ZZ TOP/GREAT USA CLASSIC/PERFORMING ME SO STUPID.ENJOY ITGLOBAL MUSLI DARKNESS AWAITS US.WATCH IT Many in our military detest these people and will allow things to go so far
they act on their oaths to uphold and defend the Constitution and our
laws. I think that as Americans wake up and vote in patriots to public office, action for
the removal of all internal threats will take place. The next President will be the
one to orchestrate this and leftists can go down with the Islamists, martial law
and a full cleansing seem to be on the way, may be tough times ahead Hmm...I wonder what will happen to all the good liberal and libertarian causes that the Obama and Ron Paul will be promoting...what the heck will happen to them if Sharia Law is ever implemented?
Islamic law doesn't like drugs...bye...bye legalization....Islamic law doesn't like homosexuals or women to be educated...you can scrap that...oh...how about end of segregation? There will be segregation...one side for the Islamic radicals and the other for non-Muslims And then the non-Muslims are killed......and then, after that, the Muslims start killing each other Rick Santorum’s solution to the Muslim baby boom–pay Christian mommies to have babies Muslim Brotherhood’s papers detail plan to seize U.S.They have found copies of the koran at the southern border..We are under full scale invasion from the south,mexicans, muslims,central americans,you name it, it is coming in..
Yep, they are all coming. And I think the mexicans want to take over our country just as much as the muslims want to, except the mexicans aren't as open about it. Although, La Raza makes it pretty clear.
In the end, we will have to deal with them all, muslim or not.
Maybe the muslims can convert them all and organize them into one group against us, which may make things a little harder than taking the various groups on one at a time. But besides that, I see all non-whites as an equal threat to us.
Amid the mountain of evidence released in the Holy Land Foundation terrorism financing trial, the most provocative has turned out to be a handful of previously classified evidence detailing Islamist extremists’ ambitious plans for a U.S. takeover.The only way a muslim organization is going to take over the USA is if USA becomes majority muslim. This article is propaganda to get Americans to support Mubarak. Yes I think we should stop immigration to the USA. Islam is a foreign religion and not suitable to America. But most anti-islam propaganda is designed to inspire people in America to freak out and attack the middle east. All that attacking the middle east does is it creates a refugee population that immigrates to Europe and America. The vast majority of people in the media who are criticizing islam are also support mass immigration to the USA and ultimately what this does is spreads islam in the USA. The people who are supposedly against islam are actually supporting it being spread in America. They don't realize how many negroes have joined various islamic sects..militant black muslims are a growing force in america..Islam is ANTI-WHITE!Does everyone here agree that our government, for whatever reason, has an agenda against our white American culture? Is it clear to most of you that at the very least, the government seeks to destroy our once great white society? Do some of you agree that most government policies are racist against whites? Does it appear that the gov. is doing everything it can to entice immigration into America? Dream act etc.?
Now, let's take this a little further: Do you think it is even remotely possible that non American, non white people from around the world are aware of the policies that our gov. has in place or has been trying to institute lately? How about the health care bill? Do you think this was shoved down our throats for our benefit? I never wanted a health care bill, I have a job, a typically white attribute, that provides health benefits.

The jews are and have been our greatest enemy during modern times. They have done more to destroy our race and countries than any other.
What the blacks have "accomplished" would never have been possible without the jews in the background, especially during the "civil rights era".
Of course, any non-whites living within our lands are a threat. I think the mexicans are a bigger threat than muslims at this point in the USA do to shear numbers, although in Europe it appears the muslims are a much bigger threat.
Islam is a religion, which contains people of all races, but certainly is mostly non-white religion(99% non-white?) But Muslims have converted many blacks in the USA already, maybe the could convert the mexicans as well?
But we will have to deal with all the non-whites at some point, regardless of their religion. So does it really matter if they are muslim or not? I think all this muslim talk is jewish propaganda, to get us to fight their wars in the middle east for them.
What I find interesting is did the jews ever consider this migration of muslims in the USA back in the 60's when the immigration laws were changed?
Or did their hatred for the white race blind them? Or did they think they would just deal with that problem if and when it occurred and first and foremost they must destroy the white people?
Certainly I think white people would be a bigger enemy to anyone if we had our heads on straight and went full force at a problem. But since that isn't the case with the majority of whites at this point, I think a muslim dominated USA and Europe along with the muslim control of the middle east would be a bigger problem for the jews than white people. Certainly currently the average muslim is much more aware of the jewish problem than the average white person.
I think any non-whites in our living space are a threat. But I don't think we will be able to deal with the other non-white problems until we get rid of the jewish control of our countries. Then at that point, with whites unleashed, the other non-whites will just be an after thought and easily taken care of in relative short order, rather they are muslim or not
Our country's doings are big news around the world. Our clearly Semitic wars around the globe have not escaped the attention of others around the world nor has our (the gov.) desire or policies to usher in a border-less world gone unnoticed. Trust me, they know who's behind this too. The communist distribution of wealth is very palatable to these base humans.

The Muslims know for a fact that they are in a war against "the great Satan" and they aren't stupid when it comes to defeating their enemies and invading their country, especially one filled with fat, lazy, stupid white people that have lost all sense of self, nation or race. We are like the honey pot of the world just waiting, no begging, the rest of the world to come take everything from us and our clearly Marxist government is doing everything it can to make it happen. Why? Because starving, uneducated, no, stupid non whites that are willing to survive on handouts and never cause any backlash when the gov. wants to take some other "liberty" away are much preferred over strong, educated, self reliant, racially aware whites that understand that the future is what they make it not what the gov. institutes. Our government really does fear us right now. We are living in very "interesting" times right now folks! Trust me when I say: There comes a day when whites in America are going to suddenly wake up. When that happens something very big is going to happen. Will it be a good thing or the worst? Only time will tell. But trust me, they will eventually wake up and all this "nonsense" that we've been screaming about, Jews, racist gov. policies, false economy etc. will finally jell in their minds. When that happens, they will finally be the strong, racially aware whites like the kind that made this country the greatest nation in all the world way back in the eighteenth century. Or not.Be serious guys. America is impenetrable, no anti-American organization, among them the Muslim Brotherhood stands a chance to infiltrate and commit attacks on American soil. America can be however penetrated by enemies only if its masters (read Rotschilds) want it to be. See 9/11. If former House Speaker Newt Gingrich's past statements are to be believed, the primary threat facing the U.S. isn't a foreign adversary but the gradual imposition of Islamic Sharia law in America."Newt Gingrich is exactly right. The incremental Islamic invasion, of not only
the United States but the entire world, is the greatest threat facing America
Islam has a stated goal of taking over the entire world and establishing Islam
as the world's ONLY religion, and establishing Sharia Law as the world's ONLY law. Read the Koran, the Iranian Constitution, Sharia Law and many other documents
that clearly state that Islam CANNOT and WILL NOT co-exist with any other religion.
All other religions must be destroyed, and their followers converted to Islam or killed.
It's in writing, plain and simple!
Today, Muslims are pouring out of the Middle East and settling in countries all over the
world with the expressed (written) purpose of converting these countries to Islam.
The koran is loaded end to end with doctrinaire violence.
It was said the terrorists "hijacked" a peaceful religion.
They merely took it seriously.
Yep, there are lukewarm mooseslimes in america and elsewhere. They just havent gotten themselves committed to it yet.
islam isn't a religion, its a satanic war cult masquerading as one. There is no god in allah, and moohamid was from Satan
It is the stated (written) goal of Islam to conquer the world. am a Christian believer, and I firmly believe that Islam is a real serious threat to the USA.

And they know their history. They know who they are. They know who we are. And we have no idea who they are…
…They are in a whole new war with us. We can choose not to be in one; doesn’t mean we aren’t. We are in a war, and theology is its basis. Just like we were in a war against Communism, and ideology was its basis. We need to understand that.What must we do to win [against Islam]? We must educate, engage, evangelize and eradicate.”
Adopting the anti-Muslim terminology of far-right sources like Gates of Vienna, Pam Geller, and the Scandinavian terrorist Anders Breivik, Santorum claimed that Europe was on the verge of losing to the Muslim hordes seeking to overrun it. It was well on the way to becoming “Eurabia:”The Death Mosque theyre trying to build at Ground Zero is completely backed and supported by the Jews. Mayor Jewberg is behind this 100%! Where is Queen isabella when we need her? Or that feisty guy named Adolph??Don't discount that we whites get caught right in the middle of this struggle and our losses will be great.
Should be quite easy for them. Americans engage in just about every activity imaginable except fighting off foreign invasion and occupationThe idea that they will succeed is ONE thing, the fact that they will TRY is another.
Islam is Evil and it has it's eyes on world domination, that includes the USA. Dearborn michigan and other cities are already under sharia law. Articles are posted here everyday...Islam is anti-white.. Islamification of the west is the fulfillment of prophecy to the muslims. The very same ideology has driven the jews for decades. They both know that freedom of speech stands directly in the path of their goals. We can not allow either group to control or continue controlling the opinions of the masses. The one sided argument, put forth by the media leaves the masses to believe there is only one choice. Occupation by a group of religious zealots.
But that is not the only choice.“Look at Europe. Europe is on the way to losing. The most popular male name in Belgium — Mohammad…They [Christian Europeans] are losing because they are not having children, they have no faith, they have nothing to counteract it. They are balkanizing Islam, but that’s exactly what they want. And they’re creating an opportunity for the creation of Eurabia, or Euristan in the future…Europe will not be in this battle with us. Because there will be no Europe left to fight.”
We should “talk about how Islam treats homosexuals. Talk about how they treat anybody who is found to be a homosexual, and the answer to that is, they kill them.”
“…The Shia brand of Islamist extremists [is] even more dangerous than the Sunni [version]. Why? Because the ultimate goal of the Shia brand of Islamic Islam is to bring back the Mahdi. And do you know when the Mahdi returns? At the Apocalypse at the end of the world. You see, they are not interested in conquering the world; they are interested in destroying the world.”I think most here think the muslims plan to "suicide bomb" us into submission. There is no need. With the liberal dominance here in America and millions of muslims, they have a good chance of becoming politically dominant. Then we are no better off than with the chosen ones. They both need to exit this country.
GUNS N ROSES PERFORMING SYMPHATY FOR THE DEVIL.EENJOY ITRICK SANTORUM IT IS TIME TO INVADE IRAN.WATCH IT“The other thing we need to do is eradicate, and that’s the final thing. As I said, this is going to be a long war.”
For a thousand years, Sunni Islam fought Christendom — a thousand years. And in fact, for most of the time, won; for the most of the time, was on the offensive. It wasn’t till the late 17th century that Islam was stopped. And it was stopped at the gates of Vienna, in the heart of Europe, in Austria. The siege of Vienna — the second siege of Vienna in 1683 — that ultimately was the highwater mark of Islam.
Does anybody know when the highwater mark of Islam was? September the 11th, 1683. It was the very next day, on the plains of Vienna, that Christendom — the Holy League, it was called — united. All of Europe…, we conquered — they conquered — the Sunnis, and drove them into finally a treaty in 1699. And for 300 years, they have been silent. Why? Because they didn’t have the resources or the technology to compete with the modern world. For 300 years, they lay silent.
But now Sunni Islam, through al-Qaeda, which is Sunni; through resources, known as oil; through technology that is now off-the-shelf, and through frustration — imagine you’re a Muslim. You are the person who has the faith that is the successor to the two incomplete faiths — Judaism and Christianity. You are the final revelation. You are the one that is going to control the world. You are the one for a thousand years dominated the world. And for 300 years, you sit in a backwater, looking at Christendom thrive, while you sit in squalor and poverty. How can this be?
…This is what we fight. They want to reconquer the world. They want to establish a new Kalifat…
So Santorum has adopted the apocalyptic, holy war rhetoric–even injecting the title of the famous Gates of Vienna blog into his speech–of the loony extreme right in characterizing the Muslim world. Instead of being a religion or spiritual community just like any other in the world with which we must learn to co-exist, it becomes a satanic force only to be dealt with in the context of a crusade or holy war.
For Santorum, it’s not just the Muslims against whom his fellow rightists must fight a holy war:
But it’s not just radical Islam; it is also the radical left. Because what we’re seeing now is the old adage you learned when you were a kid — the enemy of my enemy is my friend. And the left — whether it’s here in this country, and certainly around the world — sees America today as the enemy. They fight us on college campuses, and they fight us in the streets of Central and South American countries, in North Korea, in other places.While speaking about welfare reform last week, Santorum was quoted as saying, “I don’t want to make black people’s lives better by giving them somebody else’s money.”How many have walked over our southern border? mexicans, central americans, muslims, etc. Our government has allowed this invasion to occur.. The white patriot groups on the border have my respect and support. What do you suggest? We just ignore these types because they don't like israel? That seems to be the case with the people who have a hard on for muslims. "They dont like israel so they are our friends". It doesn't matter that there are tens and tens of millions of them across Europe with millions more on the way. Ten plus million of them in the US and Canada as well as the nation of islam freaks. How many african "Americans" follow that hate Whitey organization. Islam is a supremacist religion and they HATE Western Civilization and all it stands for. Whether we support israel or not.
Nobody here on this site will deny that international jews have a strangle hold on the West. Through their banking schemes and MSM propaganda. That doesn't mean we should ignore the growing threat inside our own countries from another group hellbent on dominating us. Nor should we ignore their invasion of our lands because they dislike jews. If anyone is going to overthrow the globalists its going to be us. To those americans who believes Islam is our friend, I suggest you wake up to the reality in Europe and for some info about The Nation of Islam in your own country for the truth about this dangerous sect.
Islam has and always will be a mongrel loser religion - just look at how many converts to this faith are black/mexican criminals. History: The United States and Iran have been traditional enemies, dating back for decades. In the 1970's there were hostage incidents, and in the past decade, since President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (you won't see me typing this too much, henceforth referred to as "the Iranian President") has been in power, he has made vocal outbursts against the United States and its ally, Israel. In 2011-2012, Iran has been suspected by the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) of developing/researching Nuclear Weapons. Iran states that it is only developing Nuclear technology for power purposes. Because of its refusal to allow inspectors into the country to investigate, it has incited economic sanctions against its country and central bank by various European Union nations, and the United States. Typically, depending on Iran's cooperation, if it were to continue developing Nuclear technology, it could be susceptible to pre-emptive strikes by Israel or the United States... most likely in the form of air-strikes against its military/industrial complexes. Alternatively, Iran could incite a war in the form of striking U.S. or allied Naval ships in the Persian Gulf.
As of February 11th, 2012 (the date of this writing), the BBC reports that the President of Iran made a state speech at a rally in the nation's capital, Tehran, and made various statements such as that Iran would "never yield to the West" and that it would continue to enrich uranium. Similarly, the President of the United States, Barack Obama, has stated that the U.S. would be working in "lockstep" with Israel to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons. He has also stated in 2011, that U.S. would attack Iran no later than Fall 2012, unless the Iranians halted their nuclear program.
Israel, in particular, is very adamant in pursuing a military engagement with Iran, as the general sentiment between Iranians and Israelis is very negative, and religiously/racially based. The President of Iran has boldly made various anti-semitic statements, and has publicly and vocally shown his disdain and disgust for the Jewish state.
Hypothetical Engagement Scenarios:
There are so many possibilities here, that I will have to break them down into 3 major possibilities and discuss them individually.
Situation A: The first is small-scale engagement, with a very short period of warfare, a very quick conclusion and peace treaty, with limited nations involved. Little destruction/loss of life.
Situation B: The second is a medium-scale engagement, with a prolonged period of warfare, involving several nations, with an unclear path to peace. Medium destruction/significant loss of life.
ACCEPT PERFORMING NEW WORLD COMIN LIVE IN KOLN.ENJOY ITNEWT GINGRICH SPEAKING ABOUT MUSLI DARKNESS WILINGNESS TO ANNIHILATE THE WEAK WHITE WEST.WATCH ITSituation C: The third is a worst case scenario. This involves all-out warfare, total destruction, involves the majority of the world's nations, and may even include nuclear strikes causing major destruction and the lives of millions of military personnel and civilians.
GOP Debate:Escaping to where? There are nonwhites taking over everywhere, and the places not touched by them soon will be, and that includes the Pacific Northwest. We can't keep running forever. Newt Gingrich's Comparison of Muslims and Nazis Sparks illumination
At the New Hampshire debate Monday night, Gingrich responded to questions about loyalty tests for administration officials, saying, "The Pakistani who emigrated to the U.S., became a citizen, built a car bomb which luckily failed to go off in Times Square, was asked by the federal judge, how could he have done that when he signed and when he swore an oath to the United States. And he looked at the judge and said, 'You're my enemy. I lied.'"
"Now, I just want to go out on a limb here. I'm in favor of saying to people, if you're not prepared to be loyal to the United States, you will not serve in my administration, period," Gingrich added to applause.
But Gingrich didn't stop there, despite an attempt by moderators to interject. He compared hiring Muslims to how Americans dealt with Nazis in the 1940s.
Gingrich spoke fervently in August against the proposed mosque and community center to be built near Ground Zero, saying that Muslims shouldn't be allowed to do so just as "Nazis don't have the right to put up a sign next to the Holocaust museum in Washington," or "we would never accept the Japanese putting up a site next to Pearl Harbor."
Gingrich brought up the same example of the attempted Times Square bomber's loyalty at a debate in February, saying he "lied [about his loyalty to America] to get American citizenship."
"Your generation is going to face a long struggle I believe at least as long as the Cold War," Gingrich warned students during a debate with Howard Dean at George Washington University. "It is going to be extraordinarily dangerous and I think if our opponents get either a biological or nuclear weapon we are in real trouble and we are not today having the national dialogue that we should be having about how dangerous this is and how bad it could get." Here is the former speaker: “Sharia is a mortal threat to the survival of freedom in the United States and the world as we know it.” Gingrich often precludes the possibility of exaggeration.
The Republican front-runner set out his argument about Islamic law in a speech last year to the American Enterprise Institute. The United States’ problem, Gingrich argued, is not primarily terrorism; it is sharia — “the heart of the enemy movement from which the terrorists spring forth.” Sharia law, in his view, is inherently brutal — defined by oppression, stonings and beheadings. Its triumph is pursued not only by violent jihadists but by stealthy ones attending the mosque down the street. “The victory of sharia,” he concludes, “would clearly mean the end of the government Lincoln was describing.”
It was not a casual theme. Gingrich Productions has generated a movie on the topic called “America at Risk: The War With No Name.” Gingrich has called for a “federal law that says sharia law cannot be recognized by any court in the United States” — leaving the impression of a threat as real in Topeka as it is in Riyadh. This is but a different twist to the same old story.
ANY mass immigration other than White Christians is a threat to White Christian civilization, what will be done about it?
Those that dare resist will be arrested for what ever reasons the NWO declare.
Then they get second guessed, scrutinized and crucified everywhereOur losses have been massive already. We are definitely caught in the middle of the Jew/Muslim Semitic family feud. Both groups are extremely toxic to White western societiesinfinity you hit the nail on the head. their strategy is to move in reproduce as much and as fast as they can to gain superior numbers. if we run, they win. what we should be doing is moving to these areas and taking them back, not running for the hills like cowards. It is about islam and middle eastern immigrants. Just as Whites are going to be a minority in the US by 2050. Whites in Europe will be a minority in most their nations by 2050. The muslims will be the dominant religion and culture there.
Do I think they will take over the US? No, not at the rate they are coming here. The ameri-indians (mexicans) have them beat all day long. As for Europe. Well they are well on their way to being overwhelmed by islam. Excellent point. I have seen numerous videos of numerous different middle eastern leaders and islamic scholars calling for massive immigration to Europe. They know exactly what they are doing. It may not be an invasion of the typical old fashion version but its an invasion and occupation none the less. There is no reason on Earth why WN should ignore this. There seems to be alot who are very sympathetic towards muslims because they dislike israel as well. They both want domination over our nations. both religions and cultures are supremacist diseases that need to be expelled. They are learning from the jews. And America has a muslim sympathizer as a leader. A leader who has given them our space program. And made statements qualifying their attempt to construct a mosque at the site of the twin towers ruins. Liberal judges who are game for giving sharia law a place in our court systemEgyptians are all too often of Velcro-haired, half-primitive negro and Arab blood, or worse, so they already start from the wrong side of the bell curve. Americans have more to fear from corporate-media talking-Jew heads than from the double-digit IQ's of the Jewish promoted "Muslim Brotherhood". Look at these mongrel hordes on the telly and tell me unless they come to America, I should walk with my tail between my legs, "Balls" I say. Who says these people have to be part of the muslim brotherhood. Yea that is what the article says but think about this. Are all mexicans part of la raza? No they are not. But there are tens and tens of millions of them in the US. Just as in Europe not all muslims there are radicals or part of radical organizations. Yet there are literally a hundred million muslims across Europe/Russia. They take over through numbers
__________________RAMMSTEIN PERFORMING BENZIN.ENJOY ITNEWT GINGRICH ON THE THREAT OF RADICAL MUSLIS.WATCH ITSo Gingrich would be the United States’ first officially anti-sharia president. And he knows exactly what sharia really means. It is totalitarianism.
And Gingrich’s 2010 documentary, “America At Risk: The War With No Name,” portrays a disturbing vision of the world in which the U.S. and its western allies are at war with Islam. “This war will go on until either the entire world either embraces Islam or submits to Islamic rule,” says historian Bernard Lewis, while appearing in the film.Further exemplifying his anti-Muslim sentiments, In an interview last week, Gingrich explained that the Palestinians are an “invented people,” a statement effectively denying the right of Palestinians to a state. Such a position would end U.S. support for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and rejects the policy positions of the Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Obama administrationsIsrael stands alone in the Middle East, in the midst of a sea of Islamic forces . It is a bastion of democratic stability, a regional military superpower, and a frontline defense for the Western World against the expected belligerency and imperialistic inspirations of Islamic forces who wish to conquer the West.What may seem as a localized conflict for territory in Judea and Samaria (also known as the West Bank) will evolve into a direct territorial threat on Cyprus, on Greece, on France, on England, and on the United States of America. The seeds of this Islamic threat to the integrity of the Western World are already positioned to attack from within and from without, creating a Domino Effect that will disrupt Western societies as we know them.Newt Gingrich is absolutely right in making such a distinction. The danger facing America from the Islamic wave sweeping the Middle East and beyond arises not from the fact that people practicing the Islamic religion are Muslim, but rather from the degree to which they adhere to the totalitarian, supremacist Islamic doctrine of Sharia.Newt Gingrich has rendered a real public service by not shying away from this issue on the campaign trail and has raised a serious concern that should worry all Americans. What was perceived in the past as threat on Israel is now beginning to be understood as a problem for the whole world. This is another case of the Domino Effect.With his successive warnings about sharia…Newt Gingrich has, in my judgement, rendered a real public service. We must know who are enemies are and we must defeat, not accommodate, those who in the name of Sharia are obliged to wage Jihad against us. And we must keep America Sharia free.
A mosque that is used to promote a seditious program, which is what Sharia is…that is not a protected religious practice, that is in fact sedition.
Newt Gingrich warned churchgoers on Monday that an unholy (semi-holy?) combination of Islamic theocrats and secular atheists could seize control of the United States within decades.
“I have two grandchildren — Maggie is 11, Robert is 9,” Gingrich said at a church in Texas, according to Politico. “I am convinced that if we do not decisively win the struggle over the nature of America, by the time they’re my age they will be in a secular atheist country, potentially one dominated by radical Islamists and with no understanding of what it once meant to be an American.”
These mohammedans have no place in our societies, they represent another multi-ethnic force that desires a one-world government, but with a muslim ruling class instead of the khazarsThe Muslims realize they are in a war of cultures and their aim is to win it. Even if it takes another hundred years and they are making way more headway than our race.
You can't organize, sell, or win it by dialog. What we want is radical and if it ever takes hold...we might not be the generation to do it, but it will happen through radical means. Not negotiation. Only revolution trumps money. You are delusional friend. Do you think the Muslims intend on using that center as a community center? I could care less about what ever is put in the Jewish Twin Towers spot, but the Muslims " community " center was planned as a political statement.
You are delusional friend. Do you think the Muslims intend on using that center as a community center? I could care less about what ever is put in the Jewish Twin Towers spot, but the Muslims " community " center was planned as a political statement.
Like I said. At least the Muslims realize they are in a war. Too many whites are just like your comment seems to indicate. Willing to call down their own for being too radical in their thinking.
They don't need to be here...period. We don't need to allow and should protest every stronghold they attempt to erect.
Not trying to pick a fight. There is no vitrol intended, but we are in a cultural and racial war already. Even if some of you don't see it.
Ah ha! Freedom has indeed gone to hell when the current academia forged its political correctness programs used to assassinate freedom of choice, freedom of expression, freedom to raise our children in our traditional ways, freedom to speak about the fake killing of Juden and being labeled a racist for speaking out against a government that promotes and enforces anti-white programs designed to strip us further of our freedoms. In fact, the non-white guy is entitled to more rights, privileges and high paying govt. jobs. The world is full of idiots. What is this sign saying to you all? This past week, I have received many responses from Muslims concerning my two most recent columns: ''Followers of Islam: Can You See the Blood on Your Hands'' and ''Here Comes the Arab/Muslim Outrage.''
In one breath, some of the writers would call themselves ''intellectuals'' and then accuse me of being a Jew when I put tough questions to them that they could not answer. They maintained that as an American, I just was not intelligent enough to understand Islam. The mistake these ''intellectuals'' made is believing that I have any intention of ''understanding'' Islam.
It has taken me since 9/11 to realize that civilized humans cannot understand Islam. I am just overjoyed and somewhat relieved that the world is finally waking up in time to see the rabid dog coming its way disguised as Islam.. Ominous music plays as images appear on the screen: Muslim terrorists shoot Christians in the head, car bombs explode, executed children lie covered by sheets and a doctored photograph shows an Islamic flag flying over the White House.
“This is the true agenda of much of Islam in America,” a narrator intones. “A strategy to infiltrate and dominate America. ... This is the war you don’t know about.”
This is the feature-length film titled “The Third Jihad,” paid for by a nonprofit group, which was shown to more than a thousand officers as part of training in the New York Police Department. Police Training, a Dark Film on U.S. Muslims
This is the way the muslims see the world.
Wahabi/Salafi muslims believe "Allah" has given them all that power and influence, because "Allah" supports their cause.
Their version of "God on our side".
As you can see our world is small and dependent on the world of "Allah".
What muslim is going to complain about "terror" when most of it is financed by Saudi/Wahabi money?
Money that is bestowed on Wahabi's by "Allah's" divine favour.
To argue that Wahabism is an evil cult, is to argue that "Allah" has made a mistake, because everything comes from the will of "Allah"... even Saudi/Wahabi Oil.
"Allah" would not have given them access to this vast wealth if "He" did not want Wahabi's to prevail.
The point is... we are being held hostage to a dark age superstition.
In Britain we have "Madrassa's" mushrooming up and down the land.
Teaching Wahabi islam... not wishywashy islam.
To Wahabi/Salafi muslims, "Moderate" muslim, means hypocrite.
Soft, appeasing, weak... in faith.
No village in Pakistan, or Bangladesh, or Bradford is going to refuse a Wahabi Mosque/Madrassa, paid for by Saudi cash, and administered by Saudi state assessors. THE JEWMEDIA DESCRIBING THE WORLD BIGGEST WHITE PRIDE SITE STORMFRONT.WATCH IT
We are like Junkies grovelling for a fix... as far as they are concerned. Rick Santorum for VP. SLASH AND AXL ROSE PERFORMING WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE LIVE 2012.ENJOY IT
The reason some don't like Newt is because they are afraid of him and his stance on Islamic views. CAIR will be running and this Sharia Law movement will be crushed. Not to mention all the Czars will be gone and Holder with a few others. And get people back working instead of thinking their entitled to welfare and be lazy depending on the Govt
INTERNAL DANGER OF THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD They unilaterally identify the Muslim Brotherhood as a Jihad organization whose long range intent is to establish Islam as the only accepted religion in the west.
This organization is far reaching and has been the power behind many of the mid-east uprisings. They are poised to take control of Egypt and other nations when the dust settles. That is not good news for Israel or the United States.Bottom line: The Muslim Brotherhood will fake “moderation” in order to reach their goals. They are a powerful entity and dangerous to America. More than sixty organizations have been spawned by and/or controlled and funded by the Muslim Brotherhood, yet we — our government — turn a blind eye. Hierarchy members of these organizations have oft been invited into the White House. It’s like inviting the closet members of the Nazi Party into a synagogue for an outreach for peace. While they smile and shake hands, the closet Nazis go into a back room and secretly plan conquest and destruction of the Jews.
Tarek Fatah is a prominent, secular Muslim intellectual living in Canada, and the author of the book, “Chasing A Mirage.” Please note the following paragraph quoted from Page 313 of his book. I especially hope well-meaning liberals will take note of this man’s words:
“Since 9/11, the Modus Operandi for those Islamist individuals and organizations who want to manipulate Western pluralism has been to pass themselves off as “Moderates.” They use the language of left-winfg activists; they sprinkle their language with references to the World Bank, social justice, debt relief, poverty and that key word “equity” to get well-meaning leftist liberals on side. And it has worked. What you see now is an unholy alliance between conservative Muslim organizations and the progressive liberal movement — two sets of ideologies that are diametrically opposed on every social issue. But they are now, since 9/11, bedfellows.
“Organizations like the MSA (Muslim Students of America), which acts as a farm team cultivating future members for ISNA and CAIR, are far more sophisticated than naive Westerners are ready to acknowledge.”

The 5 Most Dangerous Muslim Brotherhood Front Groups Working to Destroy America from Within According to the Team B II Report by a who’s-who of top, national security experts at The Center for Security Policy, “most Muslim organizations in America are controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood or a derivative group.” Meanwhile, the Obama Administration engages in “willful blindness-induced failures” to address “as great a threat as any enemy the nation has ever confronted.” The Muslim Brotherhood, also known as the Ikhwan, supports armed struggle against non-Muslims and has itself identified the Islamic Movement in America to be a part of the “grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated….” This “stealth jihad“, referred to as “civilization jihad“, is based in Islamist hatred for Western civilization, hence their unwillingness to conform to American standards of jurisprudence. It is through the “legal, political, military doctrine known within Islam” as Shariah that these organizations are engaging in a non-violent, “for the moment,” campaign to undermine and destroy America. ______As the Muslim Brothers “settled” in North America, they did so according to their stated bylaws. At the University of Illinois in Urbana, the Ikhwan created its first front organization in North America, the Muslim Students Association (MSA) in 1963. Today, MSA chapters are present on many college campuses across the country, serving as recruiting nodes for the MB and, in some cases for violent jihadist organizations [...]
[...] [O]ut of the MSA came nearly every Muslim organization in America today. Initially, as MSA chapters sprang up on American campuses, they presented Islam in public as an acceptable alternative to other religions, never mentioning its revolutionary aspects. In recent years, MSA members have become ever more aggressive in their demands for accommodations and silencing those who oppose them. [Team B II Report]___
If I agreed with you, we'd both be wrong.
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