,muslims do not blend in with the population.
i grew up in australia and am married to a swede,I didn,t know how it really is in sweden until recently,it doesn,t seem to be in the media much.the same problem is in australia,gangs are formed and rape,etc against australians,nice thanks for letting them in the country.they have no respect for non-muslims.many australians complaining,government ignoring,crime rate souring(look at melbourne lately)
sweden is a beautiful country being ruined,what were the politicians thinking bringinging in such culturally opposite people,unable to be swedes but make part of sweden their country(and growing)I hope swedes get their country back,send them all back,it would be nice to be able to go out in malmo alone and not worry,I wish I beleived this would happen.
unhappy australian Now whether Sweden should deport all muslims is something the Swedes have to decide. But then, show me just ONE muslim country in the world that is not backward. Then the question may arise: if muslim countries are so advanced and enlightened and democratic then how come muslims are continuously leaving their countries and try to sneak into the West at all costs? How come not a single westerner emigrates to a muslim country?Because the media seldom reports the numbers and often gives anecdotal evidence to the contrary, most Swedes are not aware that immigration has accelerated the last few years to about 100.000 per year, of which about 2/3 are non-western. We are now taking in as many every year than the record year of 1993 (War in Bosnia), and more as a share of the population as the United States during the 19th century. But if a tree falls in the forest and the Swedish media ignores it, did it really happen? Instead the conventional wisdom claim (lie) is that "it has become much harder to migrate to Sweden". First, anyone who believes that the anti-immigrant Swedish Democrats are going to go away either doesn't understand Swedish politics or is engaging in wishful thinking. They are only going to grow, if for no other reason because the immigration problem is not going to go away. While "movement" parties with roots in the early 20th century such as the Social Democrats and Center-party are withering away, energized Sweden Democrats are building a new grass-root movement. Furthermore, now that they are in Parliament, they receive more media attention and are slowly becoming more mainstream. The "experts" quoted don't seem to realize that the Swedish Democrats have already grown from 5.7% to 8% in some polls since the election no more than six months ago.
The immigrants interviewed are indignant and resent Swedish society. They don't accept even the mild criticism of radical Islamism that the Swedish media occasionally lets through. Worse still, they take it personally.
"“It’s hard to watch the news,” he said. “It’s Muslim this, Muslim that. Everything is about how bad we are. The Swedish won’t say anything to your face. But they say things.”"
This guy perceives Swedish television news being anti-Muslim! I worked briefly in Swedish Television when I was in college, the ideological atmosphere was exactly what you would expect. According to a recent survey 87% of journalists in Swedish television are liberal, leftist or socialist. I guess the reason that the guy is upset is that media grudgingly reports terrorist attacks and immigrant riots.
I'd also be interested in your views on the Finnish "True Finns" party. Their support base has been sky rocketing from about 4 % in the last parliamentary elections to a current estimate of around 17 %.
85% of rapes in Sweden are commited by foreigne born immigrants .Put that in your article.White Nationalism works when there is a strong, state supported religion and organized workers. Sweden is a northern country with a strong sense of individualism and respect for law and order. It has no anti-body for a group-centered, religious based, ethnic, parasite like this. The northern European countries have the weakest sense of race because of their climates and religious traditions. It is true that Swedes belong to labor unions, but these are not the same as in France or Italy. They aren't militant.
The trouble is, Swedes, like other northern Europeans, are proud and are loath to admit that the "progress" they have achieved the past 200 years is a Jewish sham, allowed only for the purpose of de-Catholicizing Europe. Once I start meeting young Swedes who acknowledge this, then I will have hope in my heart. But like I said, they seem too proud and arrogant right now. The irony of all ironies: Pale skin is a sign of nobility and beauty all around the world. Only Europeans, the palest of all, are made to feel guilty about it
Muslim Rape The Sweden Democrats
Living with the far right
SWEDISH HARDROCK BAND REVOLUTION RIOT IS PERFORMING ITS A GOOD DAY TO DIE.ENJOY ITMALMO SSWEDEN WARZONEWATCH ITThe fringe tries to go mainstream In the election campaign, the party ran advertisements showing an old lady shoved aside in a stampede of burqa-clad women clamouring for Swedish welfare money. Despite its neo-Nazi roots, it won 340,000 votes, 5.7% of the total. Both the centre-right, which lost its majority but stayed in power, and the left-wing opposition, vowed to have nothing to do with it.
A year on, other parties have banded together behind the notion of multiculturalism but the Sweden Democrats have not budged. “European countries have to get rid of this naive idea of multiculturalism as a melting pot,” Mr Akesson says. “People who come to Sweden must become as Swedish as possible. They are the ones who have to adjust, not us.” Yet the party has had zero impact on its favourite issue, immigration. Ignoring the far right, the government instead did a deal on asylum and immigration with the Greens, Sweden’s most pro-immigration party. Mr Akesson calls it a big setback.Yet he reckons that the past year has been good for his party. By blocking a number of bills, including the sale of shares in companies such as TeliaSonera, a telecoms firm, and the national postal service, it has basked in media attention, not all of it hostile. And by taking up issues such as crime prevention and care of the elderly, the party has sought to broaden its appeal beyond the usual Islamophobes.It has not yet succeeded. A poll in July by Demoskop, a research company, showed that support for the party had fallen to 4.6%, the lowest this year (other polls put it lower). But with unemployment high in segregated suburbs and Sweden the fourth-largest recipient of asylum applications in the rich world, the Sweden Democrats are not going away. Being still above the 4% threshold—at least on Demoskop’s measure—they would make it back into parliament if an election were held now.
from the print edition | Europe Epidemic in Sweden and Norway - Authorities Look the Other Way
Numbers released in January 2005 indicate a sharp rise in the number of rape charges in Malmö, Sweden’s third largest city:I think swedish people are so weak, they don't do anything to stop this.
A year on, other parties have banded together behind the notion of multiculturalism but the Sweden Democrats have not budged. “European countries have to get rid of this naive idea of multiculturalism as a melting pot,” Mr Akesson says. “People who come to Sweden must become as Swedish as possible. They are the ones who have to adjust, not us.” Yet the party has had zero impact on its favourite issue, immigration. Ignoring the far right, the government instead did a deal on asylum and immigration with the Greens, Sweden’s most pro-immigration party. Mr Akesson calls it a big setback.
Yet he reckons that the past year has been good for his party. By blocking a number of bills, including the sale of shares in companies such as TeliaSonera, a telecoms firm, and the national postal service, it has basked in media attention, not all of it hostile. And by taking up issues such as crime prevention and care of the elderly, the party has sought to broaden its appeal beyond the usual Islamophobes.
It has not yet succeeded. A poll in July by Demoskop, a research company, showed that support for the party had fallen to 4.6%, the lowest this year (other polls put it lower). But with unemployment high in segregated suburbs and Sweden the fourth-largest recipient of asylum applications in the rich world, the Sweden Democrats are not going away. Being still above the 4% threshold—at least on Demoskop’s measure—they would make it back into parliament if an election were held now.from the print edition | Europe
Epidemic in Sweden and Norway - Authorities Look the Other Way The youth should gather and do something! It's not about go to the streets and protest, there are different ways to start...

Thomas Anderberg, responsible for statistics at the Malmö Police, says there was a doubling of the number of reported rapes by ambush in 2004, following what was already a decade of steadily increasing numbers of sexual crimes. - I think that’s great news, says Anna Gustafsson, head of the Domestic Violence Unit at the Malmö Police. She suggests that the increase is due to the fact that women who otherwise wouldn’t press charges for rape now choose to contact the police.
In other words, Gustafsson claims that we are dealing with a “technical” increase, not a real one. However, national statistics reveal that reported rapes against children have almost doubled in Sweden during the past ten years:
According to Swedish Radio on Tuesday, statistics from Sweden’s National Council for Crime Prevention show that the number of reported rapes against children is on the rise. The figures have nearly doubled in the last ten years: 467 rapes against children under the age of 15 were reported in 2004 compared with 258 in 1995. Legal proceedings continue this week in a case involving a 13 year old girl from Motala who was said to have been subjected to a group rape by four men. (Note: These four men were Kurdish Muslims, who raped the girl for hours and even took photos of doing so)
The number of rape charges per capita in Malmö is 5 – 6 times that of Copenhagen, Denmark. Copenhagen is a larger city, but the percentage of immigrants is much lower. And it’s not just the rape statistics that reveal a scary increase in Malmö or Sweden. Virtually every kind of violent crime is on the rise. Robberies have increased with 50 % in Malmö only during the fall of 2004. Threats against witnesses in Swedish court cases have quadrupled between 2000 and 2003. During the past few decades, massive immigration has changed the face of Sweden’s major cities, as well as challenged the viability of the welfare state. In 1970 Sweden had the fourth highest GDP per capita among developed countries with income about 6% above the OECD average. By 1997 it was at fifteenth place with an average GDP per capita 14% below average. Malmö has a heavy concentration of Muslim immigrants in particular. According to some estimates, it will be a Muslim majority city in no more then 10 years. Crime is rampant in the growing ghettos:

Becirov runs the Islamic Center of Malmö, on the outskirts of Sweden's third-largest city. Some immigrant neighborhoods in the city have (official) unemployment rates exceeding 50 percent. Swedish authorities have failed to lift up the area, and seem to be giving the Islamic Center of Malmö a great deal of leeway in attempting to do so. An article that appeared in 2003 noted that "a few" of the 6-to 10-year-old girls were wearing headscarves. On a visit in January 2005, fully 80 percent were covered in class--only a handful were not. In a fit of absent-mindedness, Sweden has suddenly become as heavily populated by minorities as any country in Europe. The percentage of foreign-born is roughly equivalent to the highest percentage of immigrants the United States ever had in its history (on the eve of World War I). Rosengård appears to be all-immigrant. The public schools have virtually no ethnically Swedish children. There are stories--familiar in other parts of Europe where immigrants from the Muslim world have recently settled--of students harassing Jewish teachers and defacing textbooks that treat Jewish themes. Crime is high.
Is it unfair and “racist” to suggest a link between the influx of Muslim immigrants and the growing number of rapes? Not if we compare with the situation in neighboring Denmark, where this trend has been evident for years:
Swedish laws prohibiting "hate speech" against racial minorities have been vigorously enforced. There have, for example, been a number of gang-rapes of Swedish women by Muslim immigrants. But Swedes must be careful what they say about them. On May 25, neo-Nazi Bjorn Bjorkqvist was convicted and sentenced to two months in prison for writing, "I don’t think I am alone in feeling sick when reading about how Swedish girls are raped by immigrant hordes." ["Jag tror inte jag är ensam om att må dåligt när jag läser om hur svenska tjejer har våldtagits av invandrarhorder"]This subject highlights the way Western governments and media downplay atrocities hoping to appease the barbarians at the gate. Somehow, despite the wonderful success of appeasement throughout history /sarc, it's not working.
I'm from Detroit, so I'm a Fjord Man too. Ha, ha, sorry for weak attempt at humor. Important article depicting bizarre government approach in Sweden, thanks! Are there any traditional or conservative folks in Scandenavia or Sweeden who are for hanging these pigs, or has everyone agreed with polit bureau's groupthink. The Left hates diversity, so it pretends that everyone is the same. More muslims are pedefiles, but you must ignore their uniqueness.....and pretend that everything is uniform in conformityYour first article - on the epidemic of rape in Sweden and Norway (good choice BTW), is replicated in virtually all Western countries, except that in some, the facts are hidden behind a curtain of general statistics on violence.
Some issues that arise.
1. Is the incidence of rape, equal among muslim women and women of Western origin? That is, is there a basis of "religious hate" in rapes?
2. Are Western women supposed to adhere to islamic dress codes if there is a religious component?
3. The long term - islam is particularly vulnerable to the issue of women in society - the inferiority and consequent subjugation of women, is codified in the koran; women are inferior to men, and deliberately made so by allah. I cannot think of a single religion that comes anywhere near the depravity that is islam.
Without the continuued subjugation of women, islam will die within a generation.As a former student at Univerity of Uppsala I am shocked at how Sweden has changed as a result of the foreigner influx. I am more outraged at the government inaction in the name of being socially correct. How can you Swedes and Norwegians (my own blood) tolerate such outrageous behavior in those who have been offered a chance to live countries with high living standards and education. Is it the fault of Swedish or Norwegian girls! Are they obligated to were veils to conform to the values of Muslims!!! To bloody hell with the raping sons of bitches! Kick the rag heads out of Scandinavia and back to the desert where they belong. Again why aren't your men growing some balls and doing something about this! Kick those out of office who support the kind of "socially progressive" policies that invite harm to your own peopleSweden is just one of the European countries experiencing epidemics of gang rapes by African "asylum seekers". Here's the latest storyHmmm....Sweden never had black slavery, colonies, cotton plantatinos, a slave trade, Jim Crow, segregation, etc., like the dirty rotten "racists" USA, so Blacks can't blame white racism for going out and gang raping Swedish white women.
There is a certain measure of poetic justice in seeing massive gang rapes of white Swedish women by non-white "immigrants" in a county that was notorious for its self-righteous condemnation of "racism" in the 1950's US. No people were more smug and arrogant in wagging their fingers at white American "racists" than smug Swedes living in their all white country. Now they have "Diversity" and now that it's their women who are being raped and their cities that are being transformed into jungles, maybe they might have a change of heart about the blessings of "diversity"?
Read the comments section. Probably the most significant part of this story. Swedes are rapidly getting their bellies full of "Diversity" and pampered feral "minorities" who live off taxpayer funded largesse. Maybe they will apologize to American southernors after all these years of smugly dismissing them as "racists."
Barack Obama's book, Dreams From My Father, describes how his African grandfather purchased an African woman for the price of 15 cows in the 1930's...seventy years after slavery was abolished in the US! Obama's book details how raping and beating women is just a cultural thing in Kenya. Interestingly enough, Obama's book reveals that his African grandfather opposed Barack Sr's marriage to a white woman, in part, because white women were pampered and would not tolerate it when you get drunk and beat the crap out of them the way African women do.
This latest story from Sweden is just that...the latest about gang rape of a Swedish national by "Asylum Seekers" who are Africans or Muslims. There has been an epidemic of gang rapes in Scandanavia, and Austrailia by these "Asylum seekers" who run away from their own countries for a "better life." To them a "better life" means more welfare benefits and more white women to gang rape.
Prior to huge waves of third world immigration and third world "cultural practices" of gang raping women, whether their own or non-whites, gang rapes were almost unheard of in Scandanavia.
This latest story from Sweden is just that...the latest about gang rape of a Swedish national by "Asylum Seekers" who are Africans or Muslims. There has been an epidemic of gang rapes in Scandanavia, and Austrailia by these "Asylum seekers" who run away from their own countries for a "better life." To them a "better life" means more welfare benefits and more white women to gang rape.
Prior to huge waves of third world immigration and third world "cultural practices" of gang raping women, whether their own or non-whites, gang rapes were almost unheard of in Scandanavia.
I predict that as Europe descends further into chaos in the face of governmental politically correct refusals to act, some European variant of "lynching" will emerge as common people are forced to act in the spirit of self-preservation. Sweden: A Dying Nation
Who was ever really surprised when it turned out that two explosions in Sweden yesterday were caused by terrorist attacks carried out by a Muslim?
Wait, am I getting a little ahead of the game here? After all, "police haven't confirmed Saturday's attack was motivated by Islamist views" (thanks for that, Fox News). So it could just have easily turned out to be enraged Methodists or Buddhist extremists.
Unfortunately, there are little things in this world that have a habit of determining what is and is not the case in life. These little things are called facts.
The facts in this case so far are that "an audio file sent to Swedish news agency TT shortly before the blast referred to jihad, Sweden's military presence in Afghanistan and a cartoon by a Swedish artist that depicted the Prophet Muhammad as a dog, enraging many Muslims." The voice on the tape also declared: "Now the Islamic state has been created. We now exist here in Europe and in Sweden. We are a reality. I don't want to say more about this. Our actions will speak for themselves."
Of course, it's possible that whoever was speaking on the recording was not responsible for the explosions that occurred later, but there are many reasons to believe that they almost certainly were. Chief among these reasons is that there are not many demographic groups that are known to have members repeatedly put bombs in cars and commit suicide bombings. The first place to look, then, is among the community that does this most often - they call themselves "Muslims".
And what are the Muslims of Sweden like? A good place to go to find out would be the city of Malmo, which is over 25% Muslim. In the heaviest Muslim areas of the city, emergency service drivers will not enter without protection, and Jews are terrified to walk the streets for fear of being beaten up.
Does that sound good to you?
It apparently does to the Swedish government, which recently decided to amend the country's constitution in order to make multiculturalism an official tenet of the state.
Sweden is now reaping what it has sown, and like the continent in which it resides, it is dying a horrible death.
P.S. Why do Muslims keep trying (and succeeding) to blow things up and kill people in the name of their religion? Do they know something about the teachings of Islam that the learned David Cameron and Barack Obama do not...? DARK MUSLI TERROR IN SWEDEN; Muslims rule major Swedish citySweden is one of the worst hit countries in Europe of Muslim immigration and Political Correctness. Now, the police themselves have publicly admitted that they no longer control one of Sweden's major cities. I have made some exclusive translations from Swedish media. They show the future of Eurabia unless Europeans wake up. I’ve seen the future of Eurabia, and it’s called 'Sweden.' Malmø is Sweden’s third largest city, after Stockholm and Gothenburg. Once-peaceful Sweden, home of ABBA, IKEA and the Nobel Prize, is increasingly looking like the Middle East on a bad day. Malmø, Sweden. The police now publicly admit what many Scandinavians have known for a long time: They no longer control the situation in the nations's third largest city. It is effectively ruled by violent gangs of Muslim immigrants. Some of the Muslims have lived in the area of Rosengård, Malmø, for twenty years, and still don't know how to read or write Swedish. Ambulance personnel are attacked by stones or weapons, and refuse to help anybody in the area without police escort. The immigrants also spit at them when they come to help. Recently, an Albanian youth was stabbed by an Arab, and was left bleeding to death on the ground while the ambulance waited for the police to arrive. The police themselves hesitate to enter parts of their own city unless they have several patrols, and need to have guards to watch their cars, otherwise they will be vandalized. "Something drastic has to be done, or much more blood will be spilled" says one of the localsThe number of people emigrating from the city of Malmø is reaching record levels. Swedes, who a couple of decades ago decided to open the doors to Muslim "refugees" and asylum seekers, are now turned into refugees in their own country and forced to flee their homes. The people abandoning the city mention crime and fear of the safety of their children as the main reason for leavingALL of the 600 windows at one of the schools in Malmø have been broken during the summer holiday. Window smashing alone costs the city millions every year. City buses have been forced to avoid the immigrant ghetto, as they are met with youths throwing rocks or bottles at them if they enter. Earlier this year, a boy of Afghan origin had made plans to blow up his own school.
People working at the emergency ward at the major hospital in Malmø receive threats every day, and are starting to get used to it. Patients with knives or guns are commonplace. They have discussed having metal detectors at the emergency entrance, but some fear this could be seen as a provocation.
Lisa Nilsson has lived in Manhatten, New York City, for 25 years. After moving back to Malmø, Sweden, she now misses the safety of New York. She never walks anywhere in Malmø after dark, but takes a taxi everywhere she goes.Rapes in Sweden as a whole have increased by 17% just since the beginning of 2003, and have had a dramatic increase during the past decade. Gang rapes, usually involving Muslim immigrant males and native Swedish girls, have become commonplace. Two weeks ago, 5 Kurds brutally raped a 13-year-old Swedish girl
22-year-old Swedish woman going out for fresh air gang raped by three strange men. The only said one word to her: "Whore!"Ali Dashti comments: "Stories like this are in Swedish newspapers every week. Swedish media usually take great care not to mention the ethnic background of the perpetrators, but you can usually read it between the lines."
One more: how have Swedish politicians reacted to the chaos caused in one of their major cities because of Muslims of whom even the police seem to be afraid? By making it easier for Muslims to enter Sweden:
Sweden's politicians view arranged marriages as a positive tradition: a cultural pattern that immigrants should be allowed to preserve even in Sweden. The Swedish government feels that interfering in arranged marriages is an encroachment upon private life. In addition, immigrant couples can apply for family reunification in Sweden even if they've never seen each other before - as long as the marriage is entered in a culture with a tradition of parents arranging marriages on behalf of their children. A 2002 study by Växjö University economics professor Jan Ekberg found that immigration cost Swedish taxpayers DKK 33 billion that year, compared to just DKK 10 billion in Denmark. And while one might assume that the rise in costs would result in knee-jerk opposition to immigration, just the opposite has happened in Sweden. A Swedish government commission has proposed abolishing the so-called “seriousness requirement.” am french and let me join this forum. Good news: a muslim bomb died in Sweden. Yesterday Marine Lepen said during a meeting that France is occupied one more time, by muslims who don´t respect our laws and reject you if you are a woman, gay, jewish, french or white. The french must resist. The whole political class said they were schocked, but you can read on the Web that most of the people say she is right. Don´t believe people saying Front National are extreme. They just resist to invasion
Sweden Democrats: a Sweden-friendly party
SD was founded in 1988 and was a direct successor of the Swedish party Bevara Sverige Svenskt (Keep Sweden Swedish). SD has its roots in Swedish fascism with direct links to anti-democratic, Nazi and fascist groups. In order to present itself as a respectable democratic party, it openly rejected Nazism in 1999. The terminology shifted to this new self-definition as a Sweden-friendly party. Lately, there have been attempts to define SD as a socially conservative party, a position that has encountered resistance within SD for forsaking nationalism as the main ideology. The other political parties in Sweden or the establishment as SD calls them, are accused of conducting Swedish-hostile politics through their immigration policies.European debates concerning asylum-seekers are notorious for deploying metaphors drawn from nature, such as “natural disasters”, “big waves” or “floods”. In the case of SD, these metaphors are extended to the military domain, where Muslim immigration will result in an “occupation”, “invasion” and “war”. Sweden is invoked as a state under siege threatened by an imagined Islamisation of Swedish society. In the same vein, the SD leader Jimmy Åkesson has argued that, “Muslims are Sweden’s greatest foreign threat since the Second World War”. Further, he has attacked mosques and veils for being markers of Islamic cultural imperialism, and sites of terrorism, gender oppression and fundamentalism. SD presents itself as democratic when it refers to Swedish law and the right to exercise one's faith. But this democratic stance remains purely rhetorical because what SD goes on to add is that freedom of religion, however, does not entail building mosques or wearing veils, or any other tangible example of the exercise of freedom of religion.
In SD’s representations of immigrants, Muslims are 'othered' in cultural and religious terms regarded as incompatible with Swedish and western “core values”. These are limited to Judeo-Christian values, values of enlightenment and humanism that Muslims allegedly lack. When Muslims are discussed by SD, a variety of negative collective attributes are generalized and assigned to them such as gender oppression, forced marriage, animal abuse, social welfare abuse, criminality, rape, anti-democracy, intolerance, terrorism, and fundamentalism. The birthrates of Muslim immigrants are also viewed as a great threat by SD which forewarns that with current levels of Muslim immigration, Swedes will be a minority in their own country outnumbered by fertile Muslims.
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